Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Communication, Language, Literature, and Culture (ICCoLliC 2024)
168 authors
- Adji, Dona Kusumaning
- Cyborg Literature: An Experiment in Synthesizing Human and Machine in Literature
- Akmal, Alauddin
- Cyborg Literature: An Experiment in Synthesizing Human and Machine in Literature
- Alawiyah, Siti Tuti
- Copywriting Techniques In Apple’s Ads: Contradiction Creates A Value
- Alfien, Moh. Fajrul
- Implementation of TPACK Framework in Learning Indonesian Language: Perceptions of Rural Middle School Students
- Amalia, Desthia
- Kidfluencers: The Rise of Capitalizing Kids as Instagram Microcelebrities in Indonesia
- Amelia, Rizki Dinda
- Framing Analysis: A Depiction of Identity Crisis in Charlotte Wells’ Aftersun Film
- Anggraheni, Dini
- Signs of the Hereafter: Semiotic Analysis of Afterlife Imagery in Indonesian Horror Movie Posters
- Anjrawati, Viona Delta
- Translation Analysis of Semantic Shifts in Rosé Gone Song Lyrics
- Ardianto, Deny Tri
- Tomie and the Resistance of Shoujo (Young Girl) Myths in Japanese Culture
- Ardianto, Deny Tri
- Signs of the Hereafter: Semiotic Analysis of Afterlife Imagery in Indonesian Horror Movie Posters
- Arkida, Teisar
- Framinguistics: How is Evaluative Language Used to Manipulate Social Depictions of the 2024 Indonesian Presidential Candidates in Political News Texts?
- Astuti, N. Ismi Dwi
- Misogyny Hate Speech on Women Public Figures’ Instagram During Pregnancy
- Azis, Muhammad Haris Abd
- AI Technology: A Lifeline for the Continuity of Art in the Millennial Era
- Budiharjo, Bayu
- Artificial Intelligence in Translation: The Menace, Promise, and Response to Technology and Superseded Practice
- Budiharjo, Bayu
- Translating Politeness: Adapting Directive Speech Acts in Children’s Storybooks for Indonesian Culture
- Budiman, Valencia Audrey Santoso
- The Cultural Interpretation of Symbols Ndalem Kepangeranan Keraton Kasunanan Surakarta
- Budiyono, Sri
- Phatic Persuasive Speech Act Strategies of Female Online Sellers in Live E-Commerce
- Chusna, Nurdini Tsabitul
- “…Just Needed some Money to Break Free from there”: Multimodal Analysis of Urban Women in Film
- Dewi, Ida Kusuma
- Translating Politeness: Adapting Directive Speech Acts in Children’s Storybooks for Indonesian Culture
- Diputro, Atalla Rajendra
- Cyborg Literature: An Experiment in Synthesizing Human and Machine in Literature
- Djatmika, Djatmika
- Peer-Review Statements
- Djatmika, Djatmika
- Enhancing Writing Skills in Indonesian High School Students through Tourism Promotion Texts: A Genre and Appraisal Analysis
- Djatmika, Djatmika
- Sharing Background Knowledge for Polite Intercultural Interaction: Indonesian Migrant Workers in Malaysia and Their Employers - A Pragmatics Study
- Djatmika, Djatmika
- Phatic Persuasive Speech Act Strategies of Female Online Sellers in Live E-Commerce
- Djatmika, Djatmika
- Translating English Children’s Storybook into Indonesian Context: How should the nominal groups be translated?
- Dukut, Ekawati Marhaenny
- Preserving Indonesian Cultural Heritage with Canva: An AI Education 6.0 Graphic Arts Project
- Fahrizi, Muhammad Reza Nova
- Cyborg Literature: An Experiment in Synthesizing Human and Machine in Literature
- Fatmawati, Fatmawati
- Translation Method of Directive Speech Acts Used by “Mirage” Character from “Transformers: Rise of The Beast 2023” Film
- Firstiyanti, Aulia Haris
- Sentiment Analysis of Comments on Flexing Content Posted by Gen Z Celebrities: Does Gender Matter?
- Gajjala, Radhika
- Peer-Review Statements
- Habsari, Sri Kusuma
- The Story Formula on Contemporary Puppet Art of Cilikmen in Pacitan Regency, East Java Province
- Habsari, Sri Kusumo
- The Utilization of Toxic Relationship Victims’ Legitimations on the Online Platform Quora
- Habsari, Sri Kusumo
- Kidfluencers: The Rise of Capitalizing Kids as Instagram Microcelebrities in Indonesia
- Habsari, Sri Kusumo
- Sentiment Analysis of Comments on Flexing Content Posted by Gen Z Celebrities: Does Gender Matter?
- Habsari, Sri Kusumo
- Tomie and the Resistance of Shoujo (Young Girl) Myths in Japanese Culture
- Habsari, Sri Kusumo
- Populism in Indonesian Education Narratives: A Case Study and Its Implications
- Habsari, Sri Kusumo
- Misogyny Hate Speech on Women Public Figures’ Instagram During Pregnancy
- Habsari, Sri Kusumo
- Developing High Order Thinking Skill of Junior High School Students through Creative Project of Writing Interactive Fiction
- Habsari, Sri Kusumo
- Painting: Budi Darma’s Concept of Art in the Novel Olenka
- Hafizhah, Muna Asma
- Cyborg Literature: An Experiment in Synthesizing Human and Machine in Literature
- Hamid, Hamidah
- Challenges of Digital Literacy among Urban and Rural Pre-University Students
- Handayani, Sri
- Indonesian-French Critical Intercultural Literacy Through Digital Comics
- Harahap, Aqiilah Bilqiis Salsabiil
- Tomie and the Resistance of Shoujo (Young Girl) Myths in Japanese Culture
- Harared, Nico
- Copywriting Techniques In Apple’s Ads: Contradiction Creates A Value
- Hardini, Tri Indri
- Indonesian-French Critical Intercultural Literacy Through Digital Comics
- Hartati, Elysa
- Translating English Children’s Storybook into Indonesian Context: How should the nominal groups be translated?
- Hartati, Restiana Dwi
- Implementation of TPACK Framework in Learning Indonesian Language: Perceptions of Rural Middle School Students
- Hidayatullah, Abdul Malik
- Cyborg Literature: An Experiment in Synthesizing Human and Machine in Literature
- Ilafi, Afiliasi
- Cultural Representation as Promotion and Existence of the Banyu Panguripan Tradition in the Instagram feed @fwg_pulosari
- Isam, Hishamudin
- Peer-Review Statements
- Isam, Hishamudin
- AI Technology: A Lifeline for the Continuity of Art in the Millennial Era
- Isam, Hishamudin
- Algospeak and Digital Culture: Navigating Social Media Challenges
- Ismail, Mohd Sufian
- Representation of the Use of the Adjective ‘Love’ between Human and AI Using ATLAS.ti Software
- Isthadiyanta, Isthadiyanta
- Painting: Budi Darma’s Concept of Art in the Novel Olenka
- Kamalia, Safiratul
- Translation Techniques Used on Culinary Recipes
- Kartinawati, Erwin
- Gibran Rakabuming Raka's Identity Paradox on Instagram
- Khairunnisa, Shafira Anindra
- Cyborg Literature: An Experiment in Synthesizing Human and Machine in Literature
- Khrisna, Dyah Ayu Nila
- Translating Politeness: Adapting Directive Speech Acts in Children’s Storybooks for Indonesian Culture
- Kristina, Diah
- An Attitude Analysis on Google Maps Reviews of Singaporean Tourist Destinations: An Appraisal Perspective
- Kristyowati, Dyah
- Voicing Women’s Issues through Instagram Content of @Gitasav
- Kurniawati, Dewi
- Family Communication Intervention for Autistic Spectrum Disorder Children’s Independence
- Kusdianto, Yuyun
- Cyborg Literature: An Experiment in Synthesizing Human and Machine in Literature
- Kusdianto, Yuyun
- Developing High Order Thinking Skill of Junior High School Students through Creative Project of Writing Interactive Fiction
- Kusumastusi, Fenty
- Translating Politeness: Adapting Directive Speech Acts in Children’s Storybooks for Indonesian Culture
- Loe, Efron Erwin Yohanis
- The Symbols of Water in Cultural Perspective of the Rote Dengka Ethnic
- Lukfianka Sanjaya Purnama, SF.
- Age or Aim: Subtitling Strategies and Qualities of Disney’s Animation Film Trailers for Indonesian Audiences
- Luthfie Arguby Purnomo, SF.
- Age or Aim: Subtitling Strategies and Qualities of Disney’s Animation Film Trailers for Indonesian Audiences
- Mahadewi, Luh Putu Putrini
- Testing the Quality of Rubric to Authentically Assess Students’ Digital Communication Skills
- Margono-Slamet, Yosep Bambang
- The Teaching of Literature in the Digital Culture Era: Opportunities and Challenges
- Marimin, Marimin
- Preserving Tradition in the Digital Age: A Multimodal Discourse Analysis of Tukkus Headband of the Kuripan Village Indigenous Community, Lampung on Social Media
- Mayuni, Ilza
- Stories and Meanings on Candi Borobudur Reliefs as Cultural Insight in BIPA Learning
- Mohamad, Bahtiar
- Sharing Background Knowledge for Polite Intercultural Interaction: Indonesian Migrant Workers in Malaysia and Their Employers - A Pragmatics Study
- Mugijatna, Mugijatna
- Novel Gadis Kretek By Ratih Kumala and the Social Function of Smoking Kretek Cigarette
- Mugijatna, Mugijatna
- Developing High Order Thinking Skill of Junior High School Students through Creative Project of Writing Interactive Fiction
- Mugijatna, Mugijatna
- Painting: Budi Darma’s Concept of Art in the Novel Olenka
- Muliastuti, Liliana
- Stories and Meanings on Candi Borobudur Reliefs as Cultural Insight in BIPA Learning
- Mutiaraningrum, Ira
- Navigating the Digital Culture Frontier: Digital Skills and 21st-Century Skills in Student-authored Digital Multimodal Composition
- Nababan, Herianto
- Translating Politeness: Adapting Directive Speech Acts in Children’s Storybooks for Indonesian Culture
- Nababan, M. R.
- Age or Aim: Subtitling Strategies and Qualities of Disney’s Animation Film Trailers for Indonesian Audiences
- Nababan, Mangatur Rudolf
- Translating English Children’s Storybook into Indonesian Context: How should the nominal groups be translated?
- Nababan, Mangatur. R.
- Translating Politeness: Adapting Directive Speech Acts in Children’s Storybooks for Indonesian Culture
- Ningsih, Tri Wahyu Retno
- Framing Analysis: A Depiction of Identity Crisis in Charlotte Wells’ Aftersun Film
- Nugroho, Raden Arief
- Translation Techniques Used on Culinary Recipes
- Nugroho, Raden Arief
- Translation Analysis of Semantic Shifts in Rosé Gone Song Lyrics
- Nugroho, Raden Arief
- Translation Method of Directive Speech Acts Used by “Mirage” Character from “Transformers: Rise of The Beast 2023” Film
- Nugroho, Raden Arief
- Micro-Translation Strategies Used by Characters’ Conversation In “Sleeping Beauty” Animated Film and Their Translation Quality Assessment
- Nurbani, Nurbani
- Family Communication Intervention for Autistic Spectrum Disorder Children’s Independence
- Pasang, Kezia Yansen
- Framing Analysis: A Depiction of Identity Crisis in Charlotte Wells’ Aftersun Film
- Pinem, Shabrina Harumi
- Family Communication Intervention for Autistic Spectrum Disorder Children’s Independence
- Pitana, Titis Srimuda
- Great Mosque of Sang Cipta Rasa Cirebon as Representation of the Muslim Community in Cirebon
- Pitana, Titis Srimuda
- Cultural Representation as Promotion and Existence of the Banyu Panguripan Tradition in the Instagram feed @fwg_pulosari
- Pitana, Titis Srimuda
- The Utilization of Toxic Relationship Victims’ Legitimations on the Online Platform Quora
- Pitana, Titis Srimuda
- Kidfluencers: The Rise of Capitalizing Kids as Instagram Microcelebrities in Indonesia
- Pitana, Titis Srimuda
- Imagery Analysis in Traded Pantoum of Palang Pintu Betawi Tradition in South Jakarta
- Pitana, Titis Srimuda
- The Story Formula on Contemporary Puppet Art of Cilikmen in Pacitan Regency, East Java Province
- Purwasito, Andrik
- Gibran Rakabuming Raka's Identity Paradox on Instagram
- Putri, Dian Rahmani
- The Symbols of Water in Cultural Perspective of the Rote Dengka Ethnic
- Putro, Die Bhakti Wardoyo
- The Symbolic Meaning of Donga Kancing ‘Prayer Buttons’ in the Prediction Ritual of Kyai Panjala Cupu
- Putro, Sasongko Suharto
- Voicing Women’s Issues through Instagram Content of @Gitasav
- Rais, Wakid Abdullah
- The Symbolic Meaning of Donga Kancing ‘Prayer Buttons’ in the Prediction Ritual of Kyai Panjala Cupu