Proceedings of the Annual Civic Education Conference (ACEC 2021)
312 authors
- Wahyuni, Sri
- Activation of the Role of Tetrahelix to Strengthen Students’ Awareness in Learning During Pandemic
- Wajdi, Farid
- Organizational Leadership Management Through Pancasila Values in Character Building
- Wardhani, Dwi Asih Triska
- Responding the Constraints of Building Student-Teacher-Parent Relationships to Improve Student’s Civic Disposition Phenomenological Studies in Civic Education Online Based Learning
- Wesarat, Phathara-on
- Developing Expected Learning Outomes for the Bachelor of Business Administration Program, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Prince of Songkla University
- Widodo, Bali
- Pancasila Literacy to Build Insightful Citizenship Civilization Environment in the Industrial Age 4.0
- Widyana, I Komang
- Religious Moderation in the Framework of Bhinneka Tunggal Ika in Indonesia
- Wijayati, Putri Utami
- Distance Learning of Pancasila and Civic Education During the Covid-19 Pandemic in Developing Student Discipline
- Winata, Fajar Bagja Gumilar
- Digital Mind Mapping Learning Model to Increase Student Creativity
- Winoto, Darmawan Edi
- Character Building of Students During the Covid-19 Pandemic Through Civic Education Learning
- Wiratama, Prama
- Realizing Social Capital Gain Through Civic Engagement: Lessons for Indonesia’s Decentralization
- Wua, Telly Delly
- Online Learning and Character Education Problems During the Covid-19 Pandemic
- Zulkifli, Zulkifli
- Supervision of Learning in Online Learning Perspective in the Pandemic Era of Covid 19