Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Education and Technology (ICET 2021)

179 authors
Pradipta, Rizqi Fajar
The Role of Parents in Children’s Online Learning Special Needs During Pandemic (Case Study of Special School in Sidoarjo District)
Praherdhiono, Henry
Barrier Assistive Technology in Inclusive Classroom
Gamification Strategy for e-Learning Using SMART Model Approach: An Indonesian Case Study
Pratama, Ujang Nendra
Online Observation Protocol to Supervise Online Learning and Its Sample Report
Pratiwi, Firda Dwi
Moral as the Basis of Leadership Practices in Excellent Schools
Prayoga, Andhika Gilang
Let Me Know About Your Leader! The Framework of Instructional Leadership
Prestiadi, Dedi
The Use of Gamification Quizizz as a Media for Online Learning Assessment During the Covid 19 Pandemic
Prestiadi, Dedi
Implementation of Academic Supervision in Improving Teachers Teaching Performance in the Covid-19 Pandemic Era at Elementary School
Prestiadi, Dedi
Educational Supervision in Improving Teacher Competence
Priyatni, Endah Tri
Problems of Online Learning in Islam Religious Education at Elementary Schools
Purnamawati, Frimha
The Importance of Technology Education for Children with Special Needs in Inclusive Schools
Purnamawati, Frimha
The Role of Parents in Children’s Online Learning Special Needs During Pandemic (Case Study of Special School in Sidoarjo District)
Puspitasari, Lenita
Comparative Analysis of Government Policies Indonesia and Malaysia About Character Education in Primary Schools
Putra, Andika Nur Rahma
The Analysis of Education Standards Achievement in The Internal Quality Assurance System (IQAS)
Putra, Arda Purnama
Development of Digital Comic Media Flipbook with Character Content Mutual Respect at the Third-Grade Elementary School
Putra, Arda Purnama
Development of IPS Content E-wallchart on the Subtema of Ethical Diversity in my Country at the 4th Grade Elementary School
Putra, Arda Purnama
Development of Powtoon-based Learning Videos for Grade 4 Elementary School Students
Putra, Yudithia Dian
Gamification Strategy for e-Learning Using SMART Model Approach: An Indonesian Case Study
Putra, Zetra Hainul
Prospective Elementary Teachers’ Difficulties in Solving Conceptual Tasks on Representation of Addition and Subtraction of Fractions
Putri, Shimania Risma
Problematic of Online Learning Viewed from Personality Traits of Students in Elementary Teacher Education Program
Rahardjo, Budi
Analysis of the Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on the Learning Process in PAUD Negeri 1 Samarinda
Raharjo, Kukuh Miroso
Informal Education Process Teaches Preservation of Pantun Tradition to the Young Generation in Malay Society
Rahayu, Krisna Setiyo
Development of IPS Content E-wallchart on the Subtema of Ethical Diversity in my Country at the 4th Grade Elementary School
Rahman, Diniy Hidayatur
Augmented Reality Technology as a Learning Media to Help Parents in the Academic Functional Education of Children with Hearing Impairments
Rahmawati, Ninda Hidayatul
Nyethe as Culture Based Art Group Therapy
Rakhmadani, Diovianto Putra
Gamification Strategy for e-Learning Using SMART Model Approach: An Indonesian Case Study
Ramadhani, Risa Safira
Virtual Reality-Based Assistive Technology as a Solution for Autistic Students to Know the School Environment During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Ramli, M.
Measuring Cognitive Fusion on Counselor Involvement Performance
Ramli, M.
Development of Narrative Counseling Model Based on Madurese Parebasan
Rini, Titis Angga
Designing Teaching Simulation Tools-Multimedia Based for Online Courses of Elementary School Indonesia Language Teaching and Learning
Rini, Titis Angga
Review of the Effectiveness of Digital Game-Based Learning in Education
Rini, Titis Angga
Designing Immersed Virtual Reality Assessment (IVRA) in Improving Online Social Interaction: A Preliminary Research
Development of Narrative Counseling Model Based on Madurese Parebasan
Rosalinda, Tri Novia
Development and Validation of Instruments to Assess Student Work Readiness: An Indonesian Contexts
Rosmilawati, Ila
Multicultural Education in Traditional Islamic Boarding School: A Transformative Learning Perspective
Rozie, Fachrul
Analysis of the Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on the Learning Process in PAUD Negeri 1 Samarinda
Satriananta, Fajar
Learning Media Educational Game “Gebang Datar” Geometric Shape Material with Independent Strengthening Character for Fourth Grade Elementary Students
Sebastian, Danny
Designing Consultation Chatbot Using Telegram API and Webhook-based NodeJS Applications
Setyosari, Punaji
Barrier Assistive Technology in Inclusive Classroom
Soepriyanto, Yerry
Augmented Reality Using Text-based Marker for Intermediate Reading Course Modules
Sudiapermana, Elih
The Effectiveness of Training Model Multimedia Based Learning Communication in Improving Mudarris Competence
Online Observation Protocol to Supervise Online Learning and Its Sample Report
Sulton, Sulton
Learning Video Based on Local Culture of “Wayang Golek” Reyog Ponorogo in the Early Childhood Education Curriculum on the Theme of My Homeland
Development and Validation of Instruments to Assess Student Work Readiness: An Indonesian Contexts
Sultoni, Achmad
Problems of Online Learning in Islam Religious Education at Elementary Schools
Sultoni, Achmad
Exploring Facebook for Character Building Through Religious Education in Universitas Tanjungpura, Indonesia
Sumarsono, Raden Bambang
The Use of Gamification Quizizz as a Media for Online Learning Assessment During the Covid 19 Pandemic
Sunandar, Asep
Virtual Reality-Based Assistive Technology as a Solution for Autistic Students to Know the School Environment During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Sunandar, Asep
Augmented Reality Technology as a Learning Media to Help Parents in the Academic Functional Education of Children with Hearing Impairments
Surahman, Ence
Online Observation Protocol to Supervise Online Learning and Its Sample Report
Sutama, I Wayan
Improving Higher-order Thinking Skills Through the Implementation of Open-Ended Play for Children aged 5-6 Years
Development of Educational Game Media Based on Android Animal Life Cycle Materials in 4th Grade Elementary School
Development of Digital Comic Media Flipbook with Character Content Mutual Respect at the Third-Grade Elementary School
Suwahyo, Bayu Widyaswara
Barrier Assistive Technology in Inclusive Classroom
Thohir, M. Anas
Implementation of Blog-Based Learning Media for Enhancing Students Elementary School Intelligent
Thoriquttyas, Titis
Exploring Facebook for Character Building Through Religious Education in Universitas Tanjungpura, Indonesia
Triyono, Triyono
Measuring Cognitive Fusion on Counselor Involvement Performance
Ulfatin, Nurul
The Analysis of Education Standards Achievement in The Internal Quality Assurance System (IQAS)
Untari, Esti
Development of Educational Game Media Based on Android Animal Life Cycle Materials in 4th Grade Elementary School
Utami, Prihma Sinta
Learning Video Based on Local Culture of “Wayang Golek” Reyog Ponorogo in the Early Childhood Education Curriculum on the Theme of My Homeland
Vusparatih, Dina Sekar
The Technology Used for Government’s Communication Strategy During COVID-19 Pandemic; A Comparative Study Between Langkawi, Malaysia and Bali, Indonesia
Wahidin, Unang
The Effectiveness of Training Model Multimedia Based Learning Communication in Improving Mudarris Competence
Wahyuni, Fitri
Analysis of Trend for Online Counseling Using Systematic Mapping
Wardani, Adetya Dewi
Let Me Know About Your Leader! The Framework of Instructional Leadership
Wedi, Agus
Visualizing Trend of 21st-Century Curriculum: A Bibliometric Analysis
Wei, Wei
The Reform and Practice of Training Model of Innovative and Entrepreneurial Talents in the Concept of “the Combination of Specialization and Creation”
Widianto, Edi
Informal Education Process Teaches Preservation of Pantun Tradition to the Young Generation in Malay Society
Wulansari, Betty Yulia
Learning Video Based on Local Culture of “Wayang Golek” Reyog Ponorogo in the Early Childhood Education Curriculum on the Theme of My Homeland
Yasin, Mohd Hanafi Mohd
Comparative Study: Use of ICT Media in Learning for Deaf Students During the Covid-19 Pandemic in Malaysia and Indonesia
Yulianti, Hasnah
Implementation of Academic Supervision in Improving Teachers Teaching Performance in the Covid-19 Pandemic Era at Elementary School
Development of Fractional Interactive Multimedia by Strengthening Independent Character of Grade III Elementary School Students
Learning Media Educational Game “Gebang Datar” Geometric Shape Material with Independent Strengthening Character for Fourth Grade Elementary Students
Zahro, Azizatuz
Problems of Online Learning in Islam Religious Education at Elementary Schools
Zahro, Azizatuz
The Analysis of Education Standards Achievement in The Internal Quality Assurance System (IQAS)
Zainuddin, M.
Development of IPS Content E-wallchart on the Subtema of Ethical Diversity in my Country at the 4th Grade Elementary School
Zhuang, Zheming
The Reform and Practice of Training Model of Innovative and Entrepreneurial Talents in the Concept of “the Combination of Specialization and Creation”
Informal Education Process Teaches Preservation of Pantun Tradition to the Young Generation in Malay Society
Zulkarnain, Wildan
The Use of Gamification Quizizz as a Media for Online Learning Assessment During the Covid 19 Pandemic
Zulnaidi, Hutkemri
Visualizing Trend of 21st-Century Curriculum: A Bibliometric Analysis