Proceedings of the 3rd NFE Conference on Lifelong Learning (NFE 2016)
64 articles
Proceedings Article
Use of Multimedia Learning Technology Based Graphical User Interface (GUI)
Chandra Anugrah Putra
Recently, teachers have various problems when implementing the learning in the classroom. Learning problems are caused because the teachers do not understand the characteristics of learners with learning content. Multimedia as a new product of modern technology seeks to involve all the senses, including...
Proceedings Article
The Socio-Economic Impact of Dam Construction
Ade Sadikin Akhyadi, Oong Komar, Dadang Yunus Lutfiansyah
The national development encouraged by the government through the establishment of community infrastructure determines the rate of growth of the economy of society, including the construction of reservoirs, although spawned a wide range of new social problems. Construction of reservoirs interpreted as...
Proceedings Article
Effectiveness Model Literacy Education Oriented Local Culture
Uyu Wahyudin
The present study stems from the fact that implementation of the local culture approach in literacy education is not optimal. It aims to develop a functional literacy education model oriented to local culture for the improvement of learning quality in learning groups provided by Community Learning Centers...
Proceedings Article
Life-Skill Literacy Education Towards Rural Industrial Development
Achmad Hufad, Jajat S. Ardiwinata, Puromo Puromo
Rural area is identified by the agricultural and farming commodity and close-tied kinship of the community. Nevertheless, the education level is low. More women in the rural areas, however, suffer from illiteracy compared those living the cities. This is the case due to the insufficient education facility...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of Self-Actualization Theory of Abraham Maslow and the Implication for Enhancement of Teachers Competency
Ani Hendriani
Issues that being implicated in this study is still not optimal performance of teachers in developing their competence as a professional. A strong suspicion that there is a psychological factor that affects the performance of teachers, one of which is a low tolerance for failure neurosis that is individual...
Proceedings Article
Education and Tiered Training of Early Childhood Educators : The Application of Andragogy Principals
Anne Rahaju
Education and tiered training of early childhood educators is important because it aims to increase competence of an educator to become a professional educator. This paper address the application of andragogy principals in the education and tiered training for early childhood educators. It will systematically,...
Proceedings Article
Self-Directed Learning: How Effective as a Mode of Learning on Equality Education Program in Indonesia?
Sardin Sardin
Self-directed learning is a learning mode are applied in learning activities on equality education program, in addition to conventional and tutorial modes. As a mode of learning, self-directed learning is providing opportunities for learners to engage in independent learning through; selecting of learning...
Proceedings Article
Conflict Resolution Youth Village Tourism Cave Tubing Pindul in Yogyakarta
Lutfi Wibawa, Sujarwo Sujarwo, Hiryanto Hiryanto
This article discusses conflict resolution Travel Awareness Group (Pokdarwis) cave tubing Pindul in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Cave Tubing Pindul as a natural tourist destinations in governance by the people who gave birth to 4 Pokdarwis. Conflict occurs among this group that have an impact on youth. In...
Proceedings Article
How does Rumah Pintar Manage to Facilitate Community to Learn?
Jajat S. Ardiwinata, Viena Rusmiati Hasanah, Sardin Sardin, Katiah Katiah
This research aims to find out role of management in the facilitation of learning for community in Rumah Pintar Al Barokah. The research employed descriptive method and qualitative approach. In order to gain data, three types of techniques were used including interview, observation and documents study....
Proceedings Article
Model Management Activity Community Learning Center (Clc) Based on Local Wisdom to Improve Quality of Nonformal Education Service
Joni Rahmat Pramudia, Sardin Sardin, Nike Kamarubiani, Muhammad Irfan Hilmi
For the majority of the Indonesian people CLC is a relatively new model, which was adopted through a top-down approach, so empirically CLC is growing like mushrooms in the rainy season. Moreover, in the processes was accompanied by incentive funds are relatively large. This study reviews the development...
Proceedings Article
Nonformal Education Ideas on Mahakam Ulu Community as The Extension Area of West Kutai District
Gunarti Dwi Lestari
Non-formal education as part of the educational system has the same task with the formal education that provides the best service to society have targeted non-formal education. Target non-formal education is increasingly widespread that not only relate to the poor and the stupid (retarded, elementary...
Proceedings Article
The Profile of Critical Consciousness of Indonesia University of Education Students'on Educational Phenomenon (A Phenomenological Study of Paulo Freire's Pedagogy)
Babang Robandi, Dharma Kesuma, Arie Rakhmat Riyadi, Teguh Ibrahim
This paper aims to discuss the phenomenon of Critical Consciousness of Indonesia University of Education Students' on Educational Phenomenon. Critical consciousness is characterized by a critical understanding on issues of education, reasoning causality in the cause of education, transformative power...
Proceedings Article
Contribution of Nonformal Education (NFE) in Improving English Performance
Budi Indra Syahdewa
This paper discusses how a nonformal English class could help students solve their basic English problems and improve their English performance. The learning process must be conducted out of the formal class. The students cannot follow the lesson normally delivered fully in English language. The participants...
Proceedings Article
Entrepreneurial Learning by Community-Based Participation through Optimization of Local Potential Development in Karawang
Dayat Hidayat
The essence of lifelong learning community considers that has the same right and opportunities to meet the needs of learning. Entrepreneurial learning aims to improve people's economic empowerment through the analysis of learning needs and the potential of social capital, superiorily and have local wisdom....
Proceedings Article
Empowerment of Group Role to Develop Learning Independency of Farmers in Farming Business (Lifelong Learning Case of Farmers Group in Pagerwangi Village Lembang Subregency West Bandung Regency)
Nunu Heryanto
Learning independency is a condition that can be grown through the provision of power/strength (empowerment); by strengthening the role of group dynamic components in dynamic interaction in group. The problem is: "how is the influence of group role empowerment to learning independency development of...
Proceedings Article
The Role of Family toward Early Childhood Education through Module: An Approach as Part of Lifelong Learning
Royan Mahmud Musthofa, Kutsiyah Kutsiyah
This research aim to propose an approach on how to educate the childhood by focusing the role of parents. The approach with the help of module that can used to be the manual direction of parents in order to giving the early education to their children. Child as a part of the family member are very influenced...
Proceedings Article
Model of Multiliteracy Education Based on Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) for the Rural Society to Increase Independence
Mintarsih Arbarini, Subyantoro Subyantoro
This study aims to describe and develop a model of multiliteracy education based on Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) in rural society to increase the independence. The model of literacy education, learners participate in represent theirselves, fulfill their needs, and formulate its own objectives...
Proceedings Article
The Impact of Community Awareness Change Through Youth Association Activities (A study at youth association on Masubuchi District Tome city Miyagi Prefecture)
Sodikin Sodikin
The current community activity in Masubuchi district is part of the previous result of youth association activity in the past. Even society member nowadays still doing some activity ever done by the previous member in the past. The purpose of this research is to describe community awareness change in...
Proceedings Article
Community Participation and Health Promotion for Senior Citizens
MinGyu Choi
The purpose of this study was to reveal, through qualitative research, how the physical, mental and social awareness and behavior of a long-term care prevention activity group of senior Japanese citizens has changed, and to investigate what kind of relationship these qualities have. These two objectives...
Proceedings Article
The Implementation of Lifelong Learning in Family
Ihat Hatimah
The initial idea of lifelong education stressed that individuals in the community can learn and should continue to learn on an ongoing basis. The presence of lifelong education is caused by the emergence of learning and educational needs that continue to grow and develop throughout the flow of human...
Proceedings Article
Implications of Lifelong Education Training Management Program
Tika Santika
Lifelong education is an education system that is carried by humans from birth until death. Implementation of lifelong education in creating a learning society can give the contribution for the human resources quality. One of lifelong education implementation in nonformal education lane is through the...
Proceedings Article
Determinant Factors of The Effectiveness Learning Process and Learning Output of Equivalent Education
Joko Sutarto
Recently, The effectiveness learning of equivalent education is influenced by many kinds of factors, those are, tutor motivation, tutor commitment, leadership, means and infrastructure, finance, and working environment. This study aim to analyze the influence of tutor commitment factor, leadership, work...
Proceedings Article
The Contribution of CSR in Empowering The Community Through The Utilization of Cow Manure in The Areng Village, Cibodas
Jubaidah Hasibuan, Friska Indria Nora Harahap
Corporate Social Responsibility is an activity realizing social action and environmental improvement, for sustainable economic development to improve Self-Reliant Communities, quality of life and friendly environment that is useful for both the company and the local community. The purpose of this study...
Proceedings Article
The Efforts of Independent Lepers Association in Developing Life Long Education among the Lepers in District of Soreang, Parepare, Indonesia
Nur Ida
Parepare is a city located in South Sulawesi province, Indonesia. By having dense population, cultural diversities, and special characteristics in its communities, turn Parepare to have various social problems including; unemployment, crime, poor education, as well as cases of infectious diseases that...
Proceedings Article
Reality Study of Managerial Ability of Managers of Community Learning Center (CLC)
Abdul Karim Halim
This research was motivated by previous research about Framing Strategies for Achieving Average Length School through Non-formal Education. The result shows that Average Length School is still very low, at 8.24. So that raises the question of the researcher; How Community Learning Center Impact Reality...
Proceedings Article
Facing Socio-Cultural Changes through Lifelong Learning Based on Real-Life Problems
M.I. Suhifatullah
Life in its various aspects never walked anywhere, but continues to change either by means of a revolutionary or evolutionary. Well it was done intentionally planned or occurred naturally. Nevertheless, the impact of a change is not always positive, none of them have highly negative impact on quality...
Proceedings Article
Human Capital Training Management
Melly Suziani
Human resorces development is an important in the corporation . Employee training is a form of lifelong education effort undertaken by a company to continuously update its employees' knowledge and skills. This article describes the management of employee training conducted by the PT Kereta Api Indonesia,...
Proceedings Article
Strategy for Development of Reading and Writing Habit by Job Groups Approaching in Kayubulan Village, Limboto, Gorontalo Regency
Misran Rahman
Literacy education is an action of personal development for anybody especially those who are illiteracy. Yet the fact shows that there are problems about the ability of reading and writing of the people who had the literacy program, such as (1) disability of the participants to use the literacy skill...
Proceedings Article
Improving Students' Motivation to Learn in the Classroom
Naeli Nurlaeli
Motivation to learn is connected with the desire or willingness of students to participate in learning so that students' motivation to have a role in the achievement of student learning and performance. Facts found in the field show that in general students need to bring learning motivation stimulus....
Proceedings Article
The Effectiveness of the Extracurricular Activities in the Elementary School at Bandung Barat District
Nandang Rukanda
The research objective is to find out the effectiveness of the extracurricular activities in the elementary school at Bandung Barat district. It uses descriptive research method. Data collection techniques used is through observation, interviews and documentation. Research subject are taken from fifty...
Proceedings Article
Contribution and Training Effect for Social Worker
Nani Sintiawati
Human resource development is a series of planned activities designed by the organization to give opportunity for members to learn the skills needed to meet the requirements of the current work and their future job. The training is informal education that became one of the efforts in the development...
Proceedings Article
Cooperative Learning in Extension of Participatory Agriculture
Nataliningsih Nataliningsih
Cooperative learning or the learning of mutual cooperation is one method of learning is done by dividing the responsibility to work together on the task in achieving its objectives. Cooperative learning in formal learning activities is often implemented in study groups or lab, but in non-formal learning...
Proceedings Article
A Model to Build Performance for Batik Craftsmen in Competition Era
Luthfi Nurwandi, Ishak Abdulhak, Endang Sumantri, Jajat S. Ardiwinata
The aim of this research is propose a model that can be accommodated for constructing performance in the level of design for adults. Performance for adults in the competition era is arena to build an advantage of design competency, especially on facing competition era for adult's society who works in...
Proceedings Article
Entrepreneurial Training Oriented Rural Women Empowerment
Agus Winarti
Real factual conditions that functional literacy is not functioning as expected, if there is no follow-up will again be illiterate. Based on the objective conditions, then held entrepreneurship training. This study focused on the question of how the implementation and the supporting inhibitor rural entrepreneurship...
Proceedings Article
Development of Soft Skills Education in Non-Formal Education to Indonesian Society
Nurul Hikmah, Sarti Hafsyah Siregar
Development of soft skills education, non-formal education, and lifelong learning are important pillars in the development of education in Indonesia in accordance with Law Number 20 of 2003 on the National Education System. This study aims to analyze the educational development of soft skills in the...
Proceedings Article
The Mapping of Learning Needs in the Development of Religious-Values Based Training Model to Build Youth Character
Jajat S Ardiwinata, Viena Rusmiati Hasanah, Elih Sudiapermana, Syifaa Nuur Faatihah
This research concerns the mapping of learning needs in the development of religious-values based training model to build youth character. The data were collected by means of interview and focused-group discussion involving a number of youths and figures of education, of community, and of religion. The...
Proceedings Article
Attuning a Problem Based Learning Model for Out of School Children using Design-Based Research
Iip Saripah
The problem of dropout students is closely related with economic weakness of a family, social environment, and the awareness of the importance of education. Concerning dropout students, it is difficult to raise parents' awareness of the importance of education, because from the family perspective, dropout...
Proceedings Article
Lifelong Learning in Japan: Policy, Concepts, and the Present Situation
Mitsuru Takahashi
In this article, I'll review the processes of the system of social education in post-war Japan, while going over its organizing principles. Next, it summarizes the development of Japan's lifelong learning policy since the 1960s. In particular, it reviews the types of reforms that have been advanced amid...
Proceedings Article
Motivating Group Learning in Farmer Community
Mustofa Kamil, Yanti Shantini, Cucu Sukmana
Dynamics of learning in the empowerment of farmers is one of the forces and motion are shown with the active involvement of farmers and businesses in the learning process to change attitudes and behaviors to enhance the independence of farming and quality of life. This study aimed to describe the empowering...
Proceedings Article
An Overview of Sustainability in Nonformal Education Policy
Yanti Shantini, Elih Sudiapermana
This study reports on an overview of sustainability in nonformal education policy in Indonesia setting. A policy is set as a foundation to attain regularity in the development of a country. A policy is considered a success when it can be implemented by the targets of the policy itself, while a failure...
Proceedings Article
The Role of Majelis Taklims and Arabic Literacy in Sustaining Lifelong Learning in Indonesia
Didi Suherdi, Dudung Rahmat Hidayat, Maman Abdurrahman
This paper concerns the results of a study on the role of Majelis taklims and Arabic literacy in sustaining lifelong education in Indonesia. The study is intended to explore how Majelis taklims and Arabic literacy sustain lifelong learning among Indonesian Muslims in terms of the age groups, topics discussed,...
Proceedings Article
Implementation lifelong learning: The Adult Learners Based Learning Needs
Wiwin Yulianingsih, Supriyono Supriyono, Ach. Rasyad, Umi Dayati
Adult education has the approach, scope and objectives as well as different strategies to education for children. Learners are adults in learning activities to choose, establish and develop the method chosen to achieve the desired learning outcomes. Selection, establishment and development of methods...
Proceedings Article
Class Management Through the Literacy Learning Buhuta Walama Lo Tihedu in the Province Gorontalo Indonesia
Abdul Rahmat, Halim K. Malik
Recently, In a class all aspects of learning to meet and proceed; with all his teachers; students with all the background and potential; curriculum with all its components; method by all approach; media with all devices; with any source of learning materials to meet and interact in the classroom. Meanwhile,...
Proceedings Article
Family Empowerment and Supportive Group in Handling Sexual and Gender Identity Disorder
Rika Damayanti
The phenomenon of Sexual and Gender Identity Disorder familiarly known as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) nowadays has become a very hot issue. People who are in favor of or against of it come up with their convincing arguments. Above all, providing proper help for those who are suffering...
Proceedings Article
The Education Quality of State Junior High School
Riswanti Rini
The research was aimed to find out the education quality of Junior High School in Terbanggi Besar district based on school's principal leadership and teacher performance variable. The method used was quantitative descriptive. The population of this study was Junior High School teacher in Terbanggi Besar...
Proceedings Article
Mapping Model Challenge Community Learning (CLC) in Shaping Learning Independence in Banten Province
Romli Ardie, Syafrizal Syafrizal, Heni Pujiastuti, Kuswantoro Kuswantoro
The ability of citizens to learn is the most fundamental in the development of curriculum and learning non-formal education. Developing community residents learn independence is essential from andragogy competence or social pedagogic educators of non-formal education. Educators assumed competency gap...
Proceedings Article
Development of Learning Media for Early Childhood Education Teacher in Stimulating the Polite Behavior Through Macro Role Play in Gorontalo City
Ruslin Badu
This research aims at developing the learning media for early childhood education teacher, thus it can help to stimulate, to develop, and to evaluate the polite attitude in early childhood through macro role-play. The specific objective of this research is the availability of computer-based learning...
Proceedings Article
Factors that Affect the Sustainability of Litercay Education Program
Safuri Musa
Illiterate people in Bazartete Sub District - Liquica District - Timor Leste are estimated more than 42 percent of the total population of 27,115 people (2015). Many efforts have been taken, such as by involving Fatumasi Community Learning Center (CLC) in implementing literacy education programs. Based...
Proceedings Article
Salafi Pesantren's Characters Education
Muhamad Syadeli Hanafia, Uliviana Restu Handaningtiasa
Salafi pesantren is a conventional Islamic educational institution which rooted deeply in Indonesian society. In Banten province, salafi pesantren is becoming an integral part of society's culture, hence salafi pesantren can be found in each and every village. The communities' love toward salafi pesantren...
Proceedings Article
Independence Citizens Learning Model Through Community Entrepreneurship Management Education in Banten Province
Sholih Sholih, Lusiani Dewi Assat
Community Entrepreneurship Education Program, assumed less effective in forming the independence of learners in Community Learning Center (CLC) in Banten Province. The aim of this study is to gain an overview of the implementation of the CLC program in establishing independence citizens learning. This...
Proceedings Article
A Scientific Model through Socio-economic Approach to Decrease Illiterates in Banten Province
Suherman Suherman, Syafrizal Syafrizal, Yayat Ruhiat, Abdul Fatah
Literacy program in Indonesia is known as functional literacy program aiming at improving the quality and standard of living of citizens and community learning. Related to the number of people learning about literacy program, there are 156. 477 people in the total population of 11.83 million in Banten...
Proceedings Article
Patterns of Community Entrepreneurship Education to Establish Independence at the Community Learning Center in Banten
Suparno Suparno, Romli Ardie, Sri Widiastuti
Community Entrepreneurship Education Program (CEEP) at the Community Learning Center (CLC) in Banten province seems not to be ready, independent, and developed in entrepreneurship. In an effort to establish the independence of the CEEP in Banten, the patterns of independent education have been formed....
Proceedings Article
Digital Storytelling: Teaching Aid for E-Learning to Improve the Quality of NonFormal Students of Teachers Training and Education
Syafrizal Syafrizal, Yayat Ruhiat, Sutrisno Sadji Evenddy
This article discus about digital storytelling as supporting materials for the e-learning portal in students of Non-Formal Department. It tells about the process to create a digital storytelling as teaching aid for literal listening subject. It has urgency to give contribution for the effective and fun...
Proceedings Article
The Implementation of Andragogy to Pedagogy Approach in Learning Process at Lentera Bangsa Community Homeschool as an Optimization of Students' Potencies
Tiffany Estherlita
Each learner both children and adult is a complete human being who has a different self-concept and learning motivation, experience, readiness to learn and learning orientation. The aim of this research is to optimizing the student potency by providing solutions to the academic learning program with...
Proceedings Article
Equivalency Education through Homeschooling: a Constructive Collaboration in Non-Formal and Informal Education in Indonesia
Tintin Kartini
Equivalency education is non-formal education carried out for those who cannot access formal primary and secondary education. It is carried out in some diversification services, one of which is through homeschooling. This study aims to explore how equivalency education applied through homeschooling....
Proceedings Article
Traditional Internship Pattern in Developing Community Enterpreneurship
Mustakim Mustakim
The problem of unemployment and poverty is a common problem faced by developing countries, especially Indonesia. The number of unemployed is growing from year to year. In February 2016, the number of unemployed was recorded around 7.02 million people. This condition if constantly left unchecked, it will...
Proceedings Article
Sociocultural Aspect Indigeneous-Based Life-Long Learning as Planning Strategy of Empowering Marginal Rural Women
Tri Suminar
The purpose of research is to describe and analyze the aspirations of rural women left behind Tribe Samin to achieve independence, potential supporters and obstacles to achieve their aspirations based, diagnose needs empowerment and empowerment strategy planning based on local wisdom. The research method...
Proceedings Article
Construct Validity Testing Using Factor Analysis on Language Development Assessment Instruments of Early Childhood Utsman
Utsman Utsman
The purpose of this study was to test the construct validity using factor analysis on the assessment instrument early childhood language development. This research was conducted with models of Research and Development with twice tried. The first test performed on 80 early childhoods and the second trial...
Proceedings Article
Implementation Result of Basic Tiered Training based Competence by Early Childhood Tutor in Early Childhood Learning Process
Lulu Yuliani
The aims of the research is to know the implementation result of basic tiered training based competence for Tutor PAUD in early childhood learning process that was held by HIMPAUDI in Tasikmalaya. The research uses qualitative approach with grounded theory method. Based on data analysis and research...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of Non-Formal Education Leadership
Widodo Widodo, S. Mundzir, Ach. Fatchan, Hardika Hardika
Research UNESCO (2008) states that the NFE (Non Formal Education) program in Indonesia has the characteristic "on-off", dependent on government funding, leadership, and community support. The success of NFE programs at CLC influenced by the type of leader and leadership. Activity education program will...
Proceedings Article
Womens' Empowerment Program to Develop the Potential of Entrepreneurship
Lilis Karwati
R The potential of women in public life still has not received a reasonable portion. This needs to be addressed wisely by the government in view of women in terms of quantity ranks first on the composition of the community. The empowerment of women through education and skills program aimed at increasing...
Proceedings Article
Policy-Making in Nonformal Education
Elih Sudia Permana, Yanti Shantini
In nonformal education, community participation is the key point of sustainable program, which formed to the future development. The process of policy-making in nonformal education should involve the community, while aspirations of the stakeholder may influence the policy-making. So that, it needs many...
Proceedings Article
Learner Teacher Program in Transformative Pedagogical Perspective
Pupun Nuryani
During 2015-2016, Indonesian government was and is aggressively implementing teacher-quality improvement programs. One of them is through the perception-teacher program; this program is a strategic move in response to the score lowness of Teacher's Competency Test in 2015 which only hit 55 on average....
Proceedings Article
Mentoring and Curriculum Development Model to Improve Quality of Non-Formal Education (NFE) in Banten Province
Sholeh Hidayat, Yayat Ruhiat, Syafrizal Syafrizal
Non-formal Education (NFE) is an educational path outside the school system can be structured and tiered. NFE activities can serve to develop the potential of learners with an emphasis on the mastery of knowledge and functional skills and the development of professional attitude and personality. In studies...