Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research

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81578 articles
Proceedings Article

Exploration of Digital Media Design Based on Painting Creation Ideas

Chen Li
With continuous progress and development of science and technology, China develops intensively in terms of new media, and digital media technology flourishes in recent years. Digital media technology shall not only rely on computer sciences and relevant content, but also combine painting creation well,...
Proceedings Article

The Philosophy of “Crime and Punishment” and “Existentialism” in Woody·Allen’s Film

Miao Miao
As an independent film director, Woody·Allen’s strong sense of self and distinctive personal style can be found in his film. Although the absurd plot in his film makes us laugh out loudly, sentimental and tragic philosophical thought is shown behind jokes. “Crime and punishment” and “Existentialism”...
Proceedings Article

Research on Establishment of College Students’ Entrepreneurial Bases

Y. Yuan, J.H. Gao, H.J. Wang
Establishment of college students’ entrepreneurial bases and development of entrepreneurial education and entrepreneurial practices can promote college students’ entrepreneurial awareness, ability and experience, and serve as an effective way to solve the problem of college students’ low employment at...
Proceedings Article

Discussion on Whether Non-vocal Protagonists Could Be Narrative Perspectives ------A Comparative Analysis on Yan Geling’s Bedside &Franz Kafka’s The Metamorphosis

Zhaoming Li
As part of the narratology, narrative perspectives in novels have obtained attention and have been researched worldwide. Narrative perspectives, as a disciplinary study, have been popular around the world since the 20th Century. The research fever tended to reach its peak in the International Seminar...
Proceedings Article

Practice and Exploration of Teaching Reform of Object-Oriented Programming Course Based on CDIO Concept

Guangxuan Chen, Guangxiao Chen
This work analyzed the problems existed in object-oriented programming teaching, and then proposed a new object-oriented programming teaching mode that draws lessons from the concept of CDIO engineering education. The new teaching mode is correspond to the four abilities of CDIO and explained the teaching...
Proceedings Article

Research on achievement assessment method for course objectives of bridge engineering based on OBE

Jiang Wei, Sun Litong, Zhang Xiwen
Achievement assessment for graduation requirements is an important basis in the continuous quality improvement of majors. Consequently, the calculation for curriculum achievement becomes the first step. Based on the graduation requirements indices of civil engineering, instructional objectives for bridge...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Teaching Strategies for Higher Mathematics Calculus

Xiuyan Wang, Henan Pei
Many colleges and universities offer advanced mathematics courses, focusing on guiding college students to carry out thinking training, so that they can flexibly master various problem-solving methods and have strong ability to use mathematical knowledge. Among them, the teaching of calculus is very...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Communication of Birch Bark Manufacturing Skills of the Oroqen Nationality in Mobile Social Media

Xuemin Bao, Dehui Wang
Intangible cultural heritage faces not only new opportunities but also new challenges with the arrival of network era. The development of mobile social media provides renewed energy for the communication of intangible cultural heritage. In this paper, the current communication situation and communication...
Proceedings Article

Application of MOOCs in the construction of art and design courses

Xinyue Zhang, Xin Zhang
MOOCs, as a large-scale online open course, are favored and welcomed by teachers and students both at home and abroad. The introduction of MOOCs to the teaching of art design courses will promote the popularization of art design courses. This paper makes a more in-depth exploration and research on the...
Proceedings Article

The Application of Kinesthetic Perception Experience and Environmental Design

Jun Yi
From the perspective of environmental psychology, this article takes a variety of perceptual experience theories as its research background. It elaborates on the meaning of kinesthetic perception, explains the performance level of dynamic perception experience design in depth, and meticulously analyzes...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Influence Mechanism of Social Shopping Community on Consumers' Purchase Intention -- Based on attachment theory

Haoxing Zhao, Jianxiong Peng
With the development of social media and e-commerce, the social shopping community has emerged and developed. The methods of this new socialized e-commerce model’s influences on consumers' willingness to purchase have received widespread attention from the academic community and the industry. Based on...
Proceedings Article

An Analysis of the Film Dialogue in the View of the Pragmatic Principles -- A Case Study of Love in the 1980s

Jiahui Jiang
The film Love in the 1980s shows the changing process of love between the protagonists, Guan Yubo and Cheng Liwen, through dialogue and narrator. The dialogue in different situations conforms to not only the identity of characters, but also the language rule. From the angle of the cooperative principle...
Proceedings Article

Study on Expression of Datum Line in Contemporary Interior Design

Jie Qiu, Huan Wang
In an era like this, art satisfies only the low needs, the material needs. It looks for content in vulgar material because it doesn't know anything better. Objective objects are always like that, and people think that the purpose of art is to reproduce them. From then on, the question of what it is"...
Proceedings Article

Construction of Quality Assurance System for Postgraduate Education in Local Colleges and Universities under the Background of "Double First Class"

Bo Li
In recent years, postgraduate education has been mentioned at an unprecedented level. By improving the quality of dissertations as the starting point, this paper explores the inherent law of cultivating excellent graduate students, optimizes the layout of disciplines scientifically, and constructs the...
Proceedings Article

History as a Science

Boris Zemtsov, Tatiana Suzdaleva
The article is devoted to a relevant perspective of historical science: to historical regularities, specifics of historical knowledge, definition of a subject of historical science. Authors recognize what at the level of human acts of regularity it is difficult to reveal as each person is under the influence...
Proceedings Article

Communication Models in Russian Video Blogs: An Author and Audience Influence on Public Discourse

V. Yu. Grushevskaya
The article is concerned with the notions of Russian video blogs communication. The purpose of this study is to identify the specifics of communication in video blogs and build a typology of communication models. In order to achieve the purpose, the following objectives were set and solved: the systematization...
Proceedings Article

Engaging Literature Circle to Teaching Critical Reading in the EFL University Student

Djoko Sutrisno, Dwi Rukmini, Dwi Anggani Linggar Bharati, Sri Wuli Fitriati
This study explores in accordance the effect of Literature Circle (LC) on EFL student’s critical reading skill. Thirty students out of a private university in Semarang, Indonesia. These students were required to complete a studying in reading text analysis by using Watson-Glaser in measuring score and...
Proceedings Article

A Quantitative Analysis of Indonesian Junior High School Science Textbooks for Scientific Literacy Themes

Adinda Regiliani Agustin, Supahar
Textbooks have been used as learning tools to convey more information to students. The selected textbooks are used to support student and teacher textbooks published by the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia. The purpose of this study was to analyze aspects of scientific literacy...
Proceedings Article

The Microgenetic Changes in EFL Learners’ Vocabulary Development A Learner-Corpus-Based Study

Yurong Zheng
From the Complex Dynamic Systems Theory (CDST), this longitudinal study explores the Chinese EFL learners’ vocabulary development. The 10 subjects are English learners at the tertiary level in a North-eastern university in China. The observation last 6 semesters, 3 school years, with each of the subjects...
Proceedings Article

A Systematic Review of E-Video Lecture Research in EFL Contexts: Generic Structure and Lexico-grammatical Features

Heri Kuswoyo, Eva Tuckyta Sari Sujatna, Akhyar Rido, Afrianto
During COVID-19 outbreak, e- video lecture increasingly become an alternative method in teaching and learning to provide students with active learning. A plethora of studies involving e- video lecture has previously been conducted, but little attention has been given to the systematic review of e- video...
Proceedings Article

Literature Review: Action and Reaction of the Inquiry Learning Model on Students’ Attitudes and Characters Against Physics Learning

Astalini, Darmaji, Dwi Agus Kurniawan, Sabila Eka Septi, Ahmad Mansur Nawahdani, Miftahul Zannah Azzahra
This study aims to determine the need for a modification of the action reaction model of inquiry learning as a form of improving students’ attitudes and character towards learning physics. In this study, the researcher used literature study research with qualitative descriptive research methods through...
Proceedings Article

Bibliometric Analysis: Civic Education E-Learning for Digital Civic Skill

Nisrina Nurul Insani
This study is a bibliometric analysis of an indexed article in Google Scholar that discusses civic education e-learning for digital civic skills using the publish or perish reference application and VOSviewer. This bibliometric analysis aims to determine the development of research on the use of e-learning...
Proceedings Article

A Study of Community-Based Communication of Niche Cultures

Yifan Zhang
With the continuous popularization of computer and Internet technology, various niche cultures have been widely disseminated and discussed. Compared with mainstream culture, niche culture still faces the dilemma of being marginalized, although it has more development positions in the Internet era. Communities...
Proceedings Article

Pearson Group’s Digital Transformation from the Perspective of Risk Society

Wenfeng Guo
Risk is one of the characteristics of contemporary society. In the process of digital transformation, Pearson Group, which is in a risk society, also faces many external risks and “created risks”. By analyzing the external and internal risks (economic risks, technical risks and human risks) faced by...
Proceedings Article

Potential of Social Science Outdoor Learning Laboratory in Singgahan District, Tuban

Sukma Perdana Prasetya, Sarmini, Ita Mardiani Zain, Artono, FX. Sri Sadewo, Hanifah Mahat
The purpose of this study is to (1) identify the strengths and weaknesses of the locations that become “Karst Geoparks” as IPS outdoor learning laboratories (2) identify opportunities and obstacles from locations that become “Karst Geoparks” as IPS outdoor learning laboratories. This research is descriptive...
Proceedings Article

Quantitative Study of Positive and Negative Masculinity in Literary Works

Xun Wu
This paper discusses the connotation of masculinity, divides its advantages and disadvantages, and discusses its different values in different societies. This paper analyzes the degree of masculinity of characters in literary works by quantitative analysis and compares the decisive factors of masculinity...
Proceedings Article

Stability Rescheduling of Virtual Cell Based on Backtracking Search Algorithm under New Order Insertion

Wenmin Han, Junjie Fan, Chenglong You
In view of the frequent adjustment of virtual cell scheduling plan brought about by the arrival of new orders, and considering the impact of rescheduling on production stability, this paper proposes an insertion rescheduling strategy based on slack time. The slack time is subdivided into idle time, partial...
Proceedings Article

A Study of Technical Terms in Shipping Science

Kurniaty Kurniaty, Ainun Fatimah, Iqra Aswad
Technical terms consist of one word or several words that are given a specific meaning that applies in a particular scientific field. These technical terms are certainly not found in general dictionaries, so they need to be compiled specifically and intentionally to be included in the terminology dictionary....
Proceedings Article

Maslahah Wasiat Wajibah for Adopted Children with Different Religions and Stepchildren

Wahyuni Retnowulandari
This research is aimed to device a way that is more maslahah in this world and hereafter without using Wasiat Wajibah that deviates from sharia, especially regarding adopted children of different religions and stepchildren who are not actually heirs. This is important because in the implementation of...
Proceedings Article

Reform and Innovation of Enterprise Financial Management Mode in the Process of Network Economy Development

Weiqi Zhang
Network economy, knowledge economy, technical economy requires enterprise financial management and model development and innovation. Internet as the network economy and even knowledge and technology economy engine will change the business management mode, so that the era of network economy has also been...
Proceedings Article

Analysis on Characteristics of Provenance of bauxite in Guizhou, China

Tao Cui
On the basis of previous studies, characteristics of provenance of bauxite in Guizhou were comprehensive analyzed, and draws the following conclusions: 1) All he Cambrian, Ordovician, Silurian, Devonian and Carboniferous have provided ore-forming materials for the formation of bauxite, but for different...
Proceedings Article

Orbital autonomous inspection robot based on multi-sensor technology

Hao Luo, Biwu Yan, Lei Zheng, Hanchao Chen, Pnegxiang Yin
The overhead transmission line inspection robot takes the guide line as the working path. The obstacle operation is one of the online operation while inspecting along the line. In this paper, it set up a sensor network by classifying the obstacles on the overhead transmission lines. Before the robot...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Basic Mode and Value of the Enterprises Wechat Marketing

Yilong Wang
With the development of mobile internet technology, Wechat gradually become a necessary smart phone software for the young people. And the increasing hot Wechat marketing has become a weapon in the well-known enterprises' marketing process. This paper firstly introduces the basic concept of Wechat marketing,...
Proceedings Article

Discussion and Analysis on Xi Jinping's Theory of Ideology

Chuyi Gao
The thoughts and theories of General Secretary Xi Jinping are important parts of Marx's thought as well as the guiding thought of the construction of ideological safety. This paper has researched the theoretical basis of Xi Jinping's theory of ideology and has concluded the main opinions and methods...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Carbon Emission Efficiency for the Provinces of China

Dun-yong Yu, Xue-Hua Zhang
Using the method of Stochastic Frontier Analysis (SFA), this paper chooses the rate of urbanization, the per capita Road area, the per capita green area, the green coverage rate, the third industrial proportion, the proportion of eight energy consuming industries, the intensity of the input into R&D,...
Proceedings Article

The Teaching Reformation on Digital Piano Collective Class Based on Practical Piano A Case Study of Xinghai Conservatory of Music

Yunchan Tie, Shupeng Lai
Since collective class of digital piano was introduced to China, classrooms of collective class of digital piano have been established in many colleges. But it is a pity that the development of collective class of digital piano is restricted as there is no unified idea on the significance and influence...
Proceedings Article

Thought on Connotation of Quality of Migrant Workers’ Income

Niya Liu
In view of the background that the migrant workers bring great productivity and labor force for China, their income also attracts the social attention. This paper carries out definition and analysis on the quality of migrant workers’ income from perspective of the cost, stability, structure, knowledge,...
Proceedings Article

Analysis on the Factors Affecting the Wage of Peasant laborers under Regional Segmented:Based on HML

Meng Zhang, Hong Feng
The number of peasant laborers is large, the wage income level is relatively low, and the gap in wages in the labor market caused by regional segmentation is more obvious in China. The results of HLM (hierarchical linear model) show that the ICC value of wage in different provinces is 8.4%, with significant...
Proceedings Article

Study on Urban Integration of Relocation and Resettlement Areas from the Perspective of Community Education

Yuyang Zhang
With the rapid advancement of urbanization, a large number of demolition and resettlement areas with land-losing farmers as resettlement bodies have emerged in China. After the residents in these resettlement areas have moved from rural areas to cities, they are not only faced with living habits due...
Proceedings Article

I CARE Training to Increase the Self-Efficacy and Prosocial Behavior of Students Observers of Bullying

Navia Fathona Handayani, Lisnawati
Bullying is a problem that often occurs in school communities. One factor that contributes to the continuance of bullying is the number of passive witnesses to the bullying who stand by and do nothing to prevent it or to help the victim. Decreased pro-social behavior in bystanders has been correlated...
Proceedings Article

Research on Industrial Superiority of China's Central Cities-Take 35 Large Cities in China as an Example

Lulu Wang, Lei Zheng
The industry is the backbone of the city. Based on the industrial data of 35 central cities in China from 2005 to 2014, this paper studies the dominant industries of China's central cities by means of regional entropy analysis, and combines their industrial structures to provide guidance for the transformation...
Proceedings Article

Existential Experience of Absurd: Its Mental Background in Modern Culture

Rudanovskaya Svetlana
The paper gives an analytical review of various implications and premises of absurd as existential experience in the light of literary and philosophical texts that contribute to the cultural style of the XXth century. Experience of absurd is regarded as a result of hermeneutic incompatibility of different...
Proceedings Article

The Development Direction of Procuratorial Organs Under the Reform of State Supervision System

Sihan Liu
The thirteen session of the National People's Congress, held in March 11, 2018, adopted a new amendment to the constitution, marking the formal construction of the constitution as the core of the state supervision of the rule of law system. This involves not only the establishment and adjustment of state...
Proceedings Article

Mane’e culture in Kakarotan village Talaud island

Maryam Lamadirisi, Ferdinand Kerebungu, Theodorus Pangalila, Wadjidi Marlian, Zoni Henki Singal
This study aims to describe in full through a sociological review of the Mane'e tradition as a local wisdom of the people of the Kakorotan village, Talaud Islands Regency. As well as analyzing the expectations and challenges faced by the North Sulawesi Provincial Government and the Talaud Islands Regency...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Cooperative Models of Pair Share Think on the PKN Learning Outcomes of Basic V Vocational School Students

Zuardi Zuardi, Yunisrul Yunisrul, Arwin Arwin, Abadi Abadi
Research this aiming for knowing influence of cooperative models Think Pair Share to the results learn civic education (PKn) class V SDN Gugus I Subdistrict Sungai Pua Districts Agam. Research this is research quantitative with method research experiment. Sample on research this composed from two group,...
Proceedings Article

The Analysis of Factors Affecting Community Income Around Bukit Kasih Tourism Objects in Kanonang Village of Minahasa Regency

Ellen Poli, Erick Lobja, Kalvin Andaria
In the village of Kanonang; both Kanonang I and II have developed several types of creative businesses; such as souvenir selling in the form of t-shirts; hats and a few others as well as traveling photo services. The presence of traveling photographers is a new phenomenon in the effort to fulfill needs...
Proceedings Article

Study on the Factors Influencing the Effect of Modern Lettering Works*

Guicai Fu, Pengfei Fu, Wenjie Ma
Modern lettering is developed on the basis of traditional lettering. Although its development history is short, it has become an independent art with its own system. From the tools of modern engraving and cutting, engraving, wood engraving content selection, selection and refining, color and decoration,...
Proceedings Article

The Effectiveness of Group Counselling with Monopoly Game Media to Improve the Students’ Self-Confidence

Astiwi Kurniati, Paramita Nuraini
This current study aims at investigating the effectiveness of guidance and counselling with monopoly game media to improve to self-confidence of students in SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Magelang City. To do so, it employs experimental study with AOD (After Only Design). The result showed that guidance and counselling...
Proceedings Article

Woman’s Representation and Shifting Value in Koplo Dangdut Song

Windaningsih, Nur Kholis, Herma Retno Prabayanti
An interesting phenomenon of the rise of Koplo dangdut today are the lyrics that are sung are becoming increasingly varied and get a quick positive response from their fans. Lyrics that tell about infidelity become natural. East Java is in second place in the province with the highest number of widows...
Proceedings Article

Value Co-Creation Among Enterprises in Green Supply Chain Based on Free Riding Behavior

Xiuli Liu
In this paper, we consider the situation of free riding behavior of retailers in the green secondary supply chain of manufacturing industry. Based on game theory and value co-creation theory, we discuss the impact of centralized decision-making and decentralized decision-making on product green degree,...
Proceedings Article

Influencing Factors of Choosing Modern Apprenticeship Program for Higher Vocational College Students—Taking E-commerce Major of A University as an Example

Yu Zhao, Huaxin Wang
Based on the TPB theory, this work constructed a model, collected questionnaire data from students majoring in e-commerce in a higher vocational college in eastern China, and used Probit model to test the factors affecting students’ choice of modern apprenticeship program. The results showed that the...
Proceedings Article

Painter or Missionary: Life of Lang Shining in the Forbidden City

Qifan Jia
Lang Shining (1688-1766) was originally named Giuseppe Castiglione and was born in Milan, Italy. At the age of 26, he was sent to China as a missionary by the Jesuit. When he came to the Chinese Qing court, he was appointed as a court painter. After that, he lived in China for fifty-one years, painted...
Proceedings Article

Legal Analysis on Local Content Requirements Regulation for Modern Retail Business in Indonesia

Muhammad Iqbal Pratama, Rouli Anita Velentina
This research paper examined the adjustment of domestic Local Content Requirements rules in Indonesia for the implementation of Modern Retail business in Indonesia and the Local Content Requirements provisions of the WTO. Indonesia showed their self-approval to WTO by ratifying Law Number 7 of 1994 concerning...
Proceedings Article

The Use of Blockchain Technology for Legal Protection of Copyright in Indonesia

Maya Ruhtiani
Indonesia understands intellectual work as a basic concept of recognizing a work from a person's thinking power that requires recognition, respect and even protection as other assets with legal ownership. This shows that intellectual property rights exist by the presence of legal protection. This...
Proceedings Article

Role of Political Connections and Corporate Performance in Mediation by Green Innovation in Case Study in Indonesia

Irvan Pratama Saputra, Bambang Tjahjadi
This study aims to see if the political school experience factor is able to provide political connections and company performance implied by green innovation, in case studies of all manufacturing companies listed on the stock exchange. This study uses 511 companies in Indonesia that are engaged in manufacturing...
Proceedings Article

Utilization of Digitales Lernplakat in Studying German Culture: Deutsche Esskultur

Raden Roro Dyah Woroharsi Parnaningroem, Fahmi Wahyuningsih, Lutfi Saksono, Agus Ridwan, Yovinza Sopaheluwakan, Rizman Rizman
Many lecturers use digital means to expedite lectures in class, including in the Schreiben II (Writing II) lecture of the German Literature Study Program at Universitas Negeri Surabaya. An interesting theme about German eatingculture in the Netzwerk 2A textbook is Rund ums Essen. Many exercises are provided...
Proceedings Article

Equitable Wealth Distribution through Property and Inheritance Taxes: Global Practices and Implications for China

Guanyu Liu
This paper delves into the complexities of residential or commercial property and inheritance taxes, their meaning, purpose, and the more comprehensive implications of their implementation worldwide, with a focused evaluation in China. Property tax, targeting land and its accessories, emerges as a steady...
Proceedings Article

How Consumers React Toward Gender Stereotypes in Beer Advertisements

Jiajing Ge
In China and the rest of the world, alcohol consumption has been rising. According to one survey data from WHO, since 2002, China’s beer production ranks first in the world. Having alcoholic drinks is popular worldwide. Advertising of beer products is also diverse. As females have become a great part...
Proceedings Article

Cultivation of Translation-Oriented Terminological Competence in the Era of Artificial Intelligence

Zhiping Li
Terminological competence is an important quality necessary for translators, consisting of the abilities to recognize, extract, retrieve, translate and manage terms in different fields by using terminology software and tools. Construction of terminology courses is a direct and effective way to cultivate...
Proceedings Article

Research on Brand Emotional Marketing Based on Douyin Short Video

Xiancheng Lu, Xingxing Wang
With the rapid development of new media, Brand Emotional Marketing has gradually become an important Marketing method. In this paper, the concept and characteristics of Brand Emotional Marketing are discussed, the key points in line with consumers’ cognition and the emphasis of Brand Emotional Marketing...
Proceedings Article

Gendered Portmanteaus: Negotiating Feminist Identities in Twenty-Tens Weibo

Rachel Li
This paper focuses on flux and reflux in misogynistic words and verbs in twenty-tens. In the paper, I evaluated the development of the feminist movement in China from 2012–2019. First, this paper discusses the morphology of newly emerged allegations of Chinese feminists, their connotations, and their...
Proceedings Article

Reflections on the Role of Gender: How Classroom Gender Composition Influences Students’ Self-esteem

Boyang Gao, Jiayi Huang, Yuting Wang, Xinyi Wei
Self-esteem development is widely considered to be an important outcome of both single-sex and coeducational school education. However, research supporting single-sex or coeducational schools revealed inconclusive findings towards the effects on students’ self-esteem. By using the meta-analysis method,...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Financial Knowledge, Financial Experience, and Locus of Control Towards Investment Decision of Non-Depository Investors

Agus Zainul Arifin, Indra Widjaya
The purpose of this study was to verify the theory about the relationship between independent variables, Financial Knowledge, Financial Experience, and Locus of Control toward the dependent variable Investment Decision. Problem-solving uses the Theory of Planned Behavior approach. The subject of research...
Proceedings Article

Data Persistence on Curriculum Management System based on MyBatis

Li Ma
Course of information management and development of curriculum management system is to reduce the educational task complexity and the effective ways to improve the efficiency of the educational administration work. Data persistence is an important work of software development, this article is based on...
Proceedings Article

Analysis on the Interactive Mode in Network Media Environment

Yuming Sun, Xiaoling Fan
With the rapid development, Internet creates a digital network age, and establishes the digital survival mode. The transmission of information and the interaction within people are the basic motive force of social development, both of them are subject to the impact and influence from the Internet. Internet...
Proceedings Article

The Strategy of Improving the Information Literacy of Private College Students in the Big Data Era

Xiao Bo
The 21st century is the era of information explosion. The rapid development of information technology and network technology, the rapid growth of information, the intelligence of processing, the globalization of communication and the large data processing and application have great impact on economic...
Proceedings Article

Implementation of the Total Productive Maintenance System at Russian Enterprises

R.S. Zott, V.Yu. Konyukhov, P.N. Konovalov, E.A. Suvorova
This article examines the significance of the implementation of the system of total productive maintenance (TPM), the concept of the TPM system, tools for lean manufacturing, the history of the concept, the purpose of implementation, the stages of implementation. The work of any industrial enterprise...
Proceedings Article

An Exploration into Chinese EFL Students’ Critical Thinking

Suyun Xu
When English educators appeal for more efforts to develop college students’ critical thinking in English classes, gaining a full understanding how much their critical thinking ability has achieved seems to be an indispensable task. This study applies Critical Thinking Disposition Survey (CTDS) and Critical...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of the development of Chinese racing events - 2018 China Motorcycle Sports Conference as an example

Fenghua Yang
This paper uses the literature data method, questionnaire survey method, logic analysis method and mathematical statistics method to expound the development background of Chinese motor sports. The first China Motorcycle Sports Conference held in Wuhan in 2018 is taken as an example. opportunity. The...
Proceedings Article

A Study on the Construction of Multi-modal Campus Culture Targeting ASEAN Students In Perspective of Guangxi Normal University

Lili Li
In the process of promoting the educational internationalization, the education and campus culture construction of Guangxi Normal University targeting ASEAN students has become an icon in the cultural and educational exchange of Guangxi and ASEAN, having attracted close attention from home and abroad....
Proceedings Article

The Organic Integration of Piano Performance and Piano Accompaniment Teaching in Colleges and Universities

Dongyang Xu
Over the years, China’s general higher education is undergoing rapid development in reform. The level of music professional education in China has also been greatly improved. Nowadays, major universities have begun to lay piano courses, and piano performance and piano accompaniment are an important part...
Proceedings Article

The Real Thinking and Countermeasures of College Physical Education Reform Under the Concept of “Full Person Education” in the New Period

Yang Liuqing
In order to implement the requirements of the National Medium- and Long-Term Education Reform and Development Plan (2010-2020) for the reform of college physical education, through the literature and data method, we have found out that the current college physical education still exists. Students have...
Proceedings Article

Khalwatiyah Samman: Strategies for Strengthening Modality in the Patte’ne Maros Community of Sulawesi Selatan

Nurlela, Jumadi, Abdul Rahman
This study aims to map the influence of modality (economic, social, cultural, and symbolic) and analyze modalities strengthening strategies (biological investment strategy; successive; educational; invasion / economic capital; and symbolic investment) in the community adhering to the Khalwatiyah Samman...
Proceedings Article

A Review of Authenticity Analysis of the Recovered Memories

Bonan Chen
This paper adopts the literature research method to aim to discuss the authenticity of recovered memories by summarizing the causes of formation of truly recovered memories and false recovered memories, which covers the concept of repression, amnesia and dissociation in positive, as well suggestibility...
Proceedings Article

Family Experience in Implementing Family Task with Tuberculosis Multi Drugs Resistant (MDR-TB) in Bandung

R. Nurjanah, Y. Hidayat, P. Yualita
Background: Tuberculosis Multi Drug Resistant (MDR-TB) is a Tuberculosis disease caused by non-compliance with taking anti-tuberculosis (OAT) drugs. Treatment interrupted or not in accordance with the standard Directly Observed Treatment Short-Course (DOTS) can also result in the emergence of multiple...
Proceedings Article

Challenges in Developing Literacy Learning Models for Teachers to Develop Cognitive Strategies for Elementary School Students

Sri Tiatri, Jap Tji Beng, Claudia Fiscarina, Hartinah Dinata
Based on the awareness of the importance of literacy learning and the use of cognitive strategies, various countries have sought to develop various learning methods that are suitable for elementary school students. One of them is reciprocal teaching, which has been shown to improve students’ thinking...
Proceedings Article

Application of Arbuscular Mycorrhizae and Compost on Growth and Yield of Soybean

St. Subaedah, Andi Ralle
National soybean demand continues to increase in line with the increase in population, while soybean production is still very low. The low production is caused by several factors and one of them is because the development is faced with lands with low soil fertility. Therefore, it is necessary to improve...
Proceedings Article

Implicit Functions in Digital Comic Strip Discourse and Its Implications in Learning Anecdotal Texts of Indonesian Subjects in High School

Fathia Gurnita Damayanti, Laili Etika Rahmawati, Harun Joko Prayitno, Yunus Sulistyono
This study aims to describe the function of implicature in the digital comic strip discourse and the implications of digital comic strips in learning anecdotal texts of Indonesian subjects. This research used the qualitative descriptive method. Data in the form of conversations in digital comic strip...
Proceedings Article

Navigating Academia: Decoding the Nexus Between Self-Regulated Learning and Procrastination in Student Achievement

Oktaviani Orsy, Dwi Nastiti, Eko Hardiansyah, Mehriniso Rakhmatova
Academic procrastination is a problem that often occurs in students and an initial survey that has been conducted by researchers on 25 students of Muhammadiyah University of Sidoarjo, shows that there are still students who deliberately delay starting and completing assignments, so that tasks cannot...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Creative and Educative Games on Project-Based Learning on Students' Learning Spirit in the Pandemic Period

Eka Kurniasih, Ulfi Ukhrowati, Novi Utami, Tazkiyah Himmatul Ulya, Mohammad Givi Efgivia
Indonesia is one of the countries affected by the Covid-19 pandemic and this condition has a significant impact on the world of education, including from basic education to higher education. The next face-to-face learning is dominated by distance learning (PJJ) which is better known as online learning....
Proceedings Article

The Associated Factors with Chinese Secondary Students’ Educational Expectation: An Explorative Study Based on CEPS (2013–2014)

Hu Teng
Using data from the China Education Panel Survey (CEPS) during the 2013–2014 academic year, this study investigates personal and family-related factors that influence educational expectations. Multiple regression analysis was used to analyze the data in this study. The study found that students’ educational...
Proceedings Article

VR, Virtual and Games

On the Occurrence History, Game Attributes and Aesthetic Characteristics of Future Images

Chen Zou
Based on economic history, film history and audience aesthetic changes, this paper combs and integrates the formation foundation, historical background, economic support and foundation of future films. This paper reviews and analyzes the game of movies again. This paper summarizes the aesthetic characteristics...
Proceedings Article

Symptom of Sick Building Syndrom at Employees Who Work by Online During Pandemic Covid 19

Fenita Purnama Sari Indah, Tri Okta Ratnaningtyas, Desi Nur Haifah, Rita Dwi Pratiwi, Nurwulan Adi Ismaya
A phenomenon related to health problems and the comfort of working or being in a closed room. Sick Building Syndrome (SBS) is a symptoms such as flu, headache, throat irritation, weakness, cough, sneezing, runny nose, and difficulty concentrating. Many things trigger Sick Building Syndrome (SBS), for...
Proceedings Article

People’s Cognition of the Influence of Violence in Video Games

Ruijie Wang
As a highly popular form of entertainment, the impact of games on the whole human group is a topic worthy of exploration. The frequency of violent elements is not low in the initial games, later video games, and even today’s virtual reality games. In addition, the audience of many games is all ages....
Proceedings Article

Animal Recognition Application Using Mobile-Based Augmented Reality at TK Gmim Solafide Uner

Yunita F. Poluakan, Kristofel Santa, Sondy C. Kumajas, Vivi P. Rantung
The application for Getting to Know Animals is a learning support application on the theme of animals for early childhood. This application uses augmented reality technology which displays a real environment combined with three-dimensional or two-dimensional virtual objects that are displayed in real...
Proceedings Article

Study on Current Situation and Countermeasures About the Informatization of Internal Audit in Universities

Jing Xia, Yin Yang
As an important part of the internal control, people usually pay more attention to the internal audit in enterprises than that in colleges and universities. Serving as the backbone force in the strategy of rejuvenating the country through science and education, the internal management and control activities...
Proceedings Article

Multiple Value and Practical Exploration on Rural Art Synthesis Making Discussion on "Bishan Plan"

Lei Yang
This thesis, aiming at the current development situations of rural culture, and initiating from the existing policy advocacy of constructing full-bodied rural culture, as well as on the basis of the artistic practice project "Bishan plan" comes up with the concept of rural art synthesis on the purpose...
Proceedings Article

The Strategy Research of Education Management based on Cultivating Innovative Talents in University

BaoHua Cui
It is the fundamental work for universities and colleges to cultivate creative talents, to which teaching is the main way. Teaching management is the core of college administration. Faced with the new situation of national educational reforms, universities and colleges should base themselves on innovation...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Multiple Intelligence Theory and the Applications on Computer Music Creation

Sui Wu
In this paper, we conduct research on the multiple intelligence theory and basic applications on the computer music creation. Music is the oldest and the most universal human and one of the art form of appeal, is a human structure to realize the thoughts and feelings through specific acoustics indispensable...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Learning Method on Economic Learning Outcome of High School Students in Bima

Mr Yendi, Djoko Santoso, Tri Murwaningsih
This research aimed to determine the effect of teaching method toward learning result of students in Economics class XI social Sciences at SMA Negeri 2 Wera and SMA Negeri 3 Wera distric Bima Nusa Tenggara Barat. The method used in this study, using descriptive quantitative. The method used in this study,...
Proceedings Article

Influence of Peritoneal Dialysis and Hemodialysis on Blood Lipids of Uremic Patients

Ying Shi
Objective: To investigate the influence of peritoneal dialysis and hemodialysis on blood lipids of uremic patients; Methods: 100 uremic patients admitted to the hospital were selected as observation objects, clinical data of patients were collected and analyzed retrospectively. 50 patients received peritoneal...
Proceedings Article

A Tentative Study on Problems of Curriculum Design of Five-year Higher Vocational Applied English Major

Erxin Lv
Through investigation of local enterprises, teachers and students, this paper finds out some problems like students’ low learning initiative, unreasonable curriculum weight, less practical teaching, outdated teaching materials, etc of applied English major in five-year higher vocational curriculum design....
Proceedings Article

An Early Warning Model of Physical Exercise Training Based on Heart Rate and Time

Jun Su, Song Zhang, Lin Yang, Xiaohe Li
In recent years, with a gradual decline of teenagers’ fitness and health monitoring data in our country, physical health of teenagers is becoming a more and more important problem. The traditional evaluation method can test teenagers’ health condition by spot checks every year. However it is difficult...
Proceedings Article

Prospect on the Inheritance History and Development Trend of Fish Drum Dance, a Folk Dance in Hong-ze Lake, Jiangsu

Can Zhang
This article starts from the inheritance of Jiangsu folk dance with Hong-ze fish drum dance as the example, makes appropriate exploration on inheritance dilemma in current society, and points out the future development trend of Jiangsu folk dance, with the prospect to enrich studies of Jiangsu folk dance...
Proceedings Article

Study on Applied Talents Training and Problems Existing in Social Physical Education in Chinese Colleges and Universities

Yun Wang
Social sports specialty is the second largest sports specialty in China, which ranks second only to physical education specialty in terms of the number of sports specialty offered in Chinese colleges and universities. With the continuous promotion of national fitness and the deepening of sports industrialization...
Proceedings Article

The Impact of Perceived Quality and Customer Value on Brand Commitment: A Mediating Role of Brand Trust Cookies Product of SMEs In Pasaman West Sumatera

Yasri, Yahya, Yunita Engriani
The purpose of this study was to analyze (1) the effect of perceived quality on brand trust, (2) the effect of customer value on brand trust, (3) the effect of perceived quality on brand commitment, (4) the effect of customer value on brand commitment, and (5) the effect of brand trust on brand commitment....
Proceedings Article

The Comparative Experimental Study of the Teaching Effect between Jigsaw Teaching Method and Traditional Teaching One in Medical Literature Retrieval Course

Wei Wang
To find a more appropriate teaching method for medical literature retrieval, two teaching methods were used and implementation effects were compared in the actual teaching process. 113 college undergraduates (selected at random cluster) were divided into Jigsaw teaching group and traditional teaching...
Proceedings Article

Reconstruction of Urban Management Image in Network Communication Environment

Mengyu Li
City is a symbol of the economic and cultural development for a country or region. Urban management plays a very important role in the normal operation of the city. The establishment of a city management department has attracted a large number of practitioners, they are the so-called urban managements....
Proceedings Article

Curriculum Design and Implementation Based on the Training Mode of School Enterprise Cooperation - Take the "Heart of Service" and "Future Leaders" Courses as an Example

Qiong Ma
Deep cooperation between school and enterprise lays a solid foundation for long-term development of vocational education. It is inevitable to choose cooperative development of courses by schools and enterprises amid teaching reforms in higher vocational education. This study shows the results of joint...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Work Discipline, Spiritual Intelligence and Teamwork on Teacher Working Commitment in State Elementary School Subdistrict Selesai of Langkat Regency

Christin Juli Emma P.A, Biner Ambarita, Benyamin Situmorang
This study aims to determine the influence of work discipline on teacher teamwork, the influence of spiritual intelligence on the teamwork, the influence of work discipline on teacher work commitment and the influence of work discipline on teacher work commitment in State Elementary School SubdistrictSelesai...