Proceedings of the University of Muhammadiyah Malang's 1st International Conference of Mathematics Education (INCOMED 2017)
70 articles
Proceedings Article
Design Development of Determinant Lines Materials and Angles on Math Learning for Junior High School
Azizah Mujahidah Annisa, Didi Suryadi, Rizky Rosjanuardi
This research aims to develop new didactic designs on line and angles materials for junior high school students. The didactic design is designed by considering several things: the result of the analysis of the learning instrument test obstacle, learning trajectory, and the didactical situation theory....
Proceedings Article
Analysis of Students' Mathematical Representations in Solving Geometric Problems
Akhsanul In'am, Intan Ayu Sari Dewi
The objective of this present research is to describe students' mathematical representations in solving geometric problems. A qualitative approach was adopted, and the subject was 6 Students Grade IX, MTs Muhammadiyah 1 Malang, Indonesia. The subject consisted of 3 female and 3 male students. The data...
Proceedings Article
Development of Materials in Materials Module With Appropriate Resolution Application
Ririn Dwi Agustin, Firda Alfiana Patricia
The purpose of this research is (1) development of matrix module with problem solving approach for vocational students of class X. (2) To know and describe the quality of matrix module with problem solving approach in XK SMK students viewed from the aspect of validity, effectiveness, and practicality....
Proceedings Article
The Increasing Interest in Mathematic Learning Through Model Application Experiential Learning
Hastuty Musa, Mr. Amaluddin
This research is a class action (classroom action research), which aims to increase students' interest in learning mathematic through learning model of Experiential Learning.The subjects of the research are the students of IX class at SMP Negeri 13 Parepare of 17 students, it consists of 9 male students...
Proceedings Article
Error Analysis of Newman to Solve the Geometry Problem in Terms of Cognitive Style
Kenys Fadhilah Zamzam, Firda Alfiana Patricia
Problem solving plays an important role in mathematics education because it could train students with mathematically minded. Many mistakes are still encountered in solving mathematical problems, especially on the matter of geometry. In this study has a purpose to describe student error in problem solving...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of Relevance of Mathematics Curriculum Development
Mr. Moh. Mahfud Effendi
The main purpose of Vocational High School (SMK) is to prepare students to work, but the most unemployment comes from graduates of SMK. This case can occur because the curriculum development does not meet the principle of relevance, both internal and external. Internally, the development of SMK curriculum...
Proceedings Article
Comparison of The Effectiveness Of Application Problems Approach With And Without Guidance In Understanding Geometry Learning In Smp Negeri 2 Pangkajene
Ms. Nurhaeda P., Mr. Agus
This research was an experimental research that began with the development of learning tools. Oriented learning tool with problem posing approach for Geometry material that was about Tube and Cone in class IX SMP. This research aimed to (1) describe the effectiveness of learning with problem posing approach...
Proceedings Article
Skill Process Explain the Math Candidate Educational Teacher on Micro Teaching Course
Mika Ambarawati
The purpose of this research is to know the process of explaining skill of teacher candidate of mathematics education in micro teaching course. The type of this research is descriptive research with qualitative approach. The subject of this research consists of 25 students of the 2013 Mathematics Education...
Proceedings Article
The Mathematical Literacy of The Student Teachers to Solve The PISA'S Problem Based on The Level of The Creativity
Soffil Widadah, Siti Nuriyatin
The purpose of this research was to analyze the mathematical literacy of the student teachers to solve the PISA'S on 4th, 5th, and 6th levels based on the level of the creativity. This research is a descriptive research. The results of research will be described both kuantitatif and qualitative. The...
Proceedings Article
Development of Electronic Learning Tools to Improve the Quality of Elementary Linear Algebra Course
Hendra Syarifuddin, Mr. I Made Arnawa
The focus of the research is to develop a constructivist electronic teaching aids for Elementary Linear Algebra. The teaching aid is useful for learning using ACE cycle that consists of three components: activities, classroom discussion, and exercises. Developmental research design is choose for developing...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of Creative Thinking Ability of Primary School Department Student on Proposing Mathematics Problem
Nyamik Rahayu Sesanti, Retno Marsitin
Mathematical creative thinking ability is important thing to be considered for prospective educators. Students will develop their Mathematical creative thinking if the teacher having understanding about mathematical creative thinking. Besides teacher should use suitable strategy and approach when they...
Proceedings Article
Limit Learning With Apos Theory and Maple to Develop Mathematical Communication And Critical Thinking
Retno Marsitin, Nyamik Rahayu Sesanti
The objective of the research is to develop limit learning module with APOS theory and maple to develop mathematic communication and critical thinking. This research is a development research with Richey & Klein design and Dick & Carey model. The study was conducted at the University of Kanjuruhan Malang...
Proceedings Article
Some "Illegal Reasoning" of the First Year Undergraduate Students in Constructing Formal Proof
Hendarto Cahyono, Abdur Rahman, Toto Nusantara
This paper describes the difficulties and type of illegal reasoning of novice students in formulating formal proof specially on the associative property of addition operation of rational numbers. Although the problem is not so hard but for beginner students is not the case. The participants are first...
Proceedings Article
Character Education in Mathematics Learning Process at Integrated Islamic Junior High School Luqman Al Hakim International Yogyakarta
Ms. Widayati
This study aims to: 1) know the model of learning mathematics; and 2) to know holistic education based on character education integrated with Mathematics learning of Integrated Islamic Junior High School Luqman Al Hakim Internasional Yogyakarta. Respondents included principals, curriculum heads, math...
Proceedings Article
Development of Numerical Materials Based on Computer Method in IKIP Budi Utomo Malang
Ririn Dwi Agustin, Mika Ambarawati
The purpose of this reseach is to (1) compose textbooks of computer-based numerical method in IKIP Budi Utomo Malang, (2) the validity and effectiveness of textbook of computer-based numerical method in IKIP Budi Utomo Malang. This research uses Research and Development method of Borg and Gall model...
Proceedings Article
The Student's Visual Thinking Profile in Solving Mathematics Problems
Ummu Sholihah, Beni Asyhar
The ability to solve problems is the heart of mathematics. Students of mathematics have few difficulties in understanding the formal definition of integrals and it results in their difficulties also in solving the problems associated with the integral concept. Generally the formal definition is memorized,...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of Student Errors in Constructing Holistic Rubric Based on SOLO Taxonomy
Rosita Dwi Ferdiani, Nur Farida
The aim of this research is to analyze student errors in constructing a holistic rubric based on SOLO taxonomy. This research employs qualitative research methodology. The subject of this research is students of mathematics education program. The consideration in selecting the subject is based on the...
Proceedings Article
Developing Role Play Game for Mathematics based on Guided Inquiry Approach with ADDIE model
Ahmad Akrom Nuf Fuqoha, Mr. Budiyono, Diari Indiati
This research aims to describe how to develop RPG game as learning media that considered the three quality aspects (validity, practically, and effectiveness). This research conduct Research and Development model (R&D). ADDIE model is adopted as a juncture of developing RPG game that consists of the process...
Proceedings Article
The Use of Dakonmatika Media Game As Efforts to Increase Mathematics Learning Results of the Fourth Grade Students at SD Negeri 61 Parepare
Sriyanti Mustafa, Muhammad Siri Dangnga, Fajar Bahari
The problem in this research was the low of mathematics learning result of students. The approach used in this research was quantitative and qualitative approach (mixed method) with the type of Classroom Action Research (CAR) which aims to know the improvement of mathematics learning result of learners...
Proceedings Article
The Implementation Project Based Learning Model Assisted with Visual Media in Mathematics Learning
Ms. Sulvianti
The research is based on the importance of Mathematics to master the advance growth of Science and Technology. Therefore, students need to be taught Mathematics which is not just read or memorize its formulas. It will be meaningful if it learnt contextually by involving more students to explore and build...
Proceedings Article
Interactive Learning Media Development Using Software AutoPay Media Studio on Materials of Integration Techniques
Umy Zahroh, Mr. Muniri
This research is a developmental research based on the modified model of Plomp, that is: initial phase; design phase; phase of realization; test phase, evaluation, and revision. This development aims to produce interactive learning media that can assist students in understanding the concept of integration...
Proceedings Article
Error Analysis in Solving Geometry Problem on Pseudo-Thinking's Students
Yunis Sulistyorini
Errors can't be avoided by learners in learning mathematics, including in problem solving. Educators should provide opportunities for learners to reflect and repair their errors. The wrong answer given by the learner may not necessarily result from the wrong thinking process. This is called pseudo thinking....
Proceedings Article
Identification Metacognitive Failure on Mathematics Problem Solving
Mr. Abd. Rozak, Mr. Subanji, Toto Nusantara, Mr. I Made Sulandra
This aims of this study is to describe the identification process of students' metacognitive failure in solving the mathematical problems. A total 24 students of 3rd semester STKIP PGRI Jombang ask to fulfillment test individually, then fill the questionnaire of metacognitive activity based on the problem-solving...
Proceedings Article
Differences of Problem Solving Skill of The Fifth Grade Primary School Student: A Gender Analysis
Algiyan Eko Prasetya, Mr. Slamet, Budi Usodo
Ability to solve problem is very beneficial for people in their life. Each student can solve a problem that encountered in its own way, is one of the goals of mathematics teaching in primary schools. This study aimed to describe the difference between the mathematical problem solving ability of students...
Proceedings Article
Development of Student's Worksheet to Analyze Student's Algebraic Thinking Based on SOLO Taxonomy
Anis Farida Jamil
The aim of this research and development (R&D) is to develop student's worksheet to analyze student's algebraic thinking based on SOLO taxonomy with quality criteria: valid and practical. This R&D adapted from ADDIE model consisting five stages that are Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation,...
Proceedings Article
The Students' Activities and Their Responses in Mathematics Learning By Guided Worksheet
Mr. Baiduri
This paper aimed at analyzing the use of guided worksheet in mathematics learning at Madrasyah Aliyah Muhammadiyah 1 Malang, especially in the students' activities and responses. This study was conducted by means of descriptive design with qualitative approach. The data were obtained through classroom...
Proceedings Article
Development of Interactive Learning Media with Construct 2 Software to X Graders Student on The Trigonometry Material
Ida Siti Mahsunah, Nur Hadi Waryanto
This research is a developmet research that aims to describe the steps of development, to know the quality, and to know the students` responses of an interactive learning media on the trigonometric material in the form of android application. The results of the research are: (1) the development of the...
Proceedings Article
The Role of Problem Solving Approach in Building Students' Self Confidence on Learning Mathematics
Kunny Kunhertanti, Rusgianto Heri Santosa
Mathematics learning succes is influenced by many factors. One of the factors is students' self-confidence. High self-confidence influences students to learn mathematics better. This is because the aspects contained in the students' self-confidence are beliefs in self-ability to mathematics, optimistic...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of Learning Mathematics in Kindergarten
Reni Dwi Susanti
This study focused on the analysis of Mathematics learning at the grade B Students Kindergarten. The main purposes are: (a) to describe the suitability of Mathematics lesson plan that has designed by the teacher based on the government standard, (b) to describe the appropriate implementation of Mathematics...
Proceedings Article
Critical Thinking of Extrovert Girls in Problem Solving
Marlinda Indah Eka Budiarti, Mr. Ruslan
the purpose of this research is to know the ability of critical thinking of students in problem solving based on gender, personality and critical thinking in solving the problem. This research used qualitative descriptive that conducted at SMP Muhammadiyah 8 in Batu, and the students of VII grade as...
Proceedings Article
Major Difficulty in Solid Geometry Learning for University Students: Developing Visual Spatial Skills
Mega Eriska Rosaria Purnomo, Isnaeni Umi Machromah
This research aims were to describe major difficulty for university students in solid geometry learning process and to know the causes of the problem. This research used qualitative method. The data was collected by testing and interviewing respondents. Respondents were 39 mathematics education students...
Proceedings Article
Students' Creativity in Matlab Programming as Media in Learning Mathematics
Octavina Rizky Utami Putri
The purpose of this research is to describe the process and product of student creativity in programming Matlab as the base of making of learning media of mathematics based on Information and Technology (IT). This research is a qualitative descriptive research. The data collection technique employed...
Proceedings Article
SEAMEO Basic Education (SEA-BES): Common Core Regional Learning Standards (CCRLS) in Mathematics: A Tool for Enhancing STEM Education
Pedro Montecillo, Jr., Teh Kim Hong, Prof. Masami Isoda
Most countries in South East Asia came out among the last third in TIMSS 2011 and PISA 2012 in both mathematics, science and reading except Singapore who tops among all nations. The same performance standing appeared in 2015. Presently, there is no agreement on the scope, breadth, width and content of...
Proceedings Article
Mathematical Reasoning Ability Through Interpretation-construction Design Model
Rafiq Zulkarnaen
the aim of this research is to examine the impact of students' ability on mathematical reasoning after they received learning treatment of Interpretation-construction design model (IC). Quasi-experimental methods were used in this study with non-equivalent pretest-posttest control group design. The population...
Proceedings Article
An Analysis of The Need for The Necessity of Mathemathics Learning Model Based on Scientific Approach at Elementary School
Rahmat Fajar Prakoso, Mr. Slamet, Budi Usodo
This study aim to describe the existence of mathematics learning and analyze the need for the necessity of mathematics learning model based on scientific approach for the 5th grade students of elementary school in Surakarta. Method applied in this study was descriptive qualitative and quantitative research...
Proceedings Article
The Analysis of Students' Difficulties in Solving Problems of Probability for 8th Grade
Seftika Anggraini, Endah Kusrini
Probability is one part of mathematics material that is learned in school. In Indonesia, probability is learned from Junior High School level and is continued in Senior High School level. Hence, understanding of probability's concept in Junior High School level is very important. The aim of this research...
Proceedings Article
Learning Design of Combinatory Using Indonesian Realistic Mathematics Education
Mr. Somakim, Mr. Darmawijoyo, Ning Eliyati
This study aims to find out how the use of Indonesian realistic mathematics education approach (PMRI) can support students' understanding in learning the concept of combinatory. The research method used is Design research. Design research consists of three stages: preliminary, teaching experiment and...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Teacher's Mathematical Knowledge on Self-efficacy for Teaching Mathematics
Mr. Sugilar
The purpose of this research was to explore the effect of teachers' mathematical knowledge on self-efficacy for teaching mathematics. The framework of teacher's mathematical knowledge broadened in scope from teachers' common mathematical knowledge, specialized mathematical knowledge, to horizon mathematical...
Proceedings Article
Revitalization of Mathematical Education Through Applying Productive Pedagogies Framework
Mr. Suhendra, Ela Nurlaela
Mathematics is often perceived as a difficult subject with many students failing to understand why they need to learn the subject. The teaching and learning of mathematics mostly has relied on the transfer of information from the teachers to their students. Therefore, teaching and learning of mathematics...
Proceedings Article
The Effectiveness of Using Worksheet Characterized by Realistic Mathematics Education to Develop Student Mathematical Reasoning Abilities
Arif Hidayatul Khusna
The aim of this research is to describe the effectiveness of using worksheet characterized by RME to develop students' mathematical reasoning abilities. This research with quantitative approach. Quantitative data obtained from the results of the test scores of students who described qualitatively. The...
Proceedings Article
Creative Thinking Processes of Vocational Students With High Learning Motivation In Mathematic Problem Posing
Maya Kristina Ningsih, Imam Sujadi, Sri Subanti
In this study described the process of creative thinking vocational students with high learning motivation in mathematic problem posing. This research is qualitative research. The subjects were 2 students class XI AP-4 SMK Negeri 2 Madiun in the 2016/2017 academic year, who have high learning motivation....
Proceedings Article
Mathematical Reasoning in Complex Function Textbook Exercises
Senja Putri Merona, Erika Eka Santi
The aim of this paper is to study some strategies that are possible to use in solving the exercises in undergraduate complex function textbooks. Furthermore, it will be studied the indicators of mathematical reasoning ability that appear in the exercises. The results of this study indicate the type of...
Proceedings Article
Learn to Discover Pythagoras Theorem with Interactive Multimedia
Indra Adhitama, Imam Sujadi, Ikrar Pramudya
The difficulty of using discovery learning model in learning mathematics is the presence of abstract elements that have not been able to be understood by junior high school students. One solution of the problem is to use interactive multimedia. The purpose of this article is to find out the effectiveness...
Proceedings Article
Classroom Assessment: Student Achievement in Mathematics through Formative Assessment
Nur Afni Fitriana, Isnandar Slamet, Imam Sujadi
The challenge of teachers in learning activities is how students can achieve learning goals. This article discusses formative assessment applied by teachers in learning mathematics. The subjects in this study are the senior high school mathematics teachers Class X selected randomly in Magetan. In this...
Proceedings Article
Analyzing Students' Difficulty Based on Revised Bloom's Taxonomy
Rosana Dian Edy Prismana, Tri Atmojo Kusmayadi, Ikrar Pramudya
This research aims to analyze the layout of students' difficulty based on Bloom's Taxonomy revised in terms of low self-efficacy. Revised Bloom's Taxonomy changes the stage knowledge into its own dimension. Owing to the fact that each category on the Taxonomy needs the knowledge as what the students...
Proceedings Article
Reflective Thinking Skill of Vocational High School Students
Dyah Ayu Sulistyarini, Imam Sujadi, Sri Subanti
The aims of this research was to describe the characteristics of reflective thinking process of the students in Grade X of Vocational High School of SMK Citra Medika Sukoharjo who have the high abilities in solving linear program problems. This research used qualitative case study approach. The data...
Proceedings Article
Practicality of APOS-Mathematics Worksheet to Improve Student's Mathematical Communication Ability of Seventh Grade Students in Junior High School
Mr. Yerizon, Edwin Musdi
Abstract—Mathematical communication ability of students allows them to be able to communicate ideas or mathematical ideas with symbols, table, diagrams, or other media to clarify the situation or problems and discuss them with others. But, based on the observation students have difficulty in communicating...
Proceedings Article
The Profile of Peer-Assessment Applied Students in Learning Mathematics Based on Self-Confidence
Putra Aji Almujtahid, Pratiwi Hasih, Ms. Mardiyana
Peer-assessment is one of assessment for learning that able to enhance understanding in learning mathematics by take and give feedback within the process of learning. Peer-assessment will occur when students are active to give ideas, suggestions and critics as feedback. Self-confidence is important factor...
Proceedings Article
The Perceptions of Students and Teachers About The Use of Edutainment Instructional Media in Mathematics Learning
Riska Ayu Ardani, Nilza Humaira Salsabila, Rhomiy Handican, Wahyu Setyaningrum
The purpose of this study was to describe the perception of students and teachers about the use of edutainment instructional media in mathematics learning. This study employed 223 students of junior high schools and 34 mathematics teachers. The data for this study were collected using a survey comprising...
Proceedings Article
Describing Relational Thinking Process of Junior High School Students with High Capability
Niyan Fajar Kusuma, Sri Subanti, Budi Usodo
Learning mathematics in Junior High School is transition from arithmetic to algebra. In algebra, students must develop a relational view of the symbol if they are to make any sense of more complicated equations with operations on both sides of the equal sign. The term relational thinking is used here...
Proceedings Article
Relational Thinking of Student with Visual Impairment in Solving Mathematical Literacy Problem
Ade Restu Pratama, Dewi Retno Sari Saputro, Mr. Riyadi
This study aims to describe the relational thinking process in the student with visual impairment in solving mathematical problems. There are three categories of relational thinking: Establishing Relational Thinking, Consolidating Relational Thinking, and Relational Thinking Thoughts. The subjects of...
Proceedings Article
Teachers' Perceptions of Students' Metacognitive Knowledge in Mathematics: A Case of Excellent Sports Talent Students
Yusep Cus Angkoso, Dewi Retno Sari Saputro, Mr. Riyadi
The aim of this study was to describe the teachers' understanding of their students' metacognitive knowledge. Four teachers who taught excellent sports talent students on Senior High School of Slogohimo, District of Wonogiri, Central Java, were asked to explain: (1) their understanding of their students'...
Proceedings Article
Using Technology to Find the Graph Characteristic of Quadratic Function
Ms. Zukhrufurrohmah
Abstract—This paper aims to describe how to use technology to find the graph characteristic of Quadratic Function. The description is based on the qualitative research method. The needed data is collected by observing teaching and learning activities while using technology to find the graph characteristic...
Proceedings Article
Spatial Ability of Univerity Students in Mathematics Education
Isnaeni Umi Machromah, Mega Eriska Rosaria Purnomo
Spatial ability is a human qualification that is relevant to high degree to our lives. Spatial ability is one principal that influence to geometry skill for students. Thus, the aim of this research is identifying student's spatial ability particularly related to geometry skill. Kind of this research...
Proceedings Article
Construct Validity of Mathematical Resilience: Confirmatory Factor Analysis
Arista Wibowo, Isnandar Slamet, Imam Sudjadi
In this study, the validity of the construct of mathematical resilience was measured. Confirmatory factor analysis was performed and followed by testing the correlation between mathematical resilience factor. Subjects in this study amounted to 98 students. The results showed that the construct of mathematical...
Proceedings Article
Teachers and The Application of Constructivism Learning: What Their Relationship is
Rahayu Pratiwi, Mr. Jailani
Educational expert is teachers. Teachers need the skills to implement their work optimally. The skills have several standards, one of them is the competence of practice. The competence of practice is how the teacher implements the learning process effectively. Effective learning will occur if the learning...
Proceedings Article
The Exploration of Ethno-Mathematics Embedded on Traditional Architecture of Rumah Gadang Minangkabau
Rozi Fitriza, Dona Afriyani, Mr. Turmudi, Dadang Juandi
Rumah gadang is a Minangkabau traditional house. Rumah gadang is a stage house where the house body is enlarged upward, like a ship. While the roof resembles a buffalo horn called gonjong. This paper describes the mathematics that is embedded in the design of rumah gadang. Exploration is done through...
Proceedings Article
Development of Learning Device with Connected Mathematics Characterized through Think Pair Share Model on Multivariate Calculus Class
Mayang Dintarini
Students of Mathematics Education Study Program are required to understand not only mathematical concepts but also to understand the relationship between concepts in mathematics, relations of mathematics with daily life and relations of mathematics with other fields of science. It means, Mathematics...
Proceedings Article
Differences of Discipline Level Between Students from State and Private Junior High School in Malang City
Adi Slamet Kusumawardana
This research aimed to describe the difference of discipline level of Junior High School Students between State Junior High School and Private Junior High School in Malang. The level of discipline is seen from the punishment that the teacher gives to the student and the level of that intensity. This...
Proceedings Article
Development of Mathematical Learning Materials Nased on Model Eliciting Activities Approach to Improve the Mathematical Reasoning Ability Student Class X SMA Padang
Mr. Irwan
The mathematical reasoning ability of pupils encountered in some schools is still not optimal. One of the attempts to overcome the problem is by developing a mathematics learning material with Model Eliciting Activities (MEAs) approach. Then do development research in order to produce learning materialbased...
Proceedings Article
Development of Project Based Handouts in Algebra Structure Course
Alfiani Athma Putri Rsoyadi
This study aims to describe the steps of development of project-based hand out on the algebra structure course. Subjects in this study are students who are taking course algebra structure. The research approach used is descriptive qualitative. The instruments of data collection used are: 1) questionnaire,...
Proceedings Article
Mathematisation of Preservice Teacher in Solving Higher Order Thinking Problem
Ms. Lestariningsih, Siti Maghfirotun Amin, Mr. Moch. Lutfianto
The objective of this paper is to describe the mathematisation of preservice teacher with high mathematics ability in solving higher order thinking problem. Descriptive research with qualitative approach has been conducted with preservice teacher from mathematics department with high mathematics ability...
Proceedings Article
The Utilization of the Portfolio to Build a Reading Culture on Trigonometry Courses
Agung Deddiliawan Ismail
The Purpose of the research that has been done is to provide portfolio task on each chapter in trigonometry courses then help students in familiarize themselves to read and give the learning experience. The portfolio will make students read and working on the question of the exercise. In addition to...
Proceedings Article
The Effects of the Application of Generative Learning Model with Brainstorming Technique on Students' Mathematical Reasoning and Communication Abilities
Virdian Dwi Cahyaningrum, Mohammad Syaifuddin, Mr. Moh. Mahfud Effendi
The purpose of the research was to analyze the effect of the application of generative learning model with brainstorming technique on students' mathematical reasoning and communication abilities in State Junior High. The sample of the research included the students of Grade VIIIa in total of 16 students...
Proceedings Article
Developing Mathematics Learning Materials based on Multiple Intelligence Theory, Learning Trajectory, and Conceptual Knowledge in the Topic of Probability for Eighth Graders
Endah Kusrini, Ilham Rizkianto
This research aims to develop mathematics learning materials based on multiple intelligence theory and learning trajectory with conceptual knowledge oriented in the topic of probability for Junior High School's students grade VIII, which are valid, practical, and effective. The learning materials includes...
Proceedings Article
The Abstract Form Analysis of Math Concepts Based on The Multiple Representation for Pre-Service Teacher
Siti Khoiruli Ummah
This study aimed to analyze the math concept based on multiple representation. This study conducted in creating physical manipulatives activities of pre-service teachers. The method used in this study is descriptive method in the form of case study during the lesson in a semester. The data taken from...
Proceedings Article
Thematic Lesson of Mathematics of Light Mentally Disabled Children in Special School
Puji Wardaya, Diari Indiati, Mr. Budiyono
This research activity aimed to describe the implementation of mathematics thematic lesson for light mentally disabled children at the seventh grade of SLB Negeri Purworejo. This research includes the management of mathematic thematic learning and classroom management. This research uses descriptive...
Proceedings Article
Cognitive Process Students In Mathematical Problem Solving In Productive Connectivity Thinking
Mr. Turmudi, Elly Susanti
The main factor causing student obstacles in solving math problems is that students can not connect between related concepts , resulting in construction holes in the structure of thinking . Therefore it is important to do research that aims to overcome obstacles in the students as a subject of learning....
Proceedings Article
Mathematical Literacy of Student College From Their Mathematical Literacy - Self Efficacy and Work Status
Eka Nurmala Sari Agustina
This research is to see the different of pre-service teacher solving mathematical literacy problem by their mathematical literacy – self efficacy and their work status. This research included 16 student college that still at 7th semester. They got questioner of mathematical literacy - self efficacy and...
Proceedings Article
Creative Reasoning in Solving Algebra Problems
Sri Hariyani
Students solving algebra problems in the classroom generally uses an imitative mindset. Students who have an imitative mindset will not be able to think creatively, whereas solving algebra problems requires creativity. The purpose of this study is to describe one form of creativity in solving algebra...