Advances in Health Sciences Research

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4234 articles
Proceedings Article

The Effect Of Counseling On Knowledge, Attitudes, And Practices Of Mothers breastfeeding In The Work Area Of Sawah Lebar Community Health Center, Bengkulu 2017

Desri Suryani, Kusdalinah, Jumiyati, Yandrizal, Wulan Anggraini, Bintang Agustina P
A lack of knowledge and an attitude can cause the failure in exclusive breastfeeding (ASI). Counseling has a significant role in enhancing abilities and encouraging someone to behave. The study aimed to determine the effect of counseling on knowledge, attitudes, and practices of mothers in relation to...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Premolar Extraction on Bolton Overall Ratio in Class I Malocclusion at RSGMP FKG USU

Mutia Amalia Nasution, Siti Bahirrah, Amalia Oeripto
In orthodontics treatment, to obtain a good and stable occlusion, harmony between the combined mesiodistal width of maxillary teeth and that of mandibular teeth must be attempted. Extraction of premolar is routinely carried out as part of orthodontic treatment, but it can lead to the changes of the overall...
Proceedings Article

Genetic Variation of Local Ettawah Crossbreed Goats in two different breeding

Mudawamah Mudawamah, I.D. Ratnaningtyas, M.Z. Fadli, Aulanni'am Aulanni'am, G. Ciptadi
Breeding system in goats in Indonesia applying had two models of breeding with owned bucks by breeders or breeding assisted by bucks selected from the government in the form of frozen semen. Problems interesting note was how the genetic variation of the population of the goat. The purpose of this study...
Proceedings Article

Experience of Doing Independent Care for Covid-19 Suspect Client With Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Comorbid

Afif A Amrullah, Cahya Arbitera
Background: Corona infection is a viral infection that attacks the respiratory system. Patients who are classified as suspect Covid-19 undergo independent isolation at home or in the hospital so that they do not transmit to other people and their health conditions are monitored. Home care of patients...
Proceedings Article

Analgesic Effect of the Ethanol Extract of Sisik Naga Leaf (Drymoglossum sp.) on White Male Mice (Mus musculus)

Yessi Febriani, Muharni Saputri, Elim Simatupang
Pain is a sense of discomfort and accompanied by pain due to cell damage to the body. Pain can be overcome with the use of modern medicine and folk remedies. One of the plants that are suspected to be analgesics is the sisik naga leaf (Drymoglossum sp.). This test aims to find out the analgesic effect...
Proceedings Article

Violence Against Health Care Workers in Health Care Services: A Literature Review

Samer Ayyash, Elham Ruziqat, Ayat Alsmadi, Aya Melhem, Nidal Eshah, Anas Khalifeh, Dawlah Helou
Background: The healthcare sector is a complex and demanding sector, with workplace violence being a serious risk to healthcare workers. Aim: The current literature review to understand the frequency of workplace violence against nurses and how it relates to stress at work, job satisfaction,...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Inclusive Education Survey and Transformation of Physical Education Teachers, Limboto District, Gorontalo Regency, Gorontalo Province, Indonesia

Meyke Parengkuan
One way to overcome the social problems of children with disabilities is inclusive education. Inclusive education is an innovative and strategic educational approach to expand access to education for all children with special needs, including children with disabilities. This research method...
Proceedings Article

The Implementation of Medical Informed Consent in Sleman Regency

Dita Kristiana, Esitra Herfanda
Yogyakarta has a high number of morbidity rate which equal high possibility of using medical services. In therapeutic transaction arise obligation between patient, health personnel and health institution. This research to understand the legal analysis of informed consent in health services as well as...
Proceedings Article

Propolis Trigona sp. Mouthwash Efectiveness in Lowering Anaerobic Gram-Negative Bacteria Colonies

Rasmidar Samad, Fuad Husain Akbar, Nursyamsi Nursyamsi, Melinda Awing
Periodontal disease is an infectious disease that attacks gingiva and other dental supporting tissue which caused by microbial bacteria in subgingival plaque. The majority bacteria are an anaerobic gram-negative. Propolis is one of natural products as an antimicrobial mouthwash. One type of bee that...
Proceedings Article

Phototherapy in the blue range of visible spectrum: the possibilities of optimization of the functional state of the cardiorespiratory system in humans under extreme conditions

Nataliya Pankova, Vladimir Karandashov, Mikhail Karganov
It was recently shown that perception of the blue part of visible spectrum is mediated by melanopsins localized not only in the retina, but also in cells of the vascular wall. We have studied changes in the human cardiorespiratory system under the influence of light with a wavelength of 470 ± 10 nm in...
Proceedings Article

Assessment of Nurses’ Knowledge of Patient Care After Cardiac Catheterization in Mosul Hospitals

Hanady J Mahmood, Radhwan H Ibrahim, Ekhlas T Hassan, Mohammed F Abdulgani
Heart diseases can be diagnosed and evaluated using cardiac catheterization, which requires standardized policies of care. Cardiac catheterization needs qualified and skilled healthcare providers for excellent management outcomes. The current study aims to assess the nurses’ knowledge of patient care...
Proceedings Article

Relationship Between Catalase Enzyme Activity and Malondialdehyde (MDA) Levels in Incomplete Abortion and Imminent Abortion

Melia Pebrina, Fenny Fernando
Abortion is one of the obstetric complications that are often found in pregnant women. The cause of abortion is not known with certainty, but it is suspected that one of the causes is an imbalance of pro-oxidants and antioxidants that occurs during placentation. Catalase is an enzyme that functions to...
Proceedings Article

Comparison of Histology of The Kidneys of Rats Exposed To Cigarette Smoke After Administration of Ethanol Extract Methanol and N-Hexane Rhizophora apiculata Bark

Syazili Mustofa, Muhammad Yusha Akbar
Rhizophora apiculata is a plant species that yields medicinal raw materials. This research compares the protective effects of ethanol, methanol, and n-hexane extracts of Rhizophora apiculata mangrove bark on the kidneys of rats exposed to cigarette smoke. The study used a post-test-only control group...
Proceedings Article

Corticosteroid Derivative Effect to Pregnant Rats on the Brain of Their Offspring

Irina V. Nikolaeva, Tuyaara P. Sivtseva, Elena V. Pshennikova
The work investigated the immediate and distant consequences of the introduction of Cortineff. Cortineff, as a derivative of corticosteroids, has both mineral- and glucocorticoid properties. Moreover, its predominant effects are mineralocorticoid. The injection of Cortineff to pregnant rats caused a...
Proceedings Article

ST-segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction with Left Ventricle Thrombus: Case Report

Doharjo Manullang, Hadi Wijaya, Imran Soleh, Erwin Sukandi, Taufik Indrajaya
Acute myocardial infarction (AMI) occurs when there is evidence of myocardial injury (an increase in cardiac troponin values) and clinical evidence of myocardial ischemia. Data from the Jakarta Acute Coronary Syndrome Registry states that in 2014 there were 3015 patients with acute coronary syndrome...
Proceedings Article

The Correlation between Hospitalization and Anxiety in Children Aged 2-5 Years Old in Yogyakarta Hospital

Dian Rosmala Lestari, Sulfianti A. Yusuf, Julian Jingsung, Nur Afni, Ano Luthfa, Siti Alengo, Indriyani Indriyani
Childhood is the most vulnerable time for anxiety syndrome since anxiety syndrome will continue to adolescent, and 15-20% can cause trauma, decreased school performance, turnover of mental health disorders such as depression and early treatment due to psychiatric disorders. About 8% of children in the...
Proceedings Article

Warm-Compress Effect on the Pain Level and the Length of Dysmenorea

Happy Dwi Aprillina, Dewi Sapitri Lubis, Jumiati Riskiyani Dwi Nandia
Background: Dysmenorrhea is a gynecological discomfort due to an imbalance of the hormone progesterone in the blood, causing pain that most often occurs in menstruation period. Giving a warm compress uses the principle of heat delivery through conduction, by attaching a hot bladder to the stomach for...
Proceedings Article

A Study About Menstrual Personal Hygiene Knowledge and Behavior Among Adolescence School Girl in Jombang

Eka Tyas As Sidiqiah, Siti Nurrochmah, Farah Paramita
Sexual and reproductive health education is still considered taboo to be given to teenagers, so there are still many myths and bad perceptions related to menstruation. Preliminary studies show that there was 6 out of 10 students had poor menstrual personal hygiene. Self-care during menstruation can be...
Proceedings Article

Difference in Quality Foster CHildren Sleep in the Nursery (Day Care) and House in Mataram

Rias Pratiwi Safitri, Baiq Nurul Hidayati, Fitri Romadonika
The Child is a unique individual and has need by with their development stage, one of which is sleep. Sleep is one of the pleasures and great mercy value of the many pleasures given by God Almighty to man. Sleep disorders in children are quite often experienced by parents, but unfortunately, these conditions...
Proceedings Article

Life Kinetik Training in Improving the Physical Condition of Football Athletes

Komarudin Komarudin, Patriana Nurmansyah Awwaludin
The physical condition training method for football athletes is still relatively low. In European countries, physical condition training is varied, even lead to multitasking training through life kinetik. So that the performance of athletes is better at performing tasks. The study aims to examine the...
Proceedings Article

Factors Associated with Gingivitis in 10-Year-Old School Children in Vietnam

Phuc Anh Nguyen, Thuy Anh Vu Pham
The objective of this study is to determine factors associated with gingivitis in 10-year-old Vietnamese school children. A cross-sectional study consisted of 1,079 children matched for age 10-year-old who were randomly selected from 16 public schools in Ho Chi Minh City, 2015 applying PPS (Probability...
Proceedings Article

The Phenomena and Impact of Public Participation on Sport at Big City (Surabaya And Semarang) Car Free Day Area

Fery Darmanto, Agus Widodo Suripto, Henny Setyawati, Kartika Septianingrum
This research is conducted in big city Car Free Day area, especially Semarang and Surabaya to find out public participation and the impact of sport performed at car free day area. This research is qualitative research by using observation and interview methods. The technique of analyzing data is using...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Lifestyle, Knowledge, Attitude, and Knowledge of Women Aged 20-50 Years Old with Vitamin D Deficiency-Insufficiency in North Sumatera, Indonesia

Dina Keumala Sari, Zaimah Zulkarnaini Tala, Sri Lestari, Sunna Vyatra Hutagalung, Ratna Akbari Ganie, Delina Sekar Harum
Study showed that 95% women had serum level of 25(OH)D lower than normal and women have riskier lifestyle than men, this is based on women's lifestyle, such as avoiding sun rays, sunblock application, low vitamin D intake, and low physical activity. As result of the deficiency, there will be increasing...
Proceedings Article

The Correlation Between Anxiety and Coping Mechanisms in Patients with Renal Failure Undergoing Hemodialysis

Adiratna Sekar Siwi, Azka Fathiyatir Rizqillah, Dwi Yulianti
Patients undergoing long-term hemodialysis will face various physical and psychosocial problems. Psychosocial problems include the inability to resume a normal lifestyle, self-reliance in life anxiety, depression, social isolation, loneliness, helplessness, and despair. Renal failure patients should...
Proceedings Article

Development of Attitude Instrument Assessment in Physical Education Learning for Tanjung Balai, Islamic School

Hasanul Fadhilah Marpaung, Amir Supriadi, Tarsyad Nugraha
This study aims to find out: (1) Describing the conditions and potential instruments of attitude assessment that exist and are used today. (2) Producing attitudinal assessment instruments on sports and health physical education learning. (3) Test the level of validity and reliability of attitude assessment...
Proceedings Article

The Effectiveness of Ice pack to Reduce Pain in School Age Children with Venous Functioning

Fadliyana Ekawaty, Yosi Oktarina
At the time of fever children need more fluids because of an increase in evaporation. Venous puncture is one of the measures to meet the patient’s fluid needs. Installation of infusion and blood collection in children is not easy because the child has a small and fragile vein, so frequent intravenous...
Proceedings Article

The Influence of Multi-Sensory Stimulus to Parturition

Fania Nurul Khoirunnisa’, Nor Asiyah, Indah Risnawati, Alif Kiki
Safe and satisfied parturition are influenced by anxiety suffered by mothers during maternity. Anxiety and pain during maternity cause stress responses. It increases catecholamine causing vasoconstriction which influences to womb contraction, pain, and parturition length. Multi-sensory stimuli are identified...
Proceedings Article

Lumbar Epidural Analgesia: Shortening Time of Active Phase at First and Second Stage of Labor

Supriyatiningsih, Iman Permana, Yossie Budi, Pramitha Esha
Introduction: Pain is a cause of dissatisfaction in labor. The use of lumbar epidural analgesia (LEA) in labor is widespread due to its benefits in terms of pain relief and the shortening of labor time. The study selected 50 consecutive primiparaous women in labor at Asri Medical Center. They were given...
Proceedings Article

Patients Perceptions of Islamic Caring Model on Nurses in Yogyakarta Sharia Hospitals

Shanti Wardaningsih, Atika Oktariza
Islamic caring is a form of caring based on Islamic values following the guidance of the Qur’an and Hadith. There are still many unfulfilled caring behaviors. One of them is in the context of Islam in Indonesia, in which most people adhere to Islam, giving rise to many perceptions of patients who receive...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Aerobic Exercises on Students’ Physical Fitness

Apri Agus, Sepriadi, Fahd Mukhtarsyah
Physical fitness is one of the problems which have something to do with health issues experienced by many people including university students. Students with a good physical fitness will have good health condition which enables them to do their daily activities without experiencing major fatigue. One...
Proceedings Article

Characteristic Description of Hospitalized Bipolar Affective Disorder Patients

Muhammad Adam Zulqarnain, Lukas Kabul Budianto, Chatidjah Satrijo Wibowo
Bipolar disorder was a severe mental disorder that had a quite high prevalence of around 1-2%, with multifactorial etiology. Most patients had a chronic symptom of bipolar disorder. The chronicity of symptoms caused comorbidities that could eventually cause malfunction and death. This study aimed to...
Proceedings Article

Quality of Life in a Patient with Total Laryngectomy Without Neck Dissection for Stage III Laryngeal Carcinoma

A Case Report with EORTC QLQ-C30

Tengku Reza Alfisyah, Benny Kurnia, Lily Setiani, Marhaban Marhaban
Laryngeal cancer is a malignancy on larynx that may occur in glottis, supraglottic and subglottic. This malignancy is a second most carcinoma in head and neck area Clinical manifestation such as dysphonia, breathing obstruction, dysphagia, odynophagia, and hemoptysis. Reported a laryngeal cancer with...
Proceedings Article

Phenomenological Study of the Psychological Condition of Nurses in COVID-19 Pandemic

Sri Eka Wahyuni, Budi Anna Keliat, Junaiti Sahar
Purpose The study explores the psychological conditions of COVID-19 nurses at the Medan City Hospital. Method Research design was descriptive phenomenological qualitative. The purposive sampling method was used to obtain data from 10 participants through in-depth interviews....
Proceedings Article

Sedentary Screen Time and Gross Motor Skills of Indonesian Preschoolers in Urban Areas

Nurrul Riyad Fadhli, Dona Sandy Yudasmara, Taufik, Elok Ludyana, Eldiene Zaura I’tamada
This study was to identify the duration of sedentary screen time (SST) and gross motor skills (GMS) of Indonesian preschoolers in the urban area. This study used an IPAQ questionnaire and Test of Gross Development (TGMD) to collect data. Preschoolers who live in urban area are involved in this study....
Proceedings Article

Exclusive Breastfeeding Survival And Factors Related to Early Breastfeeding Cessation in Indonesia

Tika Dwi Tama, Erni Astutik
Give only breast milk for the first six months is recommended for optimizing the infant’s growth and development. In fact, the rate of exclusive breastfeeding in Indonesia is relatively low. This study was aimed to assess the survival probability of exclusive breastfeeding and identify the factors related...
Proceedings Article

The Correlation between Body Mass Index Physical Fitness Level and Systolic Blood Pressure in Late Adolescent in School of Nursing Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Nurvita Risdiana, Syahruramdhani, Ristyo Utari
Lately, the dynamic fast pace of modern world has led people to live a sedentary lifestyle, which is defined as lifestyle with lack of physical activity. Such kind of lifestyle would have an effect on Body Mass Index (BMI), Physical Fitness Level (PFL) and Systolic Blood Pressure (SBP). The fact that...
Proceedings Article

The Interdependency of Elemental and Amino Acid Composition of Blood Serum Among the Physically Challenged Athletes

О. V. Marshinskaia, E. V. Kiyaeva, S. V. Notova, T. V. Kazakova, N. S. Gedulianova
The aim of research was to study the interdependency between the elemental and amino acid composition of blood serum among the sledge hockey athletes. Determination of the elemental and amino acid composition of blood was performed using an Elan 9000 mass spectrometer and an Optima 2000 V atomic emission...
Proceedings Article

Identification of MSX1 Mutation in Malaysian Hypodontia Family

Nabilah Muhamad Zamil, Nor Aini Mohamed Yussof, Yunita Dewi Ardini, Widya Lestari
Hypodontia is defined as the absence of one to six teeth. There is high prevalence of hypodontia recorded in Malaysia (2.8%). This study aimed to identify any mutation of MSX1 in Malaysian family with hypodontia and its clinical finding. We re-examined 4 individuals from a family of the previous PAX9...
Proceedings Article

The Development of Responsibility and Leadership Through Sport Education Model

Aang Solahudin Anwar, Yudi Hendrayana, Amung Ma’mun
This study was aimed at discussing the development of responsibility and leadership attitudes through the Sport Education Model. Sport education is an integral part of physical education, while physical education is a subject that has a vital position in the development of Human Resources. By developing...
Proceedings Article

Variant Anatomy of Renal Vein and Its Intra-Organ Branches

E.S. Kafarov, O.K. Zenin, S.V. Fyodorov, Kh.M. Bataev, A.Z. Vezirkhanov
The purpose of the study is to analyze the variant anatomy of renal veins forming its venous vessels and inflows. In total, 142 corrosion casts of the human kidney venous system were produced followed by 3D stereomorphological analysis to identify the sources of renal veins forming its venous vessels...
Proceedings Article

The Impact of Graptophyllum Pictum Steeping to Hemorrhoid Disease Healing at Setia Insane Clinic, Sepatan Timur District, Tangerang Regency

Heri Setiawan, Dewi Fitriani
Based on the United Nations Organization (UNO) annual report, the number of hemorrhoids occurred worldwide, with a percentage of 54% having hemorrhoid disorder. In Indonesia, based on the data of the health ministry obtained from hospitals in 33 provinces, there were 355 patients with hemorrhoids, both...
Proceedings Article

Nutritional Status, Healthy Living Behavior, And Level of Physical Activity of Prospective Foreign Workers Kenshine Globalindo Indonesia

Yustinus Sukarmin, Widiyanto Widiyanto, Eka Swasta Budayati, Eka Novita Indra, Sandi Prayudho
Potential foreign employees are beneficial to both the nation and their family. Prospective overseas employees contribute significantly to the nation’s foreign exchange and the family’s financial stability. Prospective foreign workers must be in good physical shape because being healthy is a need. This...
Proceedings Article

Telemedicine: A New Form of Technology Based Health Service, Its Challenge, and Its Solution

Astia Widyanindar, Dhea Tika Anggraeni
Telemedicine is considered as an alternative for problems found in health services during pandemic of Covid-19 since it enables both doctors and patients in information exchange via mobile and gadgets with the help of internet connection. Some services from telemedicine are teleradiology, teledermathology,...
Proceedings Article

Applied Behavior Analysis Interventions on Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder in Indonesia: A Proposal for Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Amala Fahditia, Heryanti Satyadi, P. Tommy Y. S. Suyasa
The prevalence of autism spectrum disorder increases every year. Autism spectrum disorder refers to a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by difficulties in communication and social interaction as well as patterns of behavior, interests, and activities that are limited and repetitive. ABA intervention...
Proceedings Article

Profile of Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma in Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo Hospital Makassar 2011 – 2021

Cita Nurinsani Akhmad, Nova Audrey Luetta Pieter
Background: Nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) is Indonesia’s most common type of head and neck malignancy. NPC presents non-specific signs and symptoms, which lead to late or missed diagnoses. Early detection and prevention are important based on the NPC profile. Objective: This study aims to reveal NPC’s...
Proceedings Article

Risk Assessment of Mercury Exposure in The Gold Processing Community in Krueng Kalee Village, South Aceh

Rizki Srimaulia Hartati, Nurmaini Nurmaini, Taufik Ashar
Gold processing activities of artisanal gold mining at Krueng Kalee Village is using a method called amalgamation. Amalgamation method is a process of binding the gold metal from gold ore by using mercury in a tromol tube. The waste from the amalgamation process is released directly to the environment...
Proceedings Article

Hypothesis: Relationship of skin morphology and cutaneous scarless wound healing in sunda porcupine (Hystrix javanica)

Andhika Y Prawira, Supratikno Supratikno, Savitri Novelina, Srihadi Agungpriyono
Sunda porcupine (Hystrix javanica) is one among the wild mammals of Indonesia. The porcupine skin shows peculiar appearance by the presence of quills, spine like structure, instead of hair, that commonly found in mammals. On the other hand, our previous preeliminary study observed a relatively quick...
Proceedings Article

Perception Difference on Sexually Transmitted Infections Between Domestic and Foreign Ship Crews (A Study at Merak Port of Banten)

Dadi Supriyadi, Tri Wahono, Satiti Retno Pudjiati, Ari Probandari
Crew is one component in the vulnerable community of Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) in the port. According to the Integrated Biological and Behavior Surveillance Survey (STBP) report in 2011 at 5 ports in Indonesia, 58% of crews were associated with Women Sex Workers (WSW) and 50% had unprotected...
Proceedings Article

Relationship Between Hydration Status and Anemia Status in Female Students at SMK Bekasi City

Utami Wahyuningsih, Fatien Triananda Kusuma Putri, Afrinia Eka Sari, Muhammad Nur Hasan Syah
Nowadays, anemia is a serious problem especially for girl adolescents. The high prevalence of anemia for girl adolescents needs to be handled to prevent long phase impact or short phase impact. One of any method handling for anemia is by knowing the cause and overcoming it probably. Dehydration is one...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Teaching Strategy and Kinesthetic Perception on The Smash Skills in Badminton

Sudiadharma Sudiadharma, Reza Mahyuddin, Agus Sutriawan
The aim of this experimental study was to compare two learning strategies on learning outcomes smah skill in the game of badminton. The learning strategy consists of a duty and play. This study also aims to determine the interaction between learning strategies and kinesthetic perception abilities toward...
Proceedings Article

Workload Relationship With The Attitude Of Nurse In Fulfill The Patient's Spiritual Needs In The Siti Khodijah Sepanjang Hospital

Mundakir Mundakir, Erna Purnamasari, Siti Aisyah
Introduction: Nurses as health professionals should be able to pay attention to the status of patients who are not only being the bio-psycho-socio-cultural but also spiritual. Many nurses who complain of high workload, so it can not meet the spiritual aspect. The results of the initial survey in Siti...
Proceedings Article

The relationship of Energy and Fat intakes, Physical Activity to Body Mass Index Among Poltekkes Kemenkes Bengkulu Employees

Afriyana Siregar, Tetes Wahyu W, Arie Krisnasary
Poltekkes Kemenkes Bengkulu employee is one of the jobs at risk for obesity. In addition, the support of economic capacity is also one of the supporters of greater intake of food than the calories removed from physical activity. The study aim was to investigate the relationship between intake of energy...
Proceedings Article

Qualitative Study of Exclusive Breastfeeding Succeded among Working Mother

Galuh Nita Prameswari, Arif Rahmat Kurnia
Infant Mortality Rate in Indonesia was 32 deaths per 1000 live births, whereas Under-five Mortality Rate reaches 40 deaths from 1000 live births. One of the factors which underlie those numbers was the low rate of exclusive breastfeeding. In Central Java, exclusive breastfeeding was still below target...
Proceedings Article

The importance of ecological tourism in the formation of ecological culture in children and adolescents

Elena Pecheritsa, Artur Kuchumov, Yulia Dolmatenia
The aim of the study is to develop recommendations on the formation of an ecological culture for children and youth within the framework of ecological tourism. Materials and methods: the components, types, principles and distinctive features of ecotourism were examined; the legal framework of environmental...
Proceedings Article

Factors Related to the Provision of DPT Immunization in Baduta in the Meureubo Puskesmas Working a West Aceh Regency 2018

Susy Sriwahyuni, Zakiyuddin, Muhammad Reza Firdaus, Darmawan, Tuty Alawiyah
Immunization is a prevention effort that has succeeded in reducing infectious morbidity and mortality in infants and children. Based on a preliminary study on mothers who have baduta, there is still a low knowledge of mothers where mothers who do not want to give immunizations to the clan, then the mother...
Proceedings Article

Survey of Physical Education Facilities and Teaching and Learning Process of Physical Education in State High Schools in the Middle City of Tebing Tinggi Academik Year 2018/2019

Hisar Edy Irwanto Sibarani
The purpose of this study was to find out how the Physical Education Facilities and the Teaching and Learning Process of Physical Education in High Schools in the Middle City of Tebing Tinggi in Academic Year 2018/2019. The method in this study is a descriptive method using survey techniques, using these...
Proceedings Article

Lifetime Prevalence of Psychiatric Disorders in City of Mosul-Iraq

Ahmad Meshaal, Radhwan Hussein Ibrahim
Introduction: To calculate the prevalence of mental disorders and identify the availability of essential psychotropic medicines and mental health facilities in the hospitals of Mosul city Methods: A retrospective study was conducted in city of Mosul _Iraq for the period between January 1 2020 to January...
Proceedings Article

The Effort to Increase Patient Visits With Marketing Mix Strategies at Sekarpuro Medical Clinic Malang

Elmi Nafi Lestari, Sapto Adi, Sendhi Tristanti Puspitasari
The decline in patient visits of general polyclinic at Sekarpuro Medical Clinic requires the clinic to have an effective marketing strategy. The strategy used is a marketing mix consisting of product, price, promotion, place, people, physical evidence, process, and customer service. The purpose of this...
Proceedings Article

Health Education Improves Knowledge of Healthy Living and Cleanliness Behavior for Upper Respiratory Infection Prevention

Respati Wulandari, Izzatul Alifah Sifai
The proportion of households in Indonesia Practicing Healthy Living and Cleanliness Behavior (PHLCB) is still very low. Low PHLCB practices can lead to deaths caused by acute respiratory infections such as pneumonia. This study aimed to determine the effect of health education on knowledge and attitudes...
Proceedings Article

Isoflora Eye Spray (Longiflora Isotoma) As An Effort To Prevent Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS) Based On Complementary Actions

I Wayan Yogik Prayoga, Komang Ayu Henny Achjar, I Made Sukarja
Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS) is a syndrome that causes eye symptoms due to computer use for more than 3 h/day. The prevalence of CVS reaches 64–90% with an estimated 60 million sufferers in the world with 1 million new cases each year. Kitolod flowers contain alkaloids, saponins, flavonoids, and tannins...
Proceedings Article

Effect of Administration of Kawista Juice (Limonia acidissima) on Blood Glucose Levels of Wistar Strain (Rattus norvegicus) Hyperglycemia

Yuliana Noor Setiawati Ulvie, Anis Mutmainah, Hapsari Sulistya Kusuma, Rr. Annisa Ayuningtyas
Hyperglycemia is a condition of glucose levels in the blood that exceed normal limits, this occurs due to a lack of insulin so that glucose levels are high. Kawista contains antioxidants that can lower blood glucose levels. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of giving kawista juice...
Proceedings Article

Immune Status of Children Living in Industrial Developed Regions in the Conditions of Chronic Exposition of Anthropogenic Chemical Factors (by the Example of Benz(a)pyren, Phenol and Mercury)

N.A. Nikonoshina, O.V. Dolgikh, N.V. Zaitseva
Excessive exposure to anthropogenic environmental factors on the territory of chemical production enterprise causes changes in the microelement composition of biological media of the child population characterized by an increased level of blood contamination with benzo(a)pyrene and phenol (p <0.05),...
Proceedings Article

Maternal Emergency Management at The Brati Health Center, Grobogan Regency, Central Java Province, Indonesia

Indri Astuti Purwanti, Yoni Meilinda Putri, Eka Putri Oktaviani, Dewi Puspitaningrum
Background: Indonesia ranks second in terms of maternal mortality in Southeast Asia while the highest maternal mortality rate in Indonesia was contributed by the provinces of West Java, East Java, and Central Java. Since then, Central Java Province made a mapping of maternal mortality locations last...
Proceedings Article

Elderly Anxiety During the Covid-19 Pandemic in Mibo Banda Aceh

Nur Asiah, Henki Adisa Putra, Rita Surya
The degenerative aging process creates problems in old age, resulting in physical, cognitive, social, and sexual changes. Anxiety in the elderly is one of the emotional issues that the elderly frequently experience, characterized by physiological stimulation, unpleasant sensations, and a feeling that...
Proceedings Article

Physical Stability Test, Penetration Efficiency and Absorption of Leaf Ethosome Extracts Tekelan (Chromolaena odorata L.)

Sofia Rahmi, Julia Reveny, Anayanti Arianto, Panal Sitorus
Ethosomes are innovative lipid-based vesicular systems containing relatively high concentrations of phospholipids, ethanol, and relatively high air. The presence of phospholipids and ethanol can enhance the permeation and penetration of the drug more profoundly into the skin layers. This study aimed...
Proceedings Article

Sports-Based Integrated Camps: The effect on responsibility and student knowledge of drug dangers

Nur Indri Rahayu, Imas Damayanti, Yati Ruhayati
This study aims to determine the effect of student participation in sports-based camps on the knowledge of the dangers of drugs and the level of student responsibility. This study used pre-experimental with pre-posttest group design. The subject of this research were 20 female high school students in...
Proceedings Article

Nonsurgical Treatment of Class III Malocclusion with Nonextraction and Extraction of Mandibular First Premolar

Skeletal Class III malocclusion is some of the most complex cases to treat. Currently, orthognathic surgery and orthodontic camouflage are the standard technique for treating this condition in fully growing patients. With skeletal Class III orthodontic patients camouflage can be used to treat milder...
Proceedings Article

Impact of Stunting on Development of Children Aged 12–60 Months

Setianingsih, Devi Permatasari, Endang Sawitri, Desi Ratnadilah
Growth failure (Stunting) in children under five years old can cause various developmental disorders, including personal social development, fine motoric, language, gross motoric. Some studies show different results, where nutritional status (stunting) is not related to child development. Objective:...
Proceedings Article

Alcoholic Beverage Consumption Behaviors Among Primary School Students

T Chotchai
In 1997, WHO reported that 25% of pre-adolescents used to drink alcohol worldwide. The purpose of this cross-sectional research was to explore the alcoholic beverage consumption (ABC) behaviors among 380 primary school students in Khon Kaen Province, Thailand. Data were collected by questionnaires and...
Proceedings Article

Validity and Reliability of Holding Bow Digitec Test

Heru Prasetyo, Siswantoyo Siswantoyo, Yudik Prasetyo
This study aims to: 1) determine the validity of the digitec holding bow test 2) determine the reliability of the digitec bow holding test 3) create a new breakthrough that the “Holding Bow Digitec Test” is a tool for measuring arm muscle strength and endurance with high validity and reliability for...
Proceedings Article

The Knowledge of Undergraduate Students about Sexual Violence and Sexually Transmitted Infections

Moh. Ali Imron Rodzali, Septa Katmawanti, Ema Novita Deniati
Sexual violence is an issue in society, especially in higher education institutions. A survey by Students Executive Board on sexual violence at Universitas Negeri Malang in 2022 with 205 respondents reported that 11 respondents had been victims of sexual violence. Several studies have proven that knowledge...
Proceedings Article

Comparison of Life Skills Between Adolescent Athletes and Non-Athletes: Who is Better?

Sulistiyono Sulistiyono, Sumarjo Sumarjo, Sigit Nugroho, Rifky Riyandi, Sandi Prayudho
This study aims to analyze the comparison of life skills between adolescent athletes and non-athletes. Life skills are essential for individuals to navigate daily interactions, whether in work or social settings. This comparative study employed purposive sampling to select participants. The sample consisted...
Proceedings Article

Step Dynamics Analysis in 100 m Sprint Biomechanics Study in Elite And Junior Sprinters

Veeramani Chidambaram, Ria Lumintuarso
This study aimed to determine the frequency of the step of 100 meters sprint, the research method used is to analyze the video with dartfish. The results of this study indicate that the anthropometry profile greatly determines the sprint running speed of 100 meters.
Proceedings Article

PSP Yogurt Lowers Blood Glucose Levels, Improves Lipid Profile and Antioxidant Status In Diabetic Conditions

Muji Rahayu, M. Atik Martsiningsih
Probiotic can improve the condition of diabetes. Anthocyanins are potent antioxidant compounds. This study aims to analyze the effect of probiotic combination of Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophyllus in the form of yogurt with purple sweet potato (PSP) on blood glucose levels and lipid...
Proceedings Article

Differences of Leukocyte and Neutrophils to Lymphocytes Ratio on Maximum Training

Arif Fadli Muchlis, Afriwardi, Efrida
Physical exercise is a stressor to the immune system. Leukocytes and the neutrophils toward lymphocytes ratio (NLR) can be used to determine the status of immunity. This study aims to see the difference in the number of leukocytes, neutrophils, lymphocytes, and NLR on maximal physical exercise. This...
Proceedings Article

Quality of Life Level Description of Elderly Patients with Hypertension Using Instruments WHOQOL-BREF

Ciereng Hospital, Subang

Jusron Iriawan, Ghaisani Nur Shabrina, Ali Taufan, Muhammad Adam Zulqarnain
Aging or elderly were the most growing population group and continued to increase as a proportion of the world population. Elderly were the most susceptible age group to physical complaints, either due to physiological factors or disease. Most diseases experienced by the elderly were hypertension. According...
Proceedings Article

Mortality of Hemodialysis Patients with Comorbidities at RSUP Prof Dr R.D Kandou, Manado, North Sulawesi

Stefanus Lukas, Diana Laila Ramatillah, Apricia Latuharhary, Yufri Aldi, Fatma Sri Wahyuni
Background: Hemodialysis is a process in renal replacement function. Comorbid is one of the contributing factors for the high mortality among hemodialysis patients. Objective: To determine the correlation between comorbidities and duration of HD treatment and the effect of HD treatment duration on mortality...
Proceedings Article

Hemiglossectomy with Supraomohyoid Neck Dissection on T3N1M0 Tongue Cancer Patient

A Case Report

Karina Witary Ayu Siagian, Benny Kurnia, Fadhlia Fadhlia
Hemiglossectomy, surgical removal of half of the tongue, is one of the procedures for tongue cancer management. Surgery followed with supraomohyoid neck dissection (SOHND) is suggested to treat regional metastasis. SOHND is a selective neck dissection indicated for patients with T2, T3 tongue cancer...
Proceedings Article

Sharpening Public Health’s Goals and Tools in Currently Global Issue

Djoko Kustono
Public health programs aim to assure fair access to high-quality care for all necessary health care packages, including preventive, promotional, curative, rehabilitative, and palliative care. Currently, we face numerous global issues, including issues in the public health aspect. Some of the popular...
Proceedings Article

Health Believe Model of Growth Monitoring to Prevent Child Stunting by Mothers in the Pregnancy Classroom

Tyas Ning Yuni Astuti Anggraini, Nendy Wahyunia Utami, Putri Pusvitasari
The rapid growth and development in the first 1,000 days of life makes monitoring children's growth and development very important at this age. Monitoring growth and development is expected to always be a priority for parents, especially mothers, from pregnancy to the age of 2 years. The problem...
Proceedings Article

Hair Tonic Formulation Containing Ethyl Acetate Fraction of Sweet Potato (Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lamk) Leaves and In Vitro Anti-Dandruff Activity Test against Malassezia Furfur

Fery Indradewi Armadany, Resmi Mustarichie, Iyan Sopyan, Ruslin Ruslin
Dandruff is a condition where flaking of the skin occurs excessively on the scalp. The primary cause of dandruff is due to the development of Malassezia furfur fungus above normal level. One way to treat dandruff is to reduce the population of Malassezia furfur by using herbs that have antifungal activity....
Proceedings Article

Determinants of Stunting in the Eastern Indonesia Region Based on Indonesian Family Life Survey 5 Data

Iing Merillarosa Kharisma Wardani, Siti Nurrochmah, Dian Mawarni
Stunting can lead to the decline in children’s cognitive, motoric, and language functions, as well as various degenerative diseases during adulthood. The Eastern Indonesia (EI) region has the highest rate of stunting throughout the country. This study aims to identify and review the determinants of stunting...
Proceedings Article

Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Risk Factor Prediction Score Related to Blood Glucose Level in the Second and Third Trimester of Pregnancy

Sih Ageng Lumadi, Kalsum Sulaiman
Based on data from IDF (2016) every 6 seconds every a person dies due to DM. One of the seven pregnancies affected by gestational diabetes. And predicted by 2040, One of ten adults suffer DM (642 million). Based on the very poor data, it is very urgent to do prevention as early as possible, even before...
Proceedings Article

Effectiveness Of Relaxation Techniques To Decrease Handheld Finger Pain Intensity Post Cesarean Section At Dr. H. Moch. Ansari Saleh Hospital In Banjarmasin

Novalia Widiya Ningrum, Dede Mahdiyah, Diah Permata Sari
Objective: To analyze Effectiveness Relaxation Techniques To Decrease Handheld Finger Pain Intensity Post Sectio Caesarea. Method: This research uses pre-group experimental method pre and post-test design. The population in this study was a post-cesarean section as many as 116 patients. The sampling...
Proceedings Article

School Lunch: Menu Variation, Suitability of Portion Standards and Nutrient Analysis and RDA Percents in Integrated Islamic Elementary School (SDIT)

Arie Krisnasary, Afriyana Siregar
Organizing lunch at school must be able to contribute one third of the total energy needs of children. Food service systems are determined by interrelated components, that is in the form of menu planning which underlies all of the activities in the food service system. The purpose of this research was...
Proceedings Article

Development of Problem-Based Learning Model at The Faculty of Nursing, Ubon Ratchathani University

Pailin Pinthong, Penpuk Chaisongmuang
Thinking is the basis of intelligence; Therefore, the development of learners’ critical thinking skill is necessary. Problem-based learning (PBL) is one of the most popular teaching methods in nursing courses. Whether or not PBL is successful depends on many factors. This article describes the application...
Proceedings Article

Psychotherapy for Rehabilitation of Patients Suffering from Gambling Addiction

N.R. Mollaeva, M.S. Khatsieva, A.S. Damadaeva, Kh.Kh. Aptaeva, Z.V. Masaeva
The article analyzes psychological mechanisms of gambling addiction development (a psychopathological disorder characterized as pathological gambling) and complex treatment of gambling addiction using non-drug psychotherapy methods. Positive effects of physical exercises were identified. Features of...
Proceedings Article

Spirituality in Renal Failure Patients with Hemodialysis

Adiratna Sekar Siwi, Azka Fathiyatir Rizqillah, Amalia Lestari
Patients with chronic renal failure who do hemodialysis can reduce the risk of damage to vital organs due to accumulation of toxic substances in the circulation, but this action does not heal or restore kidney function permanently. Patients undergoing long-term hemodialysis will face various problems,...
Proceedings Article

Obstacles of the Implementation of the Healthy Indonesia Program with Family Approach (PIS-PK)

Fitri Afrianti, Pujiyanto
The Healthy Indonesia Program with a family approach (PIS-PK) is one of the ways for health center (puskesmas) to improve access of the community to health services by visiting families. This study aimed to describe the obstacles of PIS-PK implementation. The method used was a systematic review. We look...
Proceedings Article

Morphofunctional Changes of the Kidneys in Non-Tumour Cholestasis

M.D. Kashaeva, K.V. Gavrilova, D.S. Dyukov, A.V. Proshin, L.G. Proshina, V.A. Golushko
The morphofunctional changes of kidneys at cholestasis of various duration in 170 patients suffered from obstructive jaundice of non-neoplastic aetiology were analyzed. Taking part in the processes of the metabolism of biologically active substances, including hormones, the liver has a regulatory effect...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Nesting on Changes in Physiological Stress in Low Birth Weight Babies

Fenny Fernando, Helena Patricia, Melia Pebrina
Babies with low birth weight (LBW) often experience several problems due to organ characteristics that are not yet perfect at birth, causing physiological stress. In the Perinatology Room, Dr M. Zein Painan there is no special handling effort to overcome physiological stress in LBW infants. The purpose...
Proceedings Article

The Quality of Life in Hypertention Patients’ Before and After E-Discharge Planning Intervention

Fitri Arofiati, Fitri Ramadhani
Hypertension can cause a decrease in physical health, psychological, social relationships, complications, and inadequate treatment that will impact in decreased quality of life. Therefore, the nurse’s role is to help improve patient health through the provision of discharge planning. The discharge planning...
Proceedings Article

Nutritional Value and Organoleptic of Gembili Yogurt With the Addition of Red Dragon Fruit Juice

Ibnu Malkan Bakhrul Ilmi, Wida Aulia
In Indonesia, the prevalence of cancer increased to 1.8% in 2013-2018. Cancer incidence can be prevented by consuming foods containing antioxidants to prevent oxidative stress and cancer. Red dragon fruit juice and yoghurt are known as food with antioxidants. This study aims to investigate the nutrition...
Proceedings Article

Detection of Non-coding RNA (hsa_circ_0003416) in Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension Patients’ Plasma by qRT-PCR Analysis

Fajri Marindra Siregar, Dicka Wahyu Setiasari, Sofia Mubarika Haryana, Dyah Wulan Anggrahini, Lucia Kris Dinarti, Anggoro Budi Hartopo
Circular RNA refers to a type of non-coding RNA molecule and possesses a circular conformation. Circular RNA has greater stability compared to linear RNA due to its resistance to RNAse activity. Hsa_circ_0003416 is a circular RNA reported to have potential as a biomarker in patients with pulmonary arterial...
Proceedings Article

TEACCH for Parents and Child with Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Review of the Literature

Noni, Naomi Soetikno, Samsunuwijati Mar’at
Treatment and Education of Autistic and Related Communication Handicapped Children (TEACCH) is one of the Comprehensive Treatment Models (CTM) interventions that have been implemented since the 1960s for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). TEACCH uses structured teaching so that it has an impact...
Proceedings Article

Giant Branchial Cleft Cyst of the Neck

A Case Report

Rian Kurniawan Laksono, Sagung Rai Indrasari, Camelia Herdini, Danu Yudistira, Artanto Wahyono
Background: Branchial cleft cyst is a benign lesion of the neck caused by altered development of branchial apparatus. It is one of the most common congenital lesions of the neck, usually diagnosed before adulthood. The cyst can increase in size and cause asymmetry of the neck. Purpose: To provide information...
Proceedings Article

The Role of Typical Angina with Risk Factors in Predicting Stenosis

Aang Kunaifi, Nursalam Nursalam, Mochamad Yusuf
One method for early detection of coronary stenosis that is Diagnostic Coronary Angiography (DCA). Diagnostic Coronary Angiography is a minimally invasive procedure using a diagnostic catheter and guide wire with the help of contrast. Catheterization in clients with complaints of chest pain are not all...
Proceedings Article

Portrait of Motor Learning for Kindergarten Students

Nuridin Widya Pranoto, Mulyana Mulyana, Nurlan Kusmaedi
This study aims to get an overview of motor learning in kindergarten students. This research is descriptive type with a qualitative approach. Techniques used are interviews, observation, and documentation. The study sample consisted of 30 kindergarten teachers and 50 kindergarten students. Based on the...
Proceedings Article

The Relationship of Eating Habits, Physical Activities, Food Choises with Obesity among Students in Public Senior High School Medan

Vera Chitra Dewi Saragih, Etti Sudaryati, R. Kintoko Rochadi
The prevalence of obese adolescents aged 16-18 in Indonesia is 1.6%, in North Sumatra Province is 1.4%, and in Medan is 3.18%. In school children, the incidence of obesity becomes a serious problem because it will continue until they grow up. The purpose of this research was to analyze the relationship...
Proceedings Article

Health Promotion Management Model in Dealing with Tropical Diseases

Eddy Syahrial, Destanul Aulia, Logut Sutandra Siregar
Health promotion is a health program designed to make improvement such as a change in behavior in society, an organization or the environment, either physical, non-physical, socio-cultural, economical, political environment or others. PHBS (Clean and Healthy Lyfestyle Behavior) is the implementation...