Proceedings of the Annual Civic Education Conference (ACEC 2021)
312 authors
- AR, Endang Danial
- Pancasila Literacy to Build Insightful Citizenship Civilization Environment in the Industrial Age 4.0
- AR, Endang Danial
- Saprahan Local Wisdom Melayu Sambas as a Source of Civil Learning
- Abdulkarim, Aim
- The Life Skills and Careers of Citizens in the Digital Age of Pancasila and Citizenship Education Curriculum Content
- Abdulkarim, Aim
- Civic Education Textbook Presentation of Seventh Grade Based on Cultural Literacy and Citizenship
- Abdulkarim, Aim
- Analysis of Gender Equality in the Civic Education Textbook in Indramayu High School
- Abdulkarim, Aim
- The Use of the VCT Model in Civic Education to Build the Moral Awareness of Students in the Global Era
- Abdulkarim, Aim
- Analysis of Civics Textbooks in Framework of the 21st Century Learning
- Abdulkarim, Aim
- The Model of Mobile Application-Based Learning in Social Sciences Learning to Enhance Students’ Digital Literacy
- Abdurrahman, Royan
- Online Learning in Civic Education to Increase Understanding of Human Rights Through Ebooks
- Adawiah, Rabiatul
- Environment-Based School Curriculum as a Character Forming Care Environment
- Adriza, Adriza
- Measurement Invariance of Religious Tolerance Across the Student Groups
- Affandi, Idrus
- The Effectiveness of Blended Learning With the Syncronous and Asyncronus System in Civic Education Courses
- Affandi, Idrus
- The Policy of Indonesian People’s Wave Party (Gelora) in Response to the Phenomenon of a Political Dynasty in Indonesia
- Affandi, Idrus
- Students’ Perceptions of the Use of Instagram Social Media as One of Generation Z’s Political Education Facilities
- Affandi, Idrus
- Implementation of Panca Dharma Satya in Student Character Education
- Affandi, Idrus
- The Volunteerism Actualization of the Young Generation During the Covid-19 Pandemic
- Affandi, Idrus
- Dynamic Political Thought of Muhammadiyah About Indonesian State
- Agustina, Nurlela
- Utilization of E-Commerce in the Industrial Era 4.0 for UPI Students in Strengthening the Economic Civics
- Al Adawiyah, Khofifah
- SOMEAH (Solidaritas Mental Health) Platform as an Effort to Increase Civic Disposition to Generation Z Mental Illness in the Digital Age
- Al Muchtar, Suwarma
- Moral and Character Rehabilitation of Drug’s Victims Through Moral-Spiritual Approach as an Effort to Build a Charactered Citizens
- Al Muchtar, Suwarma
- Pancasila Literacy to Build Insightful Citizenship Civilization Environment in the Industrial Age 4.0
- Al Muchtar, Suwarma
- Implementation of Citizenship Education (Community Civic) to Build Citizens Awareness in Developing Local Culture
- Al Muchtar, Suwarma
- Character Etiquette for Surfing in Cyberspace
- Alashary, Muhammad Rochmat
- Civic Education as a Means to Build Social Care Characters for Students with Disabilities
- Alhudawi, Usman
- The Role of the AMAN in Strengthening Citizenship Competencies of Indigenous People Regarding to Customary Land Rights
- Alrakhman, Riza
- Distant Education: Online Learning for Civic Education
- Amalia, Riska
- SOMEAH (Solidaritas Mental Health) Platform as an Effort to Increase Civic Disposition to Generation Z Mental Illness in the Digital Age
- Amanah, Siti
- The Role of the Community in Empowerment and Strengthening Citizenship Economy
- Ammatulloh, Mutiara Imtisyal
- Development of Civics Caring Apps as an Effort to Character Students in the Covid-19 Pandemic Period
- Ananda, Azwar
- Reconstruction from Models of Political Education for Beginners to Improve Political Literation: Learning from the Jambore Democracy Student Program
- Ananda, Azwar
- The Development of Higher Order Thinking Skills
- Anggraeni, Leni
- The Volunteerism Actualization of the Young Generation During the Covid-19 Pandemic
- Anggraeni, Rini
- The Effectiveness of Cooperative Learning Model Type MURDER Assisted by Interactive Quiz Media on Student Learning Outcomes
- Anggraini, Diana Noor
- The Model of Mobile Application-Based Learning in Social Sciences Learning to Enhance Students’ Digital Literacy
- Anggraini, Riska Dewi
- The Transformation of the Value of Piil Pesenggiri Local Wisdom in Building Harmony Between Natives and Immigrants
- Apandie, Chris
- Lessons for Citizens Regarding Government Efforts to Promote Covid-19 Vaccines: Responses and Challenges to Post-Pandemic Citizenship Education
- Aprilla, Dara
- Implementation of Citizenship Education Teaching Materials Development in Increasing the Effectiveness of Online Learning During the Covid-19 Pandemic
- Arta, I Gede Arya Juni
- Religious Moderation in the Framework of Bhinneka Tunggal Ika in Indonesia
- Aulia, Ratu
- Revitalization of State Defense Through Military Operations Other Than War “Civic Mission” During the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Aulia, Sarah Raudlatul
- Analysis of Civic Skill in the Student Exchange Program Merdeka Belajar - Kampus Merdeka Policy
- Averina, Windita Mei Bella
- Controlling Hoax of Covid-19: Capturing Moral Messages from Social Events
- Azis, Thoriq Abdul
- Development of Digital Citizenship Model Based on Digital Literacy of Students in High School During the Covid-9 Pandemic in Bandung Indonesia
- Azizah, Cici Nur
- The Implementation of Multicultural Values in the Interaction of Transmigration Communities Through “Malakok” in Nagari Sungai Sirah Silaut
- Bachrudin, Achmad
- Measurement Invariance of Religious Tolerance Across the Student Groups
- Baeihaqi, Baeihaqi
- Legal Covariance Model: Volkgeist-Based Legal Learning Design in Civic Education in the New Normal Era
- Baeihaqi, Baeihaqi
- Strengthening Legal Knowledge Through E-Legal Basic Learning Methods
- Baeihaqi, Baeihaqi
- Law-Related Education Framework in Civic Education Learning in the New Normal Perspective
- Benrit, Parichard
- Developing Expected Learning Outomes for the Bachelor of Business Administration Program, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Prince of Songkla University
- Bestari, Prayoga
- Moral and Character Rehabilitation of Drug’s Victims Through Moral-Spiritual Approach as an Effort to Build a Charactered Citizens
- Bestari, Prayoga
- Increasing Community Legal Awareness About the Implementation of Islamic Sharia Law in the City of Sabang in Civic Esucation Perspective
- Bestari, Prayoga
- Youth Voters’ Behavior in Pilkada to Realize Civic Skills (Study of Description of Medan State University Students’ Perceptions in the 2020 Medan Mayor Election)
- Bestari, Prayoga
- Character Etiquette for Surfing in Cyberspace
- Bestari, Prayoga
- Analysis of Gender Equality in the Civic Education Textbook in Indramayu High School
- Bestari, Prayoga
- Analysis Management Policy of Laboratory School in Indonesia University of Education
- Biringan, Julien
- Internalization of the Value of Religious Characters on Students in Civic Education Learning in SMP Negeri 2 Manado
- Budimansyah, Dasim
- Internalization of the Value of Political Education Through the Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) Approach in Citizenship Education Subjects in the Digital Era
- Budimansyah, Dasim
- Blended Learning System in Civic Education Courses to Develop Humanity Literacy
- Budimansyah, Dasim
- Digital Racism: A New Form of Racism, A Threat to the Integrity of the Nation
- Budimansyah, Dasim
- The Effect of Rain Water Harvesting Movement on Social Care of Citizens
- Budimansyah, Dasim
- The Influence of Emotional Intelligence, Moral Intelligence and Intellectual Intelligence on Characters Caring for the Environmental School Students in the Perspective of Civic Education
- Budimansyah, Dasim
- Distant Education: Online Learning for Civic Education
- Budimansyah, Dasim
- The Use Mobile Learning in Higher Education: What Were the Cause of Student’s Satisfaction on Civic Education Learning Use
- Budimansyah, Dasim
- Implementation of SPADA in General Civic Education Courses in Developing Student Creativity
- Budimansyah, Dasim
- Implementation of the Kedirgantaraan Coaching Program in Fostering a Sense of Nationalism in Students
- Budimansyah, Dasim
- Strengthening Character Education Through the Natural School Leadership Curriculum
- Cahyono, Cahyono
- The Effectiveness of Blended Learning With the Syncronous and Asyncronus System in Civic Education Courses
- Caturiasari, Jennyta
- Internalization of Pancasila Values in the Tradition of the Serang Party
- Danial, Endang
- The Effectiveness of Blended Learning With the Syncronous and Asyncronus System in Civic Education Courses
- Danial, Endang
- Development of Digital Citizenship Model Based on Digital Literacy of Students in High School During the Covid-9 Pandemic in Bandung Indonesia
- Danial, Endang
- Online Learning in Civic Education to Increase Understanding of Human Rights Through Ebooks
- Danial, Endang
- The Role of the Community in Empowerment and Strengthening Citizenship Economy
- Darmana, Feniawati
- Measurement Invariance of Religious Tolerance Across the Student Groups
- Darmawan, Cecep
- Youth Voters’ Behavior in Pilkada to Realize Civic Skills (Study of Description of Medan State University Students’ Perceptions in the 2020 Medan Mayor Election)
- Darmawan, Cecep
- Revitalization of State Defense Through Military Operations Other Than War “Civic Mission” During the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Darmawan, Cecep
- The Role of Non-Governmental Organization as a Civil Society in Corruption Supervision
- Darmawan, Cecep
- Intervention of State Defense Efforts in Civic Education Through Animation Learning Media
- Darsana, I Made
- Religious Moderation in the Framework of Bhinneka Tunggal Ika in Indonesia
- Dwiputra, Sefta Nugraha
- Boarding School Character Development for Character Discipline and Responsibility
- Fajar, Wildan Nurul
- Dynamic Political Thought of Muhammadiyah About Indonesian State
- Fathimah, Siti
- Social and Cultural Conditions of Communities Around Mining Areas (Potential Conflicts Around Tokatindung Mining Area)
- Fatimah, Fatimah
- Pandemic Pedagogy
- Fauzi, Akhmad
- Independent Learning in the Covid-19 Pandemic
- Fauzi, Akhmad
- Development of Student Ecological Intelligence Through the Implementation of Ecopedagogy
- Firdaus, Farid
- The Life Skills and Careers of Citizens in the Digital Age of Pancasila and Citizenship Education Curriculum Content
- Firmansyah, Rizwan
- Development of Civics Caring Apps as an Effort to Character Students in the Covid-19 Pandemic Period
- Fitriani, Susan
- Development of Digital Citizenship Model Based on Digital Literacy of Students in High School During the Covid-9 Pandemic in Bandung Indonesia
- Fitriasari, Susan
- Value of Local Wisdom in the Pillars of Cianjur Culture
- Fitriasari, Susan
- Responding the Constraints of Building Student-Teacher-Parent Relationships to Improve Student’s Civic Disposition Phenomenological Studies in Civic Education Online Based Learning
- Fitriasari, Susan
- The Transformation of the Value of Piil Pesenggiri Local Wisdom in Building Harmony Between Natives and Immigrants
- Fitriasari, Susan
- Analysis of Students’ Digital Citizenship Practices on Distance Learning Activities During Pandemic Covid-19
- Fitriasari, Susan
- Independent Learning in the Covid-19 Pandemic
- Fitriasari, Susan
- Analysis of Civic Skill in the Student Exchange Program Merdeka Belajar - Kampus Merdeka Policy
- Fitriasari, Susan
- Development of Student Ecological Intelligence Through the Implementation of Ecopedagogy
- Fitriasari, Susan
- Implementation of SPADA in General Civic Education Courses in Developing Student Creativity
- Fitriasari, Susan
- Reconstruction of the Process of Legal Education in Shaping the Character of Children in Conflict with Law
- Fitriawati, Nur Siami
- Building A Citizens Education Learning Community Through Online Collaborative Learning
- Furnamasari, Yayang Furi
- Reconstruction of the Process of Legal Education in Shaping the Character of Children in Conflict with Law
- Halimi, Muhammad
- Internalization of Character Education in Civic Education Learning Based on Multiple Intelligence
- Halimi, Muhammad
- The Utilization of Mobile Learning “Be One” in the Pancasila and Civics Subject
- Halimi, Muhammad
- Boarding School Character Development for Character Discipline and Responsibility