Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Language, Literature, Culture, and Education (ICOLLITE 2020)
344 authors
- Permana, Pepen
- Optimizing the Quiz Moodle Module for the B1 Level German Language Exam Simulation Application
- Permatawati, Irma
- Google Translate in Perceptions of German Language Students
- Permatawati, Irma
- The Development of LMS-Moodle based Virtual Classroom for Hör-Sehverstehen Learning
- Permatawati, Irma
- Optimizing the Quiz Moodle Module for the B1 Level German Language Exam Simulation Application
- Pramanik, Niken
- Patterns and Functions of the Word Terus in Four-to-Five-Year-Old Children’s Speech
- Pratama, Deri Fadly
- Study of Local Wisdom Values in the Short Collection “Keajaiban Ceritaku” Stories of PGSD Students
- Pratiwi, Indry Julyanti
- Errors of Deixis Usage in French Narrative Texts
- Pratiwi, Inne Marthyane
- Digital Literacy Abilities of Students in Distance Learning
- Prautomo, Adi
- A Mammoth Logistical Challenge with Slight Hiccups
- Purnami, Wening Handri
- Speech Acts Analysis of Corner Discourse in Javanese Language Magazines
- Purnawarman, Pupung
- The Use of Edubox as a Medium in Reading Comprehension Assessment
- Purnawarman, Pupung
- Indonesian EFL Teachers’ Challenges in Assessing Students’ Higher-Order Thinking Skills (HOTS)
- Purnawarman, Pupung
- Authentic Speaking Assessment Applied by English Teachers During Online Learning
- Purnawarman, Pupung
- Impacts of Mobile-Assisted Language Assessment (MALA) on EFL Students’ Beliefs About Language Learning (BALL)
- Purnawarman, Pupung
- EFL Students’ Response on the Impact of Online Peer Feedback on Their Writing Performance
- Puspitorini, Dwi
- Javanese Personal Pronoun Sira’s Dynamic Change in 10th – 16th Century
- Putri, Amandastia
- Emotional Onomatopoeia in Japanese Animation Series
- Putri, Elsa Wahyuni
- Investigating Language Shift Among Minangnese Second Generations in North Bandung
- Putri, Paramita Dwi Lestari
- Presupposition Analysis in Twitter Reply Columns in Alleged Cyberbullying Case
- Qanita, Afiana
- Meaning and Usage Analysis of Japanese Onomatopoeia in Japanese Light Novel
- Qodriani, Laila Ulsi
- Language Change in ‘New-Normal’ Classroom
- Racmadhany, Ariessa
- A Study of Design and Development of French Training Module for Tour Guide
- Racmadhany, Ariessa
- Think, Talk, Write Strategy in French Writing Skill Learning
- Raden, Agung Zainal Muttakin
- Transforming Sundanese Script
- Rahardi, R. Kunjana
- The Absence Manifestation of the Use of Indonesian Language Basic Syntactic Function Found in Master Program Student’s Journal Articles
- Rahardi, R. Kunjana
- Integration of Solidarity Values in the Torok Oral Tradition of the Manggarai Society Through Multicultural Education
- Rahardi, R. Kunjana
- Optimizing the Social-Transcendental Functions of Kidung Sedekah Gunung
- Rahardi, R. Kunjana
- The Inclusion of the Unity Values in Teda Oral Tradition Through Multicultural Education
- Rahayu, Nurti
- Has English at Tourism and Hospitality Higher Education Met the Future Workplace Requirements?
- Rahesi, Inggri Dwi
- Read Aloud Training Module
- Rahim, Nordiana Asra A.
- Speaking Skills
- Rahma, Rosita
- Profile of Self-Assessment Use in Learning Indonesian Language at the Senior High School
- Rahma, Rosita
- Eye Movement Patterns on Screen Readers
- Rahmah, Selik Zakiyah
- The Representation of Harassment Object in Incident of Cyber Sexual Abuse
- Rahman
- The Use of Circuit Learning Model in Improving Students’ Writing Skills in Elementary School
- Rahman
- Digital Literacy Abilities of Students in Distance Learning
- Rahman
- An Analysis of Symbolic Meanings in Palang Pintu Tradition of the Betawi Wedding Ceremony
- Rahman
- Learning from Home
- Rahman
- The Use of BAIK Card as Learning Media to Improve Learning in The Animal Caring Lesson
- Rahmat, Rahmat
- Construction and Implication of New Covid-19 Pandemic Words
- Rahmawati
- A Comparative Study of Indonesian and Sundanese Homonym Vocabularies
- Rahmawati, Eva Yuni
- Improving Students’ Reading Comprehension on English Text Through Semantic Mapping
- Ramadhani, Shabrina Almash
- Phonological Process Analysis of Shukuyakukei (Contracted Form) in Gintama Hōsōkyoku
- Ramadhianti, Agustina
- Revisiting Basic Writing Handbook
- Riani
- Redefinition of Homecoming (Mudik) VS Returning Home (Pulang Kampung) in the Context of Covid-19 Pandemic
- Rikmasari, Rima
- The Use of Circuit Learning Model in Improving Students’ Writing Skills in Elementary School
- Risda, Dianni
- Designing Daily Life Manner in Japan as an Effort to Understand the Japanese Culture
- Rizaldin, M. Rifki
- Mamaos Art at Sanggar Sekar Panghegar in Cianjur City
- Rosidin, Rosidin
- Construction and Implication of New Covid-19 Pandemic Words
- Rosyada, Amrina
- Revisiting Basic Writing Handbook
- Ruhaliah
- The Values of Character Education in Children’s Novel Guha Karang Legok Pari
- Ruhaliah
- Kapamalian in Cikondang Traditional House Lamajang Village Sub-District of Pangalengan Bandung Regency
- Rustopo, Rustopo
- Transforming Sundanese Script
- Sabila, Nurul Aini Akrima
- Move Analysis of Tourism Research Article Abstracts in National and International Journal Articles
- Safitri, Fani
- Sociocultural Components in The Translation of Onomatopoeia from French into Indonesian
- Sakti, Asri Wibawa
- An Analysis of Symbolic Meanings in Palang Pintu Tradition of the Betawi Wedding Ceremony
- Salam, Aprinus
- The Translator’s Strategy as a Cultural Mediator in Translating Indonesian Novel into English
- Salsabila, Alika
- Strategies of Translating French Pronominal Verbs in Tintin Into Indonesian
- Sandy, Fadillah
- Early Childhood Literacy Experiences at Home in Relation to Family Socio-Economic Status (SES)
- Sanusi, Anwar
- Investigating the Students’ Weaknesses in Writing Academic Papers
- Saputra, Candra
- Social Status as a Nonverbal Language in Priyayi Society
- Saputra, Zufrufin
- Regulatory Discourse on Woman’s Body
- Sari, Intan Permata
- Language Variations in Instagram Caption
- Sastaparamitha, Ni Nyoman Ayu J.
- The Form and Use of Dysphemism in Hoax
- Sastromiharjo, Andoyo
- Character Traits Oriented Learning Material Model as a Strategy to Strengthen the Character for Early Childhood
- Sastromiharjo, Andoyo
- Development of Interactive-Multimedia-Assisted Social Cognitive Model for Early Reading Learning
- Sauri, Sofyan
- The Use of Circuit Learning Model in Improving Students’ Writing Skills in Elementary School
- Sayuti, Suminto A.
- Sundanese Language Code-mixing in “Kabayan Jadi Milyuner” Film
- Sembiring, Sri Ulina Br
- Cross-Cultural Folklore Enhancement Book for BIPA Learners of Japanese Speakers
- Setambah, Mohd Afifi Bahurudin
- Speaking Skills
- Setiadi, Riswanda
- Sociocultural Components in The Translation of Onomatopoeia from French into Indonesian
- Setiadi, Riswanda
- Poetry in Teaching French Descriptive Texts Writing
- Setyaningsih, Yuliana
- Improvement Bases of Teachers’ Technological Knowledge in the Implementation of Computer-Based Learning
- Setyaningsih, Yuliana
- Editorial Argument Typification of Bisnis Indonesia
- Setyaningsih, Yuliana
- Socratic Seminar Method to Improve Students’ Critical Thinking Ability in Indonesian Language Learning
- Setyarini, Sri
- Investigating Distinctive Problems Observed in Post-editing of Machine Translation Output Made by Indonesian Undergraduate Students
- Setyarini, Sri
- HOTs-based Needs Analysis of the Indonesian Language Assistants in Victoria, Australia
- Sholikhah, Ika Maratus
- Multilingualism Through Linguistic Landscapes in Baturraden Tourism Resorts
- Simatupang, Masda Surti
- Relationship Between English Language Attitude and Proficiency
- Siregar, Ferry Muhammadsyah
- Religion, Education, and Pluralism
- Sitaresmi, Nunung
- A Comparative Study of Indonesian and Sundanese Homonym Vocabularies
- Sofa, Nidia
- Time Management and Learning Strategy in Polytechnic in The Digital Transformation Era
- Solehudin, O.
- The Character Education in Ngabungbang Tradition in Kasepuhan Ciptagelar Indigenous Community
- Sopiawati, Iis
- A Study of Design and Development of French Training Module for Tour Guide
- Sopiawati, Iis
- An Analysis of Code Switching and Code Mixing in The Film “Tokyo Fiancée” by Stefan Liberski
- Suardana, I Putu Oka
- The Effect of Literacy Pattern and Mother Tongue on the Language Learning Ability during Learning from Home
- Sudana, Dadang
- Language Variations in Instagram Caption
- Sudana, Dadang
- An Attitudinal Analysis of Social Actor on Indonesia Capital City Movement
- Sudana, Dadang
- The Usage of Prefixes {me(N)-} and {nge-} in 4 Year- Old Children
- Sudana, Dadang
- Analysis of Thematic Roles in Acquisition of Active and Passive Sentence on Four-Year-Old Children
- Sudana, Dadang
- Presupposition Analysis in Twitter Reply Columns in Alleged Cyberbullying Case
- Sudana, Dadang
- The Representation of Harassment Object in Incident of Cyber Sexual Abuse
- Sudana, Undang
- Eye Movement Patterns on Screen Readers
- Sudarmanto, Budi Agung
- Word Choices as Linguistic Features and Mantra Functions in Mantra Pupuh Dhandhanggula
- Sudaryat, Yayat
- Politeness on the Social Media
- Sugihartono
- Emotional Onomatopoeia in Japanese Animation Series
- Suherdi, Didi
- Moving towards 21st Century English Language Teaching
- Suherman, Agus
- The Values of Character Education in Children’s Novel Guha Karang Legok Pari
- Sukri
- Internal Innovations of Gane Language in South Halmahera, North Maluku
- Sukri
- PAN Reflex in Maya Language in West New Guinea: A Preliminary Study on Understanding The Concept of South Halmahera-West New Guniea