Proceedings of the 4th Social and Humanities Research Symposium (SoRes 2021)
516 authors
- Selistiawan, Agun
- Transformational Leadership in Moderating the Relationship of Work Environment and Organizational Commitment with Organizational Citizenship Behavior
- Septiana, Dina
- The Effect of Emotional Intelligence, Teamwork, Organizational Culture and Empathy on Employee Performance
- Septiani, Anis
- Effectiveness of Occupational Health Training on Tea Farmers in Indonesia
- Setiadi, Bekti
- The Role of Dropship Through E-Commerce in Fostering Entrepreneurial Interest
- Setiawan, Dian Alan
- Food Safety Counseling as a Fulfillment of the Right to Health Principles of Maqashid Syariah for Food Home Industry Actors in Ciroyom Village, Andir District, Bandung City
- Setiawan, Edhie Budi
- Implementation of Health Protocol of Pandemic Covid 19 and Its Impact on Passengers’ Satisfaction
- Setiawan, Erik
- Social Media in the Context of Online Business Communication
- Setiawan, Erik
- Types of Communications Pattern for Overseas Students (Santri) in Cross-Cultural Adaptation in Pondok Pesantren
- Setiawan, Margono
- The Implication of Perceived Value to Continuance Intention to Use among Mobile Payment Users in Indonesia
- Shalihah, Azkia Ibadina
- Training and Assistance for the Preparation of ETAP Based Financial Report
- Shalihah, Azkia Ibadina
- Desain of Zakat Accounting Information System Standardized PSAK 109
- Sholeh, N Sausan Muhammadd
- Sufistic Approach Psychotherapy as a Mental-Spiritual Development Effort
- Sholeh, N. Sausan M.
- The Role of Da’i in Waqf Management at Baitul Hidayah Islamic Boarding School
- Siddiq, Asep A.
- The Role of Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) Organizations in West Java in Overcoming the Covid-19 Pandemic
- Siddiq, Asep Ahmad
- Sufistic Approach Psychotherapy as a Mental-Spiritual Development Effort
- Siddiq, Dedi Muhammad
- Transformational Leadership in Moderating the Relationship of Work Environment and Organizational Commitment with Organizational Citizenship Behavior
- Siddiq, Tita Barriah
- Review of Medical Ethics on the Use of Information Technology in Clinical Skills Learning
- Sidik, Jafar
- Law Enforcement of Cyber Crime Jurisdiction in Transnasional Law
- Silviany, Irma Yulita
- The Role of Sharia Investment in Indonesia
- Silviany, Irma Yulita
- Analysis of the Empowerment of the Mosque Prosperity Council in Determining of the Qibla
- Sirodj, Dwi Agustin Nuriani
- Statistical Literacy Optimization of Senior High School Teachers to Improve Data Processing Skills
- Siska, Frecy
- Legal Implications of International Agreements in the Investment Sector for the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises and Cooperatives
- Sobur, Alex
- Increase Teacher Motivation
- Sobur, Alex
- Preference Survey of Newspaper Readers in the Digital Era
- Sofyan, Aning
- Management of Electronic Word of Mouth Communication for Culinary Products on Instagram
- Sofyan, Aning
- Snack Product Promotion Content on Instagram
- Suahati, Ajrina Febri
- Tilapia Cultivation Using Concrete Pond
- Suangga, Asri
- Assistance in Optimizing Financial Statements as a Business Decision Making Tool for MSMEs in Bojongsoang Village
- Sugiyarsih, Susi
- Strategy of Innovative Learning Systems in Elementary Schools During the Covid 19 Pandemic
- Suhana, Suhana
- Community Based Intervention to Promote Prevention Towards Children Sexual Abuse
- Suhandi, Suhandi
- Sharia Economic Behavior of Former Indonesia Migrant Worker from Saudi Arabia
- Suhandoyo, Riki
- Empowerment of Ciburial Knowledge MSMEs Through Information Technology in Supply Chain Management
- Suhardini, Asep Dudi
- Islamic Parenting Paradigm
- Suhendi, Hendi
- Da’i Caderization Through Tabligh Training for Student
- Suhendi, Hendi
- The Role of Da’i in Waqf Management at Baitul Hidayah Islamic Boarding School
- Suherman, Maman
- The Influence of Online Learning Systems through the Syllabus Component on the Learning Motivation of Private Higher Education Students
- Sukarsih, Icih
- The Effect of Online Learning during the Covid-19 Pandemic on Eye Health Problems of Elementary School-Aged Children
- Sukarsih, Icih
- Statistical Literacy Optimization of Senior High School Teachers to Improve Data Processing Skills
- Sulistiani, Siska Lis
- Indonesia Hajj Fund Investment
- Sumaryanti, Indri Utami
- Community Based Intervention to Promote Prevention Towards Children Sexual Abuse
- Sumiyati, Yeti
- Supervision Implementation of the Ministry of Co-operatives and Small Medium Enterprises on High-Interest Investments Conducted to Savings and Loan Co-operatives
- Sunardi, Oding
- The Strength of the Relationship of Self-Efficacy and Innovative Work Behavior
- Sundary, Rini Irianti
- Legal Protection for Indonesian Migrant Workers During Pandemic Covid 19
- Supriatna, Rimba
- Legal Implications of International Agreements in the Investment Sector for the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises and Cooperatives
- Surani, Dewi
- Surbiantoro, Eko
- Character Education in Islamic Perspective
- Suryaningsih, Lilik
- Marketing Research on Demoraphic Structure and Customers Satisfaction of Flats in Dki Jakarta
- Suryo, Susilo
- Response of Da’wah Activists to Rethorical Training with Waste Recycling Materials
- Suwarsi, Sri
- Integrated Mobile Business Clinic Program in Encouraging the Strengthening of the Micro Business Market for the Snack Market during the Adaptation Period of New Habits in Bandung
- Suwarsi, Sri
- The Influence of Self Efficacy and Self Confidence on Gender Equality in Manufacturing Companies - West Java Province
- Syam, Husni
- Initiation of Traditional School Development in Rawabogo Village
- Syam, M. Husni
- ASEAN Way in Communitarianism Perspective
- Syam, Nia Kurniati
- Communication Strategy of the Marriage Advisory, Guidance and Preseevation Agency (BP4) in Preventing Divorce
- Syawali, Husni
- Confiscation of Assets Resulting from Corruption in Criminal Law and Islamic Law
- Tarlani, Tarlani
- Business Model Assistance for Curug Goong Ecotourism, Dayeuhkolot Village, Subang Regency
- Tazkia, Alam Husnu
- Islamic Parenting Paradigm
- Tazkiya, Alma
- Lesson Plans Development by Application for Non-Formal Early Childhood Teacher
- Tifankha, Dinda Yanisya
- Increase Teacher Motivation
- Tiwi, Dies
- Disaster Mitigation Learning Using Katumbiri Model in Early Childhood Education
- Trigartanti, Wulan
- Culture in Collective Parenting of Children of Indonesian Women Migrant Workers (TKW)
- Triwardhani, Ike Junita
- The Use of Social Media for the Covid 19 Prevention Campaign
- Triwardhani, Ike Junita
- Culture in Collective Parenting of Children of Indonesian Women Migrant Workers (TKW)
- Triyani, Yani
- Youth Knowledge on the Health Protocols During Covid-19 Pandemic
- Tsaury, Adang M.
- Development of Social Skills based on Local Wisdom in the Osing Community of Kemiren Village Banyuwangi, East Java
- Umar, Tia Muthiah
- Empowering Women Aisyiyah Business Actors through Digital Marketing during the Pandemic
- Umar, Tia Muthiah
- Digital Literacy of ‘Aisyiyah Women for Continuity of Communication in the Time of the Covid-19 Pandemic
- Utama, Gusti
- Empowerment of Ciburial Knowledge MSMEs Through Information Technology in Supply Chain Management
- Vegatama, Meita Rezki
- The Effect of Using the Zoom Platform on Psychomotor Learning Outcomes During the Covid-19 Pandemic
- Verdiana, Alma
- Initiation of Traditional School Development in Rawabogo Village
- Verdiana, Alma
- Meaning of Phenomenon and Culture in Rawabogo Tourism Village, Bandung Regency
- Wahjoe, Oentoeng
- Optimization of Immigration Intelligence in Eradicating Criminal Acts of Terrorism in an Effort to Achieve State Sovereignty
- Wahyudi, Hedi
- Increase Teacher Motivation
- Wahyudi, Hedi
- Designing of Bullying Prevention Psychoeducational Intervention for Victims
- Wahyuni, Atika Sri
- Empowerment of Ciburial Knowledge MSMEs Through Information Technology in Supply Chain Management
- Wangi, Eneng Nurlaili
- Respect and Responsibility Character-Building Training for Children Under Care of Foster Parents in SOS Village Indonesia Lembang
- Warlim, Warlim
- Reconstruction of Mandatory General Courses as General Education
- Weishaguna, Weishaguna
- Rethinking Coworking Space Design as a Self-Supporting and COVID-19 Resilient Community Center in Indonesia
- Weishaguna, Weishaguna
- Community Resilience Assessment to the Covid-19 Pandemic
- Widayati, C. Catur
- The Effect of Profitability, Dividend Policy and Debt Policy on Company Value
- Widayati, C. Catur
- The Effect of Emotional Intelligence, Teamwork, Organizational Culture and Empathy on Employee Performance
- Widayati, Naniek
- Cultural Psychology of the Adat Karuhun Urang (AKUR) Cigugur Community, Kuningan Regency
- Widiyanto, Prima
- Implementation of Health Protocol of Pandemic Covid 19 and Its Impact on Passengers’ Satisfaction
- Wiguna, Britney Azzahra
- Supervision Implementation of the Ministry of Co-operatives and Small Medium Enterprises on High-Interest Investments Conducted to Savings and Loan Co-operatives
- Wijayanti, Intan Manggala
- Analysis of the Empowerment of the Mosque Prosperity Council in Determining of the Qibla
- Wiksana, Wiki Angga
- The Importance of Citizen Journalism for Youth
- Wiksana, Wiki Angga
- Types of Communications Pattern for Overseas Students (Santri) in Cross-Cultural Adaptation in Pondok Pesantren
- Wildani, Widya Nissa
- The Impact of Covid-19 to Spiritual Poverty (Morals)-Material Poverty (Economics) in Bandung City, Indonesia
- Wiwitan, Tresna
- Social Media in the Context of Online Business Communication
- Wulandari, Dian
- The Strength of the Relationship of Self-Efficacy and Innovative Work Behavior
- Yanah, Yanah
- Strategy of Innovative Learning Systems in Elementary Schools During the Covid 19 Pandemic
- Yohanitas, Witra Apdhi
- ASN Unggul 2.0, a New Paradigm of Learning Management System in Civil Service Competency Development
- Yuliani, Leli
- Holistic Leadership Model Heads of Puskesmas (Community Health Center) in Garut Regency, West Java Province
- Yulianita, Neni
- The Influence of Online Learning Systems through the Syllabus Component on the Learning Motivation of Private Higher Education Students
- Yulianita, Neni
- Social Media in the Context of Online Business Communication
- Yulianti, Yulianti
- Empowering Women Aisyiyah Business Actors through Digital Marketing during the Pandemic
- Yuniarinto, Agung
- The Implication of Perceived Value to Continuance Intention to Use among Mobile Payment Users in Indonesia
- Yuniarti, Yuniarti
- The Role of Health Education in Changing Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practice Regarding the Covid-19 Health Protocol among Islamic Boarding School Students
- Yuniati, Yenni
- Digital Literacy of Muslim Millennials in Persis Jabar
- Yuniati, Yenni
- The Influence of Online Learning Systems through the Syllabus Component on the Learning Motivation of Private Higher Education Students
- Yunus, Muhammad
- Islamic Money Demand Implications Based on Macroeconomic and Social Value Variables in Indonesia