Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research

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81396 articles
Proceedings Article

Knowledge Sharing in Groups to Improve Learning Outcomes and Social Skills of Elementary School Students

Siti Rohmah, Rusyiah, Cecep Maman Hermawan, Diah Mutiara, Adlan Fauzi Lubis, Siti Shofiyah, Okta Rosfiani
Cooperative learning is a learner-centered learning process, where students share knowledge in groups. Student Teams Achievement Divisions (STAD) is a type of cooperative learning that is effective in improving students' critical thinking skills. This study aims to describe the use of the STAD type...
Proceedings Article

The Effectiveness of Halal Certification for Micro, Small, and Medium Entreprises (MSMEs) With Self-Declare Scheme

Irma Suriyani, Lego Karjoko, I Gusti Ayu Ketut Rachmi Handayani
The establishment of obligation of halal certification for the MSMEs is based on the provisions of Law Number 11 of 2020 on Job Creation juncto the Regulation of the Minister of Religious Affairs Number 20 of 2021 on Halal Certification for Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises. Both the regulations become...
Proceedings Article

The Fundamental Taxation Design of Digital Transaction

I Nyoman Darmayasa
This study aims to review how the efforts of the tax authorities to tax digital transactions to improve tax compliance. This research is a review of the provisions and regulations related to digital transactions. The review uses three approaches of historicity, rationality, and policy actuality based...
Proceedings Article

Verbal and Nonverbal Communication in American Culture and Its’ Implications for BIPA Teacher’s Intercultural Competence

Nuny Sulistiany Idris, Syifa Nauval Muftia
Intercultural misunderstandings can lead to communication failures. Communication failure between BIPA teachers and students can also result in BIPA learning failures. Therefore, BIPA teachers must understand the culture of their students, including American culture because there are quite a lot of BIPA...
Proceedings Article

Legal Protections for Lecturers

Apriani Sijabat, Herna Febrianty Sianipar, Theresia Monika Siahaan, Osco P. Sijabat
This article aims to examine the legal protections of educational personnel, especially lecturers. Lecturers are professional educators and scientists with the main task of transforming, developing, and disseminating science, technology, and art through education, research, and community service. The...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Financial Behavior on Investment Decisions in the Millennial Generation Group

Rosyidah Rahmah, Disman Disman
The decision to invest in Islamic finance itself is driven by many factors, such as intergenerational characteristics and financial behavior. This study aims to determine the impact of financial behavior on the investment decisions of millennial Islamic mutual funds. This study uses quantitative methods,...
Proceedings Article

Humanistic Thinking in Packaging Design

Linan Zheng, Liang Zhang, Jian Zhao
Under the background of rapid development of product economy, the packaging industry is developing rapidly. At the same time, more and more problems are exposed. For example, the lack of aesthetic taste and cultural characteristics, the neglect of humane care, the destruction of the ecological environment,...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Risk Rating and Risk Control Measures on E-commerce Credit based on Nash Game Analysis

Xiaoyan Zhang
This paper analyzes on the risk rating and risk control measures on E-commerce credit based on the Nash game analysis. Based on game theory, as both parties is always looking for the optimal strategy from the perspective of their own, thus forming the Nash equilibrium as the main body of the existence...
Proceedings Article

Didactical reflections on the teaching and training of mathematical modeling course at local colleges

Qingyun Zou, Xuyan Xiang, Renwei Jia, An Yuan
During the last ten years mathematic education in China focuses on promoting students to develop their mathematic modeling competences. In this paper, we want to concentrate on the problem in traditional mathematical modeling course. We give a brief introduction to the current status of the course in...
Proceedings Article

Discussion about the Development of Greenway with Region-Based Tourism

Jianrong Zhang, Zhenbin Zhao
"Region-based tourism" is an inevitable trend of the development of the tourism industry; it designates the strategic direction for the development of greenway which is an effective means to promote the realization of region-based tourism at the same time. But what kinds of models and strategies should...
Proceedings Article

Research on the causes and Countermeasures of the tension between doctors and patients

Chen Chen
In recent years, with the continuous development of China's economy and the improvement of people's living standard, people's attention to health has been strengthened. But because of our limited medical resources, uneven distribution of medical resources, uneven level of doctors and other reasons, led...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Financial Statements of Banking Industry Based on Harvard Analysis-Taking Bank of China as an Example

Qi Li, Miao Feng
The globalization of the economy makes the status of the banking sector even more important. Bank of China is one of the major representatives of the banking sector, it is a financial analysis, and you can see the whole banking industry. Financial analysis is an assessment of the development of the enterprise...
Proceedings Article

Zoomorphic Cultural Codes in the Semantis of Bulgarian and Russian Similes

Radostina Stoyanova
This article deals with zoomorphic cultural codes of Bulgarian and Russian linguistic pictures of the world, in which images of domestic and wild animals often underlie the associations with human qualities and traits of character. The content of similes of the Bulgarian and Russian languages reflects...
Proceedings Article

"Internet+" Area Enterprise Information Security Research

Guanghui Li, Jing Su, Zhaohan Ding
2015, in the government work report, "Internet +" has been formally put forward to determine the status of "Internet +" in national economic development. So-called "Internet +" refers to a new economic form, which is about technology and the Internet business integrate to achieve the goal of promoting...
Proceedings Article

Study on the Reform of Practical Teaching System of International Economics

Ting Pan
Practice teaching is an important part of the economics profession education and training system, to cultivate students' practical ability, innovative thinking and entrepreneurship awareness plays an important role. In the new century, with from elite education to mass education changes in higher education...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Evaluation System of Provider for the Third Party Logistics Based on Analytic Hierarchy Process

He-Hua Li, Huan Chen
With the development of the global economic integration business model, many enterprises increase their own business income by enhancing their core competence. But currently in the process of selecting third-party logistics provider, many enterprises are still in the original state, either simply by...
Proceedings Article

The Innovativeness and The Decision-Making Skills of Primary School Principals

Aceng Muhtaram Mirfani
One of the primary strategic roles of the school principals to drive the school's progressiveness is as a change manager. The school principals have available at the schools as an initiator of innovations and manage it. They have the competence to mapping the school's generic problem that only can to...
Proceedings Article

The Peringgit Mosque, Malacca: Analysis on the Design of the Pulpit

Anisah Bahyah Ahmad, Wan Kamal Mujani
The Peringgit Mosque, built in the 18th century during the Dutch colonial era, is one of the oldest mosques in Malacca. It is preserved as a historical legacy under the supervision of the Perbadanan Muzium Negeri Malacca (PERZIM). This article analyses the design of the pulpit that has its own advantages...
Proceedings Article

How to build the management accounting talents training model based on diversified needs

Ye Songqin, Huang Jin
Talent construction is the key to the overall progress of China's management accounting system construction. As an enterprise with the main body of the marketing economy, the company has deep cooperation with institutions of higher learning and professional consulting institutions with technical and...
Proceedings Article

Priority directions and innovative models of consumer market development under the conditions of the new industrialization (on the example of the Orel region)

L.M. Marchenkova, E.M. Samorodova, N.A., Bondareva
The article discusses the priority directions to develop consumer goods markets (on the example of the Orel region), including their transformation under the conditions of the new industrialization. The need for structural transformations in the development of the Russian economy, including consumer...
Proceedings Article

The Role of Information Technology in Improving the Efficiency of Party Building in Oilfield Enterprises

Xiulin Zhang
As an important pillar of China's economic development, oilfield enterprises play an important role in Party building at the grass-roots level. Party building includes many aspects, such as purity building, style building, anti-corruption and honesty building, ideological building, system building and...
Proceedings Article

Understanding Scabies in Religious Boarding School (Pesantren)

Cice Tresnasari, Titik Respati, Meta Maulida, Yani Triyani, Maya Tejasari, Yuktiana Kharisma, Ismawati Ismawati
Scabies is a skin disease that is still a problem with 200 million cases in 2015 in the world. Reducing the incidence of scabies, the understanding of scabies is essential since knowledge is a factor that will determine behaviour. This study aims to analyse the relationship between scabies and the level...
Proceedings Article

Similarities of Metaphorical Uses of Wind in English and Chinese

Weiji Chen
Metaphorical uses of wind in English and Chinese can be classified into two types: in the form of idiom and in the form of single word. Wind’s attribute in the source doamin is mapped onto the target domain to talk about the target concept. The most frquently uesed metaphor is related to the force of...
Proceedings Article

Views on the Security of Nation-States in the Context of Non-Traditional Security Issues under the Globalization

Xiangyun Meng
After the end of the Cold War, a decline in threats to traditional security has been seen in most countries and regions of the world. At the same time, in the context of globalization in the economic, political, cultural and other areas, the diversity of threats to non-traditional security is becoming...
Proceedings Article

Model of Fixed Assets Management in the Income Financial Management Agency and Regional Assets of Nias Utara District

Muhamad Nur Afandi, Kosasih Kosasih, Enueri Zendrato
This research is based on the existence of fixed asset management in the Income Financial Management and Asset Financial Management Agency and Regional Assets of North Nias District which is still not running well. The research method used in this study is descriptive qualitative. Data collection research...
Proceedings Article

Research on Human Resources Localization in Overseas Engineering Projects--Take the Algerian Project as an Example

Yu Wang, Sijia Jiang
With the fierce competition of overseas project market, human resources localization has become the only way to sustain the development of overseas engineering projects. Thus, in this paper, the significance of human resources localization is analyzed in terms of the need of the “going global” strategy,...
Proceedings Article

Evaluation on Transformation Efficiency of Resource-based Cities in Shanxi Province

Zhaoyuan Zhang
In order to explore the efficient and reasonable transformation path of resource-based cities in Shanxi Province, this paper uses the super-efficient SBM model to evaluate the transformation effects of 10 resource-based cities in Shanxi Province from 2012 to 2016. The results show that the overall transformation...
Proceedings Article

Comparison of Female Legislative Candidate Selection Between the Nasdem Party in 2013 and the Unidos Podemos Party in 2015

Ahmad Hidayah, Aditya Perdana
The selection of candidates is the initial phase for women to be able to participate actively in politics and to sit in a party or even the parliament. This research analyzes and compares the selection of women candidates between the Spanish political party Unidos Podemos and the Indonesian political...
Proceedings Article

A New Exploration of the Combined Treatment of Symptoms and Social Work Psychology in Male Sexual Addiction Patients

Chengchung Tsai, Minyi Li
Post-Orgasmic Illness Syndrome (POIS) was first discovered by Professor Waldinger and Schweitzerl in 2002. After publishing several papers such as "POIS Records of Emotional, Psychological and Behavioral Changes in Male Patients" and "POIS Patients", "Clinical Observation Records of Psychological and...
Proceedings Article

Immunity of the deputies of legislative (representative) bodies of the subjects of the Russian Federation in the context of sustainable development

L Konovalova, M Mataeva, S Kapsalyamova
The article is devoted to the study of the development stages of the immunity institution of the deputies of legislative (representative) bodies in the subjects of the Russian Federation. The paper also devotes sufficient attention to the analysis of opinions on the effectiveness of this institution,...
Proceedings Article

The Implementation of Project Citizen in Contextual Teaching and Learning Approach

Eka Jayadiputra
The gap between the values taught and the behavior of citizens today is increasingly alarming. Student misconduct, drugs, rampant corruption practices, and other negative behaviors that conflict with values of belief, honesty, and responsibility need the attention of all parties, especially the education...
Proceedings Article

Terms of How to Give Herbs in Serat Primbon Jampi Jawi

Tya Resta Fitriana, Astiana Ajeng Rahadini
This study aims to describe and analyze the terms and methods of giving herbal medicine in the Serat Primbon Jampi Jawi collection of Dewantara Kirti Yogyakarta library. The research method used are the analysis of the components of meaning and the modern philology approach. The modern philology approach...
Proceedings Article

Study on the Transformation of Finance Accountants in Colleges and Universities

Xiufen Bao
With the development of information technology, artificial intelligence technology and society, it is extremely urgent to transformation for the financial accountants in colleges and universities to transform. In order to better keep with the development of the time and strengthen the competitiveness...
Proceedings Article

The Influence of Virtual Chemistry Laboratory Media on Students’ Understanding of Submicroscopic Level and Student Activity Grade XI

Yunia Rizki, Murniaty Simorangkir, Eddyanto
The purpose of this study was to analyze the influence of virtual chemistry laboratory on students understanding of submicroscopic level and student activity in solubility and solubility product topic. This research was descriptive analysis. This research was conducted in State Senior High School 1 Binjai....
Proceedings Article

A Contrastive Study of Metaphorical Expressions of Up Sense Spatial Words in English and Chinese

Pan He
The present study makes an attempt to explore the metaphorical extensions of Up sense spatial words from four aspects: quantity, state, time and social status, drawing on the theoretical framework of cognitive linguistics, concentrating on the conceptual metaphor theory by Lakoff and Johnson. From the...
Proceedings Article

Research on Network Engineering Professional Practice Teaching Reform and Innovation in Application-oriented Undergraduate Universities

Changjian Guo, Zhengmao Li
This article explores the network engineering specialty practice teaching mode and puts forward a reasonable modular practice teaching mode, so as to build a more perfect applied undergraduate network engineering practice teaching system, which can provide theoretical basis and operational platform for...
Proceedings Article

The Application of Autonomous Learning in English Phonetics Teaching

Xin Wang
Since the 1980s, the education sector has studied autonomy learning from different perspectives. Autonomous learning is not only the goal of the course, but also learning methods and learning ability, not only can effectively improve academic performance, but also lay the foundation for lifelong learning....
Proceedings Article

Opportunities, Anomalies and Governance of New Media under Capital Logic: Case Study of WeChat Subscription "Mi Meng"

Tianwen Chen
In recent years, with the development of Internet technology, the form of news media has changed, and a variety of new media have emerged. The integration of new media and different industries not only changes the operation of other industries but also re-integrates the relationship between new media...
Proceedings Article

The Use of State Property to Increase State Revenues: Optimize Control in Universitas Negeri Makassar

Herlina Sakawati, Aldo Pangestu, Widyawati, Sulmiah, Novayanti Sopia Rukmana
State property is not only used as government infrastructure. State property can be used to increase revenue by doing the rental, leasing, cooperation utilization and so forth, as stipulated in the Minister of Finance Regulation No.78/2016 concerning the procedures for utilizing State property. Utilization...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Industrial Competitiveness of Beijing Intelligent Connected Vehicle: City Comparison

Ruiyu Feng, Yingqi Liu
Based on the diamond model, this paper constructs the industrial competitiveness evaluation index system of intelligent connected vehicle with 4 first-class indexes, 9 second-class indexes and 16 third-class indexes, and makes an empirical comparative analysis on the relevant data of Beijing, Shanghai...
Proceedings Article

Study on the Integration of General Education and Law Education

Teng Hu, Huafeng Lu
With the vigorous development of legal education today, the personality shaping and skill training of the educated must not be partial. For a long time, legal education has been affected by professionalization, specialization and marketization. Legal education in colleges and universities has increasingly...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Canteen Services in Educational Institutions using Force Field Analysis Approach

Vira Maratus Sholihah, Asmaul Kusna, Bayu Angga Mahardika, Desi Retno Nugraheni, Deva Eriyani, Nila Octavia Yulindasari, Salsabila Taftania, Ahmad Nurabadi
This research aims to determine the improvement of canteen services in all faculties of the Universitas Negeri Malang (UM) by identifying problems using the method based on force field analysis, which includes the level of student satisfaction and as a means of criticism and suggestions for canteen managers....
Proceedings Article

Studies on privacy protection of web accounts in the case of a user’s death in China

Guan Yuan
Privacy issues of social media accounts have been a hot topic in many countries as well as Internet communities. As a result, many concerns on privacy protection have been raised by users frequently, especially as the developing application of big data and intelligent information technology seems to...
Proceedings Article

Personal Metadiscourse Features on TED Talks by British Speakers

Shanty A.Y.P.S Duwila, Yeni Probowati
The present research aims to analyze types and functions of personal metadiscourse used by native speakers (British) during their performance on TED Talks. The study applied Ädel’s (2006) taxonomy of personal metadiscourse in academic discourses to capture the occurrences of personal metadiscourse. Personal...
Proceedings Article

Research on Digital Transformation of Securities Companies Enabled by Financial Technology

Huimin Li
In this paper, by constructing the security data management company and innovation laboratory, we not only systematically grasp the feature of the industry chain value model, and the entity industry asset securitization and its flow pattern, supervision, and risk prevention, but also provide a comprehensive...
Proceedings Article

Deforestation and Disaster Mitigation: Policy Analysis for the Prevention and Enforcement of Forest Function Change in Bima

Aman Ma’arij, M. Firdaus, R Ridwan, S Sukirman
This article is the result of research on environmental degradation. Forests have a very important and vital function in human life, i.e., socially, economically, and other aspects. Therefore, forests need to be preserved and utilized to ensure it sustainability. Forest destruction due to illegal logging...
Proceedings Article

Conflict in the South China Sea and Exports to China Within the Asean-China Free Trade Agreement Framework

Muhammad Imam, Maddaremmeng A. Panennungi
The ASEAN–China Free Trade Agreement (ACFTA), a regional trade agreement signed in 2004, established free trade for goods among participating countries. The ACFTA removed tariffs on goods beginning in 2010 for trade between ASEAN and China. However, trade cooperation between ASEAN and China has been...
Proceedings Article

Perspectives on Cultural Strategy and World Diversified Music Education

Yide Peng
The diversity of world culture is the source and foundation of the development of music culture in various countries, and China’s profound historical and cultural accumulation provides unique conditions for the development of music. This article explores the future development path of world music education...
Proceedings Article

The Influence of Independence, Due Professional Care, and Its Influence on Audit Quality

Studies at 6 Public Accounting Offices in South Jakarta

Bambang Subiyanto
Independence and professional due care is a form of a person’s obligation to be accountable for managing the authority entrusted to him to achieve the stated goals. This research seeks to collect empirical data on the effect of auditor independence, audit experience and auditors’ ethics on audit efficiency....
Proceedings Article

Character Education Through JEMOYA Cycle Based on the Orientation of Tri Hita Karana Philosophy in Elementary School

Ida Bagus Putu Arnyana, Ida Ayu Made Istri Utami
This study aims to develop the systematic character education for elementary schools, through JEMOYA cycle based on the orientation of Tri Hita Karana philosophy. The cycle consists of explaining, modeling, and cultivation activities. The explaining activity was administered to students, followed by...
Proceedings Article

Reviewing the Causes in the K-12 period of the Chinese Gender Inequity in Higher Education

Yuexi Liu, Yitong Jin, Kaixin Yu, Siyi Shen
This paper aimed to investigate the main reasons for gender inequity problems in the K-12 period and raise attention among schools, family and educators. This paper reviews previous work and adds comments and arguments on it. There are four major factors which can cause gender inequity in education:...
Proceedings Article

An Exploration Study of Indonesian National Sports Committee Management in Tuban Regency

Ahmad Faris Dwinanda Saputra, Sumarno
This study aims to investigate the management of the National Sports Committee (KONI) Tuban Regency with a qualitative exploratory approach. KONI has seven stakeholders which consist of the general chief, secretary, treasurer, chairman of achievement field, and three representatives of the sports federation...
Proceedings Article

Dangdut, Saweran, and Sexual Harassment: A Case Study on Female Dangdut Singers in Jakarta and Bandung

Ullynara Zungga Vriscarinie Syahvira, L. G. Saraswati Putri, Mia Siscawati
This article reviews the sexual harassment experienced by female dangdut singers as female workers. Research data was collected through in depth interviews with four female dangdut singers in DKI Jakarta. The collected data was then observed specifically in regards to the practice of saweran, and was...
Proceedings Article

Verbal Meaning Contained in Podcasts on Denny Sumargo’s Youtube Channel

I Nyoman Kardana, Dhamma Satrivi Wiranadhi, Nyoman Sujaya
Youtube is a video sharing website created by Chad Hurley, Steve Chen, and Jawed Karim in February 2005. This study aims to examine the meaning of any language contained in the video podcast on Denny Sumargo’s youtube channel. This research is sourced from Denny Sumargo’s youtube channel. Research data...
Proceedings Article

The Role of Religious Institutions in Overcoming the Waste Problem

Putri Pinata, Tarisa Ahsan, Dewi Amiratul Muminah, Edo Tegar Sugiarto, Gading Gamaputra, Agus Prastyawan
The high volume of waste has resulted in new problems at PPPM Baitul Makmur Surabaya (PPPM BM) because the waste management process is still not optimal. The purpose of the study is to solve the waste problem in the PPPM BM Surabaya environment by utilizing maggots as decomposers of organic waste and...
Proceedings Article

Harmonization in Determining Actions of State Civil Services (Asn) Who Qualify as Maladministration with Criminal Acts of Corruption

Sunarto, Rini Retno Winarni
This paper aims to determine the boundaries between the actions of the agency or the State Civil Apparatus (ASN) or government officials (bestuurhandelingen) that harm state finances of quality as maladministration or constitute a criminal act of corruption. Constitutional Court Decision No. 25/PUU-XIV/2016...
Proceedings Article

Leisure Activities and Chinese Older Adults’ Cognitive Function

Shen Wang, Li Zhang
Through analyzing the 2011 data released by the Chinese Longitudinal Healthy Longevity Survey (CLHLS), this study examined the correlation between leisure activities and older adults’ cognitive function. The study found that a higher level of leisure activity participation linked to a lower risk of cognitive...
Proceedings Article

Description of Student’s Spatial-Visual Intelligence in Solving Geometry Flat Side Problems Based on Geometry Initial Ability Level

Anisah Syafiqah, M. Arif Tiro, Hamzah Upu
This study aims to find out the general description of spatial-visual intelligence on 7th-grade students of Junior High School in solving geometry flat side problems based on geometry initial ability level. This study used Hass Theory, which classifies characteristics of spatial-visual intelligence on...
Proceedings Article

A System Review on the Influence of Children’s Second Language Skills on Their First Language Reading Level

Jiani Xu
In the context of globalization, research on the effects of bilingualism on cognitive functioning is one of the hot topics in psychology and linguistics. Previous studies on bilingual processing have shown that native language skills can influence second language acquisition, but studies on the effects...
Proceedings Article

Policy Implementation on Guidelines for New Habits Adaptation Lampung Province: Survey on Student Groups

Simon Sumanjoyo Hutagalung, Himawan Indrajat
Various efforts have been made by the government and implemented into the community to overcome the impact of the pandemic, one of which is Lampung Governor Regulation Number 45 of 2020 concerning Guidelines for New Habits Adaptation Towards a Productive and Safe Society for Corona Virus Disease 2019...
Proceedings Article

Discussion on Socialist Core Values in Promoting National Cultural Soft Power

Donghai Jin
The 18th CPC National Congress Report of 2012 put forward to establish socialist core value system from three levels:"the first is prosperity, democracy, civilization and harmony at national level; the second is liberty, equality, justice and rule of law at social level; the third is patriotism, devotion,...
Proceedings Article

The Application of the Improved Chaos Algorithm in the Sports Performance Prediction

Suqiong Feng
With the continuous progress of the science, the physical training is also gradually scientific. As a kind of important sports phenomenon and rule, the statistics and the quantitative analysis method in the sports fieldwill be paid more and more attention by people. During the training process, using...
Proceedings Article

Exploration of Theme Change of Chinese Minority Children’s Literature

He Mai Ti A Li Re
Since the foundation of the state, Chinese minority children's literature ushers in the most booming development period. It breeds rich and activate era spirit and national spirit, shows the distinct theme with children's healthy growth being the core. In the past half century, Chinese minority children's...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Restraining Factors of the Development of Green Logistics in China

Xiaoran Wang
Green logistics bases on the maintenance of the ecological environment and sustainable development. As a new mode of logistics, green logistics represents the direction and trend of logistics development in accordance with the requirements of sustainable development, human survival and development interests...
Proceedings Article

Research on the life oriented mathematics teaching in primary school

Pu Zhang, Heyi Tang
"Life is education, education is life" reveals the close relationship between education and life, and mathematics education as an important branch of education, but also with human development and social progress are closely related. Especially with the advent of the information society, it is the life...
Proceedings Article

Visualization of Traditional Chinese Medicine Research in Recent 10 Years

Zhonghui Yin, Jingyao Zhang, Lin Miao, Jiayi Fang
In this article, the authors selected researches on traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) from the Web of Science Core Collection Database between the time span of 2007 and 2016. By using CiteSpace, the authors mainly visualized published items in each year, source titles, authors, institutions, countries...
Proceedings Article

An Empirical Research on Influence Factor of College Students' Continued Intentions of Online Self-Regulated Learning Based on the Model of ECM and TAM

Yumei Luo, Qiongwei Ye, Luoyan Meng
Online self-regulated learning has been concerned as one of important learning method. The value of online self-regulated learning can be realized by sustained and effective usage, so it is more important to explore the influence factor of college students' continued intentions of online self-regulated...
Proceedings Article

Teaching Model Design of Gas-gas Jet Pump

Zhengyang An
As a common vacuum pump for the transportation of solids, liquids and gases, jet pump is widely utilized in the fields of water conversance, electric power, metallurgy, chemical engineering, environment protection and fire protection. The structure and working principle of jet pump is always the emphasis...
Proceedings Article

On tourism teaching management in the context of information technology development and change

Zhan Yanjie
From the perspective of human science, this paper uses natural science as the tools and methods to analyze student network behavior, considering providing college teaching and student management decision-making as the focal point and fundamental starting point. The utilization of authoritative and professional...
Proceedings Article

Study on the Direct Trading Mechanism of Large User Promoting Renewable Energy Consumption in Xinjiang

Qingshan Zhao, Xiaojun Li, Zhong Fang, Wenjun Gong, Zhongming Zhang, Ming Zeng, LiHua Wang, Shicheng Wang
With the constant deepening of electric power system reform and the problems about the renewable energy consumption becoming increasingly serious, the research on the large user promoting renewable energy consume locally and the pilot work has been carried out in order and achieved initial results. For...
Proceedings Article

Qinqiang opera drama costume connotation and aesthetic implication

YuGang Chen
Qinqiang opera drama is one of the most exquisite stylized performance of traditional Chinese local operas. Qinqiang opera drama clothing, and other theatrical performances of traditional clothing similarity is exquisite and stylized, decorative effect as well as the audiences in the symbolization of...
Proceedings Article

Study on the Strategies for the Industrialization Development of Henan Traditional Craft Arts

Xiaofei Zhang
The craft art industry plays an important role in the cultural industries of Henan Province and is one of the five major cultural industries prioritized in Henan Province. We should investigate the development status of Henan traditional craft art industry, put the existing problems in order, study its...
Proceedings Article

History of Formation of the Russian School of Design

Anna Goncharova
This article is dedicated to the history of design education in Russia from its origin to further development. We discuss the activities of the school of Soviet design VHUTEMAS–VHUTEIN, its new methods of teaching and new design principles, many of which have become canonical for design.
Proceedings Article

On the Value Exploration of Track and Field Teaching in Colleges and Universities Based on the Concept of "Process Evaluation"

Hungyu Wang
To explore the value of college track and field teaching based on the concept of "process evaluation" is to improve the overall quality and physical and mental health of College students, and to highlight the educational policy of "people-oriented" and "comprehensive development". By using the methods...
Proceedings Article

The Effectiveness of the Problem-based Learning- Internet Information Literacy (PBL-IIL) Model in Minimizing Plagiarism among Students

Arwendria Arwendria, Mawardi Effendi, Ahmad Fauzan, Darmansyah Darmansyah
The purpose of the research was to identify the effectiveness of PBL-IIL model in minimazing plagiarism among students. This quantitative study was commenced with third year students (n=36) who took digital library management courses who learn using the PBL-IIL model. In this study used a plagiarism...
Proceedings Article

Impose Demon onto Chinaman—— The Overt Scheme of The Face of Fu Manchu(1965)

Yang Liu
The Mask of Fu Manchu (1932) is removed after 33 years, while he was imposed with evil incantation on The Face of Fu Manchu. Orientalism based on the Colonial Geopolitics and Yellow Peril demonized as narrow racialism reveals the overt scheme of western demonization of national ideology.
Proceedings Article

Innovation in Interdisciplinary Subject for Preserving Mountainous Forest Ecosystems

Atus Syahbudin
Mountain forest is one of the remaining natural forest types in the tropics. Economic needs and the lack of forest villagers’ knowledge around the mountain forests often lead to deforestation. Therefore, efforts to prevent and community empowerment are needed to conserve the remaining natural resources....
Proceedings Article

Foreign Language E-Learning

O.V. Voronina, N.V. Petrova, A.V. Sverdlova, S.R. Udalov
In this article, we have suggested the classification of foreign language e-learning according to the types of speech activities and language aspects - receptive learning (reading, listening, vocabulary, grammar, phonetics, linguistic and cultural studies) and interactive learning (writing and speaking)....
Proceedings Article

The Influences of E-Commerce on International Trade -Evidence from Zhejiang Province of China

Zhiyuan Liu
With the globalization of world economy and the rapid development of information technology, e-commerce has emerged and played an increasingly important role in international trade. The development of e-commerce in China represents a rapid and robust development trend. Zhejiang province, as the earliest...
Proceedings Article

Function Evaluation System of Cross-border B2B E-commerce Website

Wen-zhuo Zhang, Rui Dong, Lu-lian Zou
This paper mainly studies the function system of cross-border B2B e-commerce websites, and establishes a complete cross-border B2B e-commerce website function evaluation system by selecting specific indicators. The indicators mainly include the following seven aspects: basic functions, advertising, global...
Proceedings Article

A Study of the Application of Proportionality Principle in Civil Jurisdiction

Feifei Lin
The proportionality principle is one of the important principles of administrative law. This concept is slightly abstract. In specific cases, the trade-offs between administrative and administrative purposes, private interests and public interests are all applied to the principle of proportionality....
Proceedings Article

Collocation Errors by Indonesian EFL Learners: Types of Errors, Translation Techniques, and Causes of Errors

Ni Luh Putu Setiarini
The limited exposure of English causes the production of collocation errors by learners of English as a foreign language (EFL). In addition, the arbitrary characteristics of collocation and learners’ lower linguistic level result the errors. This study aims to investigate the types of collocation errors...
Proceedings Article

Action Research on Construction of the Formative Evaluation System of English Reading Course under the Multimodal Teaching Mode

Ling Zhao, Xi Chen
This paper explores the construction of formative evaluation system for English Reading course in multimodal classroom teaching. Through data analysis, reflection and effectiveness evaluation, this paper conducts action research on the design, implementation effect and improvement measures of formative...
Proceedings Article

"Suiyuan" Landscape Literature and the Creation Activities of the "Suiyuan" Backbones

Jiaying Liu, Weiwei Li, Menghu Wang
During the period of Emperor Qianlong and Emperor Jiaqing of Qing Dynasty, the influx of a large number of border ministers, garrison persons, and men of writing and literature brought cultural exchanges to the Western Regions of Xinjiang. Due to political affairs and identity, literati and scholars...
Proceedings Article

A Summary of the Literature on China Sea Area Value Assessment

Xiaohong Guo, Yu Chen
The sea area belongs to natural resources. Life originates from the sea. The rational development and application of the sea area has a great impact on economic development and human progress. In China, the sea area value assessment refers to the sea area use right as a special commodity, and adopts...
Proceedings Article

Application of Know Want Learning How "KWLH" Techniques to Improve Activities and Learning Outcomes of the Social Subject

Dedy Angger Amriyanto, Warsono Warsono, Ketut Prasetyo
The Physical education in early childhood could provide more chances for student to develop their physical ability and motoric development by a variety of physical exercise. This research aims to develop an ideal lesson plan of physical education which is suitable and worthwhile for early childhood student...
Proceedings Article

Obstacles to the Implementation of Mixed Operation in China's Financial Industry

Xiaohuan Hu
Finance is an important part of the national economy. Under the background of economic globalization, it is one of the core tasks for national government to establish a stable and safe financial system. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, China has now formed a financial regulatory...
Proceedings Article

Research on Localization of Communication Based on Traditional Chinese Culture

Xin Gao
Communication was first introduced into China from the West in the 1970s and rapidly developed there. It was merged with journalism in 1997 and since then it has became a popular discipline. Due to different national conditions, there is a great deal of inappropriateness in practice as a foreign product....
Proceedings Article

Achievement Of The Target Market Through Business Model Canvas In Small And Medium Enterprises (Smes)

Onan M Siregar, Selwendri
As an SMEs industry many challenges faced by entrepreneurs in central SMEs Pasar Bengkel. Specially for the construction of the Medan - Tebing Tinggi toll road. It becomes as aspecial challenge for SMEs Pasar Bengkel entrepreneurs to be able to survive the business souvenirs typical Market Bengkel in...
Proceedings Article

Short-term Forecasting Of Gold Price Based On ARMA Model

WanLe Chi
Gold price is complicated for containing many factors. So the evolution process in the gold price is important. In the paper the sequence of gold price is defined as a time series. The ARMA model is used to solve time series problems, especially in the field of finance. The ARMA model is a regression...
Proceedings Article

Strategic Planning – a Tool for Social and Economic Development of the Far Eastern Federal District

Tatyana Buyanova, Olga Mustafina
Social and economic status of the territories is characterized by progressive and balanced strategic development of the Russian economy. In this regard, trade production and commodity relations are one of the forms of economic relations, which ensures the relationship between producers and consumers....
Proceedings Article

Reflective Writing: Students’ Diaries to Improve the Teaching and Learning Process

Dadi Ahmadi, Endah Yanuarti
The teaching and learning process based on the reflective practice model for secondary teacher is the focus of this paper. The reflective practice model used is adopted from Brookfield’s critical model (1995) that contained of four perspectives or lenses and this paper concentrate on how teachers look...
Proceedings Article

Research on Teaching Reform of Safety System Engineering Based on LBD

Qi Fuqiang, Jia Ziruo
Safety System Engineering is a basic core course of the major of safety engineering. And the teaching contents play an important role in the subsequent courses, practical application and professional examination. The existing problems in contents of the course, applicability of curriculum material, and...
Proceedings Article

Needs Assessment of Guidance Counseling in Inclusion School

Asep Sunandar, Henny Indreswari, Mohd Hanafi bin Mohd Yasin, Mohd. Mokhtar Bin Tahar, Ahsan Romdhon Junaedi, Diniy Hidayatul Rahman, Wahyudi Siswanto
Inclusive schools are regular schools designated by the Indonesian government to accept ABK as students, Children with special needs (ABK) have a variety of learning and social problems. Obstacles in learning very much depend on the type of disability they carry. The research aims to design a counseling...
Proceedings Article

Discussion on the Application of Chinese National Cultural Elements in the Design of Animation Original Painting

Bingxu Ni
Chinese national culture has the genetic role in animation creation and design. It is the cultural root of artistic creation. It is because of its existence in many excellent works that it makes the work more alive. This article takes the current situation of animation creation in China as a starting...
Proceedings Article

Empowerment of Indonesian Farmers in the Industrial Revolution 4.0

Nugrahini Susantinah Wisnujati, Catur Rini Sulistiyaningsih, Mustika Tripatmasari, Amanatuz Zuhriyah, Trisadini Prasastinah Usanti
The era of the fourth industrial revolution or called Industry 4.0, has become a reality in Indonesia. Indonesia, as an agricultural country, needs to prepare a strategy to adapt to the digital industry. Industrial revolution 4.0 characterized by applied technology, such as advanced robotics, artificial...
Proceedings Article

Developing Assessment Instrument to Measure Senior High School Student’s Mathematical Representation Ability in Physics Learning

L P Sari, E Istiyono
Physics deals with a lot of quantities that have size and direction and thus require a mathematical representation to describe it. So that in the context of physics learning cannot be separated from the application of mathematical representation. This research aims to: 1) determine the feasibility of...
Proceedings Article

Community Service Program on Empowerment of Village Community in Karangnongko Village, Karangnongko Subdistrict, Klaten Regency, Republic of Indonesia

E Wardani, A J S Nugroho, M P Darmo, E E D Setiawati, S R Widayanti
The KKN (Community Service Program)-PPM (Community Service Center) activity in Karangnongko Village, Klaten Regency aims to improve the Tourism Village management system, increase community participation in the development of the family economy, so as to provide new jobs for housewives to increase community...
Proceedings Article

Popular Etymology and Analogous Separable Words

Wen Zhao
The paper, by comparing and summarizing the classic definitions of the popular etymology in China and abroad, points out the features distinguishing the popular etymology from other language phenomena: the old form and the old meaning are obscure; the old form is interpreted with the known form or meaning;...
Proceedings Article

Effectiveness of Prisoners’ Online Visit in Penitentiary Class IIA Permisan Nusakambangan

Candra Putra Perwira
Efforts to uphold these human rights can also be carried out in consulting institutions. One of prisoners’ rights in prison is the right to receive visits from their families. In Law Number 12 Year 1995 Article 14 letter (h) concerning Penitentiary states that prisoners are entitled to receive family...