Proceedings of the 1st World Conference on Social and Humanities Research (W-SHARE 2021)

219 authors
Mappalotteng, Abdul Muis
The Validity of the PONTA Learning Model Base on Blended Learning in Vocational High Schools
Mariyani, Mariyani
Kinesthetic Learning Development Methods to Train Fine Motors for Early Childhood
Martadi, Martadi
Computer Self-Efficacy, Task Value, Digital Literacy, Online Learning Perceptions on Indonesian University Students’ Learning Satisfaction
Milyardi, Roi
Spatial Experience Through Virtual Tour During Pandemic Covid-19 as A Cultural Resilience: Case Study - Pecinan Village, Jamblang, Cirebon, Indonesia
Mukhlisin, Mukhlisin
The Overview of Needs Analysis for Development Learning Model Based on Digital in Vocational Education
Muliati, Amanda
Spatial Experience Through Virtual Tour During Pandemic Covid-19 as A Cultural Resilience: Case Study - Pecinan Village, Jamblang, Cirebon, Indonesia
Munna, Afzal Sayed
Promoting Plagiarism Prevention through Workshop on Scientific Paper Writing
Musdariah, Andi
The Portrait of Learning “Forced” Online in Indonesian Vocational Higher Education: Policy Recommendations
Musfiroh, Tadkiroatun
Critical Discourse Analysis Online News “PPKM Darurat Jawa-Bali Diterapkan 3-20 Juli, Apa Bedanya dengan PPKM Mikro dan PSBB” Using Teun A. van Dijk Model
Muslimin, B
Mother’s Behavior in Controlling Stunting in Makassar City
Mustafa, Mustafa
The Improvement Competence of Vocational High School Students Through Cooperative Learning in Accounting Practicum Subjects
Mustafa, Mustafa
The Needs Analysis of Adabul Muta’allim-Based Character Learning Model to Prevent Students’ Deviant Behavior
Mustafa, Syamsuddin
Community Behavior in the Use of Energy on Inpatient Room Care Hospital in Makassar City
Mutmainnah, Mutmainnah
Analysis of Module Needs and Blended Learning-Based Videos to Enhance Students’ Creative Thinking Skills
Naim, Rahmat Fahri
Counseling Design for Students with Disabilities at Brawijaya University Malang
Nain, Umar
Adaptation Strategy for Village Community Health Protocols in the Era of the COVID-19 Pandemic Study in Karama Village, Bulukumba Regency
Natshir, Haedar
Bibliometric Analysis and Visualization Articles on Presidential Election in Social Media Indexed in Scopus by Indonesian Authors
Niswaty, Risma
The Influence of Workload and Work Stress on the Performance of Legislators at the Sorong Regency Regional House of Representatives Office
Niswaty, Risma
Analysis of Student Morality and Learning Achievement at Universitas Negeri Makassar
Nur, Muh. Safar
Project-Based Language Learning with Online Community of Practice from a CALL Perspective
Nur, Mulyadi
Factors Influencing the Determination of The Position of Passengers at The Airport Departure Terminal Sultan Hasanuddin Makassar
Nur, Mulyadi
Study of Aircraft Movement, Passenger and Goods in The Time of the COVID-19 Pandemic
Nur, Sahril
University Students’ Exchange Perceive of Kampus Merdeka Curriculum
Nur, Sahril
Project-Based Language Learning with Online Community of Practice from a CALL Perspective
Nurhaedah, Nurhaedah
The Ability of Deaf Students to Pronounce Words at The Cendrawasih Special School in Makassar City
Nurhayati, Nurhayati
Improving Learning Outcomes Embedded System (ES) Using Learning Media Based IoT at Polytechnic
Implementation of Local Wisdom in Physical Education of Senior High School in Bantaeng, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
Nurmandi, Achmad
Bibliometric Analysis and Visualization Articles on Presidential Election in Social Media Indexed in Scopus by Indonesian Authors
Nurmiati, Nurmiati
Development of Environmental-Based Contextual Learning Models to Increase Student Creativity at the High School Level
Nurochmah, Andi
The Relationship of Achievement Motivation with Teacher Performance in the Implementation Teaching and Learning Process in Senior High Schools
Octavianus, Cindy
Effectiveness of Action Bible Game Board Media to Introduce Bible Characters to Children
Padalia, Andi
The Relationship of Achievement Motivation with Teacher Performance in the Implementation Teaching and Learning Process in Senior High Schools
Padalia, Andi
Tontila Dance in Saluan Tribe of Luwuk Banggai Regency of Central Sulawesi
Pananrangi, Andi Sumrah A.
Informal Education in the Process of Making Pinisi Boats
Patak, Andi Anto
Promoting Plagiarism Prevention through Workshop on Scientific Paper Writing
Pattaufi, Pattaufi
The Overview of the Needs for Development of Installation Practice Learning Models to Improve Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) in Vocational High School
Pertiwi, Nurlita
The Traditional Market Function Based on Sustainable Development
Pertiwi, Nurlita
Rooftop Rainwater Harvesting (RRWH) for Schools: Scenario Water Resources Development in Yunior High School
Pertiwi, Nurlita
Community Behavior in the Use of Energy on Inpatient Room Care Hospital in Makassar City
Ponta, Tasri
The Validity of the PONTA Learning Model Base on Blended Learning in Vocational High Schools
Purnamawati, Purnamawati
The Overview of Needs Analysis for Development Learning Model Based on Digital in Vocational Education
Purnamawati, Purnamawati
Factors Influencing the Determination of The Position of Passengers at The Airport Departure Terminal Sultan Hasanuddin Makassar
Puspita, Siti Hani
Behind the Pandemic: Analysis of the Role of Child Protection Institutions
Rahma, Ulifa
Counseling Design for Students with Disabilities at Brawijaya University Malang
Rahmanullah, Fauzi
The Dynamic Concept of Bugis House: Wasaubola Transformation
Rasyid, Sultan
Rooftop Rainwater Harvesting (RRWH) for Schools: Scenario Water Resources Development in Yunior High School
Rauf, Bakhrani A.
Examining Farmers’ Intention Towards Conservation Cocoa Farm in Bone Regency by Using Theory of Planned Behavior
Rauf, Bakhrani A.
Community Motivation in Using Public Transportation in Makassar City, Indonesia
Rauf, Bakhrani A.
The Dynamic Concept of Bugis House: Wasaubola Transformation
Rauf, Bakhrani A.
Analysis of Family Behavior, Community Environment, Motivation to Return Drug Users
Rauf, Bakhrani A.
Built Environment Mamasa Traditional Architecture
Rauf, Bakhrani A.
Development of Environmental-Based Contextual Learning Models to Increase Student Creativity at the High School Level
Rifdan, Rifdan
The Influence of Workload and Work Stress on the Performance of Legislators at the Sorong Regency Regional House of Representatives Office
Rohana, Rohana
The Application of the Concept Walkability in The City of Makassar In Terms of Behavioral Aspects
Rohandi, Manda
An User Experience Analysis of UNG E-Learning Using User Experience Questionnaire Tool
Ronny, Ronny
Behavior Water Users in Urban Communities with Integrated Behavioral Model (IBM) Approach
Rosalinda, Irma
Computer Self-Efficacy, Task Value, Digital Literacy, Online Learning Perceptions on Indonesian University Students’ Learning Satisfaction
Rosilawati, Yeni
Bibliometric Analysis and Visualization Articles on Presidential Election in Social Media Indexed in Scopus by Indonesian Authors
Rufaida, Salwa
Application of Synectic Models in the Learning Process: A Systematic Literature Review
Sabur, Fatmawati
Factors Influencing the Determination of The Position of Passengers at The Airport Departure Terminal Sultan Hasanuddin Makassar
Sabur, Fatmawati
Study of Aircraft Movement, Passenger and Goods in The Time of the COVID-19 Pandemic
Sadaruddin, Sadaruddin
Kinesthetic Learning Development Methods to Train Fine Motors for Early Childhood
Saenal, Selfiana
Online Learning Methods for Learning Dance at School
Salam, Rudi
Promoting Plagiarism Prevention through Workshop on Scientific Paper Writing
Saleh, Sirajuddin
Analysis of Student Morality and Learning Achievement at Universitas Negeri Makassar
Samad, Sulaiman
Application of Synectic Models in the Learning Process: A Systematic Literature Review
Saman, Abdul
Implementation of Local Wisdom in Physical Education of Senior High School in Bantaeng, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
Santos, Hezron Alhim Dos
The Conflict of Exclusivity Against People’s Desire to Exercise in Sports Facilities at the University
Selasri, Andika
Application of a Scientific Approach to Improve Students’ Creativity in Recycling Waste
Setiawan, Edi
Design Development for Interactive Learning Media of Gorontalo Traditional Children’s Games
Shabbir, Taha
Promoting Plagiarism Prevention through Workshop on Scientific Paper Writing
Sidik, Darlan
Study of Aircraft Movement, Passenger and Goods in The Time of the COVID-19 Pandemic
Sijabat, Desi
Efforts to Improve the Performance of Elementary School Teachers
Simarmata, Radode Kristianto
Efforts to Improve the Performance of Elementary School Teachers
Sirait, Aurora Valensia Putri
Efforts to Improve the Performance of Elementary School Teachers
Sitorus, Surthyana
Efforts to Improve the Performance of Elementary School Teachers
Suardi, M
The Needs Analysis of Adabul Muta’allim-Based Character Learning Model to Prevent Students’ Deviant Behavior
Suarlin, Suarlin
Promoting Plagiarism Prevention through Workshop on Scientific Paper Writing
Sugata, Ferlina
Spatial Experience Through Virtual Tour During Pandemic Covid-19 as A Cultural Resilience: Case Study - Pecinan Village, Jamblang, Cirebon, Indonesia
Sundawa, Dadang
Behind the Pandemic: Analysis of the Role of Child Protection Institutions
Suprianto, Suprianto
Analysis of Student Morality and Learning Achievement at Universitas Negeri Makassar
Supriatna, Mamat
Value of Education in Malabot Tumpe in Batui Indigenous People of Banggai Regency
Suryani, Sitti
Increasing Student Creativity in Drawings of Makassar Culture Through the Development of the Google Sites Application
Sutamrin, Sutamrin
The Elementary Education Assessment and Learning Integrated 21st Century-Computational Thinking Skills in Mathematics: Global Design Stage
Syakhruni, Syakhruni
Online Learning Methods for Learning Dance at School
Syam, Husain
Improving Learning Outcomes Embedded System (ES) Using Learning Media Based IoT at Polytechnic
Syam, Husain
Implementation of Local Wisdom in Physical Education of Senior High School in Bantaeng, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
Syam, Husain
Application of Synectic Models in the Learning Process: A Systematic Literature Review
Syamsurrijal, M.
Bibliometric Analysis and Visualization Articles on Presidential Election in Social Media Indexed in Scopus by Indonesian Authors
Taha, Syamsumarlin
The Overview of the Needs for Development of Installation Practice Learning Models to Improve Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) in Vocational High School
Thalib, Syamsul Bachri
The Effectiveness of Picture Word Inductive Learning Model in Improving Literacy Ability in Early Childhood
Thalib, Syamsul Bachri
The Overview of the Needs for Development of Installation Practice Learning Models to Improve Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) in Vocational High School
Tholibon, Duratul Ain Binti
Promoting Plagiarism Prevention through Workshop on Scientific Paper Writing
Tolla, Ismail
The Needs Analysis of Adabul Muta’allim-Based Character Learning Model to Prevent Students’ Deviant Behavior
Tuloli, Moh. Syafri
Design Development for Interactive Learning Media of Gorontalo Traditional Children’s Games
Tumanan, Agnes
The Influence of Workload and Work Stress on the Performance of Legislators at the Sorong Regency Regional House of Representatives Office
Turnip, Chotiah Febiola
Efforts to Improve the Performance of Elementary School Teachers
Ucok, Ucok
Factors Influencing the Determination of The Position of Passengers at The Airport Departure Terminal Sultan Hasanuddin Makassar
Ulfa, Andi Yurni
Informal Education in the Process of Making Pinisi Boats
Umar, Ramli
The Traditional Market Function Based on Sustainable Development