Proceedings of the 2nd International Interdisciplinary Conference on Environmental Sciences and Sustainable Developments (IICESSD) 2022 Education and Green Economy (IICESSD EGE 2022)

254 authors
Achmad, Namirah Nurul Ilmi
The Vocabulary Self-collection Strategy (VSS): Enrich Meaning and Use of Students’ Vocabulary Learning
Adib, Noval
Fraud Prevention by Integrating Tri Hita Karana Value as Organizational Culture
Afni, Nur
Knowledge Level of Elementary School Teachers as Supporting Schools Based on Lore Lindu National Park, Central Sulawesi Province
Ahdiah, Indah
Resilience of the Kaili Ethnic Family Based on Islamic Religious Values
Ahsan, S. C.
Child Protection Policy Implementation In Preventing Child Abuse In Palu City, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia
Factor Causing Poverty: A Case of the Fishermen in Kalupapi Village Bangkurung District Banggai Laut Regency
Alamsyar, Al
Value-Added in Processing Coconut Into Copra at Parigi Moutong Regency
Ali, Anees Janee
A Review on Organizational Innovative Climate on Employees’ Creativity
Ali, Anees Jnee
Impact of Environmental Organizational Culture on Green Creativity with mediating role of Green Behavioural Intention: An evidence from Textile industry of Pakistan
Ali, Muhammad Nur
Poso Terrorism Network System
Alim, Nur
Integration of Local Wisdom Values (Nolunu Mombine To Kaili) in Indonesian Cultural History Courses through Youtube Channel Animation Media
Alim, Nur
Knowledge Level of Elementary School Teachers as Supporting Schools Based on Lore Lindu National Park, Central Sulawesi Province
Management Information System based on Study Program Accreditation Instrument Postgraduate at Tadulako University
Aminah, S.
Problems faced by English lecturers in teaching students of Non-English Education Study Program during COVID-19 pandemic
Anam, Haerul
Fiscal Illusion Detection on The Financial Performance of Central Sulawesi Regional Government Within the Period of 2016–2020
Anggreni, Afrillia
The Vocabulary Self-collection Strategy (VSS): Enrich Meaning and Use of Students’ Vocabulary Learning
Anisah, Nur
Corporate Social Responsibility Based on Islamic Culture
Anisah, Nur
Corporate Social Responsibility Based on Islamic Culture
Ansar, Muhammad
The Challenges for Local Law Enforcement in Controlling Corruption: A Case Study in the Central Sulawesi Region
Ansar, Muhammad
Symbolic Interaction in the Implementation of the Village Fund Budget
Anselah, Suman
Experiential Value Stimulus Affects Emotion and Word of Mouth: Study at a Local Restaurant
Policy National Medium-Term Development Plan in Supporting a Green Economy in Industrial Sector in Indonesia (Case Study of Coal Mining in Indonesia)
Aryanti, Linda
Effectiveness of Internal Control of Operational Assistance Funds School
Aryuni, Muthia
Poso Terrorism Network System
Aryuni, Muthia
Why does bullying happen in schools? Investigating teachers attitudes and perceptions about bullying and intervention
Barriers to Green Logistics Implementation in Indonesia: A Preliminary Study
Asni, Nur
The Influence of Board’s Green Education on Green Innovation: The Case of Mining, Quarrying, and Extraction of Oil and Gas in Indonesian Public Companies
Bachtiar, Nasri
Income Gap between Formal-Informal Workers: An Evidence from Agriculture in Indonesia
Online Learning Training Assistance for Teachers in Sigi District in the Covid-19 Pandemic
Integration of Local Wisdom Values (Nolunu Mombine To Kaili) in Indonesian Cultural History Courses through Youtube Channel Animation Media
Knowledge Level of Elementary School Teachers as Supporting Schools Based on Lore Lindu National Park, Central Sulawesi Province
Bahri, Syamsul
The Effect of Institutional Isomorphism on the Sustainability of Inter-State Distribution of Staple Foods in Indonesia with Green Logistics Variables as Mediation: A Review and Research Agenda
Bakri, Muhammad Iqbal
Detection of Accounting Fraud in Local Governments for Sustainable Regional Development: the Role of Morality, Internal Control Systems and Compliance of Accounting Standards
Bakri, Rahmat
Poso Terrorism Network System
Basri, H.
Problems faced by English lecturers in teaching students of Non-English Education Study Program during COVID-19 pandemic
Bidin, Cici Rianty K.
Implementation of SDGs through the 5P Principles on PT. IMIP, Morowali Regency, Central Sulawesi
Bidullah, Taufik
Business Performance Analysis: Based Green Enterpreneur and Green Business
Biyanto, Frasto
Sustainability Reporting Framing, Trust, and Stakeholders’ Incompatibility Behavior on Legitimacy Perception
Comparison of Green Economy Implementation in Indonesia, China and Africa
Implementation of SDGs through the 5P Principles on PT. IMIP, Morowali Regency, Central Sulawesi
Charista, Viona
Indonesian Customer Awareness Toward Purchase Intention of Sustainable Fashion
Che-Ha, Norbani
Peer-Review Statements
Damayanti, Lien
Value-Added in Processing Coconut Into Copra at Parigi Moutong Regency
Damayanti, Lien
Value-Added in Processing Coconut Into Copra at Parigi Moutong Regency
Damayanti, Lien
Income and Feasibility of Lowland Rice Farming in Parigi Moutong Regency, Central Sulawesi
Dermawan, Judi
Implementation of SDGs through the 5P Principles on PT. IMIP, Morowali Regency, Central Sulawesi
Dianawati, Wiwiek
The Influence of Board’s Green Education on Green Innovation: The Case of Mining, Quarrying, and Extraction of Oil and Gas in Indonesian Public Companies
Dominata, Ayurisya
Building a Green School Curriculum from Elementary in Indonesia as an effort to Maintain Environmental Sustainability
Dzulhijjah, Ria
Students’ Perception of Environmental Literacy Through Education Sustainable Development-Oriented Chemistry Learning
Edy, N.
Management Information System based on Study Program Accreditation Instrument Postgraduate at Tadulako University
Elyanto, Adwi Herry Koesoema
The level of farmer satisfaction with the citronella partnership in Patikraja District (Case in Kedungrandu Village)
Enggriyeni, Dewi
Implementation of the Blue Economy Concept in Sustainable Development of Indonesian Oceans (International Law and National Law Perspectives)
Value-Added in Processing Coconut Into Copra at Parigi Moutong Regency
Income and Feasibility of Lowland Rice Farming in Parigi Moutong Regency, Central Sulawesi
Convergence of Intercultural Communication Among Vietnamese Students to Local Students at Tadulako University
Fadli, Muhammad
Detection of Accounting Fraud in Local Governments for Sustainable Regional Development: the Role of Morality, Internal Control Systems and Compliance of Accounting Standards
The Effects of Product Knowledge and Rational Motivation on Consumer Decision to Purchase Eiger Products
The Influence of Tourist Attraction and Destination Image on the Interest in Revisiting the Bone Bula Tourist Attraction in Donggala District with Visitor Satisfaction as an Intervening Variable
Business Performance Analysis: Based Green Enterpreneur and Green Business
Self-Efficacy as a Moderating Variable The Influence of Entrepreneurial Literacy and Income Expectations on Entrepreneurial Interest in Management Students, Faculty of Economics and Business, Tadulako University
Business Performance Analysis: Based Green Enterpreneur and Green Business
Gamar, Mahfud Mahmud
Integration of Local Wisdom Values (Nolunu Mombine To Kaili) in Indonesian Cultural History Courses through Youtube Channel Animation Media
Gevinia, Dwi
Resilience of the Kaili Ethnic Family Based on Islamic Religious Values
Ghofar, Abdul
Sustainability Reporting Framing, Trust, and Stakeholders’ Incompatibility Behavior on Legitimacy Perception
Gifary, Muhammad
Students’ Perception of Environmental Literacy Through Education Sustainable Development-Oriented Chemistry Learning
Hadi, Suryadi
The Influence of Tourist Attraction and Destination Image on the Interest in Revisiting the Bone Bula Tourist Attraction in Donggala District with Visitor Satisfaction as an Intervening Variable
Hadi, Suryadi
Barriers to Green Logistics Implementation in Indonesia: A Preliminary Study
Hadi, Suryadi
The Effect of Institutional Isomorphism on the Sustainability of Inter-State Distribution of Staple Foods in Indonesia with Green Logistics Variables as Mediation: A Review and Research Agenda
Halwi, Muhammad Darma
The Challenges for Local Law Enforcement in Controlling Corruption: A Case Study in the Central Sulawesi Region
Haris, Nurhayati
Implementation Of Village Fund Budgetin Pandemic Covid-19 (Study On Sosom Village Government, Bulagi District, Banggai Kelautan Regency, Central Sulawesi)
Haris, Nurhayati
The Effect of Utilization of E-Commerce, Digital Literature and Financial Literature on Interest in Entrepreneurship
Harso, W.
Management Information System based on Study Program Accreditation Instrument Postgraduate at Tadulako University
Haryono, Dandan
Collaborative Governance In Child Protection in Tasikmalaya Regency
Online Learning Training Assistance for Teachers in Sigi District in the Covid-19 Pandemic
Integration of Local Wisdom Values (Nolunu Mombine To Kaili) in Indonesian Cultural History Courses through Youtube Channel Animation Media
Knowledge Level of Elementary School Teachers as Supporting Schools Based on Lore Lindu National Park, Central Sulawesi Province
Heryanianto, Sri
Collaborative Governance In Child Protection in Tasikmalaya Regency
Hidayat, Syamsul
The Role of Dynamic Agility Orchestration Resources as A Model for Sunda Strait Coastal Green Tourism Recovery
Husen, Sri Rahayu
Policy National Medium-Term Development Plan in Supporting a Green Economy in Industrial Sector in Indonesia (Case Study of Coal Mining in Indonesia)
Model of Micro Entreprises’ Financial Performance in Developed Village
Husnah, Husnah
Peer-Review Statements
Ibrahim, Arief
Income Gap between Formal-Informal Workers: An Evidence from Agriculture in Indonesia
Idris, Mustamin
Profile of Mathematics Problem Solving of SMA IT Qurrota A’yun Sigi in terms of Spiritual Quotient (SQ)
The Comparison of Bank Financial Performance Before and During Pandemic (Covid-19) In Index80 Banking Sector Companies
Child Protection Policy Implementation In Preventing Child Abuse In Palu City, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia
Management Information System based on Study Program Accreditation Instrument Postgraduate at Tadulako University
Iqbal, Muhamad
Symbolic Interaction in the Implementation of the Village Fund Budget
Iqbal, Muhammad
Effectiveness of Internal Control of Operational Assistance Funds School
Iqbal, Syaiful
Corporate Social Responsibility Based on Islamic Culture
Online Learning Training Assistance for Teachers in Sigi District in the Covid-19 Pandemic
Integration of Local Wisdom Values (Nolunu Mombine To Kaili) in Indonesian Cultural History Courses through Youtube Channel Animation Media
Iskandar, Hendra
Comparison of Green Economy Implementation in Indonesia, China and Africa
Ismaimuza, Dasa
Mathematical Critical Thinking Abilities of Student SMPN Sirenja through Realistic Mathematics Education (RME) and Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL)
The Influence of Accountability And Competence on Audit Quality
The Vocabulary Self-collection Strategy (VSS): Enrich Meaning and Use of Students’ Vocabulary Learning
Jauhar, Andi
Productivity and Business Income of Cattle Based on the Maintenance System
Kadang, J.
Management Information System based on Study Program Accreditation Instrument Postgraduate at Tadulako University
Kahar, Abdul
The Challenges for Local Law Enforcement in Controlling Corruption: A Case Study in the Central Sulawesi Region
Kalaba, Yulianti
Income and Feasibility of Lowland Rice Farming in Parigi Moutong Regency, Central Sulawesi
Exploring EFL Learning Strategies of International Class Students at Higher Education