Proceedings of the 1st World Conference on Social and Humanities Research (W-SHARE 2021)
219 authors
- Mappalotteng, Abdul Muis
- The Validity of the PONTA Learning Model Base on Blended Learning in Vocational High Schools
- Mariyani, Mariyani
- Kinesthetic Learning Development Methods to Train Fine Motors for Early Childhood
- Martadi, Martadi
- Computer Self-Efficacy, Task Value, Digital Literacy, Online Learning Perceptions on Indonesian University Students’ Learning Satisfaction
- Milyardi, Roi
- Spatial Experience Through Virtual Tour During Pandemic Covid-19 as A Cultural Resilience: Case Study - Pecinan Village, Jamblang, Cirebon, Indonesia
- Mukhlisin, Mukhlisin
- The Overview of Needs Analysis for Development Learning Model Based on Digital in Vocational Education
- Muliati, Amanda
- Spatial Experience Through Virtual Tour During Pandemic Covid-19 as A Cultural Resilience: Case Study - Pecinan Village, Jamblang, Cirebon, Indonesia
- Munna, Afzal Sayed
- Promoting Plagiarism Prevention through Workshop on Scientific Paper Writing
- Musdariah, Andi
- The Portrait of Learning “Forced” Online in Indonesian Vocational Higher Education: Policy Recommendations
- Musfiroh, Tadkiroatun
- Critical Discourse Analysis Online News “PPKM Darurat Jawa-Bali Diterapkan 3-20 Juli, Apa Bedanya dengan PPKM Mikro dan PSBB” Using Teun A. van Dijk Model
- Muslimin, B
- Mother’s Behavior in Controlling Stunting in Makassar City
- Mustafa, Mustafa
- The Improvement Competence of Vocational High School Students Through Cooperative Learning in Accounting Practicum Subjects
- Mustafa, Mustafa
- The Needs Analysis of Adabul Muta’allim-Based Character Learning Model to Prevent Students’ Deviant Behavior
- Mustafa, Syamsuddin
- Community Behavior in the Use of Energy on Inpatient Room Care Hospital in Makassar City
- Mutmainnah, Mutmainnah
- Analysis of Module Needs and Blended Learning-Based Videos to Enhance Students’ Creative Thinking Skills
- Naim, Rahmat Fahri
- Counseling Design for Students with Disabilities at Brawijaya University Malang
- Nain, Umar
- Adaptation Strategy for Village Community Health Protocols in the Era of the COVID-19 Pandemic Study in Karama Village, Bulukumba Regency
- Natshir, Haedar
- Bibliometric Analysis and Visualization Articles on Presidential Election in Social Media Indexed in Scopus by Indonesian Authors
- Niswaty, Risma
- The Influence of Workload and Work Stress on the Performance of Legislators at the Sorong Regency Regional House of Representatives Office
- Niswaty, Risma
- Analysis of Student Morality and Learning Achievement at Universitas Negeri Makassar
- Nur, Muh. Safar
- Project-Based Language Learning with Online Community of Practice from a CALL Perspective
- Nur, Mulyadi
- Factors Influencing the Determination of The Position of Passengers at The Airport Departure Terminal Sultan Hasanuddin Makassar
- Nur, Mulyadi
- Study of Aircraft Movement, Passenger and Goods in The Time of the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Nur, Sahril
- University Students’ Exchange Perceive of Kampus Merdeka Curriculum
- Nur, Sahril
- Project-Based Language Learning with Online Community of Practice from a CALL Perspective
- Nurhaedah, Nurhaedah
- The Ability of Deaf Students to Pronounce Words at The Cendrawasih Special School in Makassar City
- Nurhayati, Nurhayati
- Improving Learning Outcomes Embedded System (ES) Using Learning Media Based IoT at Polytechnic
- Nurhikmah
- Implementation of Local Wisdom in Physical Education of Senior High School in Bantaeng, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
- Nurmandi, Achmad
- Bibliometric Analysis and Visualization Articles on Presidential Election in Social Media Indexed in Scopus by Indonesian Authors
- Nurmiati, Nurmiati
- Development of Environmental-Based Contextual Learning Models to Increase Student Creativity at the High School Level
- Nurochmah, Andi
- The Relationship of Achievement Motivation with Teacher Performance in the Implementation Teaching and Learning Process in Senior High Schools
- Octavianus, Cindy
- Effectiveness of Action Bible Game Board Media to Introduce Bible Characters to Children
- Padalia, Andi
- The Relationship of Achievement Motivation with Teacher Performance in the Implementation Teaching and Learning Process in Senior High Schools
- Padalia, Andi
- Tontila Dance in Saluan Tribe of Luwuk Banggai Regency of Central Sulawesi
- Pananrangi, Andi Sumrah A.
- Informal Education in the Process of Making Pinisi Boats
- Patak, Andi Anto
- Promoting Plagiarism Prevention through Workshop on Scientific Paper Writing
- Pattaufi, Pattaufi
- The Overview of the Needs for Development of Installation Practice Learning Models to Improve Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) in Vocational High School
- Pertiwi, Nurlita
- The Traditional Market Function Based on Sustainable Development
- Pertiwi, Nurlita
- Rooftop Rainwater Harvesting (RRWH) for Schools: Scenario Water Resources Development in Yunior High School
- Pertiwi, Nurlita
- Community Behavior in the Use of Energy on Inpatient Room Care Hospital in Makassar City
- Ponta, Tasri
- The Validity of the PONTA Learning Model Base on Blended Learning in Vocational High Schools
- Purnamawati, Purnamawati
- The Overview of Needs Analysis for Development Learning Model Based on Digital in Vocational Education
- Purnamawati, Purnamawati
- Factors Influencing the Determination of The Position of Passengers at The Airport Departure Terminal Sultan Hasanuddin Makassar
- Puspita, Siti Hani
- Behind the Pandemic: Analysis of the Role of Child Protection Institutions
- Rahma, Ulifa
- Counseling Design for Students with Disabilities at Brawijaya University Malang
- Rahmanullah, Fauzi
- The Dynamic Concept of Bugis House: Wasaubola Transformation
- Rasyid, Sultan
- Rooftop Rainwater Harvesting (RRWH) for Schools: Scenario Water Resources Development in Yunior High School
- Rauf, Bakhrani A.
- Examining Farmers’ Intention Towards Conservation Cocoa Farm in Bone Regency by Using Theory of Planned Behavior
- Rauf, Bakhrani A.
- Community Motivation in Using Public Transportation in Makassar City, Indonesia
- Rauf, Bakhrani A.
- The Dynamic Concept of Bugis House: Wasaubola Transformation
- Rauf, Bakhrani A.
- Analysis of Family Behavior, Community Environment, Motivation to Return Drug Users
- Rauf, Bakhrani A.
- Built Environment Mamasa Traditional Architecture
- Rauf, Bakhrani A.
- Development of Environmental-Based Contextual Learning Models to Increase Student Creativity at the High School Level
- Rifdan, Rifdan
- The Influence of Workload and Work Stress on the Performance of Legislators at the Sorong Regency Regional House of Representatives Office
- Rohana, Rohana
- The Application of the Concept Walkability in The City of Makassar In Terms of Behavioral Aspects
- Rohandi, Manda
- An User Experience Analysis of UNG E-Learning Using User Experience Questionnaire Tool
- Ronny, Ronny
- Behavior Water Users in Urban Communities with Integrated Behavioral Model (IBM) Approach
- Rosalinda, Irma
- Computer Self-Efficacy, Task Value, Digital Literacy, Online Learning Perceptions on Indonesian University Students’ Learning Satisfaction
- Rosilawati, Yeni
- Bibliometric Analysis and Visualization Articles on Presidential Election in Social Media Indexed in Scopus by Indonesian Authors
- Rufaida, Salwa
- Application of Synectic Models in the Learning Process: A Systematic Literature Review
- Sabur, Fatmawati
- Factors Influencing the Determination of The Position of Passengers at The Airport Departure Terminal Sultan Hasanuddin Makassar
- Sabur, Fatmawati
- Study of Aircraft Movement, Passenger and Goods in The Time of the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Sadaruddin, Sadaruddin
- Kinesthetic Learning Development Methods to Train Fine Motors for Early Childhood
- Saenal, Selfiana
- Online Learning Methods for Learning Dance at School
- Salam, Rudi
- Promoting Plagiarism Prevention through Workshop on Scientific Paper Writing
- Saleh, Sirajuddin
- Analysis of Student Morality and Learning Achievement at Universitas Negeri Makassar
- Samad, Sulaiman
- Application of Synectic Models in the Learning Process: A Systematic Literature Review
- Saman, Abdul
- Implementation of Local Wisdom in Physical Education of Senior High School in Bantaeng, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
- Santos, Hezron Alhim Dos
- The Conflict of Exclusivity Against People’s Desire to Exercise in Sports Facilities at the University
- Selasri, Andika
- Application of a Scientific Approach to Improve Students’ Creativity in Recycling Waste
- Setiawan, Edi
- Design Development for Interactive Learning Media of Gorontalo Traditional Children’s Games
- Shabbir, Taha
- Promoting Plagiarism Prevention through Workshop on Scientific Paper Writing
- Sidik, Darlan
- Study of Aircraft Movement, Passenger and Goods in The Time of the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Sijabat, Desi
- Efforts to Improve the Performance of Elementary School Teachers
- Simarmata, Radode Kristianto
- Efforts to Improve the Performance of Elementary School Teachers
- Sirait, Aurora Valensia Putri
- Efforts to Improve the Performance of Elementary School Teachers
- Sitorus, Surthyana
- Efforts to Improve the Performance of Elementary School Teachers
- Suardi, M
- The Needs Analysis of Adabul Muta’allim-Based Character Learning Model to Prevent Students’ Deviant Behavior
- Suarlin, Suarlin
- Promoting Plagiarism Prevention through Workshop on Scientific Paper Writing
- Sugata, Ferlina
- Spatial Experience Through Virtual Tour During Pandemic Covid-19 as A Cultural Resilience: Case Study - Pecinan Village, Jamblang, Cirebon, Indonesia
- Sundawa, Dadang
- Behind the Pandemic: Analysis of the Role of Child Protection Institutions
- Suprianto, Suprianto
- Analysis of Student Morality and Learning Achievement at Universitas Negeri Makassar
- Supriatna, Mamat
- Value of Education in Malabot Tumpe in Batui Indigenous People of Banggai Regency
- Suryani, Sitti
- Increasing Student Creativity in Drawings of Makassar Culture Through the Development of the Google Sites Application
- Sutamrin, Sutamrin
- The Elementary Education Assessment and Learning Integrated 21st Century-Computational Thinking Skills in Mathematics: Global Design Stage
- Syakhruni, Syakhruni
- Online Learning Methods for Learning Dance at School
- Syam, Husain
- Improving Learning Outcomes Embedded System (ES) Using Learning Media Based IoT at Polytechnic
- Syam, Husain
- Implementation of Local Wisdom in Physical Education of Senior High School in Bantaeng, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
- Syam, Husain
- Application of Synectic Models in the Learning Process: A Systematic Literature Review
- Syamsurrijal, M.
- Bibliometric Analysis and Visualization Articles on Presidential Election in Social Media Indexed in Scopus by Indonesian Authors
- Taha, Syamsumarlin
- The Overview of the Needs for Development of Installation Practice Learning Models to Improve Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) in Vocational High School
- Thalib, Syamsul Bachri
- The Effectiveness of Picture Word Inductive Learning Model in Improving Literacy Ability in Early Childhood
- Thalib, Syamsul Bachri
- The Overview of the Needs for Development of Installation Practice Learning Models to Improve Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) in Vocational High School
- Tholibon, Duratul Ain Binti
- Promoting Plagiarism Prevention through Workshop on Scientific Paper Writing
- Tolla, Ismail
- The Needs Analysis of Adabul Muta’allim-Based Character Learning Model to Prevent Students’ Deviant Behavior
- Tuloli, Moh. Syafri
- Design Development for Interactive Learning Media of Gorontalo Traditional Children’s Games
- Tumanan, Agnes
- The Influence of Workload and Work Stress on the Performance of Legislators at the Sorong Regency Regional House of Representatives Office
- Turnip, Chotiah Febiola
- Efforts to Improve the Performance of Elementary School Teachers
- Ucok, Ucok
- Factors Influencing the Determination of The Position of Passengers at The Airport Departure Terminal Sultan Hasanuddin Makassar
- Ulfa, Andi Yurni
- Informal Education in the Process of Making Pinisi Boats
- Umar, Ramli
- The Traditional Market Function Based on Sustainable Development