Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Education and Technology (ICET 2021)
179 authors
- Pradipta, Rizqi Fajar
- The Role of Parents in Children’s Online Learning Special Needs During Pandemic (Case Study of Special School in Sidoarjo District)
- Praherdhiono, Henry
- Barrier Assistive Technology in Inclusive Classroom
- Pramono
- Gamification Strategy for e-Learning Using SMART Model Approach: An Indonesian Case Study
- Pratama, Ujang Nendra
- Online Observation Protocol to Supervise Online Learning and Its Sample Report
- Pratiwi, Firda Dwi
- Moral as the Basis of Leadership Practices in Excellent Schools
- Prayoga, Andhika Gilang
- Let Me Know About Your Leader! The Framework of Instructional Leadership
- Prestiadi, Dedi
- The Use of Gamification Quizizz as a Media for Online Learning Assessment During the Covid 19 Pandemic
- Prestiadi, Dedi
- Implementation of Academic Supervision in Improving Teachers Teaching Performance in the Covid-19 Pandemic Era at Elementary School
- Prestiadi, Dedi
- Educational Supervision in Improving Teacher Competence
- Priyatni, Endah Tri
- Problems of Online Learning in Islam Religious Education at Elementary Schools
- Purnamawati, Frimha
- The Importance of Technology Education for Children with Special Needs in Inclusive Schools
- Purnamawati, Frimha
- The Role of Parents in Children’s Online Learning Special Needs During Pandemic (Case Study of Special School in Sidoarjo District)
- Puspitasari, Lenita
- Comparative Analysis of Government Policies Indonesia and Malaysia About Character Education in Primary Schools
- Putra, Andika Nur Rahma
- The Analysis of Education Standards Achievement in The Internal Quality Assurance System (IQAS)
- Putra, Arda Purnama
- Development of Digital Comic Media Flipbook with Character Content Mutual Respect at the Third-Grade Elementary School
- Putra, Arda Purnama
- Development of IPS Content E-wallchart on the Subtema of Ethical Diversity in my Country at the 4th Grade Elementary School
- Putra, Arda Purnama
- Development of Powtoon-based Learning Videos for Grade 4 Elementary School Students
- Putra, Yudithia Dian
- Gamification Strategy for e-Learning Using SMART Model Approach: An Indonesian Case Study
- Putra, Zetra Hainul
- Prospective Elementary Teachers’ Difficulties in Solving Conceptual Tasks on Representation of Addition and Subtraction of Fractions
- Putri, Shimania Risma
- Problematic of Online Learning Viewed from Personality Traits of Students in Elementary Teacher Education Program
- Rahardjo, Budi
- Analysis of the Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on the Learning Process in PAUD Negeri 1 Samarinda
- Raharjo, Kukuh Miroso
- Informal Education Process Teaches Preservation of Pantun Tradition to the Young Generation in Malay Society
- Rahayu, Krisna Setiyo
- Development of IPS Content E-wallchart on the Subtema of Ethical Diversity in my Country at the 4th Grade Elementary School
- Rahman, Diniy Hidayatur
- Augmented Reality Technology as a Learning Media to Help Parents in the Academic Functional Education of Children with Hearing Impairments
- Rahmawati, Ninda Hidayatul
- Nyethe as Culture Based Art Group Therapy
- Rakhmadani, Diovianto Putra
- Gamification Strategy for e-Learning Using SMART Model Approach: An Indonesian Case Study
- Ramadhani, Risa Safira
- Virtual Reality-Based Assistive Technology as a Solution for Autistic Students to Know the School Environment During the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Ramli, M.
- Measuring Cognitive Fusion on Counselor Involvement Performance
- Ramli, M.
- Development of Narrative Counseling Model Based on Madurese Parebasan
- Rini, Titis Angga
- Designing Teaching Simulation Tools-Multimedia Based for Online Courses of Elementary School Indonesia Language Teaching and Learning
- Rini, Titis Angga
- Review of the Effectiveness of Digital Game-Based Learning in Education
- Rini, Titis Angga
- Designing Immersed Virtual Reality Assessment (IVRA) in Improving Online Social Interaction: A Preliminary Research
- Rofiqoh
- Development of Narrative Counseling Model Based on Madurese Parebasan
- Rosalinda, Tri Novia
- Development and Validation of Instruments to Assess Student Work Readiness: An Indonesian Contexts
- Rosmilawati, Ila
- Multicultural Education in Traditional Islamic Boarding School: A Transformative Learning Perspective
- Rozie, Fachrul
- Analysis of the Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on the Learning Process in PAUD Negeri 1 Samarinda
- Satriananta, Fajar
- Learning Media Educational Game “Gebang Datar” Geometric Shape Material with Independent Strengthening Character for Fourth Grade Elementary Students
- Sebastian, Danny
- Designing Consultation Chatbot Using Telegram API and Webhook-based NodeJS Applications
- Setyosari, Punaji
- Barrier Assistive Technology in Inclusive Classroom
- Soepriyanto, Yerry
- Augmented Reality Using Text-based Marker for Intermediate Reading Course Modules
- Sudiapermana, Elih
- The Effectiveness of Training Model Multimedia Based Learning Communication in Improving Mudarris Competence
- Sulthoni
- Online Observation Protocol to Supervise Online Learning and Its Sample Report
- Sulton, Sulton
- Learning Video Based on Local Culture of “Wayang Golek” Reyog Ponorogo in the Early Childhood Education Curriculum on the Theme of My Homeland
- Sultoni
- Development and Validation of Instruments to Assess Student Work Readiness: An Indonesian Contexts
- Sultoni, Achmad
- Problems of Online Learning in Islam Religious Education at Elementary Schools
- Sultoni, Achmad
- Exploring Facebook for Character Building Through Religious Education in Universitas Tanjungpura, Indonesia
- Sumarsono, Raden Bambang
- The Use of Gamification Quizizz as a Media for Online Learning Assessment During the Covid 19 Pandemic
- Sunandar, Asep
- Virtual Reality-Based Assistive Technology as a Solution for Autistic Students to Know the School Environment During the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Sunandar, Asep
- Augmented Reality Technology as a Learning Media to Help Parents in the Academic Functional Education of Children with Hearing Impairments
- Surahman, Ence
- Online Observation Protocol to Supervise Online Learning and Its Sample Report
- Sutama, I Wayan
- Improving Higher-order Thinking Skills Through the Implementation of Open-Ended Play for Children aged 5-6 Years
- Sutansi
- Development of Educational Game Media Based on Android Animal Life Cycle Materials in 4th Grade Elementary School
- Sutansi
- Development of Digital Comic Media Flipbook with Character Content Mutual Respect at the Third-Grade Elementary School
- Suwahyo, Bayu Widyaswara
- Barrier Assistive Technology in Inclusive Classroom
- Thohir, M. Anas
- Implementation of Blog-Based Learning Media for Enhancing Students Elementary School Intelligent
- Thoriquttyas, Titis
- Exploring Facebook for Character Building Through Religious Education in Universitas Tanjungpura, Indonesia
- Triyono, Triyono
- Measuring Cognitive Fusion on Counselor Involvement Performance
- Ulfatin, Nurul
- The Analysis of Education Standards Achievement in The Internal Quality Assurance System (IQAS)
- Untari, Esti
- Development of Educational Game Media Based on Android Animal Life Cycle Materials in 4th Grade Elementary School
- Utami, Prihma Sinta
- Learning Video Based on Local Culture of “Wayang Golek” Reyog Ponorogo in the Early Childhood Education Curriculum on the Theme of My Homeland
- Vusparatih, Dina Sekar
- The Technology Used for Government’s Communication Strategy During COVID-19 Pandemic; A Comparative Study Between Langkawi, Malaysia and Bali, Indonesia
- Wahidin, Unang
- The Effectiveness of Training Model Multimedia Based Learning Communication in Improving Mudarris Competence
- Wahyuni, Fitri
- Analysis of Trend for Online Counseling Using Systematic Mapping
- Wardani, Adetya Dewi
- Let Me Know About Your Leader! The Framework of Instructional Leadership
- Wedi, Agus
- Visualizing Trend of 21st-Century Curriculum: A Bibliometric Analysis
- Wei, Wei
- The Reform and Practice of Training Model of Innovative and Entrepreneurial Talents in the Concept of “the Combination of Specialization and Creation”
- Widianto, Edi
- Informal Education Process Teaches Preservation of Pantun Tradition to the Young Generation in Malay Society
- Wulansari, Betty Yulia
- Learning Video Based on Local Culture of “Wayang Golek” Reyog Ponorogo in the Early Childhood Education Curriculum on the Theme of My Homeland
- Yasin, Mohd Hanafi Mohd
- Comparative Study: Use of ICT Media in Learning for Deaf Students During the Covid-19 Pandemic in Malaysia and Indonesia
- Yulianti, Hasnah
- Implementation of Academic Supervision in Improving Teachers Teaching Performance in the Covid-19 Pandemic Era at Elementary School
- Yuniawatika
- Development of Fractional Interactive Multimedia by Strengthening Independent Character of Grade III Elementary School Students
- Yuniawatika
- Learning Media Educational Game “Gebang Datar” Geometric Shape Material with Independent Strengthening Character for Fourth Grade Elementary Students
- Zahro, Azizatuz
- Problems of Online Learning in Islam Religious Education at Elementary Schools
- Zahro, Azizatuz
- The Analysis of Education Standards Achievement in The Internal Quality Assurance System (IQAS)
- Zainuddin, M.
- Development of IPS Content E-wallchart on the Subtema of Ethical Diversity in my Country at the 4th Grade Elementary School
- Zhuang, Zheming
- The Reform and Practice of Training Model of Innovative and Entrepreneurial Talents in the Concept of “the Combination of Specialization and Creation”
- Zulkarnain
- Informal Education Process Teaches Preservation of Pantun Tradition to the Young Generation in Malay Society
- Zulkarnain, Wildan
- The Use of Gamification Quizizz as a Media for Online Learning Assessment During the Covid 19 Pandemic
- Zulnaidi, Hutkemri
- Visualizing Trend of 21st-Century Curriculum: A Bibliometric Analysis