Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research

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81546 articles
Proceedings Article

Development of Commercial Bank Information System Based on Risk Management Research

Xiaofei Tang
In the society, the commercial banks are the enterprises that operate the risks. They are faced with different risks, namely, liquidity, credit, operation, market, reputation, interest rate, law and so on. With the continuous development of science and technology and technology in our country, the business...
Proceedings Article

Analysis on Approach to Operate Tourism Economy of Hidden Accommodation Industry

Zhiliang Xia
The development and status of tourism has been increasingly put emphasis that brings opportunities to the development of hidden accommodation industry and provides good humanistic environment for regional economy. In China, there exist rather rich tour resources in the area and some resources waiting...
Proceedings Article

The Meaning of Paji Nyili-Nyili Tradition in Goto Village Tidore Kota Sub-Distric Tidore Island

Abdul Umaternate, Irmawati Umanahu, Veronika Salem, Erick Lobja
This study aims to reveal how the people of the Goto village community interpret the tradition of nyili-nyili paji; and to find out the origins of the birth of this tradition. The approach used in this study is a qualitative method that aims to provide a systematic; factual; and accurate picture. By...
Proceedings Article

Discovery Learning Based E-Module on Protein Material Development

Eika Abigail Munthe, Saronom Silaban, Zainuddin Muchtar
Modules are teaching materials that are designed to be independently studied by learning participants. This study aims to determine the eligibility of biomolecular e-module that have been developed with discovery learning models on protein material. This study uses the ADDIE development model (Analyze,...
Proceedings Article

Research on Higher Mathematics Teaching Reform Incorporating Ideological and Political Elements in the Course—Take the Concept of Constant Term Series as an Example

Peiyu Yan, Shuang Liu
This article follows the education concept of “student-oriented, application of learning, and comprehensive development”, and gradually promotes the “three integration + two improvement” of higher mathematics teaching. This is the integration of teaching content and mathematics culture, the integration...
Proceedings Article

Employees’ Emotional Intelligence and Job Performance: A Moderated Mediation Model

Zhang Luyao, Lu Lei
“Dedication”, “patriotism, integrity, and friendliness” have been incorporated into the socialist core values in China as the basic ethical requirements for individuals. Nowadays, predicting employee behaviors and improving employee engagement has been crucial for companies in their human resource management...
Proceedings Article

Parenting Style and Community Relationship Pattern in Tanjungpinang City in the Context of Chinese New Year Celebrations Two Months Before the COVID-19 Pandemic in Indonesia

Maitri Widya Mutiara, Mariati, Jap Tji Beng, Sri Tiatri
Tanjungpinang is a city within an archipelago with a unique geographical structure and composition of the population. The COVID-19 pandemic brought about a change in behavior in most communities. This study aims to provide an overview of parenting style and relationship patterns of the Chinese community...
Proceedings Article

The Management of Transformational Leadership Value Strategy at “Darussalam Gontor” Modern Islamic Boarding School

Munif Attamimi, Suparto Wijoyo, Bagong Suyanto, Moch Charis Hidayat
Leadership is an activity in guiding a group in such a way that the group’s common goals are achieved. In the reality of social life, the role and function of a leader is very important in the success of any joint venture. This can be seen in various social institutions, whether political, economic,...
Proceedings Article

Commodities and the Dynamics of Commercial Shipping Activity at Gorontalo in 19th Century

Hasanuddin Anwar, Retno Sekarningrum, Muhammad Nur Ichsan Azis, Irna Saptaningrum, Hendri Gunawan
The aim of this study is to describe and analyze of Gorontalo port which had important role and position in the trade shipping network in the archipelago because of its geographical location connecting Singapore, Ternate, Tomini Bay and Makassar. This condition is strengthened by the avail ability of...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Supreme Court Decision No. 537.K/PDT/2011 (Dispute Over Ownership of Arable Land in Helvetia)

Arif Rachmanto, Sri Wahyu Handayani
A country with an agrarian background, land is something that has a very important value in people's lives. The existence of a fixed (limited) amount of land results in a struggle for land rights that can be a source of dispute for humans, even landowners are willing to sacrifice anything to maintain...
Proceedings Article

The Evolution of the Girdle as a Reflection of Ancient Social Concepts

Wanjun Li, Yingying Xu, Quan Zhou
This paper explores the relationship between belts and ancient social concepts through an overview of the evolution of Chinese belts through the ages. As an important part of ancient costumes, the belt is not only a kind of decoration, but also a symbol carrying culture, hierarchy and social ideas. Then...
Proceedings Article

Media ethics of social artificial intelligence in games under the mediatization theory

——Take the mobile game Honor of Kings as an example

Lan Yang
Nowadays, the media is gradually deepening. With the continuous penetration of artificial intelligence technology and game media, the social behavior, social mode and even subjectivity of players in the game are also undergoing multimodal changes. From the theoretical perspective of the media society,...
Proceedings Article

Meta-analysis on the Relationship Between Academic Procrastination and Parenting Style

Jinghan Wang
Procrastination is a universal behavior. It means delaying unfinished work in an unnecessary condition. People who procrastinate finish their work hastily, with no time to consider its quality. Similarly, students who have the habit of procrastination are always dissatisfied with their academic performance,...
Proceedings Article

A Room of One’s Own in Suzhou: Analyzing the Dissemination of Woolf’s Feminism in China

Yaxin Liu
How do the Chinese promoters of the women’s liberation movement in modern China identify females in the face of the discourse of other feminist scholars? Do they completely accept or make a clever transition? As the first person to spread Woolf’s feminist ideas, Xu Zhimo recognizes the important role...
Proceedings Article

Analysis on the Influence of Water Army on Public Opinion on the Internet

Xu Jiaze
Water army is a kind of employed netizens which appear most in some hot-trend topics to oriented other netizens’ opinion to these specific topics. Therefore, it has also gradually led to the uncertainty of people’s orientation to public opinion. Weibo, as one of the most commonly used new media among...
Proceedings Article

Computer Virus and Anti-Virus Technology

Naifu Zhang
With the rapid development and application of computer technology, the accompanying problems caused by computer viruses are becoming more and more serious. The main content of this paper includes the definition, type, characteristics, harm of computer virus, anti-virus technology and its application,...
Proceedings Article

Analysis on the Problems in the Process of Implementing Architectural Programming

Yunfeng Zhong
The architectural programming has developed quite mature in the US, Europe and Japan, while in our country it has just started. Firstly, this paper corrects the misunderstanding of architectural programming from the understanding, further points out the relationship between programming and architectural...
Proceedings Article

An Analysis of Nonverbal Pragmatic Failure in Intercultural Communication

Wenjuan Du
With the increasingly frequent intercultural communication, the influence of intercultural Pragmatic failures more and more clearly revealed. Currently, many researchers and language teachers at home and abroad conducted researches on verbal conduct pragmatic failure, but they often overlooked the nonverbal...
Proceedings Article

Research on Intelligent Logistics Information System and Its Economic Evaluation

Meiyan Li
Modern logistics has become the key to supporting Chinese entire logistics industry and express delivery industry. Compared with the traditional logistics, modern logistics using intelligent technology to achieve further enhance and cross. As an important foundation of modern logistics in our country,...
Proceedings Article

A Study of the Practical Teaching System of Mechanical Engineering on Theory-practice Integration Model

Yihui Zeng, Zhangyuan Xiong, Lijun Tang, Shixiong Wang, Shi Yao, Gang Wu
This paper proposes the practical teaching system of mechanical engineering based on theory-practice integration model due to problems such as the separation of knowledge transfer from skills training, the lack of depth in school-enterprise cooperation and the insufficiency of practice and innovation....
Proceedings Article

On the Effective Way of Body Language in the Primary English Teaching

Hui Yang
with the limitation of students' vocabulary in primary schools, English teachers in primary schools should make use of the silent body language to simplify their teaching. In this paper, the author tries to give a whole introduction about the use of body language in English teaching. Body language can...
Proceedings Article

The Semantic Potential of Language and the Meaning of Intercultural Communication

Tatiana Leshkevich, Anna Motozhanets
The paper is devoted to the study of intercultural communication in the light of sematic potential of language. Being a semiotic form of reflecting the objective reality, language manifests itself as a means of expressing human subjectivity. The authors rely on interdisciplinary methodological strategy,...
Proceedings Article

Research on Construction of Enterprise Information System under the Development of Computer Network

Biao Wan, Chunmei Xu
At present, there still exist some problems in the construction of enterprise information system of China, which seriously prevents the development of Chinese enterprises. Aimed at the series of problems, a detailed research is conducted in this paper, and the corresponding improvement measures are given...
Proceedings Article

Research-driven Practice teaching Reform of Automation Professional of Engineering Colleges

YiHua Liu, GuangZhou Zhao
As an important part of the process of application-oriented personnel training, practical teaching plays a special role in cultivating students' practical ability and innovative spiritual training, while theoretical teaching cannot. Based on many years of practice teaching mode reform, the research-driven...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Countermeasures for the Development of Informatization Teaching Ability of University Teachers

Hongmei Guan, Linyi Wang
The improvement of the teaching ability of college teachers' information technology has become an important factor affecting the quality of school teaching. The teaching ability of teachers' information technology directly affects the quality of students' learning and the mastery of knowledge. This paper...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Sublime Concept in the Pre-critical Period of Kant

Jingyu Chen
In the pre-critical period, Kant’s understanding of sublime is different from Critique of Judgment. First, under the influence of predecessors, Kant understands the sublime as empirical psychological feelings, and takes natural landscape, gender characteristics of men and women as the realistic source...
Proceedings Article

Linguistic means expressing the category of evaluation in public political speech

Anna Yakovleva, Svetlana Pogorelova, Yuliya Butina
In our work we analyze the main linguistic means of expressing evaluative meaning in public political speeches of Otto von Bismarck. Linguistic problems of the evaluation category have been researched by scientists since ancient times (works of Aristotle, J.Locke, N. D. Harutyunova). Evaluation is characterized...
Proceedings Article

The Construction Mode of First-class Courses of Classroom Teaching under the Background of MOOC in Local Colleges

Weigang Li, Yuzhu Zhu, Xiaojun Ma, Ning Wang, Liling Zhu
Under the impact of information tide, on-line education, with the representative of MOOC, has brought national higher education with unprecedented impact and challenge, and local colleges have also experienced new opportunities and selections. This paper explored the “first-class course” mode based on...
Proceedings Article

From Controlling Space to Controlling Time A New Way of City Planning

Linshen Wang, Yixian Yin, Yong Fan, Bin Yang
This paper clarifies the relationship between urban space, urban planning and time, clarifies the importance and main position of time in urban planning, and recognizes urban space from the perspective of "flow". "Flow" finally comes down to a running state and a kind of interrelation, and further ascribes...
Proceedings Article

Construction and Practice of Course System Millitary and Political Quality Based on “Orientation Training Sergeant”---Taking Binzhou Polytechnic Ocean Department as an Example

Yonggang Zong, Xiandong Zhao, Baocheng Lu
Orientation training sergeant is a new mode for the army to train sergeant relying on local higher vocational colleges.This artical takes Binzhou Polytechnic as an example of the specialty of "Orientation training sergeant",On the basis of analyzing the station ability of "Orientation training sergeant",Analysis...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Construction of Undergraduate Innovation And Entrepreneurship Education System -Take the Guangdong University of Science and Technology as an Example

Biaoxin Chen, Shuquan Qian
Guangdong University of Science and Technology attaches great importance to college students' innovation and entrepreneurship education. The spirit of innovation, entrepreneurial awareness, innovation and entrepreneurship are combined with personnel training and discipline development. Innovation and...
Proceedings Article

A Study on the Impact of Psychological Contract on Turnover Intention: A Case Study of Employees in High Star Hotels

Chiawei Chao
Based on the background that the problem of high turnover rate of hotel employees can not be effectively solved, this study combs the relevant theoretical literature on psychological contract, turnover intention and their relationship, and conducts a questionnaire survey on 334 employees from high-star...
Proceedings Article

The Influence and Transformation of Advertising Media in the Era of Mobile Network over Its Traditional Forms

Shu Zhou, Jie’en Guo
After entering the 21st century, the era of mobile Internet began, and this technology has been applied in all walks of life. Precision marketing is the biggest change of mobile Internet advertising compared with traditional media. This article analyzes the connection of the mobile network advertising...
Proceedings Article

Feminism in Susie Chao’s Sai Jinhua

Li Xin
Sai Jinhua is a controversial female for her impact on the history of late Qing and Early Republican China. From late Qing Dynasty till now, there are continuous research and literary creation on Sai Jinhua. Susie Chao, a Swiss of Chinese ancestry writer, creates the novel Sai Jinhua from the perspective...
Proceedings Article

Supervision Aspect as the Instrument of Law Enforcement in the Activity of Foreign Investment

Isye Junita Melo, Susi Aryani Manangin, Mahendra Wardhana, Arinto Nugroho, Muhammad Akbal
As a developing country, Indonesia requires a very large capital for the establishment of all aspects of Indonesian people. To implement the development, if only relying on capital and funding from Government, almost certainly rather difficult to achieve the goals envisioned by the founders of this Republic....
Proceedings Article

Exploration on the Decorative Art of Rukai Patterns in Taiwan from the Perspective of Semiotics

Meijin Hsiao, Hongjun Ou
The human world is a world of symbols, which originates from the natural physiological response of human body and forms the public behavior through common cognition. The use of symbols contributes to the communication mode of consciousness information expression. Decoration is a symbol in the world of...
Proceedings Article

Spatial Organization and Modernization of Vocational Education: On the Way to Digitalization

E.G. Efimova, S.G. Pyankova, N.Yu. Vlasova
The article considers the process of modernizing the region’s vocational education system and its digital development in relation to the spatial organization of the regional educational environment. The vocational education system acts as a key area of “growth pole” in the national economy for the breakthrough...
Proceedings Article

Validity and Practicality of STEM PjBL Learning Tools for Respiratory System Material

Kurniahtunnisa, Yustinus Ulung Anggraito, Saiful Ridlo
The 2013 curriculum is intended to develop students’ 4C skills. The basic competence of respiratory system material will be appropriately implemented by PjBL and STEM. The research purpose is describing the validity and practicality of learning tools. This research belongs to research and development...
Proceedings Article

The Han Dynasty-Xiongnu Relationship in the Early Western Han Dynasty: The Peace between the Enemies

Ming Sun
The Xiongnu chose to maintain a seeming friendship with the early Western Han Dynasty rather than start aggressive invasion even though the second century BC was the golden age of its expansion. The reasons of the peace period between the two hostile empires are deconstructed into three factors in this...
Proceedings Article

Legal Review of Collective Investment Contracts in Issuance of Sharia Mutual Fund Instruments According to Islamic Law (Case Study in Indonesia)

Gemala Dewi, Achmad Abdullah Farchan
According to the Capital Market Law in Indonesia, namely Law no. 8 years 1995 concerning the Capital Market, Mutual fund management can be in the form of a Limited Liability Company and can also be in the form of a Collective Investment Contract (KIK). This article will explore the legal form of KIK...
Proceedings Article

IDN Times Strategy in Dealing with Online Media Competition

Farid Rusdi, Imanuella Gerlani, Ganesha Hutasoit
Online media is increasingly emerging in Indonesia. Easier content production and practical use are the reasons, one of which is the online media IDN Times. Despite being relatively young, the IDN Times has grown and developed so rapidly. IDN Times has succeeded in being ranked in the top 5 digital media...
Proceedings Article

How Likely is the Multiverse?

Ruohan Yang
This article briefly introduces the primary content and development of the multiverse theory and focuses on how likely the multiverse is. In order to facilitate the discussion of the problem, the paper makes a new hypothesis based on the theory, that is, assuming that the theory is a fact, then push...
Proceedings Article

The role of play singing in teaching students sight singing and ear training

Dong Yi
In China, solfeggio is a compulsory course for each music student. The purpose of subject is to enhance musical memory, develop inner hearing and cultivate a correct sense of rhythm and intonation, so that students can acquire a rich musical vocabulary and proficient score-reading skills(Chen, 2006)5....
Proceedings Article

The Impact of Double Reduction Policy on Compulsory Education in China

Ruichen Meng, Minzhe Pu, Haixin Wang
Recently, the Chinese government has implemented a “double reduction” policy to reduce the excessive quantity of compulsory education students’ homework and extracurricular training. Consequently, the double reduction policy will affect the subjects involved in the educational process to some extent....
Proceedings Article

Undergraduate Students’ Perception of Audit Course: Based on the Interview of Accounting Students

Xin Wang, Yueyang Wang
Audit course is a compulsory course for accounting students. The purpose of the research is to explore the perception of accounting students on audit course and improve the course. The study is based on the qualitative research methods, data collection comes from interviews with three accounting undergraduate...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Factors Influencing Financial Literacy of Accounting Education Students of Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

Wanda Ayuwandira, Harsono
Financial literacy is a person’s ability to manage finances for each individual to avoid financial problems. This research aims to describe the level of financial literacy of accounting education students of the Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta. Aspects studied are knowledge of personal finance, savings...
Proceedings Article

Discussion on Dualism in Legal Status of State-run Universities in China

Mei Liu
Legal status of universities is an important content in studies on theories of educational law. A university is a major part of legal relation in education, so the legal status of universities is highly stressed in theories of educational law. This article starts with theories and status quo of legal...
Proceedings Article

Causes and Countermeasures of Multinational Companies’ Disinvestment in China

Jun Zhao
This paper first reviews the recent phenomenon that multinational companies in China disinvest and then analyzes the causes of this and the negative effects of this behavior on China and finally proposes countermeasures. Disinvestment of multinational companies means foreign investors (usually referring...
Proceedings Article

Business Analysis of Automotive after-market under the Internet Background

Danni Song, Rong Zeng
With the "Internet + Plan" proposed cross-border integration trends become more apparent. Under the guidance and the impact of big data, from automotive design and manufacturing to sales terminals, pre-service mode are faced with new challenges, there are also huge opportunities. Based on this background,...
Proceedings Article

Discussion on Universal Ethics in Virtual World

Xiaojun Xiang
Based on introduction to characteristics of virtual world, this paper discussed several extremely shocked customs and traditions (e.g. gender, marriage and family relations) in ethics field. It pointed out that although virtual world is beneficial for free show of personality, instincts and desires of...
Proceedings Article

A Study on the Development of Aboriginal Culture and Tourism Industry – Case Study by Huanshan Tribe in Taiwan

Chu-Chu Liao, Ying-Xing Lin
The aim of this study is to explore the cultural changes and conflicts faced by indigenous tribes in the development of tourism industry. In this study, the indigenous people of Huanshan tribe in Taiwan were selected as the subjects of the study, and the results of literature analysis and field survey...
Proceedings Article

Trends in the post-industrial development of the regional center in Siberia

Akeksey Deev, Nadezhda Krasovskaya, Svetlana Chernomorchenko
The development and transformation of the post - socialist city is one of the actual problems of modern urbanism. Currently, Tyumen is an actively developing city, provided with all modern improvements, the administrative center of the Tyumen region. Historically, the city serves as an industrial, scientific...
Proceedings Article

Thoughts on Cultivation of Undergraduates of Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages (TCSOL) in Local Universities in the New Period Taking Heihe University as an Example

Jing Li
Although there is a huge talent gap in TCSOL at present, there are still some problems in the talent cultivation of TCSOL in local universities, such as unclear training objectives, lack of features in curriculum setting, weak links in practical teaching, and difficulties of graduates' counterpart employment....
Proceedings Article

Financial Determinants for Donation Income of Chinese Non-Public College Foundations

Leiyu Mo, Chengwen Hong
Fundraising through college foundations has become an important and inevitable trend for universities and colleges around the world. Recently, there is rapid expansion of college foundations in China, and more than 90% are non-public foundations,which can only collect funding through non-public channels.But...
Proceedings Article

The Significance of Local Accent Version of Four Dreams of Linchuan on the Innovation and Development of Local Opera in Fuzhou??"??"Take the Second Section Peony Pavilion for Example

Xialin Liao
As a grand ceremony is held to mark the 400th anniversary of Tang Xianzu, the local accent version of Four Dreams of Linchuan is created and rehearsed in Fuzhou city Tang Xianzu’s home town. This opera uses classical Xuhe High-pitched Tunes, the big method of freehand for Chinese ink painting and the...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Reconstruction Design of Hainan Characteristic B&B Based on Regional Culture Background

Chunyao Zhang
The current characteristic B&B has become a popular tourist destination for tourists. How to make the characteristic B&B fully reflect the regional culture has become a difficult problem for the relevant departments. The transformation and design of the characteristic residential houses can enhance the...
Proceedings Article

The issue of using personal information posted in social networks by third parties in the context of social security

O Kolesnikova, V Nagaytsev, A Shrayber
The article contains a qualitative analysis of data from the All-Russian VCIOM survey on the use of personal information posted in social networks by third parties. Opinions of the Russians about the facts of use, goals, potential threats, and measures regulating this activity are analyzed in the paper....
Proceedings Article

Research on the Practical Difficulties and Countermeasures of Mutual Aid Pension Model for the Aged in China’s Rural Areas

Bing Wang
Under the background of the rapid development of aging today, the problem of pension in China is attracting more and more people’s attention. With the continuous migration of rural young and middle-aged labor force to cities and towns, the pension pressure of the aged in rural areas is significantly...
Proceedings Article

The Modernization of Traditional Chinese Culture in the Perspective of Marxism in China

Jing Wang
This article begins with the demonstration of the relationship between Marxism in China and the transformation of the modernity of Chinese traditional culture, discussed the practical significance and necessity of the transformation of the modernity of Chinese traditional culture. It explores the significance...
Proceedings Article

Research on Military Vocational Education Curriculum Design Based on MOOC Model

Changliang Liu, Yanhua Yan, Xing Su, Jijie Su, Dongsheng Lin, Zhongzhu He, Xing Zheng, Haitao Zheng, Lanqiong Sun
MOOC has exerted great influence on the teaching of higher education in our country since its birth. Integrating the advantages of MOOC into military vocational education is of great significance for solving the difficult problems of military vocational education and improving the training of military...
Proceedings Article

The Sociological Review of the Role of the National Agency of Drug and Food Control Pekanbaru on the Distribution of School Children Food and Snacks Containing Harmful Substances in Pekanbaru

Ahmad Fuadi, Rosyidi Hamzah, Admiral, Fadhel Arjuna Adinda
Food is basically primary human need and right. Food supply is not only about quantity but also safety. The aspect of food safety is very important since it is closely related to public health. The quality of a nation depends on its food. The role of the National Agency of Drug and Food Control (NADFC)...
Proceedings Article

Research on Tourism Image Perception of Tang Paradise

Yue Sun
In the Internet age, it is scientific to use the analysis of online texts to explore tourists’ image perception of tourist attractions. This study selects Tang Paradise as a case site, uses ROST Content 6.0 software to analyze the web texts obtained from the and Mafengwo website,obtains the...
Proceedings Article

Financial Technology as a Sharia Banking Transaction Facility in the Perspective of National Banking Regulation

Enni Soerjati, Renny Supriyatni, Eman Suparman
The purpose of this article is to describe the role of financial technology (fintech) as a sharia banking transaction facility in the perspective of national banking regulation, through collecting data of banking regulations, which support fintech in sharia banking activities. At present the use of fintech...
Proceedings Article

Developing an Online Mobile Based Diagnostic Instrument to Identify Science Misconceptions for Junior High School Students

Puji Rahayu, Supahar, Nurhasanah, Djuniar Rahmatunnisa Haristy
This research aimed to develop a test instrument in identifying misconceptions of three tier skills in junior high school science learning. This study used instrument development model by Mardapi. The data method used a three tier misconception diagnostic test via Google Form. The research was conducted...
Proceedings Article

A Review of Workplace Ostracism

Jiaying Zhang
Workplace ostracism as a negative behavior in the workplace, it will do harm to the physical and mental health of employees, and then affect their work behaviors and the sustainable development of the organization. So, in this paper, the workplace ostracism of related literatures at home and abroad were...
Proceedings Article

Product-Based Learning to Improve Entrepreneurial Spirit of Students

Elfahmi Dwi Kurniawan, Nopriyanti, Darlius
This product-based learning method applies quasi-experimental research with one group pretest-posttest design. In product-based learning students are expected to produce products in the form of decorative lamps from zinc plates. The research population is students who take the plate work practice course...
Proceedings Article

The Implications of Trust on Nursing Team Contextual Performance: A Evidence from Malaysia

Azlyn Ahmad Zawawi
Successful service-oriented organizations are made of proficient employees who are willing to give their best to achieve the organizations’ objectives either as an individual or part of a team. The use of teams to accomplish tasks denotes that the members are more energetic, synergized, and active in...
Proceedings Article

The Correlations Among Learning Strategy, Reading Interest and the Eighth Grade Students’ Reading Comprehension of State Junior High School at Talang Ubi Sub-District of PALI Regency

Sinta Waluyojati, Baginda Simaibang, Mulyadi
This thesis is concerned with the inquiry on the correlation among learning strategy, reading interest, and the eighth-grade students’ reading comprehension of state junior high school at Talang Ubi sub-district of PALI regency. The study investigates the correlation among students’ learning strategy,...
Proceedings Article

Ideological and Political Construction of Concrete Structure Basic Principle Course

Shi dandan
The basic principle of concrete structure is a professional basic course of civil engineering discipline. The course is highly specialized, which makes it difficult to integrate the ideological and political content.This paper probes into the reform of ideological and political education in the course...
Proceedings Article

Collaborative Model in Tourism Village Development in Nagari Canduang Koto Laweh, Agam District

Sarmiadi Sarmiadi, Yosi Suryani, Elni Sumiarti
Village Owned Enterprises are business entities that have a dual identity, namely as a social institution (social institution) and at the same time commercial (commercial institution). Based on that identity, it is classified as a social enterprise. This research aims to find out the application of supply...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Market Orientation and Entrepreneurial Leadership on Performance Innovation with Organizational Ambidexterity as an Intervention based on Technology 4.0

Etwin Fibrianie Soeprapto
This study aims to analyze the effect of market orientation and entrepreneurial leadership on the innovation performance of SMEs. The method of data collection was carried out using a questionnaire to 50 respondents of UKM Kraf in Samarinda and Tenggarong for then the data was processed and analyzed...
Proceedings Article

A Survey on the Students’ Healthy Life Behavior in SDN 16 of East Pontianak Regency

Zusyah Porja Daryanto, Stephani Yane, Heri Rustanto
The purpose of this study was to investigate and analyze the behavior of a healthy life of elementary school students in SDN 16 in East Pontianak regency. The research method used in this study was a descriptive study using the survey research method. The population of this study was 6-grade students...
Proceedings Article

Accounting Information Systems for SMEs: A Systematic Literature Review

Titis Wahyuni
Information systems have proven to be critical to company success. Accounting information systems not only help in providing information for better decision making but also help companies with planning, controlling, assessing, and improving the company's business processes. The purpose of this research...
Proceedings Article

A Systematic Literature Review on English Language Teaching in the Indonesian Tertiary Education Settings Amidst Pandemic Era

Uli Agustina Gultom, Firima Zona Tanjung
The transformation of traditional education into hybrid and full online education in the pandemic era has affected the art of teaching and learning for all stakeholders, including teachers and students in the Indonesian tertiary education settings. Not only has the teaching-learning environment been...
Proceedings Article

Experiences, Perceptions, and Challenges of Indonesian EFL University Students with Online Assessment in the Digital Age

Yupika Maryansyah, Sudarwan Danim
Following the global outbreak of COVID-19, educational institutions worldwide have rapidly switched to online learning. As a result, online evaluation and assessment have become the norm during this period. The main aim of this research is to investigate the experiences of Indonesian English as a foreign...
Proceedings Article

Populism in Politics is a Global Phenomenon and a Challenge to Democracy

Megumi Rizky, Armin Arsyad, Muhammad Imran
Populism in politics has become a global phenomenon that dominates the political stage in various countries worldwide. This phenomenon presents a serious challenge to the democratic system that has long been upheld. Political populism describes a set of rhetoric and strategies that often appeal to the...
Proceedings Article

Interactive Multimedia Development in Learning About Numbers and Alphabets for Early Childhood Education

Elly Fitriani, Erminawati, Ida Royani, Adora Rinanda, Suriyani
Face-to-face learning conditions cannot be done optimally. Therefore, the introduction of literacy and numeracy through technology is a fundamental thing that can be given to early childhood students. Teachers are required to be creative in making Educational Game Tools (APE) as a tool to introduce literacy....
Proceedings Article

A Corpus-Based Analysis of the Language Features and Plot Representation in Jane Eyre

Yinghui Tian, Limin Li
Corpus-based research methods, widely applied in literary analysis, utilize various tools to examine literary works. This paper employs the corpus retrieval software Wordsmith Tools 7.0 to generate a word list for the literary work Jane Eyre. The 50 most frequently occurring words are extracted to further...
Proceedings Article

The Learning Paradigm of Democracy-Based Islamic Education in Fostering Students’ Tolerance

Siti Wardah Hanafie Das, Abdul Halik, S. Muhammad Nasir
Social cohesion in society is often disrupted and even becomes a threat to national disintegration. The proposed study presents a philosophical and strategic concept of democratic and humanist-based Islamic Religious Education (PAI), as an alternative solution to produce tolerant formal education outcomes....
Proceedings Article

Establishment on Student Comprehensive Ability Evaluation Indication System of Finance Professional for Middle Vocational Undergraduate

Xin Li
Students' comprehensive ability evaluation is the important content of the realization of competence-based education goal, the social new requirements in vocational ability and university discipline development plan. In view of the traditional evaluation index professional characteristics is not obvious...
Proceedings Article

Analysis on the Financial Service Demand of the Elderly under the Background of Population Aging A Case Study of Wuhan

Fanghui Wang, Lan Liu
The acceleration of population aging in our country makes the demand for financial market growing. Due to the particularity of the elderly, the existing financial services can not meet the special needs of the elderly. In this paper, through the investigation on the financial needs of the elderly in...
Proceedings Article

Research on the measurement of the state of the construction industry in Shaanxi province

Fuzhou Luo, Rui Feng
As one of the important production department in national economy, the construction industry has close correlation with other sectors in the process of its own development, at the same time, plays an important role in promoting the economic development together with other sectors. In recent years, with...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Betengan Game On the Socio-Emotional Skills of Pre-School Children

Sri Maryati Deliana, Ummi Khaedaroh Jazilah, Hartono
This research is aimed at analyzing differences in children's socio-emotional development prior to and after playing Betengan game at TK Al Maghfiroh Semarang and analyzing the measure of socio-emotional skills development after playing Betengan game at TK Al Maghfiroh Semarang. This research employed...
Proceedings Article

Policy Analysis of Network Car Based on PMC Policy Evaluation Model

Chen Die, Wu Yue, Chen Linling
In order to quantitatively analyze the text content of network car policy, the author intends to establish an economic policy evaluation model to quantitatively and qualitatively analyze the network car policy of eight representative cities. Specific steps include establishing evaluation index, selecting...
Proceedings Article

Mediated Effect of Consumer Satisfaction on the Influences of Experiential Marketing and Product Quality on Customer Loyalty of Maybelline Cosmetic Products in Banda Aceh, Indonesia

Permana Honneyta Loebis, Sorayanti Utami, Muhammad Basyir, Lenny Rakhmawati, Irham Fahmi, Cut Aprilia, Rozana Fauziati
This study aims to measure the influence of experiential marketing and product quality to customer loyalty with customer satisfaction as a mediating variable on customers of cosmetic products Maybelline in Banda Aceh. The sample used in this study is the customers that used products Maybelline amounting...
Proceedings Article

Challenges In Assessing Students’ Writing For Future Instruction

Nur Aisyah Zulkifli, Mukaiyar Mukaiyar, Hermawati Syarif, Yenni Rozimela
This study is analytical study that constitutes the information about what instruction is necessary to be designed to help bring about desired change. Instructional design is a special case of a larger process called human performance technology. The two processes are almost identical, structurally,...
Proceedings Article

The Beauty of Kunqu Opera "The Romance of West Chamber” Observed from Three Dimensions

Ronghua Wu, Jianhua Liu
The Chinese Kunqu Opera "Romance of the Western Chamber" (“Xi Xiang Ji” in Chinese), a classic work containing rich essence, has played a leading and evergreen role in the opera stage of the Ming and Qing Dynasties and even later generations. It caters to people's aesthetic taste and is in line with...
Proceedings Article

A Review of Alternative Evaluation Studies

Ling Tong
Different from traditional standardized test, alternative evaluation is a new learner-centered educational evaluation form. It can improve learners' ability of self-management, self-reflection and self-learning. In order to promote the diversified development of Japanese teaching evaluation mode, this...
Proceedings Article

Exploring Teachers’ Understanding of Psychological Violence in Responding to Indonesia’s Violence-free School Climate Policy

Uswatun Qoyyimah, Maisarah, Yosi Agustiawan, Achmad Fanani, Aizun Najih
In 2015, the violence-free school climate policy of Permedikbud RI No. 82/2015 was issued by the Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture. This policy requires schools to provide a violence-free school climate so that school is an ideal place for nurturing peace and social harmony and a safe place...
Proceedings Article

Applying Production-oriented Approach to College English Classrooms: A Teaching Experiment

Haizhen Zhao, Ruiyun Zeng
The study aims to apply Production-oriented Approach (POA) to oral English teaching at college level and test its effectiveness. The paper presents the theoretical basis and features of POA. Then the paper illustrates a teaching experiment under the guidance of POA. We elaborated the design ideas and...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Application of Decorative Painting Art in Modern Design

Yan Zhou
Decorative painting is a comprehensive form of expression of fine arts. It takes nature as a medium, breaking through the limitation of natural objects, and deliberately pursuing the artistic quality of its modeling and expression, thus to highlight the decorative language, and then to achieve the purpose...
Proceedings Article

Analysis on the Countermeasures of Building the Talent Team of the Elderly Care Service Industry in Sichuan Province

Bing Li, Yu Tian
Sichuan Province, as the second largest province in China in terms of aging population, urgently needs to accelerate the development of the elderly care service industry.The elderly population in Sichuan Province has a strong demand for care for the aged in terms of life care, rehabilitation care and...
Proceedings Article

Collectors and Museum Construction in Modern China

Shuyan Pei, Shuangrong Yang
Since China entered the modern times after the Opium War, China's museum construction has been gradually established and grown up under the influence of western countries. From the private museum “Nantong Museum” originally funded by the Chinese to many large-scale modern museums funded by the government,...
Proceedings Article

Multicultural Education: Between Freedom and Tolerance

Neiny Ratmaningsih, Aim Abdulkarim, Dina Siti Logayah, Ratna Fitria
The Indonesian nation is a pluralistic nation of different tribes, races, languages, religions, customs and cultures. This nation's pluralism can be seen as a gift as well as a great challenge for the Indonesian people to have a very large tolerance. Multicultural learning is present in education and...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Interaction of Inflation, Stock Price and Development Trend of Trading Volume

Zhiwei Shao
The stock price index, consumer price index and the trading volume index are mutually causal, and the trading volume can be used as a leading indicator or early-warning indicator of the stock price to predict the future trend of stock price; in the long-term equilibrium model, there is negative correlation...
Proceedings Article

Innovative Practice of Improving Engineering Students’ Performance Competence at College Level

Yueying Yao
Guided by Course Syllabus, the authors and her co-workers have made analysis on statistics, and then have researched and reformed in aspects of teaching models, teaching methods and quality evaluation. It is concluded that applying student-centered teaching mode that enabling students to actively participate...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Baby Massage Toward the Development of Three Months Baby

Siti Nur Umariyah Febriyanti, Wiji Munjilah, Ni Nyoman Maryaningtyas Adinatha, Rose Nur Hudhariani
WHO estimates that more than 20 million toddlers in developing countries fail to reach optimal development potential. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of infant massage on the development of a 3-month-old baby. This study is a Quasi Experiment study with Pre and Post research design...
Proceedings Article

The Application of Maqasid Shariah Elements in Family and Marriage Counseling

Mohd Suhadi Mohamed Sidik, Md Noor Saper, Nurul’Ain Mohd Daud
This paper will present the application of Maqasid Shariah elements in family Counseling and marriage during the decision making process. The qualitative method was employed using the case study approach. The data was collected based on three observations of Counseling sessions and analysed using Model...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Development Path of Culture and Tourism Integration in Zigong Section of Tuojiang River Basin

Ping Zhao
Tuojiang River is a main tributary of the Yangtze River and a well-known water system in Sichuan. Zigong section of Tuojiang River Basin is an important part of social and economic development in Zigong, as well as a considerable node of Chengdu-Chongqing twin cities economic circle and Bashu cultural...
Proceedings Article

Writing Descriptive Text to Activate Learners’ Language and Cultural Schema

Susi Darihastining, Heny Sulistyowati, Aang Fatihul Islam, Q Umi Nur
This paper aims at describing the implementation and the effect of writing descriptive text which activates students’ schemata of language and culture. This paper employed a qualitative research design with a classroom action research approach. This paper took college students of STKIP PGRI Jombang Batch...