Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Folklore, Language, Education and Exhibition (ICOFLEX 2019)

188 authors
Pandanwangi, Ariesa
Expression and Visual Narration of The Jakarta Marunda Batik
Paulus, Erick
Proactive Movement Through Motion Recognition in Game-Based Learning for Studying the Sundanese Language
Perdana, Surya
Waste Analysis in the Painting Process of Doll Houses Using Value Stream Mapping (VSM)
Pratama, Dendi
Cultural Identity Construction in Betawi Fashion System of Kerak Telor Sellers
Pratama, Dendi
Analyzing the Shifting Facial Expression of Ondel-ondel as the Cultural Icon of Betawi Community
Pratama, Fery Mulya
The Space Pattern and Community Socio-Economic Transformation in the Taman Kencana Bogor
Prihatanto, Tommy Hari
Visual Multimedia Performance for Astronomical Education ‘Eight Planets’
Priyatna, Aquarini
The Representation of Mothers in Popular Culture
Purnama, Syahfitri
Tepung Tawar as a Moral Symbol in Malay Community of North Sumatera, Indonesia
Raden, Agung Zainal Muttakin
Anthropomorphic Arabic Calligraphy: The Elements of Srabad in Cirebon
Rahayu, Lina Meilinawati
The Representation of Mothers in Popular Culture
Multiple Intelligences Approach to Improve Writing Skills of Elementary School Students
Rahman, Arif
Waste Analysis in the Painting Process of Doll Houses Using Value Stream Mapping (VSM)
Ramadhianti, Agustina
Implemented Positive Language to Build Positive Characters of Children as Cultural Heritage
Rasyid, Yumna
Online Media and Politics: Critical Discourse Analysis About Hoax News
Ratnasari, Devi
Increasing Positive Self-Concept of Adolescents With Physically Disabilities via Client-Centered Counseling
Ratnasari, Devi
Student’s Diagnostic Ability on Review Text and Persuasive Text in Indonesian Language Test
Rejoni, Rahmat
The Space Pattern and Community Socio-Economic Transformation in the Taman Kencana Bogor
Retnomurti, Ayu Bandu
Implemented Positive Language to Build Positive Characters of Children as Cultural Heritage
Kartini on Screen: Narrating Kartini as Feminist Agent
Rochmawati, Fatma
Increasing Positive Self-Concept of Adolescents With Physically Disabilities via Client-Centered Counseling
Rohman, Abdul
The Challenge and Opportunity in the Implementation of Environmental Field Assessment Study to Encourage Behavior Change for Protecting the Environment
Rosalinda, Herliyana
The Construction of Minang Cultural Identity in Singgalang Daily Newspaper
Rosita, Dhika Quarta
Analyzing the Shifting Facial Expression of Ondel-ondel as the Cultural Icon of Betawi Community
Rosiyanti, Hastri
Evaluation of e-Campus-Based e-Learning Implementation by Mathematics Education Study Program Students at the University of Muhammadiyah Jakarta
Rosyada, Amrina
Implemented Positive Language to Build Positive Characters of Children as Cultural Heritage
Rozak, Rama Wijaya Abdul
The Characteristics of Meme in Social Media: Case Study 2019 Presidential Election in Indonesia
Rukiah, Yayah
The Construction of Minang Cultural Identity in Singgalang Daily Newspaper
Sahraza, Sara
Counseling Services Information Using Jigsaw Method to Improve Students’ Learning Motivation
Saksono, Suryo Tri
The Melancholy and Gloomy Atmosphere in Dickinson’s Poems
Santosa, Prima Pantau Putri
Students’ Error Analysis in Completing English Math Story Problems
Saparianingsih, Ria
English Cursing Analysis of Millennial Generation in Social Media Investigate
Saputra, Irwansyah
Comparison of the Performance of the k-Nearest Neighbor, Naïve Bayes Classifier and Support Vector Machine Algorithm With SMOTE for Classification of Bully Behavior on the WhatsApp Messenger Application
Saputra, Wahyu Nanda Eka
The Indonesians’ Peaceful Mind: A Gadamerian Hermeneutic Study of the Markesot Bertutur
Saragih, Swani Sona
Archive and Bureaucratic Reform: The Abandoned Public Service
Saraswati, Dandan Luhur
Development of Learning Media-Based Digital Book on Modern Physics Learning
Sari, Indah Purnama
Exploratory Research on the Myth of Batik Gentongan in Tanjung Bumi
Sarjiati, Upik
Trio Hantu Cs: A Comic and Animation Series Adaptations of Indonesian Ghost Stories
The Influence of Learning Model and Learning Motivation Towards Mathematical Reasoning Abilities in Junior High School
Setianto, Dody
Visual Multimedia Performance for Astronomical Education ‘Eight Planets’
Setiawati, Sulis
Conceptual Metaphors in Modern Indonesian Literature and Their Implication in Language Learning
Setiyani, Lila
Modeling an Enterprise Architecture of Final Project Management Based on National Research Standards for Higher Education in Indonesia
Sirait, Erlando Doni
Comparison of the Performance of the k-Nearest Neighbor, Naïve Bayes Classifier and Support Vector Machine Algorithm With SMOTE for Classification of Bully Behavior on the WhatsApp Messenger Application
Soenarto, Iswahyudi
Representations of Mother in Indonesian and European Literary Folktales
Sofiah, Nia Kurnia
The Meanings of Idioms With the Word ‘Tongue’ in Russian Language
Solihatun, Solihatun
Increasing Positive Self-Concept of Adolescents With Physically Disabilities via Client-Centered Counseling
Solihatun, Solihatun
Counseling Services Information Using Jigsaw Method to Improve Students’ Learning Motivation
Sonny, Michael
Comparison of the Performance of the k-Nearest Neighbor, Naïve Bayes Classifier and Support Vector Machine Algorithm With SMOTE for Classification of Bully Behavior on the WhatsApp Messenger Application
Suarka, I Nyoman
Disaster Discourse in Children’s Story Books
Subekti, Mega
The Representation of Mothers in Popular Culture
Suendarti, Mamik
The Challenge and Opportunity in the Implementation of Environmental Field Assessment Study to Encourage Behavior Change for Protecting the Environment
Sugara, Ria Dewi Hudayani
English Cursing Analysis of Millennial Generation in Social Media Investigate
Suhada, Karya
Modeling an Enterprise Architecture of Final Project Management Based on National Research Standards for Higher Education in Indonesia
Suhendri, Huri
Effectiveness of Mathematical Comics as the Development of Teaching Material
Suherman, Yahya
Modeling an Enterprise Architecture of Final Project Management Based on National Research Standards for Higher Education in Indonesia
Sukarwo, Wirawan
Anthropomorphic Arabic Calligraphy: The Elements of Srabad in Cirebon
Sulatri, Ni Luh Putu Ari
Disaster Discourse in Children’s Story Books
Suparno, Darsita
Phonetic Relationship Between Form and Meaning of Modern Standard Arabic and Egyptian Colloquial Language on Animals Name
Supriyanto, Agus
The Indonesians’ Peaceful Mind: A Gadamerian Hermeneutic Study of the Markesot Bertutur
Supyandi, Dika
Student’s Diagnostic Ability on Review Text and Persuasive Text in Indonesian Language Test
Suryana, Ino
Proactive Movement Through Motion Recognition in Game-Based Learning for Studying the Sundanese Language
Suryani, Mira
Proactive Movement Through Motion Recognition in Game-Based Learning for Studying the Sundanese Language
Suryani, Nia
The Space Pattern and Community Socio-Economic Transformation in the Taman Kencana Bogor
Suwanto, Kartika Magdalena
MESATUA: Adapting Bali Folklore Scripts and Plays to Short Stories
Suwarni, Azizah Zahra J
Multiple Intelligences Approach to Improve Writing Skills of Elementary School Students
Understanding Still Life Photographic Genre as A Visual Strength in the Design of Gunung Padang Prehistorical Sites Photo Book
Syamsudin, Oom Rohmah
Bandung-Born Balinese and Their Effort in Maintaining Balinese Language
Theodora, Berta Dian
Identifying External Factors With Career Development of High School Students in Depok, West Java
Waste Analysis in the Painting Process of Doll Houses Using Value Stream Mapping (VSM)
Tjahjani, Joesana
Representations of Mother in Indonesian and European Literary Folktales
Tjahjani, Joesana
The Yellow Vests Manifestation: Media Framing on Political Articles in Online French Newspapers
Tobing, Christine Masada Hirashita
Storytelling Therapy to Building Childhood’s Emotion and Social Relations
Triadi, Rai Bagus
The Characteristics of Meme in Social Media: Case Study 2019 Presidential Election in Indonesia
Vega, Nofvia De
Addressing EFL Paper-Based Assignment Into WhatsApp
Conceptual Metaphors in Modern Indonesian Literature and Their Implication in Language Learning
Enhancing the Head of Education Office Performance Through Leadership, Environment, and Organizational Culture
Wardani, Winny Gunarti Widya
Understanding Still Life Photographic Genre as A Visual Strength in the Design of Gunung Padang Prehistorical Sites Photo Book
Widati, Endah
Could Animated Movie Characters Drive Children’s Preferences in Choosing A Product?
Widawati, Rika
The Characteristics of Meme in Social Media: Case Study 2019 Presidential Election in Indonesia
Widyasari, Nurbaiti
The Effect of Mathematics Disposition (Confidence, Monitor, Interest, Perseverance, Application, Perceived Value, and Flexible in Mathematics) Towards 7th Grade Students’ Mathematics Anxiety
Widyawati, Karya
The Space Pattern and Community Socio-Economic Transformation in the Taman Kencana Bogor
Winarni, Rina Wahyu
Cultural Identity Construction in Betawi Fashion System of Kerak Telor Sellers
Wiyanti, Endang
The Linguistic Aspects on the 2019 Presidential Candidate Debate
Woelandhary, Ayoeningsih Dyah
Expression and Visual Narration of The Jakarta Marunda Batik
Understanding Still Life Photographic Genre as A Visual Strength in the Design of Gunung Padang Prehistorical Sites Photo Book
Yusa, I Made Marthana
Folklore’s Inspiration in Character-Based Intellectual Property (IP) Construction ‘RomOn’ as an Effort to Create Local IP for Global Markets
Yusa, I Made Marthana
Virtual Taksu: Construction of Animation Aesthetic Terminology With Balinese Local Wisdom Concept
Yustisiani, Zakiah Norma
Pantun as Brand Recall in Citilink Airline