Proceedings of the 4th Social and Humanities Research Symposium (SoRes 2021)
516 authors
- Yunus, Muhammad
- Analysis of the Empowerment of the Mosque Prosperity Council in Determining of the Qibla
- Yusdiansyah, Efik
- Supervision Implementation of the Ministry of Co-operatives and Small Medium Enterprises on High-Interest Investments Conducted to Savings and Loan Co-operatives
- Yusdiansyah, Efik
- Islamic Corporate Social Responsibility in the Company of Sharia in Indonesia with the Implementation of Maqashid Sharia
- Yusdiansyah, Efik
- The Urgency of the Registration of the Brand that is Safe for Employers in Ciburial Village, Regency Bandung
- Yusrizal, Yusuf Azis
- Islamic Money Demand Implications Based on Macroeconomic and Social Value Variables in Indonesia
- Yusuf, Furtasan Ali
- Sharia Economic Behavior of Former Indonesia Migrant Worker from Saudi Arabia
- Yusup, Akhmad
- Empowerment of Productive Zakat through the Empowered Village Program
- Yusup, Akhmad
- Assistance for Improving Islamic Financial Literacy for SMEs Registered at the Office of Cooperatives and SMEs, Bandung Regency
- Yusup, Akhmad
- The Role of Sharia Investment in Indonesia
- Zakaria, Chepi Ali Firman
- Confiscation of Assets Resulting from Corruption in Criminal Law and Islamic Law
- Zakiah, Kiki
- How Far the Psychoeducation can Build Family Resilience for the Brides in the City of Bandung
- Zakiah, Kiki
- Integrated Mobile Business Clinic Program in Encouraging the Strengthening of the Micro Business Market for the Snack Market during the Adaptation Period of New Habits in Bandung
- Zakiran, Asep Hakim
- The Urgency of the Registration of the Brand that is Safe for Employers in Ciburial Village, Regency Bandung
- Zakiran, Asep Hakim
- Perspective of Human Rights and Islamic Law Regarding Batting of Children in Ahmad Historical Hadith No 6756 Concerning Child Education
- Zhadira, Ghia Riezna
- Supervision Implementation of the Ministry of Co-operatives and Small Medium Enterprises on High-Interest Investments Conducted to Savings and Loan Co-operatives
- Zulfebriges, Zulfebriges
- Snack Product Promotion Content on Instagram