Proceedings of the 1st Borobudur International Symposium on Humanities, Economics and Social Sciences (BIS-HESS 2019)
257 articles
Proceedings Article
The Effects of Hybrid Learning and Flipped Classroom Methods in Increasing the Learning Independence of Students’ Citizenship Course
Prihma Sinta Utami, Muhibuddin Fadhli
This study aims to determine the significance of the difference between the use of hybrid learning and flipped classroom methods in increasing the learning independence of student citizenship at Universitas Muhammadiyah Ponorogo. This research uses quantitative methods with quasi-experimental type (quasi...
Proceedings Article
Development of Mobile E-Commerce Using the Android-Based User Centred Design Model for MSME Partners
Farida Yunita, Kapti
The Institute in the field of education with the name PPA Learning Centre was established in 2014, is an Institute packaged in the form of Private Class. One of the opened Private Class is the class for Business. 80% Alumni from the PPA Learning Centre Institute are Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises...
Proceedings Article
Enterprise Architecture Design Strategies for UGK Using TOGAF ADM
Julius Galih Prima Negara, Andi Wahju Rahardjo Emanuel
The application of Enterprise Architecture (EA) in university is a long endeavour that must be carried out by higher education institutions. The solution to dealing with these challenges is good EA planning in accordance with the guiding model and making it a comprehensive view of the completion of an...
Proceedings Article
Quality Management System Implementation in Certified Children’s Toy Industries: The Level of Application, Motives, and Constraints
Muhammad Imron Rosyidi, Maria Theresia Sri Budiastuti, Mugi Rahardjo, Totok Gunawan
This study was designed to measure at which level the quality management system (QMS) had been implemented in the children’s toy industries with SNI-certified products (SNI=Indonesian National Standard) in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. SNI certificates are granted only if a company has applied QSM based on...
Proceedings Article
Art Presentation with Scientific Method, Hybridization in Annuitterra Works
Iqbal Prabawa Wiguna
This paper analyses the relationship between art and sciences in Bandung contemporary art scene. By using samples of animal bones material as art medium in Annuitterra’s works. Main focus on this research is finding the relationship of scientific methods and art presentation. Annuitterra is group of...
Proceedings Article
Local Culture Games for Post-Disaster Trauma Healing in Early Childhood
Lilis Madyawati, Reza Edwin Sulistyaningtyas
The natural disasters that occur will have a negative impact, one of them, namely, a psychological impact, especially on children mental. It is necessary to take action to solve that negative impact on purpose children do not draw on trauma state. One of the possible solutions which can be used to deal...
Proceedings Article
Translation Process of Verbal to Graph Representation: Transitional Representation
Dwi Rahmawati, Rahmad Bustanul Anwar, S E Supriyatun
Translation of representation is one representation process which takes an essential role in mathematics learning. Translation capability shown level of students’ conceptual understanding. Some processes of translation involve transitional representation. This study aims to describe the occurrence of...
Proceedings Article
The Contribution of Agricultural Sectors on Economic Growth in West Java Province
Yunus Arifien, Taufik Rahmat, James Sinurat
Economic development is essentially freedom of speech and business that has the aim to improve people’s lives, increase employment, smooth income distribution, improve regional relations and efforts to carry out economic activities from the primary sector to the secondary sector. The agricultural sector...
Proceedings Article
The Effectiveness of On-Street Parking Fees in Pangkalpinang City
Revy Safitri, Ririn Amelia, Jeanne Darc Noviayanti Manik
Pangkalpinang City as Capital of Bangka Belitung Province become a center of various activities that attract high vehicle trips. The high vehicle trip requires more parking spaces. For providing more parking spaces in Pangkalpinang City, there are not only off-street parking provided but also on-street...
Proceedings Article
The Implementation of Bobanehena Tourism Village Development in West Halmahera Regency
Saiful Deni, Thamrin Husain, Anggriyani Salaka, Zubair Saing
The study’s purpose was to analyse how the Indonesian village and tourism ministry cooperative agreement executed. The analysis method uses qualitative descriptive. Data obtained from interviews and documentation. Implementation criteria using Edward III theory that is; communication, resources, disposition,...
Proceedings Article
Design and Optimization of Boiler Economizer for Laundry Industry Using Taguchi Method
Khoirul Anam, La Ode Mohammad Firman
The exhaust gas from the boiler in the laundry industry can reach more than 300°C. The potential energy can be converted to increase the temperature of feed water through a heat exchanger. In this study, a shell and tube heat exchanger was chosen to increase the feed water temperature with the flow rate...
Proceedings Article
An Analysis of Early Marriage Determinant and Its Impact on Women’s Reproduction Health
Rohmayanti, Reni Mareta
Early marriage is a world problem related to various health and social consequences for teenage girls. Designing effective health interventions to overcome early marriage needs to apply a community-based approach. However, it has not received sufficient attention from policy makers and health researchers...
Proceedings Article
Knowledge, Attitude, and Perception Toward Risk of HIV/AIDS: A Descriptive Study at Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang
Prasojo Pribadi, Rayi Citra Ayu Pangestuti, Reni Mareta, Sigit Priyanto
Experiences or negative attitudes towards HIV, low knowledge and perception are also factor that can influence the emergence of stigma and discrimination. The primary objective of this study is to assessing the knowledge, attitude and perception among Faculty of Health Science students of Universitas...
Proceedings Article
Mental Health Nurses Experience in Assessing the Early Detection Emergency Psychiatric of Adult in Emergency Department: A Phenomenology Study
Retna Tri Astuti, Muhammad Khoirul Amin
The purpose of this study was to identify the assessment of early detection of emergencies in adult mental patients in Magelang Mental Hospital, Central Java, Indonesia. This qualitative study was conducted from December to May 2019 at Prof. Mental Hospital Dr. Soeroyo Magelang, Central Java, Indonesia....
Proceedings Article
The Physical Quality of Local Chicken Eggs (Gallus Gallus Domesticus) in the Traditional Markets of Purworejo Regency, Central Java
Roisu Eny Mudawaroch, Zulfanita
This research was conducted to determine the physical quality of local chicken eggs marketed in Purworejo Regency, Central Java. The method in this research is direct survey and monitoring. Samples were purchased from traders in the Baledono market, Kongsi market and Suronegaran Market, as many as 8...
Proceedings Article
The Level of Knowledge of the Pharmacy Staff at the Pharmacy Against the Implementation of PMK Number 9 of 2017
Ni Made Ayu Nila Septianingrum, Fitriana Yuliastuti, Widarika Santi Hapsari
The purpose of this study was to determine the level of knowledge of pharmaceutical personnel about the implementation of PMK No. 9 of 2017 in pharmacies which includes the management of pharmaceutical, pharmaceutical services, human resources and infrastructure facilities. This research is analytic...
Proceedings Article
Hormonal Contraception, Nutritional Status and Thyroid Function’s Women in an Iodine Replete Area
Yusi Dwi Nurcahyani, Leny Latifah, Suryati Kumorowulan, Asih Setyani
Hormonal contraception is one of the most popular method to prevent the pregnancy. Several studies have reported a significant increase in body weight during hormonal contraception. It can also affect thyroid hormone which plays a role in basal metabolism, energy expenditure and weight. This study aims...
Proceedings Article
Calgary Family Intervention Model Approach in Choosing Healthy Snack as Preventive Behaviour of Food Born Disease on Children in Surabaya
Dede Nasrullah, Aries Candra Anandhita, Eni Sumarliyah, Jihan Robbaniyah
Snack food in schools is very risky for biological or chemical contamination that is detrimental to health. During the break time of 20 students at Surabaya Elementary School there were 100% of students choosing to consume snacks with striking red sauce, without packaging and colourful drinks. This can...
Proceedings Article
Prevalence and the Level of Knowledge Toward Cigarette Smoking Among Adult Male in Rural Area
Yelvi Levani, Annisa Nurida, Sukadiono, Muhammad Thoriq Hakam
Cigarette smoking is the leading cause of non-communicable diseases such as lung cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, ischemic heart disease, stroke, and many more. In USA, the prevalence smokers in rural area were higher than in urban or metropolitan area. But there was still no data in Indonesia....
Proceedings Article
Support from Leaders and Co-Workers: Which is More Significant in Implementing Islamic Nursing Behaviour?
Puguh Widiyanto, Zuhri Almisbah, Siti Sangadatul Wahidah Alqudsiyah
Patient assessment of nurses’ soft skills in hospitals is a crucial indicator of the quality of nursing services. Professional nursing care by implementing Islamic values is an excellent nursing service expected by patients, especially in countries with a Muslim majority population. Therefore, this study...
Proceedings Article
Anemia Incidence in a Third Trimester Pregnant of Adolescent Pregnancy
Astri Wahyuningsih, Piscolia Dynamurti Wintoro, Wiwin Rohmawati, Yuriyahtun Khasanah
Adolescent pregnancy is a pregnancy that occurs in young women aged 14-19 years old which are almost three times more at risk because they are mentally immature resulting in a lack of fulfillment of nutritional requirements during pregnancy. The incidence of anemia in pregnant women is quite high because...
Proceedings Article
Loss to Follow-Up Predisposition Factors in HIV and AIDS Patients with ARV Therapy
Tuti Susilowati, Sutaryono, Tri Nur Kristina, Muchlis A U Sofro
Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) are diseases that require special treatment and therapy. Many factors affect the occurrence of failure of antiretroviral therapy (ARV). The purpose of this study was to determine the predisposing factors of loss to follow-up...
Proceedings Article
Effectiveness of Moringa Oleifera Extract to Increase Breastmilk Production in Postpartum Mother with Food Restriction
Rini Kristiyanti, Siti Khuzaiyah, Nur Chabibah, M Khanifah
Breast Milk is the most complete, safe, hygienic and inexpensive nutritious food. However, the culture of food restriction in the community is often a barrier to improving nutrition for both the mother and her baby. The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of giving Moringa leaf extract...
Proceedings Article
Job Performance, Expert Linear Class Evaluation Teacher Certified on Pedagogic and Professional Competencies
Ahwy Oktradiksa, Minzani Aufa
This study aims to determine the level of expertise based on the non-Islamic elementary school of teacher training (PGMI) bachelor linearity as class teachers, and to evaluate the job performance of linear and non-linear certified teachers on pedagogical and professional competence. This type of research...
Proceedings Article
The Development of Character Education Model Based on School Culture
Hardianto Rahman, Jamaluddin, Umar
The objectives of this study are: (1) to obtain empirical data about the implementation of character education in Sinjai, (2) to produce a valid and practical School-based character education model. (3) produce effective School-based character education models. This study was designed using the ADDIE...
Proceedings Article
Educational Game Snakes and Ladders Toward Children Social Development Pre-School Aged in Kindergarten
Suyami, Arlina Dhian Sulistyowati, Fitriana Noor Khayati, Riski Fetra Rahayu
Currently, many children spending more time to watch the television and playing the gadget which might influence their social development. Social development could be developed optimally through several playing activities, such as education game snakes and ladders. This study aimed to determine the effect...
Proceedings Article
Cognitive Capacity in Bajo’s Children
Nani Restati Siregar, Muhammad Ilham, Mansyur
Cognitive capacity is an important concern to be explored in children who live in rural areas. The academic success of students in schools is the goal of why it is necessary to focus on these cognitive aspects. The purpose of this study is to describe working memory capacity, fluid intelligence, and...
Proceedings Article
Aerobic Training Models: Circuit and Body Language Towards Reduction of Fat Body Viewed from Mother Body Weight
Karlina Dwijayanti, Arif Rohman Hakim
Obesity is one of the risks of various diseases and can reduce the beauty of the body, especially mothers. From the survey data conducted by many mothers always complained by the name of gaining weight because they did not exercise while the food patterns were also not regulated, they tend to prefer...
Proceedings Article
Training Elementary Students’ Collaborative and Entrepreneurship Skills Using Science Student Worksheet Based on Project Learning
Ishmatun Naila, Budi Jatmiko, Elok Sudibyo
This study aims to practice the collaboration and entrepreneurship skills of elementary school students. This research is a type of development of the 4D model, which was adapted into the 4P model, which is defining, planning, developing, and disseminating. This research conducted 30 students of fifth...
Proceedings Article
The Development of English Learning Model in Primary School Based on Local Wisdom of Buton
Nur Dahniar, Cecep Nuryadin, Andi Lely Nurmaya, Irsan
This study aims to create an English language learning model based on local wisdom of Buton in elementary schools. This research is descriptive qualitative research that aims to design a conceptual model of learning English based on local wisdom. This study used primary school population in Betoambari...
Proceedings Article
The Effectiveness of Project-Based Learning in Instilling University Students’ Entrepreneurial Character and Training Science Process Skill
Wiwi Wikanta
This study aims to measure the effectiveness of project-based learning models in instilling the entrepreneurial character and training students’ science process skills. This research was conducted using a pre-experimental method of one-shot case study design. This research was conducted on 20 students...
Proceedings Article
Student’s Perception of English Learning by Using Rap Music Media
Sri Lestari
Rap music has a decisive role in teaching to help students feel happy and relaxed. There are various obstacles found in using it, such as cultural constraints and the fast tempo to pronounce its lyrics. This study aimed to analyse the perceptions of students who perceived English learning by using rap...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of Escherichia Coli Contamination in Karang Mumus River, Samarinda City
Andi Daramusseng, Syamsir
Karang Mumus River is one example of a river that has pollution. The source of pollution comes from the community activities around the river such as dumping garbage and liquid waste into the river and using the toilet over the river. In addition to making the river a waste disposal site, people in the...
Proceedings Article
Whether Beet Juice and Red Dragon Fruit Juice Increase the Haemoglobin Level in Young People?
Endang Wahyuningsih, Endang Sawitri, Choiril Hana
Anaemia has been one of the social health problems which arises and is spread around the world especially in developing countries and poor countries. Anaemia affects a large number of people mainly young males and females. Women and young females need twice as much iron as men and young males do. WHO...
Proceedings Article
Characteristics of Pulmonary Tuberculosis Patients and Their Houses in Kedungwuni Subdistrict, Pekalongan Regency, Indonesia
Nuniek Nizmah Fajriyah, Siti Khuzaiyah, Nur Izzah
Pulmonary tuberculosis (TB) is a health problem in terms of mortality, disease incidence, and its diagnosis and treatment. In 2015, there were 175,029 positive cases of pulmonary TB. Pulmonary TB is more prevalent in males with a prevalence of 106,554 (60.9%) than females with prevalence of 68,475 (39.1%)....
Proceedings Article
Brain Capability Identification: An Expert System for Children in Elementary School
Arif Hidayat
This study aims to determine the ability of the brain in elementary school children. This type of research is experimental research. This application user is a class teacher once an Elementary school student facilitator. It is very natural for teachers to want their students to grow up to be healthy,...
Proceedings Article
Scientific Approach-Based Textbooks Evaluation: A Content Analysis of English Textbooks on Reflective Teaching in Indonesia
Umi Rachmawati
The implementation of scientific approach to English as a foreign language teaching faces challenge. The use of Textbooks prepared by the education ministry is expected to be able to provide the effectiveness and flexibility of the teaching to achieve the learning goals. The principles of reflective...
Proceedings Article
Waqf Financing Model Through Crowdfunding Platform: An Indonesian Perspective
Adelia Desrin Nasution, Fahmi Medias
Financial issues in the development of waqf projects are currently the main factors faced by waqf institutions in Indonesia. On the other hand, crowdfunding platform offers a solution to the cost problem using the concept of raising funds through social media and internet users. This article aims to...
Proceedings Article
The Development of Fintech in Indonesia
Teti Anggita Safitri
This study aims to determine the development of financial technology (Fintech) in Indonesia. The research method used is descriptive analysis using quantitative. The data collected is secondary data by the Financial Services Authority (OJK) fintech data. The results showed that there was a high development...
Proceedings Article
Characteristics of Child Birthing Women and Fetal Outcome in Postdate Pregnancy
Tri Nofiasari, Fitria Siswi Utami
Postdate pregnancy is an indirect cause of maternal and infant mortality. Generally, it can occur in 7% of pregnancies. The study aims to describe the characteristics of intrapartum women with postdate pregnancy, delivery method, and fetal outcome in 2018. The study was quantitative descriptive research...
Proceedings Article
Development of Model for Introducing Basic Sepaktakraw Techniques for Advanced-Grade Primary School Students
Wing Prasetya Kurniawan, Mokhammad Firdaus
This research aims to produce a model for introducing basic techniques of the sport sepak takraw for advanced-grade primary school students through a play-based approach. This research was done by adapting the 8 steps of Borg & Gall’s research method, those steps being (1) research and collection...
Proceedings Article
Model Development of Basic Handball Techniques Test Instruments
Mokhammad Firdaus, Rizki Burstiando
This study aims to develop an instrument model for basic handball technical skills test. The developed model of the test instrument can be used to support lectures on T / P Handball. This study was conducted by using Borg and Gall’s 8 steps research model, consists of (1) field information collection,...
Proceedings Article
Stimulus-Response Analysis of Spatial Behaviour Pattern in Hospital Public Waiting Room
Vippy Dharmawan, Rofi’i, Nanik Rachmaniyah
Waiting room is a part of a building in which people sit or stand until their turn come. The way people behave in that area need to be predicted, thus architects can make good designs. This study aims to reveal the spatial behaviour patterns of visitors in public waiting rooms that located at Surabaya...
Proceedings Article
Are Meridian Tapping Point and Breathing Exercise Techniques Effective to Reduce Stress and Vital Signs in Haemodialysis Patients?
Anita Shinta Kusuma, Berlian Nurtyashesti Kusumadewi
Most haemodialysis patients experience moderate to high level of anxiety and stress. This requires coping skills and techniques that can be used to effectively reduce stress level, and increase the participation of hospitals to improve service quality. This study aims to determine the impact of Meridian...
Proceedings Article
Effect of Counseling Guidance in Improving Process of Student Learning Achievement
Asrori, Moch. Charis Hidayat, Ika Puspitasari, Rusman
Quality education is one that integrates several fields of activity in synergy namely administrative, instructional and guidance and counseling. This research aimed to transform the knowledge into the education system integrally. The type of research used is field research with a quantitative approach....
Proceedings Article
Change of Attitude, Behaviour in Choosing Healthy Snacks Through Health Education with Educative Game Media of Monopoly About Healthy Snacks for Children of School Age
Eni Sumarliyah, Aries Chandra Anandita, Dede Nasrullah, Rizaldi Heru Susanto
Choosing unhealthy food is one of problems that occur to many children. Choosing snacks that are not in health standards would cause health problems. The purpose of this study identified change of attitude, behavioural in choosing healthy snacks through health education with the educative game media...
Proceedings Article
Men’s Knowledge About Vasectomy
Ellyda Rizki Wijhati, Suesti
The purpose of the study was to analyse men’s knowledge about vasectomy and respondent’s characteristics that influenced the level of knowledge. The study applied quantitative descriptive research with a cross-sectional approach. The populations in the study were all men with several criteria such as...
Proceedings Article
Public Support of Exclusive Breastfeeding in Women Workers
Luluk Rosida, Intan Mutiara Putri, Dewi Kurniasari
Working women have their own dilemma because besides working women also have to continue performing their duties and responsibilities as mothers, one of which is to keep on providing exclusive breastfeeding. Public Support or work environment support is one of the determining factors for the success...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Baby Massage Toward the Development of Three Months Baby
Siti Nur Umariyah Febriyanti, Wiji Munjilah, Ni Nyoman Maryaningtyas Adinatha, Rose Nur Hudhariani
WHO estimates that more than 20 million toddlers in developing countries fail to reach optimal development potential. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of infant massage on the development of a 3-month-old baby. This study is a Quasi Experiment study with Pre and Post research design...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Diabetes Audio Visual Learning Method for Improving Medical Skills of Surgical Nursing
Robiul Fitri Masithoh, Estrin Handayani
An interactive video tutorial guiding students to understand a material through visualization. Students can interactively participate in practicum activities at laboratory has been teach in the videos. This research is a quasi-experimental study using 50 respondents taken by purposive sampling D3 nursing...
Proceedings Article
Application of Equity Principles in the Development of E-Commerce Taxes
Dilli Trisna Noviasari, Dyah Adriantini Sintha Dewi, Habib Muhsin Syafingi, Nurwati
The most state revenue is from the tax sector. The government has tried its best to increase revenue from the tax sector from year to year. However, the development of tax variations by the government must not ignore the principle of equity. Likewise, in the imposition of e-commerce tax, the government...
Proceedings Article
Muhammadiyah Waqf Land Empowerment Model in Magelang
Azizatul Islamiyah, Nurul Syofiyatun, Muhamad Fadhil Kusuma, Fahmi Medias
Waqf has played an essential role in solving the social problems of the Ummah as a potential financial instrument. However, its management has long been applied in Indonesia without any impact on empowerment. This study, therefore, aims to identify and explore the land empowerment model in Magelang and...
Proceedings Article
What Predisposing Factors Affect Nurses’ Islamic Behavior?
Siti Sangadatul Wahidah Alqudsiyah, Puguh Widiyanto, Heni Setyowati Esti Rahayu
The quality of hospital services continues experiencing competition that requires new innovations to nurses. Nurses as providers of nursing care are not only required to achieve physical healing of patients, but also psychological, spiritual, and social aspects, by applying Islamic behavior in every...
Proceedings Article
The Knowledge and Attitude of Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang Pharmacy Students on National Health Programs–a Descriptive Study
Prasojo Pribadi, Rayi Citra Ayu Pangestuti, Heni Lutfiyati, Elmiawati Latifah, Setyo Budi Santoso
The important role of pharmacists in the community in disseminating the National Health Programs is as an effort to educate healthy lifestyles to the community. This paper aims to assessing the knowledge and attitude of Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang pharmacy students on National Health Programs....
Proceedings Article
Analysis of Network Model Determinant on Tourism SMEs Performance
Rochiyati Murniningsih, Yulinda Devi Pramita, Friztina Anisa, Eni Zuhriyah
This research empirically tests and analyzes the network model that affects the performance of Tourism SMEs. The SME Tourism network model includes knowledge sharing and innovation. Knowledge sharing is measured by network density, network centrality, relational social capital (CSR) and cognitive social...
Proceedings Article
A Model of Friendly and Tolerant Community-Based School Mosque Management: Strategy Analysis and Empowerment
Imam Mawardi, Akhmad Baihaqi, Subur, Kanthi Pamungkas Sari
The phenomenon of community-based school mosque (CBSM) becomes very interesting when it can contribute to community empowerment, both in the religious and social fields. The study aims to analyze an CBSM management model in Magelang City to spread the values of peace and tolerance for the school and...
Proceedings Article
Moral Profile of Adolescent in Kedu Region, Indonesia
Purwati, Arie Supriyatna, Nofi Nur Yuhenita
Moral coaching as part of the formation of adolescent character becomes an important discourse today. This study aims to reveal the profile and perceptions of adolescents about morale in Kedu region. This study utilized a mixed methods design. Participants are middle school students with 100 students...
Proceedings Article
Mind Mapping Strategy in Integrative Information Services to Improve Student Career Plan
Hijrah Eko Putro, Muhammad Japar
The objectives of the study are: Know the level of career planning of students in Muhammadiyah High School and know the effectiveness of integrative information services with mind mapping strategies to improve career planning of high school Muhammadiyah students. The population in this study is a grade...
Proceedings Article
The Effectiveness of Group Counselling with Monopoly Game Media to Improve the Students’ Self-Confidence
Astiwi Kurniati, Paramita Nuraini
This current study aims at investigating the effectiveness of guidance and counselling with monopoly game media to improve to self-confidence of students in SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Magelang City. To do so, it employs experimental study with AOD (After Only Design). The result showed that guidance and counselling...
Proceedings Article
The Role of Entrepreneurial Leadership and ICT in Encouraging Competitive Advantage in SME’s
Rochiyati Murniningsih, Muhdiyanto, Mukhtar Hanafi
This study aims to examine the mediation effects of innovation in influencing the entrepreneurial leadership and information technology and communication on increasing the competitive advantage of Small and Medium Enterprises in the Magelang region. There are 5 (five) hypotheses in this study and the...
Proceedings Article
Muhammadiyah’s Response to Climate Change and Environmental Issues: Based on Tarjih National Conference
Mohammad Ikhwanuddin
This paper aims to analyze Islamic dialectics in the Muhammadiyah community for responding to climate change and environmental issues. As one of the institutions in Muhammadiyah, the Majelis Tarjih and Tajdid (MTT) has an important role in bridging environmental issues into the Muslim community. The...
Proceedings Article
Muhammadiyah Political Theology on the Religiosity Moderation in Indonesia
Isa Anshori
This research is aimed to reveal how the Muhammadiyah’s theological concept encompassing these following issues. Firstly, the issue of national politics related to the basic discourse of the Indonesian State. Secondly, the theological concepts governing the multicultural social relations of Indonesian...
Proceedings Article
Javanese Sex Spirituality on Serat Nitimani Written by Raden Harya Suganda (1887 AD)
Suwito, Safrudin Aziz, Maulana Mualim, Ahmad Sahnan, Abdal Chaqil Harimi, Hendri Purbo Waseso
This paper unfolds sexual spirituality in Serat Nitimani written by Raden Harya Suganda (1887 AD). The Javanese sex spirituality in Serat Nitimani is specifically reflected on the spiritual concept of sangkan paraning dumadi (God) and manunggaling kawula gusti in sexual activities. Sexual intercourse...
Proceedings Article
Reputation Oversight by the Sharia Supervisory Board Toward Wakalah Contract Application on Murabahah Financing
Bagya Agung Prabowo
As we know that the Sharia Supervisory Board (DPS) has a very important role in overseeing various sharia banking products and operations. DPS will oversee violations of sharia principles which will tarnish the reputation and credibility of sharia banking. Various challenges faced by the Islamic banking...
Proceedings Article
Local Geo-politics of Urban Food Resilience to Achieve Sustainable City Development in Malang, Indonesia
Muhammad Kamil, Ach. Apriyanto Romadhan
Conversion of agricultural land functions into settlements in the city of Malang is a major factor in achieving urban food security. The area of agricultural land in Malang City is 1,104 ha, mostly dominated by rice farming, which is 821 ha, the rest is agricultural land that is used by sugar cane, horticulture...
Proceedings Article
Law Movement Facing Paradigm Post Truth in Social Media
Rini Fidiyani, Erni Wulandari
The era of disruption is almost experienced by every individual and society that is driven by information technology in meeting the needs of life. One of them is social media that surrounds every aspect of individual and community life. The purpose of this study is to explore and uncover legal movements...
Proceedings Article
Development of Student Soft Skills in Learning Process
Imron, Andi Triyanto
Soft skills are very important for students as their provision to enter the workforce. However, the percentage of soft skills in higher education curriculum is only around ten per cent. The study aims to determine the application of integrated soft skills in improving student soft skills and the obstacles...
Proceedings Article
Policy Study of the Authorities Hegemony on 2013 Curriculum in Southeast Sulawesi
Andi Muhammad Ali, Azaz Akbar, Madi
Domination Excessive power will always lead education away from the needs of the people and national culture. Excessive power also changes the direction of education from liberation to stunt. For example, the 2013 curriculum which aims to create people of faith and character has not been able to be realized....
Proceedings Article
Assessment and Risk Mitigation of Arabica Ijen Coffee Supply Chains
Saptya Prawitasari
Risk management plays an important role in managing supply chains. Agricultural commodities different from manufactured products because agricultural products have unique properties, perishable, their shapes and sizes are very varied, seasonal, the business scale is generally small and Kamba, so agricultural...
Proceedings Article
Hybrid Contracts on Sharia Banking: Study on Home Ownership Financing Product by Musharakah Mutanaqishah
Abdul Wahab
One form of hybrid contract that is currently widely used by Islamic banking is the Musharakah Mutanaqishah contract; that is, financing products based on the musharakah principle, namely: Shirkah al-inan whose portion (hisbah) capital of one of the banks is reduced due to gradual commercial transfers...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of Fertilizer Subsidy Policy in Supporting Food Security in Karawang District, West Java Province Policy 2013-1017
Sri Sundari, Supandi Halim
Fertilizer subsidies become a burden on the state budget (APBN) which is increasing, but there are various negative excesses in the implementation. There are various objectives to be achieved from the implementation of fertilizer subsidy policies, such as providing incentives to farmers to apply fertilization...
Proceedings Article
National Examination as a Discourse: Perspective on Socio-Anthropology of Education
Rosmawati, Suryanti, Yuyun Febrianti, Elisa Monaya
This research is intended to examine the reasons underlying the variety of discourse in shaping social perceptions of the importance of the implementation of national examinations which are applied as national education standards. The study was conducted through the sociology approach to Education, making...
Proceedings Article
The Impact of External Audit in Corporate Financial Distress
Siti Noor Khikmah, Abdul Rohman, Indira Januarti
This paper is aimed at examining and analysing the impact of external audit on financial distress in Indonesian manufacturing companies. In addition, the samples used include data from manufacturing companies within the period 2014-2017, using purposive sampling method. A total of 128 companies were...
Proceedings Article
The Implementation of Collaborative Urban Governance in City Without Slums Program (Kotaku) in Pasuruan, Indonesia
Tri Sulistyaningsih, Mukhammad Yusuf Putra Pamungkas, Indah Dwi Maulana, Asep Nurjaman
This paper aims to explain and create a model of Collaborative Urban Governance in the implementation of the City without Slums Program (KOTAKU). This study uses a qualitative research method. This study revealed that the implementation of the City without Slums Program (KOTAKU) has not shown the collaboration...
Proceedings Article
The Role of Teacher in Counteracting the Transnational Religious Ideology of Khilafah
Moh. Roqib, Suparjo
This paper elaborates the role of teacher in counteracting the influence of the transnational ideology of Khilafah to high school students which has potentials to give birth to religious radicalism and endanger their nationalism. This qualitative research with ethnographic approach took place at SMA...
Proceedings Article
Audit-Based Risk Management Toward Anti-Corruption
Andriana, Dewi Ayu Puspita, Taufikkurohman
Corruption is a form of fraud that can harm other parties. In Indonesia corruption means that it is a criminal offense related to state finance in the government sector and involves public officials. So to reduce the potential for corruption, prevention efforts are needed. The purpose of this study is...
Proceedings Article
The Meaning of Spaces in Toraja Traditional House
Sisilia Mangopo
This paper aims to explain the meaning of spaces in Toraja’s traditional house known as Tongkonan. In every society, the spatial codes playing an important role to identify the structural meaning and functions of spaces. Tongkonan consists of three parts; they are the main house, the yard, and the barn....
Proceedings Article
Qualified School Through Total Quality Management Implementation
Faujia Umasugi, Bakar Djibat
This study aims to analyse the qualified school through the implementation of Total Quality Management (TQM) in Ternate City. This research is qualitative research with a multi-case study in SMA Negeri 1, SMA Negeri 4, SMA Negeri 8, and Islamic Schools of Ternate. The result shows that eight parts of...
Proceedings Article
Pro-Public Policy Prospects: The Study of Candidates’ Attribute for the Ternate Legislative Election in 2019
Agusmawanda, Saiful Deni
A visual aid or attribute of a political campaign is an object or media to convey a vision, mission, program, or other information as an effort to influence voters’ tendencies. So, each attribute must represent all candidate information that differs from other candidates to get support trends. This paper...
Proceedings Article
Supply Chain Management Improvement Through Strategic Planning for Human Resources in the Industrial Revolution 4.0
Nida Hanin Dary, Ismi Dwi Astuti Nurhaeni, Didik Gunawan Suharto
Human resources in Indonesia are required to be improved to be internationally competitive, actively synchronized, and innovative with rapidly developing information technology to support the quality of Supply Chain Management (SCM) and also support sustainable development. Nevertheless, in the era of...
Proceedings Article
Collaborative Governance to Increase Building Index in Economics Through Village-Owned Enterprises Sub-District Ngroto, Malang
Laeli Nur Khanifah, Iradhat Taqwa Sihidi, Krishno Hadi
Law 6 of 2014 cites Village-Owned Enterprises as Business Entities, whose capital is owned by the Village and is obtained from Village assets to facilitate the welfare of the Village community. The government must understand the potential in its territory and manage it together with the community, the...
Proceedings Article
How Islamic Education Impacts Personal Life of Student of Senior High School?
Istania Widayati Hidayati, Subur, Akhmad Baihaqi, Afga Sidiq Rifa’i, Mujahidun, Tohirin
Senior high school students have diverse backgrounds; some of them have a strong base in the religious field; some do not. Besides, the learning of Islamic Education (IE) in SMAN uses the 2013 curriculum in contrast to IE learning in Islamic boarding schools. This study aims to explore the meaning of...
Proceedings Article
The Impact of Physical Activity on Executive Functions Among Pre-schoolers
Hermahayu, Supra Wimbarti, Ia Paramastri, Ria Lumintuarso
Executive Functions (EF) are the ability of individuals to initiate, adapt, organize, monitor, and control information and behaviour processes. EF consists of three basic components, namely inhibition, working memory, and cognitive flexibility. Those three components play a crucial role in children’s...
Proceedings Article
Pursuing Innovation in Micro Business. Is It Possible?
Nia Kurniati Bachtiar
Innovation is believed as one powerful weapon to survive in modern competitive industry. Both Large organizations (LOs) and Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) are trying their best to keep up with the innovation within their firms. However, due to its nature in lack of resources both human resource...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of Buying in Papringan Market of Temanggung
Sekar Aji Widyastiti, Annas Kurnia Rahmatika, Ririn Andriyani, Andi Triyanto
Papringan market has a unique marketing strategy in using bamboo money as a medium of exchange. However, the government regulations of law number 7 article 21/2011 about the obligation to use Rupiah as the official currency for transactions, whereas in Islamic rules there is a prohibition on the practice...
Proceedings Article
Integration of Religion and Culture as a Basic to Beyond the Meaning (Study on Reyog Ponorogo)
Rido Kurnianto, Nurul Iman, Sigit Dwi Laksana
This article examines the integration between Islam and culture in Reyog Ponorogo Art. The noble values contained in Reyog Ponorogo art, which has been latent, it is very possible to be studied more deeply through the symbols contained in the equipment and the variety of the dance, to be actualized in...
Proceedings Article
Human Resource Productivity Development Strategy in the Regional Innovation Process
Andjar Prasetyo, Henny Asmoro, Hotnier Sipahutar, Asrori, Gunawan, Deden Nuryadin, S Catur Wibowo Budi
Innovation is an effort to accelerate the development of various sectors, the development of human resource productivity is part of the sector. Magelang City has implemented an innovation screening process since 2004 and 2019 replicated in Pekanbaru City, Labuhanbatu Regency and Tuban Regency which have...
Proceedings Article
Perception of Non-Muslim Religious Leaders to Islamic Financial Institutions
Eko Kurniasih Pratiwi, Fahmi Medias, Nasitotul Janah
Islamic Financial Institutions have emerged using Islamic values as the basis for institutional development. Meanwhile, the existence of faith-based institutions both for social purposes and profits is often seen as an exclusive institution and is considered a threat to followers of other religions....
Proceedings Article
Knowledge Management and Scope of Balanced Scorecard on Competitive Advantages and University Performance
Siti Samsiah, Siti Rodiah, Intan Diane Binangkit
This study aims to analyze the application of Knowledge management and The Scope of The Application of the Balanced Scorecard to The Competitive Advantage and Performance of Private Universities in Pekanbaru. The survey was conducted by distributing questionnaires to Educators and Education Staff. The...
Proceedings Article
Library Management in the Implementation of School Literacy Movement in Primary Schools
Septiyati Purwandari, Ella Minchah Awaliya, Anisah
The role of library as the heart of school has not been fully understood by the school community. The lack of skill in information literacy among the librarians and teachers become the main consideration for this research. The aim of this research is to observe the library management in supporting the...
Proceedings Article
Internal Control SME’s Role Over Their Competitive Advantage and Performance
Mulato Santosa, Nur Laila Yuliani, Siti Noor Khikmah, Diesyana Ajeng Pramesthi
Internal control in the SME business process is very important so that errors and irregularities that occur immediately can be overcome so that objectives can still be achieved. The control function is one of the management functions that cannot be returned from other management functions (planning,...
Proceedings Article
Patent Holders for Government-Funded Research in Indonesia: What are the Consequences?
Budi Agus Riswandi
The Indonesian government has issued a new research policy, in which government-funded research must be able to produce outcomes in the form of patents. From this new research policy, the government has released research funds to researchers of the state and private civil servants. From this policy,...
Proceedings Article
The Influence of Tax Comprehension, Tax Awareness and Tax Sanctions Toward Tax Obedience of SME’s
Yulita Zanaria, Artha Ayu Lestari
This study aims to analyze the effect of understanding taxpayer awareness of Taxpayers and tax sanctions on taxpayer compliance SME’S who conduct online business activities in the city of Metro. This type of research is quantitative research. Sources of the Data in this study are primary and secondary...
Proceedings Article
Freedom of Religion as a Human Rights Protection in Indonesia
Amri Panahatan Sihotang, B. Rini Heryanti, Subaidah Ratna Juita
The normative theoretical discussion and study of the refusal of freedom of religion and belief in Indonesia is proof that there are some people in Indonesia who have not been able to accept diversity / plurality. The study entitled “ Strength of Religious Freedom in Indonesia as a Human Rights Violation...
Proceedings Article
The Influence of Personality, Conflict and Trust on Commitment of Duties of Principal Public Elementary Schools in DKI Jakarta Province
Dwi Tyas Utami, Sutjipto, Mukhneri Mukhtar
The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of personality, conflict and trust on the task commitments of principals in State Primary Schools in DKI Jakarta Province. That is a quantitative study conducted in DKI Jakarta Province. This study uses a survey method with path analysis applied in...
Proceedings Article
Indonesia-Egypt Diplomatic Relations: Non-State Actors Perspective
Aprilia Restuning Tunggal
The purpose of this research is to answer the role of diplomacy conducted by Darussalam Gontor Modern Boarding school with Al-Azhar University in Egypt as a non-state actor in the field of education. Darussalam Gontor Modern Boarding School as one of the Institutions of Islamic Education and Islamic...
Proceedings Article
The Implementation of Local Content Curriculum of English for Elementary School in Surakarta, Indonesia
Honest Ummi Kaltsum, Wahdan Najib Habiby
English for elementary school in Indonesia is regarded as local content curriculum area which mandates that it should include value and local knowledge associated with region in which English curriculum is delivered (Ministerial Decree No.060/U/1993). Considering this decree, this research aims to investigate...
Proceedings Article
Da’wah in Form of Ukhuwah Islamiyah
Suriati, Burhanuddin, Makmur Jaya Nur
The aims of this study are to find out the effectiveness of Da’wahin the form ukhuwah Islamiyah (Islamic brotherhood). Da’wah is not only in the form of lectures and sermons, but all forms of activities that lead to solicitation, vocation, and appeals so that mad’u (pilgrims) remains in the frame of...
Proceedings Article
Tana Panrita Kitta: Track Record of Panrita-Anreguru in Sinjai
Muh. Anis, Muh. Judrah, Amir Hamzah
Sinjai was once known as Tana Panrita Kitta (the land of Islamic scholars). This means that Sinjai has a lot of expertise in literacy in Islamic science. The Muslim clergy were later known as panrita-anreguru. This study aims to discuss the meaning of panrita-anreguru and its characters throughout history....
Proceedings Article
Islamic International Relations as a Potential Tool to Indonesia’s Soft Power Diplomacy
Sofi Mubarok, Rudi Candra
This article aims to analyze the development of Islamic International Relations in Indonesia developed by several International Relations departments under the auspices of Islamic Universities, which are incorporated in the INSIERA (The Indonesian Islamic Studies and International Relations Association)....