Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Communication, Language, Literature, and Culture (ICCoLliC 2024)
168 authors
- Rarastesa, Zita
- Peer-Review Statements
- Rarastesa, Zita
- The Intersections of Oppression: Examining the Challenges Faced by Black Women in Ann Petry's The Street and Lorraine Hansberry's A Raisin in the Sun
- Rarastesa, Zita
- Developing High Order Thinking Skill of Junior High School Students through Creative Project of Writing Interactive Fiction
- Rismiyati, Fitri
- Preserving Tradition in the Digital Age: A Multimodal Discourse Analysis of Tukkus Headband of the Kuripan Village Indigenous Community, Lampung on Social Media
- Safitri, Paramita Ida
- Stories and Meanings on Candi Borobudur Reliefs as Cultural Insight in BIPA Learning
- Santosa, Riyadi
- Enhancing Writing Skills in Indonesian High School Students through Tourism Promotion Texts: A Genre and Appraisal Analysis
- Santosa, Riyadi
- Sharing Background Knowledge for Polite Intercultural Interaction: Indonesian Migrant Workers in Malaysia and Their Employers - A Pragmatics Study
- Santosa, Riyadi
- Framinguistics: How is Evaluative Language Used to Manipulate Social Depictions of the 2024 Indonesian Presidential Candidates in Political News Texts?
- Santosa, Riyadi
- Translating English Children’s Storybook into Indonesian Context: How should the nominal groups be translated?
- Santosa, Riyadi
- Age or Aim: Subtitling Strategies and Qualities of Disney’s Animation Film Trailers for Indonesian Audiences
- Santoso, Riyadi
- The Symbolic Meaning of Donga Kancing ‘Prayer Buttons’ in the Prediction Ritual of Kyai Panjala Cupu
- Sari, Wati Purnama
- The Utilization of Toxic Relationship Victims’ Legitimations on the Online Platform Quora
- Sarudin, Anida
- Representation of the Use of the Adjective ‘Love’ between Human and AI Using ATLAS.ti Software
- Secontiafi, Revina Talitha
- Cyborg Literature: An Experiment in Synthesizing Human and Machine in Literature
- Setyaningsih, Retno Wulandari
- Lost and Found in the English Translation of East Java Dish Names on Restaurant Menus: A Componential Analysis
- Subiyantoro, Slamet
- Cultural Representation as Promotion and Existence of the Banyu Panguripan Tradition in the Instagram feed @fwg_pulosari
- Subiyantoro, Slamet
- Sentiment Analysis of Comments on Flexing Content Posted by Gen Z Celebrities: Does Gender Matter?
- Sudardi, Bani
- Great Mosque of Sang Cipta Rasa Cirebon as Representation of the Muslim Community in Cirebon
- Sudardi, Bani
- Cultural Representation as Promotion and Existence of the Banyu Panguripan Tradition in the Instagram feed @fwg_pulosari
- Sudardi, Bani
- Imagery Analysis in Traded Pantoum of Palang Pintu Betawi Tradition in South Jakarta
- Sudardi, Bani
- Indonesian-French Critical Intercultural Literacy Through Digital Comics
- Sudardi, Bani
- Populism in Indonesian Education Narratives: A Case Study and Its Implications
- Sugiarti, Rara
- Enhancing Writing Skills in Indonesian High School Students through Tourism Promotion Texts: A Genre and Appraisal Analysis
- Suharyati, Henny
- Voicing Women’s Issues through Instagram Content of @Gitasav
- Sulistyono, IF Bambang
- The Cultural Interpretation of Symbols Ndalem Kepangeranan Keraton Kasunanan Surakarta
- Sumarlam, Sumarlam
- Phatic Persuasive Speech Act Strategies of Female Online Sellers in Live E-Commerce
- Sumarlam, Sumarlam
- The Symbolic Meaning of Donga Kancing ‘Prayer Buttons’ in the Prediction Ritual of Kyai Panjala Cupu
- Sumarwati, Sumarwati
- Implementation of TPACK Framework in Learning Indonesian Language: Perceptions of Rural Middle School Students
- Suryanto, Edy
- Implementation of TPACK Framework in Learning Indonesian Language: Perceptions of Rural Middle School Students
- Susanto, Meilda Retnowati
- Micro-Translation Strategies Used by Characters’ Conversation In “Sleeping Beauty” Animated Film and Their Translation Quality Assessment
- Susanto, Susanto
- Populism in Indonesian Education Narratives: A Case Study and Its Implications
- Susilorini, Susilorini
- Developing High Order Thinking Skill of Junior High School Students through Creative Project of Writing Interactive Fiction
- Susilorini, Susilorini
- Painting: Budi Darma’s Concept of Art in the Novel Olenka
- Sutopo, Bakti
- The Story Formula on Contemporary Puppet Art of Cilikmen in Pacitan Regency, East Java Province
- Suyudi, Ichwan
- Preserving Cultural Authenticity: The Strategies of Localization in Indonesian Horror Video Game
- Suyudi, Ichwan
- Transmission of Cultural-Specific Items in Translation Realization: Subtitling of the English Movie Forrest Gump into Indonesian
- Suyudi, Suyudi
- Imagery Analysis in Traded Pantoum of Palang Pintu Betawi Tradition in South Jakarta
- Syahrial, Zulfiati
- Testing the Quality of Rubric to Authentically Assess Students’ Digital Communication Skills
- Thomas, Matthew
- An Attitude Analysis on Google Maps Reviews of Singaporean Tourist Destinations: An Appraisal Perspective
- Ulya, Chafit
- Implementation of TPACK Framework in Learning Indonesian Language: Perceptions of Rural Middle School Students
- Warto, Warto
- Great Mosque of Sang Cipta Rasa Cirebon as Representation of the Muslim Community in Cirebon
- Warto, Warto
- The Utilization of Toxic Relationship Victims’ Legitimations on the Online Platform Quora
- Warto, Warto
- Kidfluencers: The Rise of Capitalizing Kids as Instagram Microcelebrities in Indonesia
- Warto, Warto
- Preserving Tradition in the Digital Age: A Multimodal Discourse Analysis of Tukkus Headband of the Kuripan Village Indigenous Community, Lampung on Social Media
- Warto, Warto
- Imagery Analysis in Traded Pantoum of Palang Pintu Betawi Tradition in South Jakarta
- Warto, Warto
- The Story Formula on Contemporary Puppet Art of Cilikmen in Pacitan Regency, East Java Province
- Wibawa, Basuki
- Testing the Quality of Rubric to Authentically Assess Students’ Digital Communication Skills
- Wibowo, Agung Prasetyo
- Preserving Cultural Authenticity: The Strategies of Localization in Indonesian Horror Video Game
- Wibowo, Agung Prasetyo
- Transmission of Cultural-Specific Items in Translation Realization: Subtitling of the English Movie Forrest Gump into Indonesian
- Wibowo, Agus Hari
- Enhancing Writing Skills in Indonesian High School Students through Tourism Promotion Texts: A Genre and Appraisal Analysis
- Wibowo, Agus Hari
- Sharing Background Knowledge for Polite Intercultural Interaction: Indonesian Migrant Workers in Malaysia and Their Employers - A Pragmatics Study
- Wibowo, Antonia Rahayu Rosaria
- The Intersection of Science and Local Culture: A Film Analysis
- Widiana, Yuli
- Phatic Persuasive Speech Act Strategies of Female Online Sellers in Live E-Commerce
- Widodo, Jordy Satria
- Voicing Women’s Issues through Instagram Content of @Gitasav
- Widodo, Sahid Teguh
- Indonesian-French Critical Intercultural Literacy Through Digital Comics
- Widodo, Sahid Teguh
- Signs of the Hereafter: Semiotic Analysis of Afterlife Imagery in Indonesian Horror Movie Posters
- Wijaya, Mahendra
- Sentiment Analysis of Comments on Flexing Content Posted by Gen Z Celebrities: Does Gender Matter?
- Wijaya, Mahendra
- Preserving Tradition in the Digital Age: A Multimodal Discourse Analysis of Tukkus Headband of the Kuripan Village Indigenous Community, Lampung on Social Media
- Wijaya, Mahendra
- Signs of the Hereafter: Semiotic Analysis of Afterlife Imagery in Indonesian Horror Movie Posters
- Wijaya, Mahendra
- Populism in Indonesian Education Narratives: A Case Study and Its Implications
- Wijaya, Mahendra
- Misogyny Hate Speech on Women Public Figures’ Instagram During Pregnancy
- Wiratno, Tri
- Enhancing Writing Skills in Indonesian High School Students through Tourism Promotion Texts: A Genre and Appraisal Analysis
- Wiratno, Tri
- Framinguistics: How is Evaluative Language Used to Manipulate Social Depictions of the 2024 Indonesian Presidential Candidates in Political News Texts?
- Wulandari, Dian
- Great Mosque of Sang Cipta Rasa Cirebon as Representation of the Muslim Community in Cirebon
- Yosiana, Meriska
- Misogyny Hate Speech on Women Public Figures’ Instagram During Pregnancy
- Zulkarnain, Iskandar
- Family Communication Intervention for Autistic Spectrum Disorder Children’s Independence
- bt Abd. Ruahim, Roslyza
- Challenges of Digital Literacy among Urban and Rural Pre-University Students
- bt Abdullah, Siti Hajar
- Challenges of Digital Literacy among Urban and Rural Pre-University Students