Atlantis Highlights in Social Sciences, Education and Humanities

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1517 articles
Proceedings Article

The Fusion of Hybrid Teaching and Multi-level Cognitive Network Construction Application in the Physical Education and Health Education Curriculum

—— Take the Course “Motor Anatomy” as an Example

Jian-Min Huang, Cheng-Dong Zhu, Xue-Zhi Li, Xin-Miao Zhang
In order to strengthen the teaching effect of physical health education course, improve the students’ autonomous learning ability, this paper, for example, starting from the cognitive science and constructivism learning theory, analyzes the law of sports health education learning cognitive network construction,...
Proceedings Article

The Role Of The Government In Enforcing Human Rights Against The Exploitation And Deficiency Of The Rights Of Children Employed To Be Street Beggars

Yohanes Suwanto, Firdaus Charisma Budiman
Children are the generation that will carry on the spirit of the nation’s struggle and become the human resources of the future, which will serve as the capital for the nation’s sustainable development. However, in reality, child exploitation in Indonesia has developed into a complex problem and is part...
Proceedings Article

Research on Culture Construction and Management Under Computer-Based Model

Haoran Ji, Mohd. Noor Abdul Hamid
The new round of information technology revolution and industrial revolution has been promoted in recent years, and a new generation of information technology such as big data, artificial intelligence and cloud computing has achieved vigorous development, comprehensive integration, rapid transformation...
Proceedings Article

Corruption and integrity issues in governance involving indigenous minorities in Malaysia: Identifying the risk areas

Izawati Wook, Hasnah Hj Haron, Arif Fahmi Md. Yusof, Zulkiple Abd. Ghani, Abd. Hakim Mohad, Rosli Shaari
This paper presents the findings from a study that identifies the risk areas in corruption and integrity issues in governance involving indigenous minorities in Peninsular Malaysia. Risk refers to the likelihood or probability of an adverse effect resulting from a completed action. Failure to manage...
Proceedings Article

After School Closure: How Indonesian Senior High School Responded to Students’ Learning Loss

Faliqul Jannah Firdausi, Muhammad Taqiyuddin
This study examined the phenomenon of learning loss that occurs due to school closures during the COVID-19 situation. Some previous studies have predicted severe learning loss due to this pandemic. This research reveals the evidence of learning loss in high school and how schools anticipate it so that...
Proceedings Article

The gender differences of marital satisfaction’s influencing factors in China

Yan Sun, Weiwei Wang
The discussion on gender differences can be traced back to the early stages of human society, where different division of labor was formed between men and women based on physiological gender. The traditional gender role concept positions men as the role of “supporting the family” and forms a labor division...
Proceedings Article

The Mitigating Effects of Instant Messaging Applications for Older Adults During COVID-19 Pandemic

Raymond Chi Fai Chui, Daniel Ting Hei Mak
The mental health of older adults is greatly affected by the pandemic due to the anxiety towards Covid-19 and the reduction in social connectedness. This study focuses on the protective role of Instant Messaging Applications in mitigating the negative effects of Covid-19 anxiety on social connectedness...
Proceedings Article

Research on Quality Assurance of Distance Education in China: Historical Evolution, System Construction, and Future Prospects

Jinglian Tang, Zhuming Nie, Di Zhang
Distance education provides learners with a flexible, efficient, and high-quality lifelong learning pathway by optimizing resource allocation and enhancing interactivity, effectively promoting knowledge dissemination and skill improvement. Currently, distance education has encountered problems such as...
Proceedings Article

Training and Practice of Computer Professional Skill Competition in Vocational Colleges on Innovative Talents Under the Background of Artificial Intelligence

Ke Zhao
Innovation is an important source of national development, vocational college students as the main force of national skilled personnel, training innovative personnel is also urgent. Skill competition in vocational colleges plays a guiding, benchmarking and catalytic role in vocational education, and...
Proceedings Article

A toolkit for raising awareness and overcoming physical, attitudinal, and communication hindrances for persons with neuromotor disorders in community settings

Ana Filipa Santos, Sandra Oliveira, Joaquim Alvarelhão
This work aimed to identify which barriers persons with neuromotor disorders face often to participation in community settings and to encourage all actors in society to become agents of inclusion in their social and professional circles. An online survey among persons with neuromotor disorders identified...
Proceedings Article

The effect of organizational uncertainty level in schools on organizational depression

Esef Hakan Toytok, Fatma Güzelgörür
The purpose of this research is revealed the effect of organizational uncertainty in schools on organizational depression according to teacher perceptions. The sample of this research has been composed of 366 teachers that are employed in varying kindergartens, primary schools, secondary schools and...
Proceedings Article

The Influence of Da’wa Messages to Audiences in Active Reception Theory Perspective

Nurhablisyah, Andi Faisal Bakti
According to the World Population Review, in 2020, Indonesia’s Muslim population will reach 229 million people, or around 87.2%. With the largest Muslim population in the world, Indonesia is both a market and an example in the daily lives of Muslims. Smart Skill Skool channel owned by David Poernomo...
Proceedings Article

Media Consumption in Ecuador: Are Ultramediaciones Developing for Everyone?

Marco López Paredes, Andrea Carrillo Andrade, Jesús Tapia
Ultramediaciones is a concept developed by the authors that proposes that connectivity dominates beyond devices. In this sense, connectivity is not only on the Internet: it occurs in the digital and analogic world in the relationships that people create. It studies how a detonator (energy) generates,...
Proceedings Article

The Impact of AIGC on Critical Thinking Disposition and Motivation Levels in Scriptwriting Courses

Xinyu Chen, Wan Ahmad Jaafar Wan Yahaya, Zhenbin Huang, Xuejun Zhu
This study examines the influence of Artificial Intelligence Generated Content (AIGC) on Critical Thinking Disposition (CTD) and motivation levels in micro-film scriptwriting courses. The research explores both the opportunities AIGC presents for enhancing creativity and efficiency and the challenges...
Proceedings Article

Optimization of the Indicator System for Students’ Evaluation of Teaching in Universities Based on the AHP Method

Yingxin Jiang, Shigai Li, Yang Li
Students’ evaluation of teaching is an important part of education evaluation and is currently one of the main means of feedback on university teachers’ quality of classroom teaching. However, there are three problems with the current indicator system for students’ evaluation of teaching: inappropriate...
Proceedings Article

The Dynamics of the Military Industrial Complex in the Defense Industry Cooperation Framework between Indonesia and South Korea

Wishnu Mahendra Wiswayana
Defense policy is an absolute thing that needs to be pursued to ensure the survival of a country. Especially in responding to the development of the defense industry in cooperation with other partner countries. Not oriented in domestic needs to meet military capabilities. The defense industry is also...
Proceedings Article

The Paradigm 3E of Supporting Each Student’s Learnings and Findings

In the Case of English Language Teacher Training at MNUE

Khulan Ojgoosh, Bayarmaa Badrakhbayar, Oyun-Erdene Baasan
This paper presents the findings of experiments on supporting students’ learning by differentiating content, processes, and products in response to the student's readiness, interest, and learning profile through classroom management. The results showed that differentiated instruction throughout...
Proceedings Article

Decolonisation of the Curriculum: An Evaluation of Higher Education Qualifications Registered on the National Qualifications Framework

Japie Nel, Caroline Eva
The notion of decolonising the curriculum started in 2015/2016 when the #FeesMustfall movement started and has been at the center of higher education discourse in South Africa. Research papers interrogate conceptions of decolonisation, inclusive curriculum and the decolonisation of the curriculum. Numerous...
Proceedings Article

Research on ERP Curriculum Reform Based on Engineering Certification

Jiaju Wang
ERP is a discipline that closely combines application and practice, and is also a necessary knowledge system for enterprise informatization. Information engineer engineering certification based on enterprise informatization is a powerful means to ensure the demand for enterprise informatization talents....
Proceedings Article

The didactic transposition of probabilistic metric space concept

Youssef Achtoun, Mohammed Lamarti Sefian, Ismail Tahiri, Laakel Hemdanou Abderrafik, Mouali Sara
A space is a set which in defined a structure. Many typologies of spaces are provided in Mathematics. Before studying a lesson, teachers may know the structure of a lesson and their knowledge scholar. Two related lessons, probability and statistics, are everywhere jointly thought, however they are completely...
Proceedings Article

Laboratory-Based STEM Education: Micro-computer Based Laboratories and Virtual Laboratories

S. Margoum, L. Daadaoui, K. Berrada
Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education is critical to student’s future success. It relies heavily on laboratory experiments, which are effective teaching tools to promote greater understanding among students. Many researchers have long urged educators to re-examine technology...
Proceedings Article

A Tracking of Student Interest Using Online Trading from Theory of Planned Behavior Framework

Sinta Dewi Oktaviasari, Elva Nuraina, Elana Era Yusdita
This quantitative research examines the relationship between the variables observed in this study: attitudes toward investment, subjective norms in the scope of investment, perceptions of behavioral control in investing, and student investment intentions. Active undergraduate students at the University...
Proceedings Article

The Representation of Autistic Characters in the Fanfictions of “The Owl House”

Jimena Benites-Aquino, Arnau Gifreu-Castells, Yasmin Sayan-Casquino
Autistic characters in current TV series and films are not a realistic representation of autism. Thus, autistic people seek to see themselves reflected in alternative media, such as fanfiction. Hence, the main objective of this research is to analyze the representation of autistic characters in fanfiction....
Proceedings Article

Research on Curriculum System Construction Based on “BIMC” Technology Under “1+X” Certificate System

Fengnian Zhu, Xintian Nie
The implementation of “1+X” certificate system has played a positive role in promoting the vocational education of application- oriented undergraduate universities in China. Through field investigation, the authors found that current universities’ curriculum can neither meet enterprises’ needs of information...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Willingness Analysis and Incentive Mechanisms of Digital Transformation among Vocational College Teachers

Yanling Liu, Qian Liu
This study aims to explore the willingness of vocational college teachers towards digital transformation and its influencing factors, as well as to analyze the role of incentive mechanisms in enhancing teachers’ willingness for digital transformation. Through questionnaire surveys and case analyses,...
Proceedings Article

Redesign For Filling State Officers In Indonesia

Saiful Anam
The discussion in this paper discusses the Shift in Filling of Post-Indonesian State Officials. There are at least 5 serious problems involving the House of Representatives (DPR) involvement in filling state officials after the reform, firstly, the unclear criteria for State Officials that require the...
Proceedings Article

Assessing of Parental Feeding Practice for Childhood in Indonesia: A Rasch Insight

Itsar Bolo Rangka, Nur Hidayah, Fattah Hanurawan, Nur Eva
Parental feeding practice is a topic that has developed rapidly over the last three decades because it has a significant impact on the formation of healthy eating habits, optimal nutritional satisfaction, weight control, positive eating patterns, and the development of child’s eating skills. Regretfully,...
Proceedings Article

Design and Construction of Assistant Teaching System for Naval Professional English Translation Based on Mobile Education Platform

Yu Liu
In order to improve our navy's professional English literacy, and further safeguard our overseas interests, this paper takes advantage of the convenience and speed of mobile platform, adopts C/S structure, and uses Java language and SSH framework of J2ee to develop a naval professional English translation...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Arabic as a First Language Acquisition Syllabus Reform in one of the UAE Universities

Fatema Ebrahim Al Awadi
Arabic as a first language: principal and pedagogy is a syllabus reformed in one of the UAE federal colleges as one of the Education program courses. A concentration on such as syllabus is formed as a result of own experience in the curriculum design and development filed. The main aim of the research...
Proceedings Article

Cultural mapping as a co-creation strategy to transform - models for intergenerational appropriation of Logar do Falcão

Vitório Leite, Inês Reis, Luís Miguel Correia, Gonçalo Canto Moniz
This paper aims to frame and analyze the importance of design tools to integrate the collective projections of the community and enhance their appropriation of a specific place of the healthy corridor that URBiNAT H2020 project is developing in the city of Porto (Portugal): a vacant ruin of an old farm...
Proceedings Article

Design of University Computer Experiment Platform Based on Mixed Mode in The Context of Information Technology Innovation

Ge Jiao, Lang Li, Guangyong Zheng, Yun Wu
Under the backdrop of innovation in information technology application, experimental teaching plays a pivotal role in enhancing students’ system design ability. Addressing the current issues in computer composition principle experiment teaching, a virtual-reality integrated experiment platform is developed...
Proceedings Article

Learning Process Management Model Based on Formative Assessment

Ling Huang, Xing Fan
Learning process management is an important part of teaching design, and formative evaluation is a vital means of learning process management. Based on the generalized instructional design theory, the learning process management model in view of formative evaluation is studied in this paper. The thought...
Proceedings Article

Potential of Syariah Banks as Nadzir in Cash Waqf for Halal Tourism Funding

Vidiana Tasya Sabilla, Mohammad Izdiyan Muttaqin
Waqf has the potential to improve the economy of a country, because waqf has a role in improving the welfare of the people. Apart from that, the role of managing cash waqf funds can also be used more widely, not only for purposes which are always related to the construction of mosques, prayer rooms,...
Proceedings Article

Plan International and its Alliances’s Role in Overcoming Child Marriage Problem and Supporting Sustainable Development Goals Through The Yes I Do Program in Lombok, Indonesia

Kurnia Zulhandayani Rizki, Namira Risqi Putri Muquita, Khairur Rizki, Kinanti Rizsa Sabilla
This research exists to see the role of Plan International and its alliances in overcoming the problem of child marriage in Lombok, Indonesia through The Yes I Do program, to support the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Then, the author uses the Sustainable Development Goals and the Convention on...
Proceedings Article

Bird of paradise – a case study on developing a didactic object

Tetyana Masliyenko, Maria Teresa Pessoa
This research examines the didactic possibilities of the Strelitzia reginae plant as a case study. It is conducted as a part of the Educ@rteNatureza project at the University of Coimbra, Portugal, which focuses on developing a nature-centered educational model. The study focuses on examining the biological...
Proceedings Article

Research and Analysis of Smart Teaching Model in the Context of Engineering Education

Jingdong Wang, Chao Zong
Smart teaching is the main direction of education and teaching mode change in the new era. This paper takes the research literature on wisdom teaching mode in the context of engineering education in the past ten years as a sample, adopts bibliometric method and visual analysis to examine the research...
Proceedings Article

Perception of Peruvian Gamers About Gender Approach in the Campaign “In My Skin” of Guaraná

Yolanda Fatima Yarango Alcocer, Melina Haydee Mezarina Castilla
The objective of this research is to analyze how the inclusion of the gender approach in video games is being perceived by Peruvian female gamers through the advertising discourse of the Guarana brand with the “In my skin” campaign. The qualitative research methodology was used through 16 semi-structured...
Proceedings Article

Structural Analysis of the Chinese Framework for Digital Literacy of Teachers: Based on PLS-SEM

Ke Li, Suhe Ji
The Chinese Ministry of Education introduced a Chinese framework for teachers’ digital literacy in 2022 to guide digital literacy development. However, the Chinese framework lacks applicable measurement scales. This study transformed descriptions of the Chinese framework into a scale, examined the rationality...
Proceedings Article

“How Can Visual Arts Promote Social Integration?: A Study on Museum Visitors’ Participatory Use of VR & AR

Xizhen Zhou
With the popularity of virtual reality technology, the interactive design has been widespread in the display process of immersion virtual museums. Based on the questionnaire analysis of museum visitors combined with in-depth interview of VR & AR technology users, this study analyzes the characteristics,...
Proceedings Article

Christian Faith Enhances Meaning in Life

Tin-cheung Chan, Fai Kong
Meaning in life is vital in human life. From the literature, meaning in life is closely related to goal-reaching. Religion, the Christian faith, in particular, has been found to enhance meaning in life. Could the pursuit of religious goals reduce the conflict and thus increase the coherence between goals...
Proceedings Article

Legal Issues of Buy Now Pay Later (BNPL) Scheme in Malaysia

Ulfah Mansurah Zainudin, Ahmad Azam Othman
The advancement of technology has transformed the atmosphere of the global financial services sector. Financial technology, commonly known as Fintech, is widely adopted globally, including in Malaysia. The adoption of Fintech in the consumer credit landscape is no exception. The Buy Now Pay Later (BNPL)...
Proceedings Article

Development of Higher Vocational Ideological and Political Education Resource Platform Based on Mobile Platform

Wen Tang, Yanfa Chen
Ideological and political education resources are an important part of teaching. A sufficient teaching resource database can help students to quickly find the corresponding learning materials and conduct targeted learning. There are a large number of ideological and political teaching resources on the...
Proceedings Article

Study of the existing and requirements for the development of an e-commerce management system

Bailloul Youssef, Khaldi Mohamed
Our focus lies in the realm of exchange relations, specifically in the context of email communication. Our aim is to conduct a study that analyzes the current situation, with a particular emphasis on examining the tools available in the market for managing email communication. This study seeks to identify...
Proceedings Article

Discussion on Error Correction Teaching of the Open-Circuit Time Constant Method

Qiang Zhou, Zexuan Chen
Open-circuit time constant method (OCTCM) is an important knowledge point in the course of Analog Electronic Circuit, and it is an important part of the knowledge system of “from Device to single-stage amplification, to multi-stage amplification, to integrated amplification, to feedback, to frequency...
Proceedings Article

The Application Concept of Mise-En-Scene to Achieve Romance Genre and 1980’s Setting in the Film “Gita Cinta Dari SMA”

Petrus Damiami Sitepu, Peter Agustinus Soeyatno
Romance holds a prominent position among the most sought-after genres in the Indonesian film industry. The romance genre favors deeper narratives and thematic elements driven by love between characters, but films in the romance genre are not just strong in narrative, but also in style. Mise-en-Scene...
Proceedings Article

Research Study in Special Training of Rhythmic Gymnasts During Covid-19 Pandemic

Bat-Otgon Batsuren, Erdenezaya Baatarjav, Bolormaa Byambasuren, Bulgan Munkhbayar, Khaliun Batbold
The coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic presents us with a new challenge. During the strict lockdown, coaches continued to train junior athletes online. To determine the results of online training, the training of 13 junior rhythmic gymnasts was analyzed in this study. The mean age of the participants was...
Proceedings Article

Biological Power: Disciplinary and Managerial Societies Emerging in the Body and School Physical Education in the Neoliberal Era

Weichao Wang, Cheng Li, Bin Yue
Efforts to analyze athletes’ training processes through a Foucauldian lens have been ongoing long before recent events. Various monitoring methods have been utilized in elite sports to manage and control athletes during their practice routines, as extensively chronicled. In our modern societal landscape,...
Proceedings Article

Sexual Violence Againts Women in India

Gayatri Dyah Suprobowati, Faris Zuhad
Sexual violence against women has been on a significant rise in India in the last few years. In 2021, as many as 31,677 cases of rape were reported, which is a rise of 13% over the previous year. Most of the time, the perpetrator has been a known person: a family member, friend, or neighbor. While this...
Proceedings Article

Market Analytics for Providing Better Consumer Services

Man-Ching Yuen, Chi-Wai Yung, Xueqing Lyu, Yaxuan Hao, Ze Kin Chung
Prologic Robotics is a local brand based in Hong Kong, established in 2010. The Prologic Robotics brand team focuses on developing cutting-edge intelligent automatic robots and launched the intelligent automatic vacuuming robot in the same year, committed to simplifying people’s lives through technology....
Proceedings Article

Players’ Perception in Video Games With Horror Narrative: Analysis of the Audiovisual Features in Resident Evil

Renzo Marcos Huaman, Arnau Gifreu-Castells, Yasmin Sayan-Casquino
The analysis focuses on the perception of players in horror video games, particularly in Resident Evil (Biohazard in Japan), recognized for its narrative and challenges. It investigates how audiovisual elements, such as setting and music, influence the experience. The results underline the importance...
Proceedings Article

Developing E-Learning Course “Circular Economy” in the Study Process and Adult Education

D. Atstāja, M. Purviņš, J. Butkevičs, N. Cudečka-Puriņa, I. Uvarova
Since the beginning of the pandemic, the educational process in many educational institutions has changed. The work organisation has changed considerably, with online lectures and classes coming in daily. Many more technologies and solutions are involved in preparing the subject and the study process....
Proceedings Article

Integration of Computational Thinking in Mathematics Education in Indonesia

I Made Suarsana, Dadan Dasari, Elah Nurlaelah
Computational thinking (CT) has attracted the attention of many parties after it was popularized by Wing in 2006 and was determined to be one of the 21st century skills. Various countries, including Indonesia, have begun to respond to the issue by integrating CT into the education curriculum. In 2018,...
Proceedings Article

Experiences and Insights of Village Sports Events Helping to Revitalise Village Culture - Taking Cun Ba and Cun chao as Examples

Xue-Zhi Li, Cheng-Dong Zhu, Jian-Min Huang, Xin-Miao Zhang
This study investigates the role of rural sports events, specifically the Guizhou Cun chao (village football Super League) and Cun Ba (village Basketball Association), in the context of rural revitalization. The analysis reveals that these events not only promote the preservation and innovation of rural...
Proceedings Article

Visual Analysis of Big Data Related Job Recruitment Information Based on 51job

Jingjing Shen, Shuyan Yu
In such an era of big data, the accumulation of data leads to a sharp increase in the demand for big data-related positions, and a large number of recruitment information is published on recruitment websites. The mining and analysis of these recruitment information will help those engaged in related...
Proceedings Article

An Empirical Study on the Development of Educational Economy in Ethnic Areas Behind Modern Information Technology

Chuanli Wei, Jianghong Zhao
Based on data from 2005 to 2019, with the five ethnic autonomous regions as an example, using Cobb-Douglas production function, a detailed analysis of five national region education under the condition of economic development, as well as the contribution rate of education to the economic growth. This...
Proceedings Article

Hiscape the fog – Be ready to ‘room’ around

Ana Vilela, Andreia Mendes, Mikaela Santos
In Portugal, there is a noticeable growing disinterest for the study area of Social Sciences and Humanities to the detriment of the Science and Technologies study area. While living in a society that values a practical kind of knowledge ready to be used in various jobs, subjects that require insight...
Proceedings Article

Factchequeado: Fake News in Spanish Knows No Borders

Teresa Puente
During the COVID-19 pandemic there was another type of pandemic surging, an infodemic, according to the World Health Organization. The impact of disinformation, sometimes called fake news, has been significantly researched. But there has been little research on disinformation in Spanish and how it spreads...
Proceedings Article

Variety of Chronic Diseases of the Elderly in a Pension Institution in Guilin

Meiting Wu, Shangyuhui Huang, Jingwen Liang, Tao Jiang
Objective According to the clinical characteristics and types of chronic diseases of an elder care institution in Guilin, the number of multiple chronic disease types, basic physiological indicators, and influencing factors were counted. This paper aims to explore the establishment of an...
Proceedings Article

Design and Development of Safety Education System in Colleges and Universities Based on Virtual Reality Technology

Nana Zhang
Under the guidance of existing technologies and theories, aiming at the problems existing in the field of safety education in colleges and universities, this paper makes use of the advantages of virtual reality technology, deeply integrates virtual reality technology with safety education in colleges...
Proceedings Article

The Construction of Online Teaching System for Finance Major in Colleges and Universities Under the Background of Internet+Education

Linlin Yu
With the acceleration of the development of science and technology, the economic development mode tends to be diversified gradually, so the society puts forward higher requirements for financial professionals. In order to meet the social needs and improve the education quality of financial professionals,...
Proceedings Article

Decolonising Teaching and Learning Practice: The Review of Curriculum and Pedagogy of Undergraduate General Linguistics Modules

Rivalani Xenon Masonto
Despite the burgeoning scholarship on the decolonisation over the last few years, this project remains contested by diverse ontologies, epistemologies and ideologies of Western, non-Western, South American origins. Thus, while higher education institutions all claim to be advancing decolonisation in...
Proceedings Article

Cultural heritage mapping through community participation in Vale de Massarelos (Porto)

Laís Pettinati, Teresa Cunha Ferreira, Teresa Marques, Natalia Azevedo, Julia Rey Pérez
Participatory approaches and transdisciplinary co-creation strategies are among the best practices for integrated and inclusive contemporary urban management. This article focuses on cultural heritage mapping through the participation of stakeholders and provides i) critical analysis of two case studies:...
Proceedings Article

Exploration and Practice of the Experimental Training System in Finance Courses in the Era of Digital Intelligence

Zheng Hu
The restructuring of the experimental teaching system in finance courses is a significant embodiment of the deep integration between the finance discipline and artificial intelligence technologies. It serves as a breakthrough for universities to enhance the quality of finance talent cultivation. This...
Proceedings Article

Aligning the Attitude towards Math Inventory

Chue Kah Loong
The aim of this study is twofold: 1) to align the Attitude towards Math Inventory so that it fits the construct of an attitude and 2) to investigate the psychometric properties and possible gender biasness in the inventory. The short version of the attitude towards math inventory was modified to fit...
Proceedings Article

The Mediating Role of Prosocial Behavior and Meaning in Life in the Relationship Between Religiosity and Attitude Towards People with Intellectual Disability (ID) of Hong Kong Young Adults

Jacky Ka-Kuen Wong, Raymond C. F. Chui
This study examines the relationship between the attitudes toward people with ID with religiosity, meaning in life and prosocial behavior among Hong Kong young adults. Religiosity, meaning in life and prosocial behaviour have been found with effect on individual beliefs, values and behaviors, but no...
Proceedings Article

Improving Personalization in Education: An Approach to Automatically Tagging Resources with Tag Recommender Systems

Zakaria Tagdimi, Souhaib Aammou, Ikram Amzil, Hicham Erradi
This article discusses the use of Tag Recommender Systems (TRS) in Intelligent Educational Systems (IES) for providing personalized learning experiences to learners. The article explains how TRS works by analyzing tags associated with resources and suggesting similar content to users based on their tag...
Proceedings Article

An Empirical Research on EFL in General High School

Wenshu Wu, Namjildagva Raash, Ariunaa Dashtseren
Learners’ differences play a decisive role in language learning. There is a need to strengthen the research from the perspective of gender difference under the second language motivational self-system learning English as a foreign language. The research explores the impact of the second language motivational...
Proceedings Article

Research on Statistical Models of Tonal Patterns in Kang County Dialect

Xuan Liu, Sisi Liu
This study focuses on analyzing the tonal patterns of monosyllabic words in the Kangxian dialect. By combining traditional tone research methodologies with experimental speech acoustics, it quantifies the duration and pitch values of Kangxian dialect tones, depicts their tonal structures, and aims to...
Proceedings Article

More Than Just Playing: The Pleasure of Online Game Players

Ratna Permata Sari
Online games are often seen only for their negative impacts in the form of addiction, consumptive behavior, and other accompanying impacts. Regardless of the pros and cons, as an issue of cultural studies, online games have become popular cultural products that are interesting to discuss. This study...
Proceedings Article

Unity Across Continents: Non-State Actors and The Principles of Egypt and Indonesia Bilateral Diplomacy

Aya Mohammed Youssef Abd Allah, Aidul Fitriciada Azhari
This study examines the interaction of foreign policy, principles, and agreements from the Vienna Conventions. This paper explores the difficulties non-state diplomatic actors encounter when interacting with conventional, state-centered diplomatic. This study identifies key areas where non-state actors...
Proceedings Article

Construction of Sports Rehabilitation Vertical Curriculum Group from the OBE Perspective

Xinmiao Zhang, Yongheng Pei, Chengdong Zhu
In sports colleges sports rehabilitation courses, for example, establish the output orientation (OBE) as the guiding ideology of the longitudinal curriculum group, scattered in different semester highly related course integration, from the professional basic course, concise core knowledge, with time...
Proceedings Article

Linear Regression Analysis of Contributing Factors to Leadership Development of Chinese Adolescents

Ruoran Wang, Yong Wang, Lili Song, Xianran Feng, Lihao Li, Qian Meng, Hong Chen
Adolescence is the most crucial and optimal stage to develop leadership. Adolescent leadership development refers to the various forms of practices or events initiated to help increase the adolescents’ awareness of team-leading, enhance their leadership knowhow and sharpen their leadership skills. This...
Proceedings Article

Uses and Gratifications of the Reality Show ‘La Casa de los Famosos Mexico’ in the Millennial Audience

Naomi Pinchi-Tirado, Arnau Gifreu-Castells, Yasmin Sayan-Casquino
‘La Casa de los Famosos México’ reached great audience records by being trending on social networks during its transmission. This research seeks to identify the uses and gratifications of the mentioned reality in the millennial audience. The method is qualitative. The design is phenomenological. Data...
Proceedings Article

The Construction of Double Network Simulation Training System for College Students Based on Cloud Platform

Hua Xie
In order to promote the innovation and entrepreneurship reform of college students in national construction, this paper designs college students’ double-innovation training system based on cloud learning platform and realizes the development of related application platforms. The system adopts java technology...
Proceedings Article

An Immersive Interactive Installation as Positive Technology from an Artistic Practice Perspective

Xiaran Song
Interactive installation art in the context of art therapy can create positive emotions and encourage exploration of personal identity and relationships through immersive multisensory experiences for participants. Positive technology, a scientific approach to the use of technology to optimize individuals’...
Proceedings Article

Ukraine’s submission to the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court: The Rule and Responses

Fransiska Ayulistya Susanto, Yasniar Rachmawati Madjid, A. A. A. Nanda Saraswati
The international conflict between Russia and Ukraine has been ongoing for more than a year. The invasion carried out by the Russian side has caused various losses in the form of loss of life and property as well as massive damage to public facilities in several regions of Ukraine. The International...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Foreign Debt in National Development Financing: A Case Study of Foreign Debt in Financing Infrastructure Development in Mandalika Special Economic Zone

Alfian Hidayat, Sirwan Yazid Bustami
The abstract should summarize the contents of the paper in short terms, i.e. 150-250 wordsThe realization of the financing infrastructure development for Mandalika Special Economic Zone (Mandalika SEZ) through a foreign debt scheme, financed by Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, has caused various...
Proceedings Article

Impact of the Integration of OERs on Learning Outcomes: Case of Engineering Students in Morocco

F. Z. Alami Talbi
This paper attempts to assess the impact of integrating Open Educational Resources (OERs) on the learning outcomes of the finance course taught to students of a Moroccan engineering school. For that purpose, an event methodology is used to compare students’ learning outcomes before the use of OERs (i.e.,...
Proceedings Article

Reducing stereotypes towards people with disabilities – a fundamental condition for sustainable scholar and social inclusion

Valentin Cosmin Blandul
Nowadays, we are influenced by many stereotypes and prejudices that change the way we relate to those around us. The biggest risk we are exposed to by accepting these stereotypes is to marginalize or discriminate against a particular person or group, just because they are different from us. Therefore,...
Proceedings Article

Early warning analysis of financial risk of new energy enterprises based on neural network

Lixing Zhu, Xue Yang, Xue Jiang, Yuqi Tian, Junjie Yan
In the new energy sector, financial risk management is crucial. Nonlinear financial data can challenge traditional early warning models. Neural networks can better predict financial risk for new energy enterprises. New energy enterprises’ financial risk research is reviewed first. Then we discuss neural...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of the Connotation and Characteristics of Positive Psychology in the New Era

Zhaojun Jing
With the development of the new era and the continuous progress of society, people are facing more and more pressures in their daily lives. Most people experience negative emotions such as doubt, anxiety and restlessness, and lose confidence in life. This is a red flag that should be heeded. Positive...
Proceedings Article

The Intersection of the Halal Industry in the Influence of Sharia Economic Lifestyle on the Global Economy

Wiwit Musaada, M. Izdiyan Muttaqin
The study reveals the growth of the sharia-compliant halal industry, with global consumption of halal products by Muslim consumers reaching USD 2.29 trillion and projected to grow to USD 3 trillion by the end of 2023. This growth, at a CAGR of 6.11%, is taking place in both Muslim and non-Muslim majority...
Proceedings Article

Adaptable and non-adaptable gamified e-learning model using chatbots

Zecri Ezzoubair, El Haddioui Ismail, Ouzzif Mohammed, Souali Kamal
Is true that human interaction can play a significant role in learning process. The lack of these interactions can lead to feelings of isolation and disengagement among learners. Several researchers have proposed gamified e-learning model as an effective way to increase learners’ motivation by providing...
Proceedings Article

Modern Engineering Project Management Based on Deep Artificial Intelligence Technology

Ailian Gao, Nolan L. Guillao, Ziping Yu
The industrial revolution has driven rapid transformation and development across the industry, and engineering project management is facing opportunities and challenges. With the outbreak of new coronavirus, the process of modern engineering project management has been promoted significantly. Artificial...
Proceedings Article

The Role of Advertising in Addressing Online Sexual Harassment: Pilsen’s Male-Focused Campaign During COVID-19

Gabriela Gamarra, Francisco Arbaiza
During the pandemic, brands have rethought their advertising communication around the global crisis, while people immerse themselves even more in the virtual world. It is important to study these changes because the increase in internet usage has led to a deepening of negative behaviors by men, such...
Proceedings Article

Exploration and Practice of Process Assessment of University Courses Based on Rain Classroom and Lark—Take Career Planning for College Students as an Example

Lin Jin
Based on Rain Classroom and Lark, this paper applies information technology tools to the course “Career Planning for College Students” and designs and implements a new process assessment method, which enhances the plurality, transparency, objectivity and fairness of process assessment and reduces the...
Proceedings Article

Theoretical and Practical Lesson Planning Guide: Its Effect on The Lesson Planning Performance of Pre-Service Teachers

Geremy G. Sanchez, Rinbeth S. Riva, Rodilyn C. Angligen
A scarcity of developmental research studies addresses the critical challenges faced by both pre-service and in-service teachers in the domain of lesson planning. Moreover, only a small subset of these studies rigorously tested their findings, leaving the efficacy of the developed outputs largely theoretical....
Proceedings Article

Adapting “Tickle Fickle” Comic Strip to an Animated Short Film

Sella Putri Arby, Yohanes Merci Widiastomo
One medium that is widely available in society is comics. McCloud (2006) reveals that comics are pictures that are arranged sequentially so that they can provide a specific context and purpose. This term is called juxtaposition, similar to making storyboards used in film production. Adapting from a comic,...
Proceedings Article

Research and Practice on Integrating STEM Education into Business English Professionals Training Reform

Yaofang Wen
This study explores the methods and effects of integrating STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) education principles into the Business English curriculum at vocational colleges in China. Most students in the Business English program come from a humanities background, leading to significant...
Proceedings Article

Analysis Based on Structural Equation and Decision Tree Model of Higher Vocational Students’ Learning Satisfaction Under Blended Learning

Take Data Processing Course as an Example

Jing Wang
Based on the theory of customer satisfaction, this paper analyzes the status of students’ learning satisfaction and explores the factors that affect learning satisfaction by constructing the structural equation and decision tree model under blended learning. The results show that in the blended learning...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Application of “Webcast” Teaching Mode in Finance and Accounting Major Courses

Gege Wu
In the current context of the transformation of education informatization, the traditional teaching mode is facing unprecedented challenges and opportunities. Especially after the global epidemic, the rapid rise of webcast teaching mode has become an important direction to lead the development of innovation...
Proceedings Article

Study on the Development of Smart Tourism in Liangzhu Ancient City Ruins Park--Based on Visitors’ online commentary data

Yan Min, Zhou Bo
Smart tourism is an important way of creative transformation and innovative development of cultural heritage, as well as an important means of enriching the way tourists experience tourism. As a world cultural heritage, Liangzhu Ancient City Ruins Park shoulders the mission of spreading Chinese culture...
Proceedings Article

Marketing System Based on Artificial Intelligence Technology Construction and Risk Analysis

Jinlian Zhang
Based on the construction of marketing system and risk analysis, artificial intelligence technology is used to reshape its structure, establish a prediction system for marketing risk analysis, and comprehensively promote the positive development of marketing system. In the process of marketing data information...
Proceedings Article

Validation of the Supervision Outcome Scale in Counselor Professional Education in Indonesia: A Rasch Model Approach

Afriyadi Sofyan, Nur Hidayah, Bambang Budi Wiyono, M. Ramli, Yuying Tsong
This study investigates the applicability of the Supervision Outcome Scale (SOS), initially developed by Yuying Tsong, in the context of counselor professional education (CPE) in Indonesia. The research objective was to validate the Indonesian SOS (ID-SOS) version using the Rasch Rating Scale Model....
Proceedings Article

Online Education, the Option for Mexican Migrants to Reduce Their Educational Disadvantages: the Case of the APRENDE INEA Platform

María Arcelia Serrano Vargas, Claudia Rivera Hernández
This article is about a longitudinal analysis using the Current Population Survey (CPS) databases published by the United States Census Bureau, specifically the Annual Social and Economic Supplements for the years 1995, 2000, 2005, 2010, 2015, 2020 and 2023, the purpose is to observe the changes and...
Proceedings Article

Examining the level of organizational uncertainty perceived by teachers in their schools

Esef Hakan Toytok, Halil Tanir
In this study, the perceived level of organizational uncertainty of teachers working in public and private schools has been attempted to be determined. In this study, the quantitative research method of the descriptive survey model has been used. The data collection tools used in this research were the...
Proceedings Article

Towards the design and modeling of an Expert Computer System to help develop strategies for solving mathematical problems: Verbalization and modeling of solving problem networks

Asmae Bahbah, Mohamed Erradi
Mathematical problem solving is one of the most important skills that students need to develop in order to be successful in their academic and professional lives. Mathematical problem solving engenders a variety of cognitive, metacognitive, affective, and emotional processes, which can be beneficial...
Proceedings Article

Elderly Facing Death During the Pandemic: The Ethical Dilemma of Hong Kong Christians

Carrie Ho Yee Wu
Christian faith has a major influence on Hong Kong since the 17th century. Many hospitals and organizations have upheld the spirit of Christian ethics to help those in need, especially for the end-of-life care of the elderlies. In the past two years of the outbreak of pandemic, the medical system established...
Proceedings Article

The Implementation of Rinjani Lombok UNESCO Global Geopark’s (RL-UGGp) Working Programs Based on Sustainable Development Goals in Sembalun Tourism Area

Lalu Puttrawandi Karjaya, Kinanti Rizsa Sabilla, Valencia Husni, Sirwan Yazid Bustami
This research examines the implementation of the Rinjani Lombok UNESCO Global Geopark’s (RL-UGGp) working programs in Sembalun, focusing on its alignment with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The research adopts a descriptive qualitative approach, utilizing interviews, observations, and document...
Proceedings Article

AI Enable Efficient Learning: An Edge Intelligence Driven Monocular Lecture Video Recording System

Rui Wang, Zesen Zou, Yang Gao
Currently, smart classrooms in universities generally record live teaching videos based on multiple traditional cameras, which is resource-wasteful and inefficient. To address this problem, this paper presents an edge intelligence driven monocular lecture video recording system based on pan-tilt-zoom...