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189597 articles

Research on the Talent Training Mechanism of Financial Management in Colleges and Universities Under “Internet +”

Manping Weng, Dongdong Weng
This paper analyses the problems existing in the training process of financial management professionals, and puts forward suggestions for establishing an interactive linkage mechanism inside and outside the school, innovating the “Internet +” learning concept, optimizing resource allocation, and improving...

Implementation of the Mandatory Minimum Sanctions for Children Abuser in the Surabaya High Court Decision Number 763/Pid.Sus/2020/PT SBY

Andy Wijaya, Ade Adhari
Children are the next generation of the Indonesian nation in the future, but children need legal protection because children are creatures that are vulnerable to all threats that can disturb both physically and psychologically. The government made Law Number 35 of 2014 concerning Child Protection with...
Proceedings Article

Computational Study of Natural Compounds in Melon Fruit (Cucumis melo L. ‘GMP’) as Inhibitor of Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor Protein

Wiko Arif Wibowo, Teuku Nanda Saifullah Sulaiman, Supriyadi Supriyadi, Budi Setiadi Daryono
‘GMP’ melon is a breeding cultivar that has a bitter taste and fragrant aroma. The bitter taste character indicates the presence of potential natural compounds that can be used as anti-cancer. This study aims to reveal the natural compounds of ‘GMP’ melon and its use as an anti-cancer computationally....

The Development of E-Learning with Schoology In Hybrid Learning Strategy For Listening Skill Of Tadulako University

Aidilla Putri Utami, Totok Sumaryanto Florentinus, Farid Ahmadi
Schoology is one of learning system management that helps in teaching learning process in the period where learning in the classroom is avoided to be used. Schoology offers various features to run well the teaching learning process. The research was focused to develop e-learning with Schoology and to...

Acceptance of Toddler Nutrition Decision Support Systems Using the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) Method

Gamasiano Alfiansyah, Mudafiq Riyan Pratama, Selvia Juwita Swari
One of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is terminating the malnutrition 1n 2030. Stunting is malnutrition due to lack of nutritional intake for a long time due to feeding that does not match nutritional needs. The toddler nutrition decision support system was created to help parents of toddlers...

The Digitization of Voluntary Disclosure Program

I Dewa Ma de Partika, I Made Adhi Wirayana, I Nyoman Darmayasa
This study aims to understand the perceptions of research informants on the implementation of a digital-based voluntary disclosure program (VDP). This research is qualitative research that uses transcendental phenomenology to analyze the interview results. This study interviewed four research informants...

Energize and Strengthen Business Foundation for Winning Competition at Aqiqah Firm “Nurul Hayat, Surabaya”

Johny Rusdiyanto
Nowadays, when the existence of business foundations has not been strong because of the Covid-19 pandemic in all sectors. This will make all firms have to make a hard effort to find all opportunities for winning in the unpredictable business environment competition. Every firm needs solid competitive...

The Recommend Strategy for Slow Learners Difficulties in Learning Speaking at Homeschooling

Devi Lusiana, Anni Holila Pulungan, Rahmad Husein
This research deals with recommending strategy use for slow learners’ difficulties in learning speaking at Homeschooling Global Lentera Kasih Batam. This research was conducted by using qualitative research. The objective of this study was to recommend strategies in learning to speak English. The data...

A Dream House Model for Increasing Micro Small Enterprise Performance

Ni Kadek Sinarwati, Luh Gede Kusuma Dewi, I Nyoman Putra Yasa, I Made Pradana Adi Putra
The objective of this study is to build a model for improving the performance of MSEs through optimizing the role of BUMDes. The data collected was primary data consisting of the causes of the low performance of MSEs, the idea of optimizing the role of BUMDes in improving the performance of MSEs. Data...

The Influence of Tourist Attraction and Destination Image on the Interest in Revisiting the Bone Bula Tourist Attraction in Donggala District with Visitor Satisfaction as an Intervening Variable

Enki Nainggolan, Nirwan, Farid, Nur Rizky, Suryadi Hadi, Roy Irawan Mendi
This study aims to determine and analyse the effect of tourist attraction and destination image on return visit interest at Bone Bula Beach tourist attraction in Donggala Regency with visitor satisfaction as an intervening variable. The type of research used is associative quantitative. The population...

Investigating Strategies and Problems on E-Learning Application in Madrasah to Develop Students’ Literacy

Abdul Munif
The objective of this research was observe the applied strategies and the problems faced by teachers in conducting e-learning as distance learning during this COVID-19 outbreak to develop student’s literacy. This research used descriptive qualitative method by analyzing documentary study on e-learning...

Research on Employment Opportunities Brought by e-Commerce Under Digital Economy

Junjie Huang, Manlin Liu, Siqi Xie
In the context of the growing popularity of the digital economy, China's e-commerce industry is also developing rapidly and has become a new driving force of China's economic growth. This paper analyzes the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of rural e-commerce and cross-border...

Unveiling the Green Tapestry: Exploring the Influence of Green Budget Tagging on the Nexus of Fiscal Policy Sustainability and Green Budgeting Practices in Metropolitan Municipal and District Assemblies in Ghana

Shaibu Awudu, Ayu Krishna Yuliawati, MayaSari
The study explores the impact of green budget tagging on the relationship between green budgeting practices and fiscal policy sustainability in Metropolitan, Municipal, and District Assemblies (MMDAs) in Ghana. This research used a quantitative approach and a descriptive survey design, with participants...

Effectiveness Of TOEIC-Based English Correspondence Learning Model Toward Students’ English Competence

I. Made Sumartana, Ni Putu Somawati, I. Gusti Putu Sutarma
This research was aimed at developing a learning model that is applicable and effective for teaching TOEIC-Based English Correspondence at Accounting department, Bali State Polytechnic so that students’ English proficiency, especially in the aspects of Reading and Grammar can be increased reflected by...

Fragmentation of Students’ Thinking Structure in Constructing the Concept of Linear Inequality of Two Variables

Mutia Sari Widyaningrum, Budi Usodo, Hasih Pratiwi
Learning mathematics has a clear, ordered and complete structure or pattern of thinking. Fragmentation of the thinking structure occurs at a time which is a factor inhibiting students’ thinking processes to construct the material concepts they get and in solving mathematical problems. This study aims...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Teaching Strategy and Kinesthetic Perception on The Smash Skills in Badminton

Sudiadharma Sudiadharma, Reza Mahyuddin, Agus Sutriawan
The aim of this experimental study was to compare two learning strategies on learning outcomes smah skill in the game of badminton. The learning strategy consists of a duty and play. This study also aims to determine the interaction between learning strategies and kinesthetic perception abilities toward...

Research on Cyber Violence in the “Xiao Xiang Paradise” Community of Douban Group

Take the Cyber Violence Against “Wan Wan” as an Example

Wen Zong
Basing on the frequent occurrence of cyber violence on social media platforms, this paper standing upon the foundations of “Theory of Reasoned Action” to explore the behavioral motivation of the “Xiao Xiang Paradise” community of the Douban group to implement cyber violence from two aspects of “attitudes”...

Construction of Online Tutoring Platform for College Students’ Mental Health Education Based on FFmpeg Technology

Jianzhen Yin
This paper takes college students’ mental health education as the research object, makes full use of the key characteristics of streaming media technology, network information technology and computer application technology, and builds a Web-based online tutoring platform for college students’ mental...

Linkage Between Fashion and Textile Design Student and Industry: Interactive Platform for Practical Design

Sheng Qiu, Qingxin Peng, Shouxiang Jiang
This article discusses a project aimed at creating an Interactive Platform for Practical Design (IPPD) for fashion and textile degree students and industries, with a focus on increasing students’ ability of learning to learn and practical design. Students can continuously build their learning capacities...

Mechanical Properties Effect of Clay Ceramics by Mixing with Activated Charcoal, Rice Husk Ash, and Sugarcane Leaf Ash

Muchammad Chusnan Aprianto
This experimental study aims to determine the effect of mixing rice husk ash, sugarcane leaf ash, and activated carbon on the mechanical properties of ceramics. Rice husks were obtained from the rice mill in Sawah Kulon Village, Pasawahan District, Purwakarta Regency. Sugarcane leaves were obtained from...
Proceedings Article

Research on Security Detection and Risk Evaluation Technology of Android Mobile Application

Dongyang Cai, Yongmin Cao, Kaili Zhao, Xuening Zhang, Rui Bo
In recent years, with the rapid development of the mobile Internet and the continuous growth of smart terminal users, the development of mobile applications has become increasingly mature and diversified, bringing users a fast application experience, while completely changing people’s lifestyles and...

Cloud-Infused Artistry: Unraveling the Enigmatic Bond Between Destiny and Oil Painting

Huaqi Liu
This study investigates the intricate relationship between the Chinese character symbolising ‘destiny’ and its fusion with the representation of clouds, elucidating a profound connection between the ethereal concept of fate and the natural world. Through an exploration of abstraction (destiny) and tangibility...

Impact of Education Investment from Local Government on Household Education Expenditure in Primary and High School

Lijuan Feng, Yuzhe Nie, Xiangyu Yu
The primary and high school stage is the key period for young people to become successful. Each family has to spend corresponding education funds, but the investment in family education in different regions and different periods is different. There are many influencing factors, and the financial investment...

The development of new energy vehicles on economic and environmental benefit: evidence from carbon neutral in Beijing, China

Chendan Huang, Kaiyuan Guo, Houzhi Yu, Xinyue Guo, Xinping Liu
Based on the global warming-induced crisis of fossil energy consumption and the thriving market for new energy vehicles in recent years, this study takes Beijing, China as a case study to examine the current state of the new energy vehicle industry, its development trends, and user feedback. Ultimately,...

Mindful Tourism: Management of Tourist Destinations as an Effort to Counter Stereotypes of the Madurese People

Nikmah Suryandari, Farida Nurul Rahmawati
This study examines the potential of mindful tourism as a tool for countering stereotypes of the Madurese people, a minority group in Indonesia. The Madurese have historically been marginalized and stigmatized, and their culture and way of life have been misrepresented in tourism marketing and promotion....

Legal Force of Conditional Unconstitutional Verdicts by the Constitutional Court in Decision Number 91/PUU-XVII/2020 Regarding the Omnibus Law on Job Creation

Meri Yarni, Kosariza, Yetniwati, Khofifah Rizki Amanda
The aim of this research is to ascertain and analyze the legal force of conditional unconstitutional verdicts by the Constitutional Court in Decision Number 91/PUU-XVIII/2020 concerning the Omnibus Law on Job Creation. The research methodology employed in this paper is juridical-normative, indicating...
Proceedings Article

The removal of glyphosate in agricultural runoff by hybrid constructed wetland mesocosms

Dominae Smith, Zepei Tang, Niroj Aryal
Glyphosate is a commonly used herbicide in agriculture. However, glyphosate finds its way into the environment after application as it leaches or runs off into water bodies. Hybrid constructed wetland mesocosms consisting of surface flow wetland planted with duckweed and subsurface flow wetland planted...
Proceedings Article

The Study of Compressive Strength of Wall Panels with a Mixture of Used Tire Rubber Waste and GRC

Ahmad Syapawi, Multilawati Nasution, Sheragizca Yolanda Situmeang
The utilization of used tire rubber waste, particularly in the construction industry, becomes a critical issue in Indonesia due to its abundant presence and the challenges related to waste disposal. One solution to repurpose used tire rubber waste into a valuable resource, especially in the construction...

Juridical Overview of Halal Products at Street Food Stalls in the Perspective of Legal Protection for Indonesian People

Aryani Witasari
The purpose of this paper is to find out and examine the categories of halal food products according to the Indonesian government and to determine the form of protection for the Indonesian people against halal food products sold on the roadside (warungan). The writing method uses a normative juridical...

How the Russia-Ukraine Conflict Alter the Global Economy

Lichen Ma
In February 2022, the Russia-Ukraine war, which has drawn significant attention from all sides of the world, officially started. Some people think the war is a “personal feud” between Russia and Ukraine over Donetsk and Luhansk regions, but behind it is a great power game with the United States and Russia...

Study on the Application of Intelligent Gates in Bulk Cargo Terminals

Jingyi Zhao, Zhaozhi Yan, Chaoyu Ruan, Weiwei Sun
By using the integration of vehicle identification, in-car face recognition, unattended weighbridge and other functions, the identification of vehicle and occupant information, automatic weighing and collection of trucks can be completed by Intelligent gates. Which can not only avoid the occurrence of...

Revitalizing Traditional Markets: The Power of Digital Branding

Didit Welly Udjianto, Hani Subagio, Hari Prapcoyo, Ilyasin Aditya Rahman
This article discusses the importance of traditional market branding management for maintaining sustainability, with a focus on Niten Market as a successful example. The goal of traditional market branding management is to increase awareness, expand buyer loyalty, attract new buyers, and enhance competitiveness....
Proceedings Article

Application of Raise Boring Crossing Technology in Domestic Oil and Gas Pipeline Project

Shaofei Song, Hongbo Wang, Shouye Cheng, Wanpeng Qi, Yingquan Li, Henghao Qin, Tong Wang
In the steep and steep single-sided rocky cliff area, the pipeline can be laid through by using the trenchless crossing method of raise boring, which will change the route selection ideas and principles of the domestic long-distance pipeline industry in the future. Only Saipan Company applied the raised...
Proceedings Article

Developments and cutting-edge themes in the field of education research since the handover of Macau

-- CNKI-based bibliometric analysis

Hanxiang Gong, Xi Wang, Baoxin Chen, Jinghua Li
The aim of this study is to provide a comprehensive understanding of education research in Macao since its return to China and offer guidance and foundations for the development and improvement of education in Macao. Utilizing the CNKI database, a literature analysis was conducted to gain a comprehensive...

A Method of Trading Strategies for Bitcoin and Gold

Kelei Wu, Yiyi Zhu, Die Shao, Xuan Wang, Chenyuan Ye
The price of Bitcoin has soared from $10,000 in 2021 to an all-time high of $60,000 in 2022, with a total market capitalization of more than $1 trillion, and gold has been used as the ultimate asset to protect the economy and protect against inflation. Therefore, it is predicted that gold and Bitcoin...

Program Analysis of the School Literacy Movement in Central Java Elementary Schools

Arief Arffianto, Muhammad Abduh, Muhamad Taufik Hidayat
Elementary School is a child’s time at the golden age so it is important to instill noble ethical values. The literacy movement is one of the ways that can be done to instill noble ethics. This study aims to find out 1) reveal the planning of the school literacy movement in Central Java Elementary School...

The Role of Parents Early Childhood Sexual Education in Indonesia: Reconstructing and Rethinking

Nelis Nazziatus Sadiah Qosyasih, Oom Komariah
In Indonesia, an increasing number of parents recognize the importance of sexual education for children; however, discussing this topic, especially concerning gender, remains challenging due to prevailing taboos. Paradoxically, the surge in child sexual abuse incidents accentuates the urgency for comprehensive...

Halal Lifestyle: A Study of Revitalizing Islamic Consumption of Middle Class Muslims

Fatkur Huda, Arin Setiyowati
The presence of the Muslim middle class in Indonesia is able to bring religious values in the midst of the rapid growth of consumerism in various promising sectors, especially in the economic field. Along with the trend of halal products being offered amid the needs of the community, not only in the...

Case Study-Based Learning Pedagogy to Teach Advances in Programming Languages

Vaishali Salgar, Chhaya Gosavi
Programming language (PL) is a tool programmers use to convert their logic to software programs. Day by day new programming languages are becoming popular. It is not easy to teach all types of languages in one course. Case study-based learning is a pedagogy that implements learning one subject collaboratively...

Corporate Earnings News and Firm-Level Investor Sentiment

--Empirical analysis of China’s financial markets

Congrui Liu, Muzhi Ji, Li Mo, Zekun Chen
Corporate earnings announcements are usually regarded as important corporate news, which is related to investor sentiment. In the past, research on earnings news was limited to the earnings news itself, but did not study the relationship between returns and investor sentiment. The objective of the study...
Proceedings Article

Research of 3D anti-Gravity Printing Methods

Zhunan Cao
As the use of 3D printing becomes more popular, the need to print in complex gravity environments or even low gravity environments is emerging. In order to meet these anti-gravity 3D printing needs, many individuals or organizations have proposed different solutions. This paper describes three mature...
Proceedings Article

IoT-Based Flow Control System Using Node MCU with PI Controller CHR Tuning Method

Rifqi Firmansyah, Mustafa M. A. Seedahmed, Alharith Mahmoud, Yuli Sutoto Nugroho, Pressa Perdana Surya Saputra
In community life, the availability of clean water has been decreasing with the decrease in water quality of community consumption. This is obtained from reality and surveys in several villages. Compared with the results of reports from the National Statistics Agency, the province is very volatile and...
Proceedings Article

Pre-service Elementary Teachers: Analysis of Mathematics and Physics Concepts with Traditional Games in Sundanese Ethnomathematics Learning

S. Supriadi, F. Robiansyah, D. Wardana, S. Susilawati
Endog-endogan and engklek are traditional games used in Sundanese ethnomathematics learning. This game has many mathematics and physics ideas for elementary school teacher education students to explore and apply in lectures and science. This research goal is to discover the ideas of mathematics and students’...

Risk and Control of Electronic Procurement System (Phenomenological Studies in Palu City)

Ayutriana Ashari, Femilia Zahra, Ridwan
This study aims to determine the risks and control of the electronic procurement system in the Palu city government. This research applies qualitative methods through a phenomenological study to figure out the risks of the electronic procurement system. Two young procurement professional and a staf of...

Arak Bali: Between Culture and Economic Recovery in Realizing the Vision of Nangun Sat Kerthi Loka Bali Based on Local Wisdom

I Made Wimas Candranegara, I Nyoman Mangku Suryana, Ni Luh Sephia Adnyani Putri
Ethnic diversity plays very significant role in human life as the result of culture. This is undoubtedly the sector of excellence for Indonesia with so much cultural diversity, especially in the tourism sector based on the local culture. One example of the area that is famous for its culture is Bali....

Teaching Learning Chemistry Education: A Reflective Thinking for in Service Teacher

Sandra Sukmaning Adji, Rahayu Dwi Riyanti
Reflective practice in higher education has recently become a concern in distance learning. Through reflection activities in service, teachers are expected to make a respond to the matters, activities, or knowledge they have just learned. The purposes of this study were to 1) develop a learning prototype...

How Do Market Orientation and Innovation Effect in Increasing Business Performance? Empire Study of MSMEs in the City of Semarang

Kesi Widjajanti, Eviatiwi Kusumaningtyas Sugiyanto
This study aims to analyze the effect of innovation and market orientation on business performance through competitive advantage. This study focuses on analyzing the effect of innovation and market orientation on business performance through competitive advantage. This research was conducted on the...
Proceedings Article

Developing Micro Learning Video and Virtual Lab Tour to Teach Radio Transmitter

Ade Irfansyah, Suparji, Bambang Suprianto, I. G. P. Asto Buditjahjanto, I. G. Ayu Mas Oka
The use of learning videos from the you-tube channel by students to increase learning understanding. Most of the learning videos available on YouTube have a length of more than five minutes. A lot of digital content has the potential to become a distraction or break the focus of learning such as notification...

Gen Z Communication And Political Participation in Digital Media

Manap Solihat
This research aims to determine the role of conventional mass media and digital media as sources of political information for Generation Z and emphasizes the importance of political education in increasing political participation. This research uses a qualitative descriptive method, with data collection...
Proceedings Article

Effect of Mung Bean on Physicochemical Properties of Waffle Premix Flour and Its Sensory Acceptability

Maizana Afiqah Mohamad, Siti Suhara Ramli, Fadhilah Jailani
This study aimed to determine the physicochemical properties and sensory perception of waffle instant premix added with mung bean flour. Mung bean flour was included as one of the ingredients, substituting wheat flour in varying proportions starting from 20 to 80%. The results showed that bulking density...