Proceedings of the University of Muhammadiyah Malang's 1st International Conference of Mathematics Education (INCOMED 2017)
146 authors
- Abd. Rozak, Mr.
- Identification Metacognitive Failure on Mathematics Problem Solving
- Adhitama, Indra
- Learn to Discover Pythagoras Theorem with Interactive Multimedia
- Afni Fitriana, Nur
- Classroom Assessment: Student Achievement in Mathematics through Formative Assessment
- Afriyani, Dona
- The Exploration of Ethno-Mathematics Embedded on Traditional Architecture of Rumah Gadang Minangkabau
- Agus, Mr.
- Comparison of The Effectiveness Of Application Problems Approach With And Without Guidance In Understanding Geometry Learning In Smp Negeri 2 Pangkajene
- Aji Almujtahid, Putra
- The Profile of Peer-Assessment Applied Students in Learning Mathematics Based on Self-Confidence
- Akrom Nuf Fuqoha, Ahmad
- Developing Role Play Game for Mathematics based on Guided Inquiry Approach with ADDIE model
- Alfiana Patricia, Firda
- Development of Materials in Materials Module With Appropriate Resolution Application
- Alfiana Patricia, Firda
- Error Analysis of Newman to Solve the Geometry Problem in Terms of Cognitive Style
- Amaluddin, Mr.
- The Increasing Interest in Mathematic Learning Through Model Application Experiential Learning
- Ambarawati, Mika
- Skill Process Explain the Math Candidate Educational Teacher on Micro Teaching Course
- Ambarawati, Mika
- Development of Numerical Materials Based on Computer Method in IKIP Budi Utomo Malang
- Anggraini, Seftika
- The Analysis of Students' Difficulties in Solving Problems of Probability for 8th Grade
- Asyhar, Beni
- The Student's Visual Thinking Profile in Solving Mathematics Problems
- Athma Putri Rsoyadi, Alfiani
- Development of Project Based Handouts in Algebra Structure Course
- Atmojo Kusmayadi, Tri
- Analyzing Students' Difficulty Based on Revised Bloom's Taxonomy
- Ayu Ardani, Riska
- The Perceptions of Students and Teachers About The Use of Edutainment Instructional Media in Mathematics Learning
- Ayu Sari Dewi, Intan
- Analysis of Students' Mathematical Representations in Solving Geometric Problems
- Ayu Sulistyarini, Dyah
- Reflective Thinking Skill of Vocational High School Students
- Bahari, Fajar
- The Use of Dakonmatika Media Game As Efforts to Increase Mathematics Learning Results of the Fourth Grade Students at SD Negeri 61 Parepare
- Baiduri, Mr.
- The Students' Activities and Their Responses in Mathematics Learning By Guided Worksheet
- Budiyono, Mr.
- Developing Role Play Game for Mathematics based on Guided Inquiry Approach with ADDIE model
- Budiyono, Mr.
- Thematic Lesson of Mathematics of Light Mentally Disabled Children in Special School
- Cahyono, Hendarto
- Some "Illegal Reasoning" of the First Year Undergraduate Students in Constructing Formal Proof
- Cus Angkoso, Yusep
- Teachers' Perceptions of Students' Metacognitive Knowledge in Mathematics: A Case of Excellent Sports Talent Students
- Darmawijoyo, Mr.
- Learning Design of Combinatory Using Indonesian Realistic Mathematics Education
- Deddiliawan Ismail, Agung
- The Utilization of the Portfolio to Build a Reading Culture on Trigonometry Courses
- Dian Edy Prismana, Rosana
- Analyzing Students' Difficulty Based on Revised Bloom's Taxonomy
- Dintarini, Mayang
- Development of Learning Device with Connected Mathematics Characterized through Think Pair Share Model on Multivariate Calculus Class
- Dwi Agustin, Ririn
- Development of Materials in Materials Module With Appropriate Resolution Application
- Dwi Agustin, Ririn
- Development of Numerical Materials Based on Computer Method in IKIP Budi Utomo Malang
- Dwi Cahyaningrum, Virdian
- The Effects of the Application of Generative Learning Model with Brainstorming Technique on Students' Mathematical Reasoning and Communication Abilities
- Dwi Ferdiani, Rosita
- Analysis of Student Errors in Constructing Holistic Rubric Based on SOLO Taxonomy
- Dwi Susanti, Reni
- Analysis of Learning Mathematics in Kindergarten
- Eka Santi, Erika
- Mathematical Reasoning in Complex Function Textbook Exercises
- Eko Prasetya, Algiyan
- Differences of Problem Solving Skill of The Fifth Grade Primary School Student: A Gender Analysis
- Eliyati, Ning
- Learning Design of Combinatory Using Indonesian Realistic Mathematics Education
- Eriska Rosaria Purnomo, Mega
- Major Difficulty in Solid Geometry Learning for University Students: Developing Visual Spatial Skills
- Eriska Rosaria Purnomo, Mega
- Spatial Ability of Univerity Students in Mathematics Education
- Fadhilah Zamzam, Kenys
- Error Analysis of Newman to Solve the Geometry Problem in Terms of Cognitive Style
- Fajar Kusuma, Niyan
- Describing Relational Thinking Process of Junior High School Students with High Capability
- Fajar Prakoso, Rahmat
- An Analysis of The Need for The Necessity of Mathemathics Learning Model Based on Scientific Approach at Elementary School
- Farida, Nur
- Analysis of Student Errors in Constructing Holistic Rubric Based on SOLO Taxonomy
- Farida Jamil, Anis
- Development of Student's Worksheet to Analyze Student's Algebraic Thinking Based on SOLO Taxonomy
- Fitriza, Rozi
- The Exploration of Ethno-Mathematics Embedded on Traditional Architecture of Rumah Gadang Minangkabau
- Hadi Waryanto, Nur
- Development of Interactive Learning Media with Construct 2 Software to X Graders Student on The Trigonometry Material
- Handican, Rhomiy
- The Perceptions of Students and Teachers About The Use of Edutainment Instructional Media in Mathematics Learning
- Hariyani, Sri
- Creative Reasoning in Solving Algebra Problems
- Hasih, Pratiwi
- The Profile of Peer-Assessment Applied Students in Learning Mathematics Based on Self-Confidence
- Heri Santosa, Rusgianto
- The Role of Problem Solving Approach in Building Students' Self Confidence on Learning Mathematics
- Hidayatul Khusna, Arif
- The Effectiveness of Using Worksheet Characterized by Realistic Mathematics Education to Develop Student Mathematical Reasoning Abilities
- Humaira Salsabila, Nilza
- The Perceptions of Students and Teachers About The Use of Edutainment Instructional Media in Mathematics Learning
- I Made Arnawa, Mr.
- Development of Electronic Learning Tools to Improve the Quality of Elementary Linear Algebra Course
- I Made Sulandra, Mr.
- Identification Metacognitive Failure on Mathematics Problem Solving
- In'am, Akhsanul
- Analysis of Students' Mathematical Representations in Solving Geometric Problems
- Indah Eka Budiarti, Marlinda
- Critical Thinking of Extrovert Girls in Problem Solving
- Indiati, Diari
- Developing Role Play Game for Mathematics based on Guided Inquiry Approach with ADDIE model
- Indiati, Diari
- Thematic Lesson of Mathematics of Light Mentally Disabled Children in Special School
- Irwan, Mr.
- Development of Mathematical Learning Materials Nased on Model Eliciting Activities Approach to Improve the Mathematical Reasoning Ability Student Class X SMA Padang
- Jailani, Mr.
- Teachers and The Application of Constructivism Learning: What Their Relationship is
- Juandi, Dadang
- The Exploration of Ethno-Mathematics Embedded on Traditional Architecture of Rumah Gadang Minangkabau
- Khoiruli Ummah, Siti
- The Abstract Form Analysis of Math Concepts Based on The Multiple Representation for Pre-Service Teacher
- Kim Hong, Teh
- SEAMEO Basic Education (SEA-BES): Common Core Regional Learning Standards (CCRLS) in Mathematics: A Tool for Enhancing STEM Education
- Kristina Ningsih, Maya
- Creative Thinking Processes of Vocational Students With High Learning Motivation In Mathematic Problem Posing
- Kunhertanti, Kunny
- The Role of Problem Solving Approach in Building Students' Self Confidence on Learning Mathematics
- Kusrini, Endah
- The Analysis of Students' Difficulties in Solving Problems of Probability for 8th Grade
- Kusrini, Endah
- Developing Mathematics Learning Materials based on Multiple Intelligence Theory, Learning Trajectory, and Conceptual Knowledge in the Topic of Probability for Eighth Graders
- Lestariningsih, Ms.
- Mathematisation of Preservice Teacher in Solving Higher Order Thinking Problem
- Maghfirotun Amin, Siti
- Mathematisation of Preservice Teacher in Solving Higher Order Thinking Problem
- Mardiyana, Ms.
- The Profile of Peer-Assessment Applied Students in Learning Mathematics Based on Self-Confidence
- Marsitin, Retno
- Analysis of Creative Thinking Ability of Primary School Department Student on Proposing Mathematics Problem
- Marsitin, Retno
- Limit Learning With Apos Theory and Maple to Develop Mathematical Communication And Critical Thinking
- Masami Isoda, Prof.
- SEAMEO Basic Education (SEA-BES): Common Core Regional Learning Standards (CCRLS) in Mathematics: A Tool for Enhancing STEM Education
- Moch. Lutfianto, Mr.
- Mathematisation of Preservice Teacher in Solving Higher Order Thinking Problem
- Moh. Mahfud Effendi, Mr.
- Analysis of Relevance of Mathematics Curriculum Development
- Moh. Mahfud Effendi, Mr.
- The Effects of the Application of Generative Learning Model with Brainstorming Technique on Students' Mathematical Reasoning and Communication Abilities
- Montecillo, Jr., Pedro
- SEAMEO Basic Education (SEA-BES): Common Core Regional Learning Standards (CCRLS) in Mathematics: A Tool for Enhancing STEM Education
- Mujahidah Annisa, Azizah
- Design Development of Determinant Lines Materials and Angles on Math Learning for Junior High School
- Muniri, Mr.
- Interactive Learning Media Development Using Software AutoPay Media Studio on Materials of Integration Techniques
- Musa, Hastuty
- The Increasing Interest in Mathematic Learning Through Model Application Experiential Learning
- Musdi, Edwin
- Practicality of APOS-Mathematics Worksheet to Improve Student's Mathematical Communication Ability of Seventh Grade Students in Junior High School
- Mustafa, Sriyanti
- The Use of Dakonmatika Media Game As Efforts to Increase Mathematics Learning Results of the Fourth Grade Students at SD Negeri 61 Parepare
- Nurhaeda P., Ms.
- Comparison of The Effectiveness Of Application Problems Approach With And Without Guidance In Understanding Geometry Learning In Smp Negeri 2 Pangkajene
- Nuriyatin, Siti
- The Mathematical Literacy of The Student Teachers to Solve The PISA'S Problem Based on The Level of The Creativity
- Nurlaela, Ela
- Revitalization of Mathematical Education Through Applying Productive Pedagogies Framework
- Nurmala Sari Agustina, Eka
- Mathematical Literacy of Student College From Their Mathematical Literacy - Self Efficacy and Work Status
- Nusantara, Toto
- Some "Illegal Reasoning" of the First Year Undergraduate Students in Constructing Formal Proof
- Nusantara, Toto
- Identification Metacognitive Failure on Mathematics Problem Solving
- Pramudya, Ikrar
- Learn to Discover Pythagoras Theorem with Interactive Multimedia
- Pramudya, Ikrar
- Analyzing Students' Difficulty Based on Revised Bloom's Taxonomy
- Pratiwi, Rahayu
- Teachers and The Application of Constructivism Learning: What Their Relationship is
- Putri Merona, Senja
- Mathematical Reasoning in Complex Function Textbook Exercises
- Rahayu Sesanti, Nyamik
- Analysis of Creative Thinking Ability of Primary School Department Student on Proposing Mathematics Problem
- Rahayu Sesanti, Nyamik
- Limit Learning With Apos Theory and Maple to Develop Mathematical Communication And Critical Thinking
- Rahman, Abdur
- Some "Illegal Reasoning" of the First Year Undergraduate Students in Constructing Formal Proof
- Restu Pratama, Ade
- Relational Thinking of Student with Visual Impairment in Solving Mathematical Literacy Problem
- Retno Sari Saputro, Dewi
- Relational Thinking of Student with Visual Impairment in Solving Mathematical Literacy Problem
- Retno Sari Saputro, Dewi
- Teachers' Perceptions of Students' Metacognitive Knowledge in Mathematics: A Case of Excellent Sports Talent Students
- Riyadi, Mr.
- Relational Thinking of Student with Visual Impairment in Solving Mathematical Literacy Problem
- Riyadi, Mr.
- Teachers' Perceptions of Students' Metacognitive Knowledge in Mathematics: A Case of Excellent Sports Talent Students