Proceedings of the 2nd International Interdisciplinary Conference on Environmental Sciences and Sustainable Developments (IICESSD) 2022 Education and Green Economy (IICESSD EGE 2022)

254 authors
Shaukat, Hafiza Safia
Impact of Environmental Organizational Culture on Green Creativity with mediating role of Green Behavioural Intention: An evidence from Textile industry of Pakistan
Sinala, Ahmad
Community Response In Efforts To Treatment Stunting In Dolo Sub-District Sigi Regency
Sippan, Gabriela Meylino
The Effect of Utilization of E-Commerce, Digital Literature and Financial Literature on Interest in Entrepreneurship
Study of Socio-Pragmatic of Teacher Communication Model on Whatsapp Social Media of Subject Teacher Deliberation Forum (MGMP) in Donggala
Subroto, Bambang
Sustainability Reporting Framing, Trust, and Stakeholders’ Incompatibility Behavior on Legitimacy Perception
Sudarma, Made
Fraud Prevention by Integrating Tri Hita Karana Value as Organizational Culture
The Challenges for Local Law Enforcement in Controlling Corruption: A Case Study in the Central Sulawesi Region
Profile of Mathematics Problem Solving of SMA IT Qurrota A’yun Sigi in terms of Spiritual Quotient (SQ)
Comparison of Green Economy Implementation in Indonesia, China and Africa
Sukmaya, Syahrul Ganda
The level of farmer satisfaction with the citronella partnership in Patikraja District (Case in Kedungrandu Village)
Sukoharsono, Eko Ganis
Corporate Social Responsibility Based on Islamic Culture
Sulmeini, Emi
Students’ Perception of Environmental Literacy Through Education Sustainable Development-Oriented Chemistry Learning
Sultan, Hardiyanti
Value-Added in Processing Coconut Into Copra at Parigi Moutong Regency
Sultan, Hardiyanti
Income and Feasibility of Lowland Rice Farming in Parigi Moutong Regency, Central Sulawesi
The level of farmer satisfaction with the citronella partnership in Patikraja District (Case in Kedungrandu Village)
Exploring EFL Learning Strategies of International Class Students at Higher Education
Suriaman, Aminah
Investigation of Students’ Perception on English E-Learning during COVID-19 Pandemic
Self-Efficacy as a Moderating Variable The Influence of Entrepreneurial Literacy and Income Expectations on Entrepreneurial Interest in Management Students, Faculty of Economics and Business, Tadulako University
Suseno, Bambang Dwi
The Role of Dynamic Agility Orchestration Resources as A Model for Sunda Strait Coastal Green Tourism Recovery
Sutapa, I W.
Economic Feasibility Study Of Raw Water Development For Rusunawa In Park Industrial Area Morowali District
Syafar, A. M.
Problems faced by English lecturers in teaching students of Non-English Education Study Program during COVID-19 pandemic
Syahputra, Mulia
The Comparison of Bank Financial Performance Before and During Pandemic (Covid-19) In Index80 Banking Sector Companies
Barriers to Green Logistics Implementation in Indonesia: A Preliminary Study
Syarif, Moh.Wibie Tahtanu
The Effect of Internal Control System and Human Resources Quality on the Quality of Financial Statements with the Utilization of Information Technology as a Moderating Variable
Investigation of Students’ Perception on English E-Learning during COVID-19 Pandemic
Taqwa, Edhi
Tax Ratio, Tax Capacity and Tax Effort in Indonesia Period 2001–2020
Tati, Andi Dewi Riang
Knowledge Level of Elementary School Teachers as Supporting Schools Based on Lore Lindu National Park, Central Sulawesi Province
Tope, Patta
The Impact Of Growth Of Consumption Expenditure On Indonesia’s Economy In The Time Of Covid-19
Triana, Firolika Nur
The Effects of Product Knowledge and Rational Motivation on Consumer Decision to Purchase Eiger Products
Usman, Ernawati
The Challenges for Local Law Enforcement in Controlling Corruption: A Case Study in the Central Sulawesi Region
Usman, S.
Problems faced by English lecturers in teaching students of Non-English Education Study Program during COVID-19 pandemic
Wahyuningsih, Wahyuningsih
Peer-Review Statements
Walanda, Daud K.
Students’ Perception of Environmental Literacy Through Education Sustainable Development-Oriented Chemistry Learning
Walanda, Daud K.
Preparation of Active Carbon from Rice Straw to Reduce TSS Levels and pH Value of Tofu Waste
Wanti, Sri
The Effects of Product Knowledge and Rational Motivation on Consumer Decision to Purchase Eiger Products
Wanti, Sri
Self-Efficacy as a Moderating Variable The Influence of Entrepreneurial Literacy and Income Expectations on Entrepreneurial Interest in Management Students, Faculty of Economics and Business, Tadulako University
Wanti, Sri
Business Performance Analysis: Based Green Enterpreneur and Green Business
Exploring EFL Learning Strategies of International Class Students at Higher Education
Widjojoko, Tatang
The level of farmer satisfaction with the citronella partnership in Patikraja District (Case in Kedungrandu Village)
Wijayanti, Irene Kartika Eka
The level of farmer satisfaction with the citronella partnership in Patikraja District (Case in Kedungrandu Village)
Wirastuti, Wiri
Implementation of SDGs through the 5P Principles on PT. IMIP, Morowali Regency, Central Sulawesi
Wirastuti, Wiri
Self-Efficacy as a Moderating Variable The Influence of Entrepreneurial Literacy and Income Expectations on Entrepreneurial Interest in Management Students, Faculty of Economics and Business, Tadulako University
Yamin, Nina Yusnita
Effectiveness of Internal Control of Operational Assistance Funds School
Yamin, Nina Yusnita
Implementation Of Village Fund Budgetin Pandemic Covid-19 (Study On Sosom Village Government, Bulagi District, Banggai Kelautan Regency, Central Sulawesi)
Yamin, Nina Yusnita
Symbolic Interaction in the Implementation of the Village Fund Budget
Yuniar, Latifah Sukmawaty
Effectiveness of Internal Control of Operational Assistance Funds School
Study of Socio-Pragmatic of Teacher Communication Model on Whatsapp Social Media of Subject Teacher Deliberation Forum (MGMP) in Donggala
Yunus, Rita
Tax Ratio, Tax Capacity and Tax Effort in Indonesia Period 2001–2020
Zahra, Femilia
Peer-Review Statements
Zahra, Femilia
Detection of Accounting Fraud in Local Governments for Sustainable Regional Development: the Role of Morality, Internal Control Systems and Compliance of Accounting Standards
Zahra, Femilia
Barriers to Green Logistics Implementation in Indonesia: A Preliminary Study
Zahra, Femilia
The Effect of Utilization of E-Commerce, Digital Literature and Financial Literature on Interest in Entrepreneurship
Zahra, Femilia
The Effect of Institutional Isomorphism on the Sustainability of Inter-State Distribution of Staple Foods in Indonesia with Green Logistics Variables as Mediation: A Review and Research Agenda
Zulkifli, Lutfi
The level of farmer satisfaction with the citronella partnership in Patikraja District (Case in Kedungrandu Village)