Proceedings of the 2nd International Interdisciplinary Conference on Environmental Sciences and Sustainable Developments (IICESSD) 2022 Education and Green Economy (IICESSD EGE 2022)
254 authors
- Shaukat, Hafiza Safia
- Impact of Environmental Organizational Culture on Green Creativity with mediating role of Green Behavioural Intention: An evidence from Textile industry of Pakistan
- Sinala, Ahmad
- Community Response In Efforts To Treatment Stunting In Dolo Sub-District Sigi Regency
- Sippan, Gabriela Meylino
- The Effect of Utilization of E-Commerce, Digital Literature and Financial Literature on Interest in Entrepreneurship
- SittiHarisah
- Study of Socio-Pragmatic of Teacher Communication Model on Whatsapp Social Media of Subject Teacher Deliberation Forum (MGMP) in Donggala
- Subroto, Bambang
- Sustainability Reporting Framing, Trust, and Stakeholders’ Incompatibility Behavior on Legitimacy Perception
- Sudarma, Made
- Fraud Prevention by Integrating Tri Hita Karana Value as Organizational Culture
- Sugiyanto
- The Challenges for Local Law Enforcement in Controlling Corruption: A Case Study in the Central Sulawesi Region
- Sukasa
- Profile of Mathematics Problem Solving of SMA IT Qurrota A’yun Sigi in terms of Spiritual Quotient (SQ)
- Sukirman
- Comparison of Green Economy Implementation in Indonesia, China and Africa
- Sukmaya, Syahrul Ganda
- The level of farmer satisfaction with the citronella partnership in Patikraja District (Case in Kedungrandu Village)
- Sukoharsono, Eko Ganis
- Corporate Social Responsibility Based on Islamic Culture
- Sulmeini, Emi
- Students’ Perception of Environmental Literacy Through Education Sustainable Development-Oriented Chemistry Learning
- Sultan, Hardiyanti
- Value-Added in Processing Coconut Into Copra at Parigi Moutong Regency
- Sultan, Hardiyanti
- Income and Feasibility of Lowland Rice Farming in Parigi Moutong Regency, Central Sulawesi
- Sunendar
- The level of farmer satisfaction with the citronella partnership in Patikraja District (Case in Kedungrandu Village)
- Suriaman
- Exploring EFL Learning Strategies of International Class Students at Higher Education
- Suriaman, Aminah
- Investigation of Students’ Perception on English E-Learning during COVID-19 Pandemic
- Surraya
- Self-Efficacy as a Moderating Variable The Influence of Entrepreneurial Literacy and Income Expectations on Entrepreneurial Interest in Management Students, Faculty of Economics and Business, Tadulako University
- Suseno, Bambang Dwi
- The Role of Dynamic Agility Orchestration Resources as A Model for Sunda Strait Coastal Green Tourism Recovery
- Sutapa, I W.
- Economic Feasibility Study Of Raw Water Development For Rusunawa In Park Industrial Area Morowali District
- Syafar, A. M.
- Problems faced by English lecturers in teaching students of Non-English Education Study Program during COVID-19 pandemic
- Syahputra, Mulia
- The Comparison of Bank Financial Performance Before and During Pandemic (Covid-19) In Index80 Banking Sector Companies
- Syamsuddin
- Barriers to Green Logistics Implementation in Indonesia: A Preliminary Study
- Syarif, Moh.Wibie Tahtanu
- The Effect of Internal Control System and Human Resources Quality on the Quality of Financial Statements with the Utilization of Information Technology as a Moderating Variable
- Syarifudin
- Investigation of Students’ Perception on English E-Learning during COVID-19 Pandemic
- Taqwa, Edhi
- Tax Ratio, Tax Capacity and Tax Effort in Indonesia Period 2001–2020
- Tati, Andi Dewi Riang
- Knowledge Level of Elementary School Teachers as Supporting Schools Based on Lore Lindu National Park, Central Sulawesi Province
- Tope, Patta
- The Impact Of Growth Of Consumption Expenditure On Indonesia’s Economy In The Time Of Covid-19
- Triana, Firolika Nur
- The Effects of Product Knowledge and Rational Motivation on Consumer Decision to Purchase Eiger Products
- Usman, Ernawati
- The Challenges for Local Law Enforcement in Controlling Corruption: A Case Study in the Central Sulawesi Region
- Usman, S.
- Problems faced by English lecturers in teaching students of Non-English Education Study Program during COVID-19 pandemic
- Wahyuningsih, Wahyuningsih
- Peer-Review Statements
- Walanda, Daud K.
- Students’ Perception of Environmental Literacy Through Education Sustainable Development-Oriented Chemistry Learning
- Walanda, Daud K.
- Preparation of Active Carbon from Rice Straw to Reduce TSS Levels and pH Value of Tofu Waste
- Wanti, Sri
- The Effects of Product Knowledge and Rational Motivation on Consumer Decision to Purchase Eiger Products
- Wanti, Sri
- Self-Efficacy as a Moderating Variable The Influence of Entrepreneurial Literacy and Income Expectations on Entrepreneurial Interest in Management Students, Faculty of Economics and Business, Tadulako University
- Wanti, Sri
- Business Performance Analysis: Based Green Enterpreneur and Green Business
- Watun
- Exploring EFL Learning Strategies of International Class Students at Higher Education
- Widjojoko, Tatang
- The level of farmer satisfaction with the citronella partnership in Patikraja District (Case in Kedungrandu Village)
- Wijayanti, Irene Kartika Eka
- The level of farmer satisfaction with the citronella partnership in Patikraja District (Case in Kedungrandu Village)
- Wirastuti, Wiri
- Implementation of SDGs through the 5P Principles on PT. IMIP, Morowali Regency, Central Sulawesi
- Wirastuti, Wiri
- Self-Efficacy as a Moderating Variable The Influence of Entrepreneurial Literacy and Income Expectations on Entrepreneurial Interest in Management Students, Faculty of Economics and Business, Tadulako University
- Yamin, Nina Yusnita
- Effectiveness of Internal Control of Operational Assistance Funds School
- Yamin, Nina Yusnita
- Implementation Of Village Fund Budgetin Pandemic Covid-19 (Study On Sosom Village Government, Bulagi District, Banggai Kelautan Regency, Central Sulawesi)
- Yamin, Nina Yusnita
- Symbolic Interaction in the Implementation of the Village Fund Budget
- Yuniar, Latifah Sukmawaty
- Effectiveness of Internal Control of Operational Assistance Funds School
- Yunidar
- Study of Socio-Pragmatic of Teacher Communication Model on Whatsapp Social Media of Subject Teacher Deliberation Forum (MGMP) in Donggala
- Yunus, Rita
- Tax Ratio, Tax Capacity and Tax Effort in Indonesia Period 2001–2020
- Zahra, Femilia
- Peer-Review Statements
- Zahra, Femilia
- Detection of Accounting Fraud in Local Governments for Sustainable Regional Development: the Role of Morality, Internal Control Systems and Compliance of Accounting Standards
- Zahra, Femilia
- Barriers to Green Logistics Implementation in Indonesia: A Preliminary Study
- Zahra, Femilia
- The Effect of Utilization of E-Commerce, Digital Literature and Financial Literature on Interest in Entrepreneurship
- Zahra, Femilia
- The Effect of Institutional Isomorphism on the Sustainability of Inter-State Distribution of Staple Foods in Indonesia with Green Logistics Variables as Mediation: A Review and Research Agenda
- Zulkifli, Lutfi
- The level of farmer satisfaction with the citronella partnership in Patikraja District (Case in Kedungrandu Village)