Proceedings of the 2nd Annual International Conference on Mathematics, Science and Technology Education (AICMSTE 2023)
177 authors
- Nurmaliah, Cut
- Implementing STEM Projects to Improve Students’ Learning Outcomes and Motivation on Environmental Change and Preservation Topic
- Nurulwati
- The Effect of the Video-Assisted Learning Cycle 7E Model to Improve Science Literacy in Atomic Core Materials and Radioactivity
- Nurulwati
- Utilization of the Kahoot Application to Minimize Academic Dishonesty Students in Physics Examinations
- Nurulwati
- The Influence of Self Efficacy on Understanding of Physics Materials at Senior High School
- Oktaria, Qory
- Development of STEM-based Physics Worksheet with PIRPOSAL Engineering Design Process Model to Improve Creative Thinking Skills
- Oktavia, Rini
- Beliefs about the Nature of Mathematics and Its Effects on Teaching and Assessment of Learning
- Pada, Andi Ulfa Tenri
- Use of Interactive Learning Modules to Improve Student Learning Achievement and Self-Regulated Learning
- Putri, Gina Yulia
- Examining People’s Perceptions of Elephants in the Context of Human-Elephant Conflict in Aceh Selatan, Aceh, Indonesia
- Putri, Iffa Ichwani
- Assessing Genetics Learning Media Effectiveness: Students Perspectives
- Putri, Mawarni
- Utilization of the Kahoot Application to Minimize Academic Dishonesty Students in Physics Examinations
- Rachmi, Cut Nadia
- Implementation of Realistic Mathematics Education to Support Independent Curriculum
- Radhi, Fahrul
- Implementation of Concurrent Education Model in the Teacher Professional Program
- Rahmat, Adi
- Assessing Genetics Learning Media Effectiveness: Students Perspectives
- Rahmatan, Hafnati
- Implementing STEM Projects to Improve Students’ Learning Outcomes and Motivation on Environmental Change and Preservation Topic
- Rahmayani, Ratu Fazlia Inda
- Improving Problem-Solving Skills in Colloid System Topic Using Problem-Based Learning Model
- Raisa, Arina
- The Validity of Ethnomathematics-Augmented Reality Instructional Materials on Scale and Proportion
- Reca
- Dental Health Education on Domiciliary Dental Care (DDC): A Systematic Review
- Resti, Putri Cunda
- Students’ Mathematical Literacy Ability on Social Arithmetic Integrated with Islamic Contexts
- Riandi
- Assessing Genetics Learning Media Effectiveness: Students Perspectives
- Ridha, Syahrul
- An Innovative STEM-Based Worksheet to Enhance Scientific Literacy at Senior High School
- Rizki, Sakhkhara Lana
- The Influence of Self Efficacy on Understanding of Physics Materials at Senior High School
- Rohaizati, Ulya
- Validity of Website-Based Statistical Learning Tools with an Islamic Context to Improve Student Mathematical Communication
- Rohaizati, Ulya
- Validity of Digital Learning Devices through Realistic Mathematics Education for Teaching Integer Number at Junior High School
- Ruslan
- Implementation of Concurrent Education Model in the Teacher Professional Program
- Safitri, Yulinar
- The Validity of Ethnomathematics-Augmented Reality Instructional Materials on Scale and Proportion
- Safitri, Yulinar
- The Validity of PjBL Tools with a Biodiversity Conservation Context to Improve Students’ Numeracy Skills
- Safitri, Yulinar
- Validity of an Augmented Reality Wall-Magazine Project with Stunting Context on Data Display
- Salsabila, Fathia
- Utilization of the Kahoot Application to Minimize Academic Dishonesty Students in Physics Examinations
- Salwa, Nany
- The Concept of Game Theory in Determining the Competition Strategy for Gojek and Grab Online Transportation Services
- Saminan
- An Innovative STEM-Based Worksheet to Enhance Scientific Literacy at Senior High School
- Sao, Vibol
- Peer-Review Statements
- Sao, Vibol
- Development of STEM-based Physics Worksheet with PIRPOSAL Engineering Design Process Model to Improve Creative Thinking Skills
- Saputri, Mawarni
- The Effect of the Video-Assisted Learning Cycle 7E Model to Improve Science Literacy in Atomic Core Materials and Radioactivity
- Saputri, Mawarni
- Development of STEM-based Physics Worksheet with PIRPOSAL Engineering Design Process Model to Improve Creative Thinking Skills
- Sari, Rafita Nanda
- Development of Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) Worksheet based on Blended Learning to Enhance Students’ Critical Thinking
- Sarong, Muhammad Ali
- Use of Interactive Learning Modules to Improve Student Learning Achievement and Self-Regulated Learning
- Sidratun, Nisa
- Students’ Mathematical Literacy Ability on Social Arithmetic Integrated with Islamic Contexts
- Sofyan, Hizir
- Dental Health Education on Domiciliary Dental Care (DDC): A Systematic Review
- Suhartati
- Validity of Website-Based Statistical Learning Tools with an Islamic Context to Improve Student Mathematical Communication
- Suhartati
- Students’ Response to the Integration of Islamic Context in PISA-Oriented Social Arithmetic
- Suhartati
- Validity of Digital Learning Devices through Realistic Mathematics Education for Teaching Integer Number at Junior High School
- Suhartati, Suhartati
- Implementation of Realistic Mathematics Education to Support Independent Curriculum
- Sulastri
- Effect of Learning Organic Chemistry through Blended Learning on Environmental Awareness among Pre-Service Chemistry Teachers
- Suryawati
- Students’ Ability in Solving TIMSS Problems through Realistic Mathematics Education
- Suryawati
- Students’ Mathematical Literacy Ability on Social Arithmetic Integrated with Islamic Contexts
- Suryawati, Evi
- Exploring Challenges in Understanding Abstract Biological Concepts: A Visual Literacy Perspective
- Susanna
- The Effect of the Video-Assisted Learning Cycle 7E Model to Improve Science Literacy in Atomic Core Materials and Radioactivity
- Susanna
- The Influence of Self Efficacy on Understanding of Physics Materials at Senior High School
- Susilawati, Susilawati
- The Influence of Self Efficacy on Understanding of Physics Materials at Senior High School
- Susilawati, Susilawati
- An Innovative STEM-Based Worksheet to Enhance Scientific Literacy at Senior High School
- Syafira, Maulita
- Validity of an Augmented Reality Wall-Magazine Project with Stunting Context on Data Display
- Syahfitri, Mariana
- Validity of Website-Based Statistical Learning Tools with an Islamic Context to Improve Student Mathematical Communication
- Syahrial
- Effect of Learning Organic Chemistry through Blended Learning on Environmental Awareness among Pre-Service Chemistry Teachers
- Syukri, Muhammad
- Development of STEM-based Physics Worksheet with PIRPOSAL Engineering Design Process Model to Improve Creative Thinking Skills
- Syukri, Muhammad
- An Innovative STEM-Based Worksheet to Enhance Scientific Literacy at Senior High School
- Umam, Khairul
- Implementation of Realistic Mathematics Education to Support Independent Curriculum
- Umam, Khairul
- Implementation of Problem-Based Learning based on Islamic Context on Set at Year 7 Students
- Umar, Mohd Faudzi
- An Innovative STEM-Based Worksheet to Enhance Scientific Literacy at Senior High School
- Usman, Usman
- Mathematical Representation Abilities and Self-Confidence through Application of Discovery Learning Model with Geogebra-assisted
- Wahyuni, Agus
- The Influence of Self Efficacy on Understanding of Physics Materials at Senior High School
- Wahyuni, Rahmi
- Android-Based Digital Module Development using Kodular to Teach Geometry at University
- Walidin, A. K. Warul
- Implementation of Problem-Based Learning based on Islamic Context on Set at Year 7 Students
- Winarni, Sri
- Improving Problem-Solving Skills in Colloid System Topic Using Problem-Based Learning Model
- Wissehr, Cathy
- Peer-Review Statements
- Yuhasriati
- Students’ Response to the Integration of Islamic Context in PISA-Oriented Social Arithmetic
- Yunus, Mukhlis
- Implementation of Concurrent Education Model in the Teacher Professional Program
- Yustina
- Exploring Challenges in Understanding Abstract Biological Concepts: A Visual Literacy Perspective
- Zai, Sajid Ali Yousuf
- Peer-Review Statements
- Zai, Sajid Ali Yousuf
- Validity of Website-Based Statistical Learning Tools with an Islamic Context to Improve Student Mathematical Communication
- Zaihariani
- The Effect of the Video-Assisted Learning Cycle 7E Model to Improve Science Literacy in Atomic Core Materials and Radioactivity
- Zainuddin
- The Effect of the Video-Assisted Learning Cycle 7E Model to Improve Science Literacy in Atomic Core Materials and Radioactivity
- Zainuddin
- Utilization of the Kahoot Application to Minimize Academic Dishonesty Students in Physics Examinations
- Zaura, Bintang
- Students’ Mathematical Literacy Ability on Social Arithmetic Integrated with Islamic Contexts
- Zubaidah, Tuti
- Implementation of Realistic Mathematics Education to Support Independent Curriculum
- Zubainur, Cut Morina
- Validity Study: The Development of Mathematics E-Module for Remedial Learning
- Zubainur, Cut Morina
- Validity of Digital Learning Devices through Realistic Mathematics Education for Teaching Integer Number at Junior High School
- Zubainur, Cut Morina
- Validity of an Augmented Reality Wall-Magazine Project with Stunting Context on Data Display