Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Innovation in Engineering and Vocational Education (ICIEVE 2021)
69 articles
Proceedings Article
Flood Monitoring System with Smart Solar Module for Implementation of Flood Problem Area
Aas Wasri Hasanah, Rinna Hariyati, Tony Koerniawan, M. Noer Qosim
One of the uses of electricity that is widely used by society today is as a source of lighting. Increasing community mobility at night make all activities that require good lighting in the office, at home, even on public roads. Public Street Lighting (PJU) in the smart solar technology system will be...
Proceedings Article
How Career Interventions and Digital Career Counselling Affect Students’ Career Maturity
(A Systematic Review)
Arismen, Dadang Lukman Hakim
Career maturity is a reflection of an individual’s career development process to increase capacity in making future career decisions. This study analyses how career intervention and digital career guidance can affect the development of career maturity of high school students. This study uses a systematic...
Proceedings Article
Exploration of Factors Technology Acceptance of LMS Google Classroom
(A Systematic Literature Review)
Muhamad Iqbal Rizki Permana, Iwan Kustiawan
The purpose of this study is to explore the methods and factors that influence the acceptance of Google Classroom technology. This study uses a Systematic Literature Review. Articles are retrieved via the application publish or perish 7 issue of 2010-2021. Then the article is made into a logbook for...
Proceedings Article
Implementation of Learning Management System (LMS) in the Self-Development of Productive Teachers of Vocational Schools
Setia Aji, Yadi Mulyadi, Iwan Kustiawan
The development of information technology and computers has an impact on the development of e-learning. Learning Management System (LMS) as one of the software used to manage e-learning in the last decade has been widely used in schools. The implementation of LMS in vocational schools has consequences...
Proceedings Article
Challenges of Vocational Teachers in Student-Teacher Interaction in Synchronous Online Learning in Indonesia
Maulana Noor Fajri Al Hajar, Ade Gafar Abdullah
The COVID-19 pandemic has hit the world, and it has made learning to switch to distance learning. One type of distance learning is online learning. Indeed, when students and teachers conduct learning connected via the internet, it becomes difficult to interact, especially synchronously. The interaction...
Proceedings Article
Vocational High School Technical Skills Facing the Industrial Era 4.0
Ridwan Yanuardi, Isma Widiaty, Mumu Komaro
Industry 4.0, marked by cyber-physical collaboration and the manufacturing industry. The underlying technological conditions of I4.0 require automation, digitization and interconnection. The use of technology can increase the competitiveness of the industry, application of technology also requires a...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Student Achievement on Student Interest and Career Choices
(A Systematic Review)
Fahmi Fahrul Dzikri, Johar Maknun
Career selection can be influenced by several factors such as family factors, environmental factors, and so on. However, the relative and family factors of students can be an influence in determining their interests and career choices, so that students cannot bring out their best potential in a career....
Proceedings Article
Work Readiness of TVET Graduates in the Context of Industry 4.0
I. Nurjanah, A. Ana
The rapid development in the Industry 4.0 era requires TVET graduates to have high capabilities and competitiveness in an effort to find work and maintain jobs in the global industrial market. In this regard, each individual is expected to have Work Readiness which includes readiness in terms of knowledge,...
Proceedings Article
Is Suitable for a Career? Views on Trends of Jobseekers in Vocational Education
(Literture Review)
Nadya, D. Rohendi
How do young professionals understand their careers. Taking into account these constraints, extending interest match theory to recommend that job satisfaction relationships are sometimes asymmetrical or professionally unsuitable, subjective fit or “self-assessment accuracy” and levels of personnel and...
Proceedings Article
Utilization of Cloud Computing for Learning in the Pandemic Era of Covid 19
Nurholis Kamaludin, E. Ahmad Juanda, Ade Gafar Abdullah
The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic has greatly affected human activities from various sectors, one of which is the education sector. In the face of this pandemic, educational institutions are instructed to conduct distance or limited learning. Distance learning can be done online by utilizing information...
Proceedings Article
Competency Demands of Vocational High School Graduates in the Era of the Industrial Revolution 4.0
Nurholis Kamaludin, Ade Gafar Abdullah, Mumu Komaro
The industrial revolution 4.0 has affected the labor market and the skills needed by the workforce. Vocational education, especially Vocational Schools, plays an important role in realizing graduates as prospective workers who are skilled and able to respond to the demands of industry 4.0. This paper...
Proceedings Article
Gender Inequalities in STEM Careers in Developed and Developing Countries
A Systematic Review
Ekania Apriyanti Gunawan, Yadi Mulyadi, Iwan Kustiawan
Gender inequalities in careers has been an issue for a long time in many parts of the world. Even in the country with the best rates of gender equality in the world, gender inequalities persist across many professions. One of the career fields where there is a lot of gender inequality is science, technology,...
Proceedings Article
Aproaches to Training People with Disability in Mainstream Vocational Training Centers
Tri Setiyarini, Ade Gafar Abdullah
In Indonesia, Vocational Training Center consists of government institutions under the Ministry of Manpower (MoM) and private training institutions as the training providers. However, only a few Vocational Training Centers have tried pilot projects involving people with disabilities in inclusive vocational...
Proceedings Article
Competency-based Learning Model for Photographer Certification
A Systematic Literature Review
Puty Prakacita, Ilhamdaniah
The era of the industrial revolution 4.0 is currently the use of technology to become a field of work more and more. This has resulted in many photographers in Indonesia who started as a hobby and then took it seriously as a profession. According to the Indonesian Photography Competency Certification...
Proceedings Article
Dimensions of Job Search for Vocational High School Graduates During the Covid-19 Pandemic
(Systematic Literature Review)
Zulkifli B, Yatti Sugiarti
The COVID-19 outbreak that is currently facing the world does not only have an impact on human health, but also has a major impact on the global labor market. This raises concern for job seekers who want to find work at this time. This study aims to analyze the dimensions of job search during the Covid-19...
Proceedings Article
The Analysis of Technical Competency towards the Automotive Manufacturing Expertise in the Industrial Context 4.0
Munif Jumhan, Ade Gafar Abdullah
This research aims to examine the literature and analyzes the views/perceptions of the industry regarding what competencies are needed in automotive manufacturing within the framework of industry 4.0. The last few years around the world, policy makers are concerned about the competence of vocational...
Proceedings Article
How Important Energy Awareness in Vocational Education to Support Energy Transition
Iis Rahmania Putri, Agus Setiawan
Renewable energy is the energy choice of the future for developing countries. The processing of renewable energy resources and technologies has not been optimal. There are many multidimensional obstacles to be faced. Environmental factors, resilience and scarcity of fossil energy, rising fossil energy...
Proceedings Article
Integration of 4Cs Skills into Learning by Using the Project Based Learning (PjBL) Model to Face the Challenges of the 21st Century
Systematic Overview
Asman, Mumu Kumaro, M. Syaom Barliana
The world of education is currently growing, demanding very fast and significant changes in various fields including education. The learning model itself is learning that does not only involve technology in it. But rather to change the paradigm that students are not passive objects who must be able to...
Proceedings Article
Model Development for Home Industry in Decorative Electroplating in Automotive Accessories Engineering
Agus Solehudin, Dedi Rohendi, Ridwan Adam, Hasbullah, Bambang Darmawan, Budi Kudwadi, Johar Maknun
In recent years, the national automotive industry has shown an attractive development. This is part of the positive impact of the growth in the number of Indonesia’s middle class over the past decade. Given the enormous potential of the creative industry and the potential to continue to increase its...
Proceedings Article
Development of Transmission Jack Table as a Learning Innovation of Transmission Overhaul Practice to Reduce the Risk of Cumulative Trauma Disorders (CTDs) in Students
R Adam M. Noor, I. Mubarak, Penny Maryani, Rika Andriani
The purpose of this research is to produce a tool that serves to help hold, lift, and lift and place the transmission to unload. The tool is called a transmission jack table which is designed to reduce the risk of cumulative ergonomic trauma disorders (CTDs) suffered by student practitioners in the transmission...
Proceedings Article
Enhancing the Ability of Vocational School Teachers in Compiling Indicators of Competence Using Lesson Plan Module Based on Vocational Curriculum
Amay Suherman, Mumu Komaro, Ega Taqwali Berman
The gaps in student competence with industrial demands make graduates of vocational high schools not widely absorbed in the workforce. This study aims to enhance the ability of vocational teachers in compiling indicators of competency using a lesson plan module based on a vocational curriculum. The study...
Proceedings Article
Gender in Vocational Education
Isti Sri Rahayu, Tutin Aryanti
Gender equality is one of the main goals of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) because gender equality is a fundamental human rights and it is imperative factor in educational sector. Gender issue is important in vocational education and there is access and participation from female students to continue...
Proceedings Article
Systematic Literature Review on the Use of English in Workplace
Tri Mandala Putra, Cica Yulia, Ana
The use of English in terms of communication greatly contributes to building professional roles, building synergy with colleagues, and solving problems in the workplace. English also certainly has a role for career development in the workplace. The purpose of this article is to conduct a systematic literature...
Proceedings Article
The Application of Virtual Reality (VR) in Vocational Education
A Systematic Review
Amin, Isma Widiaty, Cica Yulia, Ade Gafar Abdullah
Virtual Reality (VR) technology, has gained popularity in recent years and its efficacy has been proven in different education fields. This technology visualizes abstract concept so it can be intuitive concept to improve the understanding in describing objects. VR stimulates students to develop communication...
Proceedings Article
Comparative Study of Students’ Career Adaptability in Computer and Network Engineering with Welding Engineering
Danis Rizki Swastika, Sudjani
Vocational High Schools prioritize the preparation of students to enter the world of work and develop a professional attitude and it is hoped that graduates will be able to work according to the skill program chosen during school. The number of graduates of each skill competency in Vocational High Schools...
Proceedings Article
The Analysis of Workplace Adaptation Factors for Women in the Construction Industry
Ummu Salamah, Lilis Widaningsih
Construction is a dynamic industry and continues to grow rapidly, thus requiring an increase in the workforce regardless of gender. However, women in the construction industry face barriers such as: discrimination, sexual harassment, wage disparities; and challenges such as: work pressure, working hours,...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Interactive Multimedia on Student Behavior Against Covid-19 in Vocational High Schools
Indra Maulana Dongoran, Intan Nisa Azhar, Anto J. Hadi, Dadang Lukman Hakim
The Corona Virus Disease 19 (Covid-19) pandemic has become a global problem. The best way to deal with covid-19 at this time is to take precautions and implement health protocols as proclaimed by WHO. But until now there are still many people, especially students who do not understand the dangers of...
Proceedings Article
WEB-Based Tracer Study in Vocational High School
Toni Kurrokhmat, Dedi Rohendi
Tracer study is a necessity in the world of education, especially in Vocational High Schools. Through tracer studies, schools can find out the number of graduates who are absorbed in the world of work, and become a means of evaluation for school leaders in making policies. This study uses the Systematic...
Proceedings Article
Vocational Students Learning Difficulties Factor in Online Learning
Annisa Rizki Amala, Lilis Widaningsih, Trias Megayanti
This study aims to determine the factors that affected students learning difficulties when learning online in the Construction and Property Engineering Expertise Program 2020/2021 at SMK Negeri 4 Kota Tangerang. The data analysis used was confirmatory factor analysis with a population of all students...
Proceedings Article
Identification of Gender Concepts in Work-Family Conflict
A Systematic Literature Review
Dwi Tendi Apriyawan, Dedi Rohendi
Gender inequality that affects work-family conflict has always been the focus of studies around the world. This happens because gender is one of many independent variables which are directly related to work-family conflict. There is frequent disharmony of roles in the demands of work and demands in the...
Proceedings Article
Behavior Settings of Classroom of Department of Architectural Engineering at Pontianak State Polytechnic in The New Normal
Dian Perwita Sari, Dewi Ria Indriana, Deni Maulana
At this time, learning in the Department of Architectural Engineering at the Pontianak State Polytechnic is carried out in a hybrid manner (online and offline). Practical courses such as the Design Studio are carried out offline but are not effective considering that classroom settings such as furniture...
Proceedings Article
Work-Integrated Learning in Vocational Education
Ricky Cahyasari Putra, M. Syaom Barliana, Mumu Komaro, Aam Hamdani
Learning models must be designed and adapted so that students have high motivation. Work-Integrated Learning (WIL) is a form of learning model that integrates academic studies with the workplace that provides work experience in improving work skills. The purpose of this library is to find out the description,...
Proceedings Article
Students’ Learning Interest in the Implementation of Distance Learning in Vocational High Schools
Yolavika Marsintyabela, Erna Krisnanto, Trias Megayanti
Productive subjects in vocational high schools require hands-on practice and guidance. The existence of distance learning applied to Software Application and Building Interior Design (SAABI) subjects as one of the productive subjects due to the covid 19 pandemic caused students’ understanding and interest...
Proceedings Article
Assessing the Performance of Remote Laboratory
Siscka Elvyanti, Yadi Mulyadi, Erik Haritman, Bella Az Zahra Krisnoputri, Didin Wahyudin
Remote laboratory facilities have been accessible from the internet for more than a decade. Since the COVID-19 pandemic, remote laboratories have become an option for technical and vocational schools and high schools to continue the laboratory learning process. The biggest challenge in implementing remote...
Proceedings Article
Teaching Factory Readiness in Vocational High Schools
Ilma Nurfadlilawati, Erna Krisnanto, Trias Megayanti
This study aims to determine the readiness to implement teaching factory learning in the Modeling Design and Building Information Vocational Program at SMK Negeri 2 Ciamis Indonesia. This study uses a descriptive research method with a quantitative approach. The level of readiness is seen from four aspects:...
Proceedings Article
The Development of AutoCAD Tutorial Video by Using Tiktok Social Media as a Learning Media in Vocational Highschool 2 Pekanbaru
Ripki Septiantoro, Lilis Widaningsih
This study aims to verify about the Development of AutoCAD Tutorial Video by Using TikTok Social Media as a Learning Media in Vocational Highschool 2 Pekanbaru. This type of research is Research & Development (R&D) and using 4-D Method (Define, Design, Develop, Disseminate) by Thiagarajan et...
Proceedings Article
Work Family Conflict on Female Teachers in the Time of the Covid-19 Pandemic
(A Systematic Review)
Alvina Fadila Maulida, Isma Widiaty
The first COVID-19 case in Indonesia that appeared in March 2020 has affected to all living conditions. Include life between work-family and social, one concrete aspect is that educational institutions and schools are closed for learning activity to be done at home as effort to stop the spread of the...
Proceedings Article
The Use of LMS Schoology in Cooperative Learning to Improve Learning Activeness of Vocational High School Students
Muh. Jasrin Sarif, Johar Maknun
Indications of student learning activities when doing learning activities from home occur one-way learning communication which makes student-teacher interaction less responsive, so cooperative learning is needed so that students are more responsive assisted by interactive media to facilitate students...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of Student Interests in the Electrical Engineering Education Study Program FPTK UPI in the Vocational Teacher Profession in the 4.0 Education Era
Nurul Mustika, Mukhidin, Aip Saripudin
Facing challenges in the 4.0 education era, teachers as the front line of education are required to be ready to change and adapt. Teacher competence is the main requirement in achieving the quality of education. The component of student interest in the vocational teacher profession is crucial to achieving...
Proceedings Article
Development of Vocational School Facilities for Teachers to Prepare Graduates with Digital Talent and Employability Skills
Hasbullah, Iik Nurulpaik, Wawan Purnama, Neris Peri Ardiansyah
Vocational education and training have an important role in the development of the whole person and the development of Indonesian society as a whole. Human development must be carried out as a whole, which includes the development of thinking power, heart power, physical strength, mastery of science,...
Proceedings Article
Improving Teacher Competence through Industrial Experience Practice on the Teacher Professional Education (PPG) Program to Support Industry-Based Learning in Vocational High Schools
Johar Maknun, Yulia Rahmawati, Sahroni
This research aimed at describing the industrial experience benefits for improving the competence of Vocational High School teachers. Descriptive research methods were used to collect data from students enrolled in the Teacher Professional Education Program in 2021. The research revealed that learning...
Proceedings Article
Design and Implementation of Multiple Vaccine Monitor System Using IoT and Android Application
Ali Taufan, Dede Irawan Saputra, Siska Telly Pratiwi, Eka Noneng Nawangsih
The need for safe distribution of Covid-19 vaccines is indispensable for all parties to minimize the risk of distribution. Vaccine monitoring systems has advantage that officers or supervisors can continuously monitor multiple device such as the temperature, shock and cold box position during the distribution...
Proceedings Article
Application of Temperature Measurenment Contactless with Bidirectional Visitor Counter Using IoT as a Covid-19 Protocol
R. Reni Farenia Soedjananingrat, Dede Irawan Saputra, Dewi Ratih Handayani, Sri Quintina Indriyana, Atik Charisma, Siska Telly Pratiwi, I. Wayan Agus Putra
Adaptation due to the Covid-19 pandemic has changed the order of life. When activities begin to move again, at the same time we must remain vigilant so that the spread of the virus can be suppressed. One that can realize health protocols in public places and facilities is the engineering process, such...
Proceedings Article
Identification of Quality Factors in the Study Environment of Architecture Students in Supporting Online Learning in the Pandemic Period
Yazida Nur Azzam, Tutin Aryanti, Riskha Mardiana
The psychological condition of a person while studying is influenced by the conditions of the physical environment. The implementation of online learning due to the COVID-19 pandemic has an impact on the implementation of learning because not all homes prepare a special room for childrens learning. This...
Proceedings Article
Green Technology Awareness on Food Processing Among Students of Prospective Agricultural Vocational Teachers
Muhammad Oka Ramadhan, Mustika Nuramalia Handayani
Current trend in food sector is the adoption of green technologies to realize towards a sustainable society and greener economy. Agricultural vocational teachers who prepare students to work in food industry need to master green technology on food processing. This study aimed to identify students’ awareness...
Proceedings Article
A Prototype of a Constructivist Application for Online Evaluation in Learning Music
Puput Irfansyah, Erlando Doni Sirait, Aan Risdiana
The problem that often occurs in learning music is its assessment and evaluation. This becomes a subjective task for advisors and students in receiving the evaluation results transparently so that it needs a more efficient, transparent, and easy-to-manage mechanism. By utilizing the knowledge management...
Proceedings Article
Retrofit Design Control System of Bladder Turn Up Tire Assembly Machine Based on Programmable Logic Controller to Improve Machine Performance
Syahril Ardi, Nesti Annisa Suprianti
The manufacturing production process is constantly being developed along with industrial automation and the industrial revolution 4.0. This paper discusses research conducted at a manufacturing company that makes tires for motorbikes. The process of making a tire includes the following processes, including...
Proceedings Article
Digitalization System Design for Monitoring and Control of Spare Parts Inventory Based on Android
Agus Ponco, Ibrohim, Syahril Ardi
This research was conducted at an automotive component manufacturing company. Production machines sometimes experience damage or abnormality, so they need repair. When repairing the engine, if a part is damaged, the part must be replaced. The machine cannot be used to produce the required spare parts...
Proceedings Article
A Systematic Literature Review of the School to Work Transition in Vocational School
Rudi Haryadi, Ade Gafar Abdullah, Isma Widiaty, Eri Subekti
School to Work Transition (STWT) is considered as an important transition period in one’s life. This refers to the period between the end of individual activities in the world of formal education or the initial training period and the assessment in the labor market. This paper reviews STWT activity references...
Proceedings Article
Lateral Thinking in Typography Layout System
(Alternative Layout Design for Effective Message Delivery)
Yon Ade Lose Hermanto, Pujiyanto, Andreas Syah Pahlevi
The layout system is a means to convey content verbally using writing. Therefore, the layout has an essential role in the communication process. The layout system that is arranged creatively is not impossible to help communicators convey messages and information to the communicant effectively. This study...
Proceedings Article
A Systematic Review of Enterprise Performance
State of the Art and Research Opportunities
Maria Goretti Wi Endang Nirowati Pamungkas, Rachma Bhakti Utami
This paper reviews the current literature and analyzes what factors effectively affect enterprise performance. The purpose of this study is realized by profiling existing literature to understand the determinants of enterprise performance, research trends, theories, and future research opportunities....
Proceedings Article
Development of Portable IoT Data Logger for Water Quality Monitoring
Eka Ratri Noor Wulandari, Harnan Malik Abdullah, Salnan Ratih Asriningtias
Water is a limited natural resource and essential thing for the human being. Clean water is needed for various needs, especially for drinking water. In recent years, a lot of human activities cause a decrease in water quality. So, if these activities take place further, it will damage the water sources....
Proceedings Article
University 4.0 Performance: Improvement of Learning Management System Using E-ServQual Post-Covid-19 Pandemic
(Case Study in Private Universities)
Taufiq Rahmat, Ito Turyadi, Iwan Ardiansyah, Tarli Supriyatna, Emed Taryaman, Mardiani Tanjung, Ari Muharam Karsah, Diah Apriliani, Nuhrodin, Ooy Siti Halimah
During the Covid-19 pandemic, learning was carried out online by utilizing various Learning Management System (LMS)-based platforms. Not only the reason for the COVID-19 pandemic but LMS is also deemed necessary to be immediately adopted by universities to face the challenges of the industrial era 4.0....
Proceedings Article
Digital Village
Towards a Smart Society Tsunami Mitigation Using Arduino Based on Internet of Things
Indra Kristian, Rima, K. Tasdik, Dina, Tom Finaldin, M. Daud Yusuf, Asep Komarudin, Ria Nirwana, Asep Adang, Ade Burhanudin
The research that will be carried out is to improve the current system used for tsunami disaster mitigation where the working system is an offshore detection tool that will trigger the SMS Gateway system at BMKG and simultaneously the people around the affected area will receive a warning through SMS...
Proceedings Article
The Transformation of Coffee Shops into Coworking Spaces During the Pandemic
Putu Surya Triana Dewi, Ardina Susanti, I Wayan Yogik Adnyana Putra
In recent years, coffee shops are no longer just a place to hang out and drink coffee, but coffee shops have also been developed as informal working areas that can be functioned as an alternative to work remotely or nomadic, especially during pandemic when people are getting tired of working at home...
Proceedings Article
Implementation of the Physical Distancing Concept on Waiting Chair Design in Public Space
Titi Ayu Pawestri, Asril Kurniadi, Guruh Pratama Zulkarnaen
Restrictions on the use of public spaces, self-isolation and physical distancing due to Covid-19 have changed people’s habits and behavior in public spaces. The new normal condition demands adjustments in the architectural and interior fields, one of them is the design of waiting chair in public space...
Proceedings Article
Investment and Export of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise Products in the Age of Digital Economy
Indonesia’s current and future economic development requires breakthrough policies and dynamic economic programs. The goal is to achieve equitable economic growth. The research method uses a qualitative descriptive method, one of the breakthrough elements in dynamic economic policies and programs, not...
Proceedings Article
Restaurant Image, Information Quality and Novelty Seeking as Behavioral Antecedents of Intention to Purchase Food Services Using Online Transportation
Tundung Subali Patma, Sovia Rosalin, Andriani Kusumawati, Karisma Sri Rahayu
One of the developments in information technology is innovation in online transportation that can change individual behavior. This study aims to determine the factors that can shape consumer behavior, especially behavioral intention, namely restaurant image, information quality, and novelty seeking....
Proceedings Article
Mobile Based Augmented Reality for Experiential Design in Indonesia Village Based Tourism Innovation
Agung Budi Leksono, Muhammad Daniel Septian, Dimas Fakhruddin
Village tourism, which involves the local community as the perpetrators of tourism activities in managing it, is called a tourism village. This type of tourism village has high popularity both by local and foreign tourists. The primary goal of this study was to examine how Augmented Reality in Experiential...
Proceedings Article
Strategy for Fulfilling Family Vegetable Needs with Urban Farming
Rini Mastuti, Ratri Candrasari, Misbahul Jannah, Lailatussaadah, Rita Meutia
Urban farming is one of the efforts that can be done in filling activities at home that have the potential to meet people’s nutritional needs for vegetables and generate income in the era of the Covid-19 pandemic. The purpose of this devotion is to make use of the empty yard of the house owned by the...
Proceedings Article
Risk Management System Design Planning at the University Towards a State University Legal Entity
(Study at Vocational Education Program of Universitas Brawijaya)
Amelia Ika Pratiwi, Anisya Sukmawati, Purweni Widhianningrum
Risks have become an integral part of our society and as one of the public services, higher education institutions are face many challenges such as high levels of competition, increased costs, and scarce state resources. This study aims to design a risk management system in response to the transformation...
Proceedings Article
Synergy of Accounting and Search Engine Marketing (SEM) Applications for Business
Anisya Sukmawati
Nowadays, accounting is highly necessary for interested parties to use accounting reports as the main source of information for decision making. In addition, the use of information technology in accounting is purposed for time and cost efficiency. Reviewed from the viewpoint of the process of its activities,...
Proceedings Article
The Potential of Guafit Powder Capsules as an ACE-2 Inhibitor
(An in Silico Study)
Ratih Pusporini, Nenny Prasetyaningrum, Oktavia Eka Puspita
Batu City in Indonesia is an agricultural area with excellent commodities, one of which is red guava fruit, known to have a higher vitamin C than oranges as an antioxidant. Meanwhile, the farmers often encounter abundant crop obstacles; it is usually processed into fruit chips. However, the manufacturing...
Proceedings Article
The Strengthening of Internal Control System as an Effort to Maximize the Functions of the Supervisory Agency
Amelia Ika Pratiwi, Purweni Widhianningrum, Anisya Sukmawati, Sendy Cahyadi
This study aims to determine the application of internal control to the management of funds at the Paramitra Foundation, Indonesia. The research method used is a qualitative descriptive method that uses a case study approach. Data collection is done through interviews and documentation which is then...
Proceedings Article
Curriculum Development of Clothing Costs in Indonesia
Ranny Rahmawati, Isma Widiaty
The curriculum is the most important part of education. The curriculum is a tool used to achieve educational goals and as a reference in the implementation of education (Ariyanto et al. 2018). The purpose of this research is to do an over view of research related to the development of the vocational...
Proceedings Article
Concert Hall Design at Kelurahan Neglasari Bandung City
Hanna Putri Devita, M. Syaom Barliana, Riskha Mardiana
Entertainment has become one of humanity’s primary needs, especially for those who live in big cities. One of the most preferred ways to enjoy entertainment is by watching performances. For that purpose, performance halls had been built in numerous places. But most of it combined the three types of performances,...
Proceedings Article
The Comparasion of Learning Outcomes and Classroom Conditions between Vocational Schools in Two Disaster Risk Categories in West Java
Reghina Rizqy Syifaranie, Ilhamdaniah Saleh, Trias Megayanti
The data show that 75% schools in Indonesia were located in disaster prone zone areas and every year there is damage in educational facilities caused by disasters. This study aims to find the differences in learning outcomes and classroom conditions between vocational schools in high disaster risk index...
Proceedings Article
The 4.0 Industry Technology in Fashion Industries
Syarifah Millatunnisa
The fashion industry as one industrial parts creative already very open and ready to face Industrial Revolution4.0. The presence of Industry 4.0 is considered more profitable because it gives opportunities for companies to grow and develop. Draft “smart factory” seems to be here for answer the challenge...
Proceedings Article
Mapping Vocational Education in Batik Expertise in Indonesia
Chevi Ajrina Thasya, Isma Widiaty
Vocational education is education that directs educators to develop skills, with certain areas of expertise in the hope of creating jobs. The purpose of this article is to show school mapping data related to GIS, The author uses a database from Google Scholar and Scopus is a comprehensive database of...