Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research

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81546 articles
Proceedings Article

Exploration of "Dual system" Talent training Model of German Vocational Education in China

Xuejun Han, Yu Zhu
The practice of "dual system" personnel training mode in our school and the joint training of GROB Group (Dalian) Co. Ltd. has realized the organic integration of German vocational education model and Chinese traditional higher vocational education system. It reflects the effective integration of Chinese...
Proceedings Article

A Study of the Relationship between Customer Expectations and Feelings of Quality and Satisfaction Gap–Take the Four Logistics Companies in China for Example

Chu Fang
The purpose of this study is to enable a business engaged in a flow industry fully feel the quality and key factors of customers they serve in the competitive logistics industry and to enable that service quality is the quality that the customer pays attention to and the quality of the customers who...
Proceedings Article

Exploration on Folk Songs of Yi Nationality in Liangshan from Perspective of Intangible Cultural Heritages

Dan Wang
Folk songs of the Yi nationality in Liangshan are one of intangible cultural heritages of China. Yi Autonomous Prefecture of Liangshan is the largest agglomeration area of the Yi nationality in China, which is called as the hometown of song and dance. Folk songs of the Yi nationality in Liangshan are...
Proceedings Article

Influence of RQA Learning Model toward Student Concepts Understanding and Retention at SMA 2 Kasimbar

Lilies Tangge, Amran Rede, Nurafriani
This study has been conducted in SMA Negeri 2 Kasimbar On October and November 2016 which aims to determine the influence of RQA learning model toward the insight of concepts and retention of grade X SMAN 2 Kasimbar. Design of this study is nonequivalent control group design. The subject of the study...
Proceedings Article

A Preliminary Study on the Chinese Documents with the Reign Title Unearthed in Khara-Khoto

Xiaoming Li
Khara-Khoto is unearthed Chinese literatures, which are accompanied by a large number of social documents with the reign titles. And these reign titles are of great significance on determining the date of the document and researching the relevant historical background. This paper sketches the source,...
Proceedings Article

Improvement of Quality Management in Education and Competence Development Lecturer in the Age of the Industrial Revolution 4.0

Muharlisiani Lusy Tunik, Muharlisiani Lusy, Y. Soesatyo D Chamidah, Endang Noerhartati, Siti Bariroh, Johny Sugiono
Entering the industrial revolution era 4.0; lecturers are required to always upgrade their skills and abilities in educating the nation; and improve the quality of human resources because they are required to have pedagogical and professional; personal and social competencies. The research aims to reveal;...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Impact of Hospital Information System Use on Doctors’ Job Performance

Cuiyue Zhu, Jian Zhang
The implementation of the hospital information system contributes to the hospital informationization construction and is an important part of China’s medical system reform. Informatization construction has been carried out in hospitals across the country, but high investment does not necessarily lead...
Proceedings Article

Education for All Citizens

Endang Danial, Iim Siti Masyitoh, Sri Wahyuni Tanshzil
Indonesia towards inclusive education is declared in Bandung West Java at August 11, 2004. Determined by the government for the implementation of the education for all program. The implementation of inclusive schools in the hope that they can mobilize reguler schools to organized educational programs...
Proceedings Article

Study on the Training Mode of “1–3” for College Student Cadres in the Background of New Media

Xiang Sinuo, Duan He, Zhu Yashi, Hao Haiguang
With the development of internet technology and the popularity of mobile smart terminals such as mobile phones and tablets, we have announced the “Internet plus” era. In the era of “Internet Plus”, the influence of network media has been significantly enhanced, especially the rapid development of new...
Proceedings Article

Pandemics Outbreak in Perspective of Positive Psychology and Science

Nek Mah Binte Batri
This paper describes the influence of pandemics outbreak in the perspective of Positive Psychology and Science on attribute and behaviour. This study attempts to define and to create a framework of positive psychology within the effort towards creating a positive global worldview during the pandemic...
Proceedings Article

The Impact of Technology on Adolescent Social Change

A Case Study on the Use of Social Media

Nizariah, Suhendrayatna
The use of social media as a medium of communication is increasing from year to year. Technology has influenced people’s lives and the environment. The purpose of this article is to investigate whether technology can influence adolescent social change. Materials and Methods We performed a systematic...
Proceedings Article

Course Teaching Reform Research of English Academic Paper Writing for English Majors Based on Blended Learning

Xian Tang
In the context of the teaching reform of English majors, it is important to make some adjustments to the traditional course teaching. This paper summarizes the present problems in the teaching of the course--English academic paper writing and then points out the importance of the application of blended...
Proceedings Article

Principal Authentic Leadership Survey

Nurdelima Waruwu, Mukhneri Mukhtar, Sukro Muhab
This research aims to explain madrasah aliyah principal authentic leadership which has been implemented by the principals. The research used survey method by distributing questionnaires through Google forms which then were analyzed descriptively. These questionnaires were distributed to all private Islamic...
Proceedings Article

The Effectiveness of Physics Learning Online Based on Guided Discovery Models to Improve Critical Thinking Skill

Eko Mhd Ramadan, Jumadi Jumadi, Dwi Ulan Rahmawati
Critical thinking skill is one of the abilities that must be possessed by students in the 21st century. Online learning combined with guided discovery models, is intended to be able to improve students’ critical thinking skills at the high school level. This study aims to look at the effectiveness of...
Proceedings Article

Environmental Accounting Cultural Insights: A Learning From Indigenous Peoples

Verawaty Verawaty, Rustandi Rustandi, Erfan Erfiansyah, Abin Surasa
The purpose of this study is to explore environmental accounting from the perspective of cultural insights by exploring the role of the environment in the culture of indigenous peoples in Kampung Pulo, Garut. Phenomenology paradigm as a research method with traditional leaders (Pakuncen) and community...
Proceedings Article

Reflection on the Popularization of Inverted Classroom in the Era of Mass Higher Education

Xiaoxun Huang
In recent years, colleges and universities in China generally call on teachers to adopt the teaching mode of inverted classroom in course teaching. Starting with the teaching concept and characteristics of inverted classroom, this paper analyzes the requirements of high-quality inverted classroom on...
Proceedings Article

Chinese EFL Learners’ Retrieval of English Idioms in Language Production

Qingyan Zhang, Shidong Shan
While EFL learners’ comprehension of English idioms seems well-documented in the literature, much less has been written about their production of idiomatic phrases. To investigate how idioms are retrieved from the mental lexicon of second language (L2) learners during language production, the think-aloud...
Proceedings Article

The Design of Intangible Cultural Heritage Museum in Fujian Province Based on Situation Creation

Xin Cao
From “rescue” to “diversity protection and inheritance”, intangible cultural heritage has undergone a change from passive to active promotion, and its demand for display in public exhibition space has also changed from popularization of protection science to long-term effect of dissemination. In recent...
Proceedings Article

Thinking of DINK family support for the aged

Che Wenfeng, Li Bingkun
On May 3, 2021, in order to actively respond to the aging population and further optimize the fertility policy, China officially implemented the “three child policy”, which immediately aroused people’s hot discussion and enthusiasm for having children. However, some people still insist on giving up childbearing...
Proceedings Article

Description of Students Creative Thinking Abilities with Split Attention in Solving Math Problems

Fira Natalia, Abd Rahman, Ilham Minggi, Nur Fausia
The purpose of this study was to describe the ability of students to think creatively and identify the factors that caused the error of students who experienced Split Attention in solving the problem of building a flat side space in VIII B of SMP Negeri 2 Ulaweng, Bone Regency. The subjects of this research...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Legal Certainty of the Indictment Against Corporation That Commited Criminal Acts in the Sector of Social Security in Criminal Justice on the Decision of the Sumedang District Court Number 109/PID.SUS 2017/PN.SMD

Jonathan Jodama Septian, Rugun Romaida Hutabarat
Handling corporate criminal cases, many regulations in Indonesia place corporations as the subject of criminal acts that can be held accountable. One of the cases related to the handling of corporations is the embezzlement of BPJS. BPJS embezzlement is also regulated in BPJS Law no. 24 of 2011, one of...
Proceedings Article

The Humanist Expressive Speech Acts of the Judicial Panel at the State Court

Ida Zulaeha, Tomi Yuiawan, Areni Yulitawati Suproyono, Hermin Wijayanti, Eri Prihatmini
Language in a court context is interesting to be explored. The speech acts of the Judicial Panel in a trial is unique than others. This study aims to analyze the humanist expressive speech acts of the judicial panel in a court. The design of this study used a socio-pragmatics study. The data in this...
Proceedings Article

Unlocking Success for Cultural Tourism Villages in Yogyakarta: Insights from Wukirsari Village

Hendro Widjanarko, Humam Santosa Utomo, Suratna
This study aims to identify the factors that affect the success of cultural tourism villages in the Yogyakarta area of Indonesia, using a case study of the village of Wukirsari. The study conducted interviews with stakeholders and identified two key factors: cultural uniqueness and governance. Cultural...
Proceedings Article

Research Progress on the Dual-Factor Model of College Students’ Mental Health

Jia Guo, Fangfang Zheng, Feifei Wang
This study delineates the inception of the dual-factor theory of mental health, its fundamental principles, and the categorization of mental health disorders. The dual-factor theory of mental health is a novel approach that is replacing the prior disease-centered perspective. The idea enables the identification...
Proceedings Article

How Shame is Interpreted by Employees of Different Generations

Khairil Hanan Lubis, Yanki Hartijasti
Shame has many different meanings across discipline. Everyone who is coming from diverse backgrounds, can have different perceptions in interpreting shame. When people are working and being employees, shame plays an important role in shaping their behavior at work. This research looks at these differences...
Proceedings Article

Local Wisdom Value: Promoting and Branding Tourism Village

Rini Andari, Yeni Yuniawati, Gitasiswhara
The development of technology and information encourages changes in consumer behavior, including in the tourism sector. Tourists need complete information regarding the tourist destinations they are interested in before undertaking tourism activities. Especially with the Covid-19 pandemic has accelerated...
Proceedings Article

Distance Learning Practicum During Covid-19 Pandemic

Riana Isti Muslikhah, Chusnu Syarifa Diah Kusuma, Suhartanto
Due to the COVID-19 spreading rapidly, schools worldwide are using online learning to slow the spread of the disease. One of the lessons that face significant challenges during the pandemic is practical learning. Practical learning that should be done in the laboratory with the teacher's direct...
Proceedings Article

Discussion on the Characteristic Teaching Ideas and Methods of Male Preschool Teachers Reciting Traditional Chinese Preschool Poetry

Hui Liu, Yibei Shi
Reading is a skill that must be mastered, for boys majoring in preschool education .While infant poetry is a special kind of poetry that will be used in the pre-school stage.When reciting children's poetry ,male preschool teachers should use various techniques to express delicate emotions and create...
Proceedings Article

Legal Protection of Foreign Workers in Indonesia Post the Issuance of Presidential Regulation Number 20 of 2018 Concerning the Use of Foreign Workers

Ida Bagus Gumilang Galih Sakti
Companies in Indonesia are increasingly interested in hiring international personnel. Labor inspection is essential to be able to take preemptive actions and adapt any developments that occur in the face of alterations in values and the way of life of industry and trade operators. As a result, changes...
Proceedings Article

A Survey of Parents’ Participation in Homework Under the Background of “Double Reduction”-- Based on 2411 Data From Ningbo

Shouwen Biao
The policy of“Double reduction” further clarifies the requirements for students’ homework. In order to reduce students’ homework burden, parents need to face the educational value and function of homework and actively participate in it, and the school to play a joint effort to educate people. This study...
Proceedings Article

Legal Development Through the Implementation of Non-Conviction Based Concepts in Money Laundering Asset Recovery Practices in Indonesia

Ana Fauzia, Fathul Hamdani
The high number of cases of money laundering crime appear an idea to implement a new legal concept, namely the confiscation of assets without punishment (Non-conviction based asset forfeiture), which is called NCB with the aim of recovering state losses (Asset Recovery) from money laundering crime. However,...
Proceedings Article

Adding Pragmatic Elements in the Standardized English Test

Zhengzhe Liu
With the deepening of global economic integration, the transnational connections are closer, and English, as a global language, has a broader range of applications. A language is a tool of communication, and the language of different countries and cultures has its uniqueness, which leads to different...
Proceedings Article

Study on Differences between Chinese and Foreign Vocational Trainings of Aged Care Workers

Dapeng Cong, Shengqun Wang, Yan Gao
Entering the 21st century, worldwide aging tendency becomes increasingly serious and prominent. The needs of the old for old-age care services increase sharply and the demands for higher quality services has been instantly increased. America, as a forerunner of stepping into aging society, has formed...
Proceedings Article

Effect of Sports Industry Structure on Sports Consumption: An Empirical Study Based on Survey Data of Suzhou

Bing Fu, Jiahong Wang
In order to put forward the pointed countermeasure proposal to guide the sports consumption and optimize the sports industrial structure, this article adopt the methods of investigation, literature study and empirical study, use the Soochow to be a sample study and then use Eviews and Stata to be the...
Proceedings Article

Research on Application of 3D Printing Materials in Product Design

Yifeng Du
Rapid prototyping technology of 3D printing not only substitutes the traditional handcraft manufacturing model, but also renovates the traditional industry and successfully introduces information technology. This article starts with connotation interpreting of 3D print, analyzing the design flow of 3D...
Proceedings Article

Study on Regional Culture and Interactive Eco-social Development of Zhuhai-Macao in Big Data Era

Chenxi Fan, Songyang Han
To promote the cooperation of Zhuhai-Macao in Big Data era, it is important not only to find out the present critical problems and major reasons from the complex history and realities, but also to put forward new feasible solutions based on the numerous research results. We collect relevant information...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Biotechnology in China’s Food and Oil Industry

Haijuan Tian
Since the foundation of People’s Republic of China, China’s biochemistry research-based foodstuffs production technology has become more mature. It not only improves quality and quantity of China’s foodstuffs, but also ensures the safety of food supply. This paper takes soybean as the material and regards...
Proceedings Article

Electronic commerce impact on the circulation of agricultural products and countermeasures

Lihong Cai
In this paper, a review of a large number of domestic and foreign research literature on agricultural development status of e-commerce at home and abroad were analyzed and compared; combed agricultural development in e-commerce course; summarize the e-commerce in China's major agricultural business model...
Proceedings Article

Dynamic Simulation Analysis of Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction in Hebei Province

Guo-Feng Zhang, Hui-Min Li, Xiao-Ying Ma, Li-Xin Sun, Zhen-Ying Yu, Nan-Nan Cao
With the rapid growth of economy and population in Hebei Province, energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions have increased year by year, and environmental problems have become increasingly prominent. How to achieve rapid economic growth under the constraints of the environment is the Hebei provincial...
Proceedings Article

Profile of Elementary School Pre-Service Teacher Based on High Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) on Natural Science Subject

Idham Atmojo, Prof Sajidan, Widha Sunarno, Mr Ashadi
Scientific inquiry and project-based learning can foster the ability to think, work, and be scientific and communicate it as an important aspect of Life Skills. Science learning emphasizes the provision of direct learning experience through the use and development of process skills and scientific attitudes,...
Proceedings Article

Objective "Truth" and Subjective "Reality" The Evolution of the Picture Modeling Language of Historical Humanities Documentary

Maohua Li, Shu Li
With the transition of the creation concept of documentary, the historical humanities documentary has also made great progress in the picture modeling language. It is mainly in the several concepts. For example, the PIP composition (picture in picture) is changed from single to rich. The picture symbols...
Proceedings Article

The study on the relationship between network economy and e-commerce under the background of information technology

Yang Yongliang
The network economy has changed the diminishing law of marginal returns in economics, improved economies of scale from. This article described the impact on the economy of the network from an economic point, discussed the problem of e-commerce taxation and the solution of solving electronic payment problem...
Proceedings Article

Discussion on the Practical Teaching Reform on the Art Design Course of "Materials and Technologies" in Colleges and Universities

Xue Gao
"Materials and Technologies" is an important professional compulsory course in the product design specialty in colleges and universities. The purpose of this course is to make students know and understand the product materials and master some basic forming and processing technologies. Although all universities...
Proceedings Article

The New Evolution Trend of the International Financial Structure and the Countermeasures China Should Adopt in the Financial Crisis Perspective

HongZheng Wang
Many new trends appear in international financial situation in this century. The financial crisis of European countries made the existing international financial order is under increasing pressure. There are more and more fierce competition among Western countries and the BRIC countries for the international...
Proceedings Article

Cultivation and Management of politics Talents Based on Dynamic Quality model

Junbo Cai
In this paper, it takes the concept of dynamic quality control as the cutting point, combined with the explanation of the guarantee system of politics talents in the higher education such ad colleges and universities,discussing the cultivation path of politics talents from the restructure of politics...
Proceedings Article

A Study on Tourism Development of Intangible Cultural Heritage in Shiyan City

Xiao-Yu Huang, Lei Guo, Huang Ni, Zi-nan Qin, Ling Wan, Xiao-bo Ma
Intangible cultural heritage is an important tourism resource, and tourism development is an effective way to protect and inherit intangible cultural heritage. Based on literature review and field investigations, it is found that Shiyan city enjoys rich history and culture, with particularly profound...
Proceedings Article

Distinctive features of the temporal system of moral discourse exemplified in German-language media texts

Ksenia Nevolina, Svetlana Fetisova, Jason Cronbach Van Boom, Elizaveta Podkamennaya, Margarita Novoselova
This research is devoted to studying the specifics of the moral discourse temporal system of German-language media. Moral discourse is a specific means for the functioning of morality in a language. The study considers moral discourse to be a complex communicative phenomenon reflecting the basic elements...
Proceedings Article

The Rationalization of Maja Labo Dahu Values in the Action of Bimas Young Political Actors

Ruslin Ruslin, Heni Gusfa
Communication is an action, in political practice, politicians action of coordinative activity had values to gain power. Maja Labo Dahu philosophy is a communication concept of young politicians in Bima with value, to get position of power, the essence of Maja Labo Dahu is to fortify from every aspect...
Proceedings Article

Local Governments As International Players: Examining Town Twinning As A Mechanism

Ma. Divina Gracia Z. Roldan
It is commonly perceived that diplomacy and international affairs are the domain of national government. This paper argues that non-state actors specifically, local government units (LGUs), can also be effective international players in bringing about stronger ties in the region by means of enhanced...
Proceedings Article

The Transformation and Updating of Service of Regional Industries Featured as “One Town-one Product-one Major”

Gen-rang Zheng, Yi Wen
In order to improve the ability of major-serving for the regional industrial development, Zhongshan Polytechnic takes the major-serving for regional economic development as its research project, and has defined the outline of major developmnent. The college has also set up the cooperative education system...
Proceedings Article

The Loan Translation Adaptation of the Character Names in the Novel ?"арри ПоTTер и Филосо?"ский Камень (Garri Potter i Filosofskij Kamen’) into the Russian Language

Khaerunisyah Risma Handayani, Nia Kurnia Sofiah, Njaju Jenny Malik
Loanwords are common in language processesing. One example of language processing is translating foreign works to bring in new words that enter and enrich the recipient language (Baugh and Cable, 2002). Loanwords include proper nouns in translated novels, and the adaptation of proper nouns as character...
Proceedings Article

Symbolic and Pre-verbatim in the Languages of Art in the Early Twentieth Century

Oleg Valentinovich Bespalov
Symbolic practices in the history of art and in the general history of culture refer to a common cultural symbolism, its processing and multiplication. Another significant meaning-generating principle, which is fundamentally unreflected by man and can be called "pre-verbatim", is located before, between,...
Proceedings Article

Application of task-driven teaching approach in the course of product bionic design ——Taking the bionic design project of tea set as an example.

Binbin Sun
Aiming at the problems existing in the teaching of product bionic design in universities, combining with the bionic design project of tea sets, this paper puts forward the task-driven teaching approach, divides the teaching activity into four rounds of tasks, discusses and practices it from four aspects:...
Proceedings Article

The Sources and Countermeasures of Kindergarten Teachers’ Occupational Stress —Taking Shenyang Youte International Kindergarten as an Example

Lina Zhang, Liyan Zhang
With the rapid development of society and education, the occupational stress on preschool teachers is increasing day by day. In order to help teachers ease the physical, mental and behavioral discomfort caused by occupational stress, and thus improve teachers' education, teaching and management ability,...
Proceedings Article

Perceptions of Indonesian Citizenship Teachers on Teaching Tolerance in Schools through Citizenship Education

Asep Rudi Casmana
This study examines the teacher’s perception of teaching tolerance within citizenship education in Indonesia. It seeks to identify the teachers’ opinion about the purpose of teaching tolerance, and the content knowledge and the teaching method used by citizenship teachers to educate students to be more...
Proceedings Article

Board Structure, Entrepreneurial Risk Preference and Exploratory Innovation Based on the Empirical Data of High-end Equipment Manufacturing Industry

Ling Li, Luqi Yang
This paper, with the high-end equipment manufacturing industry listed companies in Shanghai and Shenzhen from 2009 and 2013 as the object of the research, adopting the negative binomial stochastic effect regression model, examines the relationship between board structure and exploration innovation, and...
Proceedings Article

The Current Situation of Human Resource Flow in China and its Impact on Regional Economic Development

Ziyi Xia
Human resources have become a very important factor in the economic development of every country. Since the reform and opening, the flow of human resources between regions in China has been accelerating, which has greatly promoted the development of China's economy, but spread some negative effects on...
Proceedings Article

Pedagogic Fundamental Structure of Kuttab Al-Fatih as a Model of Islamic Prophetic Based Elementary Education

Arie Arie Rakhmat Riyadi, Arie Rakhmat Riyadi
The fast growth of Kuttab Al-Fatih’s branch in Indonesia is one of the proofs that many parents, teachers and other academic practitioners especially people in the Islamic communities have faith in the concept of Islamic Prophetic model of education. Kuttab Al-Fatih is well known as an alternative elementary...
Proceedings Article

Psychodiagnostics of Criminal Motivation of Juvenile Delinquents

Juliya Malyushina
This article describes the results of assessing the validity and reliability of “Dominant Criminal Motive – DCM” method, as well as a psycho-diagnostic examination of juvenile delinquents and adolescents from a deprived background. Basic approaches (or methods) to investigate this problem are system...
Proceedings Article

The Protection and Inheritance of the Village Culture with Chinese Minorities’ Characteristics From the Perspective of Cultural Ecology*

Zhen Wang
From the perspective of cultural ecology, this study considers ethnic villages to be a carrier of outstanding national culture, and ethnic village culture is a characteristic resource for developing cultural industries in ethnic minority areas. It is also mentioned that the tangible and intangible cultures...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Present Situation, Problems and Countermeasures of Precision Poverty Alleviation in Badong County

Yahong Gong, Weiliang Tu
Targeted poverty alleviation means accurate identification, assistance and management of the poor. Through the analysis of the current situation of poverty and precision poverty alleviation practice in the rural areas of Badong county, we can find out the difficult problems in the precise poverty alleviation...
Proceedings Article

“Creative Participation” - Technology for the Prevention of Youth Addictions, Using Modern Gadget Technologies

P.Yu. Yezhov, A.V. Smirnov
The authors present the technology of culture-creative prevention of addictions - “Creative participation”. Technology involves the active participation of addicts in the creation and implementation of a socially significant cultural event. In this creative process, not only the social demand for the...
Proceedings Article

Intergenerational Learning: Valuable Learning Experiences for Baduy Youth

Sholih, Ila Rosmilawati, Dadan Darmawan
Intergenerational learning was conceptualised as an informal process taking place in families and societies. In the traditional community like Baduy, the learning process does not happen in formal institution. It is through every day interaction among community members that learning between generation...
Proceedings Article

Study of Learning Style and its Relation to the Biology Learning Competence of Student in Rumbai District in Academic Year 2017/2018

Saharuddin, Ramadhan Sumarmin
Learning style is one of the students’ characteristics that must be considered by the teacher. Learning style is ability of a person to absorb and manage knowledge or information in order to achieve learning achievement and improve the competence of students. One of the causes of low competency students...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Officials’ Livestreaming Sales of Agricultural Products

Zeng Sishi, He Jiaqi
In recent years, with the rapid development of the Internet economy, online livestream E-commerce became quite popular. To get rid of poverty, the government report points out that it is important to carry out “Internet+Poverty Reduction” Mode. Many officials become livestreaming celebrities to represent...
Proceedings Article

Igging Up the Values of the Literature in Literary Work to Build Character of Children in Papua

Nova Lina Sari Habeahan, Santy Monika, Lay Riwu
Literary works as a result of the author’s creativity process of existence cannot be separated from the reality of people’s lives. Literature does not only present entertainment but also enlighten readers, especially Papuan children about the values of life. Literary position (read: literary works) is...
Proceedings Article

The spread of COVID-19 Coronavirus in Romania: Approaches and Consequences on the Economy

Maria Ciurea
The spread of COVID-19 coronavirus in Romania affects and will affect economic and social activities for a long time to come. The extremely rapid evolution of such a pandemic has posed serious challenges to both the health system and the economic and social systems of the Member States of the European...
Proceedings Article

How Can the Chinese Government Implement Policies to Help Improve the Fertility Rate of Working Women?

Yijun Shen
China is facing a low fertility rate. If the government wants to encourage women to have children, the government should start from women by giving them enough welfare and sharing their burden. In this paper, the reform of paternity leave, parental leave, and maternity leave as well as the policy adjustment...
Proceedings Article

Learning Styles and Listening Strategies of EFL Learners—A Survey Study in a Medical College

Jie Wang, Fen Zhang
In order to find out the differences in medical college students’ learning styles and listening strategies and whether there is any correlation between their learning styles and listening strategies, this study is carried out. Two questionnaires are adopted in this study to survey the different learning...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Impact of Customer Participation on Their Satisfaction Under the Background of Value Co-Creation

Taking Smartphones as an Example

Xiaoyu Zhao
From the perspective of value co-creation, customers become value co-creators. Many companies encourage customer participation in order to create value and improve satisfaction, but at present there is no consensus on whether customer participation will lead to customer satisfaction. This article uses...
Proceedings Article

Assessment of Innovative Development of the Russian Economy and Mathematical Modelling

Victor Orlov, Tatiana Ivanova, Galina Sokolova, Valentina Arkhipova, Anna Ivanova
In the article, the authors have developed the method for assessing the innovative development of the Russian economy. For this, an index analysis of the following factors has been carried out: the number of organisations and workers performing research and development; financing innovative activities;...
Proceedings Article

Online Learning of Information Technology and Guidance Media Course Based on Learning Styles

Bambang Dibyo Wiyono, Evi Winingsih, Citra Fitri Kholidy
This study aims to develop online learning for information technology courses and media based on student learning styles that meet the acceptability criteria, namely the aspects of usability, accuracy, and feasibility. There are four learning styles that are accommodated, namely: visual, auditory, reading,...
Proceedings Article

Implementation of Total Quality Management through the Leadership of Schools in Efforts to Improve Teacher Creativity: A Conceptual Paper

Salsabilla Taftania, Asmaul Kusna, Bayu Angga Mahardika, Desi Retno Nugraheni, Deva Eriyani, Nila Octavia Yulindasari, Vira Maratus Sholihah, Imam Gunawan
Teachers are an important component in improving the quality of education. What is needed is creativity to find new methods and strategies to create effective, creative and fun teaching and learning situations in the classroom. Whether or not the teacher is creative is an important response from the...
Proceedings Article

Postmodern Vision on COVID-19 Outbreak: A Risk Society Experience in Surakarta

Muhammad Alif Alauddin, Faith Aqila Silmi, Arief Noer Prayogi, Yuyun Sunesti
As postmodern emphasizes the society into a deep interpretation of individual reality, the current coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic should be postulated beyond review of medical sciences. Exploring that, this paper uses sociological approach to review social circumstances of risk community manifested...
Proceedings Article

Research on Key Core Technologies of Local Manufacturing Industry Assisted by Universities from the Perspective of Industry-University-Research Collaborative Innovation

Xiaomei Sun
As an important source of scientific and technological innovation, colleges and universities are the main force to help the local manufacturing industry to complete key core technology research. Building a technological innovation platform that combines production, education and research is an important...
Proceedings Article

View on the Principle and Requirement of Practicing Military Culture Confidence

Yanhui Tian, Fei Liu
Culture is the lifeblood of a nation and the spiritual home of the people. Cultural confidence is a more fundamental, deeper and lasting force for the development of a country or a nation. As an important part of culture, military culture is not only the spiritual treasure of our army, but also the political...
Proceedings Article

Research on Visual Guidance Design of Ethnology Museum

Taking the Museum of South-Central University for Nationalities as an Example

Wenzhen Nie
As a public place with cultural significance, ethnology museum is more and more trusted by people. The visual guidance system in the museum, which directly serves visitors, has also made a breakthrough in design. On the premise of meeting the basic functionality, the introduction of digital media technology...
Proceedings Article

Reflections on the Contributions of the Palace, the Sultanate Palace and the Kings of the Archipelago

Norashikin Salleh
Keraton or the palace was once the center of Science Education, Culture and Administration. The palaces in the Archipelago have produced many scholars, intellectuals, as well as leaders to take care of the people and preserve their respective cultural traditions. Indigenous tradition and works of art...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of the Effect of Tourism Bus Service Quality on Tourist Visit Interest: A Solution for the Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic

Momon, Vivi Ukhwatul Khasanah Masbiran, Afriyanni, Imam Radianto Anwar Setia Putra, Herie Saksono, Sekar Nur Wulandari, Suci Emilia Fitri, Bachtari Alam Hidayat, Rury Febrina, Melati Ayuning Pranasari, Virgiawan Listanto, Adhityo Nugraha Barsei, Tania Andari, Evi Maya Savira
The government, through the Ministry of Transportation of the Republic of Indonesia has allocated a National Economic Recovery (PEN) fund as a response to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic which has caused a decrease in tourist visits. The funds are provided for the procurement of facilities and infrastructure...
Proceedings Article

Gamification of Heritage Preservation: Exploring Values and Transmission

Remandhia Mulcki, Danuh Tyas Pradipta, Genardi Atmadiredja
Every time Indonesia commemorates its Independence Day, it is always enriched by traditional competitions that have been held for generations and are widespread throughout the nation. This paper aims to uncover the significance of the August 17th competitions as an intangible cultural heritage. The case...
Proceedings Article

The Iron Civilization of Matano Lake, South Sulawesi: Paleometallic to Historical Periods

Rr. Triwurjani, Shinatria Adhityatama, Suryatman, Dida Yurnaldi, Joko Wahyudiono, K. D. Dimas Muslim, Alqiz Lukman, Harriyadi
Artifacts of funnel axes, which characterize the paleometallic period, were found in Lake Matano. The discovery of several weapons in the form of kris, machetes, knives, daggers (badik) shows that the Matano area is a metal-producing area. In the Nagarakrtagama Manuscript, it is stated that the Majapahit...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of the Civilizational Aspect of Islamic Education in the Time of Rashidun Khulafaur and Its Relevance to Contemporary Islamic Education

Rachma Meilia Inggriani Putri, Muhammad Nur Rochim Maksum, Mohammad Zakki Azani
The growth of Islamic culture has been greatly influenced by Islamic education. Education can be a social investment for every individual and a major investment for the progress of a nation’s civilization. However, compared to what happens in classrooms worldwide, Islamic education taught by teachers...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Intellectual Education Evaluation in the Comprehensive Quality Assessment of College Students in the New Era from the Perspective of Modern Intelligence View

Xiaoxiao Shen
Intellectual education has always been a central link in the cultivation of college students’ comprehensive quality, but the evaluation of intellectual education has disadvantages such as homogenization, unification, and staticization, which leads to the tendency of only scores in the evaluation of comprehensive...
Proceedings Article

Prepare a Roadmap for Community Service in Education

Mochamad Nursalim, Wagino Wagino, Bambang Dibyo Wiyono, Supriyanto Supriyanto
This study aims to develop a community service roadmap that meets the acceptability criteria: usability, feasibility, and accuracy. This research is development research with research procedures referring to the ADDIE. The data obtained were analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively to measure the usefulness,...
Proceedings Article

Material Application and Structural Features in the Design of Sales Packaging

Lin Liu, Xinyi Cheng
The purpose of this paper is to study the material application and structural features of sales packaging design. This paper analyzes and interprets the principles of sales packaging container design, packaging structure design, material application and other aspects from multiple aspects. Combined with...
Proceedings Article

On the Cross-Examination of Criminal Cases in Online Court

Yikun Xia
Evidence must be rebutted, challenged, and verified by both the prosecution and the defense before it can be used as the basis for deciding cases in court. With the gradual rise of digital justice, online court hearings are widely used in the criminal field because of their ability to save judicial resources...
Proceedings Article

Family Planning Village Program and Village Community Empowerment in Deli Serdang Regency, North Sumatera Province, Indonesia

Badaruddin, Lusiana Andriani Lubis, Humaizi, Klaudia Evinta Siregar
The Family Planning Program was one of the programs in the New Order Era which was considered successful in reducing the rate of population growth in Indonesia. At the beginning of the Reformation Era, attention to the Family Planning Program weakened and the impact on the rate of population growth was...
Proceedings Article

Implementation of the Parliamentary Threshold System in Indonesian Constitution, which Connect with Democratic Theory

Yoyon Mulyana Darusman, Elmer Micu Soriano, Apep Fajar Kurniawan
The parliamentary institution is a representative institution that has duties in the field of legislation. As a representative institution, parliament is a means of implementing people's sovereignty which has been implemented through democratic mechanisms. Democracy is a form of government in which...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of the Physical Condition of Pasuruan Finswimming Athletes

Muhammad Dzul Fikri, Achmad Widodo, Awang Firmansyah, Testa Adi Nugraha, Andika Bayu Putro, Mokhammad Riyad
The focus of this study was to determine and analyze the level of physical condition possessed by diving athletes in Pasuruan. The data obtained will be used as material for development and a benchmark for physical conditions that divers must own at the provincial level in other regions. This study used...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Students’ Digital Citizenship Practices on Distance Learning Activities During Pandemic Covid-19

Devita Puspa Sari, Sapriya Sapriya, Susan Fitriasari
This paper describes how students practice digital citizenship in distance learning conditions during the covid-19 pandemic. The position of technology changed the foundation of education that was initially done face-to-face switching to online learning activities. This situation certainly requires a...
Proceedings Article

Food Safety Counseling as a Fulfillment of the Right to Health Principles of Maqashid Syariah for Food Home Industry Actors in Ciroyom Village, Andir District, Bandung City

Fariz Farrih Izadi, Dian Alan Setiawan, Syahrul Fauzul Kabir, Zia Firdaus Nuzula
Article 35 Paragraph 1 of Government Regulation Number 86 of 2019 concerning Food Safety states that Small and Medium Enterprises and Home Food Industries actors are required to have a home industry processed food production permit. Products can be traded widely after obtaining a production license,...
Proceedings Article

Reconstruction Research on Translation Teaching Mode under Constructivism View

Guoxi Chai, Qiaozhi Wen
Based on traditional translation teaching mode, this paper proposes basic assumption for innovation of translation teaching mode from the social perspective of constructivism. The author explores reconstruction research on translation teaching mode under constructivism view and hopes to change the redefinition...
Proceedings Article

Chinese Philosophy of Harmony in the Use of Logo Designing

Xinxiong Liu, Wenqi Cao, Qian Ji
The various factions in Chinese intellectual history, especially the three pillars of the Chinese philosophy of Confucianism, Taoism, Buddhism, are invariably expressed the hope and longing towards "he".Today, in the pursuit of a socialist harmonious society, the research on traditional philosophy of...
Proceedings Article

The Inheritance and Development of Chinese Culture in College English Teaching

Weiwei Zheng
The main goal of College English teaching is to cultivate students' communicative competence, but also pay attention to the teaching and infiltration of Chinese culture. In the introduction and study of various western cultures at the same time, so that students learn to use English to introduce Chinese...
Proceedings Article

Discussion on the Art of Lingnan Manchuria Window

Lingzhi Wu
The Lingnan Manchuria window which derived from the culture integration of Manchuria culture, Lingnan culture and Western culture , was a decorative and functional art form at the time of late Qing Dynasty and early Republic of China. As one of the most distinctive symbol of Lingnan culture, its formation...
Proceedings Article

A study of Appointment Scheduling with No-Shows and Overbooking

Xudong Wang, Runtong Zhang
In the hospital clinic sub-time appointment mode, the patient will lead to a great waste of outpatient resources. In this paper, a multi-time multi-patient appointment strategy model is constructed in the case of patient's contract. The heuristic algorithm is used to obtain the effect of parameters such...
Proceedings Article

An Empirical Study of Sports Intervention on the Survival Ability of College Students Social Influence

Q.H. Zou
The contemporary college students have problems on adapting to the requirements of social development such as the poor self-care ability ,the lack of certain psychological endurance, the poor willpower, lacking of competitive consciousness and awareness of self protection etc.; Therefore, the develop...
Proceedings Article

Research on the University English Translation Course System Construction under the Market Orientated and Employment Guided Background

Dan Zhang
In this paper, we conduct research on the university English translation course system construction under the market orientated and employment guided background. High quality English translation course is dependent on the scientific management, as the strict teaching management is the important basis...
Proceedings Article

The Research of Assessing Liquidity and Operational Efficiency

Song Gao
A firm that can no longer pay its creditors—its bankers and suppliers—is illiquid and technically bankrupt, a situation that no manager wishes to face. Managers must make decisions that do not endanger their firm’s liquidity—a term that refers to the firm’s ability to meet its recurrent cash obligations...
Proceedings Article

A Comparative Study of Language Meta-cognitive Strategies Use between English Major and Non-English Major students

Lu Yan
In the1960s and 1970s, there was a shift of the foreign language teaching research from "how to teach" to "how to learn". Based on learning strategy theory, this paper makes an analysis of the differences in the adopting of meta-cognitive strategies and the correlations with their academic achievements...