Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Education and Technology (ICET 2021)
179 authors
- A.I., Khusnul Khotimah
- Analysis of the Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on the Learning Process in PAUD Negeri 1 Samarinda
- Abidin, Zainul
- Augmented Reality Using Text-based Marker for Intermediate Reading Course Modules
- Adha, Maulana Amirul
- Moral as the Basis of Leadership Practices in Excellent Schools
- Afandi, Riza Aulia
- Augmented Reality Using Text-based Marker for Intermediate Reading Course Modules
- Afrillia, Yesi Martha
- Prospective Elementary Teachers’ Difficulties in Solving Conceptual Tasks on Representation of Addition and Subtraction of Fractions
- Ahdhianto, Erif
- Gamification Strategy for e-Learning Using SMART Model Approach: An Indonesian Case Study
- Ahdhianto, Erif
- Implementation of Blog-Based Learning Media for Enhancing Students Elementary School Intelligent
- Akbar, Sa’dun
- Comparative Analysis of Government Policies Indonesia and Malaysia About Character Education in Primary Schools
- Akhbar, Ahmad Furqon
- Moral as the Basis of Leadership Practices in Excellent Schools
- Andrean, Haikal
- The Importance of Technology Education for Children with Special Needs in Inclusive Schools
- Andrean, Haikal
- The Role of Parents in Children’s Online Learning Special Needs During Pandemic (Case Study of Special School in Sidoarjo District)
- Anisa, Nur
- Improving Higher-order Thinking Skills Through the Implementation of Open-Ended Play for Children aged 5-6 Years
- Argadinata, Hasan
- The Analysis of Education Standards Achievement in The Internal Quality Assurance System (IQAS)
- Astuti, Wuri
- Improving Higher-order Thinking Skills Through the Implementation of Open-Ended Play for Children aged 5-6 Years
- Atmoko, Adi
- Measuring Cognitive Fusion on Counselor Involvement Performance
- Aulia, Fikri
- Visualizing Trend of 21st-Century Curriculum: A Bibliometric Analysis
- Bafadal, Ibrahim
- Let Me Know About Your Leader! The Framework of Instructional Leadership
- Bafadal, Ibrahim
- Moral as the Basis of Leadership Practices in Excellent Schools
- Baharudin, Agus
- Let Me Know About Your Leader! The Framework of Instructional Leadership
- Benty, Djum Djum Noor
- Let Me Know About Your Leader! The Framework of Instructional Leadership
- Budiman, Riyadi
- Exploring Facebook for Character Building Through Religious Education in Universitas Tanjungpura, Indonesia
- Bunahri, Rifqi Raza
- The Use of Information Technology in Semi-Military Education Systems: Problems and Challenges
- Burhanuddin
- Management Information System and Its Competitive Advantages for School and University Organization in the New World Order
- Cholifah, Puri Selfi
- Designing Teaching Simulation Tools-Multimedia Based for Online Courses of Elementary School Indonesia Language Teaching and Learning
- Cholifah, Puri Selfi
- Review of the Effectiveness of Digital Game-Based Learning in Education
- Cholifah, Puri Selfi
- Designing Immersed Virtual Reality Assessment (IVRA) in Improving Online Social Interaction: A Preliminary Research
- Dewantoro, Dimas Arif
- Comparative Study: Use of ICT Media in Learning for Deaf Students During the Covid-19 Pandemic in Malaysia and Indonesia
- Dewantoro, Dimas Arif
- Comparison of Nonverbal Communication Skills of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder Who Are in Inclusive Schools and Special Schools
- Dewi, Arini Citra
- Development of Educational Game Media Based on Android Animal Life Cycle Materials in 4th Grade Elementary School
- Dianti, Ine Luna
- Gamification Strategy for e-Learning Using SMART Model Approach: An Indonesian Case Study
- Ediyanto
- Virtual Reality-Based Assistive Technology as a Solution for Autistic Students to Know the School Environment During the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Ediyanto
- Augmented Reality Technology as a Learning Media to Help Parents in the Academic Functional Education of Children with Hearing Impairments
- Ediyanto
- Comparison of Nonverbal Communication Skills of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder Who Are in Inclusive Schools and Special Schools
- Efendi, Mohammad
- Virtual Reality-Based Assistive Technology as a Solution for Autistic Students to Know the School Environment During the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Efendi, Mohammad
- Comparative Study: Use of ICT Media in Learning for Deaf Students During the Covid-19 Pandemic in Malaysia and Indonesia
- Efendi, Mohammad
- Augmented Reality Technology as a Learning Media to Help Parents in the Academic Functional Education of Children with Hearing Impairments
- Gunawan, Imam
- Development and Validation of Instruments to Assess Student Work Readiness: An Indonesian Contexts
- Gunawan, Imam
- Let Me Know About Your Leader! The Framework of Instructional Leadership
- Gunawan, Imam
- Moral as the Basis of Leadership Practices in Excellent Schools
- Hambali, IM.
- Nyethe as Culture Based Art Group Therapy
- Hanafi, Husni
- Measuring Cognitive Fusion on Counselor Involvement Performance
- Hanafi, Husni
- Development of Narrative Counseling Model Based on Madurese Parebasan
- Hastuti, Wiwik Dwi
- Virtual Reality-Based Assistive Technology as a Solution for Autistic Students to Know the School Environment During the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Hastuti, Wiwik Dwi
- Comparison of Nonverbal Communication Skills of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder Who Are in Inclusive Schools and Special Schools
- Hermawan, Hardika Dwi
- The Use of Information Technology in Semi-Military Education Systems: Problems and Challenges
- Hermita, Neni
- Prospective Elementary Teachers’ Difficulties in Solving Conceptual Tasks on Representation of Addition and Subtraction of Fractions
- Hidayah, Nur
- Measuring Cognitive Fusion on Counselor Involvement Performance
- Hidayah, Nur
- Nyethe as Culture Based Art Group Therapy
- Hidayah, Nur
- Development of Narrative Counseling Model Based on Madurese Parebasan
- Hishamuddin, Nurul Syazana
- The Technology Used for Government’s Communication Strategy During COVID-19 Pandemic; A Comparative Study Between Langkawi, Malaysia and Bali, Indonesia
- Huda, Abdul
- Comparative Study: Use of ICT Media in Learning for Deaf Students During the Covid-19 Pandemic in Malaysia and Indonesia
- Hung, Min-Ling
- Moral as the Basis of Leadership Practices in Excellent Schools
- Imron, Ali
- Implementation of Academic Supervision in Improving Teachers Teaching Performance in the Covid-19 Pandemic Era at Elementary School
- Imron, Ali
- Educational Supervision in Improving Teacher Competence
- Indreswari, Henny
- Augmented Reality Technology as a Learning Media to Help Parents in the Academic Functional Education of Children with Hearing Impairments
- Irvan, Muchamad
- The Peer Tutor Method: Implementation in Hybrid Learning Settings for Students with Disabilities
- Irvan, Muchamad
- Comparison of Nonverbal Communication Skills of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder Who Are in Inclusive Schools and Special Schools
- Iswahyudi, Silvana Rahma
- Augmented Reality Technology as a Learning Media to Help Parents in the Academic Functional Education of Children with Hearing Impairments
- Jauhari, Muhammad Nurrohman
- The Peer Tutor Method: Implementation in Hybrid Learning Settings for Students with Disabilities
- Juharyanto
- Problems of Online Learning in Islam Religious Education at Elementary Schools
- Juharyanto
- Moral as the Basis of Leadership Practices in Excellent Schools
- Junaidi, Ahsan Romadlon
- Virtual Reality-Based Assistive Technology as a Solution for Autistic Students to Know the School Environment During the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Junaidi, Ahsan Romadlon
- Comparison of Nonverbal Communication Skills of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder Who Are in Inclusive Schools and Special Schools
- Khotimah, Khusnul
- Readiness of Elementary School Teachers in Facing Minimun Competency Assessment (MCA)
- Kurniawan, Citra
- Visualizing Trend of 21st-Century Curriculum: A Bibliometric Analysis
- Kurniawan, Citra
- Analysis of Trend for Online Counseling Using Systematic Mapping
- Kurniawati, Nur Laila Ayu
- Development of Powtoon-based Learning Videos for Grade 4 Elementary School Students
- Kusumaningrum, Desi Eri
- Let Me Know About Your Leader! The Framework of Instructional Leadership
- Kuswandi, Dedi
- Visualizing Trend of 21st-Century Curriculum: A Bibliometric Analysis
- Linguistika, Yulia
- Learning Media Educational Game “Gebang Datar” Geometric Shape Material with Independent Strengthening Character for Fourth Grade Elementary Students
- Liu, Yue
- The Reform and Practice of Training Model of Innovative and Entrepreneurial Talents in the Concept of “the Combination of Specialization and Creation”
- Mahanani, Putri
- Problematic of Online Learning Viewed from Personality Traits of Students in Elementary Teacher Education Program
- Mahanani, Putri
- Designing Immersed Virtual Reality Assessment (IVRA) in Improving Online Social Interaction: A Preliminary Research
- Mahartania, Sri Qayyuumu Gusti
- Review of the Effectiveness of Digital Game-Based Learning in Education
- Maknuunah, Lu’luil
- Visualizing Trend of 21st-Century Curriculum: A Bibliometric Analysis
- Martinus, Handy
- The Technology Used for Government’s Communication Strategy During COVID-19 Pandemic; A Comparative Study Between Langkawi, Malaysia and Bali, Indonesia
- Mas’ula, Siti
- Implementation of Blog-Based Learning Media for Enhancing Students Elementary School Intelligent
- Mayudho, Ilham
- Educational Supervision in Improving Teacher Competence
- Muchtar
- Readiness of Elementary School Teachers in Facing Minimun Competency Assessment (MCA)
- Mukhadis, Amat
- The Analysis of Education Standards Achievement in The Internal Quality Assurance System (IQAS)
- Murdiyah, Sri
- Development of Powtoon-based Learning Videos for Grade 4 Elementary School Students
- Muslikhah
- The Effectiveness of Training Model Multimedia Based Learning Communication in Improving Mudarris Competence
- Mustafa, Eshaby
- The Technology Used for Government’s Communication Strategy During COVID-19 Pandemic; A Comparative Study Between Langkawi, Malaysia and Bali, Indonesia
- Mutmainah, Siti
- The Peer Tutor Method: Implementation in Hybrid Learning Settings for Students with Disabilities
- Muzaki, Ferril Irham
- Development of Fractional Interactive Multimedia by Strengthening Independent Character of Grade III Elementary School Students
- Nabilah, Bad’un
- Development of Digital Comic Media Flipbook with Character Content Mutual Respect at the Third-Grade Elementary School
- Nafi’a, Muhammad Zidni Ilman
- Visualizing Trend of 21st-Century Curriculum: A Bibliometric Analysis
- Nahdhiah, Umi
- Development of Fractional Interactive Multimedia by Strengthening Independent Character of Grade III Elementary School Students
- Nasih, Ahmad Munjin
- Problems of Online Learning in Islam Religious Education at Elementary Schools
- Nasih, Ahmad Munjin
- Exploring Facebook for Character Building Through Religious Education in Universitas Tanjungpura, Indonesia
- Nawawi, Imam
- Problematic of Online Learning Viewed from Personality Traits of Students in Elementary Teacher Education Program
- Noviana, Eddy
- Prospective Elementary Teachers’ Difficulties in Solving Conceptual Tasks on Representation of Addition and Subtraction of Fractions
- Nugraha, Kristian Adi
- Designing Consultation Chatbot Using Telegram API and Webhook-based NodeJS Applications
- Nurabadi, Ahmad
- Let Me Know About Your Leader! The Framework of Instructional Leadership
- Nurabadi, Ahmad
- Moral as the Basis of Leadership Practices in Excellent Schools
- Nuraini, Ni Luh Sakinah
- Designing Teaching Simulation Tools-Multimedia Based for Online Courses of Elementary School Indonesia Language Teaching and Learning
- Nuraini, Ni Luh Sakinah
- Review of the Effectiveness of Digital Game-Based Learning in Education
- Nuraini, Ni Luh Sakinah
- Designing Immersed Virtual Reality Assessment (IVRA) in Improving Online Social Interaction: A Preliminary Research
- Pradipta, Rizqi Fajar
- The Importance of Technology Education for Children with Special Needs in Inclusive Schools
- Pradipta, Rizqi Fajar
- Comparative Study: Use of ICT Media in Learning for Deaf Students During the Covid-19 Pandemic in Malaysia and Indonesia