Proceedings of the International Conference on Educational Sciences and Teacher Profession (ICETeP 2020)

237 authors
Kasrina, Kasrina
Medicinal Plants Diversity in Traditional Treatment of Rejang Ethnic Communities in Rejang Lebong Regency as a Resource for Learning Plant Taxonomy
Koto, Irwan
The Development of Mathematics Teaching Material Based on Problem Solving to Support the Goal Achievement of Primary Education Mathematics Courses
Koto, Irwan
The Investigation of in-Service Elementary School Teachers’ Understandings of Inquiry-Based Learning by Using Indonesian Version of Understanding Learning Cycle Test
Krisnawati, Sinta
The Role of Father in Instilling Moral Values in Children Aged 4 – 5 Years in Kampung Bonjol Selatan, South Tangerang
Kristiawan, Muhammad
The Effects of Relaxation Technique and Warm Compress on Decreasing Dysmenorrhea Scale
Kristiawan, Muhammad
Sparkol VideoScribe Application for Instruction
Kristiawan, Muhammad
Integrated Islamic Elementary School Characteristics as Encouragement for Parents in Choosing Education for Children
Kristiawan, Muhammad
Clusterizations, Mergers and Acquisitions of Higher Education in Indonesia
Kristiawan, Muhammad
Learning From Home in Early Childhood Education Students
Kurniah, Nina
The School Principals’ Role in Education Management at the Regional Level: An Analysis of Educational Policy in the Industrial Revolution 4.0
Kurniawan, Nandi
Teachers Sustainable Professional Development (SPD) in Indonesia
Kusmiarti, Reni
The Need for the Development of Indonesian Language Syntax Teaching Materials Based on STEAM Approach
Kusuma, Wira Hadi
The Effect of Playing Dol Musical Instruments to the Musical Intelligence of Children Aged 4-5 Years in PAUD Haqiqi, Bengkulu City
Kusumah, Raden Gamal Tamrin
Comparative Analysis of Learning Outcomes of Implementing PowerPoint and Pictures as the Learning Media
Kusumah, Raden Gamal Tamrin
Increasing Students’ Learning Outcomes Through the Implementation of Outing Class Strategy in Natural Science Subject
Laily, Febri Ade Bunga
Medicinal Plants Diversity in Traditional Treatment of Rejang Ethnic Communities in Rejang Lebong Regency as a Resource for Learning Plant Taxonomy
Latipah, Nurlia
Optimization of Learning in General Chemistry II Through the Implementation of the PAIKEM Model to Increase Students’ Motivation
Leindarita, Betty
Influence of Communication and Teaching Lecturers Competencies Towards Students Online Learning Satisfaction in the Time of Covid-19
Lucyanda, Jurica
Why Do Educational People Commit Corruption in Communicating Their Personal Brands?
Marita, Yosi
The Influence of Blended Learning-Based English Learning Model on Students Activities and Learning Outcomes in University
Mashuri, Novian
Analysis of the Application of National Standards of Education in Elementary Schools
Mayub, Afrizal
Learning Effectiveness of Equilibrium Concept of Objects Through the Walking Stability Bipedal Robots
Mayub, Afrizal
Student Spiritual Value Through Environmental Science Learning
Mayub, Afrizal
Scaffolding Oriented Cognitive Perturbation as an Alternative Solution on Covid-19 Learning Era
Monica, Shella
The Challenges in Constructing and Administering an Objective Test for Beginners’ Students During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Knowledge Sharing Behavior Reviewed From a Social Exchange Perspective
Munandar, Aris
Teachers Sustainable Professional Development (SPD) in Indonesia
Munandar, Aris
The Differences in Learning Activities by Using “RPP Merdeka”and “RPP K-13” for Elementary School Teachers in Jakarta
Namirah, Irah
Guided Inquiry Learning in the Concept of Carbon Compounds to Enhance Students’ Science Process Skills
Nasihin, Ahmad
The Effect of Implementation English Material Technical Contained on Vocational Schools
Ningrum, Desy Tya Maya
The Effectiveness of Training Defense Model for U-13 Players
Teacher Perception on the Implementation of Academic Supervision of Middle School Supervisors in Bengkulu
Education Management Approach for Information Processing Ability in Cognitive Psychology Subject for Magister Students
Inquiry Learning Models to Improve Students’ Science Process Skills in Plant Anatomy Courses
Implementation of the Cooperative Model of Think Pair Share on Writing Exposition Text
Novianti, Maria Niayu Risma
Toulmin Model: A Strategy for Critical Thinking in Analytical Reading
Noviyenty, Leffi
Mother Tongue Interference Towards Students’ English Pronunciation: A Case Study in IAIN Curup
Nugroho, Khathibul Umam Zaid
Abstraction Ability of Students About Fractions Through Local Cultural Approaches
Nugroho, Muhammad Ridho
Integrated Islamic Elementary School Characteristics as Encouragement for Parents in Choosing Education for Children
Nupan, Aris
A Learning Quality in Master Program of Educational Administration
The Relationship Between Mathematical Problem-Solving Ability, Mathematical Connection Ability, and Ability to Read the Qur’an
Nursa’adah, Euis
Guided Inquiry Learning in the Concept of Carbon Compounds to Enhance Students’ Science Process Skills
Okilanda, Ardo
The Effectiveness of Training Defense Model for U-13 Players
Oktaviani, Wina R.
Determination of Gd (III) Concentration by Voltammetry and Its Usage as a Learning Module for Chemistry Student
Pandiangan, Paken
Development of a Physics Practicum Model Using Augmented Reality Technology: A Preliminary Analysis
Panduwinata, Berta
Abstraction Ability of Students About Fractions Through Local Cultural Approaches
Parlidungan, Deni
The Heosemys Spinosa Monitoring Model in Conservation Areas as the Conservation Practicum for Postgraduate Science Education in Bengkulu University
Pratama, Deden Oka
The Role of Interactive Videos in Mathematics Learning Activities During the Covid-19 Pandemic
The Preliminary Analysis for Developing Material Teaching Using Augmented Reality for Blended Learning at Fundamental Physics Course
Pujianto, Dian
Physical Education in Bengkulu: Learning System in the Covid-19 Pandemic Era
Comparative Analysis of Learning Outcomes of Implementing PowerPoint and Pictures as the Learning Media
Increasing Students’ Learning Outcomes Through the Implementation of Outing Class Strategy in Natural Science Subject
Putra, Dede Dwiansyah
The Effectiveness of Training Defense Model for U-13 Players
Putra, Syalendra
The Implementation of Batik Besurek Motif for Geometric Transformation Learning
Putri, Della Marliza
The Role of Interactive Videos in Mathematics Learning Activities During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Putri, Mesi Irene
Mother Tongue Interference Towards Students’ English Pronunciation: A Case Study in IAIN Curup
Putro, Nur Hidayanto Pancoro Setyo
EFL Teachers’ Perception of the Effectiveness of ICT-ELT Integration During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Rahabav, Patris
Teacher-Equalization-Policy Implementations in Maluku Province
Rahayu, Romika
Development of a Behavioral Counseling Services Model Using Assertive Training Techniques Through Role-Playing Game to Improve Assertive Behavior of Bullying Victims
Rahmi, Selvia
Medicinal Plants Diversity in Traditional Treatment of Rejang Ethnic Communities in Rejang Lebong Regency as a Resource for Learning Plant Taxonomy
Rahmidar, Lena
Determination of Gd (III) Concentration by Voltammetry and Its Usage as a Learning Module for Chemistry Student
Rakhmanina, Lisa
Developing Reading Materials Based on Local Wisdom
Rifqi, Mi’rajul
Development of a Behavioral Counseling Services Model Using Assertive Training Techniques Through Role-Playing Game to Improve Assertive Behavior of Bullying Victims
Risdianto, Eko
Development of Online-Based Learning Using Moodle E-learning System in New Innovation and Paradigm of Education Course
The Creation of Science Learning Models Based on Islamic Characters Deterrent Effects to Improve Student Learning Outcomes
The Utilization of Learning Device Information System (SIPP) as a Child Development Report Preparation Tool (RAPOT) in Kindergarten
The Role of Father in Instilling Moral Values in Children Aged 4 – 5 Years in Kampung Bonjol Selatan, South Tangerang
A Learning Quality in Master Program of Educational Administration
Rum, Ahbi Mahdianing
The Effect of Independent Learning Implementation in Integral Calculus Learning for the Topic Riemann Sums on Students Learning Outcomes
Ruyani, Aceng
The Heosemys Spinosa Monitoring Model in Conservation Areas as the Conservation Practicum for Postgraduate Science Education in Bengkulu University
Sahib, Abdul
The Student Management System Applied by Aisyiyah Rejang Lebong Creative Middle School to Improve Students’ Non-Academic Achievement
Salmaini, S.
The Relationship Between the Ability of Understanding Mathematical Concepts With Language Ability During Contextual Learning
Sangaji, Insun
Teacher-Equalization-Policy Implementations in Maluku Province
Guided Inquiry Learning in the Concept of Carbon Compounds to Enhance Students’ Science Process Skills
Critical Thinking Ability With Guided Inquiry Model on Science Learning
Sapri, Johanes
The Creation of Science Learning Models Based on Islamic Characters Deterrent Effects to Improve Student Learning Outcomes
Sapri, Johanes
The Need for the Development of Indonesian Language Syntax Teaching Materials Based on STEAM Approach
Sari, Widya Paramita
The Impact of an Exploratory Approach in Teaching Mathematics to the Critical Thinking Skills of Junior High School Students
Sasongko, Rambat Nur
Teacher Perception on the Implementation of Academic Supervision of Middle School Supervisors in Bengkulu
Sasongko, Rambat Nur
Analysis of the Application of National Standards of Education in Elementary Schools
Sihombing, Santun
Physical Education in Bengkulu: Learning System in the Covid-19 Pandemic Era
Simbolon, Ali Murtopo
Education for Sustainable Development in Indonesia: Developing Online Sustainable Development Learning Model Based on Indonesian Typical Case Studies
Sinthia, Rita
PAIKEM Learning Application for Students Self-Development Course
Sinthia, Rita
Knowledge Sharing Behavior Reviewed From a Social Exchange Perspective
Student Spiritual Value Through Environmental Science Learning
The Preliminary Analysis for Developing Material Teaching Using Augmented Reality for Blended Learning at Fundamental Physics Course
Instilling the Awareness of Environmental Conservation Through Unobserved Environmental Physics Concepts
Sospolita, Nadya
Abstraction Ability of Students About Fractions Through Local Cultural Approaches
Sucilarasati, Sandya
The Student Management System Applied by Aisyiyah Rejang Lebong Creative Middle School to Improve Students’ Non-Academic Achievement
The Use of Ethnomathematics Learning Devices Based on Realistic Mathematics Education Models on Mathematics Literacy Mastery
Physical Education in Bengkulu: Learning System in the Covid-19 Pandemic Era
Teachers Sustainable Professional Development (SPD) in Indonesia
The Organizational Culture and Competence of School Principals in Coping With the Spread of Covid-19 in Schools
Teacher Perception on the Implementation of Academic Supervision of Middle School Supervisors in Bengkulu
Benchmarking Strategy of Vocational High School in North Bengkulu
Sundaryono, Agus
The Heosemys Spinosa Monitoring Model in Conservation Areas as the Conservation Practicum for Postgraduate Science Education in Bengkulu University
Sundaryono, Agus
Guided Inquiry Learning in the Concept of Carbon Compounds to Enhance Students’ Science Process Skills
Sundaryono, Agus
Instilling the Awareness of Environmental Conservation Through Unobserved Environmental Physics Concepts
The Organizational Culture and Competence of School Principals in Coping With the Spread of Covid-19 in Schools
Susanta, Agus
The Development of Mathematics Teaching Material Based on Problem Solving to Support the Goal Achievement of Primary Education Mathematics Courses