Proceedings of the 4th Social and Humanities Research Symposium (SoRes 2021)

516 authors
Fadhilah, Salma Nurul
Empowerment of Productive Zakat through the Empowered Village Program
Fadhilah, Shifa Nurul
Islamic Money Demand Implications Based on Macroeconomic and Social Value Variables in Indonesia
Fadhillah, Salma Nurul
The Institutional Strengthening of Inovasi Ummat Sharia Cooperative and Firdaus Pesantren Cooperative Pangalengan
Fadilah, Sri
Capacity Building Economic Empowerment of the Accuracy of Calculation of Cost of Products
Fadillah, Nida Awwali Zahratul
The Impact of Covid-19 to Spiritual Poverty (Morals)-Material Poverty (Economics) in Bandung City, Indonesia
Fajariana, Dewi Endah
The Role of Dropship Through E-Commerce in Fostering Entrepreneurial Interest
Fardani, Irland
Cultural Psychology of the Adat Karuhun Urang (AKUR) Cigugur Community, Kuningan Regency
Fardiah, Dedeh
Visual Communication Skills for Motivators of Family Resilience during the Covid 19 Pandemic
Fardiah, Dedeh
Visual Communication @Jabarsaberhoaks in Digital Literacy Education to Counteract Hoaxes on Instagram
Fatoni, Ana Utami
Faturohman, Febri Nur
Increase Teacher Motivation
Fauzan, Azhar
Empowerment of Ciburial Knowledge MSMEs Through Information Technology in Supply Chain Management
Fawzi, Ramdan
Management of Zakat based on Islamic Boarding Schools at Daarul Ilmi Cipeundeuy
Febriadi, Sandy Rizki
Empowerment of Productive Zakat through the Empowered Village Program
Fikra, Muhammad
The Effect of Profitability, Dividend Policy and Debt Policy on Company Value
Filgrima, Nadia Ratu
Statistical Literacy Optimization of Senior High School Teachers to Improve Data Processing Skills
Firdaus, Soraya
Response of Da’wah Activists to Rethorical Training with Waste Recycling Materials
Firman, Chepy Ali
Legal Protection for Indonesian Migrant Workers During Pandemic Covid 19
Firmansyah, Arif
The Concept of Good Faith on Complete Systematic Land Registration in Order to Realize Justice
Firmansyah, Firmansyah
Preference Survey of Newspaper Readers in the Digital Era
Firmansyah, Mas Agus
Implementation Digital Marketing Pesona 88 Curup in to Build Image for the Decision of Visit Tourist Attraction
Fitriah, Epi
Training and Assistance for the Preparation of ETAP Based Financial Report
Fitriah, Epi
Desain of Zakat Accounting Information System Standardized PSAK 109
Fitriana, Avincennia Vindy
Calculation of Production Costs and Operating Profit of MSME in Terms of Accounting Standards
Fitriyana, S.
Achieving Open Defecation Free using External and Internal Factor Analysis
Fitriyana, Susan
Melius Cras: Game-Based Learning Methods to Reduce Anxiety for Students
Frendika, Rusman
Integrated Mobile Business Clinic Program in Encouraging the Strengthening of the Micro Business Market for the Snack Market during the Adaptation Period of New Habits in Bandung
Frendika, Rusman
The Influence of Self Efficacy and Self Confidence on Gender Equality in Manufacturing Companies - West Java Province
Galih, Panji Lanang
The Impact of Covid-19 to Spiritual Poverty (Morals)-Material Poverty (Economics) in Bandung City, Indonesia
Gani, Rita
Reframing The Counternarration of Misinformation During Pandemic
Gayatri, Ega Ayu
Women’s Strategy for Disaster Resilient Village
Gunawan, Muhammad Chandra
The Impact of Covid-19 to Spiritual Poverty (Morals)-Material Poverty (Economics) in Bandung City, Indonesia
Gunawan, Rudy
Development of Social Skills based on Local Wisdom in the Osing Community of Kemiren Village Banyuwangi, East Java
H.M.Z., Nandang
Communication Strategy of the Marriage Advisory, Guidance and Preseevation Agency (BP4) in Preventing Divorce
Hadian, Vini Agustiani
Reconstruction of Mandatory General Courses as General Education
Hadian, Vini Agustiani
Research Based Learning to Improve Students 6C Skills During the Pandemic
Hakim, Arif
Internal Quality Assurance System in Early Childhood Education Institutions
Hakim, Arif
Effectiveness of Islamic Sex Education with Mediated Learning Experience Training for Early Childhood’s Parents and Teacher
Halimatusadiah, Elly
Empowerment of Ciburial Knowledge MSMEs Through Information Technology in Supply Chain Management
Hamdan, Yusuf
Management of Electronic Word of Mouth Communication for Culinary Products on Instagram
Hamdan, Yusuf
Snack Product Promotion Content on Instagram
Hamdani, Fahmi Fatwa Rosyadi Satria
Analysis of the Empowerment of the Mosque Prosperity Council in Determining of the Qibla
Handri, Handri
The Role of Pesantren on Society Economy Development
Handri, Handri
Knowledge-Based Economy Development of Jamaah
Harikuntoro, Sena
Cultural Psychology of the Adat Karuhun Urang (AKUR) Cigugur Community, Kuningan Regency
Hartanto, Ratna
Digital Financial Literacy and Digital Supervisory in Financial Services
Hartanto, Rudy
Assistance in Optimizing Financial Statements as a Business Decision Making Tool for MSMEs in Bojongsoang Village
Hartanto, Rudy
Disclosure of the Proportion and Classification of Green Credit in the Indonesian Banking Sector
Hartanto, Yuli
Implementation Digital Marketing Pesona 88 Curup in to Build Image for the Decision of Visit Tourist Attraction
Haryati, Yeni
The Role of Sharia Investment in Indonesia
Haryatiningsih, Ria
Local Economic Development Strategy through Mosque’s Islamic Leadership and Managerial Capacity
Hasbiansah, O.
Hybrid Communication Approach for Psychotropic Drug Addiction Therapy in Bandung
Hasyim, Haswira Nor Muhammad
Legal Protection for Indonesian Migrant Workers During Pandemic Covid 19
Haviz, Meidy
The Impact of Covid-19 to Spiritual Poverty (Morals)-Material Poverty (Economics) in Bandung City, Indonesia
Hayati, Fitroh
Local Economic Development Strategy through Mosque’s Islamic Leadership and Managerial Capacity
Hendar, Jejen
Islamic Corporate Social Responsibility in the Company of Sharia in Indonesia with the Implementation of Maqashid Sharia
Hendar, Jejen
The Urgency of the Registration of the Brand that is Safe for Employers in Ciburial Village, Regency Bandung
Hendrawan, Hadi P.
The Role of Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) Organizations in West Java in Overcoming the Covid-19 Pandemic
Hendrawan, Hadiputrarizki
Response of Da’wah Activists to Rethorical Training with Waste Recycling Materials
Heniarti, Dini Dewi
Optimization of Immigration Intelligence in Eradicating Criminal Acts of Terrorism in an Effort to Achieve State Sovereignty
Herlina, Marizsa
Statistical Literacy Optimization of Senior High School Teachers to Improve Data Processing Skills
Hernawati, Nopi
Effectiveness Zakat Operational Risk Management on the Pandemic Era of Covid 19
Hernawati, Nopi
Capacity Building Economic Empowerment of the Accuracy of Calculation of Cost of Products
Hidayat, Asep Ramdan
Management of Zakat based on Islamic Boarding Schools at Daarul Ilmi Cipeundeuy
Hidayat, Asep Ramdan
Environmental Policies for Sustainable Economic Growth Achievement in Indonesia and Negara Brunei Darussalam
Hidayat, Nur Kristian
ASN Unggul 2.0, a New Paradigm of Learning Management System in Civil Service Competency Development
Hidayat, Syamsul
Determinants of Entrepreneurial Intention Among Undergraduate Students in Indonesia
Hidayat, Yayat Rahmat
Assistance for Improving Islamic Financial Literacy for SMEs Registered at the Office of Cooperatives and SMEs, Bandung Regency
Himayasari, Neng Dewi
Legal Effectiveness of The Supreme Court Regulation on Sharia Economic Dispute Settlement in West Java Religious Court
Hindersah, H.
Study of the Astana Gunung Jati Heritage Tomb, Cirebon, Indonesia
Hindersah, Hilwati
Rethinking Coworking Space Design as a Self-Supporting and COVID-19 Resilient Community Center in Indonesia
Hirzi, Aziz Taufik
Increase Teacher Motivation
Hussein, Ananda Sabil
The Implication of Perceived Value to Continuance Intention to Use among Mobile Payment Users in Indonesia
Ibnusantosa, Ganang
Achieving Open Defecation Free using External and Internal Factor Analysis
Ibnusantosa, Ganang
Melius Cras: Game-Based Learning Methods to Reduce Anxiety for Students
Ibrahim, Alia Alifa
Assistance in Optimizing Financial Statements as a Business Decision Making Tool for MSMEs in Bojongsoang Village
Ibrahim, M. Andri
Assistance for Improving Islamic Financial Literacy for SMEs Registered at the Office of Cooperatives and SMEs, Bandung Regency
Ibrahim, Mohamad Andri
BMT Management Efficiency in Bandung City Mosques
Ihwanudin, Nandang
The Role of Pesantren on Society Economy Development
Ihwanudin, Nandang
Knowledge-Based Economy Development of Jamaah
Ilahi, Fadilah
BMT Management Efficiency in Bandung City Mosques
Ilahi, Tresna Fuji
Rethinking Coworking Space Design as a Self-Supporting and COVID-19 Resilient Community Center in Indonesia
Imaniyati, Neni Sri
The Enforcement of Small Claim Court of Sharia Economics in Religious Courts According to Sharia Economic Principles
Imaniyati, Neni Sri
The Institutional Strengthening of Inovasi Ummat Sharia Cooperative and Firdaus Pesantren Cooperative Pangalengan
Indrasari, Eva Rianti
The Effect of Online Learning during the Covid-19 Pandemic on Eye Health Problems of Elementary School-Aged Children
Indratno, Imam
Initiation of Traditional School Development in Rawabogo Village
Indratno, Imam
Meaning of Phenomenon and Culture in Rawabogo Tourism Village, Bandung Regency
Indratno, Imam
Cultural Psychology of the Adat Karuhun Urang (AKUR) Cigugur Community, Kuningan Regency
Inten, Dinar Nur
Improving the Pedagogic Competence of Madrasa Diniyah Takmiliyah Teachers as an Attempt to Improve the Quality of Quran Learning Based on Blended Learning during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Inten, Dinar Nur
Disaster Mitigation Learning Using Katumbiri Model in Early Childhood Education
Inten, Dinar Nur
21st Century Learning
Irawati, Irawati
The Concept of Economic and Social Justice in the Management of Fisheries on the High Seas
Irianti, Rini
The Concept of Economic and Social Justice in the Management of Fisheries on the High Seas
Iskandar, Rusli K.
ASEAN Way in Communitarianism Perspective
Ismiandika, Tomi
Cultural Psychology of the Adat Karuhun Urang (AKUR) Cigugur Community, Kuningan Regency
Iss, Affandi
Training and Assistance for the Preparation of ETAP Based Financial Report
Izadi, Fariz Farrih
Perspective of Human Rights and Islamic Law Regarding Batting of Children in Ahmad Historical Hadith No 6756 Concerning Child Education
Izadi, Fariz Farrih
Food Safety Counseling as a Fulfillment of the Right to Health Principles of Maqashid Syariah for Food Home Industry Actors in Ciroyom Village, Andir District, Bandung City
Izzaturahman, Khalid
Desain of Zakat Accounting Information System Standardized PSAK 109
Jamil, Iqbal
Empowering Women Aisyiyah Business Actors through Digital Marketing during the Pandemic