Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Advance Research in Social and Economic Science (ICARSE 2023)

304 authors
Kasih, Puji Handayani
Halal Food Products: Do Religiosity Affect Consumers Attitude and Intention to Use?
Kiyosov, Sherzod Uralovich
Exploring Social Interactions in WhatsApp Groups: A Netnographic Study of Virtual Photography Communities
Koraag, Satrio Tegar Gunung
Halal Food Products: Do Religiosity Affect Consumers Attitude and Intention to Use?
Kristanto, Heru
Financial Literacy Level, Access to Finance, Financial Risk Attitude and Financial Performance of MSMEs. Study on DIY MSMEs
Krisyanti, Yuli
Fostering Employee Motivation Amidst Pandemic Challenges: Insights from Production Supervisors
Ku, Hyeyun
Peer-Review Statements
Kuncoro, Hestutomo R.
Digital Diplomacy in the 21st Century: The Transformative Role of Social Media Platforms in Public Engagement
Kuncoro, Hestutomo Restu
Algorithmic Influence: Twitter’s Role in Shaping Public Discourse and Amplifying Radical Content
Kurmangaly, Sarykulov
Doxing Patterns Using Social Engineering in Cyberspace
Kurniawati, Erna
Algorithmic Influence: Twitter’s Role in Shaping Public Discourse and Amplifying Radical Content
Kusumo, Yudhy Widya
The 2023 ASEAN Chairmanship and Indonesia's Foreign Policy: Implications for Regional Diplomacy in Southeast Asia
Latipova, Shakhnoza Makhmudovna
Youth Perspectives on Jerome Polin’s YouTube: Global Insights in Mathematics Learning
Loy, Nikolaus
Materiality and Just Energy Transition in Indonesia
Madimarovna, Arzimatova Inoyatkhan
Image Media Shapes Critical Reading in Elementary Education
Madu, Ludiro
The 2023 ASEAN Chairmanship and Indonesia's Foreign Policy: Implications for Regional Diplomacy in Southeast Asia
Maharani, Fadhilla Ajeng Putri
Economic Potential Development Based on Google Earth Engine Land Value Map
Maharani, Yohana Noradika
Identification of Social, Economic and Building Density Vulnerability To Earthquake and Tsunami Hazards In Bantul District
Mandarani, Vidya
Analyzing Aspects of Speaking Ability in Conversation Learning
Mandarani, Vidya
Development of Numeracy Literacy Modules In The Independent Curriculum For VI Grade Elementary Schools
Mandarani, Vidya
Code Switching and Teacher’s Response in M-ICO Class
Mariyati, Lely Ika
Emotional Description of Autism Children in Sidoarjo
Mariyati, Lely Ika
Optimistic Minds, Robust Theses: The Key to Psychological Flourishing in Aspiring Psychologists
Maryam, Effy Wardati
Interpersonal Attraction and Prosocial Behavior in College Students: Unveiling the Nexus
Maryam, Effy Wardati
Group Cohesion and Social Reinforcement: Exploring Dynamics in Student Organizations
Maryam, Effy Wardati
Overview of Affiliation Needs in Late Teens Active Twitter Users in Surabaya
Marzuki, Farikh
Development of Interactive Power Point Learning Media in Arabic Vocabulary Learning
Meiramova, Saltanat
Code Switching and Teacher’s Response in M-ICO Class
Mukti, Artanti Tertia
Doxing Patterns Using Social Engineering in Cyberspace
Multazam, Mochammad Tanzil
Peer-Review Statements
Multazam, Mochammad Tanzil
Google’s Legal Responsibility in Displaying Phishing Ads Through Google AdWords
Multazam, Mochammad Tanzil
Doxing Patterns Using Social Engineering in Cyberspace
Mulyanto, Indro Herry
Optimizing Smart Villages: The Mediating Role of Good Village Governance Through Accounting Information Systems
Mu’afi, Muhammad Irfan
Influence of Product Design on Batik Consumption among Indonesian Youth
Mu’afi, Muhammad Irfan
Men Vs Woman: Learning Channel Differences On Generation Z Investment Intention
Nabila, N.
Consumer Preferences For Chili Commodities In Special Region Of Yogyakarta
Nafisah, Laila
Flowshop Production Scheduling Using the Theory of Constraints Approach: A Case Study in the Leather Glove Industry
Nagari, Anake
Optimizing Smart Villages: The Mediating Role of Good Village Governance Through Accounting Information Systems
Nareswari, Kinanthi Sekar
Economic Potential Development Based on Google Earth Engine Land Value Map
Nasrulloh, Rifqi Syarif
The Influence of Entrepreneurial Competence and Commitment to Business Performance in Handicraft MSMEs
Nastiti, Dwi
Dynamics Of Self-Acceptance Of Early Adult Women Who Experience Fatherlessness
Nastiti, Dwi
Optimistic Minds, Robust Theses: The Key to Psychological Flourishing in Aspiring Psychologists
Nastiti, Dwi
Navigating Academia: Decoding the Nexus Between Self-Regulated Learning and Procrastination in Student Achievement
Ngan, Nguyen Thai
The Daybreak of the Global Minimum Tax: Striking the Balance Between Foreign Investment Attraction and International Tax Standards
Ngatno, Ngatno
SMEs Innovation Performance Based on Organizational Learning, Entrepreneurial Orientation, and Customer Capital Case Study of Creative Industry in Central Java
Nilmawati, Nilmawati
Gender and Risky Decisions: The Role of the Human Capital Board as Moderator
Nisa, Fatwatun
Analyzing Aspects of Speaking Ability in Conversation Learning
Nisa, Rahma Aqidatun
Revitalizing Small Business Resilience: A Post-Pandemic Marketing Communication Paradigm in the Bag Industry
Nissa, Zulfa Nur Auliatun
Impact of Agricultural Development Villages Based on Culinary Enterprises on Communities in Kulon Progo District
Nugrahajati, Susilastuti Dwi
De-radicalization Policy: Communication Power to Prevent Ex-Terrorist Re-joining for Organization and Radicalism Networking
Nugraini, Lysa Dora Ayu
Economic Potential Development Based on Google Earth Engine Land Value Map
Nugroho, Maulana Yudi
Economic Potential Development Based on Google Earth Engine Land Value Map
Nur, M. M. Azimatun
Assessing Product Preferences: A Study of ‘Kettawa Fresh’ Protein-Based Products among Stunted Communities
Nurmastiti, Ardela
Impact of Agricultural Development Villages Based on Culinary Enterprises on Communities in Kulon Progo District
Nurmira, Abdybekova
Democracy in Parenting: Fostering Gratitude in Students
Nuroh, Ermawati Zulikhatin
Teaching Strategies in Speaking Class in Junior High School
Nuroh, Ermawati Zulikhatin
Analysis of Provocative Themes: Unraveling Global Perspectives on Al-'Ashri Class VII Arabic Textbook
Nuroh, Ermawati Zulikhatin
Image Media Shapes Critical Reading in Elementary Education
Nuryadin, Didi
Poverty and Inequality in Yogyakarta: Insights from a Comprehensive Study
Octaviani, Rachma Sari
Perceptions of the Usage of the PeduliLindungi Application in Public Spaces
Oltinboyevich, Juraev Khusniddin
Application of Peer Tutorials to Qawaid Class from BSO El-Abbasy Arabic Language Education
Oltinboyevich, Juraev Khusniddin
Optimistic Minds, Robust Theses: The Key to Psychological Flourishing in Aspiring Psychologists
Orsy, Oktaviani
Navigating Academia: Decoding the Nexus Between Self-Regulated Learning and Procrastination in Student Achievement
Pambudi, Setia
Development of a Semester Learning Plans System based on OBE (Outcome-Based Education)
Partoyo, Partoyo
Statistical Analysis of Strategic Food Commodity Pricing Trends
Pashakhodjaeva, Dildora
Revitalizing Small Business Resilience: A Post-Pandemic Marketing Communication Paradigm in the Bag Industry
Penggalih, Paksi Mei
Consumer Preferences For Chili Commodities In Special Region Of Yogyakarta
Perdana, Arika Bagus
Men Vs Woman: Learning Channel Differences On Generation Z Investment Intention
Permadi, Vynska Amalia
Development Strategy in the Leather Bag Craft Industry: A SWOT Analysis Perspective
Permadi, Vynska Amalia
Statistical Analysis of Strategic Food Commodity Pricing Trends
Perwira, Rifki Indra
Development of a Semester Learning Plans System based on OBE (Outcome-Based Education)
Phahlevy, Rifqi Ridlo
Google’s Legal Responsibility in Displaying Phishing Ads Through Google AdWords
Pingkan, Dias Regian
Pandemic and Social Media: Textual Sentiment Analysis of the Indonesian Government Policy in Facing the Third Wave of Covid-19 Attack
Pramesti, Sella Enggar
The Role of Creativity, Educational Support, and Self-Efficacy on Digital Entrepreneurial Intention: Insight from Indonesian Students
Prapcoyo, Hari
Strengthening Creative Industries through Technology and Disaster Risk Mitigation
Prasetio, Januar Eko
SDGs Action Model in Poverty Alleviation in Village Communities
Pratiwi, Erzha Indah Dwi
Utilizing Instagram as a Promotional Platform for Lovrinz Publishing on Instagram Account
Prayudi, Prayudi
Destination Branding Management: The Role Of Ministry Of Tourism And Creative Economy Development A Creative City In Indonesia
Prayudi, Prayudi
Pandemic and Social Media: Textual Sentiment Analysis of the Indonesian Government Policy in Facing the Third Wave of Covid-19 Attack
Probosari, Ninik
Destination Branding Management: The Role Of Ministry Of Tourism And Creative Economy Development A Creative City In Indonesia
Pujiastuti, Eny Endah
Influence of Product Design on Batik Consumption among Indonesian Youth
Purnamasari, Dian Indri
Development Strategy in the Leather Bag Craft Industry: A SWOT Analysis Perspective
Puryani, Puryani
Flowshop Production Scheduling Using the Theory of Constraints Approach: A Case Study in the Leather Glove Industry
Puspitaningrum, Dwi Aulia
The Influence of Entrepreneurial Competence and Commitment to Business Performance in Handicraft MSMEs
Puspitaningrum, Dwi Aulia
Assessing Product Preferences: A Study of ‘Kettawa Fresh’ Protein-Based Products among Stunted Communities
Putro, Gunawan Madyono
A Hybrid Method of AHP and COPRAS-G for Supplier Selection: A Case Study in Indonesian Leather Industry
Quynh, Pham Thi Nhu
Vietnamese Legal Framework for Green Credit: A Decade Towards Sustainability
Rachmawati, Iva
Digital Diplomacy in the 21st Century: The Transformative Role of Social Media Platforms in Public Engagement
Rachmawati, Iva
Materiality and Just Energy Transition in Indonesia
Rafsanzafi, Mochammad Revaldy
Exploring Social Interactions in WhatsApp Groups: A Netnographic Study of Virtual Photography Communities
Rahayu, Astuti
Determinants of Food Security in Kulon Progo District
Rahmadayanti, Diny Irma
Development of Interactive Power Point Learning Media in Arabic Vocabulary Learning
Rahman, Ilyasin Aditya
Strengthening Creative Industries through Technology and Disaster Risk Mitigation
Rahmanda, Gita Astyka
Poverty and Inequality in Yogyakarta: Insights from a Comprehensive Study
Rahmanda, Gita Astyka
Nationalism Implementation Moderates The Effect Of Digital Taxation On Taxpayer Compliance
Rahmanda, Gita Astyka
SDGs Action Model in Poverty Alleviation in Village Communities
Rahmawati, Berty Dwi
Nationalism Implementation Moderates The Effect Of Digital Taxation On Taxpayer Compliance
Rahmawati, Keny
Halal Food Products: Do Religiosity Affect Consumers Attitude and Intention to Use?
Rahmawati, Keny
Destination Quality’s Impact on Tourist Satisfaction and Revisit Intentions in Dieng
Rakhmatova, Mehriniso
Analysis of Provocative Themes: Unraveling Global Perspectives on Al-'Ashri Class VII Arabic Textbook
Rakhmatova, Mehriniso
Navigating Academia: Decoding the Nexus Between Self-Regulated Learning and Procrastination in Student Achievement