Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research

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81578 articles
Proceedings Article

Social Actions of Galla Actors in the Kaemba Maros Traditional Village Community Sulawesi Selatan

Jumadi, Nurlela, Andi Agustang, Darman
This study aims to analyze the social actions of the Galla actors in the Kaemba traditional village community of Maros Regency, Sulawesi Selatan in the form of traditional social rationality, value orientation, affective, and instrumental values, and integration of the character values of the Galla actors...
Proceedings Article

Reviewing the Influences of Education Gender Issues of Female Students in the Rural Society of China

Muzhi Niu, Yanlin Wei, Qianhui Xu, Mingran Yang
The academic society had widely acknowledged the gender gap in education; however, there lacks a complicated review of the lack of educational gender equity in the circumstances of rural China. In this paper, we have investigated how various factors influence female students in rural areas of China based...
Proceedings Article

Research on Perceived Image of Beijing Night Tourism Based on Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation

Guangpu Chen, Bisha Tong
Night tourism is gradually becoming a new model to promote the upgrading and development of tourism destinations. This paper constructs an index system for Beijing night tourism perception image based on literature analysis, collects tourist perception data through questionnaire survey, and analyzes...
Proceedings Article

Investing in the Elimination of HIV & AIDS in Indonesia: What is the Impact on HIV Epidemic After 10 Years of the Investment?

L Wahyuniar
Indonesia has committed to respond to HIV and AIDS over the last 15 years with significant domestic and international funding has been secured to support a greatly expanded national response. HIV transmission has stabilized and begun to decline among all Key Affected Populations (KAPs) but excluded Men...
Proceedings Article

The Application of Good Faith Principles in Health Insurance Agreement (Case Study: Allianz Life Insurance Indonesia)

Hanafi Tanawijaya, Meliana
The insurance business provides guarantees for the protection of the insured, by taking risks that may occur to the insured in the future. However, insurance often misused with an aim of taking profits. Which contrary to the nature of insurance which in essence explains that insurance is not to gain...
Proceedings Article

Legal Protection Factors for Owner of Land Right in the Land Procurement That is Still Not Giving Justice (Legal Case Study on Semarang-Solo Freeway Construction in Boyolali Regency)

Nanik Sutarni
The research is conducted on an unsupported by the fulfillment of rights for land rights holders on the construction of the Semarang-Solo freeway in Boyolali. The purpose of this study is to identify the factors that lead the protection of landrights holders in the securing of land for development of...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Legal Regulation of Personal Information Protection and Utilization in the Prevention and Control of COVID-19 Epidemic

Weimin Ouyang
In the prevention and control of COVID-19 epidemic in China, big data technology provides crucial scientific and technological support. Big data technology, on the one hand, played a huge role in the key issues of the prevention and control of COVID-19 epidemic that quickly identify potential infections,...
Proceedings Article

The Effectiveness of Think-Talk-Write (TTW) Learning Strategy in the Critical Thinking and Mathematical Communication

M. Farid Nasrulloh, Fitri Umardiyah
The purpose of this study is to describe the effectiveness of learning mathematics using the Think-Talk-Write (TTW) strategy and conventional learning approaches in terms of critical thinking and mathematical communication, comparing the effectiveness of Think-Talk-Write (TTW) strategy and conventional...
Proceedings Article

Electronic Information Security System for Notarial Deeds as National Archives

Chris Rivaldo Maengkom
Notaries are public officials authorized to make authentic deeds and other authorities, one if which is the authority to certify transactions carried out electronically, known as cyber notaries as stated in explanation of article 15, Law No. 2/2014 concerning Notary Officials (Revised Law No. 30/2004)....
Proceedings Article

Intention to Use Microsoft Teams in the Online Learning System for Students of Universitas Tarumanagara During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Katherine Laurencia, Sudarto Sudarto
The development of communication technology currently plays a very important role in fulfilling human life. The current Covid-19 pandemic situation makes communication technology indispensable in the world of education for the implementation of distance learning systems, such as the use of Microsoft...
Proceedings Article

How Does the Parents-related Factors Exacerbate and Improve Schizophrenia?

Tianying Zhou, Yixuan Zhang, Zilin Zhu
Understanding the risk factors of Schizophrenia has essential implications for both the effective prevention and management of mental illness conditions. Through analyzing the etiology of schizophrenia, we have found something in common that the existence of both parents plays a looming role in the various...
Proceedings Article

Unlocking Minds: Innovative Approaches to Thematic Subject Mastery at MI Muhammadiyah Jagalan through Creative Learning Strategies

Aulia Puspita Saputri, Ahwy Oktradiksa, Norma Dewi Shalikhah
The purpose of this study is to ascertain the best ways to apply Creative Thinking learning methodologies in order to enhance theme learning results. Experiments are being used in this quantitative study. A sample of 23 students was taken using the census method, and the participants of this study were...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Construction of Learning Cities Empowered by the Integrated Development of Open Education and Vocational Education

Shuang Jiang
Open education and vocational education boast their own characteristics in terms of education objects, school running and teaching models. And the intersection is the talent training, which boasts complementary advantages in serving the universal lifelong learning and skill society construction and promoting...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Needs for Fitness Activity Tools in Physical Education Learning in Schools

Fahrudin, Tedi Purbangkara, Resty Gustiawati, Muhammad Mury Syafei
Physical Sport and Health Education (PJOK) based on the observations of researchers, most educational units in Karawang Regency do not yet have media fitness equipment in the form of single bars, mats, beams, bench presses and others as a means of supporting the improvement of students’ physical fitness....
Proceedings Article

Research on the Secret of Anti-social Personality Disorder

Yinuo Qiu
Antisocial personality is also known as “moral personality”, “sociopathic personality”, which is a type of personality disorder. In addition to the characteristics of a personality disorder, its most distinctive feature is that the patient frequently engages in behavior that violates social norms. Because...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Cultivation of Computer Network Technology Professionals Based on Huawei Certification in the Context of the Greater Bay Area

Shuanglong Pang, Desheng Zeng, Xiaodan Chen, Caijiao Pang
This paper focuses on the development needs of the ICT industry in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, the characteristics of regional economic development, and the orientation of higher vocational colleges. The curriculum system of Huawei vocational certification. Guided by Huawei’s vocational...
Proceedings Article

Application on Humanism Education Thought in College English Teaching

Xueqin Li
Integrate humanistic ideas into college English teaching is conducive to improve the efficiency of English teaching, improve students' understanding of humanity, shape students' ideal personality, make students better realize their own value. Analysis in this paper, based on the humanism education thought,...
Proceedings Article

Movie Music The Mysterious Pushing Hands for the Storyline Development

Xiaorui Guo
Movie music is the music created for the movie. It is the high generalization of the movie content. It can employ the particular style and the concise emotional expression to enrich the main characters in the movie. The artistic attraction always takes the viewers into a certain historical context and...
Proceedings Article

Research on Social Security and Charity Relief

Rongli Guo
Social security and charity relief are two basic ways to alleviate the human catastrophe, promote social welfare and improve the quality of life. It is also based on the two kinds of normative forms based on the ethical relations of human mutual assistance. The two are complementary and promote the promotion...
Proceedings Article

A study on the correlation of the indoor and outdoor particulate pollution levels in the university premises

Yexuan Zhu
In recent years, haze weather happens frequently. PM2.5 and PM10 are the main factors that affect the haze weather, so they deserve to be studied. The study will help to propose better measures to improve the indoor air quality. This paper is to study the relevance of indoor and outdoor concentrations...
Proceedings Article

Brain Drain and Management Countermeasures in Small and Micro Enterprises

Yan Wang
In a market where economy increasingly competitive environment, talent has become the core business of their development and to enhance the competitiveness of the self, the competition between enterprises also translate into talent competition, especially small and micro enterprises. Small and micro...
Proceedings Article

Analyses on the Dilemma and Countermeasures about the “Self-development” of Chinese University Students in the New Era from the Perspective of Psychological Development Theory

Xiaoyan Wang, Xia Zhou, Yu Pei
As developing individuals, the university students are faced with a lot of developmental tasks. The “self-development” is the key topic of their development. The research of psychosocial development theory as well as ego identity created by Erik H Erikson provides systematic and theoretical framework...
Proceedings Article

Novice English Teachers’ Learning to Teach

Bin Chen, Yuanyuan Zhang
Novice teachers’ learning to teach process is hard yet rewarding. To probe Chinese middle school novice English teachers’ condition of learning to teach, a questionnaire focused on four aspects was implemented. Results of the questionnaire showed that most novice English teachers investigated were not...
Proceedings Article

The Relationship Between Folk Words and History and Culture in Guanzhong Region of Shaanxi Province

Jingzhao Ma
Prehistoric period and historical period are divided on the basis of whether there are language records. Language, especially regional folk language, is the best living fossil to carry the local history. Words are indispensable part of a language. Therefore, folk words are of great importance that they...
Proceedings Article

Research and Practice of Mobile Learning Model under the Integration of Open Education and Vocational Education

Guangjun Ma, Bingbing Wu, Guiqiang Lu, Haibo Zhang
Under the guidance of the concept of lifelong education, the integration of open education and vocational education is accelerating. Two different types of education are integrated in professional settings, the teaching modes are integrated and the curriculum resources are shared and shared. With the...
Proceedings Article

The Space Design of the Contemporary Art Museums

Jie Guo
The art museum is based on "knowledge production" and develops a series of purpose-oriented knowledge creation, spread, communication, protection and reproduction. Therefore, the art museum is an art palace that enhances people's artistic sentiments and broadens their horizons. Contemporary art museums...
Proceedings Article

Problem of Truth in Historiography

Alexander Nesterenko
From its very beginning, history was regarded as rational and scientific knowledge objectively reflecting historical reality. Such ideal definition of the past has no fundamental epistemological foundation and is not based on the concepts of the classical scientific rationality, since historiography...
Proceedings Article

The Transmission of the Orthodox Spiritual Tradition in Russian Culture and Beyond

Tokareva Svetlana, Dikarev Iliya
The authors of the article review the channels of transmitting the Orthodox tradition. The peculiarities of maintaining the Orthodox tradition in the Russian and Western cultures are being analyzed with special attention given to speech practices with church-religious genres and fiction being of key...
Proceedings Article

Specific Learning Difficulties and Their Assessment Models: A Study from Inclusive Elementary Schools

Ibnu Ibnu Syamsi, Ibnu Syamsi, Haryanto Haryanto
This study aims to identify specific learning difficulties and assessment models appropriate for inclusive elementary school (ES) students in Sleman Regency, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Data were collected through observation, tests, interviews, and surveys, and analyzed by qualitative and quantitative descriptive...
Proceedings Article

The Implementation of Environment-Based Curriculum in Adiwiyata State Primary School

Lusia Dwi Septy Cahyanti, Setya Raharja
The Indonesian government implements Adiwiyata program in some schools to improve the next generation character of environmental caring. An important component of the Adiwiyata program is an environment-based curriculum that focuses on environmental management and protection. Some schools still face...
Proceedings Article

The Evil Spirit in The Tale of Genji

Huixin Sun
Based on the investigation of the distribution of “evil spirit” and “ghost” in the book, the paper is aimed to investigate “evil spirit” in The Tale of Genji. For this reason, first of all, it is necessary to find out all the use cases of “evil spirit” and “ghosts”. Through the analysis, it can be found...
Proceedings Article

Effect of Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure, Corporate Social Responsibility, and Corporate Social Disclosure Characteristics (Empirical Study on Companies Listed on the Stock Exchange that Enter the CGPI Period: 2010-2016)

Herman Ruslim, Sumarni Hasim
This research will follow up by analyzing how the relationship between characteristics, index of governance ranking, and company performance on CSR disclosures, especially companies listed on the IDX and included in CGPI in Indonesia. This study uses a quantitative approach that aims to test the hypothesis....
Proceedings Article

The Impact of the U.S. Election on China and America

Guanghui Wu
In the context of the US general election, the election results will have a great impact on the economy, politics, culture and environment of the United States and the world. In view of the problems of the American general election, this paper studies the impact of the different results of the US general...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Influence of Real Estate Listed Enterprises to Fulfill Social Responsibility on Enterprise Growth

Fumin Liu, Weitong Ding
This paper combed the first social responsibility related to the growth of all kinds of research at home and abroad and combining the current our country real estate industry present situation and the social responsibility fulfillment influence mechanism and the research hypothesis is put forward, and...
Proceedings Article

Development of Articulate Storyline 3 Learning Media Based on Local Wisdom in Traditional Lampung GamesIn Improving Science Skills

Vandan Wilyanti, Tesi Yulya, Tika Febriyani, Silvi Rahmadani
Many students find it difficult to research Physics. This is partly because of the view that physics is still far from the actual existence and tradition of networking and teachers no longer use materials related to understanding the Lampung environment, one of which is conventional video games, and...
Proceedings Article

Protection of Tattoo Artworks in the Perspective of Intellectual Property Rights

I. Putu Andika Pratama, I. Made Artana, Anak Agung Gede Agung Indra Prathama
Tattoos in each region have their own characteristics, both in terms of design and in terms of manufacturing techniques. Tattoos are included as works of art because they involve drawing patterns or designs. Each region or country has its own characteristics for tattoo images. However, how tattoo artworks...
Proceedings Article

A Review of the Research on the National Identity Education of Hong Kong Youth

Yunyi Liu
Hong Kong’s youth have defects in their national identity, its ideological risks have always existed and have continued to this day. This paper reviews studies about Hong Kong national identity education after the return. Through existing research on the policy reforms, curriculum setting, teacher quality...
Proceedings Article

Kidungan in Virtual Ludruk as a Medium for Narrating the Socio-Economic Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic and Promoting Health Protocols in Indonesia

Yusri Fajar, Juliati, Komang Candra Brata
From various perspectives, many researchers have studied ludruk, a traditional folk play originating from East Java Indonesia. However, there has not been any study focusing on how ludruk responds to the COVID-19 pandemic. This article examines how kidungan (song in ludruk that has poetical structure...
Proceedings Article

Product Design of Intelligent Blind Guide Stick Based on Humanistic Care

Ting Gao, Chunyan Chen, Huiyi Ou, Xiulin Wen, Yichao Yang, Yizhe Xie
At present, it is well known that there are a large number of visually impaired people, assistive devices is not provided adequately and barrier-free facilities is not also advanced. Thereby, this paper conducts user experience and analysis produce in the market, and seek clear position to design practice....
Proceedings Article

Research on the Relationship Between Double Reduction Policy and Fertility Intention

Jiarui Yuan
China’s fertility rate is below the world average and people’s willingness to have children continues to decline. The high cost of education and the “education fever” has played an important role in influencing people’s fertility intentions. It is easy to see that the “double reduction” policy has been...
Proceedings Article

Research on Problems in the Reform of College Financial Management

Guoliang Du, Jing Xia
Over the years, with the change of college financial management environment and the reform of it, some problems urgent to be solved come into being. Thus, this paper is aimed to internally and externally analyze theses problems and try to find out some optional measures. Considering the importance and...
Proceedings Article

Conceptions of Importing Talents Overseas for China's Colleges and Universities in China's New Normal

Dan Wang
In recently years, China's economy has turned into a development stage overlaid within a period of gear shifting for speed increasing, a period of labor pains for structure adjustment and a period of digestion for previous policies, which formed an economy status of "Intermediate Speed, Optimized Structure,...
Proceedings Article

Empirical Study of Cultural Educational Organizations' Accessibility to the Disabled People in the Regions of the Russian Federation

Alexander Volodin, Elena Blagireva
This paper addresses the empirical study of the accessibility to the disabled people of educational organizations in the cultural sector in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, including the description of steps, contents and conditions for carrying out such research. The latter assesses...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Developmental Trend of Computer Music Composition under the Background of Popular Music and Aesthetics

Sui Wu
In this paper, we conduct research on developmental trend of computer music composition under the background of popular music and aesthetics. In the process of the Chinese modern music history, popular music communication for the selection of music ontology, the audience for popular music transmission...
Proceedings Article

Brief Analysis on Problems Existing in College Administrative Management and Reform Measures

Yinglan Yu
College administrative management level is one of important standards to judge the overall level of universities and colleges. Under the new circumstance of higher educational reform in China, college administrative management plays a very important role in higher educational reform. Therefore, improving...
Proceedings Article

The Exploration and Practice of the Management of Internship for Students in the Cooperation between School and Enterprise

Hongwu Wang
Dormitory practice is an important means to carry out the combination of work and study, the cooperation between schools and enterprises, and it is also an important way to improve the comprehensive quality of the students in theory and practice in higher vocational colleges. In this paper, Guangdong...
Proceedings Article

What Approach is Effective for Qur’anic Morals in Mentoring Activities?

Weni Yulastri, Sufyarma Marsidin, Aliasar, Rusdinal
Mentoring is one of the learning methods which is effective to supervise the student to have qur’anic morals. Some efforts had been done with appropriate approaches to gain the effectiveness of mentoring. The purposes of this research are to find out the students’ types of behavior which are the approach...
Proceedings Article

Communist party of China building science level: the new era party's new mission

Jiajue Fang, Chunxia Jiang
Improving the scientific level of the party's construction is an important and major issue of the new era. The connotation and essence of it is to be grasped correctly under the new era. With the time of the achievement and the summary of historical experience, we follow the law and promote the party...
Proceedings Article

“New Wave” Spirits and Romantic Urban Fantasy: Lovers on the Bridge

Duanduan Zhou
During the 1950s and 1960s, the French New Wave film movement swept the film-dom around the globe and ushered in a trend of iconoclasm and aesthetic experimentation. This paper analyzes the signature art-house film Lovers on the Bridge (1999) made by Leos Carax who is credited as the torchbearer for...
Proceedings Article

Experimental Research on the Teaching of Preliminary Courses in Art Design: from Bauhaus Experiment to the Local Design Context in China

Yunqi Li
Bauhaus is a pioneering school in the transformation of modern art and design education in the 20th century. It is also the initiator of the implementation of preliminary courses in current China design schools. However, as an important pillar of Bauhaus overall teaching syllabus, preliminary courses...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Path of Integrating Higher Education and Teaching into the Construction of New Lingnan Culture

Qiuying Yue
The Chinese nation's profound historical background has not only left us valuable intellectual property, but also retained a lot of cultural traditions and civilizations.New Lingnan culture can be used as the key content for teachers to explain Chinese culture to students in the process of teaching.Because...
Proceedings Article

A Study on the Influence of the Business Talent Training Model of Universities in Guangdong, Hong Kong, and Macao on the Employment of Students

Yanyu Li, Jiahao Chang, Jinwei Wang, Chih Huang, Li Xu
This study is about the influence of the business talent training model in Guangdong, Hong Kong, and Macao universities on the employment of students, and the research is carried out through interviews and questionnaires. The results of the study show that: (1) most business students in Guangdong, Hong...
Proceedings Article

Online Teaching Evaluation System Design and Implementation

Baosheng Qi
Student evaluation of teaching is a student to teacher's teaching work evaluation, to carry out this work is the starting point of improving teachers' teaching quality. This paper discusses the use of ASP.NET and SQL Server technology design and implementation of an online teaching evaluation system....
Proceedings Article

The Impact of Stone Mining Activities in Relation to Environmental Damage in Warembungan Village; Pineleng District; Minahasa Regency

Nixon Sindua, Xaverius Lobja, Kalvin Andaria, Ellen Poli
The problem in this study is the occurrence of landslides and landscape changes in Warembungan Village; Pineleng District; Minahasa Regency. The purpose of this study is to examine the Impact of Stone Mining Activities concerning Environmental Damage in Warembungan Village. Descriptive qualitative method...
Proceedings Article

Psychological Analysis of Social Anxiety of College Students

Jinyu Zhou
The role of social interaction has a great impact on college students’ life, learning, mastering the skills of entering the society and competition in employment. Different from previous studies focusing on the mastery of social skills, self-esteem, self-concept schema and other factors, this study will...
Proceedings Article

Mind Mapping Strategy in Integrative Information Services to Improve Student Career Plan

Hijrah Eko Putro, Muhammad Japar
The objectives of the study are: Know the level of career planning of students in Muhammadiyah High School and know the effectiveness of integrative information services with mind mapping strategies to improve career planning of high school Muhammadiyah students. The population in this study is a grade...
Proceedings Article

Validating Interactive Flash-Based Multimedia Equipped Game of Guessing Images on Human Circulatory System in Material and Human Respiratory System for Grade VII Middle School Students

I F Arli, Zulyusri
The learning by using technology is called multimedia learning. The multimedia learning is able to create interaction between teacher and the learning media, student to the learning media, and teacher to the student. The teacher’s effort to develop and using learning media that follows the technology...
Proceedings Article

Analysis On the Process and Influencing Factors of Nimby Risk Diffusion in ‘One Belt And One Road’ Energy Investment

Jinhua Sun, Linlin Xu, Dong Pu, Jian Hu
Based on the chain structure diffusion of nimby risk and the theory of risk social amplification, this paper proposes the adjacent diffusion processes of risk avoidance, risk explosion stage and risk disappearance stage, analyzes the action mechanism of each stage, and constructs a risk avoidance diffusion...
Proceedings Article

Efficacy of Subsidy Quota Usage to Support Learning in the Covid-19 Pandemic

Misran Rahman
This study aims to describe the efficacy of free quota used by students at Gorontalo State University in learning activities during the Covid-19 pandemic. The description overviews the learning type during the Covid-19 pandemic, an application used by lecturers and instructors during learning activities,...
Proceedings Article

The Manifestations, Causes and Influences of Economic Inequality in the Roman Empire from the 4th to the 5th Centuries

Bofei Fan, Birong Zhang
For a long time, economic inequality has been a serious problem that plagued the ruling class, and the Roman Empire, which shaped the Mediterranean civilization, is no exception. However, most historical researches in the past are limited to the macroscopic study of the reasons for the decline of Rome,...
Proceedings Article

The Analysis of Vitamin C in Peeled and Unpeeled Malang Apples Using Iodimetric Titration Method

Beny Maulana Satria, Lela Kania Rahsa Puji, Rita Dwi Pratiwi, Elva Dwilestari
Based on data The National Social Economic Survey, the average consumption of apples in the Indonesian population had an increase of 0.10% a year. Malang Apples contain of Vitamin C which is useful in the formation of intracellular collagen. Lack of vitamin C can cause cancer. This research aims to determine...
Proceedings Article

Exploration of Bian Embroidery's Traditional Skills and Industrialization Road

Huijuan Chang
China's embroidery has a long history, "Bian embroidery" as an embroidery form with Henan regional characteristics, has a long history, it is one of the most original and the oldest embroidery types. This article found innovative approaches from the artistic characteristics of Bian embroidery, expound...
Proceedings Article

Analysis on the Motivation of Express Enterprises Backdoor Listing and the Road Choice Based on the Case Analysis of SF Company Taking over Ding Tai New Material Company

Zhongfu Yu, Jing He
With the development of economic globalization and the development of China's capital market, more and more enterprises are aware of the importance of listing. Leveraging e-commerce booming, China's express delivery industry is also to achieve a big leap, big development, but also some trade issues....
Proceedings Article

Research on Two-Level Management Mode in Higher Vocational Schools

Chen Meixia
In the paper the two-level management mode of higher vocational schools is studied based on such theories as new public management theory, vocational education and higher education management, the problems appearing in the reform on two-level management mode in higher vocational schools are analyzed...
Proceedings Article

The Research of Situation and Strategy of Teaching Management Informatization in University

BaoHua Cui
With the rapid development of computer science and information technology it has become an inevitable trend to informationize college education administration The mission to stabilize and enhance education administration is faced up with by all colleges and universities This paper describes features...
Proceedings Article

A critical review of Asia’s emerging middle class be of benefits to the UK tourism and hospitality industry

Yunyao Liu, Xiaotong Sun, Rui Wang
Recently, Asia economy is developing and the middle class in Asia is emerging rapidly. With the changes of psychographic, ambition and life style, Asia’s middle class attempt to seek for overseas travelling experiences that differ from the past whilst their demands change constantly[18]. Under such a...
Proceedings Article

Dangerous Beauty-Thoughts on Paradise Lost

Yongli Liu
From the ancient time on, women have been regarded as evils. The stereotyped thought "dangerous beauty" has been deeply rooted in people's mind. By analyzing Paradise Lost, this essay pounders upon Milton's idea of "dangerous woman" and tries to point out that many male writers hold this idea.
Proceedings Article

The Exploration And Practice Of Course Examination Methods Reform On Linear Algebra

Yali He, Xiaoqiang Guo
Based on deeply analysis on the current shortcomings and problems of linear algebra examination way, this paper further define the purpose and principles of evaluation way reform, Multiplicate examination forms were introduced in order to overall evaluation of students' comprehensive ability, and produced...
Proceedings Article

Study on the Strategies of Enterprise Human Resource Cost Control

Han Yingjun, Fan Ailing, Sun Rui
As an important carrier of knowledge and skills, the position of human resources is irreplaceable in the business operations and development. Because human resources play important role in the enterprise to make modern businesses continue to strengthen human resources management while expand its exploration...
Proceedings Article

Analysis on Learning Behavior of English Learners on Basis of Data Mining Technology

Yanxiong Li
Specific analysis on basis of English learners’ learning behavior characteristics is the key factor of accomplishing individualized teaching. This paper mainly researches how to further dig out English learners’ behavior characteristics with help of data mining technology, and conducts discussion and...
Proceedings Article

On the Students’ Misbehaviors in Class and Countermeasures in the Internet-Based Teaching Environment

Lieming Fang, Weiran Zhang
With the increasing popularity of multimedia and internet, internet-based teaching mode is drawing more and more attention and it contributes to the improvement of teaching quality. However, in the real internet- based teaching environment, due to various reasons some students behave improperly and they...
Proceedings Article

Historical Cultural Depiction of Overseas Chinese Female Writer Taking May-Lee Chai as an Example

Shiyuan Han
The subject takes May-Lee Chai, a Chinese American female writer who made new voice after the 90s as the research example, and makes text explanation on her two masterpieces "My Lucky Face" and "The Girl from Purple Mountain" through the post-classical narratology analysis on the feminism theme carried...
Proceedings Article

Investment Policy of the Region in the Age of Informatization and New Industrialization (on the Example of Sverdlovsk Region)

Gulnara Kvon, Alisa Titovets
The urgency of the problem investigated in the paper is due to the fact that the stable functioning and development of business entities, sectors of the economy, regions, and the country cannot be implemented without investments. However, the modern paradigm of regional development requires new approaches...
Proceedings Article

Study on Instructional Design in Artistic Design Education in Colleges and Universities

Yun'an Zhao
Instructional design is a methodology in the field of educational science. From the point of teaching practice of artistic design in colleges and universities, it is the best means to realize effective teaching. From the perspective of the knowledge characteristics of art, procedural and strategic knowledge...
Proceedings Article

A Probe into the Present Situation and Causes of Peasants' Psychological Poverty — A Case Study of Wulian Town, Jiange County, Sichuan Province

Jia Huang, Jiapan Wang
Psychological poverty refers to a series of negative changes in personality characteristics and mental health caused by economic poverty and other reasons, such as mental confusion and psychological confusion. In order to explore the current situation and influencing factors of farmers' psychological...
Proceedings Article

Practical and Micro English Teaching Classroom Design and Application Based on Output-oriented Measure

Wang Jiang
In the information era with rapid development, students have more abundant and diversified access to resources. In the context of impact of diversified media including 4G networks, WeChat, and smart phones, the traditional teaching model cant keep up with the time while both students and parents are...
Proceedings Article

The Elimination Strategy Of We-media Image

Jianxiong Zhang, Yinglin Fu, Youqiang We
With the continuous development of communication technology and the enhancement of people's consciousness of independent communication, the self media has been developing rapidly at present, and it is disseminated independently through different communication channels in different media platforms. More...
Proceedings Article

The impact of migration processes on crime rates in the Novosibirsk region and certain specifics of its investigation

N K Korovin, O V Shmygina
The article discusses the impact of external migration flows on crime rates in the Novosibirsk region. For the period covering 2016-2019, the main indicators on the migration situation in the Russian Federation are analyzed. Ways of solving illegal migration affecting the growth of crime are presented....
Proceedings Article

Spiritual Salvation of Cultural Variety Shows in New Media Environment Taking The Readers as an Example

Desheng Wu, Shuang Liang
With the development of spiritual civilization, the content of over-entertainment in variety shows is increasingly inconsistent with the real needs of the audience. The content of the program re-advocates to help the audience find "hope" that they really want in the deep heart, and to find the long-term...
Proceedings Article

Developing Interactive Teaching Materials of Fantasy Story Text with Character Education Based for Seventh Grade Students at MTs Miftahussalam Medan

Elsya Fitri Utami, Mutsyuhito Solin, Daulat Saragi
The background of this study is the importance of instilling character education in learning and the use of interactive teaching materials which are still seldom used. This study aims to: (1) Describe the result of developing interactive teaching materials of fantasy story text with character education-based...
Proceedings Article

Research on Teaching Reform and Innovation of Chinese Painting Course in Ceramic Art Design

Bao Chen, Sheng Bi, Hua Zou, Shanshan Ye
Based on the characteristics of Chinese birds and flowers painting, this article aims to cultivate the goal of ceramic art design talents. Through certain research and practice, it tries to explore the innovative teaching methods of Chinese flower and bird painting courses in ceramic art design, and...
Proceedings Article

Research on Sharing Economy and E-Learning in the Era of “Internet Plus”

Peijin Chen
The article first briefly introduces the development and characteristics of the sharing economy in the era of Internet+. Its rise has promoted the rapid development of online education, and online education has become a representative of knowledge-sharing economy. The market has expanded and evolved...
Proceedings Article

Influencing Factors and Optimization Approach of the Industrialization of New Materials

Yanping Miao, Lianggen Yang
The new material industry is an important part of the high-tech industry, the realization of new material industrialization is an important way to promote the rapid development of new material industry. Composite material gets energy saving and environmental protection performance, which is applied in...
Proceedings Article

The Increasing of Student’s Mathematics Critical Thinking Ability Through Problem Based Learning

Yunita Sari, Edy Surya, Asmin
Critical thinking is a part of higher order thinking ability that require students to develop the process of analyzing or evaluating information on a problem based on logical thinking to determine decissions. But the fact in learning mathemathics, this ability is still not developed well, so that the...
Proceedings Article

The Role of Sharia Banking Institution in Zakat Collection as a Source of Economic Development

Try Widiyono
Indonesia as a Muslim majority country has the opportunity to explore the potential for raising public funds through the collection of zakat payments. In the effort to explore this potential, it has been supported by Law Number 23 of 2011 concerning Management of Zakat and Law Number 21 of 2008 concerning...
Proceedings Article

Education for Sustainable Development and Beyond It

Viktor Zinchenko, Mykhailo Boichenko, Oleksandr Polishchuk
This paper aims to consider the human dimension of education for the sustainable development of society. A systematic approach in value analysis of social institutions should be used as a research methodology. The education for sustainable development should be based on the latest technical achievements,...
Proceedings Article

Research on Civil-military Integration and Construction of Military Vocational Education

Yanxiang Ling, Fei Cai
Developing military vocational education is an important part of accelerating the modernization of military personnel. This paper analyzes the current situation of military vocational education construction, summarizes the existing problems in the construction of military vocational education, then makes...
Proceedings Article

Speech Acts Analysis of Corner Discourse in Javanese Language Magazines

Wening Handri Purnami
Language is a communication tool that is used by people to express their thoughts both in oral and written form. Likewise, Javanese is the language of everyday communication used by the community, especially Javanese ethnic, both spoken and written. The data of this study is Javanese language used in...
Proceedings Article

Profile of Conceptual Understanding and Misconceptions of Students in Heat and Temperature

Saparini, Murniati, Syuhendri, Widya Rahmatika Rizaldi
This study was aimed to describe the level of conceptual understanding and misconceptions of students in heat and temperature. This research used descriptive methods. The research subjects were high school students in SMA Pusri Palembang totaled 42 students. Samples were selected based on purposive sampling....
Proceedings Article

An Academic Supervision of School Principals and Teacher Performance and Its Implementation of Education Quality at State Junior High School in Cengal District

Ardi Winata, Bukman Lian, Mulyadi
This research was conducted with the aim of describing the effect of the principal’s academic supervision and teacher performance partially and simultaneously on the quality of education, especially at State Junior High Schools in Cengal District. The method used in this research was descriptive quantitative....
Proceedings Article

Enhancing Interpersonal Communication Strategies for Health Workers Engaging with COVID-19 Patients at Bima City Hospital: A Path to Optimized Patient Care

Uswatun Hasanah, Tuti Bahfiarti, Muhammad Farid
This study aims to explore communication barriers between healthcare professionals and COVID-19 patients at Bima City Hospital and develop strategies to address these challenges. Qualitative descriptive methods collected data from selected informants, including health workers and patients. The results...
Proceedings Article

Achievement of Development Performance in Central Lampung Regency in Achieving the Target of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Aman Toto Dwijono, Kris Ari Suryandari, Maulana Mukhlis
Regional development can be assessed, one of which is the ability of the region to realize development goals, both goals or targets as mandates from higher levels of government as well as goals or targets in the Regional Medium Term Development Plan (RPJMD) in the area. The purpose of this study is to...
Proceedings Article

Return of Assets of the Criminal Action of Corruption and Some Problems in the Implementation

Muhammad Fadli Nasution
The destruction of a country’s economic foundation can be caused by corruption. This happens because acts of corruption have taken large amounts of state money, which has an impact on the difficulty of the state in improving development for the community’s welfare. Therefore, every perpetrator of corruption...
Proceedings Article

Exploring the Path of Promoting Lifelong Learning in China in the New Era

Sun Tao, Garickson Palao-ay
Lifelong learning has irreplaceable value in promoting human sustainable development. Since the new era, China has made great achievements in promoting lifelong learning. China can make such achievements in a relatively short period of time thanks to its continuous exploration of the path of lifelong...
Proceedings Article

Scenario-Based Teaching Enhances Mathematical Core Competencies—A Study on Cultivating Mathematical Thinking Ability of Middle School Students under the Background of the New Curriculum Standards

Ling Zhou, Xuan Liu, Lu Xu
The study analyzed factors influencing students’ mathematical thinking abilities and developed a survey questionnaire. Based on the survey results, data analysis was conducted using SPSS software to establish a test model for assessing students’ levels of mathematical thinking abilities. The current...
Proceedings Article

Preventing Mega-Machines: Cultivating Hope in Education

Rizqy Cahyo Utomo, A’yunin Akrimni Darojat
Telltales of a heavily industrialized, modern education system had been forecasted a century ago, as we are slowly approaching the Mega-Machines fabled in Lewis Mumford’s The Myth of the Machine from 1976. As we presently challenged with urgency on how to transform education from task-based to human-based...
Proceedings Article

On Ecological Translation of Chemical Engineering English Under the Guidance of Green Translation

Nan Qin
The development of translation research and practice is inseparable from the social development. With the improvement of global ecological awareness, green concept has taken deep roots in the hearts of people. Green development has gradually developed as the focus of global ecological civilization construction....
Proceedings Article

An Analysis of Translation Shift and Its Equivalence in To Margot Heinemann (1935) By John Cornford into Huesca (1948) By Chairil Anwar

Muamaroh, Diva Esha Hanggraningtyas
Translating literature work such as poem is a challenge since the message of the source language has to be conveyed as close as possible to the target language. Therefore, translation shift and translation equivalence are the knowledge that has to be mastered by translators. This research aims at finding...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Online Learning on the Students’ Achievements in Class 2018 in Diploma-III Business Administration Study Program, Samarinda State Polytechnic

Heldina Pristanti, Kristin Wulansari, Della Olivia Caterina Kalangit, Dita Andansari, Gilang Rizki Romadhoni
This questionnaire was tested using Simple Regression Analysis because it only uses two (2) variables and uses Instrument Test (Validity Test and Reliability Test) and Hypothesis Test (T Test and Simple Regression Test) as well as Coefficient of Determination. The results of this study indicates that...
Proceedings Article

The Effectiveness of Virtual Tour on Media Social Youtube as an Alternative Tourism During the Covid-19 Pandemic in East Nusa Tenggara Province

(Case Study: Youtube Channel Video “Wonderfull Indonesia”)

Wayan Adi Putra Ariawan, Syul Rosli Sanam, Yohana Devita Ina
Virtual Tour is one of the new concepts for the world of tourism and is predicted to be a safe alternative for tourism amid the COVID-19 pandemic. As we know, tourism is a sector that has experienced a significant impact due to the outbreak of Covid-19 in the world today. The implementation of social...