Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research

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81546 articles
Proceedings Article

Discussion on the Application of Bamboo in Architectural Design

Mengtian Zhang, Hao Ying
Since the 20th century, forest resources have been cut down endlessly while the world’s economy is developing rapidly. The earth is becoming warmer and the haze is serious. In the 21st century, we must rationally coordinate the relationship between human, natural environment and development. Now most...
Proceedings Article

Research on financial efficiency loss from the perspective of externality of efficiency loss of state-owned enterprises

Xiaohe Zhou, Mingda Cheng
In order to explore the cumbrance effect of state-owned enterprises (SOE) on regional financial efficiency (FINC) and expand the research field of efficiency loss of SOE, this paper bases on the externality of efficiency loss, considering that the soft budget constraint caused by the policy burden of...
Proceedings Article

Art Education in Museum Adolescent Education Activities Taking Shaanxi History Museum as an Example

Shuyan Pei, Jin Zhu
With the development of the museum, the museum's social education work has made great achievements. However, most of the current museum educational activities focus on the function of teaching objects and their historical values, often ignoring the artistic value behind the cultural relics. Historical...
Proceedings Article

A study on Chinese international students’ social life in American Universities

Hanning Ma
Based on the personal experience of upperclassman and previous research, it is common for Chinese students studying abroad to build their own social circle. Most students lack interactions with people from western countries. The following paper a study was conducted to further investigate the reasons...
Proceedings Article

New Development of Classification of Knowledge and Cognitive Targets

Bingqian Chen
The famous American cognitive psychologist Anderson divided knowledge into declarative knowledge and procedural knowledge from the perspective of cognitive psychology, determining the basic classification of knowledge. On this basis, the revised edition of Bloom's taxonomy of educational objectives has...
Proceedings Article

Present Situation Problems and Countermeasures of Rural Endowment Insurance System in China

Yuansong Xie
Since the 80s of last century, the rural old-age insurance has experienced a tortuous development process. During the exploration period, the rural old-age insurance system is obviously characterized by low level non uniform and regional characteristics. China's current rural endowment insurance system,...
Proceedings Article

Edmodo & Schoology Application in Mathematics Learning in Elementary School

Yetti Yetti Ariani, Yetti Ariani, Yullys Helsa
This article aims to determine the effectiveness of learning by including teaching material on the Edmodo and schoology application towards learning outcomes in fourth-grade elementary schools. Research data were collected quantitatively with experimental research using pre-experimental methods. Based...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Participative Leadership , Team Work, Stress Management on Teacher’s Affective Commitment at Senior High School

Elprida Sulastri Lumbantoruan, Sukarman Purba, Eka Daryanto
The objective of this study to analyze the effect of: Partisipatif Leadership on Stress Management, Teamwork on Stress Management, Partisipatif Leadership on Teachers Affective Commitment,Teamwork on Teachers Affective Commitment and Stress Management on Teachers Affective Commitment. This research was...
Proceedings Article

Group Guidance Model Based on Thought Values of RA Kartini to Develop the Early Childhood Character in Jepara Early Childhood Education Programs

Siti Saroh, Mungin Eddy Wibowo, Sumaryanto F Totok, Anwar Sutoyo
In character education there is a goal to develop the character of the child by living the values and beliefs of the community as a moral force in their life. The aim of this research is to produce a hypothetical model of group guidance based on the values of thought RA. Kartini to Develop Early Childhood...
Proceedings Article

Reconstruction of the Study Planning Ropes Model of Pancasila and Citizenship at the Makassar City High School Education Unit

Imam Suyitno, Mustari, Nurkhalida
Among the pressing problems facing teachers in the learning process in the classroom is creating or designing effective learning planning, in order to achieve learning goals (ate core competencies and basic competencies). This is important considering that planning is an important part of the learning...
Proceedings Article

Factors Influencing Students’ Entrepreneurial Intention

Titik Purwati, Novi Eko Prasetyo, Putri Vina Sefaverdiana, Joko Suryono
This study examined factors influencing students’ entrepreneurial intentions, including factors in entrepreneur education and entrepreneurial interest. The study was conducted on Economic Education students at IKIP Budi Utomo. The research sample was 48 people taken through a simple random sampling technique....
Proceedings Article

Regional Power and Society in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic: Indicators of Integration

Zuriet Zhade, Asiet Shadzhe, Elena Kukva, Svetlana Lyausheva, Nadezhda Ilyinova
The article analyzes the features of integration and disintegration processes in the interaction of government and society in the context of the immediate global threat caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The authors substantiate the need for the analysis of the interaction between society and government,...
Proceedings Article

Sustainability and Its Responsibility

Tri Lisiani Prihatinah
A food security becomes an important issue in Indonesia as it does not only relate to the survival of individual but it is also an important way to combat poverty. This could be analyzed from sustainability point of view, which is important to integrate the concept of sustainability transferred into...
Proceedings Article

An Analysis of Cashless Society for Monetary Policy in Perspective of Islam

Sasmita Nurvinda Laili, Siswanto
The increasing use of non-cash financial instrument (cashless society) is observable from the increase of money supply. Previous researches found a positive relationship between the total of money supply and inflation. In its effort of stabilizing price and inflation, Bank Indonesia uses interest rate...
Proceedings Article

The Construction Strategy and Application of Virtual Reality Studio for Art Design Specialty

Dan Qian
Virtual reality studio is helpful to create immersive design space and expand creative expression form, which has important application value in art design specialty in colleges and universities. Guided by the OBE concept (Outcomes-based Education), the studio construction is highly effective and consistent,...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Risk and Corporate Governance on Profitability: The Role of Sustainability Report as a Moderator (A Study on Mining Companies Listed in the Indonesia Stock Exchange in the 2013–2020 Period)

Tsabita Karima, Sri Mangesti Rahayu, Nila Firdausi Nuzula, Cacik Rut Damayanti
This study aims to investigate the role of risk and corporate governance on profitability by utilizing sustainability report as an instrument in determining business sustainability of Indonesian-listed mining companies. The study was carried out by framing 20 mining companies employing the use of time...
Proceedings Article

Increasing the Role of Non-state Actors in Collaborative Governance

Awang Darumurti
This research aims to identify the role of NGOs, which should ideally perform at collaboration stages, determine supporting factors to make NGOs perform well in collaboration, and discover a strategy to deal with the dynamics of collaboration. The research was conducted as a case study with a qualitative...
Proceedings Article

Collaborative ESP Online Material Design Project and English Education Students’ 21st Century Skills

Nina Fatriana, Fikri Hamidy
The Ministry of Education and Culture of Republic of Indonesia recently modified “Profil Pelajar Pancasila” measurements in Merdeka Curriculum in an effort to provide 21st century capabilities in education. Today’s curriculum is simultaneously improved in all areas, particularly thanks to the Project...
Proceedings Article

Learning E-Modules Based on Seloko Local Wisdom to Build the Character of Love for the Motherland in Grade V Elementary School

Syahrial, Asrial, Dwi Agus Kurniawan, Naufal Aqila Kusnadi, Agus Fadillah, Putri Sakila Amelia Anwar, Irma Widya Ningsih, Roy Andre Ferdinan
Local wisdom is a community tradition that can produce an experience of its own and is not necessarily experienced by other communities. One form of local wisdom of Jambi Malay is the marriage custom, namely Seloko, which is a form of old literature known as the oral tradition that is produced, disseminated...
Proceedings Article

Research on Chinese Tech Talents Demand Prediction Based on Grey-BP Neural Network Combination Model

Yilin Wang
The development of science and technology and the construction of a tech talent team are crucial for China’s economic and social growth. To predict the demand for tech talent, an index system is constructed by analyzing relevant factors affecting the total demand. Prediction models based on BP neural...
Proceedings Article

The Fortress of Educational Inequality

An Empirical Analysis Based on Beijing Municipality

Zhiji Feng
Educational equality is one of the most important issues in the education field. This paper examines the issue of educational equality at the compulsory education level in Beijing, adding the perspective of “free choice equality” to the previous theories about education equality. Rawls proposes the “veil...
Proceedings Article

The Research on the Plight Types and Content Construction of Underage Girls in Campus-Themed Movies

Shichen Xiao
Nowadays, some female minors in China face the dual dilemma of family background and campus society. However, film and television, as one of the main tools to reflect social problems, fails to draw the audience’s attention to the social problems faced by female minors. Therefore, exploring the current...
Proceedings Article

Fantasies of World Order: Why Did the US Invade Iraq in 2003?

Siyu Huang, Xinyi Du, Jiayue Lyu, Meng Xu
What caused the 2nd Iraq war? The conventional wisdom is that Neoconservatives, Bush’s administrative failures, and domestic interests’ groups have made the war inevitable. However, in contrast, this work argues that though these factors contributed to the US’ long coordinated plans for the war, which...
Proceedings Article

BIPA Students’ Interest in Folklore Texts

Facilitating Cross-Cultural Understanding

Yulianeta, Halimah, Mikihiro Moriyama, Prilya Shinta, Dewi P. Amandangi
Cross-cultural understanding can facilitate Indonesian for Foreign Speakers (BIPA) students because they can learn and understand Indonesian culture by reflecting on their own culture. They can easily imagine the concrete forms of the Indonesian language and culture as well as their application in everyday...
Proceedings Article

Analyzing, Comparing and contrasting Tactile-to-Vision Sensory, Tongue Display, Abdominal skin, and Visual-to-Auditory Devices: A Holistic Reference for People Who Need to Find a Suitable Device

Ziya Chen, Shucheng Jia, Anqiao Cai
In addressing the issue of visual impairments, sensory substitution techniques are employed to develop varies devices, aiming to compensate and regain the blind population some degrees of visual functions. Based on the sufficient research over the decades on neuroplasticity, specifically the compensatory...
Proceedings Article

Potential Learning Sources for the Material of Biodiversity in Grade X High School Biology at Ijo Ancient Volcano in Kulon Progo

Trikinasih Handayani, Alpendi, Afni Nurfita Damayanti Sumarno
The environment as a biology learning source has not been broadly used by teachers in the learning process, particularly for high school students. One possible area to be used as a high school biology learning source is Ijo Ancient Volcano located in Kulon Progo and Purworejo Regencies. The purpose of...
Proceedings Article

International Tourist Perception Towards Tourism Destination in East Kalimantan Province

Muhammad Fauzan Noor, Said Keliwar, I Wayan Lanang Nala, Eman Sukmana, Dini Zulfiani
This study explains that the tourism marketing strategy can work well, so it is necessary to conduct a survey of international tourists’ perceptions by analyzing the characteristics of international tourists and perceptions of the level of tourist satisfaction with tourist destinations. It is very important...
Proceedings Article


(Case Study on Oetune Beach, East Nusa Tenggara)

Asbi Nasar, Rio Benedicto Bire, Kevin Adhimas
This study aims to determine the effect of Memorable Tourism Experiences in the New Next Normal Transition Era on Intentions to Visit Oetune Beach, TTS Regency, NTT. The circumstances and impacts of COVID-19 show signs that this crisis is not only different but will never return to normal until it changes...
Proceedings Article

The Research of the Relation between the Sports Information Needs and the Sports Participation of College Students

Meng-ning Xie
Chinese college students have the desire to contact various media and the communication contents and have no fixed direction and focus for acceptance. To a considerable extent, they contact the media to increase the knowledge of sports, learning the national and world sports events, satisfying curiosity...
Proceedings Article

Experimental Study of Cultivating College Students’ English Reading and Writing Ability

Weiyu An
The paper aims to cultivate English reading and writing ability of college students based on the input and output theory through the experimental study. On the basis of cultivation study of college students’ English reading and writing ability, we actively explore and establish the teaching mode characterized...
Proceedings Article

Color Words between English and Chinese

Xuezhi Li
Color words are expressive language with profound culture meanings. This thesis provides a large number of examples to illustrate the cultural connotations of the basic color terms: black, white, red, yellow and green. It can help the readers know their cultural connotations clearly in English and Chinese,...
Proceedings Article

Research and Practice on the Teaching System Being Centered on Normal College Students Teaching Skills Training in the Background of Universities Transition

Yuhua Su, Wei Jiang, Shi Wei
With the continuous development of China's economy, the society needs a large number of high-level skilled personnel, while the majority of normal college graduates currently unable to meet the market or industry requirements for highly skilled personnel. To achieve the "demographic dividend" to "talent...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Accounting Vocational Skills Teaching Methods Based on the "Internet +"

Jun Sun
With the advent of the information age, information exchange bonds mainly rely on the network. The rapid development of computer networks has brought new changes to the enterprise financial environment. Therefore, the computer network technology is widely used in accounting education which is the requirement...
Proceedings Article

Research on Influence of Sumsung Project on the International Logistics Development of Shaanxi Province

Dehong Xu
As one of the world famous transnational corporations, Sumsung Group has an important function on the regional economic development.This paper is to make a comparison of the current development situation, problems of international logistics of Shaanxi Province before and after of the entry of Sumsung...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Problems of Higher Education Foundation in China Based on Triangle Coordinated Mode

Ling Xie
The higher education of our country has stepped into the later period of popularization followed by increasingly large amount of expenses required for education development. In addition, confronted with the gradually severer background of international competition, the amount of expense input of education...
Proceedings Article

Financial resources of the Arctic Territories new industrialisation

E. A. Zakharchuk, A.A. Nekrasov, A. F. Pasynkov
In recent years, interest in the development of the Arctic territories in scientific literature has significantly increased, due to the new industrialization of the polar areas, based on large-scale projects for the extraction of hydrocarbons. At the same time, the issues of sources of financing such...
Proceedings Article

Prisonisation of the city as manifestation of hybrid culture (Siberian case)

Pavel Zaytsev, Svetlana Ovodova
. Foucault's model seemed relevant so far to consider prisonisation. According to Foucault, the criminal culture is marginalized, ousted as far as possible into the outer colony. Creation of the life of the Siberian cities happened in a different mode, not being able to reject the criminal culture, society...
Proceedings Article

Deepening the Reform of Chinese Examination in Higher Vocational Colleges

Shuping Yang
The assessment reform of College Chinese is an important content of educational reform. However, due to the fact that the current Chinese assessment in higher vocational colleges does not attract sufficient attention and still needs many improvements, the assessment does not well promote teaching and...
Proceedings Article

Subjective Well-Being Survey Based on Different Occupation Groups — Taking Wuhan as an Example

Ziwei Zeng, Shibao Zhao, Qingqing Liu
Nowadays, It is critical time for China to complete the building of a moderately prosperous society in all respects. Achieving a moderately prosperous level is not only in economy, but also in spirit. This paper mainly investigates the subjective well-being of eight major occupational groups in Wuhan....
Proceedings Article

Ethics Anomie of University Faculty Engaged in Social Service in Current China: Status quo, Causes and Solutions

Cunxu Bo, Enyun Liu
This article takes a critical approach to explore the status quo, causes and solutions of university faculties’ ethics anomie when they engage in the public service in current China. The research methods used in this study are interview and literature analysis. The conclusions of this study are as follows:...
Proceedings Article

Controversy over the Policy of Network Neutrality and Analysis of the Development Status Quo of Developed Countries

Meijuan Li, Lei Hou
In recent years, whether to implement “Network Neutrality” has been a very controversial topic in the Internet industry. Because of the huge impact that network neutrality policies have on the development of both the Internet industry and the interests of its related participants, not only academics...
Proceedings Article

A Comparative Study of Li Qingzhao’s Ci-lyrics and Sappho’s Monodic Lyrics Remarkable Literary Achievements

Yimei Du
Li Qingzhao and Sappho are poetesses with remarkable artistic creativity and strong individuality, composing lyrics deviant from the dominant literary style of their times. Li Qingzhao prompted the recognition of Ci as an important genre in Chinese literature, inventing a number of "Yi An’s amazing verse...
Proceedings Article

Migration policy as a factor in ensuring social security: expert opinions in cross-border regions of Russia

S Maksimova, O Suryaeva, M Cherepanova
The article presents the results of a survey of the expert community on international issues in the framework of sociological monitoring of problems of transit migration, transit regions and migration policy of Russia, including in the context of security and Eurasian integration. The study was conducted...
Proceedings Article

Research and Exploration of Online and Offline Hybrid Teaching Mode -- Taking Basic Japanese Course As An Example

Hui Sun
With the development of society and the innovation of education, offline teaching, which is often called traditional classroom teaching, has exposed its disadvantages increasingly. How to adhere to the teaching mode of "teachers as the leading role of teaching while students as the main body", which...
Proceedings Article

Residents’ Perceptions on Study Tourism Impacts

Haiming Chen, Xudong Guo, Xuemei Mo
The purpose of this paper is to explore residents’ perceptions of study tourism impacts. It concerns the development direction of local tourism directly. This study presents the results of qualitative and quantitative survey among residing families of a small mountain community located in south China....
Proceedings Article

The Influence of Niche Strategy on the Internationalization of Chinese SMEs

Zhongwei Cao, Jiang Xu, Jingwei Hu
Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) play an important role in the national economy. However, researches of their internalization behavior are few, especially from the perspective of Niche. Based on the literature review, this paper puts forward the concept of Niche Strategy, which is to subdivide...
Proceedings Article

Teaching and Practice of Information Security Conspectus Based on Case Teaching

Xin Liu
Information Security Conspectus is a comprehensive course of information security technology. In view of the following reasons, it is often difficult for teachers to achieve the ideal teaching effect, i.e., existing teaching textbooks cannot provide a rich “entry level” case, and the teaching content...
Proceedings Article

The Utilization Of Women Resource In The Development At Political District Of West Kombos Singkil Subdistrict Manado City

Julien Biringan, Sjamsi Pasandaran, Apeles Lexi Lonto, Jan. A Rattu, Telly D. Wua
This research aims to find out the role of women in the development in Political District of West Kombos Singkil sub-district, Manado. Survey method was undertaken for descriptive purpose by giving symbol/sign, explaining and describing woman’s role. Research finding shows that: Only partly of women...
Proceedings Article

Model of Flow Velocity Distribution and Change Along the Amano Ranoyapo Estuary during Tides

Maxi Tendean, Deni Maliangkay, Grace South
River flow velocity is the movement of elements of water mass through the cross section of the river unity of time. Naturally; the speed (fluid movement) in the estuary area is controlled by two main factors namely river flow and tides. The measurement and determination of points (according to the depth...
Proceedings Article

Study on the Relationship Among College Students’ Life Satisfaction, Attitudes Toward Death and Sense of Life Meaning*

Mengge Li, Wanghua Ji
This paper aims to explore the relationships among college students’ life satisfaction, attitudes towards death and sense of life meaning. Life satisfaction scale SWLS, Chinese version of death attitude description scale DAP-R and life sense of meaning scale PIL were used to investigate 445 college students....
Proceedings Article

The Influence of Running Speed, Leg Muscle Explosion Power in Long Jump Ability

D Lestari, Bafirman, M S Rifki
The aim of the study was to determine the direct effect between exogenous and endogenous variables, namely finding the direct effect of running speed, explosive leg muscle strength, and long jump ability. The type of this research is Path analysis with causal associative correlation approach. The purpose...
Proceedings Article

The Luxury Brand Transcultural Strategies in Contemporary Society

Take Louis Vuitton as an Example

Yuxuan Li, Ni Ni, Ning Yan
With the globalization of communication, the marketing strategies of luxury brands are also evolving. This essay will take Louis Vuitton as an example and analyze the main marketing strategies of Louis Vuitton in China from the perspective of transcultural communication. By analyzing Louis Vuitton’s...
Proceedings Article

Building Collective Awareness for Handling Domestic Plastic Bottle Waste in the University of Indonesia Vocational Education Program

D. K. S. Nugraha
This research discusses various issues related to the process of building the collective awareness of the academic community of the UI Vocational Education Program regarding the domestic plastic bottle waste management system, starting from the process of building a will to change, policies and regulations,...
Proceedings Article

Economic Development in Indonesia’s Creative Economy Development

Hendra Wijaya, Edi Pranoto
Economic development is way to meet human needs by utilizing existing resources so that they can produce effective and efficient use values. However, the use of human resources does not mean that it can be done arbitrarily and without considering the consequences. Therefore, it is very important for...
Proceedings Article

An Economic Added Value Analysis of Ready-To-Drink Prebiotic Candidate Milk

Silvia Oktavia Nur Yudiastuti, Saiful Anwar, Yossi Wibisono, Agung Wahyono, Anna Maria Handayani, Annisa’u Choirun, Resti Pranata Putri, Findi Citra Kusumasari
This current research aimed to investigate the value added of RTD Prebiotic Candidate Milk which is enriched by xylose as a prebiotic candidate. Xylose is a pentose sugar with functional properties as an anti-diabetic agent by repairing pancreatic cells. Its sweetness level is as sweet as sucrose. The...
Proceedings Article

Investigating the Construction of Attitudinal and Grading Meanings in University Enrolment Advertisements

In the Case of the Chinese University of Hong Kong and Jiangsu University

Yuxi Wang
The present study draws upon the Appraisal system to compare the attitudinal and grading resources employed by two tertiary institutions inside and outside the Chinese mainland to present how they are evaluated as excellent education options for the prospective students. Findings indicate that The Chinese...
Proceedings Article

A Preliminary Study and Validation of Characters as the Basis for Merdeka Belajar Program in University Level

Miftakhul Jannah, Aris Rudi Purnomo, Prima Vidya Asteria, Ricky Eka Putra
This research aims at generating and validating items of characters relevant to Curriculum Merdeka Belajar. This research used focus group discussion and content validity ratio to determine the validity of the items. Fifty participants were involved to give their response in the questionnaire using g-form...
Proceedings Article

Discussing Three Racial Debates in Brazil

Analyzing the Race Issues in Tent of Miracles

Xiangqi Yang
Brazilian racial issues have always been the center of attention in many sociologists’ and anthropologists’ studies. Based on different perspectives and data, they came to a dissimilar understanding of racial ideology in Brazil. This paper discusses three heated debates on Brazilian racial ideology and...
Proceedings Article

Financial Protection and Literacy to Financial Inclusion Usage Electronic Transaction

Made J. W. Kanta, Agus Zainul Arifin
The purpose of this study was to verify the relationship between financial literacy and financial inclusion using the DOI and RALC theoretical approaches. In the use of financial technology in Indonesia. The data used is primary data obtained by distributing questionnaires through google form. Data analysis...
Proceedings Article

Research on Red Cultural Resources in Rural Cultural Revitalization

Guo Quan ying, Qin Xin yi, Liu An ning
Red culture is a revolutionary culture with distinctive characteristics of Marxism and Chinese characteristics formed in the practice of the CPC leading the Chinese people to explore the socialist road and in different historical periods. It undertakes the special mission of “inheriting Chinese culture...
Proceedings Article

The Model of Organizational Strengthening of the Political Party Wings in The Indonesian Party System

Rahmat Muhajir Nugroho, Ibrahim Azis Harahap
This study aims to evaluate the arrangement and position of the Organization of Political Party Wings in the Law No. 2 of 2011 on Amendments to Law No. 2 of 2008 Concerning Political Parties and to provide a model for improving the Organization of Political Party Wings in the future within the Indonesian...
Proceedings Article

The Comparative Study on Distant Learning Implementation Between Universitas Negeri Semarang and Kasetsart University

Agus Nuryatin, Ida Zulaeha, Eko Handoyo
Universitas Negeri Semarang is really committed to becoming a University with an international reputation. One of the ways to achieve that is to conduct distant learning with its students during the work from home process in COVID 19 prevention. Universitas Negeri Semarang has developed ELENA (
Proceedings Article

Repair, Rebirth and Recreation in Urban Renewal

Qingxi Fan
Repair and renovation of old buildings is an effective approach to promote the urban renewal. Recreation of urban special situations is a high-level respect to urban context. Using the case analysis method, this paper analyzes representative examples of urban renewal in Hong Kong and Taiwan to discuss...
Proceedings Article

Analysis on Value Evolution of Higher Vocational Teachers and Its Development Paths under the Big Data Background

Man Deng
Traditional values, roles and positioning of higher vocational teachers are challenged under the big data background. Internet and information technology are altering educational forms. The core value orientation of higher vocational teachers is the innovation of vocational education that integrates...
Proceedings Article

Characteristics of the Yihe River Paleo-Valley near the Linyi Jiuqu Yihe River Bridge, Shandong Province

Ting Wu, Kechao Yan, Guangjie Cao
The Yihe River’s stratigraphical cross-section near the Jiuqu Yihe River Bridge of Linyi City was selected as the research zone. The stratigraphical cross-sections of paleo-valley were established with bore datum near the Jiuqu Yihe River Bridge. The geophysical seismic imaging method of shallow stratigraphy...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Modern Music Composition Development Direction under the Digital and Computer Background

Sui Wu
In this paper, we conduct research on modern music composition development direction under the digital and computer background. We can hear the music work, at ordinary times is the musician and sound engineer through three different stages of product created by mutual cooperation. The development of...
Proceedings Article

The Appearance and the Being On Pre-philosophical Terminology in Ancient Egyptian Cosmogonic Texts of the New Kingdom

Vladimir Zhdanov
The problem of the Genesis in philosophy is one of the fundamental themes of modern historical-philosophical science. The article deals with the problem of reflection of ontological categories in the cosmogonic sources of the New Kingdom. Based on the analysis of the use of nouns xprw (forms of development,...
Proceedings Article

On Influence of Music Education on Emotional Development of Pre-school Children

Lei Liu
Music education is an important part of infant education, which belongs to an important means for shaping personality and aesthetics of pre-school children. Music produces a subtle role for children emotional development with unique appeal. It has extremely important role for perfecting infant personality...
Proceedings Article

China Textile and Garment Industry to Enhance Competitiveness by Industrial Chain Management

L.H. Jing
China’s textile and garment industry is declined by the fluctuation of world economy, appreciation of Chinese currency and increment of labor cost. Based on the industrial chain management theory, this paper aims to find the constraints on the industrial chain and propose how to enhance the international...
Proceedings Article

Strategy Research on Perfecting the Cold-chain Logistics System of Fresh Food

Jing Zhou, Jian Sun
This paper simply introduces the related concepts of fresh food cold-chain logistics, analyzes the current situations and existing problems of fresh food cold-chain logistics in China, puts forward effective methods and measures of perfecting fresh food cold-chain logistics, and looks into the future...
Proceedings Article

Analysis on the Necessity of Protection and Inheritance of Intangible Culture Heritage of Music in Campus Conditions

Zhenhua Wang
Music intangible culture is a major component of the non-material culture, which is from life and higher than life as an art form. It takes advantage of the tune ups and downs, dielectric relaxation and reasonable body movements to fully demonstrate the work content, form and emotion in front of the...
Proceedings Article

The Role of L1 in Chinese College Students' English Learning: A Study of Kellerman's Theory of Language Transfer

Yan-Qing Huang
From a psycholinguistic perspective, Kellerman suggested that L1 transfer is determined by learners' perception of the distance between the native language and the target language (psychotypology), and learners' perception of certain L1 rules or items in terms of language specificity/neutrality (psychotypicality)....
Proceedings Article

Research on College basic Computer Teaching under the Mode of Application-Oriented Talent Training

Menglu Zeng, Mengjie Zeng, Meng Wang
With the development of the times, the college basic computer teaching has become an important subject. Starting from the connotation of application-oriented talent training, through the investigation of freshmen's computer application level, and based on the present situation of college basic computer...
Proceedings Article

Socio-Psychological Study of Factors Affecting the Success and Reliability of Professional Activities of Oil Industry Workers

O.A. Romanko, T.V. Snegireva, G.N. Volyansky, S.V. Zaitseva
The article presents the results of socio-psychological study of external factors affecting success/failure and reliability / unreliability of professional activities of staff of hazardous production facilities. The psychological substantiation of expediency of research of their individual-personal features...
Proceedings Article

The Application of the Inquiry Teaching Method in Badminton Teaching in Colleges

Xiaoming Lei, Ling Liu
Inquiry teaching method can give full play to students' subjective role and encourages them to explore and research new knowledge. Besides, this model can cultivate their creative spirit and thinking, and enhance their creative ability and cooperative ability. Based on the author's learning and practical...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Network Model Determinant on Tourism SMEs Performance

Rochiyati Murniningsih, Yulinda Devi Pramita, Friztina Anisa, Eni Zuhriyah
This research empirically tests and analyzes the network model that affects the performance of Tourism SMEs. The SME Tourism network model includes knowledge sharing and innovation. Knowledge sharing is measured by network density, network centrality, relational social capital (CSR) and cognitive social...
Proceedings Article

Digitalization of Educational Processes in Universities: Achievements and Problems

O.I. Popova, N.M. Gagarina, D.A. Karkh
Digitalization of the global economic processes has had a great impact on the digitalization of higher education. The idea of developing this area of educational activity is supported by many researchers who speak about the possibilities of expanding 24/7 learning technologies for the digital generation,...
Proceedings Article

On the Effective Prevention of Financial Risks in High-Tech Enterprises

Wang Ya
Science is an important internal driving force for development. With the rapid development of science and technology, the development of high-tech industry is promoting the rapid progress of human society. In order to speed up their own economic development, countries around the world are competing to...
Proceedings Article

Status Analysis and Improvement Measures of Educational Management Informatization in Higher Education Institutions

Rong Liu
In the era of informatization and the background of building socialism with Chinese characteristics, educational management in higher education institutions should follow the development of times and meet the demand for talents across the world based on the reform of quality-oriented education. Its constant...
Proceedings Article

Passive-Aggressive and Antagonistic Repercussions in RPG Game as Shown in Devil May Cry

Risa Rumetha Simanjuntak, E A Putra
This research analyzed the complexities of human characters as represented through RPG games. As a case this research used an RPG game entitled Devil May Cry. In specific the data were taken from two main characters in the game, Dante and Vergil, who were identical twins. Both characters were antagonists...
Proceedings Article

Development of Virtual Laboratory (VL-IPA) Learning Media on Lens Experiment Simulation

Devi Puspitasari, Supahar, Khoirul Huda, Wahyu Anggraini Pramusinta
Practical-based learning during the Covid 19 pandemic was not optimal. Therefore, researchers developed science media for distance learning by harness virtual laboratories in applications that run computers. The purpose of the research are: (1) to specify the validity of the VL-IPA; (2) to specify the...
Proceedings Article

Illocutionary Acts in Lost in Thailand Detective Humor Movie

Subandi, Herina Endah Pangesty, Galih Wibisono
The meaning of a speech is not always identical with the structure of the speech form and it cannot only be traced based on types also its constituent of internal elements. It is because the meaning of speech has a correlation between speech and the actions that the speaker is doing. The external element...
Proceedings Article

Policy Research and Development Suggestions on International Understanding Education in East Asia Under the Background of Globalization

Yuyu Zheng
With the advent of globalization, under the advocacy of UNESCO, international understanding education is booming, and relevant policy documents are constantly updated with the development of society. The connotation of international understanding literacy has experienced different stages, such as paying...
Proceedings Article

English Education Program Evaluation

Students’ Perspectives in an Indonesian Private University

Uun Muhaji, Lasim Muzammil, Andy
Despite its pivotal role in the successive curriculum evaluation process, program evaluation focusing on investigating the final semester students’ voices, particularly in the Indonesian private teacher training institution contexts has been under-studied. The present study evaluated an English education...
Proceedings Article

The Transformation of Imagination into Common Memories in Literary Works

Xun Zhu
In literary works, especially in poems, there are many imagined characters, scenes or plots. These characters, scenes or plots must be unfamiliar when they were first created. However, when these imaginary characters, scenes or plots are mentioned, quoted or recreated in the works of later literati,...
Proceedings Article

Vector Fields of the Dynamics of Non-Holonomic Constraint System With Elliptical Configuration Space

Melly Ariska, Hamdi Akhsan, Muhammad Muslim
Computational physics can be used to help solve complex dynamics equations, both translational and rotational. The purpose of this study is to obtain differences in the dynamics of mechanical systems with non-holonomic constraints in various flat and curved configuration spaces based on physics computing....
Proceedings Article

A Curriculum Development Project for the Future Global Communication of Chinese students

Yuqi Chen
As an international language, English is used more and more frequently in international cross-cultural communication. Due to traditional China’s test-oriented education, most people still cannot communicate proficiently in English in universities or even at work, which is “Dumb English”. As an English...
Proceedings Article

The Influence of School Environment and Teacher Work Motivation on Teacher Professionalism

Yusnawati, Muhammad Kristiawan, Yenny Puspita
The research was conducted with the aim of 1) knowing and describing the influence of the school environment on teacher professionalism in SMP Negeri Kertapati District; 2) knowing and describing the effect of teacher work motivation on teacher professionalism in SMP Negeri Kertapati District, and 3)...
Proceedings Article

Inclusivity Concern in The Private Islamic Schools

Moh Ali Aziz, Advan Navis Zubaidi
This article discusses the issue of inclusiveness in private Islamic schools, specifically in Surabaya. By conducting observations in various Islamic schools, this article aims to reveal the potential of inclusiveness within Islamic private schools in Surabaya. There is a presumption that teachers in...
Proceedings Article

The Plantation in Lampongsche District in the XIX–XX Century

Yusuf Perdana, Ali Imron, Yustina Sri Ekwandari
Plantation or Landbouw in Lampung District is one of the exploited sides on the island of Sumatra by the colonials. The plantation originated from the Dutch colonial government, various plantation commodities were very advanced and of high quality. Various types of plantation commodities found in the...
Proceedings Article

Adapting Technology in Islamic Psychology: Exploring Digital Pathways to Spiritual and Psychological Wellbeing

Devid Dwi Erwahyudin
This study discusses the application of technology in Islamic psychology through digital dhikr applications, spiritual educational content in social media, and the application of technology in Islamic therapy and counseling. The research methodology uses a qualitative approach with case studies of Muslim...
Proceedings Article

Technology construction and player demonstration: A Study of Simulation Game from the Perspective of Mediatization Theory

Feifan Li
The popularity of Simulation Games reflects the mediated survival status of young people in the Internet era. From the perspective of mediated survival, this paper explores how young gamers develop the interact with technology in simulation management games and jointly construct mediated reality. The...
Proceedings Article

Silver Influencers on the Rise: How Source Influences and Parasocial Interaction Affect Consumer Purchase Intention

Chuyao Huang, Fei Qiao
Using social media to disseminate audio-visual information, silver influencers have gained a big number of youthful audiences. Live streaming with commodities and advertising placement of videos are the primary commercial channel used by silver influencers while the effect of which has not been studied...
Proceedings Article

An Exploration of the Application of Situational Teaching Method in the Classroom Teaching of Secondary English Vocational Education in the New Era

Yan Yang, Yunwei Li, Yuchao Zhang
In the context of the new period, secondary vocational education, especially secondary English education, is facing the need for innovation. Traditional teaching methods, focusing on one-way knowledge instillation and mechanical memorization, have been difficult to meet the goal of enhancing teaching...
Proceedings Article

The Effects of Multimodal Teaching for Primary Students in L2 Primary School Classrooms

Ruoyu Lian
Multimodality theory has been applied in a second language learning environment where various language transformation approaches such as oral and written language, videos, gestures, and movements, are vital to improving L2 students’ understanding. Moreover, the realization of multimodal teaching through...
Proceedings Article

An Analysis of Second Language Learners’ Errors in English Writing

Jimei Li
This paper is to explore second language learners’ errors on the basis of three important schools, namely, Contrastive Analysis, Error Analysis, and Inter-language. It takes errors in English writing, committed by Chinese college students as researching samples. It classifies the errors and further probes...
Proceedings Article

Development of Web-Based Scouting Teaching Materials in the Faculty of Sports Sciences

Saipul Ambri Damanik, Agung Sunarno
This research is a development research that aims to produce a product in the form of a design of web-based teaching materials and books with ISBN as teaching materials, learning resources and alternative media, which can facilitate student learning, designed according to student characteristics, in...
Proceedings Article

Current Situation and Educational Countermeasures on Left Behind Children in Rural

Nan Cui, Jun Yang
Pressure on everyone is there, the effects of different pressure are not same. Pressure to a certain extent will affect people's physical and mental health. In general, the people in the workplace stress are generally bigger. With the development of the society, everyone has different degree of pressure...
Proceedings Article

Study on the Key Factors for Enterprises Adopting XBRL Technology Based on TOE Framework

Wei Di, Jing Xia
At present, the Extensible Business Reporting Language (XBRL) financial reporting has given rise to a study fever at home and abroad. And the development of application of XBRL has also been focused on by various industries and fields. This thesis presents the origin of XBRL and the latest domestic and...
Proceedings Article

A Study of the Construction of Subject Service Platform in University Library with the Orientation of the Construction of Key Subjects

XinYu Wang, QingSong Zhang
With the higher education shifting from the mode of extensive development which is aim at expanding school scale to the mode of intensive development which is centered on discipline construction and quality improvement, the disciplinary level, contribution and influence have become the core competitiveness...