Proceedings of the 3rd Tarumanagara International Conference on the Applications of Social Sciences and Humanities (TICASH 2021)
337 articles
Proceedings Article
Analysis of Legal Protection Towards Personal Data in E-Commerce
Samuel Christian Salim, Jeane Neltje
E-Commerce is one form of organizing electronic systems that connects business actors, consumers, and other communities. One of the problems that must be considered in terms of online shopping is all about the legal protection of personal data consumers who shop online. The issue raised is the legal...
Proceedings Article
The Agility of Micro Travel Influencer in Labuan Bajo Tourism Promotional Communication
Diah Ayu Candraningrum, Riris Loisa, Lusia Savitri Setyo Utami, Lydia Irena
De-escalation occurred in the number of domestic and foreign tourist arrivals during this new normal. The pandemic that gave rise to social restriction policies had a negative impact on the country’s tourism sector, including Labuan Bajo which is a super-priority tourist destination. A significant decrease...
Proceedings Article
Implementation of Acoustic Material Towards Grab Office Workstation Design to Optimize Productivity
Canisha Chrystella, Ferdinand Ferdinand
A comfortable environment crucially influents the performance of workers. A noisy working environment can interfere with the concentration and productivity of workers. Grab office uses an open layout plan because collaboration and discussion between individuals are needed. With this, the work area tends...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Sales Growth, Profitability, and Company Size on Leverage
Merry Susanti, Sofia Prima Dewi, Sufiyati Sufiyati, Liana Susanto
The research objective is to obtain empirical evidence of the positive effect of sales growth on leverage, the positive effect of profitability on leverage, and the positive effect of firm size on leverage. The decision to determine the capital structure (leverage) is a very important decision because...
Proceedings Article
The Influence of Consumer’s Perceived Risk on Consumer’s Online Purchase Intention in Indonesia
Andrian Andrian, Frangky Selamat
This study aimed to determine the influence of consumer’s perceived risk on online purchase intention in Indonesia. In this study, the data was collected using a questionnaire to 130 respondents who shopped online in the last three months in Indonesia. The results of this study indicate that financial...
Proceedings Article
Functionalization of Criminal Sanctions Against Negligence in Aircraft Inspection in The Lion Air JT610 Case
Sulaiman Hadaya Ilham, Ade Adhari
One of the factors resulting from an airplane accident can be caused by the negligence of aircraft personnel in carrying out their duties. Negligence/omission (culpa) in criminal law is an action that should be done carefully but does not do it or lacks attention to the consequences that arise. If aircraft...
Proceedings Article
Validity of the Mortgage Deed Submited by the Land Deed Official in the Form of Electronic Documents in Electronically Integrated Mortgage Services
Rianto Rianto, Amad Sudiro
The role of PPAT in Electronic Mortgage is regulated through Ministerial Regulation ATR/KBPN No. 5/2020 which places it as a party that only submits deed and documents of completeness of requirements through partner electronic systems integrated with HT-el System, APHT made by PPAT is no longer delivered...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of Income Tax Incentives to Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) Affected by the Corona Virus Disease Pandemic 2019 (COVID-19)
Santi Wulandari, Ahmad Redi
The COVID-19 pandemic has made a huge impact on people’s social life in all sectors. Social distancing policies have brought about a big change in people’s lifestyles. Deteriorating economic conditions due to the pandemic have made it difficult for people, especially business actors, to make sales, fulfill...
Proceedings Article
Legal Protection for Cinematographic Copyright Holders Related to Alleged Violations of Economic Rights Through the Telegram Social Media Application (in a View of Law Number 28 of 2014 Concerning Copyright)
Gabriel Lusia, Christine S. T. Kansil
Uploading a creation in social media app is an evidence that the internet presence becomes an impact in modern era that keeps getting sophisticated. However, it can’t be denied that it can cause several problems, with the occurance of speculation violation economy rights especially for cinematography...
Proceedings Article
PPAT Responsibilities in the Procedure for Making a Sale and Purchase Deed Without the Seller’s Attendance
Monica Lidiyana Cahyadi, Mella Ismelina Farma Rahayu
One of the duties and authorities of the PPAT is to make a deed of sale and purchase on land, and the deed must be made before the parties and the PPAT, but there are several cases when the sale and purchase process was carried out in the past, the deed of sale and purchase had not been made, and when...
Proceedings Article
Liability of Instagram Social Media Platform as an Advertising Service Provider in Case of Online Shop Fraud
Vengga Vengga, Ariawan Gunadi
In this era, with rapid technological advancement, nowadays people can do trade and sell using liability online system, especially on the social media which is Instagram Platform. Trades carried on Instagram have a risk, because dealing without meet face to face. By Juridical, do trade and sell on Instagram...
Proceedings Article
Criminal Analysis of Depok State Court Decision Number 392/Pid.B/2018/Pn Reviewed from Protection Of Victims With Disability
Heski Manura Felinda, Rugun Romaida Hutabarat
Persons with disabilities have the same position and rights and obligations as normal people in general, based on Law Number 39 of 1999 concerning Human Rights. Law Number 8 of 2016 concerning Persons with Disabilities is a form of legal protection, and the fulfillment of rights that should be given...
Proceedings Article
Crimination Against the Official of Paying Wages Below the Minimum Limit in Order to Achieve the Objectives of Crimination in Indonesia
Jeremy Nicholas, Ade Adhari
This research is a normative legal research by collecting data on criminal decisions on the issue of paying wages below the minimum limit for workers in Indonesia. This study uses a legal approach and a case approach that is related to the problems in this study, which are criminal cases regarding the...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of Evidence of Warehouse Rental Agreement Order in The Supreme Court Decision of the Republic of Indonesia Number 2368 K/Pdt/2019
Kenny Joshua
Whereas in the lease agreement, both oral & written, there are elements that must be carried out by the respective parties that bind themselves to one another, where if one of the parties does not fulfill its obligations as agreed in the beginning, then the act will cause default. This thesis discusses...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of Legal Protection and Responsibilities of Notary Officials for Authentic Deeds Made
Billy Samuel
A Notary Deed based on Article 1 point 7 of Law Number 2 of 2014 concerning Notary Positions is an authentic deed made by or before a Notary according to the form and procedure stipulated in the Act, and a Notary is a representative of the state, where the deed is made by or before a Notary is an authentic...
Proceedings Article
Analysis Legal Certainty of the Use of Article 254 Bill No. 37 Year 2004 Court Case Study (Number: Nomor 141/Pdt.Sus-PKPU/2020/PN.Niaga Jkt.Pst)
Reny Agustini, Ariawan Ariawan
In this era of globalization more people are making debt loans. To guarantee the payment the Creditor will ask for an additional guarantee that is individual. Not a few debtors have failed or neglected to pay the repayment of their debts. As a result, many debtors are requested in the Application for...
Proceedings Article
Financial Protection and Literacy to Financial Inclusion Usage Electronic Transaction
Made J. W. Kanta, Agus Zainul Arifin
The purpose of this study was to verify the relationship between financial literacy and financial inclusion using the DOI and RALC theoretical approaches. In the use of financial technology in Indonesia. The data used is primary data obtained by distributing questionnaires through google form. Data analysis...
Proceedings Article
The Influence of Mobile Money Adoption and Usage and Digital Consumer Protection on Financial Inclusion in Indonesia
Ste Sany, Agus Zainul Arifin, Halim Putera Siswanto
The purpose of this study was to verify the influence of Mobile Money Adoption and Usage (MMAU) and Digital Consumer Protection (DCP) on Financial Inclusion (FI) among Financial Technology users in Indonesia using the Diffusion of Innovation (DOI) theory and Restricted Access / Limited Control (RALC)...
Proceedings Article
Differences in Narratives of Discrimination and National Identity Among Chinese and Non-Chinese Adolescent in Jakarta
Ninawati Ninawati, Kurnia Setiawan, Meiske Yunithree Suparman
The experience of Chinese indonesian discrimination often occurs because of doubts about their nationalism. This research aims to highlight this. The study was conducted in Jakarta involving 160 adolescent participants aged between 17-19 years. We collected our data through questionnaire consists of...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Financial Knowledge, Financial Experience, and Locus of Control Towards Investment Decision of Non-Depository Investors
Agus Zainul Arifin, Indra Widjaya
The purpose of this study was to verify the theory about the relationship between independent variables, Financial Knowledge, Financial Experience, and Locus of Control toward the dependent variable Investment Decision. Problem-solving uses the Theory of Planned Behavior approach. The subject of research...
Proceedings Article
Credit Risk, Efficiency and Bank Financial Performance Before and Time of The Covid-19 Pandemic
Rosmita Rasyid, Herni Kurniawati
This study aims to examine the effect of covid 19 on financial performance, credit risk and efficiency. The study was conducted on banking companies listed on the IDX in the period 2019 and 2020. The sample was determined using the purposive sampling method, so that a total sample of 21 banking companies...
Proceedings Article
Determining Factors of Fintech Ovo Customer Satisfaction in Jakarta
Sarwo Edy Handoyo, Djody Parerung, Herlin Tundjung Setijaningsih
The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of brand image on perceived value, the effect of brand image on customer satisfaction, the effect of perceived value on customer satisfaction, and the effect of brand image on customer satisfaction when mediated by the value variable perceived by...
Proceedings Article
Implementation of Japanese Style Interior Design in Shabu Kojo Restaurant Bandung
Jessica Septiani, Eddy Supriyatna Marizar
The increasing number of tourists who come to Bandung city encourages every culinary business owner to continue developing their business to attract visitors. The interior design of a cafe or restaurant that is unique and follows current trends believed to be one of the attractions to bring in many visitors...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of Evidence Elements Intentional and Planning on the Crime of Planning Murder in the Decision of the East Jakarta State Court Number 490/Pid.B/2017/Pn.Jkt.Tim
Joshua Mahal Leonard Limbong, Ade Adhari
Premeditated murder in the terminology of criminal law is a criminal act of eliminating life which is planned or thought out in advance to decide the plan of the perpetrator. One of the criminal acts of killing life is premeditated murder which has been regulated in Article 340 of the Criminal Code....
Proceedings Article
Analysis of Justice in the Medan High Court Decision Number 277/PDT/2018/PT MDN Regarding Land Ownership
Vania Atalia Lumingkewas, Gunawan Djajaputra
Today the availability of free State lands that are in no way owned or occupied by persons or other interested parties is very limited. Therefore, to regulate the existence of the land is required a rule of law that can later provide guarantees, justice, certainty and legal protection for the actual...
Proceedings Article
Unilaterally-Cancelled Cooperation Agreement (A Case Study of Supreme Court of The Republic of Indonesia)
Maria Ulfa, Ariawan Gunadi
The agreements that have been made and agreed upon by the parties shall be effective as Law and bind the parties to make them. Because every agreement made has to be actually implemented. Otherwise, it will be categorized as an act of Breach of contract that gives the right to the aggrieved party to...
Proceedings Article
The Legal Consequences of Default in the Oral Lease Agreement based on Indonesia Private Law (Decision Study of Supreme Court No. 2368K/Pdt/2019)
Marsella Condro, Mella Ismelina Farma Rahayu
An oral lease agreement is a lease agreement made by the parties in an oral form without a written agreement being the instrument they agree on. The risk of this agreement came in many forms, one of them is when either one of the parties cannot fulfil one of the clauses that they had agreed on. The research...
Proceedings Article
Implementation of the WTO Agreements for Dispute Settlement: Indonesia-Australia A4 Photocopy Paper Case
Andreas Kevin Saragih, Gatot P. Soemartono
International trade is trade across countries. Its activities are accommodated by WTO agreements. However, in practice, some countries commit violations, which of course will harm other countries. What causes this to happen and how to resolve disputes among WTO members? To address these problems, the...
Proceedings Article
Legal Certainty on the Rights of Ex-Wife Post Divorce (Case Study of Religious Court Decisions North Jakarta Number: 299/Pdt.G/2021/Pa.Ju)
Aji Ulul Azmi Hanafi, Tanawijaya Tanawijaya
The fulfillment of a wife’s livelihood does not only apply in marriage, but also after divorce. The problem is that there are often many divorce cases where the rights of ex-wives (iddah and mut’ah) are not fulfilled even though the decision requires them to be paid. This is like what happened in the...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Technology Anxiety and Social Influence in Multi-Benefits on Mobile Payment Services
Joyce A. Turangan, Andi Wijaya, Herman Ruslim
This study examines whether the existing technology anxiety and social influence factors will affect the intention of the Indonesian people to continue using mobile payments. The population in this study consists of 140 respondents, the users of mobile payment applications. The research method used is...
Proceedings Article
Due to the Law Against Business Activities That Conduct Drinking Water Complossed in Packaging That Causes Damages for Consumers: Review of Law Number 5 of 1999 Concerning the Prohibitions of Monopoly Practices and Unfair Business Competition and Law Number 8 of 1999 Concerning Consumer Protection (A Case of Complossing Drinking Water in Packaging Year 2017)
Hanna Margareth, Jeanne Neltje
Community economic activities in particular are growing rapidly. Economic development covers several aspects of life in society, namely aspects of culture that are material in nature and rapidly changing and social changes in the economic field which include changes in society to meet various needs in...
Proceedings Article
Zalora Indonesia Office Furniture Design During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Debora Agnetha, Ferdinand Ferdinand
The Covid-19 pandemic is still not over and has threatened the lives of the world community, including Indonesia. Community activities that are currently starting to increase are feared to pose a new risk of transmission, especially in the offices. Therefore, it is very important to apply social distancing...
Proceedings Article
Cancellation of The Grant Will by The Heirs
Nadya Maysan, Ariawan Gunadi
In this article, the author raises the issue of the cancellation of wills by heirs regarding inheritance, including the issue of granting land rights through grants. The application of grants in everyday life has been applied and applied in the community, especially land grants. Grants are made in an...
Proceedings Article
Legal Protection of the Consumer Illegal Cosmetics Circulation (Study on Decision Number 873/PID.SUS/2019/PN BPP)
Frizka Alonte Putri, Tri Anggraini
This study aims to analyze legal policies, inhibiting factors in case resolution and the ideal concept of law enforcement against cases of selling illegal cosmetic products online by the BPOM Civil Servant Investigators (PPNS). The method used in this research is a sociological descriptive. The results...
Proceedings Article
Comparative Analysis on the Regulation of Substitute Heir’s Position in the Civil and Islamic Inheritance Law Perspective
Ahmad Redi, Hartini Antasari
Inheritance law is part of family law that plays an important role, even determines and reflects the family system that applies in the society. Inheritance law is closely related to human life as it is related to property and human beings with one another. The study uses the normative juridical research...
Proceedings Article
The Implementation of Article 77 KUHAP Regarding Status of Suspects in Pre-Trial Criminal Justice System in Indonesia
Fernando Tumbur Josua Napitupulu, Hery Firmansyah
Pretrial is a new institution in the world of justice in Indonesia in law enforcement life. The pretrial court is not an independent institution. The circuits in the criminal justice process in Indonesia including research, investigations, prosecutions, and trial examinations carried out by law enforcement...
Proceedings Article
Cascade Office Workspace Design in New Normal
Jethro Alva, Dwi Sulistyawati
In 2020, the world entered a shocking stage, where the disease Covid-19 has become a problem for many countries. The government is preparing protocols in tackling this situation for the sake of moving the wheels of the economy by establishing a new normal for office interiors, organizational institutions,...
Proceedings Article
Workers’ Rights to Wages in the Process of Being Dismissed Unilaterally by the Company (A Case Study of the Jurisdiction of the Supreme Court Number 516 K/Pdt-Sus-PHI/2019)
Kevin Kosim, Gunardi Gunardi
Termination of Employment Relations or often referred to as layoffs is the termination or termination of the employment relationship of workers and employers as regulated in Law No. 13 of 2003 concerning Manpower. Currently, there are many cases regarding these layoffs, which are more specific, namely...
Proceedings Article
Designing a Resting Facilities on Employee’s Workstations
Yenita Fransiska, Ferdinand Kendall, Maitri Widya Mutiara
Currently, having enough rest during busy work is an obstacle for office workers. This is because the activities and demands of the existing work make office workers not have enough time to rest. Normally, adults need about 7 hours of sleep in a day. Lack of sleep is associated with an increased risk...
Proceedings Article
Payment of Severance as Compensation for Termination of Employment According to Law No. 13 of 2003 on Employment (A Case Study Verdict No. 1238 K / PDT. SUS-PHI/2020)
Alfian Nurdiansyah, Gunardi Lie
Employers, workers, trade unions, and the government with Every effort must be made to prevent termination of employment, in article 151 of Law no. 13 of 2003 concerning Employment explains that workers and employers must try as much as possible to avoid termination of employment. If the negotiations...
Proceedings Article
Protection of Consumer Rights on Go-Send Services for Goods That Do Not Understand Based on Law Number 8 of 1999 Concerning Consumer Protection (Example Case Between Gojek Drivers With Consumers in 2019)
Muhammad Ridwan Arif, Gunawan Djajaputera
In this modern era, technological developments are growing more rapidly and include freight forwarding services that are increasingly advanced because everything is easily accessible online. Goods delivery services including trade which have customers or consumers, in Indonesia consumers are protected...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of Legal Protection of Borrower’s Personal Data in Online Loan Application Services (A Case Study of PT. BFI)
Ardyanus Hartony Laos, Ariawan Gunadi
In online loan application services (Fintech, many people have complained about problems regarding the dissemination of personal data carried out by online loan organizers (Fintech Companies) without confirmation and permission of the data owner. In this regard, it is important to study the legal protection...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Perceived Behavioral Control, Personality Traits, Financial Risk, and Expected Investment Value on Investment Intention Among Millennial Investors
Yanuar Yanuar, Agus Zainul Arifin
The purpose of this study is to examine the influence of perceived behavior control, financial risk, personality traits, expected investment value on investment intention in Indonesia. The study used primary data. Data was obtained by distributing online questionnaires using Google Forms. Four hundred...
Proceedings Article
Rejection of PT. Ramaldi Praja Sentosa’s Application for Bankruptcy Declaration (Case Study: Supreme Court Judges in The Decision Number 196 K/PDT.SUS-PAILIT/2017)
Indira Rizty Raihanna, S. Atalim
A request for a bankruptcy statement can be filed by a debtor who has two or more creditors and does not pay off at least one overdue debt which can be billed and then declared bankrupt by a court decision. This study aims to determine whether the legal considerations of the Supreme Court judges in the...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of Judges’ Confidence in Implementing Criminal Sanctions Against Child as a Criminal Act of the Crime of Theft (Example Case Decision No. 35/PID.SUS-ANAK/2020/PN LLG)
Tri Guntur Julianto, R. Rahaditya
The judge’s confidence in handing down criminal penalties against the child as the perpetrator of criminal theft should best reflect justice and have benefits for all parties, both child and victim. The study aims to know how the judge’s conviction in handing out criminal penalties against the child...
Proceedings Article
Different Marriage Analysis Based of Indonesian Law & Regulation (Case number 278/Pdt.P/2019/PN.SKT)
Mohammad Rifqy Fakhriza, Mia Hadiati
The life of society has evolved, there are no boundaries between people from any race, religion, tribe background in Indonesia. Because of that, it’s very possible for people from two different religions to have any relationship and want to get married. One of those people is Agustinus Dwi Nugroho and...
Proceedings Article
Legal Protection Analysis of Online Sexual Crime Against Underage Children Based on Law Number 35 of 2014 on Child Protection (Case Study No.1446/PID.SUS/2017/ JKT.SEL)
Muhamad Sukma Cahya Diningrat, Hery Firmansyah
The involvement of a child in legal matters can make society insensitive to justice and underestimate the role of children as the next generation of the nation. This condition should be a deep concern for parents in accompanying and supervising children’s behavior. A child is someone immature both mentally...
Proceedings Article
Design and Development of Multifunctional Office Furniture During the Pandemic Era
Pricillia Pricillia, Maitri Widya Mutiara
Corona Virus or usually called Covid 19 is a virus that has been spreading all over the world for more than a year. This virus originally came from Wuhan, China in early December 2019. This virus has a big impact in all sector, one of which is in the office sector. The main reason for the impact of the...
Proceedings Article
The Correlation Between Push to Open Latch Feature with Hygiene
Catherine Catherine, Maitri Widya Mutiara
The world seemed to stop when it was hit by a fairly deadly disease outbreak in early 2020. All areas of life are adversely affected, including the industrial and office sectors. Many office owners have closed their businesses as the effect of the economic system being disrupted by this pandemic. When...
Proceedings Article
Legal Responsibility of the Auction Organizer and Seller to the Winning of Auction With Good Faith For Aauction Objects That Do Not Confirm the Announcement (Study of Manado High Court Decisions Number: 14/PDT/2019/PT MND)
Muhammad Thariq Abrarsyah, Gunawan Djajaputra
Auction is the sale of goods that are open to the public with a written and/or verbal price offer that is increasing or decreasing to reach the highest price, which is preceded by an Auction Announcement. The auction process itself is carried out by the State Property and Auction Service Office (KPKNL)...
Proceedings Article
The Role of the Notary Honorary Council on the Summon of a Notary by Police Investigators Regarding the Deed He Made
Lusi Trismala, Mella Ismelina Farma Rahayu
This research is about the role of the Notary Honorary Council on the Summon of a Notary by a Police Investigator related to the Deed he made. The problems formulated are First, What is the Role of the Notary Honorary Council against the summons of a Notary by Police Investigators and Second, How is...
Proceedings Article
Formulation of Criminal Provisions in the Information and Electronic Transaction Law in Overcoming Acts of Disseminating Information Which Result in Humiliation or Hatred
Michael Adrian, R. Rahaditya
National and state life should follow religious norms, moral norms, decency norms, and legal norms. In social life, especially where interaction between humans and expressing opinions is the right of everyone that cannot be limited by anyone. However, in its development, the rights of speech and expression...
Proceedings Article
Reformulation of Criminal Policy Against Offenses Related to Euthanasia in the Context of Renewing the National Criminal Law
Rionardo Farlus Patitan, Ade Adhari
Along with the problems that arise regarding Euthanasia, there must be a need for a sanction in which to deal with the problems that occur, especially in criminal matters. In this problem, Euthanasia is often encountered and becomes a problem for people who experience it because in other countries Euthanasia...
Proceedings Article
Legal Perspective of the Role of Notary in Legalizing Underhand Lease Agreements in Indonesia
Billy Hutomo Kaspar, Mella Ismelina Farma Rahayu
The law in general regulates and manages all human actions in society which are mandatory and must be obeyed by humans themselves, and the law has the nature of regulating and coercing in order to create a balance between the interests of citizens in the community. Notaries play a very important role...
Proceedings Article
Being a Caregiver for a Husband with Alzheimer’s: A Phenomenological Study
Amalia Riska, Winarini Wilman D. Mansoer
This study aimed to investigate the experience and the meaning given by a wife of being a caregiver for Alzheimer’s husband. The study was conducted using qualitative method with a phenomenological approach. Participant was a woman (63 year old) who has a husband with Alzheimer’s. Data were collected...
Proceedings Article
Understanding Social Entrepreneurship Intention during Corona Outbreak
Johan Gunawan, Kartika Nuringsih
As an effort to understand student intention in social entrepreneurship (SE), the purpose of this study investigates the impact of empathy, moral obligation, and experience toward intention in SE. It employs 100 respondents from students in the management program at Universitas Tarumanagara to recognize...
Proceedings Article
Legality of Transfer of Land Rights Through Selling Buy Under Hands According to Land Law (Case Study: Decision of the Tangerang District Court Number 376/PDT.G/2017/PN.TNG)
Hanafi Tanawijaya, Michelle Velisia
The land is one of the basic human needs and limited land can cause problems because it will encourage the purchase and sale of land and the process of land right switchover. The purchase and sale agreement is law that was born as a result of community needs. This research was conducted because there...
Proceedings Article
Position of Adopted Children as Heir Based on the Compilation of Islamic Law (Case Study Number 2142/Pdt.G/2017/PA.PLG)
Maharesi Trifo Putra, Hanafi Tanawijaya
Article 171 letter h of the Compilation of Islamic Law states that an adopted child is a child who in terms of maintenance for his daily life, education costs and etc, all of the responsibilities shift from their original parents to their adoptive parents based on a court decision. In fact, Islam strongly...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of Factors Affecting Capital Structure of Manufacturing Companies
Nurainun Bangun, Khairina Natsir
Capital Structure is a combination of debt and equity. Funding decisions related to investment spending or financing activities.” The funding sources can come from internal or external sources. In determining the optimal capital structure decision becomes a very difficult task for financial managers...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of Duties and Authorities of the Consumer Dispute Settlement Agency (BPSK) to Adjudge Consumer Dispute (Case Number 689/PDT.SUS-BPSK/2019/PN.JKT.UTR)
Mella Ismelina, Yitzhak Lorenzo
The Consumer Dispute Settlement Agency (BPSK) is authorized to handle Consumer disputes who feel aggrieved by the occasionally arbitrary conduct of business actors under Law Number 8 of 1999 concerning Consumer Protection. The objective of this study is to ascertain the legal ramifications of canceling...
Proceedings Article
Criminal Law Enforcement Against Violations of the Use of Sirens and Signal Lights by the Indonesian Ambulance Escorting Community Reviewed from Law Number 22 of 2009 on Traffic and Road Transport
K. Martono, Joshua Mendila
Sirens and signal lights or commonly referred to as strobes are tools used in certain vehicles. Certain vehicles in question are vehicles that have the main rights set forth in Law No. 22 of 2009 concerning Traffic and Road Transport. Now formed a community called Indonesian Escorting Ambulance (IEA),...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of Loss of Heirth Rights on the Consequence of Activities Against the Law Control of Individual Assets (Example of Decision Case No: 601/Pdt.G/2019/PN.Jkt.Pst)
Muhammad Hadlisina Hawari, Hanafi Tanawijaya
Inheritance law is a subset of family law that is heavily influenced by social conditions. Indonesia does not have a single inheritance law due to its pluralistic existence. If an heir’s inheritance rights are violated, he has the right to sue. The judge agreed not to grant compensation to the defendant...
Proceedings Article
Legal Consequences Against Notary with Convicted Status by Court Decisions
Ricky Utama, Benny Djaja
Notary is one of the legal professions that carry out some of the duties of state administration to provide legal services to the general public in the civil sector. law. Moreover, until now there is no professional standard for notary services or SOPs in providing services to the community, so that...
Proceedings Article
Application of Oko Mama Culture to Prevent Human Trafficking in South Central Timor Regency, East Nusa Tenggara Province
Meiske Olga Putri Samdoko, Ade Adhari
This research discusses the misinterpretation of oko mama culture and the implementation of oko mama culture to prevent human trafficking in the South Central Timor Regency. This research aims to know about the form of oko mama culture’s interpretation in human trafficking cases and how the proper application...
Proceedings Article
Functional and Aesthetic Considerations in Designing Compact Space as a Mixed Zone
Janice Kristin, Aghastya Wiyoso
The design of compact residential space plays significant role in today’s society and design field. This category of design is served not only for human being as it’s user but also for pets. The different categories of life become one of the segments that make a design more complex, unique, and interesting....
Proceedings Article
Analysis of the Accountability of Corruption Crimes Due to Losses of Soes Based on the Doctrine of Business Judgement Rule (Study of Supreme Court Decision No. 34/PID. SUS-TPK/2019/PT. DKI)
Felina Desiana, Rugun Romaida Hutabarat
State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs) in the form of Limited Liability Companies and run by a board of directors and their ranks do not cover the possibility of losses in running the company. If the board of directors takes a decision that harms the company, it will be considered to fulfill the elements of...
Proceedings Article
Responsibility Analysis of the Directorate General of IPR Regarding the Case of Name Doing / Passing Off Against the Famous brand “M&G” Reviewed from Law Number 20 of 2016 Regarding Brand and Casual Geographic Indications (526K/Pdt.Sus-HKI/2020)
Michael Michael, Christine S.T. Kansil
In the era of global trade, in line with international conventions that have been ratified by Indonesia, the role of Trademarks and Geographical Indications is very important, especially in maintaining fair, fair business competition, consumer protection, as well as protecting Micro, Small, and Medium...
Proceedings Article
The Implementation of Artificial Lighting on Residential Interior Design in Green Village Cluster, Tangerang
Steven Andhika Rusli, Hafidh Indrawan
During home activities, humans need both natural and artificial lighting with different intensities. Artificial lighting is lighting produced by light sources other than natural light. Artificial lighting is very necessary when the room does not get natural lighting or when there is insufficient natural...
Proceedings Article
Success Factors of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises in Jakarta
Kevin Hardi, Ida Puspitowati
SMEs have an important role in the economy, as an absorber of labor and contribution to GDP, in line with the development of SMEs. The purpose of this paper is to examine the success of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Jakarta, as well as to contribute to knowledge about the determinants of the...
Proceedings Article
The Urgency of Understanding the Law Number 28 Year 2014 on Copyright to Minimize Copyright Infringement in Indonesia
R. Rahaditya, Yusmedi Yusuf, Tri Guntur Julianto
This research aims to study: first, the effectiveness of Indonesian Copyright Law or “UUHC” in force in relation to the growing concern of copyright piracy carried out offline and online; second, the form of protection of economic rights of creators or copyright holders. A research on the effectiveness...
Proceedings Article
The Analysis of Government Strategy in Integrating Technology in Education
Ferry Doringin, Simon Wenehen, Teresa Doringin
This study aims to analyze the Indonesian government’s strategy in integrating technology in education. COVID-19 pandemic encourages schools to implement distance learning, and technology becomes a necessity. Already launching the subject named Information and Communication Technology (ICT), integrating...
Proceedings Article
An Analysis of the Determination of Illicit Status in the Organization of Society Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) in Accordance with the Assurance Independence Partners in Indonesia
Fernando Afsaloon, Rasji Rasji
Community organizations are an organization founded and formed by the community voluntarily based on similarity, aspirations the will of needs the interests of, activities and the purpose of participating in development to achieve the objectives of the unitary state republic of Indonesia are based upon...
Proceedings Article
Legal Protection Against the Publication of Personal Data on the Supreme Court Site in Criminal Action Cases and Divorce
Muhammad Iqbal, Rasji Rasji
The constitution guarantees the right of everyone to obtain public information including information on court decision data because based on the KIP Law, judicial decisions are not excluded, which means they can be given to the applicant or can be accessed by the public through the Supreme Court website....
Proceedings Article
Overlapping Rules of Testing Legislation Regulations at the Supreme Court and the Constitutional Court from the Principle of Legal
Rasji Rasji, Michael Michael
The author made this paper with the title “Overlapping Decisions on Judicial Review of Legislation in the Supreme Court and the Constitutional Court Judging from the Principle of Legal Certainty” because as a state of law and regulation of constitutional rights guarantees (Article 28 D paragraph 1 The...
Proceedings Article
Psychological Well-Being of Chinese Indonesian College Students
Meiske Yunithree Suparman, Ninawati Ninawati, Kurnia Setiawan
Chinese people in Indonesia are found to be well-informed about identity administration and become victims of violence and crime. It can affect the individual’s psychological well-being. Thus, the study was intended to identify the psychological well-being of Chinese Indonesian college students. The...
Proceedings Article
STEM Learning Model Design Using IoT for Primary School Students
Jap Tji Beng, Fransisca I. R. Dewi, Alivia F. Amanto, Claudia Fiscarina, Desella Chandra, Fenny Lusiana, Vivien H. Wangi, Sri Tiatri
Competence in the STEM field is increasingly needed in the face of the Industry 4.0 revolution. One inevitable learning tool is an IoT-based one. This study aims to examine the IoT-based STEM learning model for primary school students. The study was carried out using a qualitative inquiry method in a...
Proceedings Article
A Model of Forming Sustainable Small Research Group in Higher Education
Jap Tji Beng, Fransisca I. R. Dewi, Alivia F. Amanto, Claudia Fiscarina, Desella Chandra, Fenny Lusiana, Vivien H. Wangi, Sri Tiatri
In carrying out research tasks, universities need research groups that function in a sustainable manner. In many cases, research group members change frequently, to a large extent due to incoming and outgoing students. This study aims to describe a model of forming a small research group (4-6 lecturers,...
Proceedings Article
The Governance of Recovery and the Recovery of Governance: Learning from the Spatial Planning Practice During Aceh’ Reconstruction Process, 2005-2009
Erwin Fahmi
The experiences of Aceh’ recovery after the December 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami provide an example for the study and practice of governance of recovery, not only in Indonesia but also in the world. Three specific aspects justify this: the scale and background of the disaster, the extra-ordinary...
Proceedings Article
Basic Considerations for Recriminalization of Criminal Acts of Insultation Against the President and Vice President in the Draft of Criminal Code
Recky Yachop Pardosi, R. Rahaditya
Indonesia as a democratic legal state as regulated in the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia places the people as the highest sovereignty holders. The criminal act of insulting the President and Vice President is a provision in the Dutch Criminal Code which is considered to limit democratic...
Proceedings Article
Juridical Review of the Form of the SKMHT Deed Which is Made by a Notary According to Article 38 of Law Number 2 of 2014 Concerning Amendment to Law Number 30 of 2004 Concerning Notary Position
Grace Natalia H Famdale, Jeanne Neltje
Law becomes an inseparable part of people’s lives, this results in legal systems and norms in society itself. The purpose of the existence of a legal system and legal norms is to uphold and regulate the balance between personal interests and common interests to avoid a conflict. The quality of legal...
Proceedings Article
Visual Communication Strategy of the Benefits from Balancing Consuming Sweet Stuff with Water
Chinthia Putri, Dinda Dinda, Anny Valentina
Consuming water according to your body’s daily needs is important and should be taken as a healthy lifestyle. Although it is known that consuming water has many benefits, many people still ignore this healthy lifestyle and choose to consume sugary drinks, sweet foods instead of drinking enough water....
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Mobile Payment on Convenience and Willingness to Pay
Andi Wijaya, Joyce A. Turangan, Herman Ruslim
The increase in mobile payments is so rapid that it can change the payment culture in cash transactions into electronic money. Speed and convenience in transactions, expected performance and effort expected from mobile payments, conditions of mobile payment facilities, and the surrounding environment...
Proceedings Article
The Influence of Heart Count Human Capital Development Process and Strategic Agility on Organizational Performance Among SMEs Engaged with E-Commerce in Malaysia: A Conceptual Model
Chung Keat Oh, Rajendran Muthuveloo, Keni Keni
This paper accents the importance of Heart Count human capital development process comprises recruitment, retention and separation, and strategic agility on organizational performance among SMEs engaged with e-commerce in Malaysia. The findings anticipated that Heart Count human capital development process...
Proceedings Article
Representation of Indonesian Women’s Beauty in The Challenge Version Fal Advertising
Tiara Utami Widodo, Riris Loisa
The cosmetics and skincare industry is currently developing very rapidly, with many advertisements for beauty products, including skincare advertisements that offer the benefits of whitening products such as FaL advertisements. Meanwhile, on average, brown-skinned Indonesian women tend to be dark. This...
Proceedings Article
Symbolic Interaction Between Parents and Children in Education During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Darsono Setiawan, Muhammad Adi Pribadi
In social life between humans is usually done by means of communication. Communication is an element of culture that continues to grow from year to year, especially in modern times now all communication can be done indirectly using various social media such as Instagram, Facebook, and many more. Online...
Proceedings Article
Virtual Communication Behavior Patterns of Ayodance Online Audition Game Players
Rara Agustin Manaf, Farid Rusdi
The progress of information, communication, and media technology are currently speedy. The emergence of the internet influences this. Since the emergence of the internet, many new entertainments have emerged, including online games that allow users to interact in the game. Online game users are currently...
Proceedings Article
Male Students’ Perceptions of Female Gamer Credibility in Indonesia
Alexander Widyanto, Septia Winduwati
Along with the development of IT and the internet, online games emerged that became a place for people to entertain or even unwind from their daily activities. The emergence of this online game created a new profession with many devotees, one of which is a female gamer. Through content created by female...
Proceedings Article
Social Media Analysis and Bett Fish During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Aulia Rachman, Wulan Purnama Sari
During the Covid-19 pandemic, the emergence of the trend of keeping Betta Fish was also supported by the internet and social media. In this Betta trend, many people use social media to conduct fish auctions, promotions, selling Betta fish equipment and feed, and information facilities about Betta Fish...
Proceedings Article
The Use of Advertisements with the “It’s Okay to be Lebay” From Gojek as a Media to Increase Community Awareness of the Covid-19 Virus Protocol
Christian Wicaksono, Rezi Erdiansyah
Gojek realizes the importance of doing big advertisements so that its brand image can be built in the public’s eyes so that Gojek becomes the community’s first choice compared to other online transportation with an advertisement entitled “It is Okay to be Lebay”. Messages applied in detail and orderly...
Proceedings Article
The Role of Brand Ambassador on Advertising in Building Brand Awareness (A Case Study of #Selaluadaselalubisa BTS Ads)
Devi Yung, Gregorius Genep Sukendro
The changing times that are increasingly advanced show the progress of the internet that is so fast, showing the existence of increasingly developing technology, leading to online-based media, so this also applies to the development of e-commerce in Indonesia. Every e-commerce company uses various ways...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of Marketing Communication Strategy on the Online Shop Lauxes 7
Deny Kusnadi, Riris Loisa, Nigar Pandrianto
During the Covid-19 era, consumer behavior began to shift towards digital. One of the most popular e-commerce sites in Indonesia as a place to shop online is Tokopedia. Lauxes 7 store is an online store that uses Tokopedia as a medium to sell products in water pumps. The Lauxes 7 store wants to be at...
Proceedings Article
Billiards Marketing Communication Strategy (Redball Billiard Taman Palem Case Study)
Calvin Suteja, Eko Harry Susanto, Sisca Aulia
In the era of the Covid-19 pandemic, there are limitations to being able to leave the house, and there are regulations to keep one another at a distance. Redball Taman Palem makes a communication strategy by creating content through Instagram and YouTube. Educational content and promos are uploaded the...
Proceedings Article
Marketing Communication Strategies to Attract Consumer Interest During the Covid-19 Pandemic in Halfway Puri
Kevin Satriawan, Wulan Purnama Sari
During the Covid-19 pandemic, many affected businesses experienced difficulties until some went bankrupt, especially in the food and bar business. This Halfway Puri provides an example of relying on social media as a promotional tool and informing the broader community that Halfway Puri is free from...
Proceedings Article
CBR Riders Bekasi Community Communication Patterns in Maintaining Members’ Solidarity
Joshua Januar, Yugih Setyanto
Communication has an essential role in the differences in a community in maintaining the solidarity of its members. Of course, in the CBR Riders Bekasi community, there is a way of communication. However, it can be seen in the daily communication patterns in this community. This community also has managed...
Proceedings Article
The Meaning of Creativity Message in Xu Bing’s Work: Square Word Calligraphy (Ferdinand De Saussure Semiotics Analysis)
Nadya Claresta Wijaya, Lusia Savitri Setyo Utami
Exhibition is an activity to present works of art from various artists. In an exhibition, an artist aims to communicate the work that has been made so that it can be enjoyed and appreciated by the public. MACAN Museum is a place for contemporary artists to display their works. XU BING is a contemporary...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of Communications Interpersonal Friends with Benefits In Jakarta Students
Steven Tandrianto, Septia Winduwati
In the current era, the relationship between two people is no longer limited to friends, girlfriends, husbands, or families. The emergence of the phenomenon of friend with benefits among the younger generation becomes a new color in categorizing relationships. This research aimed to find out how the...
Proceedings Article Marketing Communication Strategy During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Vivi Andriani, Yugih Setyanto, Sudarto Sudarto
During this Covid-19 pandemic, the growth of the nail art salon business has been hampered. This of course makes business people in nail art salons suffer losses. Therefore, business people must know how to plan in doing marketing properly in order to overcome this and provide good results. Marketing...
Proceedings Article
Phenomenology Study on Young Women of Batak Toba in Jakarta About Sinamot
Sonia Veronica, Suzy S. Azeharie
The Toba Batak tribe is one of the Batak sub-tribes in Indonesia. This tribe has a marriage tradition that is still maintained by the community, namely sinamot. Sinamot is the legal binding dowry of a marriage. The woman’s family usually determines the number of sinamot and then communicates to the male...
Proceedings Article
Content Strategies of The Hamzah Family Beginning Entrepreneurs on Youtube in Attracting Viewers
Pingkan Soraya Deby C.S, Ahmad Junaidi
One of the beginner entrepreneurs of the Hamzah Family in creating Youtube channel content can attract or attract viewers to watch his channel account. So, readers who might want to create a channel account can also follow in the footsteps of the Hamzah Family in the process of content creation to uploading....
Proceedings Article
Panic Buying During Pandemic and Its Relevance of the Perception on the Efficacy of “Bear Brand” Milk
Edy Chandra, Maitri Widya Mutiara
The imperfect development and distribution of covid-19 vaccines in the world has triggered public efforts to seek information and alternative solutions to prevent or cure covid-19 infection. A rumor circulated and believed by public is the consumption of Bear Brand milk. This rumor started circulating...