Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research

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81546 articles
Proceedings Article

Students Attitudes toward English Conversation Class in the Ways They are

Mara Sutan Siregar, Amrin Saragih, Rahmad Husein
English conversation is one of the crucial lessons for senior high school students in order to face the globalization. Many students considered English conversation as a controversial lesson through their positive and negative attitudes toward it. This study aimed to reveal the realization of students’...
Proceedings Article

Research on SWOT Analysis and Strategy of Education Live Broadcasting

Jitao Yao, Yao Meng
Educational live broadcasting breaks the traditional form of education. And it also is an endogenous force that promotes the development of "Internet plus education". The article uses the SWOT analysis method to comprehensively interpret the advantages, disadvantages, opportunities and threats in the...
Proceedings Article

The Financial Support Mode of Cultural Industry Development in Shaanxi Province

Yushan Wang
As a province with plenty cultural resources, Shaanxi develops cultural industry in a sustainable and high-quality manner, and turns itself into a strong cultural province, which is inseparable from the support of the finance. This paper subdivides the cultural industry in Shannxi province into five...
Proceedings Article

Work Ethic In The Industrial Area of Bitung City North Sulawesi Province

Julien Biringan, Telly Wua, Maxi Keintjem
Research on work ethics in the Industrial Area of Bitung City was survey research used for descriptive purposes with the aim of understanding and explaining social reality so that sociological anthropological relevance was achieved. This research took 590 local workers and migrant workers as the subjects;...
Proceedings Article

The Atmosphere Linkage of the Perceived Experience in Installation Art of the Exhibition Space

Qiangqiang Luo
In contemporary society, the level of installation art is uneven, and more and more installation arts produce commoditized products with aesthetic fatigue that cater to the market and commercial aesthetics. At the same time, there are some installation art that look abstruse and hard to understand, but...
Proceedings Article

A Short-Living Video: Self-Presentation Via the Instagram Story and its Implications

Kaiyang Guo
The current study aimed to investigate how posting stories on Instagram influence users’ mental health and extrapolate the relationship between ephemeral social media use and users’ psychological needs. Several Instagram stories were selected and analyzed in terms of content, emotion and attention-degree....
Proceedings Article

Unravelling Incoherence Norms of Indonesia’s Energy Security Regulations

Indah Cahyani, Ekawestri Prajwalita Widiati
As a country with huge natural resources potential, Indonesian government enacts series of regulations concerning energy security covering policy on oil and gas. The main problem of Indonesia’s energy security policy is disharmony and incoherence among sets of provisions at primary legislations and secondary...
Proceedings Article

On the Early Marxists’ Understanding and Application of Chinese Excellent Traditional Culture

Zhou Yu
Early Marxists deeply influenced by Chinese excellent traditional culture are good at combining the positive factors of traditional culture with the basic theory of Marxism, exploring the practice of Chinese revolution in practice, and gradually improving the theory and practice of Sinicization of Marxism....
Proceedings Article

Legal Protection of Creditor’s Right Regarding Debtor Assets That is in the Control of Third Parties That Cannot Be Included Into the Bankruptcy Inventory (Study Of Court Decision Number 02 / Pdt.Sus / Pkpu / 2016 / Pn.Niaga.Jkt.Pst Juncto 02 / Pdt.Sus / Actio-Pauliana / 2017 / Pn.Niaga.Jkt.Pst Juncto 888k / Pdt.Sus-Pailit / 2017 Juncto 200pk / Pdt.Sus-Pailit / 2018)

Olivia Pauline Hartanti, Christine S.T. Kansil
The existence of a debt agreement and creditors must ask for guarantees for certainty of repayment by the debtor. The debtor is negligent, but the confiscation cannot be carried out properly so the creditor begs for bankruptcy. After a debtor goes bankrupt, there is a third party who does not want to...
Proceedings Article

Comorbid Depression and Substance Use on College Campuses: A Review

Zhixing Sun
Mental health problems on college campuses have been rising in recent years, with universities unable to meet the high need for services. Especially problematic are comorbid disorders. Individuals diagnosed with two or more disorders often experience worse outcomes than those diagnosed with a single...
Proceedings Article

Individual’s Breakthrough Against Habitual Destiny: The Drive and Identity of Students Resuming the College Entrance Examination

Jingqian Xiao
The existence of students who choose to resume college entrance examination (Gaokao) gambling on a better result has long been a characteristic phenomenon in Chinese education. However, relevant educational policies generally inhibit this phenomenon, and these students also suffer from social discrimination....
Proceedings Article

Research on the Dual-path Effect of Cognitive and Emotional Trust on Employees Job Involvement

Niu Chenchen
According to the social exchange theory, the data collected by 233 employees were analyzed, I construct dual-path model that cognitive and emotional trust influence employees job involvement. The results show that: (1) cognitive trust and emotional trust have significant positive impact on employees...
Proceedings Article

Research on Innovative Management of Community Bookstore

In the past few years, community bookstores have re-emerged in many places in China. Based on the analysis of the three challenges that community bookstores confront, such as limited market size and high operating costs, competition from online bookstores, and consumers’ electronic and fragmented reading...
Proceedings Article

Developing Digital Story Telling and Educational Games to Improve Early Childhood Cognitive Ability

Ditta Manullang, Humuntal Banjarnahor, Lisbet Simanjuntak
This study aims to produce a development of a digital literacy learning model using digital story telling media and educational game applications so that there is an increase in the cognitive abilities of early childhood with the support of teachers and parents. The research was carried out in Pembina...
Proceedings Article

Determining The Decrease in Wages of Workers During The Covid-19 Pandemic in West Tanjung Jabung Regency

Gahara Haerani, Rahmat Muhammad, Tahir Kasnawi
The 2019 Coronavirus Disease pandemic (COVID-19) has spread and spread all over the world. The spread of the COVID-19 pandemic to various countries has such a terrible impact on the aspects of human life. Some aspect of the human life has changed instantly with the emergence of the outbreak. In addition...
Proceedings Article

Investigating the Effects of Videoconferencing on Students’ Interest in Learning Mathematics

Hazel Reduca, Jennyliza Ucang
The study investigated the effects of videoconferencing on students’ interest in learning mathematics at Bukidnon State University Kitaotao Campus during the S.Y. 2021–2022. The respondents of the study were nine (9) selected Business Administration third-year students enrolled in Business Statistics...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Pentagon Fraud on Academic Fraud and the Role of Religiosity as Effect Moderation At Current Accounting Student’s Online Learning

Salman Jumaili, Achmad Hizazi
This paper aim to analyze The Effect of Pentagon Fraud on Academic Fraud and the Role of Religiosity as Effect Moderation At Current Accounting Students Online Learning. Data was used in the form of questionnaire to student of Accounting Study Program at Jambi University. Respondent study this totaled...
Proceedings Article

The Interest-Based Communities on Xiaohongshu Recreate the Era of “Tribalization”

Xingjian Hu, Tiannan Jin, Yunjing Lu, Shuyu Zhong
This paper aims to explore how the online interest-based communities on Xiaohongshu reflect the development of the new “tribe” form predicted by McLuhan and how this tribalization contributes to the vitality of the online interest-based communities and the maintenance of healthy content production. Within...
Proceedings Article

Effective Organization Management in Multinational Corporations: In the Context of Collectivism and Individualism

Yuxin Xie, Zixiang Lou
Companies are growing at a rapid pace these days, and economies are becoming increasingly globalized. A growing number of businesses are expanding internationally. Those businesses aren’t the same as traditional businesses. They had to deal with cross-cultural issues that traditional businesses would...
Proceedings Article

Intangible Cultural Heritage of Bio-inspired Design in Manchu Graphic Symbols

Intangible cultural heritage carries the civilization of human society and reflects the world’s cultural diversity. With the introduction of the Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage in 2003, the transmission and development of intangible cultural heritage have become an increasingly...
Proceedings Article

New Features and Requirement of E-C/C-E Translation of China’s Foreign Communication

Liqiao Liang
In order to well deliver “Story from China”, it is necessary to devote effort on foreign communication, which is demanding of the quality of translation and interpretation, especially in the context of entering the New Era of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics. The quality of E-C or C-E translation...
Proceedings Article

Liability of Instagram Social Media Platform as an Advertising Service Provider in Case of Online Shop Fraud

Vengga Vengga, Ariawan Gunadi
In this era, with rapid technological advancement, nowadays people can do trade and sell using liability online system, especially on the social media which is Instagram Platform. Trades carried on Instagram have a risk, because dealing without meet face to face. By Juridical, do trade and sell on Instagram...
Proceedings Article

Transforming Chinese Traditional Patterns into Three-dimensions and Applying Them to Modern Design

Yu Qian
For culture continuity and design innovations, the author researched how to apply three-dimensional traditional patterns to product design. This paper introduced the evolution and manifestations of Chinese traditional patterns; it discussed methods of and principles in making them three-dimensional....
Proceedings Article

The Cultivation of Legal Faith In Undergraduate Education of Law –Taking the Legal Education of Sichuan Agricultural University as an Example

Qi Haiyan
The establishment of a socialist country under the rule of law, it is in line with the socialist modernization construction of statecraft. The country want to Implement the rule of law that must meet two conditions, first, the country should established a good legal system, second, the seriously comply...
Proceedings Article

The Semi-Physical Simulation System Designed for Space Optical Remote Sensing Based on 6-DOF Motion Platform

Ming Xuan Li, Gang Wu Jiang, Rui Zhang
With the development of space optical remote sensing imaging technology, Space remote sensing systems have reached a new stage which is changing towards higher spatial resolution, higher spectral resolution, higher radiometric resolution, and higher temporal resolution. In recent years, applying TDI...
Proceedings Article

Study on the Current Situation and Trend for the Application of "3S" Technology in Land Resource Management

Xiaojiang Gou
As the development of land resources vary from time to time, the accuracy and strength of efficiency for relevant work is doomed to be affected if the function of real-time dynamic information investigation is neglected in the technology of land resource management. As a result, rational coordination,...
Proceedings Article

Characteristics of Flow over two Tandem Cylinders of Different Diameters

Yongtao Wang
Two-dimensional flow over two circular cylinders of different diameters in tandem arrangement at low Reynolds numbers has been numerically investigated in this study. The diameter ratio between the upstream control cylinder and the downstream one was varied from 0.1 to 1.0. The studied Reynolds number...
Proceedings Article

The Exploration of the Application-type Talents Training Mode of English Major in Local Undergraduate Universities -Taking Ankang University as an Example

Weiwei Hu
Local undergraduate universities should stick to the aim of serving the local economy and fundamental education, train high-quality application-type talents and construct the unique university talents training mode. English major in local undergraduate universities should also adapt to this demand through...
Proceedings Article

The application of "Micro-class" and "Flipped classroom" in College English Teaching

Liang Lei
With the correlation between information technology, teaching is becoming more and more thorough, the concept of " Micro-class" and "Flipped classroom” puts forward a new way of thinking for present college English teaching. It is the need of modern English teaching development. It puts forward higher...
Proceedings Article

A Study on Influence Factors of College Students’ Entrepreneurial Behaviors in China

Chen Yu, Ruochen Hu, Tianxiang Feng
College students are the main pioneer in the era of "entrepreneurship and innovation". How to promote them to actively innovate and start a business and improve the entrepreneurial work for them are urgent problems. This paper subdivides college students’ living environment and deduces the factors affecting...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Herringbone Technique And Students’ Reading Interest on Students’ Reading Comprehension At Grade VIII Of MTs Sumatera Thawalib Parabek Bukittinggi

Nadya Felly, M. Zaim, Zul Amri
This research aimed to test the effect of herringbone technique and students’ reading interest on students’ reading comprehension.It is a kind of experimental research with quasi and 2x2 factorial designs. The reading comprehension test and reading interest questionnaire were used to collect the data...
Proceedings Article

Essential Problems of Russian Students’ Educational Activities Style Evaluation

Elena Novikova, Vitaly Ivlev, Andrey Galukhin
This paper presents the results of the interdisciplinary study of the relationship between teleological determinants, cognitive constituents and individual features of the student's activities within the framework of general educational process. We assume that heuristic educational programs should be...
Proceedings Article

Dynamic processes in the linguistic consciousness of Russian students (on the example of ethnic stereotypes)

Galina Vasileva, Marina Vinogradova
In order to identify the possible dynamics of ethnic stereotypes in the linguistic consciousness of Russian students, the associative potential of the ethnonyms included as incentives in the Russian Associative Dictionary, edited by Yu.N. Karaulov, as well as data from the free-associative experiment...
Proceedings Article

Revisiting the Specific Features of Russian Modernisation

E.V. Karmazina
The concept of "modernisation" is one of the most widely represented concepts in modern knowledge about the development of society. This is a new paradigm of social and human sciences which has replaced the Marxist concept. The author substantiates the theoretical standpoint, according to which the key...
Proceedings Article

The Role of Mentor Teacher in Preparing Teacher Candidate at the Field Experience Practice

Mamat Ruhimat, Nandi
This study is related to the Field Experience Practice (PPL) at the Indonesia University of Education. The program was implemented to prepare professional teacher candidates as educators at the school level. The relationship between advisor (DPL), mentor teacher and intern is one of the keys to the success...
Proceedings Article

Overview of Research on Dual-Channel Supply Chain Management

Yingying Li, Xuemei Zhang, Yuanyuan Chen
On the basis of systematically reviewing related literatures at home and abroad, this paper summarizes the current research on the selection of dual-channel supply chain, channel conflict, pricing strategy and coordination mechanism, and discusses the future research direction and hopes to lay a foundation...
Proceedings Article

A Comparative Study of City Branding Through Twitter Usage Patterns

Binghui Li
Both Beijing and Washtington DC are capital cities, but Washington DC has outperformed Beijing in promoting itself. Twitter as a new social media, has become the new field of city branding. So this paper attempts to take Beijing and Washington DC as examples to study their city branding performances...
Proceedings Article

Use Assessment Screening Socio-Emotional Development by Teachers Playgroup

Yulinda Paripurnanti, Mustaji Mustaji, Miftakhul Jannah
For educators, it is very important to know how easy and can be done to recognize the child's emotional and social behavioral symptoms and their effects. Some of the simple abilities that educators need to master in recognizing the emotional social behavior of children are the ability to observe or observe...
Proceedings Article

A Study on the Female Consciousness in Hemingway's Literary Works

Chunmei Yu
Hemingway is one of the most famous American writers in the twentieth Century, and as everyone knows, the code hero in his works is familiar to many people. Because he often uses fishing, hunting, boxing and bull fighting as the theme of his story, he is regarded as a male chauvinism without female consciousness....
Proceedings Article

Charitable Donations, Political Connections and Top Executive Stock Ownership:Evidence from Chinese Listed Companies

Ying Shu
Based on resource dependence theory, principal-agent theory and institutional theory, a total of 893 samples from 2008 to 2014 were empirical analyzed, this paper studies the relationship between the intensity of charitable donation, political connections, institutional environment and the change of...
Proceedings Article

A Research on Mock Politeness —— A Case Study of the Legend of Zhen Huan

Mengyuan Yin, Honghong Zhou
The present study attempts to put forward a different definition and study the realization of mock politeness--somewhat neglected area of (im) politeness studies. Based on previous studies on mock politeness abroad and at home, this paper redefines mock politeness as a superficially polite speech act...
Proceedings Article

Implementation of Project-Based Learning (PjBL) in Collaboration Skills and Communication Skills of Students

Yenni Dwi Aprilita Sagala, Mariati P. Simajuntak, Nurdin Bukit, Motlan
This study aims to (1) determine an increase in collaboration and communication skills through project-based learning, (2) determine the relationship of collaboration skills and communication skills through project-based learning. The population of this research is six classes XI MIA and a sample of...
Proceedings Article

A Comparative Study of Operation Methods of Art Teaching Between Universities in Russia and Heilongjiang Province*

Hui Xie, Feng Qi
In recent years, with the significant improvement of people’s living standards, people’s pursuit of spiritual culture has gradually improved, which has led to the development of art education in higher institutes. In the wave of economic globalization, the exchanges and cooperation among countries in...
Proceedings Article

Men’s Knowledge About Vasectomy

Ellyda Rizki Wijhati, Suesti
The purpose of the study was to analyse men’s knowledge about vasectomy and respondent’s characteristics that influenced the level of knowledge. The study applied quantitative descriptive research with a cross-sectional approach. The populations in the study were all men with several criteria such as...
Proceedings Article

The Obstacles Faced by The National Agency of Drug and Food Control (NA-DFC) of Pekanbaru in Performing the Responsibilities for The Distribution of School Children Food and Snacks (PJAS) Containing Hazardous Substances in Pekanbaru

Ahmad Fuadi, Rosyidi Hamzah, Admiral, Fadhel Arjuna Adinda
The high number of business practitioners selling food and snacks that do not comply with the standards established in the laws and regulations at the elementary school areas in Pekanbaru city should be a special concern for authorized officers. Food and snacks containing food additives will be dangerous...
Proceedings Article

Teacher’s Perspective on Integration of Traditional Games as Media Science Learning in Junior High School

Dwi Lestari Handayani, Jumadi
The study aims to determine science teachers’ perspective on traditional games, on the integration of traditional games as media science learning, and relevant traditional games as media in science learning. This study is descriptive qualitative research. The population is 12 public and private junior...
Proceedings Article

The Development of Indria Level Piano Learning Material With Practical Tutorial Methods for Music Study Program Students

Joko Winarko, Agus Suwahyono, Raden Roro Maha Kalyana Mitta Anggoro
Piano major is a music program that is well-known in the Music Study Program, Universitas Negeri Surabaya. With the availability of pianos in each class, even the Music Study Program, Universitas Negeri Surabaya is the only university in East Java that has baby grand piano facilities for lecture activity....
Proceedings Article

Development of Game Based Learning Biology Course

Zainul Abidin, Sulthoni, Susilaningsih
The purpose of this development is to create of Biology learning media game-based learning product as a medium to help the student grasp concept of waste and recycling waste with game-based learning and build up student attitude to keep environmental care. This research uses the Lee & Owens development...
Proceedings Article

The Uses of Computer-Mediated Communication Video Conference in Meeting the Needs of Interaction with Peers During Covid-19 Pandemic

Freda Fudian, Roswita Oktavianti
Pandemic Covid-19 makes each individual do all activities from home. It causes individuals to have difficulty meeting friends face-to-face. Application of video conference is the most popular media by now for individual interaction face-to-face with friends. The formulation of the problem in this research...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Fortification of Moringa Leaf Extract (Moringa Oleifera) on Organoleptic Tempe Product

Sandryas Alief Kurniasanti, Masetya Mukti
This research aims to determine the influence of adding Moringa leaf extract to Tempe product on panelists’ acceptance. This study was an experimental study which applied Randomized Block Design by using 4 treatments; T1 control, T2 the additional of 2% Moringa leaf extract, T3 the additional of 5% Moringa...
Proceedings Article

Excess of Natural Resources Exploitation on Health and Environment by Foreign Investors

Edy Lisdiyono
Highly abundant natural resources owned by the State of Indonesia, both at sea and on land, should be able to improve people's lives and welfare as stipulated in the provisions of Article 33 paragraph (3) of the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia, but the facts are different. Many natural...
Proceedings Article

Anti-bullying Programs in Indonesia: An Integrative Review of Elementary Schools

Vicky Dwi Wicaksono
Cases of bullying that occur in elementary schools are increasing and are enough to attract the attention of world education and psychology experts. Various efforts have been made to reduce the number of bullying behavior. One of them is by creating an Anti-Bullying Program in schools. The purpose of...
Proceedings Article

Art Success: Necessarily Against Ethics?

Ziye Zhou
Throughout art history, there are many negative anecdotes. Many artists are flawed when it comes to morality issues, even though they have made extraordinarily outstanding art pieces. Their defects include not only sexually transmitted diseases and chaotic relationships, but also encompass violation...
Proceedings Article

China’s Marine Environmental Protection Strategy in the Background of the COVID-19 Pandemic: Progress, Challenges, and Outlook

Yan Kai
The issue of marine environmental protection is a strategic one. China’s marine environmental protection strategy has gone through a process of development, however, there are still many problems remained. The COVID-19 pandemic outbreak has brought enormous challenges and opportunities to Chinese marine...
Proceedings Article

Physical Activity and Its Relation to Academic Performance Among University Students

Agus Hariyanto, Anindya Mar’atus Sholikhah, Yetty Septiani Mustar, Bayu Agung Pramono, Shidqi Hamdi Pratama Putera
Correlation between physical activity and academic performance needs further investigation. Thus, this study aims to evaluate the association between those variables in university students. The data for this cross-sectional study were gathered from a convenience sample of students from Universitas Negeri...
Proceedings Article

Scuba Diving Virtual Reality Media Design as Underwater Tourism Preparation

Dian Novian, Moch Bruri Triyono, Pardjono Pardjono, Ratna Wardani
Maritime tourism is a priority foreign exchange earner for the Indonesian economy. According to marine protected area (KKP) data, Indonesian seas have the potential for educational tourism, underwater/diving tourism, conservation tourism, and scientific diving. However, developing marine tourism, especially...
Proceedings Article

Analysis on the Female Unemployment in the United States

Hong Qiu
Currently, over the past few years, more than 2.3 million women have left the labor force, and by comparison, there are only 1.8 million men who have left the labor force over the same time period. Women unemployment are still in crisis as a social factor that the world needs to consider seriously. Women...
Proceedings Article

The Impact of the Double Reduction Policy

Jia Li, Xuqing Li, Anqi Shi, Qianhui Yang
This paper mainly investigates the Double Reduction Policy. The main body part focuses on the background of the policy, the current impact of the Double Reduction Policy by microsystem and mesosystem, and the challenges of the Double Reduction Policy. Several findings are included in this study. As for...
Proceedings Article

Using Python to Find the Replication Error if Delta Hedge a Trinomial Tree Option Over Many Short Periods

Nuoxing Shang, Yujia Liu, Zewei Lin
In this paper, the researcher creates a model for trinomial tree option pricing with multiple time periods by using Monte-Carlo estimation and Python. However, the delta hedging strategy needs to be improved to minimize the replication error.
Proceedings Article

Return and Transcendency of the Tradition. Application and Exploratory of Chinese Traditional Culture of Creation in Contemporary Product Design

Jing Qian
Since the prevalence of the Modernism design thought, democratization of design quickly evolved into similarity, inter-cultural heterogeneity start to be very precious. Although, with the continued deepening of people's design-conscious, awakening of nationalization design happened in some local designers....
Proceedings Article

The Existing Problems of International Cooperative Talent Training Policy in Higher Education in Vietnam and the Reference of International Experience

Anh Thu Vo, Wanbing Shi
The exploration of the existing problems and reference of international experienceof international cooperative talent training policy in higher education in Vietnam contributes to the improvement of the policy in Vietnam. Using statistical analysis method to reveal the existing problems of international...
Proceedings Article

System Design of English Test Examination Room Arrangement

Rui Li
With the rapid development of the computer and universal application, its high quality and efficient work efficiency provides people with modern tools and instruments, examination room arrangement problem is a problem that has been plagued examination affairs, science and efficiently arranging examination...
Proceedings Article

Analysis on Role of Project Contract Management in Prevention of Project Risks

Hongmei Liu
Enterprise contract management means the organized and planned signing and management of contract by enterprises in order to achieve the development of economy. The complex development of building enterprises increases the difficulty of contract management, making the contract management of enterprises...
Proceedings Article

Research on Sustainable Development of Folk Culture Industry in Henan

Bianling Zhang
Henan province has a long history, rich folk culture resources. The forms of folk culture are diversified. But in terms of the development strength of Henan folk culture resources, it starts relatively late on the whole and the development is at an early stage. It hasn’t formed regional bands. Problems...
Proceedings Article

Application of one kind of training equipment in maintenance teaching

Kan Liu, Xinxin Tian, Yuan Lin
In order to carry out Vocational Education, strengthen the students' post office ability, improve the teaching effect, we develop a maintenance training device. The device used in the form of semi physical simulation, can set up the simulation of the fault, for maintenance training, is a set of teaching,...
Proceedings Article

Philosophers and Saints Summoned by the Same Truth 500 Years of Orthodox Iconographic Program

Rodica Pop
The research takes to account a series of murals found on the walls of some monasterys in Bucovina in the north of Romania: Humor (1530), Vorone (1546) and Sucevi a (1595). Their pictures depict some Greek heathen writers and philosophers, and also Sibyls—Sages of Antiquity (Socrates, Plato, Aristotel,...
Proceedings Article

The discovery about the commonness of Six Dynasties' aesthetics of literature and art and ideological system's methodology———the traditional contexts' characteristics of philosophy and value research contained in Wen Fu, The Literary Mind and the Carving of Dragons and other literary works

Jiyong Yang, Xianjie Yang
This research analyses the literary theory in Six Dynasties', and find the combination style and methodology value of Wen Fu and Wen Xin Diao Long is not one fold, but shows the metaphorical excellence in expressions, which governs many other esthetical principles. The methodology inspires people not...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Work Family Conflict on the Job Satisfaction Moderated by Chronic Regulatory Focus

Ade Irma Suryani, Amri Amri, Murkhana Murkhana, Megawati Megawati, Fairuzzabadi Fairuzzabadi, Sofira Syarfina
This study aims to determine the Effect of Work-Family Conflict on job satisfaction moderated by Chronic Regulatory Focus. An empirical study was conducted on the employees of one of the Islamic Banks in Banda Aceh using a questionnaire as a research instrument, in which the sample in this study was...
Proceedings Article

Exploring the Diversified Teaching of Piano Classes in Colleges and Universities

Wei Lv, Simin Zhao
With the rapid development of the Internet, the network has entered People's Daily life and become an indispensable part. In the field of education, modern teaching methods represented by MOOC and flipped classroom are gradually applied to classroom teaching in colleges and universities. Therefore piano...
Proceedings Article

Analysis on Formation of the Design Philosophy of Le Corbusier

Danting Sun
The French Architect Le Corbusier was one of the most important architects in the Twentieth Century. He was the radical and main designer of the modern architecture movement. He was known as "the flag bearer of modern architecture". His architectural design works and design concept have far-reaching...
Proceedings Article

The Influence of Environmental Regulation on the Innovation Performance of Manufacturing Listed Companies Based on the Difference of Government Support

Zhangsheng Jiang, Cuiying Zhou
The difference in the intensity of local government support determines the impact of environmental regulation on the innovation performance of enterprises. Using the micro-level data of 104 listed companies in the 2011-2015 manufacturing industry, this paper examines how the difference between the intensity...
Proceedings Article

Study on the Effectiveness of Chinese Classical Poetry Texts Aiding Dance Teaching in Normal Colleges

Li Zeng
This paper focuses on the characteristics of dance as an art category. It advocates the appropriate amount of reading and appreciation of Chinese classical poetry in dance teaching, and adds small exercises that express verses with dance movements, giving full play to the role of "sense". It is easier...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Application of Modern physical Education Spirit in School physical Education Teaching

Gongwu Dong
In sports activities, the importance of sports spirit is beyond doubt, because sports spirit can affect the mental state of athletes, and it is necessary to cultivate students' sports spirit in school physical education teaching. In the process of cultivating students' sports spirit, it can also cultivate...
Proceedings Article

Study on the Formation of Copyright in Music in Germany and in Russia

Yana Ferran
The article is devoted to the question of the formation of Russian and German copyright of musical works. It considers the system of privileges as a source of copyright, presents the chronology of the emergence of copyright laws in Russia and Germany in the XIX century. The work also includes an analysis...
Proceedings Article

Discussion on the Transformation of Enterprise Production Management Model in the Environment of ERP

Shaoqin Lu
Production management is the process of production manufacturing and plays a crucial role in manufacturing enterprises. With the continuous progress and development of information technology and management methods, more and more companies use ERP systems for production management. After analyzing of...
Proceedings Article

Discussion About the development of Power Transmission Line in China with advice

Dian Lai
With the vigorous advance of power transmission lines,the development and construction ofpower transmission lines directly affects the development of Chinese power grid and the construction of electricity economy.Therefore,as is shown in this paper,it has an depth discuss and research in the development...
Proceedings Article

Study on higher vocational education talent cultivation measures under the background of new engineering

Yiyu Fan
Engineering education mixes various educational factors together creatively to make them match with and support each other, and this further prompts the function of the whole system from quantity superposition to quality leap and forms unique creativity and core competitiveness, which features in integration...
Proceedings Article

Academic Literacy of Students for Scientific Paper Competition in National Level

Ahmad Syaifudin, Fathur Rokhman, Ida Zulaeha, Rustono
Students’ academic literacy is closely related to scholarly which is supported by creative and critical characters. Without such characters, the quality of student scientific paper will not comply with the writing guidelines. As a result, Program Kreativitas Mahasiswa (PKM)/Student Creativity Program...
Proceedings Article

The Role Embodied Cognition Plays in Situation Model

Jingting Wang, Zitong Li, Zilin Qiao
At the beginning of our discussion, this paper depicted and reviewed the concept of modality-specific simulation and introduced the situation model. We further discussed the relationship between these two concepts and designed an experiment aimed to reach out the evidence that can be used to testify...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of NBA Business Strategy

Yanbo Jin
NBA is a huge sports league with a reasonable sum of business value. In order to run such a giant alliance, managers and components need to follow a complex managing system that will ultimately bring benefits to every part of the league. As a success, the business model of the NBA provides an example...
Proceedings Article

Analysis on the Interpersonal Meaning of Western Political Cartoons in the Perspective of New Visual Grammar

Xiaojin Chen
This study analyzes 16 cartoons from the website of American Political Cartoons in the perspective of new visual grammar. It discusses the Sino-US relations reflected by political cartoons. The construction of the interpersonal meaning of those cartoons is demonstrated from three aspects: the focalization...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Development Trend of Teaching Chinese as a Second Language in the Age of Artificial Intelligence

Qing Tang
In recent years, artificial intelligence (AI) technology and theory have developed rapidly, especially in AI-powered simultaneous interpretation which can be 90% accurate. Consequently, many Chinese teachers for foreigners are confronted with the trouble of being replaced by machines. This article aims...
Proceedings Article

The Sexual Addiction Controversy: A Disorder or Not?

Stefany Valentia, Elizabeth Kristi Poerwandari
The status of sexual addiction as a mental disorder remains controversial. Regardless of the popularity of the term sexual addiction today, the fact is that the proposal of sexual addiction diagnosis has been unclear. This has sparked a debate among clinicians, there are clinicians who support the inclusion...
Proceedings Article

Political Interpretation of the Muslim Youth Migration Movement in Makassar City

Syahrir Karim, Nur Utaminingsih, Yusti Ramadani, Abd. Wahid
This study examines the migration movement of Muslim youth in the socio-political context in Makassar City. The purpose of this study is to analyze the pattern of movement and interaction with the political movement of Islamic populism especially in Indonesia. The method used is qualitative by using...
Proceedings Article

Making Thematic Learning Modules Based on Problem Based Learning (PBL) Models in Improving Critical and Creative Thinking (CCT) Skills in Class V Students of State Elementary Schools

Yulinda, Undang Rosidin, Pargito, Ryzal Perdana
The purpose of this study was to determine and analyze the needs of teachers and students in developing modules that are able to improve students critical and creative thinking skill in understanding the material. The research design used a qualitative descriptive method with a case study approach. Data...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Photojournalism in Branding Candidates for Regent of Kolaka Regency 2024

Sanovra Jaya Razak, Moehmmad Iqbal Sultan, Muliadi Mau, Izki Fikriani Amir
This research analyzes journalistic photos in branding for the 2024 Kolaka Regency Regent Candidates. The method used in this research is qualitative descriptive and data collection techniques employing library research, documentation, and interviews. The results of this research show that photojournalistic...
Proceedings Article

Learning Videos as Support Media Before Playing Children on STEAM Learning Contents at PAUD Nurul Hidayah

Mufarihah, Fatihatus Saadah, Abdul Syukur, Faza Muhammad Noor, Elnawati
The rapid advancement of technology in the 21st century brings major changes to all aspects of human life. The world of education must design learning devices and align themwith technology to prepare their students to live in the 21st-century era. Learning models in Early Childhood Education must be...
Proceedings Article

Virtual Objects Trading in Indonesia: Legal Issues on Ownership and Copyright

Norma Eka Safitri, Moch Tanzil Multazam, Rifqi Ridlo Phahlevy, Karshiev Zaynidin Abduvalievich
The aim of this study is to examine whether buying and selling virtual objects using Real Money Trading (RMT) in Indonesia is legal. The study uses a normative research approach with a statue approach. The results show that one type of RMT method conducted between users has legal issues concerning the...
Proceedings Article

Pragmatic Failures and Countermeasures Analysis in Intercultural Communication Context

Zhe Li, Yanming Li, Deyin Yao
Pragmatic failure is people of different cultural background communicate frequent phenomenon. If to meet and understand each other's culture, communication is not smooth is likely to happen, which can lead to pragmatic failure, affect the communication smoothly. Communication is always in a certain language...
Proceedings Article

The Influence of Different Thinking Pattern between English and Chinese News Comment A Case Study

Lili Sun
With the globalization, people communicate with each other more frequently and extensively. Whatever the oral or written form, the culture, especially the thinking pattern has a great effect on the communication. Language reflects our thinking and thinking can be expressed on different language form....
Proceedings Article

Research on the New Thinking Direction of Enterprise Marketing Strategy in the New Economic Era

Wei Han
Enterprise development marketing has a very important role, it is related to whether the company has the correct market positioning, affecting the business is effective to achieve the purpose of business, and ultimately related to whether the enterprise can obtain the corresponding economic benefits...
Proceedings Article

Research of the Relationship between Defense Expenditure and Economic Operation Based on Unconstrained VAR Model

Kan Zhang, Baoping Liu, Meng Wang
Based on unstructured dynamic modeling theory, collected data samples 37 years to establish unconstrained VAR model to analyze operating rules among defense expenditure, economic growth and private consumption. Research showed that there was a long-term balanced relationship among three factors. Economic...
Proceedings Article

Differential Frequency Hopping Signal Detection Based on HHT

Shufeng Qi, Wei Quan, Zhiwen Miao, Qun Zhao
Differential frequency hopping communication system as a new concept of communication systems has become an important development direction of the current shortwave confidential communications. In this paper, on the DFH communication mechanism based on the establishment of a function, the function design...
Proceedings Article

Under the new normal vocational education fair path selection

Yanming Liu, Jianbo Gao
At present, our country's vocational education business got continuous development under the new normal, and it has been more and more people's attention. So, to vocational education fair path choice is very important. Vocational education fair is our country chose the path of education under the new...
Proceedings Article

Several Studies on the Ways of Financing for Enterprises in the Internet Era

Jie Jiang
With the popularity of internet in hundreds of thousands of households, the level of information technology develops rapidly and it guides us into the era of internet. Under the background of the internet era, internet generates a series of financial derivatives at the same time of providing more convenient...
Proceedings Article

Comparative Research on the Body Language of Chinese and English during Cross-cultural Communication

Wenjing Sun
Since people come from different cultural backgrounds, the non-verbal communication is very important. Body language is an important part of non-verbal communication in cross-cultural communication. This paper firstly introduces the definition of body language. And then, it concludes the function of...
Proceedings Article

On Art Education and Cultural Harmony on Campus with the Art Education in Jiujiang University as Example

Jiaqi Mei
Creating a harmonious campus culture is an important guarantee to make sure that the students may concentrate on studying unobstructed on campus. It’s the key of creating a socialist harmonious society. As an important method of aesthetics education, art education plays an irreplaceable role in creating...
Proceedings Article

Influences and Enlightenment of MOOC in Higher Education

Weigang Li, Yuzhu Zhu, Xiaojun Ma
The talent training objective of higher education is to “establish morality and ethics, strengthen the intelligence and ability”, which is the starting point and foothold of higher education. In the 21st century, college students have become extremely dependent on the Internet, and it has been the “second...
Proceedings Article

Ah Bing and "The Moon over A Fountain" under the Background of Humanism

Bing Hu
The Moon over a fountain is an outstanding representative of Chinese traditional music. The research mostly concentrated in the life of Ah Bing, music ontology, performance method and style, temperament and so on. From the perspective of humanism, this article narrates Ah Bing's social and psychological...
Proceedings Article

Impact of Climate Change on National Instability

Junbo Lu
Nowadays, the connection between a country’s instability and the climate change and is getting more and more people’s attention gradually. For this problem, we propose an easy model to discuss the relationship theoretically. Due to the affecting factors are uncertain, we try to take the fuzzy evaluation...