Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research

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81546 articles
Proceedings Article

A Brief Analysis of the Reform of Selection Methods for Postgraduates

Lishuang Sun, Jiali Zeng
For the past few years, with the rapid development of the comprehensive reform of postgraduate education, the aim of this study was to make the enrollment mechanism of postgraduates are more meet the demand of new situation. This paper has put forward some new advice, for example put Emotional Quotient...
Proceedings Article

Developing Enterpreneurship Activity Based on Local Culture in Early Childhood

Diana, Rina Windiarti, Henny Puji Astuti
The research is aimed to know the effect of development activities in entrepreneurship based on local culture for early childhood in kindergarten institution. The growing entrepreneurship having a big chance, this is an important part of the in the face of economic growth. On the model of the development...
Proceedings Article

Under Moodle Stage Apply Constructivist "3B" Reading Teaching Methods to Chinese High School Students

Lei Shi, Zhanyi He
with the development of internet technology, Moodle stage is more convenient to teach English. Under this effective facility, constructivist "3B" teaching theory is going to be more efficient to improve Chinese students'English learning level. The passage states several methods to improve their reading...
Proceedings Article

The influence of electronic customer to customer interaction on customer loyalty

Jing Xue, Wei Xue
This research constructed a conceptual model in which electronic customer to customer interaction influences their loyally through customer perceived value and perceived risks. Moreover, the measurement scale of relevant variables was established. The authors used the empirical research method to validate...
Proceedings Article

Study on Three Platform Construction of Practice Base Outside School in Engineering Colleges based on Cooperation between School & Enterprise

Ruijun Liu, Jianwei Zhang, Bo Cui, Yongming Kang, Xing Wang, Jinhe Lv
The practice teaching of practice teaching students not only to improve the practice ability plays a very important role in engineering college students, but also to improve the comprehensive professional qualities to adapt to society also great effect. This paper mainly to College of Automobile & Civil...
Proceedings Article

Research on Investment and Return in Human Capital of Chinese Modern Large-sized Enterprises

Wen Sun
In the era of knowledge-driven economy, the human capital plays a more and more important role in economic development and enterprise development. The human resource becomes the primary factor in enterprise development; it is related to the improvement of enterprise core competitiveness and also related...
Proceedings Article

Preliminary Design of Mathematical Modeling Alumni Information Management System

Yong Ding, Wei Zhang
This paper preliminarily designs the content of the research and development of mathematical modeling alumni information management system. Taking mathematical modeling alumni as the starting point, it mainly studies the functional design, functional module framework, interface design, software and hardware...
Proceedings Article

Practice and Thinking of Talent Cultivation in Health-pension Industry

Rui Zhu
The cultivation of professional service personnel is a key part of Health-pension Industry, it is needed to break the personnel bottleneck of cause of aging development in China. After many rounds of professional investigation and demonstration, this paper analyzes the current actuality and existing...
Proceedings Article

English Phonological Fossilization and Its De-fossilization: A Case Study of Chinese College Students

Lei Shi, Hongguo Li
Phonological fossilization is just one aspect of language fossilization into which this paper will inquire. Given the fact that most wrongly pronounced sound elements are easily fossilized can be de-fossilized, the paper shows the methods to find out how to de-fossilize in the pronunciation of the foreign...
Proceedings Article

Teacher’s and Learners’ Perceptions of Learner Autonomy in EFL Context

Sulistia Ningsih
Learner autonomy places important role in language learning because it promotes independent role to increase the learning progress as well as learning achievement; thus, the purpose of this study was to analyse teachers’ and learners’ perception of learner autonomy in their classroom practice, especially...
Proceedings Article

Anti-poverty Research from the Perspective of Asset Construction Theory

Yun Tao Nie
It is an arduous task for contemporary China to achieve poverty alleviation by 2020. Making the poor have assets is the key to poverty alleviation and wealth. In the Party's report, it has been repeatedly mentioned that "creating conditions for more people to have property income." Attaching importance...
Proceedings Article

The Innovation of Campus Culture Communication Carrier Under New Media Environment The Cultural Education Function of Micro Film in the New Era

Qingqing Xu
New media has increasingly become an important carrier of campus culture communication with the powerful development of Internet technology. The new path for campus culture education under the new era environment is explored from the perspective of micro film: the characteristics of micro film and the...
Proceedings Article

Financial and Economic Literacy as a Tool to Promote Entrepreneurship in Russia

Svetlana Ivanovna Chuzhmarova, Andrey Ivanovich Chuzhmarov, Alisa Andreyevna Chuzhmarova
The article considers some relevant challenges for the state support of entrepreneurial promotion. It presents the findings of the comparative study of the Russian and US legislation and reporting. It shows the results of the analysis of registration and termination of business for self-employed entrepreneurs....
Proceedings Article

Strategies of Cultivating Students’ Cultural Ability in Colleges and Universities English Teaching

LiJuan Zhang
Language and culture are inseparable, and there is an inextricable relationship between the two. Language is the carrier of culture, culture is the foundation of language, and the two complement each other. English teaching is an important component of colleges and universities teaching, and it plays...
Proceedings Article

Multidimensional Poverty Measurement and Cause Analysis of Sichuan Qiang Ethnic Minority -- Based on the Investigation of 245 Poor Households in Mao County

Yini Huang, Weihuan Jia
Since the central government made a decision to help the poor, China has achieved remarkable results in poverty alleviation, but ethnic minority areas are still the main battlefield for China to fight poverty. Mao County is the country's largest ethnic minority settlement. It uses the MPI analysis method...
Proceedings Article

Research on Mobile Teaching Reform in Chinese Universities Based on Online Courses

Qi Zhong, Ying Wei
Starting from the current phenomenon that there are a large number of college students in China, this paper uses the current new mobile teaching model advocated to tackle the problems of large scale and poor effect in the classroom of university, analyzes the challenges and problems that Chinese college...
Proceedings Article

Marketing Thinking Based on the Consumption Structure and Consumption Behavior of two-child Families

Jun Luo
Universal two-child policy brings the change of family structure. Households will adjust their consumption structure and consumption behavior according to actual needs. The consumption demand of the second child family will focus on the infant's demand for food, clothing, housing, use and operation....
Proceedings Article

Implementation of Experiential Learning Model to Improve the Understanding of the Special Ray Concepts and Formation of Images

Sri Wulan Romdaniyah
This study aims to improve the understanding of concepts in science subjects about special rays and image formation by applying manipulative assisted experiential learning. This research is a classroom action research conducted 2 cycles. This research was carried out at 8th Grade Muhammadiyah 8 Junior...
Proceedings Article

Thinking Teacher Education Colleges and Universities Under the Perspective of Positive Psychology

Hui Yang, Xiaodan Liu
Class university education long way to go. In this paper, the author discusses how to applypositive psychology to the work of head teachers in colleges and universities, thinking people-oriented university fertility and methods of training people to grow.
Proceedings Article

Exploration of Private Information Pricing Structure

Wenjun Zhang
In the Risk Function, we use AHP calculating the weights of social popularity of the information owner ( ), subversion of the image of the information owner ( ),importance of information domain to other people ( ) and the extent of damage to the public interest ( ).Then, in order to ensure the accuracy...
Proceedings Article

Aesthetic Study and Symbolic Meaning of Decoration in Traditional Wedding

Apsari Dj Hasan
this study aims to obtain accurate data on the aesthetic values and symbolic meanings that exist in the bride's headdress on Gorontalo people's customary wedding attire. The method used was the qualitative-descriptive method that describes the various objects of the subject under study. The subject of...
Proceedings Article

The National Defense Education as the Way to Build National Integration in the Millennial Era

Mudji Rahayu,, Marsudi Dedi,, Evi Damayanti
The focus of this research is to study the effectiveness of education to defend the state against the strengthening of human and institutional resources in Batu City. If the results show positive impacts, it can be concluded that the national defense education can be used to create national integration...
Proceedings Article

On the Laws of Personal Information Protection in Network Environment

Xin-ya Chen, Yue-tong Liu
With the increasing significance of the Internet in people's lives, the infringement of personal information in the network environment is aggravated. The infringement is mainly classified into the following four types: infringement of personal data and information, violation of personal online privacy,...
Proceedings Article

Application of Close-range Photogrammetry in Foundation Pit Monitoring

Tongyin Han, Yanliang Shang, Shouji Du, Lin Bao
In this paper, the deformation monitoring problem of subway pit construction is studied. And the feasibility of close-range photogrammetry method in foundation pit monitoring is studied.Through the simulation experiment to get the parameter index.This paper is based on the Shijiazhuang Metro Line 3 XI...
Proceedings Article

Study on the Evaluation of Social Stability Risk of Agricultural Transferring Populations Citizenization Based on Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process

Xibo Sun, Xiaodong Shi, Peng Wang
A large amount of agricultural populations are transferring to the city in the new citizenization process. Considering the large scale of such a group, the extensive regional as well as industrial distribution, and profound impact on the overall social stability, it is of great significance to accurately...
Proceedings Article

Single Candidate and Cartelization of Democracy in the Concurrent Local Election 2017

Laode Machdani Afala, Ahmad Zaki Fadlur Rahman
This paper attempts to explain how cartel politics occur not only in post-electoral but also before electoral. Democracy should be a fair arena for political parties in the competition of choosing a leader, but in contrast, the political parties as political instrument do not compete in electoral. It...
Proceedings Article

Character-Building Values in Indonesian Fairy-Tale Textbooks of Junior High Students

Aida Azizah, Joko Nurkamto, Sarwiji Suwandi, Muhammad Rohmadi
Indonesian language teaching has been developed based on the character-building approach. One effort made to develop and instill the character-building values to students is by optimizing a literary appreciation through fairy-tales in the learning process at school. The character-building values integrated...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Structural Evolution and Driving Mechanism of Regional Collaborative Innovation Network: Evidence from the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Urban Agglomeration

Xu Peipei, Wang Ladi
The innovation network is an important support for regional integration development. Based on the co-patent dataset from Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Urban Agglomeration, this paper portrays the structural characteristics and driving mechanism of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei collaborative innovation network by...
Proceedings Article

The Use of Instructional Videos as a Learning Medium for Understanding the Subject of Earthquake Engineering

Jati Sunaryati, Ruddy Kurniawan
This study aims to describe the effectiveness of the use of instructional videos for the Earthquake Engineering course in the Civil Engineering Department, Andalas University. The method of making videos is by editing files using Camtasia Studio. Students who are the target of learning are students in...
Proceedings Article

EFL Teachers’ Perception of the Effectiveness of ICT-ELT Integration During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Yeni Fitri, Nur Hidayanto Pancoro Setyo Putro
The transformation from face-to-face teaching to online teaching in this COVID-19 pandemic makes teachers have no excuse to integrate ICT in their teaching. Thus, ICT becomes the most important tool in educational setting currently. However, only 10% is known about how EFL teachers perceived the effectiveness...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Contextual Physics Teaching Materials Assisted by an Android-Based Virtual Lab to Improve Students’ Conceptual Understanding During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Rahmatullah, Wipsar Sunu Bram Dwandaru, Heru Kuswanto, Ambrosius Karanggulimu
This is a quasi-experiment research with a quantitative approach. This research aimed to examine the effect of contextual physics teaching materials assisted by android-based laboratories in improving students’ conceptual understanding. The sampling in this research were students in class XI IPA 4 (as...
Proceedings Article

A Study on the Interest Factors of “Collaborative Inertia” of Intergovernmental Public Service Provision in China

Xiaoning Zhu, Yanyu Chen
In China, the supply of public services, once limited to administrative districts, has gradually broken through the rigid constraints and become a complex regional public service supply problem. Local governments have begun to change their traditional closed management style and strengthen horizontal...
Proceedings Article

Portrait of Constitutional Question Mechanisms in Judicial Review Practices in the Constitutional Court from the Perspective of Prophetic Law Paradigm

Mustofa Lutfi
The constitutional question mechanism in the constitutional review authority in the Constitutional Court (MK) has not been adapted so that it can result in the constitutional rights of citizens not being comprehensively protected. Substantive justice based on the One God (transcendent justice) has not...
Proceedings Article

How Do Novice and Experienced Indonesian Authors Rhetorically Organize Research Article Introduction?

Salma Nabilla, Sahira Nurul Luthfianda, Didi Suherdi, Eri Kurniawan, Wawan Gunawan, Arif Husein Lubis
Research article introduction, among other sections, plays a pivotal role in illuminating the significance of the research topic being investigated and in situating the contribution of the research to the body of knowledge in the field. A quality introduction can determine the successful publication...
Proceedings Article

Covid-19, Walkie Talkie and Teacher Agency in Educating Young Learner at SD Punik

Shintia Deta Kurnia
Covid-19 is an infectious disease caused by a newly discovered type of coronavirus. The impact of the Covid-19 virus occurs in various fields, one of which is education. To control the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic, the learning process becomes online learning. Online learning cannot separate from...
Proceedings Article

Risk Assessment With Audit Tool and Linked Archive System (ATLAS) Methods on Going-Concern During The Covid-19 Pandemic

I Made Agus Putrayasa, Made Dana Saputra, Ni Wayan Kurnia Dewi
The risk-based audit approach focuses on identifying and assessing material risks as well as risks that have the potential to hinder business strategy. Moreover, this approach will help the auditor plan a more targeted audit to make the implementation and reporting stage easier. This risk-based audit...
Proceedings Article

The Dramatic Fall of Tourism Villages Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Reflection on an Indonesia’s Primary Tourism Destination

Janianton Damanik, Sri Utami, Melati Mayani
This paper aims to capture the dramatic changes in the tourism village pillars in primary tourist destinations and the stakeholders’ responses to the crisis resulted by the Covid-19. Mandalika Area, Lombok Island, one of the five primary destinations was purposively selected as the research area. Five...
Proceedings Article

Difficulties in Implementing Teaching for Educators of Government Officers with Work Agreements

Ramanata Disurya, Badeni, Sudarwan Danim, Neta Dian Lestari
This study set out to uncover the issues and challenges that working educator with work agreements faced. Quantitative research techniques gathering data on Palembang City’s Educators United with Government Employees with Employment Agreements. The research sample in Palembang City consisted of 38 educators...
Proceedings Article

Responsibility of the Board of Directors in Decision Making of the Company Based on the Doctrine of Business Judgement Rule

Sigit Irianto, Widyarini Indriasti Wardani
The business judgment rule doctrine is a reflection of the independence and discretion in making business decisions by the board of directors. This decision-making must be based on good faith and the interests of the company, but this must be proven because it often causes losses to the company. The...
Proceedings Article

Husband and Family Support for Breastfeeding Mothers with COVID-19: The Mother’s Perspective

Nur Intan Kusuma, Rini Kristiyanti, Milatun Khanifah
Providing breastfeeding support for mothers during the COVID-19 pandemic is an effort to achieve the success of breastfeeding. WHO recommends that mothers with COVID-19 continue to breastfeed their babies according to the mother’s condition and ability to breastfeed. The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted...
Proceedings Article

The Rise of Online Education: Transforming Traditional Learning

Guangyan Zhou
Online education, often referred to as EdTech, has disrupted traditional classroom models by providing flexible and accessible learning experiences. This transformation has democratized education, allowing learners to tailor their educational journeys and access diverse resources. It fosters lifelong...
Proceedings Article

Research on Alibaba’s Industrial Digital Transformation Process Based on “Tri-wei” Thought

Saisai Sun
Digital transformation is accelerating with the rapid development of the Internet. The whole society is moving towards the digital age and commercial development in this digital age gives birth to the new commercial civilization. The new business civilization is based on people-oriented, win-win cooperation,...
Proceedings Article

Aesthetic Emotion Measurement Methods for Painting

Yisi Xue
Emotion reactions play a crucial role in the experience of art. In recent years, art information processing models have increasingly emphasized the importance of aesthetic emotions, leading to empirical studies and applications. This paper aims to provide an overview of the emotion measurement methods...
Proceedings Article

Aesthetic Analysis and Public Perceptions of Popular Artworks in NFT Opensea Marketplace

Ruth Ardianti, Ely Andra Widharta
This research is descriptive research to find out the symptoms or effects of aesthetics and public perception of the popular artworks of the NFT (non-fungible token) Marketplace. The NFT marketplace has begun to gain popularity among Indonesians since the virality of Ghozali who managed to sell his artwork...
Proceedings Article

The Effectiveness of the Statistics Learning Model Based on Constructivist to Improve the Statistics Learning Outcomes of Students in the Building Engineering Education Study Program

Enny Keristiana Sinaga, Abdul Muin Sibuea, Julaga Situmorang
This research aims to produce a statistics learning model based on constructivist and the effectiveness of learning model that are developed in order to improve the result in learning statistics for the students. This research is a research and development (R&D) with one group pretest-posttest design....
Proceedings Article

Research on the Evaluation System of Classroom Teaching Based on the Cultivation of Mathematics Core Quality

Yaoqi Hong, Qiuhua Zhou
The new curriculum idea has made the mathematics basic education from three dimensions to core literacy. This paper takes the mathematics classroom teaching evaluation as the research topic, and studies how to use the evaluation to promote the development of students’ core literacy, thus, to promote...
Proceedings Article

The Development Status and Thinking of Infant Care for Children Aged 0-3 Years in China under the Background of “Three-child Policy”

Wei PENG, Mizhi YAN
Against the background of declining fertility rate, China has proposed the “three-child policy” to encourage childbirth. Based on the existing literature and combined with the investigation results, this paper analyzes the development process, current situation and characteristics of infant care in China....
Proceedings Article

On the Construction of the open-university Innovation and Entrepreneurship Education System

Bo Yang, Junyi Ge, Wen-yan Song
Innovation and entrepreneurship education, with its significant strategic importance and educational value, has aroused wide attention and has been generally recognized by general colleges and universities. Equally, the Open University developing innovation and entrepreneurship education is also great...
Proceedings Article

Research on Innovation of Teaching Mode for the Course of Commercial Horseracing Operation and Popularization against the Background of O2O Educational Pattern

Quan-an Gui, Bo Xia
Currently, O2O educational pattern is on the up in China, with increasingly high receptivity of teachers and students for online and offline service of O2O mode. Thus, the actuality and drawbacks of school-teaching mode for the course of Commercial Horseracing Operation and Popularization were analyzed...
Proceedings Article

An Analysis of How to Offer the Vocational Guidance by Internet in China

Xiaojiang Chen, Qixiang Sun
In order to make the vocational guidance of higher vocational colleges adjust to the new normal in the background of Internet, the paper using the method of investigation and literature research to analyze the strategies to strengthen the vocational guidance by Internet. The results showed that the main...
Proceedings Article

Communicative Approach and Spoken English Teaching of Independent Colleges

Shuo Yang
Communication is the ultimate purpose of language learning. Spoken English is playing a more and more important role in English teaching. The students of independent colleges have a certain degree of particularity, thus teachers should pay more attention to the teaching strategies of spoken English....
Proceedings Article

Basic Quality Requirement and Basic Principle of Simultaneous Interpretation in English Translation

Tao Cui, Chundi Zhang
Simultaneous interpretation as a translation mode with high efficiency and instantaneity is the most common interpretation way in international business conference in current society. Such translation form can not just effectively improve conference efficiency, but impose no impacts on speakers’ thought...
Proceedings Article

Innovation Research of Automobile Marketing Mode in “Internet+” Age

Jun-Tao Xiao, Yu Liu, Xiu-Li Wang
With the development of the internet, the traditional automobile marketing mode evolves into the “Internet+” interactive automobile marketing mode. This paper analyzes the connotation, concept, model, advantages and application of the new marketing mode in this new era, and concludes that the implementation...
Proceedings Article

Study on the Positioning of Sports Humanities Sociology

Hui Zhang
In the sports humanities and social sciences, the most important thing is to combine human phenomena and social phenomena, compared with other disciplines, sports humanities and social sciences more scientific, with strong application, the author positioning Study of Sports Humanities and Social Sciences...
Proceedings Article

An Analysis of "Digital Bauhaus". A Case Study of Teaching System of Basic Design Course

Haibin Dong
The teaching system of basic design focused on the "three major construction" has made an important contribution to the basic education of Chinese modern design. With the continuous development of society, especially in the 21st century based on information, the drawbacks of basic education focusing...
Proceedings Article

Research on Dilemma in Construction of Social Pension Service System in Hainan Province and Relevant Countermeasures

Zhilan Wang
Aging of population is an inevitable state of social development of human being as well as an inevitable product of economic and social development. Currently, aging of population has already become a major issue blocking economic and social development of Hainan Province. This issue brought forth unprecedented...
Proceedings Article

An Analysis on Mechanism and Motivation of Intergenerational Transmission of Human Capital

Weihua Hu
Currently, our country is in the period of social transition, the widening gap between the rich and the poor, social class curing are directly related to intergenerational transmission of human capital. This paper, from the perspective of economics, combining discipline sociology, and behavioral science...
Proceedings Article

Research on the application of Case-teaching method--------take the curriculum Management for example

Liben Song
Case-teaching method is one of the most important teaching methods.It is helpful for improving teachers professional qualification and good for creating a lively teaching atmosphere and cultivating students' ability to analyze and solve practical management problems,etc. According to the problems existed...
Proceedings Article

Protection and Inheritance of the Original Ecological Oroqen Music Heritage

Zuping Xu, Xiaofei Sun
The original ecological music is an important treasure of our country. This paper first analyzes the original ecological music, discusses the original ecological Oroqen music and its situation as well as the artistic characteristics of the original ecological Oroqen music from the structure function...
Proceedings Article

On the Sustainable Development of Modern Sightseeing Agriculture Garden

Xiaoyu Wang
Sightseeing agriculture is an emerging industry in China. It is a recreational husbandry activity as well. Though it has long developed in abroad, it has begun in China before long. Agricultural sightseeing has brought great social, economic and ecological benefits and promoted diversified development...
Proceedings Article

Research on Improving the Effectiveness of Group Collaborative Learning

Yadan Guo, Rensheng He, Kun Wu
Collaborative learning is a kind of social activity of collaborative knowledge building. In the current reform of classroom teaching in Colleges and Universities, college students' collaborative learning effect is not high. Through the questionnaire survey and the analysis of collaborative learning cognitive...
Proceedings Article

Developing English Speaking Materials for Nursing Students

Unun Fadliah, Sugirin
Good quality students’ learning outcomes are dependent on good teaching materials. Good teaching materials are those developed based on an appropriate needs analysis. In this era of globalization, nurses must be skillful not only in nursing, but also in communicating in English with non-Indonesian patients....
Proceedings Article

Importance of Performance Analysis and Potential Gain in Customer Value’s of Service Quality in Hospitals

Nugraha Nugraha, Selamat Selamat, Julia Iriani
The Center for Community Lung Health is one of the health care clinics in handling lung disease which provides various facilities and services for pulmonary disease in Bandung, West Java - Indonesia, at this clinic provides 8 polies in its services. The research aims to maintain and improve the quality...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Little Women from the Perspective of Western Humanism

Songni Zhang
Louisa May Alcott is considered to be an excellent children’s story writer. Her book, Little Women, is considered as a classic and has been very popular for years. This novel describes the four sisters’ growing experiences and their marriage. The story touches the depth of readers with its exquisite...
Proceedings Article

Exploring Relationship between School and National-based Tests

Ratih Kartika, Suranto
The purposes of this study are to explore the relationship between the school based-test and National based-test results and to prove whether the school-based results can predict the average obtained on National-based results. This study used quantitative method with cross-sectional survey. It focused...
Proceedings Article

Cognitive Reflections on the Fragment-based Design for the Online Course of Chinese Menglong Poetry

Zhong Deng
“Particle” or “fragment” is one of the key notions for the ongoing fever of online courses design and management. However, hidden behind the wide adoption of the practice of delineating the course contents into separated “fragments” lies voices of disagreement and refutations. This article, accordingly,...
Proceedings Article

The Influence of RMB Appreciation on China's Exporters' Investment Decision

Qi Qiu
In the more than 40 years after the reform and opening up, the Chinese economy has maintained a high-speed growth trend, which has also led to an ever-increasing degree of integration between China and the world economy. China has become an inseparable part of the world economic system, and Chinese goods...
Proceedings Article

Discussion of Effective Curriculum Creation by Comparing the Bilingual Acquisition Process

Jingru Yang
Through the difference comparison of bilingual acquisition, it is found that bilingual learners are superior to single language learners in many aspects, such as cognitive ability, executive ability, ability to solve problems, multi task switching and management ability, filtering useless information,...
Proceedings Article

Influence of Teacher-Student Relationship on Junior High Students' Academic Achievements: Mediating Role of Self-esteem

Xiuqin Teng, Guirong Liu, Tingzhu Song
In order to study the prediction role of teacher-student relationship on the academic achievements of junior high students as well as the mediating role of self-esteem, 294 students of junior high school participate in the study as the samples and questionnaire survey is conducted. The results are as...
Proceedings Article

Legal aspects of the turnover of rare and endangered animal species listed in the Red Book of the Russian Federation

N Lisina, V Erin, E Trezubov
The article analyzes the legal aspects of the circulation of animals listed in the Red Book of the Russian Federation, their maintenance and rehabilitation in semi-free conditions. The authors suggest a number of ways to improve legislation in this area.
Proceedings Article

Wayang Deconstruction in Recent Indonesian Novels

Tjahjono Widijanto, Herman J. Waluyo, Suyitno Suyitno, Suminto A. Sayuti
This study aims to discuss and describe wayang decontruction in recent Indonesian novels. The subject of the research is the latest Indonesian novel with a research sample of the novel Kitab Omong Kosong, Drupadi, Wisanggeni Sang Buronan, by Seno Gumira Ajidarma and War by Putu Wijaya. This research...
Proceedings Article

The Exploration of Promoting Campus Culture Construction with Campus Sign Design Taking Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics as an Example

Xiaoge Huang, Xiao Hu
Sign Design plays an important role in the public environment, so the campus Sign Design still cannot be ignored. Taking Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics as an example, this paper mainly makes the relevant study from the perspective of culture and service functions, and analyzes the...
Proceedings Article

The Impact of Language Skills Guidance on Children With Hearing Impairment Language Development

Endang Purbaningrum, Khofidotur Rofiah
Hearing impairment in children may inhibit their language skill, which in turn disturbs their social interaction. Even though other potentialities in those children may be promising, such impairment may give difficulties in their improvement, a condition that is not in line with the objective of psychiatry....
Proceedings Article

The Enlightenment of Chinese Traditional Creation View on Modern Design

Tong Wu, Yakun Guo
In the context of the development of modern design, this paper takes the traditional creation view integrate into modern design as the starting point, analyzes many problems arising from modern design in the process of industrialization. Based on this, it focuses on the relationship between traditional...
Proceedings Article

Comparing the Effects of Plyometric Depth Jump and Rim Jump Training on the Explosive Power of Leg Muscle and the Level of Creatine Phosphokinase of Basketball Players

Eko Juli Fitrianto, Del Asri, Johansyah Lubis
this experimental study was aimed at comparing plyometric depth jump and plyometric rim jump training on the explosive power of leg muscle and the level of Creatine Phosphokinase (CPK) of basketball players. 28 male basketball players were involved in this study and were randomly divided into two groups....
Proceedings Article

Analysis on the Semantic Change of “Ayag” in the Uygur Language

Sitiwake Sadati, Jumai Wusiman
The word "ayag” owns four basic meanings in modern Uygur language, while in the old Uyghur language, it owned as many as twenty meanings. In this paper, mainly from the perspective of the historical evolution of the semantic change of “ayag”, the author researches into the in the development and changes...
Proceedings Article

Analysis on the Development of Simplification About Modern Architectural Ornament and Its Social Effects

Chen Jiang
Objective: Explore the social mechanism of simplified architectural ornament style. Method The development of simplification about modern architectural ornament has been teased out, and the deep reasons of its formation are analyzed in detail by using modern aesthetic theory, psychological theory and...
Proceedings Article

Career Role Analysis of Civil Servants at the State Employment Agency

Ary Herwanto, Amy Yayuk Sri Rahayu
This study aimed to analyse the career role guidance and consouling of civil servants at the State Employment Agency in Jakarta and related efforts for their empowerment. The study employs a post-positivist approach by testing the theories on career consouling by collecting qualitative data through in-depth...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Strategies of Urban Organic Renewal under the Background of Rail Transit

Di Wang
At present, as an important way to solve the problem of urban crowded traffic, rail transit has set off a large-scale construction boom in China. On the one hand, the original city spatial pattern cannot adapt to the new city traffic demand, which will inevitably bring a new round of city renewal; on...
Proceedings Article

Research on e-commerce taxation in C2C model

Tiantian Guo, Quanyi Li, Yue Zhang
With the continuous development of the world "+" Internet era, the management mode of electronic commerce is more and more popular and attention, become a break traditional management mode of fresh, has a great development potential and activity. Since 2015, China's online retail sales have ranked first...
Proceedings Article

Study on the Reform and Development of College English Teaching in the Age of "Internet +"

Ying Li
The so-called "Internet +" refers to the new format of Internet development under Innovation 2.0 and is a further practical result of Internet thinking. With the development of time, the connotation of "Internet +" is no longer confined to this point. It emphasizes the tremendous change brought by the...
Proceedings Article

Pancasila and Civic Education as Reinforcement of the National’s Character of High School Students in Karawang Regency to Face the Revolution Industry 4.0

Erwin Susanto, Nadya Putri, Aris Riswandi Sanusi, Fitri Silvia Sofyan
This article is motivated by researchers’ anxiety in terms of decreasing the nation’s character in high school students in Karawang Regency in order to face the challenges of the revolution industry 4.0. In the era of the revolution industry 4.0 where technology and information developed so fast, so...
Proceedings Article

Art Presentation with Scientific Method, Hybridization in Annuitterra Works

Iqbal Prabawa Wiguna
This paper analyses the relationship between art and sciences in Bandung contemporary art scene. By using samples of animal bones material as art medium in Annuitterra’s works. Main focus on this research is finding the relationship of scientific methods and art presentation. Annuitterra is group of...
Proceedings Article

Model of Mining and Mineral Mining Exploitation in the Pancasila Perspective and Indonesian Constitution UUD 1945

Luthfi Marfungah, Ahmad Redi, Amad Sudiro, Gunardi
Indonesia has a model of the mineral and coal mining system before independence until now. The arrangement of the mineral and coal mining concession system model was regulated prior to independence with the issuance of Indische Mijnwet Staatsblad of 1899 Number 214 with a concession / permit concession...
Proceedings Article

Seasonal Incidence of Guillain-Barre Syndrome in Rumah Sakit Islam Jemursari Surabaya

S Syifak, D Yuniati
Guillain Barre Syndrome (GBS) is the leading cause of acute flaccid paralysis. Former study showed the highest GBS incidence, particularly in April-May, during seasonal transition from rainy to summer period. Indonesia has only limited study about demographic profile of GBS incidence. Rumah Sakit Islam...
Proceedings Article

Effect of Collaborative Inquiry on the Understanding of the Concept and Ability of Critical Thinking

Priastuti Priastuti, Ridwan Abdullah Sani, Derlina Derlina, Ahmad Fauzi Pohan
The need for human resources in the 21st century is emphasized on communication skills, collaboration, critical and creative thinking, this study aims to determine whether there is an influence of collaborative inquiry learning on understanding the concepts and critical thinking skills of students on...
Proceedings Article

The Application of Gratitude Group Program to Increase Quality of Life Among Indonesian Elderly in Residential Home X Jakarta

Hanna Hadipranoto, Heryanti Satyadi, Rostiana
The aim of this study is to determine the impact of gratitude group program on enhancing the quality of life of the elderly living in residential home. Living in residential home can make the elderly feel alianated and limited in doing activities related to their family members or friends. What they...
Proceedings Article

Research On Tableware Design Based On The Lifestyle Of Urban Residents In Jinan

Chenxi Fan
Jinan, as the capital of Shandong Province, it is the economic and cultural center and has a long history and culture. At the same time, influenced by Confucian culture and modern lifestyle, its urban residents have unique diet and leisure culture. Tableware design is not just the role of people’s dining...
Proceedings Article

Linguistic Composition and Cultural Characteristics of Mandailing Onang-Onang

Dedi Zulkarnain Pulungan
Onang-onang song is a poem that is sung when manortor (dancing) at a traditional Mandailing wedding ceremony which will be applied to learning Indonesian language and literature. The lyrics of the onang-onang song are sung by paronang-onang (singer) when suhut (party owner), namora pule (bride), boru...
Proceedings Article

Factors Affecting Entrepreneurial Resilience in Disaster Prone Areas

Entrepreneurial resilience has been widely researched recently. However, not many studies have examined what factors influence entrepreneurial resilience. This study tries to examine the factors that affect the resilience of an entrepreneur and measure the level of entrepreneurial resilience index for...
Proceedings Article

On the Construction Ideas of New Energy Automobile Technology Course

Hongjuan Li
With the continuous progress of society, the continuous improvement of economic level, the continuous development of science and technology, more and more people begin to pay attention to environmental protection, so there are many issues related to environmental protection. At present, automobile is...
Proceedings Article

Factors Affecting Employee Fraud: A Study Among Private Companies in Jakarta

Yuniarwati Yuniarwati, I Cenik Ardana, Sugiarto D. Elizabeth
The increasing number of employee fraud has received great attention these days because it can have a negative impact on staff morale, increase company costs, and damage the company’s reputation with the relevant stakeholders. There have been several theories of fraud that have emerged, including Cressey’s...
Proceedings Article

The Job Burnout of College English Teachers in China

The Current Situation, Problems and Countermeasures

Qi Wu
Job burnout is a common concern in the current psychology field. The phenomenon of job burnout among college English teachers in China should arouse sufficient attention from teachers, colleges and universities and society. This research focuses on three dimensions of emotional exhaustion, depersonalization,...
Proceedings Article

Students Sports Talent Profile of Elementary School Students Utilizing the Sports Search Method

Matsuri, Tri Budhiarto, Idam Ragil Widianto Atmojo, Dwi Yuniasih Saputri, Roy Ardiansyah
This study aims to determine the sports talent profile of public elementary school students in Surakarta City. The research method used a survey test. The method also used in this study was a descriptive method with quantitative analysis, with a population of public elementary school students totaling...
Proceedings Article

Reinventing Kampung Role in Health Policy: Some Lesson From Covid-19 Prevention in Surabaya

Hikmal Zaidan Trama, Yuyun Eka Kartika Sari, Achmad Aufa Anggarda, Dinda Pramesti Kusuma Wardani, Minar Dita Lestari, Fania Rizky Maulidah
This article explored kampung role in the context of public health system. This study will take cases in the city of Surabaya, especially in the Balongsari, Surabaya, particularly in the midst of Covid-19 pandemic. Based on qualitative descriptive method, this article demonstrated that implementation...
Proceedings Article

Symbolic Interaction in Women's Leadership: Articulation of Meaning and Influence

Magvira Yuliani, Said Romadlan
This article discusses the role of symbolic interaction in the context of women's leadership. Symbolic interaction refers to the process of attribution and giving meaning to symbols and signs that represent a person's role and identity. In the context of women's leadership, symbolic interactions...
Proceedings Article

Kinship Politics in the 2020 Regional Elections in Pasangkayu Regency

Rusmawaty Bte Rusdin, Gustiana Kambo, Muhammad Saad, Muhammad Nur Alamsyah
The aim of this research is to find out kinship politics in the 2020 regional elections in Pasangkayu. Kinship politics is always a hot topic of discussion at every regional election event. An equally interesting phenomenon of kinship politics occurred in the Pasangkayu Regional Election. Agus Ambo Djiwa...
Proceedings Article

Construction of the Smart Training System Based on the Online Platform of State Grid E-learning

Huiyan Yin, Guihua Lin, Xiuhua Li, Weihua Guo, Xiaoxiao Zhao, Shujing Li
State Grid Technology College has constructed a smart training system based on the online training data platform of State Grid E-learning to enhance talent training efficiency. This paper introduces the background of the smart training system construction and discusses the specific measures to construct...
Proceedings Article

Affirmation of BUMN Losses as State Losses in an Effort to Transform Them into Objects of Responsibility for Corruption Crimes

A. P. Hanuring Ayu, Ariy Khaeruddin, Ismiyanto Ismiyanto
Study answer question why necessary affirmation BUMN losses as internal state losses effort transformation become object responsibility answer follow criminal corruption. Then answer form affirmation BUMN losses as internal state losses in effort transformation become object responsibility answer follow...
Proceedings Article

Chances and Challenges of Digital-Based Education

A Literature Review

Tika Putri Wulansari, Sudiyanto Sudiyanto, Sri Sumaryati
Digital-based education is an educational innovation that is integrated with information and communication technology. In welcoming education 4.0, digital-based education has previously been developed such as the use of digital devices and start-ups or learning applications that are tailored to the needs...