Proceedings of the 19th International Symposium on Management (INSYMA 2022)
423 authors
- Hutabarat, Bosker Edward
- Analysis of Workload, Employee Placement, and Employee Engagement on Employee Job Satisfaction at Medan Customs and Excise Office
- Huyen, Le Nguyen Ai
- Research Overview on the Life of Families with Foreign Elements in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
- Ibrahim, M.
- Utilization of Fly Ash and Bottom Ash as a Filler in the NPK Plant at Petrokima Gresik Ltd
- Ike, Ester
- Analysis of Brand Image, Taste Variation, Price Perception and Promotion on Purchase Decision and Their Effect on Consumer Loyalty
- Importante, Gilbert
- Self-regulation and Learning Outputs of Filipino MOOC Learners
- Indarini
- The Factors That Affect Tourist Revisit Intention of Sanur Bali Beach
- Indarini
- Intention to Use Mobile Payment in Indonesia. The Role of Innovativeness, Usefulness, Risk, and User Stress
- Indrawati, Maria Fillippa Neri
- The Impact of Employees’ Paradox Mindset on Innovative Behavior Mediated by Thriving at Work: A Quantitative Study of Banking Employees
- Indrawati, Nur Khusniyah
- Hulontalo Ethnic’s Values in Making Business Capital Funding Decisions
- Irawati, Nisrul
- Control Mechanism Analysis in Mediating Market Valuation on Firm Performance in Indonesia
- Irawati, Nisrul
- The Effect of Profitability, Leverage, Incentive, and Gender Diversity on Tax Avoidance in Coal Sub-sector Companies Listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX)
- Irawati, Nisrul
- The Effect of Operational Efficiency, Marketing Effectiveness, and Leverage on the Financial Performance of PT Pelabuhan Indonesia (PERSERO) Regional I
- Irawati, Nisrul
- The Effect of Macroeconomic Variables on Kompas 100 Indeks on the Indonesia Stock Exchange
- Iriawan, Muhammad Ari
- Competence of Indonesian Social Security Driver (Shield) in Increasing Participation at BPJS Employment Medan City Branch
- Irnanda, Cut Riska
- Contract Analysis for Design and Build Lump Sum Price
- Iskadarini
- The Effect of Quality of Work-Life, Training, and Organizational Climate on Job Satisfaction at PT. X’s Plantation Company
- Ismail, Ahmed Rageh
- Internal Branding as a Marketing Strategy for Start-Up
- Iswoyo, Andi
- Competitive Advantage Strategy of Port Enterprise in Indonesia
- Isyanto, Puji
- Flash Sale and Brand Image Models in Improving Purchase Decisions on Fashion Products at the Shopee Marketplace Among Students
- Izharuddin, Muhammad
- HIT Institutionalization During the Covid-19 Turbulence
- Jaolis, Ferry
- Religious Influencers on Social Media: Do They Really Affect Followers’ Religiosity and Intention to Donate?
- Jaolis, Ferry
- Content Value Versus Influencer Credibility: What Matters More for Followers’ Trust and Behavioral Intention Towards Collaborative Brands?
- Jatnika, Drajat
- The Effect of Product Diversification, Taste, and Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction
- Jayaranjan, Duminda
- Air-Conditioning for Green Universities
- Joanly, Rosaline Benefiola
- Religious Influencers on Social Media: Do They Really Affect Followers’ Religiosity and Intention to Donate?
- Karamoy, Herman
- The Role of Green Accounting and Corporate Social Responsibilities to Improve Maritime Tourism Quality in North Sulawesi
- Kardianto, Thoyyib
- Designing Key Performance Indicators (KPI) for Teachers to Improve the Performance of SMK Muhammadiyah 20 Panai Hulu, North Sumatra
- Karina, Beby
- The Impact of Responsiveness and Empathy on Satisfaction and Loyalty of the PT Citilink Indonesia’s Passengers at Kualanamu International Airport
- Kartikasari, Cynthia Yohanna
- Potential Spillover from Foreign Companies
- Kartikasari, Cynthia Yohanna
- The Impact of Firm Size and Market Concentration on Firm Productivity
- Karya, Denis Fidita
- Internal Locus of Control, Entrepreneurial Learning, Risk Tolerance on Self-efficacy, and Entrepreneurial Intention
- Karya, Denis Fidita
- Domestic Consumption: Relative Product Quality Ethnocentrism, and Domestic Product Belief
- Kawiswara, Muhammad Abid Prima
- The Effect of Supply Chain Speed, Responsiveness, Flexibility and Competence on the Profitability of PT. Bank Negara Indonesia
- Kevin
- The Influence of Environment Concern, Norm Description, Service Satisfaction on Behavioral Intention of Suroboyo Bus Passengers in Surabaya
- Khalida, Laras Ratu
- Investigation of Green Marketing and Brand Image on Costumers’ Teh Kotak Purchase Decision
- Khalida, Laras Ratu
- The Effect of Promotions and Consumer Preferences on Purchase Decision
- Khin, Yin Min
- Air-Conditioning for Green Universities
- Khusniyah, Nur
- Developing Model of Digital Leadership for the New Normal Age
- Koan, Dianne Frisko
- Gender Ideology and Company Performance Measure
- Kristanti, Monika
- Indonesian Consumers Segmentation in Online Food Purchasing
- Krisyanti, Yosi
- Consumer Preferences in Purchasing Traditional Medicine Considering Products, Taste Sensory, and Certification Label
- Kulachai, Waiphot
- Factors Affecting Purchase Intention Through Online Application: A Case Study of Lazada
- Kumamoto, Jun
- The Effect of Logistics Capabilities on Online Purchase Attitude and Purchase Intention in the Millennials of Tokopedia Users
- Kurnanda, Defri
- The Impact of Responsiveness and Empathy on Satisfaction and Loyalty of the PT Citilink Indonesia’s Passengers at Kualanamu International Airport
- Kurniawan, Andi
- Inventory Stockholding Policy Model
- Kurniawan, William
- Levers of Control Management Control System and the Company Competitiveness
- Kusmaningtyas, Amiartuti
- The Effect of Green Work-Life Balance and Organizational Citizenship Behavior on the Environment to Improve Environmental Performance of the Cooperative and SME Office of East Java Province Employees
- Kusuma, Evelyn
- Comparison of Optimal Portfolio Before and During the Covid-19 Pandemic: Testing on LQ45
- Kusumawardhany, Prita Ayu
- Frugal Lifestyle Trend Among Generation Z
- Lanny Kusuma Widjaja, M. E.
- Green Organizational Culture as Mediator of the Effect of Knowledge Creation on Green Performance
- Lesmanaputri, Evilia
- The Effect of Convergence to International Financial Accounting Standards on Information Asymmetry–Evidence from Indonesian Companies Listed in the IDX from 2015–2019
- Lestari, Dian Mahardi
- The Effect of Financial Literacy, Risk Perception, Overconfidence, and Investment Experience on Cryptocurrency Investment Decision
- Liliek, H. P.
- Utilization of Fly Ash and Bottom Ash as a Filler in the NPK Plant at Petrokima Gresik Ltd
- Lim, Raymond
- MSME Categorization In Indonesia: Is It Potentially Problematic?
- Lismanto, Firdaus
- The Influence of Work Ability, Work Environment and Organizational Culture on Employee Performance with Motivation as a Mediating Variable
- Losman, Elon
- Optimal Return Analysis Using Ichimoku Kinko Hyo on the LQ45 Indonesia Stock Exchange
- Lumbanraja, Prihatin
- Analysis of Workload, Employee Placement, and Employee Engagement on Employee Job Satisfaction at Medan Customs and Excise Office
- Lumbanraja, Prihatin
- The Influence of Leadership, Motivation and Reward on Turnover Intention with Job Satisfaction as an Intervening Variable
- Lumbanraja, Prihatin
- Analysis of Job Satisfaction, Job Stress, and Job Insecurity on Employee Turnover Intention at a Manufacturing Company in the Industrial and Chemical Sector in North Sumatra
- Lumbanraja, Prihatin
- Designing Key Performance Indicators (KPI) for Teachers to Improve the Performance of SMK Muhammadiyah 20 Panai Hulu, North Sumatra
- Maas, Linda T.
- Analysis of Factors Affecting the Installation of the Ship Care System in PT. Pelabuhan Indonesia (PERSERO)
- Maas, Linda Tri Murni
- Analysis of Job Satisfaction on Employee Engagement Impacted on Turnover Intentions at PT Hilti Nusantara’s Account Manager
- Maas, Linda Trimurni
- The Influence of Organizational Behavior on the Sustainability Services of the Ate Keleng Foundation of Karo Batak Protestant Church
- Maemunah, Mumun
- Investigation of Green Marketing and Brand Image on Costumers’ Teh Kotak Purchase Decision
- Mahadwartha, Putu Anom
- Peer-Review Statements
- Mahadwartha, Putu Anom
- Comparison of Optimal Portfolio Before and During the Covid-19 Pandemic: Testing on LQ45
- Mahadwartha, Putu Anom
- Correction to: Proceedings of the 19th International Symposium on Management (INSYMA 2022)
- Maharani
- Analysis of Brand Image, Taste Variation, Price Perception and Promotion on Purchase Decision and Their Effect on Consumer Loyalty
- Malasari, Syiva Nur
- Analysis of Google Meet Readiness as Online Communication Media in the Era of Digital Transformation
- Manurung, Windi Afika
- Analysis of Factors Affecting the Installation of the Ship Care System in PT. Pelabuhan Indonesia (PERSERO)
- Marciano, Deddy
- The Effect of Financial Literacy and Demographic Factors on Behavioral Biases of Investors During a Pandemic
- Marciano, Deddy
- Factors Affecting Syndicated Loan Spreads in Indonesia, Thailand, and Vietnam
- Mardinawaty, Selva
- The Influence of Training Program and Work Environment on Employee Performance Through Work Satisfaction as a Mediating Variable
- Marlina, Lisa
- Control Mechanism Analysis in Mediating Market Valuation on Firm Performance in Indonesia
- Marso
- The Effect of Perceived Ease of Use and Perceived Usefulness on Trust, Loyalty of E-Commerce Customers
- Mas’ud, Fuad
- The Effect of Spiritual Leadership, Organizational Support, and Islamic Work Ethic
- Megawati, Veny
- The Effect of Logistics Capabilities on Online Purchase Attitude and Purchase Intention in the Millennials of Tokopedia Users
- Megawati, Veny
- Customer Satisfaction and Revisit Intention Modeling for Dining Restaurants in Surabaya
- Megawati, Veny
- The Influence of Environment Concern, Norm Description, Service Satisfaction on Behavioral Intention of Suroboyo Bus Passengers in Surabaya
- Megawati, Veny
- The Effect of Supply Chain Speed, Responsiveness, Flexibility and Competence on the Profitability of PT. Bank Negara Indonesia
- Mintardjo, Christoffel Mardy O.
- The Role of Green Accounting and Corporate Social Responsibilities to Improve Maritime Tourism Quality in North Sulawesi
- Mintardjo, Christoffel Mardy O.
- Predicting Digital Business Startup Intention in SEA: TPB-PC Model Test
- Mintarti
- Islamic Human Capital
- Mintarum, Ahadin
- The Effect of Privacy (Security) Settings, Application Design, and E-Trust on E-Relationship Satisfaction and E-Loyalty on GoFood in Surabaya
- Mohamad, Bahtiar
- Internal Branding as a Marketing Strategy for Start-Up
- Moko, Wahdiyat
- Developing Model of Digital Leadership for the New Normal Age
- Muchtar, Yasmin Chairunisa
- Does Gender Matter in the Relationship Between Individual Absorptive Capacity and Subjectivity Career Success?
- Muda, Iskandar
- The Effect of Profitability, Leverage, Incentive, and Gender Diversity on Tax Avoidance in Coal Sub-sector Companies Listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX)
- Muda, Iskandar
- The Effect of Operational Efficiency, Marketing Effectiveness, and Leverage on the Financial Performance of PT Pelabuhan Indonesia (PERSERO) Regional I
- Mugiono, Mugiono
- The Determinant Factors of Tourism Destination Competitiveness and Destination Management: A Case Study from Malang City
- Muhdorun
- Potential Role Analysis of Halal Certification Facilitation and Tangerang Emas Program Activation to Increase Culinary Micro Business Income in Tangerang City
- Mujanah, Siti
- Grouping of Tourist Preferences Towards Tourist Villages in East Java Based on Facial Recognition and Background
- Muluk, Chairul
- Optimal Return Analysis Using Ichimoku Kinko Hyo on the LQ45 Indonesia Stock Exchange
- Muluk, Chairul
- Analysis of MSME Financial Intelligence Level in the Utilization of Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Lending as a Financing Alternative in Batam City
- Muluk, Chairul
- The Effect of Macroeconomic Variables on Kompas 100 Indeks on the Indonesia Stock Exchange
- Muluk, Chairul
- The Effect of Financial Literacy and Financial Inclusion on MSMEs Performance
- Mulyadi, Dedi
- Flash Sale and Brand Image Models in Improving Purchase Decisions on Fashion Products at the Shopee Marketplace Among Students
- Murhadi, Werner R.
- The Influence of Good Corporate Governance through the Gender Diversity on Firm Performance
- Murhadi, Werner Ria
- Peer-Review Statements
- Murhadi, Werner Ria
- Factors Affecting the Capital Structure of Non-financial Business Entities Listed in the IDX for the 2016–2020 Period