Proceedings of the International Seminar on Delivering Transpersonal Guidance and Counselling Services in School (ISDTGCSS 2022)

106 authors
Aditiono, Wahid
Development of Individual Counseling Guidelines with Reframing Techniques to Reduce Nomophobia
Ali, Mukti
The Concept of Islamic Educational and Counseling Values in Surah Al-Baqarah Verses 30–32
Antika, Eni Rindi
Analysis of Psychological Problem of Coastal Flooding Survivors and Its Implications for Psychological Help
Asfaruddin, Khairiah
Acehnese Attitudes Toward the Role of Fathers in Positive Self-concept Nurturance
Astuti, Budi
Investigating the Effectiveness of Transpersonal Counseling for Students with Self-control Issues
Astuti, Budi
The Role of Peer Support and Self-esteem on Resilience
Astuti, Budi
Aggressive Behavior in the Elementary School Student: A Descriptive Phenomenological Approach
Astuti, Budi
Development of E-Module Problem Based Learning Using Expert Validation
Astuti, Budi
The Development of Short Film Entitled “Kursi Kosong”: Media to Prevent Bullying
Ayriza, Yulia
A Systematic Review: What’s Kindness in School and How to Grow It?
Basit, Abd.
Individual Leadership Darunnajah Islamic Boarding School in Total Quality Management Perspective
Basuki, Agus
The Effectiveness of Behavior Contract Technique Group Counseling Services to Reduce Aggressive Behavior of High School Students
Billah, Chasnah Mustakfi
Development of the Wordwall to Enhance Students’ Healthy Life Awareness
Individual Leadership Darunnajah Islamic Boarding School in Total Quality Management Perspective
Bustamam, Nurbaity
Acehnese Attitudes Toward the Role of Fathers in Positive Self-concept Nurturance
Dewi, Suci Prasila
Effectiveness of Modeling Techniques on the Empathy and Prosocial Behavior of Junior High School Students
Erly, Sahiska Prahati
Quality Assurance System at the State Vocational School During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Fadkhurosi, Adnan
Investigating the Effectiveness of Transpersonal Counseling for Students with Self-control Issues
Falah, Nailul
Application of Assertive Training to Improve Self-esteem of Adolescent
Farozin, Second Muh
Development of Modeling Techniques Guidebook to Assist Students’ Career Planning
Fatchurozi, Rizki
Islamic Religious Education Learning Strategies for Children with Special Needs
Firdaus, Muhammad
The Effectiveness of Behavior Contract Technique Group Counseling Services to Reduce Aggressive Behavior of High School Students
Gusdian, Putri Milenia
Psychological Well-Being of Atopic Dermatitis Sufferer Since Childhood
Hananto, Ipung
Effectiveness of Modeling Techniques on the Empathy and Prosocial Behavior of Junior High School Students
Hasna, Salma Salsabila
Effectiveness of Basic Counseling Skills Videos on Student Skills of Opening and Closing in the Micro Counseling Learning
Hertindha, Rindhi Rezqi
Investigating the Effectiveness of Transpersonal Counseling for Students with Self-control Issues
Humairoh, Silvi
The Concept of Islamic Educational and Counseling Values in Surah Al-Baqarah Verses 30–32
Ikhsan, Amirul
Identifying Student Difficulties in Distance Learning at SMA N 1 Piyungan
Ilfiandra, Ilfiandra
Meta-ethnography of Local Wisdom Total Peace of Urang Sunda and Its Implications to Peace Pedagogy
Indriani, Marita
Development of E-Module Problem Based Learning Using Expert Validation
Irfan, Ahmad
Islamic Religious Education Learning Strategies for Children with Special Needs
Izzaty, Rita Eka
Creative Counseling Using Tembang Macapat Sinom and Tembang Macapat Kinanthi in Improving Vocational High School Students Motivation and Discipline Behavior
Jannah, Zaitun
Empty Chair Technique to Overcome Anxiety of Bullying Victims
Karimah, Ummah
Individual Leadership Darunnajah Islamic Boarding School in Total Quality Management Perspective
Karimah, Ummah
The Concept of Islamic Educational and Counseling Values in Surah Al-Baqarah Verses 30–32
Karimah, Ummah
Islamic Religious Education Learning Strategies for Children with Special Needs
Khaira, Rizka
Fitrah Based Learning Method: Improving Independent Learning for Children
Kusmaryani, Rosita Endang
Self-regulated Learning Technique on the Career Maturity of Students
Lestari, Indah
Relaxation Technique Ebook to Overcome Student Learning Boredom
Lestari, Liza
The Effectiveness of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy in Improving Interpersonal Communication and Confidence
Lubis, Adlan Fauzi
Islamic Religious Education Learning Strategies for Children with Special Needs
Maulana, Nur
Individual Leadership Darunnajah Islamic Boarding School in Total Quality Management Perspective
Muhtadi, Ali
Mobile Based Counseling Application for Facilitating Counseling Student Learning
Analysis of Psychological Problem of Coastal Flooding Survivors and Its Implications for Psychological Help
Munawaroh, Eem
Analysis of Psychological Problem of Coastal Flooding Survivors and Its Implications for Psychological Help
Muzhar, Muhammad
Development of Public Speaking Ability Module for Junior High School Students
Nadhirah, Nadia Aulia
Meta-ethnography of Local Wisdom Total Peace of Urang Sunda and Its Implications to Peace Pedagogy
Nadhita, Galuh
Analysis of Psychological Problem of Coastal Flooding Survivors and Its Implications for Psychological Help
Nadrah, Umi
Effectiveness of Expressive Writing Techniques to Address Academic Stress Through a Group Counseling
Nurajizah, Nuni
Development of Individual Counseling Guidelines with Reframing Techniques to Reduce Nomophobia
Nurhabibah, Winda
The Concept of Islamic Educational and Counseling Values in Surah Al-Baqarah Verses 30–32
Nurmalasari, Ela
Application of Assertive Training to Improve Self-esteem of Adolescent
Nurmalasari, Yuli
Peer-Review Statements
Omar, Mariani Binti
Peer-Review Statements
Prasetiawan, Hardi
Development of the Wordwall to Enhance Students’ Healthy Life Awareness
Pujaningsih, Pujaningsih
Quality Assurance System at the State Vocational School During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Purnama, Diana Septi
Peer-Review Statements
Purnama, Diana Septi
Development of Individual Counseling Guidelines with Reframing Techniques to Reduce Nomophobia
Purnama, Diana Septi
Psychological Well-Being of Atopic Dermatitis Sufferer Since Childhood
Purwanta, Edi
Application of Assertive Training to Improve Self-esteem of Adolescent
Pusvitasari, Yori Ninda
Analysis of Psychological Problem of Coastal Flooding Survivors and Its Implications for Psychological Help
Putra, Anak Agung Adi Wiryya
Mobile Based Counseling Application for Facilitating Counseling Student Learning
Rachmawati, Indriyana
Peer-Review Statements
Rahmiyati, Evi
Acehnese Attitudes Toward the Role of Fathers in Positive Self-concept Nurturance
Ratni, Tri
The Development of Short Film Entitled “Kursi Kosong”: Media to Prevent Bullying
Rini, Dwi Prasetyo
The Role of Peer Support and Self-esteem on Resilience
Rohmah, Siti
Islamic Religious Education Learning Strategies for Children with Special Needs
Individual Leadership Darunnajah Islamic Boarding School in Total Quality Management Perspective
Saidah, Nur
Self-regulated Learning Technique on the Career Maturity of Students
Sani, Monica
Creative Counseling Using Tembang Macapat Sinom and Tembang Macapat Kinanthi in Improving Vocational High School Students Motivation and Discipline Behavior
Sanyata, Sigit
Application of Assertive Training to Improve Self-esteem of Adolescent
Sanyata, Sigit
Identifying Student Difficulties in Distance Learning at SMA N 1 Piyungan
Saputra, Wahyu Nanda Eka
Identifying Student Difficulties in Distance Learning at SMA N 1 Piyungan
The Concept of Islamic Educational and Counseling Values in Surah Al-Baqarah Verses 30–32
Setiawan, Antonius Ian Bayu
The Development of Short Film Entitled “Kursi Kosong”: Media to Prevent Bullying
Setiawati, Farida Agus
Development of Public Speaking Ability Module for Junior High School Students
Shaikh, Mohsin
Peer-Review Statements
Shalahuddin, Salman
Individual Leadership Darunnajah Islamic Boarding School in Total Quality Management Perspective
Shofiyah, Siti
The Concept of Islamic Educational and Counseling Values in Surah Al-Baqarah Verses 30–32
Silviany, Ineu
Analysis of Psychological Problem of Coastal Flooding Survivors and Its Implications for Psychological Help
Sudini, Muhmudin
Individual Leadership Darunnajah Islamic Boarding School in Total Quality Management Perspective
Suryana, Dodi
Meta-ethnography of Local Wisdom Total Peace of Urang Sunda and Its Implications to Peace Pedagogy
Sutanti, Natri
Peer-Review Statements
Sutoyo, Anwar
Analysis of Psychological Problem of Coastal Flooding Survivors and Its Implications for Psychological Help
Suwarjo, Suwarjo
Reality Counseling to Reduce Anxiety in Victims of Sexual Violence
Suwarjo, Suwarjo
Effectiveness of Expressive Writing Techniques to Address Academic Stress Through a Group Counseling
Suwarjo, Suwarjo
Effectiveness of Basic Counseling Skills Videos on Student Skills of Opening and Closing in the Micro Counseling Learning
Suwarjo, Suwarjo
Effectiveness of Modeling Techniques on the Empathy and Prosocial Behavior of Junior High School Students
Suwarjo, Suwarjo
Identification of the Prevalence of Self-harm Behaviors in Students with the Self-harm Inventory (SHI)
Suwarjo, Suwarjo
Development of the Wordwall to Enhance Students’ Healthy Life Awareness
Suwidagdho, Dhanang
Effectiveness of Modeling Techniques on the Empathy and Prosocial Behavior of Junior High School Students
Suwidagdho, Dhanang
The Effectiveness of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy in Improving Interpersonal Communication and Confidence
Syamir, Ahmad Ziyaan
Islamic Religious Education Learning Strategies for Children with Special Needs
Tuasikal, Muhammad Abduh
The Impact of Managerial Principles and Teacher Performances on the Effectiveness of Education in Islamic School
Ulandari, Rike
Development of Modeling Techniques Guidebook to Assist Students’ Career Planning
Wahyuni, Septi Tri
The Strategy to Improve the Quality of Vocational School Graduates Through Partnership Program
Wangid, Muhammad Nur
Empty Chair Technique to Overcome Anxiety of Bullying Victims
Wangid, Muhammad Nur
The Effectiveness of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy in Improving Interpersonal Communication and Confidence
Wangid, Muhammad Nur
Fitrah Based Learning Method: Improving Independent Learning for Children
Wangid, Muhammad Nur
Relaxation Technique Ebook to Overcome Student Learning Boredom