Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Folklore, Language, Education and Exhibition (ICOFLEX 2019)
188 authors
- Pandanwangi, Ariesa
- Expression and Visual Narration of The Jakarta Marunda Batik
- Paulus, Erick
- Proactive Movement Through Motion Recognition in Game-Based Learning for Studying the Sundanese Language
- Perdana, Surya
- Waste Analysis in the Painting Process of Doll Houses Using Value Stream Mapping (VSM)
- Pratama, Dendi
- Cultural Identity Construction in Betawi Fashion System of Kerak Telor Sellers
- Pratama, Dendi
- Analyzing the Shifting Facial Expression of Ondel-ondel as the Cultural Icon of Betawi Community
- Pratama, Fery Mulya
- The Space Pattern and Community Socio-Economic Transformation in the Taman Kencana Bogor
- Prihatanto, Tommy Hari
- Visual Multimedia Performance for Astronomical Education ‘Eight Planets’
- Priyatna, Aquarini
- The Representation of Mothers in Popular Culture
- Purnama, Syahfitri
- Tepung Tawar as a Moral Symbol in Malay Community of North Sumatera, Indonesia
- Raden, Agung Zainal Muttakin
- Anthropomorphic Arabic Calligraphy: The Elements of Srabad in Cirebon
- Rahayu, Lina Meilinawati
- The Representation of Mothers in Popular Culture
- Rahman
- Multiple Intelligences Approach to Improve Writing Skills of Elementary School Students
- Rahman, Arif
- Waste Analysis in the Painting Process of Doll Houses Using Value Stream Mapping (VSM)
- Ramadhianti, Agustina
- Implemented Positive Language to Build Positive Characters of Children as Cultural Heritage
- Rasyid, Yumna
- Online Media and Politics: Critical Discourse Analysis About Hoax News
- Ratnasari, Devi
- Increasing Positive Self-Concept of Adolescents With Physically Disabilities via Client-Centered Counseling
- Ratnasari, Devi
- Student’s Diagnostic Ability on Review Text and Persuasive Text in Indonesian Language Test
- Rejoni, Rahmat
- The Space Pattern and Community Socio-Economic Transformation in the Taman Kencana Bogor
- Retnomurti, Ayu Bandu
- Implemented Positive Language to Build Positive Characters of Children as Cultural Heritage
- Robingah
- Kartini on Screen: Narrating Kartini as Feminist Agent
- Rochmawati, Fatma
- Increasing Positive Self-Concept of Adolescents With Physically Disabilities via Client-Centered Counseling
- Rohman, Abdul
- The Challenge and Opportunity in the Implementation of Environmental Field Assessment Study to Encourage Behavior Change for Protecting the Environment
- Rosalinda, Herliyana
- The Construction of Minang Cultural Identity in Singgalang Daily Newspaper
- Rosita, Dhika Quarta
- Analyzing the Shifting Facial Expression of Ondel-ondel as the Cultural Icon of Betawi Community
- Rosiyanti, Hastri
- Evaluation of e-Campus-Based e-Learning Implementation by Mathematics Education Study Program Students at the University of Muhammadiyah Jakarta
- Rosyada, Amrina
- Implemented Positive Language to Build Positive Characters of Children as Cultural Heritage
- Rozak, Rama Wijaya Abdul
- The Characteristics of Meme in Social Media: Case Study 2019 Presidential Election in Indonesia
- Rukiah, Yayah
- The Construction of Minang Cultural Identity in Singgalang Daily Newspaper
- Sahraza, Sara
- Counseling Services Information Using Jigsaw Method to Improve Students’ Learning Motivation
- Saksono, Suryo Tri
- The Melancholy and Gloomy Atmosphere in Dickinson’s Poems
- Santosa, Prima Pantau Putri
- Students’ Error Analysis in Completing English Math Story Problems
- Saparianingsih, Ria
- English Cursing Analysis of Millennial Generation in Social Media Investigate
- Saputra, Irwansyah
- Comparison of the Performance of the k-Nearest Neighbor, Naïve Bayes Classifier and Support Vector Machine Algorithm With SMOTE for Classification of Bully Behavior on the WhatsApp Messenger Application
- Saputra, Wahyu Nanda Eka
- The Indonesians’ Peaceful Mind: A Gadamerian Hermeneutic Study of the Markesot Bertutur
- Saragih, Swani Sona
- Archive and Bureaucratic Reform: The Abandoned Public Service
- Saraswati, Dandan Luhur
- Development of Learning Media-Based Digital Book on Modern Physics Learning
- Sari, Indah Purnama
- Exploratory Research on the Myth of Batik Gentongan in Tanjung Bumi
- Sarjiati, Upik
- Trio Hantu Cs: A Comic and Animation Series Adaptations of Indonesian Ghost Stories
- Seruni
- The Influence of Learning Model and Learning Motivation Towards Mathematical Reasoning Abilities in Junior High School
- Setianto, Dody
- Visual Multimedia Performance for Astronomical Education ‘Eight Planets’
- Setiawati, Sulis
- Conceptual Metaphors in Modern Indonesian Literature and Their Implication in Language Learning
- Setiyani, Lila
- Modeling an Enterprise Architecture of Final Project Management Based on National Research Standards for Higher Education in Indonesia
- Sirait, Erlando Doni
- Comparison of the Performance of the k-Nearest Neighbor, Naïve Bayes Classifier and Support Vector Machine Algorithm With SMOTE for Classification of Bully Behavior on the WhatsApp Messenger Application
- Soenarto, Iswahyudi
- Representations of Mother in Indonesian and European Literary Folktales
- Sofiah, Nia Kurnia
- The Meanings of Idioms With the Word ‘Tongue’ in Russian Language
- Solihatun, Solihatun
- Increasing Positive Self-Concept of Adolescents With Physically Disabilities via Client-Centered Counseling
- Solihatun, Solihatun
- Counseling Services Information Using Jigsaw Method to Improve Students’ Learning Motivation
- Sonny, Michael
- Comparison of the Performance of the k-Nearest Neighbor, Naïve Bayes Classifier and Support Vector Machine Algorithm With SMOTE for Classification of Bully Behavior on the WhatsApp Messenger Application
- Suarka, I Nyoman
- Disaster Discourse in Children’s Story Books
- Subekti, Mega
- The Representation of Mothers in Popular Culture
- Suendarti, Mamik
- The Challenge and Opportunity in the Implementation of Environmental Field Assessment Study to Encourage Behavior Change for Protecting the Environment
- Sugara, Ria Dewi Hudayani
- English Cursing Analysis of Millennial Generation in Social Media Investigate
- Suhada, Karya
- Modeling an Enterprise Architecture of Final Project Management Based on National Research Standards for Higher Education in Indonesia
- Suhendri, Huri
- Effectiveness of Mathematical Comics as the Development of Teaching Material
- Suherman, Yahya
- Modeling an Enterprise Architecture of Final Project Management Based on National Research Standards for Higher Education in Indonesia
- Sukarwo, Wirawan
- Anthropomorphic Arabic Calligraphy: The Elements of Srabad in Cirebon
- Sulatri, Ni Luh Putu Ari
- Disaster Discourse in Children’s Story Books
- Suparno, Darsita
- Phonetic Relationship Between Form and Meaning of Modern Standard Arabic and Egyptian Colloquial Language on Animals Name
- Supriyanto, Agus
- The Indonesians’ Peaceful Mind: A Gadamerian Hermeneutic Study of the Markesot Bertutur
- Supyandi, Dika
- Student’s Diagnostic Ability on Review Text and Persuasive Text in Indonesian Language Test
- Suryana, Ino
- Proactive Movement Through Motion Recognition in Game-Based Learning for Studying the Sundanese Language
- Suryani, Mira
- Proactive Movement Through Motion Recognition in Game-Based Learning for Studying the Sundanese Language
- Suryani, Nia
- The Space Pattern and Community Socio-Economic Transformation in the Taman Kencana Bogor
- Suwanto, Kartika Magdalena
- MESATUA: Adapting Bali Folklore Scripts and Plays to Short Stories
- Suwarni, Azizah Zahra J
- Multiple Intelligences Approach to Improve Writing Skills of Elementary School Students
- Syahid
- Understanding Still Life Photographic Genre as A Visual Strength in the Design of Gunung Padang Prehistorical Sites Photo Book
- Syamsudin, Oom Rohmah
- Bandung-Born Balinese and Their Effort in Maintaining Balinese Language
- Theodora, Berta Dian
- Identifying External Factors With Career Development of High School Students in Depok, West Java
- Tiara
- Waste Analysis in the Painting Process of Doll Houses Using Value Stream Mapping (VSM)
- Tjahjani, Joesana
- Representations of Mother in Indonesian and European Literary Folktales
- Tjahjani, Joesana
- The Yellow Vests Manifestation: Media Framing on Political Articles in Online French Newspapers
- Tobing, Christine Masada Hirashita
- Storytelling Therapy to Building Childhood’s Emotion and Social Relations
- Triadi, Rai Bagus
- The Characteristics of Meme in Social Media: Case Study 2019 Presidential Election in Indonesia
- Vega, Nofvia De
- Addressing EFL Paper-Based Assignment Into WhatsApp
- Virgana
- Conceptual Metaphors in Modern Indonesian Literature and Their Implication in Language Learning
- Virgana
- Enhancing the Head of Education Office Performance Through Leadership, Environment, and Organizational Culture
- Wardani, Winny Gunarti Widya
- Understanding Still Life Photographic Genre as A Visual Strength in the Design of Gunung Padang Prehistorical Sites Photo Book
- Widati, Endah
- Could Animated Movie Characters Drive Children’s Preferences in Choosing A Product?
- Widawati, Rika
- The Characteristics of Meme in Social Media: Case Study 2019 Presidential Election in Indonesia
- Widyasari, Nurbaiti
- The Effect of Mathematics Disposition (Confidence, Monitor, Interest, Perseverance, Application, Perceived Value, and Flexible in Mathematics) Towards 7th Grade Students’ Mathematics Anxiety
- Widyawati, Karya
- The Space Pattern and Community Socio-Economic Transformation in the Taman Kencana Bogor
- Winarni, Rina Wahyu
- Cultural Identity Construction in Betawi Fashion System of Kerak Telor Sellers
- Wiyanti, Endang
- The Linguistic Aspects on the 2019 Presidential Candidate Debate
- Woelandhary, Ayoeningsih Dyah
- Expression and Visual Narration of The Jakarta Marunda Batik
- Wulandari
- Understanding Still Life Photographic Genre as A Visual Strength in the Design of Gunung Padang Prehistorical Sites Photo Book
- Yusa, I Made Marthana
- Folklore’s Inspiration in Character-Based Intellectual Property (IP) Construction ‘RomOn’ as an Effort to Create Local IP for Global Markets
- Yusa, I Made Marthana
- Virtual Taksu: Construction of Animation Aesthetic Terminology With Balinese Local Wisdom Concept
- Yustisiani, Zakiah Norma
- Pantun as Brand Recall in Citilink Airline