Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Folklore, Language, Education and Exhibition (ICOFLEX 2019)
188 authors
- Abdillah, Fikri
- Visual Multimedia Performance for Astronomical Education ‘Eight Planets’
- Achdiyat, Maman
- Enhancing the Head of Education Office Performance Through Leadership, Environment, and Organizational Culture
- Achdiyat, Maman
- Utilization of the Learning Media Based Lectora Inspire for Physics Learning: A Pilot Study
- Adelia, Dina
- Counseling Services Information Using Jigsaw Method to Improve Students’ Learning Motivation
- Al-Qosebaty, Ali
- Phonetic Relationship Between Form and Meaning of Modern Standard Arabic and Egyptian Colloquial Language on Animals Name
- Alam, Bambang Perkasa
- Students’ Error Analysis in Completing English Math Story Problems
- Ali, Ahmad Jum’a Khatib Nur
- Kartini on Screen: Narrating Kartini as Feminist Agent
- Amzy, Nurulfatmi
- The Construction of Minang Cultural Identity in Singgalang Daily Newspaper
- Andrijanto, M.S.
- Anthropomorphic Arabic Calligraphy: The Elements of Srabad in Cirebon
- Anggraini, Indrani Dewi
- Twisted Fairy Tale: Promoting Multiculturalism in Young Adult Postmodern Picture Book
- Apriyani, Dwi Dani
- Comparison of the Performance of the k-Nearest Neighbor, Naïve Bayes Classifier and Support Vector Machine Algorithm With SMOTE for Classification of Bully Behavior on the WhatsApp Messenger Application
- Ardianti, Tanti
- Student’s Diagnostic Ability on Review Text and Persuasive Text in Indonesian Language Test
- Ardiyanti, Greta Kharisma
- Sultan Rum in Javanese Manuscripts: An Overview of Islamic Vision
- Ardy, Vickrie
- Development of Learning Media-Based Digital Book on Modern Physics Learning
- Asih, Dwi Aprillia Setia
- Development of Learning Media-Based Digital Book on Modern Physics Learning
- Astuti, Budi
- The Indonesians’ Peaceful Mind: A Gadamerian Hermeneutic Study of the Markesot Bertutur
- Astuti, Irnin Agustina Dwi
- Utilization of the Learning Media Based Lectora Inspire for Physics Learning: A Pilot Study
- Astuti, Irnin Agustina Dwi
- Increasing the Students’ Practicum Skills via Flipped Classroom Model
- Ayriza, Yulia
- The Indonesians’ Peaceful Mind: A Gadamerian Hermeneutic Study of the Markesot Bertutur
- Azwar, Muhammad
- Phonetic Relationship Between Form and Meaning of Modern Standard Arabic and Egyptian Colloquial Language on Animals Name
- Bhakti, Yoga Budi
- Utilization of the Learning Media Based Lectora Inspire for Physics Learning: A Pilot Study
- Bhakti, Yoga Budi
- Increasing the Students’ Practicum Skills via Flipped Classroom Model
- Christomy, Tommy
- Sultan Rum in Javanese Manuscripts: An Overview of Islamic Vision
- Damayanti, Nuning Y
- Expression and Visual Narration of The Jakarta Marunda Batik
- Damayanti, Silvia
- Disaster Discourse in Children’s Story Books
- Damayanti, Welsi
- The Characteristics of Meme in Social Media: Case Study 2019 Presidential Election in Indonesia
- Dasmo
- Development of Learning Media-Based Digital Book on Modern Physics Learning
- Dasmo
- Increasing the Students’ Practicum Skills via Flipped Classroom Model
- Dawami, Angga Kusuma
- The Construction of Minang Cultural Identity in Singgalang Daily Newspaper
- Dewati, Maria
- Increasing the Students’ Practicum Skills via Flipped Classroom Model
- Dinihari, Yulian
- The Linguistic Aspects on the 2019 Presidential Candidate Debate
- Emzir
- Pragmatic Failures in Translating Indonesian Culture Implicatures Into English of the Novel ‘The Rape of Sukreni’
- Endahyani, Titik
- Preserving Siak Cultural Heritage Through Interior and Furniture Design as Reinforcement Identity for Indonesian Tourism
- Eppendi, Jhoni
- Addressing EFL Paper-Based Assignment Into WhatsApp
- Erlyana, Yana
- Semiotic Analysis of Packaging Designs in Promina Puffs Weaning Food
- Erlyana, Yana
- Creative Strategy Analysis on the Billboard Ads of Gojek AnakBangsaBisa Edition
- Ernawati, Atie
- An Assessment to the Cultural Significance of Habib Kuncung Historical Sites in Jakarta
- Erwinsyah
- The Challenge and Opportunity in the Implementation of Environmental Field Assessment Study to Encourage Behavior Change for Protecting the Environment
- Everlin, Shierly
- Creative Strategy Analysis on the Billboard Ads of Gojek AnakBangsaBisa Edition
- Fahmi, Royan Nur
- BIPA (Bahasa Indonesia bagi Penutur Asing/Indonesian as a Foreign Language) Policy as the Implementation of National Language Politics
- Faisal
- Evaluation of e-Campus-Based e-Learning Implementation by Mathematics Education Study Program Students at the University of Muhammadiyah Jakarta
- Fijriani, Fijriani
- Increasing Positive Self-Concept of Adolescents With Physically Disabilities via Client-Centered Counseling
- Fitri, Euis Nessia
- Counseling Services Information Using Jigsaw Method to Improve Students’ Learning Motivation
- Fitriyanti, Evi
- Student’s Diagnostic Ability on Review Text and Persuasive Text in Indonesian Language Test
- Franzia, Elda
- The Line Stickers as the Youngsters Ethnic Identity and Media Representation
- Franzia, Elda
- Visual Multimedia Performance for Astronomical Education ‘Eight Planets’
- Ginanjar, Martha Tisna Putri
- Analyzing the Shifting Facial Expression of Ondel-ondel as the Cultural Icon of Betawi Community
- Hakim, Arif Rahman
- Teachers’ Ability in Designing Test Assessments
- Hamidah, Siti
- The Characteristics of Meme in Social Media: Case Study 2019 Presidential Election in Indonesia
- Hananto, Brian Alvin
- MESATUA: Adapting Bali Folklore Scripts and Plays to Short Stories
- Handoko, Muawal Panji
- BIPA (Bahasa Indonesia bagi Penutur Asing/Indonesian as a Foreign Language) Policy as the Implementation of National Language Politics
- Hanif, Muhammad
- Values of Dongkrek Art as Sources to Improve Cultural Resilience
- Hapsari, Sri
- Creating a Class Climate to Enhance the Ability to Think Creatively
- Harared, Nico
- The Speech Act of Advising as Netizens’ Response to 2019 Presidential-VP Candidate Polling on YouTube in Rocky Gerung’s Channel
- Harjanti, Trinugi Wira
- Research Ethics in Computer Science Publications: Critical Studies
- Haryanto
- Identifying External Factors With Career Development of High School Students in Depok, West Java
- Hidayati, Atiek Nur
- Cultural Identity Construction in Betawi Fashion System of Kerak Telor Sellers
- Himawan
- Research Ethics in Computer Science Publications: Critical Studies
- Hizbullah, Nur
- Synonymy of the Word ‘Goodness’ in the Al-Quran and Its Meaning in Indonesian Language
- Illahi, Akbar Amanah
- Phonetic Relationship Between Form and Meaning of Modern Standard Arabic and Egyptian Colloquial Language on Animals Name
- Irfansyah, Puput
- Comparison of the Performance of the k-Nearest Neighbor, Naïve Bayes Classifier and Support Vector Machine Algorithm With SMOTE for Classification of Bully Behavior on the WhatsApp Messenger Application
- Irfansyah, Puput
- Research Ethics in Computer Science Publications: Critical Studies
- Ismah
- The Effect of Mathematics Disposition (Confidence, Monitor, Interest, Perseverance, Application, Perceived Value, and Flexible in Mathematics) Towards 7th Grade Students’ Mathematics Anxiety
- Ismawan, Fiqih
- Research Ethics in Computer Science Publications: Critical Studies
- Iswara, Prana D
- Multiple Intelligences Approach to Improve Writing Skills of Elementary School Students
- Kasmanah, Kasmanah
- Student’s Diagnostic Ability on Review Text and Persuasive Text in Indonesian Language Test
- Kasyadi, Soeparlan
- Enhancing the Head of Education Office Performance Through Leadership, Environment, and Organizational Culture
- Kurniasih, Euis
- Character Values in Sundanese Children Song Lyrics of Sekar Galuh Album by Djuwita Djati
- Kurniawan
- BIPA (Bahasa Indonesia bagi Penutur Asing/Indonesian as a Foreign Language) Policy as the Implementation of National Language Politics
- Lapasau, Merry
- Conceptual Metaphors in Modern Indonesian Literature and Their Implication in Language Learning
- Lapasau, Merry
- Enhancing the Head of Education Office Performance Through Leadership, Environment, and Organizational Culture
- Limbong, Priscila Fitriasih
- Tax Regulations on Forest Products in Ternate at the XIX Century
- Lissandhi, Ayu Nova
- Trio Hantu Cs: A Comic and Animation Series Adaptations of Indonesian Ghost Stories
- Listya, Ariefika
- Cultural Identity Construction in Betawi Fashion System of Kerak Telor Sellers
- Lusyantie, Ninuk
- Online Media and Politics: Critical Discourse Analysis About Hoax News
- Lutvaidah, Ukti
- Students’ Error Analysis in Completing English Math Story Problems
- Mariati
- The Visual City Branding of Tanjungpinang City – Riau Islands
- Marisa, Cindy
- Counseling Services Information Using Jigsaw Method to Improve Students’ Learning Motivation
- Marlianingsih, Noni
- Online Media and Politics: Critical Discourse Analysis About Hoax News
- Martaputri, Nadhifa Salsabila
- Tax Regulations on Forest Products in Ternate at the XIX Century
- Marti’ah, Siti
- Identifying External Factors With Career Development of High School Students in Depok, West Java
- Martokusumo, Widjaja
- An Assessment to the Cultural Significance of Habib Kuncung Historical Sites in Jakarta
- Mayasari, Ira
- Conceptual Metaphors in Modern Indonesian Literature and Their Implication in Language Learning
- Meidasari, Venny Eka
- Pragmatic Failures in Translating Indonesian Culture Implicatures Into English of the Novel ‘The Rape of Sukreni’
- Miftah, Zaeni
- Exploratory Research on the Myth of Batik Gentongan in Tanjung Bumi
- Miskanik, Miskanik
- Increasing Positive Self-Concept of Adolescents With Physically Disabilities via Client-Centered Counseling
- Mulyaningsih, Neng Nenden
- Development of Learning Media-Based Digital Book on Modern Physics Learning
- Mulyatna, Fauzi
- The Influence of Learning Model and Learning Motivation Towards Mathematical Reasoning Abilities in Junior High School
- Mutakin, Tatan Zenal
- Teachers’ Ability in Designing Test Assessments
- Muta’ali, Abdul
- Synonymy of the Word ‘Goodness’ in the Al-Quran and Its Meaning in Indonesian Language
- Mutia, Intan
- Research Ethics in Computer Science Publications: Critical Studies
- Noorwatha, I Kadek Dwi
- Folklore’s Inspiration in Character-Based Intellectual Property (IP) Construction ‘RomOn’ as an Effort to Create Local IP for Global Markets
- Novianto, Victor
- Pragmatic Failures in Translating Indonesian Culture Implicatures Into English of the Novel ‘The Rape of Sukreni’
- Nurfarkhana, Anna
- Cultural Identity Construction in Betawi Fashion System of Kerak Telor Sellers
- Nurfitriyanti, Maya
- Effectiveness of Mathematical Comics as the Development of Teaching Material
- Nurhayati
- Effectiveness of Mathematical Comics as the Development of Teaching Material
- Nurhayati, Dwi Astuti Wahyu
- Plosive and Fricative Sounds Produced by EFL Students Using Online Media: A Perspective on Learning English Phonology
- Nuriyanti, Widya
- The Construction of Minang Cultural Identity in Singgalang Daily Newspaper
- Nurrahmah, Arfatin
- The Influence of Learning Model and Learning Motivation Towards Mathematical Reasoning Abilities in Junior High School
- Okyranida, Indica Yona
- Increasing the Students’ Practicum Skills via Flipped Classroom Model