Proceedings of the 2nd International Interdisciplinary Conference on Environmental Sciences and Sustainable Developments (IICESSD) 2022 Education and Green Economy (IICESSD EGE 2022)
67 articles
Proceedings Article
Peer-Review Statements
Femilia Zahra, Salahudin Muhidin, Norbani Che-Ha, Husnah Husnah, Mery Napitupulu, Wahyuningsih Wahyuningsih
All of the articles in this proceedings volume have been presented at the The 2nd International Interdisciplinary Conference on Environmental Sciences and Sustainable Developments: Education and Green Economy (IICESSD-EGE) 2022 during 7-8 October 2022 in Best Western Hotel Palu, Indonesia. These articles...
Proceedings Article
Child Protection Policy Implementation In Preventing Child Abuse In Palu City, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia
S. C. Ahsan, M. Nawawi, Insarullah, P. A. Nabila
This study aims to obtain information on how the implementation of Child Protection Policy in Palu City. The theory used as the basis of analysis is the policy implementation theory of George Edward III which consists of four indicators that influence the success or failure of policy implementation....
Proceedings Article
Factor Causing Poverty: A Case of the Fishermen in Kalupapi Village Bangkurung District Banggai Laut Regency
Aksan, A. Muis
This study aims at analyzing the factors causing poverty, forms of poverty, and poverty alleviation programs for traditional fishermen in Kalupapi Village. The method used in this research is descriptive method, using primary data and secondary data. The results show: 1) The poverty in traditional fishermen...
Proceedings Article
The Effects of Product Knowledge and Rational Motivation on Consumer Decision to Purchase Eiger Products
Ira Nuriya Santi, Farid, Sri Wanti, Firolika Nur Triana
This study aims to investigate the effects of product knowledge and rational motives on consumer’s decisio n to purchase Eiger products. The sample in this study was taken as many as 45 respondents using non-probability sampling technique. To collect data, this study employed various methods including...
Proceedings Article
Online Learning Training Assistance for Teachers in Sigi District in the Covid-19 Pandemic
Misnah, Iskandar, Hasan, Mutawakkil, Bahri, H. A. B. Malla
Problem of this research is facing an era of significant changes in the world of education which requires the learning process to continue and during the covid-19 pandemic the spread of the virus is also increasingly significant so that in facing this problem the teacher is the spearhead During the learning...
Proceedings Article
Students’ Perception of Environmental Literacy Through Education Sustainable Development-Oriented Chemistry Learning
Muhammad Gifary, Daud K. Walanda, Ria Dzulhijjah, Mery Napitupulu, Emi Sulmeini, Ratman
The concept of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) which have been issued by the United Nations (UN) become one of the solutions to overcome the environmental issue. In the concept of SDGs, there is one pillar, namely ESD (education sustainable development) which is an idea that comes from environmental...
Proceedings Article
Detection of Accounting Fraud in Local Governments for Sustainable Regional Development: the Role of Morality, Internal Control Systems and Compliance of Accounting Standards
Muhammad Fadli, Femilia Zahra, Muhammad Iqbal Bakri
This study aims to examined and analyzed the effect of the internal control system, the compliance of accounting standards and individual morality on the tendency of accounting fraud. The target population of this study are apparatus of local government in central Sulawesi. The sampling method that used...
Proceedings Article
Poso Terrorism Network System
Muhammad Nur Ali, Rahmat Bakri, Muthia Aryuni
The social conflict between community groups in Poso City that broke out at the end of 1998 immediately spread to all corners of the village in the Poso Regency area. Furthermore, conflicts between community groups that were held were given a segregative content and label between religions, ethnicities,...
Proceedings Article
Management Information System based on Study Program Accreditation Instrument Postgraduate at Tadulako University
Muliati, J. Kadang, Insarullah, N. Edy, R. Ramlan, W. Harso, N. Serdiati, Rosmawati, Aminah
The nine accreditation criteria are key strategic points in managing the governance of Postgraduate Tadulako University. However, the documentation of the implementation processes at the Postgraduate are not well recorded. In this work, the factors that become obstacles to the education management system...
Proceedings Article
Why does bullying happen in schools? Investigating teachers attitudes and perceptions about bullying and intervention
Muthia Aryuni
Bullying is an aggressive behavior that is difficult to avoid. Various phenomena of bullying in schools continue to appear in various forms. Teachers and schools are important factors in preventing and handling bullying in students.
Proceedings Article
Experiential Value Stimulus Affects Emotion and Word of Mouth: Study at a Local Restaurant
Widi Dewi Ruspitasari, Suman Anselah
This study explores the effect of experiential value on emotion and word of mouth, and the moderating effect of experiential value on word of mouth through consumer emotions. Respondents in this study were 95 consumers who visited meatball restaurants in the city of Malang, and used PLS analysis tools....
Proceedings Article
Study of Socio-Pragmatic of Teacher Communication Model on Whatsapp Social Media of Subject Teacher Deliberation Forum (MGMP) in Donggala
Yunidar, Nelis, SittiHarisah, Nuraedah, Nurdin Nurdin
This research intends to describe model and theme of teacher communication on WhatsApp social media of MGMP forum of Indonesian Language Donggala. The research method applied was qualitative method with a socio-pragmatic approach. Based on the results of the research, there are three models and themes...
Proceedings Article
Impact of Environmental Organizational Culture on Green Creativity with mediating role of Green Behavioural Intention: An evidence from Textile industry of Pakistan
Hafiza Safia Shaukat, Anees Jnee Ali
In this investigation the investigator wants to observe the impact of environmental organizational culture on green creativity with mediation of green behavioral intention in the textile industry of Pakistan. Moreover, 300 sample sizes is used by the investigator and 291 responses were selected for final...
Proceedings Article
Economic Feasibility Study Of Raw Water Development For Rusunawa In Park Industrial Area Morowali District
Nirmalawati, I W. Sutapa
The development of industrial estate in Morowali Regency, and the development of Flay over and Rusunawa, are necessary to build facilities and infrastructure for the construction of raw water networks for the needs of the community. This development requires a very large cost, so an investment feasibility...
Proceedings Article
Implementation of SDGs through the 5P Principles on PT. IMIP, Morowali Regency, Central Sulawesi
Wiri Wirastuti, Bustam, Cici Rianty K. Bidin, Abdul Razak, Judi Dermawan
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a global action plan agreed upon by world leaders, including Indonesia, to end poverty, reduce inequality and protect the environment. Achieving the SDGs is a very challenging matter, it requires work integration from mining companies to always develop for...
Proceedings Article
Profile of Mathematics Problem Solving of SMA IT Qurrota A’yun Sigi in terms of Spiritual Quotient (SQ)
Murniati, Mustamin Idris, Sukasa
This research is a qualitative research to describe the profile of mathematics problem solving of SMA IT Qurrota A’yun Sigi students in terms of spiritual Quotient according to the stages of problem solving according to Polya. The research subjects were selected based on the results of the spiritual...
Proceedings Article
Effectiveness of Internal Control of Operational Assistance Funds School
Linda Aryanti, Nina Yusnita Yamin, Muhammad Iqbal, Latifah Sukmawaty Yuniar
This study aims to explore the effectiveness of internal control in the management of school operational assistance funds at the 2 Poso State Senior High School. This research was conducted with descriptive qualitative method, data collection was done by interview, observation and documentation. Primary...
Proceedings Article
Collaborative Governance In Child Protection in Tasikmalaya Regency
Nuraisyah, Dandan Haryono, Sri Heryanianto
Tasikmalaya Regency is one of the districts that has collaborative governance problems in child protection. One of these problems is the lack of synergy between stakeholders. This problem is clearly seen when the Regional Indonesian Child Protection Commission and related agencies carry out monitoring...
Proceedings Article
Comparison of Green Economy Implementation in Indonesia, China and Africa
Budiyansa, Hendra Iskandar, Sukirman, Hirman Madjid, Lathifah Lanonci
This study aims to see the implementation of the green economy concept in Indonesia, China, and Africa. The method used is the literature review. The result of this study is that there are differences in the application of the green economy concept in Indonesia, China, and Africa based on the needs and...
Proceedings Article
The Supporting Factors for the Development of SMEs in Palu City
Syamsul Bahri Dg. Parani
This study aims to determine and analyze the condition of SME entrepreneurs in the Masomba Market in Palu City, the factors are relatively more dominant in supporting the development of SMEs in the market, and the contribution of supporting factors to the development of SMEs in the market. The number...
Proceedings Article
Building a Green School Curriculum from Elementary in Indonesia as an effort to Maintain Environmental Sustainability
Ayurisya Dominata
The challenge in protecting the earth from environmental damage is increasing along with the increasing population, advances in industrial technology, and minimal environmental awareness from the community. Technological advances need to be balanced with awareness of protecting the environment systematically....
Proceedings Article
Self-Efficacy as a Moderating Variable The Influence of Entrepreneurial Literacy and Income Expectations on Entrepreneurial Interest in Management Students, Faculty of Economics and Business, Tadulako University
Wiri Wirastuti, Surraya, Fera, Risnawati, Sri Wanti
This study aims to analyze the effectSelf-efficacy as a moderating variable influences entrepreneurial literacy and income expectations onEntrepreneurial Interest. The population in this study isall Management students class of 2019 and are still actively studying at the Faculty of Economics and Business,...
Proceedings Article
Investigation of Students’ Perception on English E-Learning during COVID-19 Pandemic
Syarifudin, Aminah Suriaman
The objectives of this research are to analyze the students’ perceptions of English e-learning during the COVID-19 pandemic and to find out the students’ challenges in using e-learning for English learning during the COVID-19 pandemic. In addition, this research was conducted through a qualitative approach....
Proceedings Article
The Comparison of Bank Financial Performance Before and During Pandemic (Covid-19) In Index80 Banking Sector Companies
Nurjannah, Indayani, Mulia Syahputra
The purpose of this research is to find out comparison of Bank Financial Performance Before and During the Pandemic (Covid – 19) in Banking Sector Companies Index80. The population taken is 9 companies. The sampling of this study used the census technique, meaning that the population was the same as...
Proceedings Article
Sustainability Reporting Framing, Trust, and Stakeholders’ Incompatibility Behavior on Legitimacy Perception
Frasto Biyanto, Bambang Subroto, Erwin Saraswati, Abdul Ghofar
The current study looks at how message framing and intents that can be derived from various—positive vs. negative—framings, interact with the growth of trust. There is empirical support for the claim that various, logically similar frames are understood to imply various intentions. Next, the connection...
Proceedings Article
Model of Micro Entreprises’ Financial Performance in Developed Village
The study aims to determine financial performance of micro enterprises that can be influenced by tangible resources, intangible resources, environmental dynamics, and competitive strategies by using Resource- Based View (RBV) theory. In accordance with this objective, the method of research is explanatory...
Proceedings Article
Problems faced by English lecturers in teaching students of Non-English Education Study Program during COVID-19 pandemic
Mutmainah, H. Basri, S. Usman, A. M. Syafar, M. M. Said, S. Aminah
This research aims to investigate the problems, the factors causing the problems and the solutions to solve the problems faced by the English lecturers who teach at the non-English study program at Tadulako University during the COVID-19 pandemic. The researcher used a qualitative design with an exploratory...
Proceedings Article
The Influence of Board’s Green Education on Green Innovation: The Case of Mining, Quarrying, and Extraction of Oil and Gas in Indonesian Public Companies
Nur Asni, Wiwiek Dianawati
This study investigates the effect of green education of the board of directors and board of commissioners on green innovation in Mining, Quarrying, and Extraction of Oil and Gas in Indonesian Public Companies. Based on the panel data test of 105 observations on Mining, Quarrying, and Extraction of Oil...
Proceedings Article
The Influence of Tourist Attraction and Destination Image on the Interest in Revisiting the Bone Bula Tourist Attraction in Donggala District with Visitor Satisfaction as an Intervening Variable
Enki Nainggolan, Nirwan, Farid, Nur Rizky, Suryadi Hadi, Roy Irawan Mendi
This study aims to determine and analyse the effect of tourist attraction and destination image on return visit interest at Bone Bula Beach tourist attraction in Donggala Regency with visitor satisfaction as an intervening variable. The type of research used is associative quantitative. The population...
Proceedings Article
Social Capital Construction in Building the Political Power of Independent Candidates for Election of Regional Head Donggala Regency 2013
Andi Maddukelleng
The purpose of this study is to find the form of social capital construction that independent candidates have in the 2013 regional head election when they can defeat the dominance of political parties that have mass bases, strong organizational structures, and hold power. Analyzing the ability of independent...
Proceedings Article
Value-Added in Processing Coconut Into Copra at Parigi Moutong Regency
Rustam Abd. Rauf, Hardiyanti Sultan, Erny, Shintami R. Malik, Lien Damayanti, Lien Damayanti, Al Alamsyar
Central Sulawesi is one of the regions that have the largest contribution to the Gross Regional Domestic Product (PDRB) from the agricultural sector in Sulawesi. In 2019, the plantation sub-sector contributed to a PDRB of 11.58%. Coconut is one of the plantation crops which is the leading commodity in...
Proceedings Article
The level of farmer satisfaction with the citronella partnership in Patikraja District (Case in Kedungrandu Village)
Irene Kartika Eka Wijayanti, Sunendar, Lutfi Zulkifli, Rifki Andi Novia, Alpha Nadeira Mandamdari, Tatang Widjojoko, Adwi Herry Koesoema Elyanto, Syahrul Ganda Sukmaya
Citronella (Cymbopogon nardus) is a type of essential oil plant. One of the districts in Central Java that has high potential to develop citronella oil is Banyumas Regency. PT Dewara Nusa Jaya is one of the essential oil refining factories in Banyumas Regency, Central Java which has a partnership with...
Proceedings Article
Tax Ratio, Tax Capacity and Tax Effort in Indonesia Period 2001–2020
Edhi Taqwa, Rita Yunus
Taxes are a very important source of state revenue in sustaining development. The size of the tax will determine the capacity of the state budget to finance state expenditures. Therefore, in order to get a large state revenue from the tax sector, a series of efforts are needed that can increase both...
Proceedings Article
Convergence of Intercultural Communication Among Vietnamese Students to Local Students at Tadulako University
Vietnamese students who continue their studies at the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Tadulako University certainly have cultural differences with local students. To prevent conflict, the effort that must be made by Vietnamese students is to implement convergence actions. The purpose of this...
Proceedings Article
A Review on Organizational Innovative Climate on Employees’ Creativity
Tingting Ma, Anees Janee Ali, Abdullahi Ndagi
Among the contextual antecedents of creative performance that have been extremely confirmed, innovative climate in organizations is yet to receive constant attention and research. This article exclusively and systematically reviews and integrates theoretical and empirical efforts that have examined how...
Proceedings Article
The Challenges for Local Law Enforcement in Controlling Corruption: A Case Study in the Central Sulawesi Region
Haryono Pasang Kamase, Muhammad Darma Halwi, Abdul Kahar, Muhammad Ansar, Sugiyanto, Ernawati Usman
The study explores the challenges of controlling corruption in local public spending by the local law enforcement officers (Aparat Penegak Hukum [APH]), namely local police and prosecutor's office. This study adopts multiple case study strategy on local public spending in the Central Sulawesi Region,...
Proceedings Article
Exploring EFL Learning Strategies of International Class Students at Higher Education
Watun, Manurung, Mukrim, Suriaman, Kamaruddi
This research aims to explore the frequent EFL learning strategies used by international class students considered successful learners, the effects of the learning strategies, and how the learners enjoyed learning non-English subjects. It employed a mix-method with a triangulation instrument including...
Proceedings Article
The Influence of Accountability And Competence on Audit Quality
(Empirical Study at the Regional Inspectorate of Central Sulawesi and Palu City)
Abdul Pattawe, Muhamad Natsir, Fadli Moh. Saleh, Jamaluddin
This study aims to examine and analyze the effect of accountability and competence on audit quality at the Regional Inspectorate of Central Sulawesi Province and Inspectorate of Palu City. This research is quantitative research type using a census sampling technique. The data analysis is performed based...
Proceedings Article
The Role of Dynamic Agility Orchestration Resources as A Model for Sunda Strait Coastal Green Tourism Recovery
Bambang Dwi Suseno, Sutisna Muhari, Syamsul Hidayat
This study aims to first investigate the problem of the low recovery of coastal tourism and, secondly, to bridge the gap between the findings of previous studies on the effect of tourist arrivals on the recovery of coastal tourism. A causal study is used in research to determine cause-and-effect relationships....
Proceedings Article
Implementation of the Blue Economy Concept in Sustainable Development of Indonesian Oceans (International Law and National Law Perspectives)
Dayu Medina, Dewi Enggriyeni
Indonesia as an archipelagic country with the two-third of its territory is the ocean,which consits of 3,2 millon km2 and a territorial sea of 0,3 million km2, building a sustainable ocean economy is importent think. In addition, as a part of the international community, Indonesia must have regulations...
Proceedings Article
Barriers to Green Logistics Implementation in Indonesia: A Preliminary Study
Suryadi Hadi, Sulaeman Miru, Saharuddin Kaseng, Asngadi, Syamsuddin, Femilia Zahra
The sustainability of a business is inseparable from the ability to maintain environmental quality. Business awareness in various sectors today, especially in the logistics sector, has also increased. Logistics business players in developed countries have implemented this compared to emerging countries....
Proceedings Article
Students’ Perception on the Implementation of Online Learning in Public Speaking Course during COVID-19 Pandemic
Liviany Potabuga, Konder Manurung, Rofiqoh, Mochtar Marhum, Mawardin M. Said
Public speaking skill is needed by higher educational level of students. Public speaking skill for university students is paid much attention to because of its importance. Post graduate students learn public speaking as one of the subjects to improve their speaking skills and prepare them as future teachers...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Internal Control System and Human Resources Quality on the Quality of Financial Statements with the Utilization of Information Technology as a Moderating Variable
Yuldi Mile, Abdul Pattawe, Weinalgi Trian Raharya, Muhammad Natsir, Nurlaela Mapparessa, Moh.Wibie Tahtanu Syarif
This study aims to examine and analyze the effect of the internal control system and the quality of human resources on the quality of financial statements with utilization information technology as a moderating variable. The type of research is survey research. The research population is the village...
Proceedings Article
Implementation Of Village Fund Budgetin Pandemic Covid-19 (Study On Sosom Village Government, Bulagi District, Banggai Kelautan Regency, Central Sulawesi)
Nurlaela Mapparessa, Nurhayati Haris, Hendrianto Rusman, Nina Yusnita Yamin
This study aims to explore the use of village fund budgets during the pandemic covid-19 in Sosom village government, Bulagi District, Banggai Kepulauan Regency, Central Sulawesi. Case studies are used as a method in this research, by conducting interviews, observations, and reviewing the village budget...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Utilization of E-Commerce, Digital Literature and Financial Literature on Interest in Entrepreneurship
(Study on Students of the Undergraduate Accounting Study Program at Tadulako University)
Nurhayati Haris, Femilia Zahra, Gabriela Meylino Sippan
This research is aim to test and analyze the influence of E-Commerce utilization, digital literature, and financial literature on interest in entrepreneurship on accounting undergraduate students study program at Tadulako University. This research is using primary data, the method used is by questionnaire...
Proceedings Article
Income and Feasibility of Lowland Rice Farming in Parigi Moutong Regency, Central Sulawesi
Rustam Abd. Rauf, Erny, Hardiyanti Sultan, Lien Damayanti, Shintami R. Malik, Yulianti Kalaba
The agricultural sector is the leading sector in an agrarian country and has several supporting sub-sectors, one of which is the food crops sub-sector. Food crops are the most important sub-sector as a support to meet the needs of many people, especially the basic needs of human food. Food is a basic...
Proceedings Article
Corporate Social Responsibility Based on Islamic Culture
Nur Anisah, Eko Ganis Sukoharsono, Roekhuddin, Syaiful Iqbal, Nur Anisah
The purpose of this interpretive qualitative research is to identify how a company in Jombang Indonesia interprets and implements Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) according to Islamic culture. The data were collected through surveys, interviews, and documentation and analyzed using an ethnographic...
Proceedings Article
Policy National Medium-Term Development Plan in Supporting a Green Economy in Industrial Sector in Indonesia (Case Study of Coal Mining in Indonesia)
Rismanto, Sitti Munifah, M. Ilham Jaya Pernama, Ardin, Sri Rahayu Husen
Green growth in Indonesia, in principle is a sustainable development (Sustainable Development Goals). Growth in the economic field cannot be separated from the position of industrialization. Industrial zones are a major contributor to economic development in Indonesia. This study aims to analyze the...
Proceedings Article
Symbolic Interaction in the Implementation of the Village Fund Budget
Alfaningtyas Shulivien Mangile, Nina Yusnita Yamin, Muhamad Iqbal, Muhammad Ansar
This study aims to find and understand the symbols in the implementation of the village fund budget. This study uses the theory of symbolic interactionism as an analytical tool. The informants in this study were village government officials and the community of Petiro Village, Pamona Timur District,...
Proceedings Article
Community Response In Efforts To Treatment Stunting In Dolo Sub-District Sigi Regency
Ahmad Sinala, Ritha Safithri
This study aims to explore the knowledge and understanding of the community about stunting and how the community responds to accepting programs implemented by local governments in the treatment of stunting in the community. The problem in this study is how the understanding and acceptance of the community...
Proceedings Article
The Impact Of Growth Of Consumption Expenditure On Indonesia’s Economy In The Time Of Covid-19
Patta Tope
As a result of COVID-19, Indonesia entered an economic recession. This is in line with the performance of economic growth which has contracted twice in a row. In the third quarter of 2020, Indonesia’s economy grew -3.49 percent, continuing the economic rate in the second quarter of 2020 which was recorded...
Proceedings Article
Mathematical Critical Thinking Abilities of Student SMPN Sirenja through Realistic Mathematics Education (RME) and Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL)
Dasa Ismaimuza, Miftah Pranasty, Mustamin, Sutji Rochaminah
The purpose of this study is to examine if there are differences in students’ mathematical critical thinking ability based on their past mathematical knowledge and self-efficacy. This is a quasi- experimental study employing the Realistic Mathematics Education method (experimental class) and the Contextual...
Proceedings Article
Social Protection In The Fulfillment Of The Basic Rights Of The Child In Poso Regency
Violations of children’s basic rights are quite common in Poso Regency. Children often get unfair treatment from their social environment so children can become traumatized and have a fear of social interaction. The purpose of the study was to determine social protection in the fulfillment of the basic...
Proceedings Article
The Vocabulary Self-collection Strategy (VSS): Enrich Meaning and Use of Students’ Vocabulary Learning
Namirah Nurul Ilmi Achmad, Jamiluddin, Afrillia Anggreni
This research was exposed to examine if The Vocabulary Self-collection Strategy (VSS) can improve students’ vocabulary mastery in which is limited in meaning and use. Quasi-experimental design was implemented and the first grade students of SMP Negeri Model Terpadu Madani Palu, Central-Sulawesi became...
Proceedings Article
Factors Affecting Disclosure of Carbon Emission in State-Owned Enterprises Listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange
Nurhidayah Sani, Supriadi Laupe, Muliati
This study aims to obtain empirical evidence of the profitability effect, leverage, company size, industry type, and media exposure on carbon emission disclosures in state-owned enterprises listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange from 2018 to 2020. The population is 22 companies, and the sample is 15...
Proceedings Article
Preparation of Active Carbon from Rice Straw to Reduce TSS Levels and pH Value of Tofu Waste
Mery Napitupulu, Siti Nukra, Daud K. Walanda
This research aims to utilize waste agriculture rice straw as a source to produce carbon active and can be used to reduce the levels of TSS and pH value of activated carbon. The feasibility of TSS levels in tofu waste is seen from SNI 06–6989- 3–2004. The yield of activated carbon from rice straw was...
Proceedings Article
Income Gap between Formal-Informal Workers: An Evidence from Agriculture in Indonesia
Arief Ibrahim, Nasri Bachtiar, Elvina Primayesa
The Indonesian structure of profession is still dominated by agriculture, forestry, and fisheries, with high poverty levels and a high proportion of informal workers. Using the Blinder-Oaxaca decomposition method, this study aims to see the influence of discrimination and characteristics of formal and...
Proceedings Article
Family Communication in the Parenting Patterns of Teenager Parents about Robber Behavior in Palu City Streets
Andi Febri Herawati N
Robber behavior is a negative action often found among teenagers in Palu City. Regarding this problem, parents as the nuclear family try to educate their children to continue to behave well and be helpful to others. This study aims to determine and describe family communication in the pattern of parental...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Institutional Isomorphism on the Sustainability of Inter-State Distribution of Staple Foods in Indonesia with Green Logistics Variables as Mediation: A Review and Research Agenda
Suryadi Hadi, Syamsul Bahri, Sulaeman Miru, Femilia Zahra
The internal and external environments have an impact on logistics company activities through coercive, mimetic, and normative techniques. The three pillars of business sustainability are economic, social, and environmental. All operations involving the forward and reverse movement of goods and services...
Proceedings Article
Integration of Local Wisdom Values (Nolunu Mombine To Kaili) in Indonesian Cultural History Courses through Youtube Channel Animation Media
Iskandar, Mahfud Mahmud Gamar, Misnah, Bahri, Nurasyah Dewi Napitupulu, Rizal Renaldi, Bau Ratu, Herlina, Nur Alim
This study aims to describe the ethnographic values of the local culture of Nosarara which are implemented in the philosophy of Nolunu Mombine To Kaili as a form of local wisdom in the Kaili ethnic community to maintain harmonious family relations between human beings. This study uses a qualitative approach,...
Proceedings Article
Knowledge Level of Elementary School Teachers as Supporting Schools Based on Lore Lindu National Park, Central Sulawesi Province
Misnah, Bahri, Nurasyah Dewi Napitupulu, Andi Dewi Riang Tati, Nur Alim, Nur Afni, Rizal Renaldi, Herlina, Bau Ratu
The purpose of this study was to conduct an empirical data search on the knowledge of elementary school teachers in designing learning devices as support schools based on Lore Lindu National Park. Based on the results of observations, interviews and instrument searches using a questionnaire. This research...
Proceedings Article
Fiscal Illusion Detection on The Financial Performance of Central Sulawesi Regional Government Within the Period of 2016–2020
Haerul Anam, Yunus Sading, Musdalifah
This study aims to detect the phenomenon of fiscal illusion on the financial performance of local governments in Central Sulawesi Province for the 206–2020 period. This research is derived from secondary data obtained from the Central Sulawesi Provincial Statistics Agency website and sites that provide...
Proceedings Article
Resilience of the Kaili Ethnic Family Based on Islamic Religious Values
Indah Ahdiah, Ritha Safithri, Dwi Gevinia
This research is based on the phenomenon that in Palu has been an increase in the divorce rate in the last three years. Based on this phenomenon, the foundation of the family that is able to maintain its integrity is studied, as part of the learner’s value in maintaining family resilience. Therefore,...
Proceedings Article
Business Performance Analysis: Based Green Enterpreneur and Green Business
Farid, Fera, Sri Wanti, Taufik Bidullah
Competitive advantage through green entrepreneurship is built through company growth, creation of environmentally friendly jobs that can build a harmonious ecosystem, so as to improve company performance. The creation of environmentally friendly products and services by companies is an important practice...
Proceedings Article
Productivity and Business Income of Cattle Based on the Maintenance System
Yudi Mujayin, Andi Jauhar, Kevin Isha Mahendra
The development of the livestock subsector is an inseparable part of agricultural development in order to improve the economy of the nation and the state. This effort aims to prosper farmers and ranchers and their ability to encourage the growth of the agricultural sector, especially the livestock subsector....
Proceedings Article
Fraud Prevention by Integrating Tri Hita Karana Value as Organizational Culture
Ni Putu Riski Martini, Made Sudarma, Lilik Purwanti, Noval Adib
Purpose This study aims to integrate the value of Tri Hita Karana (THK) as an organizational culture in fraud prevention efforts. Design/methodology/approach– This study uses a qualitative approach with an ethnographic research design. Data collection was carried out through participatory observation,...
Proceedings Article
Indonesian Customer Awareness Toward Purchase Intention of Sustainable Fashion
Viona Charista, Eristia Lidia Paramita
The awareness of sustainable fashion is still low rather other fields. Indonesia is one of the countries that consume a lot of fashion products. This study aims to know the Indonesian awareness toward purchase intention of sustainable fashion products. This research used quantitative descriptive research...