Advances in Health Sciences Research
4196 articles
Proceedings Article
Analysis of Management Systems and Trader’s Behavior in Managing Waste at Kamulan Market, Durenan District, Trenggalek Regency
Agista Windanastiti, Supriyadi Supriyadi, Agung Kurniawan
The purpose of this study is to obtain an overview of the waste management system applied in Kamulan Market and a description of the behavior of traders in managing waste. This study uses a descriptive survey method with a case study design. While the approach used is a qualitative approach. The targets...
Proceedings Article
Experience of Anticovid Plasma Procurement in the Sakha Republic (Yakutia)
A.N. Evseev, A.R. Ermolaev, N.V. Savvina, V.V. Gerasimova
Anticoid plasma transfusion (AP) is considered to be one of the for COVID-19 treatment. The retrospective study included 73 COVID-19 convalescents who donated plasma of the Blood Transfusion Station in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) as potential AP donors. Donors who had a history of COVID-19 infection...
Proceedings Article
Peer Teaching with Root Cause Analysis Method in Increasing Obedience Reporting of Patient Safety Incident
Harlina Putri Rusiana, Tri Kurniati, Abdul Aziz Alimul Hidayat
Reporting of Patient safety incident is very important for nurses in hospitals. The RCA (Root Cause Analysis) method in its application has an impact on improving knowledge about incidents, learned in identifying problems, and forming on achievement targets and improved peer communication skills. RCA...
Proceedings Article
Correlation between Motor Ability and Long Jump Skills of Students
Ervan Kastrena, Adang Suherman, Amung Ma’mun, Eka Nugraha
Objectives: The purpose of this study was to investigate the correlation between motor ability and long jump ability in children adolescent based on public schools. Method: Participants in this study were high school children (n = 60, 60 boys between the ages of eighteen to nineteen years, class X)....
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Psychoeducation Therapy on Mothers’ Behavior in Providing Nutrition to Infants Aged 0-6 Months in The Community Empowerment Agency of Sri Astutik, S.St., Warungering, Kedungpring, Lamongan
Heny Ekawati, Diah Martini, Lilis Maghfuroh
Psychoeducation Therapy is a life skill training providing psychological information services either individually or in groups to improve a client's ability in providing nutrition to infants aged 0-6 months. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the group psychoeducation on mothers’...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Bengle (Zingiber Cassumunar Roxb.) Rhizome Chloroform Extract on Nitric Oxide and Reactive Oxygen Intermediate Secretions in Vitro
Nurkhasanah Nurkhasanah, Nanik Sulistyani, Mifta Annisa Ghifarizi
The immune system is needed by the body to maintain its integrity against the dangers caused by various substances in the environment. Immunomodulators are substances that can regulate the immune system and increase immunity. Bangle (Zingiber cassumunar Roxb.) Provides an immunomodulatory effect with...
Proceedings Article
Some Features of DC Concentration Distribution in Blood Serum and Tissues of Rats
O.N. Pavlova, O.N. Gulenko, P.V. Boriskin, Yu.V. Grigoryeva, A.A. Devyatkin, D.I. Milyutina, F.P. Sultanov, O.N. Tulaeva
One of the mechanisms for maintaining homeostasis is lipid peroxidation (LPO). The influence of external and internal factors affecting the body can change the dynamics of LPO processes, causing numerous disturbances in the systems. The dynamics of LPO processes can be estimated by changing concentrations...
Proceedings Article
Factors Influencing Elderly People With Cognitive Impairment
Rosli Hanjani, Noor Rochmah Ida AyuTrisno Putri, Dwi Novitasari
Elderly people with Cognitive impairment have various possible impacts on their psychological, social life, and physical activities. The purpose of this study was to determine factors influencing the elderly people with cognitive impairment. This descriptive study used a cross-sectional approach conducted...
Proceedings Article
Effect of Swimming Style and Nutritional Status on Asthmic Complaints
Ossy Ulfha Silvanny, Sayuti Syahara, Bafirman
The problem in this study originated from asthma complaints suffered by elementary school students in Nanggalo Lapai Subdistrict, Padang City, such as SD Negeri 06 and SD Negeri 18, Nanggalo Lapai Subdistrict, Padang City. This causes, students have limitations in physical activity, fatigue, lack of...
Proceedings Article
Readiness Analysis of Electronic Information System in Public Health Center as Supporting Tools in Implementation of Fraud Prevention System on UHC Program: Literature Review
Andina Sri Fahmi, Dumilah Ayuningtyas
Background: Fraud in healthcare become one of the obstacles for health system sustainability, including for the UHC Program in Indonesia. This article aims to know the readiness of the electronic information system in the Public Health Center in Indonesia, as supporting tools for policy implementation...
Proceedings Article
A Concept Analysis of Resilience Among Stroke Patients
May Dwi Yuri Santoso, Sunarto Sunarto, Suli Kristiowati
Stroke can happen to anyone regardless of age, it can happen repeatedly or just happen to everyone. Stroke is the number one cause of disability. Every stroke sufferer has different stages in achieving recovery. Individuals adapt to survive and can rise again to continue life. This resilience concept...
Proceedings Article
Development of Instruction Model for Bachelor Program: Flipped Classroom Based on Learning Management System (Model Plays)
Gunawan Gunawan, Humaedi Humaedi, Andi Saparia, Addriana Bulu Baan, Hendriana Sri Rejeki, Didik Purwanto
A needs analysis has been carried out in 2022–2023 at four universities. Of the 142 respondents, 88% of students agreed that learning would be developed as a flipped classroom learning model based on an online learning management system, 65% offline. The aim of the research is to develop a learning model...
Proceedings Article
A Case Report: Conduct Disorder Due to Internet Gaming Disorder
Shela Gustirani, Mustafa M. Amin
Background: Internet gaming disorder (IGD) is continuous and repetitive activities of playing games, such as online multiplayer games. Consequently, these activities could cause illness and difficulties among the players that may last more than 12 months. Meanwhile, conduct disorder (CD) is a common...
Proceedings Article
Characterization of Morbidity and Mortality due to COVID-19 Associated with Diabesity in Rural Areas
Jaksavit Portal, Francisca García, Carmen Klinar, Ysabel Massironi, Carina Castro
Purpose: Identify the morbidity and mortality factors due to COVID-19 in patients with diabesity according to the records of two pharmaceutical offices in the La Venta sector, Ica.
Methodology: An observational, longitudinal, and prospective descriptive study was carried out, with a quantitative data...
Proceedings Article
Reinke’s Edema
Okky Irawan, Dian Paramita Wulandari
A persistent buildup of fluid in the subepithelial layer of the genuine vocal cord mucosa is known as Reinke’s edema . Minimal intervention and superficial excision with edema evacuation and preservation of the medial margin of the vocal fold to enhance voice quality are the two key therapeutic tenets...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Sleep Hygiene on The Sleep Quality in Elderly
Fitriana Kurniasari Solikhah, Nursalam Nursalam, Elida Ulfiana
Most elderly has decreasing quality of sleep. Sleep patterns of elderly are different from children and adults, the need of the elderly to sleep is 5-7 hours / day. Elderly often awakened in the middle of the night because of physical changes due to age and disease patterns, sleep quality significantly...
Proceedings Article
Prevention of Toxic Coagulopathy to Ensure Life Safety in Industrialized Regions
E.M. Gagloeva, T.V. Moldovan, V.B. Brin, N.V. Botsieva
Researchers of recent years have established a direct relationship between the increase in incidence and the level of anthropogenic pollution of the environment, while emphasizing the increase in the frequency of cardiovascular pathology and thrombohemorrhagic complications among the population living...
Proceedings Article
Risk Factor Analysis of HIV/AIDS Transmission to Loading Workers in Port of Padang City
Sri Mindayani, Hilda Hidayat
The results of the initial survey at the Public Health Center in the port area of Padang City, showed a trend of increasing cases of HIV/AIDS. In 2014 there were 15 cases, in 2015 there were 21 cases and in 2016 there were 24 cases. The purpose of this study was to analyze risk factor of HIV/AIDS transmission...
Proceedings Article
Factors Affecting the Infectious Waste Management System on Practice Disposal Waste Among Health Workers in Bengkulu Hospital
Afriyanto, Somsak Pitaksanurat, Rittirong Junggoth, Noor Alis Setiyadi
Hospital activities restore health and save lives at the same time; however, they can generate infectious wastes to a human being or the environment. Infectious waste have to used specifically treatment for reduce waste. In most of hospital of Bengkulu Indonesia do not use an incinerator and then good...
Proceedings Article
Headmaster’s Strategy to Build the Character Education of School Member in SD Muhammadiyah 1 Kudus
Ulin Nuha, Suhirno
The cause of low educational quality in Indonesia is certainly not liberated by the strategy and leadership of a headmaster as a top leader. Headmaster has an important role to lead the school management in order to be able to work consistently with the community need and development era. Meaningfully,...
Proceedings Article
Management of Traditional Medicine Sangkal Putung Against Sport Injuries, A Case Study
Nissa Putri Kartika, Mulyani Surendra, Rias Gesang Kinanti
Traditional medicine as one of treatment outside of medical science and/or nursing science which is widely used by society in overcoming health problem. One example of traditional treatment of local wisdom that exists and develops in the community is traditional treatment Sangkal Putung. Traditional...
Proceedings Article
The Decrease in Hospital Visits at Universitas Sebelas Maret Hospital Due to the Level of Stress and Fear of COVID 19
Nurhasan Agung Prabowo, Hendrastutik Apriningsih, Paramasari Dirgahayu, Tonang Dwi Ardyanto, Muchtar Hanafi, Astri Tantri Indriani, Frieska Dyanneza, Niken Dyah Aryani Kuncorowati, Laily Shofiyah
Background: In the current COVID-19 pandemic, the number of hospital visits was significantly decreased. There was a decrease in the number of outpatient visits from 9911 patients in January to 5586 patients in May 2020 in UNS hospital. This study aims to know the association the level of stress, hospital...
Proceedings Article
The Potential of Cell-Homing Differentiation of Dental Pulp Into Various Tissues Through Applied Platelet-Rich Plasma
Subhaini Jakfar, Tzu-Chieh Lin, Feng-Huei Lin
Pulpal necrosis is a problem in the teeth root that might be caused by caries, trauma, or deformities during the development. Should it not appropriate handling, it will affect first loose teeth or being non-vital teeth. The platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is a potential biomaterial for inducing dental pulp...
Proceedings Article
Strategies for Implementing National Standards of Hospital Accreditation to Create Quality Improvement of Patient-Centered Care Services
Dhian Kartikasari, Eriliana Aryanti, Tommy Kristanto
Hospital accreditation is a form of recognition given by the government to hospitals because it has met the required standards. The general aim of accreditation is to get an overview of the implementation of standards set by the hospital, so that the quality of health services provided by the hospital...
Proceedings Article
Breaking the Language Barrier in Medical Research: Extracting Disease Features and Translating to Any Language with NLP and NLTK
Rehan Khan, Preenon Bagchi
Language barriers can hinder the progress of medical research, particularly in global health where access to information in multiple languages is critical. Natural Language Processing (NLP) and the Natural Language Toolkit (NLTK) can be used to extract disease features from medical literature and translate...
Proceedings Article
School Well-Being from Primary School Principal Perspectives
Farah Aulia, Diana Setiyawati
The school principal, as a leader in the organizational structure of the school, has an essential role in the creation of a supportive school climate well-being of students. This research explores the principal’s perspectives about the concept and determinants of school well-being. Participants in this...
Proceedings Article
Profile of Potassium Serum in Coronary Heart Disease (CHD)
Linda Rosita, Mahdea Kasyiva
Potassium level is closely related to the prognosis in several phases of a disease, especially in cardiovascular disease. Severe hypokalemia causes arrhythmia leading to cardiac arrest. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor potassium levels in patients with cardiovascular disease. This study aims to...
Proceedings Article
Differences in Estradiol Hormone Levels Based on the First Pregnant Age in Breast Cancer Women and Non Breast Cancer
Nirmala Sari, Firdawati Firdawati
The incidence of breast cancer in Indonesia reached 58,256 and was ranked first in 2018. Estrogen has an important role in breast cancer carcinogenesis, especially through the interaction of 17β-Estradiol. The purpose of this study was to determine the difference in average hormone levels based on the...
Proceedings Article
The Relationship Between Participation in Maternal Health Care Decision-Making and the Selection of Birth Assistants
Putu Sri Devi Tari, Helen Andriani
Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR) still a concern, especially in Indonesia. The decreasing of MMR is an important indicator in achieving health development in Indonesia. Delivery assistance by health personnel is important because health workers have the appropriate skills and tools to provide safe and clean...
Proceedings Article
Bibliometric Study of the Term “Birth Trauma”
Ari Andriyani, Widy Nurwiandani
Mothers and babies remember the same obstetric events. Babies experience a variety of negative and positive events during birth, “Rarely do babies not experience trauma” Babies have many symptoms that parents and doctors consider normal, but are actually symptoms of birth trauma. Obstetric interventions...
Proceedings Article
Diagnosis and Management of Parapharyngeal Space Tumor
Focus on the Trans Parotid Approach
Sukri Rahman
Parapharyngeal space (PPS) tumors are rare and constitute less than 1% of all head and neck neoplasms. Benign and malignant tumors can arise from various structures of the parapharyngeal space. The PPS is a space deep in the neck, shaped like an inverted pyramid. The parapharyngeal space is bounded medially...
Proceedings Article
The Competency Of Physical Education And Sport Teachers In Papua Province Indonesia
Jonni Siahaan
This research purpose to observed the competency of physical education and sport teachers at Town Jayapura, Regent Jayapura and Regent Keerom in Papua Province with survey. The competency of physical education and sport teachers as a variabel independent through survey with posttest design only. There...
Proceedings Article
A New Diabetic Management Using Standardized Diet and Post Meal Plyometric Exercise
Dwipajati Dwipajati, Dono Indarto, Paramasari Dirgahayu
Prevalence of diabetes mellitus in the world has increased significantly in the last decades. Post meal physical exercise studies could improves blood glucose levels in diabetic patients. Plyometric exercise is a simple body movement that usually uses in body weight management. Therefore the aim of this...
Proceedings Article
Preventing Accidents Through the Implementation of The Work Standards in the Welding Workplace
Fakhrida Khairat, Supriatna
Work accident is one thing that must be prevented in the workplace. The risk of work accidents is very high in the welding workplace. This is because the workers use various sources of danger in the form of electricity gas and grinding. They also have the danger of the work environments in the form of...
Proceedings Article
Ways to increase tourist flows in the Siberian Federal District
Galina Karpova, Artur Kuchumov, Yana Testina
The article analyzes the dynamics of tourist flows in the Siberian Federal District of the Russian Federation based on the methods of horizontal and trend analysis. The authors constructed a correlation-regression model of the relationship between the number of tourists in the region and the volume of...
Proceedings Article
The Level of Alkaline Phosphatase in Saliva as Biomarker for Pubertal Growth Phase
Fadhlina Irham, Siti Bahirrah, Nazruddin
The identification of the onset of pubertal growth phase in growing patients is very important for orthodontists to determine orthodontic treatment planning and timing. The timing of growth phase can be assessed using chronological age, skeletal age, physiological age, dental age and biomarkers. ALP...
Proceedings Article
Correlation Between Postpartum Anemia and the Increase of Baby’s Weight in Ledug, Kembaran, Banyumas, Indonesia
Susilo Rini, Feti Kumala Dewi
Background: Postpartum period is a critical period throughout a woman’s life cycle. Many problems arise during the puerperium, one of them is anemia. In 2012, The data of Family Health Survey showed that the incidence of anemia in postpartum mothers reached 45.1%. It had an impact on the supply of nutrients...
Proceedings Article
Training Model Smash Volleyball with Drill Approach
Amansyah, Samsudin, Moch. Asmawi
In general, the result of development research is to produce a new product that will be used to train and facilitate the trainer or faculty to achieve the expected training results. The final goal of this development study is to produce a model of Smash volleyball that can provide benefits to coaches...
Proceedings Article
In Silico Study of Single Chain Fragment Variable Antibody and Indonesian Serotype-2 NS1 Dengue Virus Antigen
Dewi Astriany, Yeni Indah Puspita Sari, Umi Baroroh, Muhammad Yusuf, Iman Permana Maksum, Desy Natalia, Toto Subroto
Objectives: The aim of this study was to determine the interaction between Indonesian NS1 DENV-2 with 6D4B10 and 8A6F2 single chain fragment variable antibodies. Method: In this study, bioinformatics approach was performed on the six structures of Indonesian NS1 antigenes of DENV-2 to obtain the best...
Proceedings Article
The Correlation Health Education and Level Student’s Knowledge of Drugs at The SMK Pembangunan
J Junios, Arrahman Hidayat, Evi Susanti
Health education is an effort to create public behavior that is conducive to health. This study aims to investigate the correlation between health education and the level of knowledge of students about drugs in the SMK Pembangunan. This research method uses an analytic method with a cross-sectional approach....
Proceedings Article
The Role of Continuing Education on Elderly Memory: Islamic Perspective
Rochman Basuki, Hilman Latief, Khoiruddin Bashori, Sagiran, Fitriah M. Suud
Background: Important aspects that will have an impact on the quality of life of the elderly, including education and health. Education in the view of Islam functions to change natural development into directed and directed development.
Aim: the purpose of this study is to explain the role...
Proceedings Article
Toxicity Test of Karamunitng Leaf (Rhodomyrtus tomentosa (Aiton) Hassk.) Ekstratc with Finder Liquid Variation Using the Brine Shrimp Lethality Test (BSLT) Method
Marwati Marwati, Yusnita Rifai, Gemini Alam, Risfah Yulianty, Nur Samsiar
Karamunting leaves (Rhodomyrtus tomentosa (Aiton) Hassk.) is a plant that is widely found in areas in Indonesia which has potential as an antioxidant so that it is the basis for the purpose of this study to see the toxicity effect of karamunting leaf extract. Extraction was carried out by maceration...
Proceedings Article
The Use of Art Therapy in the Treatment of Eating Disorders: A Systematic Review
Zaida M. Prijatna, Monty P. Satiadarma, Linda Wati
One of the characteristics of individuals with eating disorders is the inability to express themselves verbally. Hence, art therapy is particularly effective for individuals with this disorder because of its core mechanism which is the ability to bypass verbal communication and elicit psychological and...
Proceedings Article
Score Table Volleyball Computer-based
Sri Ayu Wahyuti, Siswantoyo Siswantoyo, Suhadi Suhadi, Resti Utami
This study aims to produce a product in the form of a computer-based volleyball score table application that is packaged into a compact disk (CD) along with an effective and efficient guidebook in competitions. This study uses the Research and Development (R&D) method. Expert validation by material...
Proceedings Article
Multicomponent Crystal of Fenofibric Acid- Saccharin: Characterization and Antihyperlipidemic Effectiveness
Salman Umar, Nedita Putri Bandaro, Deni Anggraini, Erizal Zaini
Fenofibric acid is an active form of fenofibrate which has an antihyperlipidemic effect. Fenofibric acid belongs to BCS class II, which has low solubility and high permeability. The aim of this study was to form multicomponent crystal of fenofibric acid and saccharin that can increase the solubility...
Proceedings Article
Lower Uric Acid Levels in Subjects Consuming Coffee compared to Not Consuming Coffee
Raden Sunita, Yose Anggraini, Krisyanella
Background: Uric acid as the nitrogen compounds produced from catabolism purine from both diet and from endogenous nucleic acids (DNA deoxyribonucleic acid). One of the factors that can increase uric acid levels is the factor of excessive purine intake. The habit of consuming coffee can reduce levels...
Proceedings Article
Molecular Genetics and Epigenetics of Ankyloglossia
Lili Nur Indah Sari, Elza Ibrahim Auerkari
Ankyloglossia is an autosomal dominant condition with in complete penetrence, haracterized by frenulum lingual hypertrophy that produces a thicker and shorter tongue, which may cause significant problems with breastfeeding. It also causes speech and oral motor problems. The prevalence of ankyloglossia...
Proceedings Article
Changes In Blood Sugar Level After Cycling For 30 Minutes
Ramdan Pelana
The purpose of this study is The change in blood sugar levels after cycling for 30 minutes. This was an experimental study. The criteria of this study are 17 years old, weight 50-55kg, glucose level 110-140mg/dl. The results of the calculation of blood glucose values before and after cycling obtained...
Proceedings Article
The Relationship Between School's Role in Monitoring Nutritional Status with Food Habit and Physical Activity of Primary School Students in Medan
Fitri Ardiani, Rusmalawaty Rusmalawaty
Nowdays, school is one of the environmental factors that affect the nutritional status of the student. The School Health Unit (UKS) and cafeteria as the school facilities, and extracurricular activities play an important role in achieving success in monitoring nutrition. The purpose of this study is...
Proceedings Article
Could Calcium Silicate Powder Prevent Mastitis in Dairy Farm?
Arman Deskiharto, Asep Rakhmat, Deddy Sutarman, Eko Pribadi
Broiler health could be impacted because litter is medium for microorganism growth, including gastrointestinal pathogens. This paper described the Calcium Silicate (CaSi) powder application on broiler litter and their impact to the composting process. The Data showed that CaSi powder absorbed water from...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Striking and Fielding Games on Fundamental Movement Skills
Vicki Ahmad Karisman, Dedi Supriadi, James Tangkudung
This study was aimed at exploring the contribution and the use of striking and fielding games in elementary school as an attempt at improving student’s fundamental movement skills. The researcher utilized an experimental method with pretest and posttest control group design. This study employed 39 4th...
Proceedings Article
Assessment of Stroke Knowledge Among a Sample of Iraqi Adults Individuals Attending AL- Sheikh Zayed Hospital in Baghdad City
Mohmmed Qassim Baktash, Moatz Majeed Ali, Aqeel Abdul Azeez Hasan, Abdul Aziz Ahmed Aziz
Background and Purpose: Stroke is the third leading cause of death in Iraq exceeding only by coronary heart disease and war related death. This study aims to assess the stroke knowledge among a sample of Iraqi adult individuals attending Al-Sheikh Zayed hospital in Baghdad city. Methods: This study employed...
Proceedings Article
The Relation Between Chest X-Ray (CXR) and RT-PCR in COVID-19 Patients Hospitalized at Dustira Hospital
Ilma Fiddiyanti, Siska Telly Pratiwi, Syifa Ainun Rahman
Corona virus disease 2019 (COVID-19)-caused by infection of RNA virus from Coronaviridae family- can be manifest as mild to severe disease. Nowadays, CXR and rRT-PCR are mostly used additional examination to establish the diagnosis of COVID-19. The objective of this study is to determine relation between...
Proceedings Article
Comparative Analysis of SARS-CoV-2 Variants Across Three Waves in India
Kushagra Agarwal, Nita Parekh
In this study we carried out a comprehensive analysis of SARS-CoV-2 mutations and their spread in India over the past two years of the pandemic (27th Jan’ 2020 – 8th Mar’ 2022). The analysis covers four important timelines, viz., the early phase, followed by the first, second and third waves of the pandemic...
Proceedings Article
Left Ventricle Ejection Fraction as a Predictor of Cardiogenic Shock in Patients with ST Elevation Myocardial Infarct at Dr. Sardjito General Hospital Yogyakarta
Iswandi Yogyakarta, Hendry Purnasidha Bagaswoto, Lucia Kris Dinarti
Cardiogenic shock is a complication that often occurs in patients with STEMI. The prevalence of cardiogenic shock in STEMI patients treated in cardiovascular intensive care is 14–16% with a mortality rate of between 30–60%. Left ventricular ejection fraction is one of the predictor factors for the incidence...
Proceedings Article
Improvement of the Quality of Scientific Writing of Sports Coaching Education Students, Faculty of Sports Science, Universitas Negeri Medan
Yan Indra Siregar, Mahmuddin, Asep Prima, Putra Arima, Ardi Nusri
This paper is to analyze the knowledge of students about the parts of scientific papers and to determine the policies that need to be issued to solve these problems. This research is a qualitative method with a case study approach while the research design is a single case design. The purposive sampling...
Proceedings Article
The Impact Of Nursing Intentions On The Implementation Of Evidence-Based Nursing Practice
Adin Mu’afiro, Kiaonarni, Sri Hidayati, Joko Suwito, Subagyo Teguh, Nursalam
EBNP is crucial for achieving patient outcomes, avoiding inappropriate or un-needed interventions, and minimizing or avoiding problems brought on by care and therapy. The study’s goal was to investigate the impact of nurses’ intentions on the adoption of evidence-based nursing practice. Cross-sectional...
Proceedings Article
Psychosocial Aspects in Individual Sport Athletes
Nur Indah Pangastuti, Fx Sugiyanto, Agus Supriyanto
A teenager's athletes collide with many things, such as rapid physical, psychological, and intellectual development. This study aims to determine how much the psychosocial aspects of the adolescent athletes of the Special Region of Yogyakarta (DIY) are in individual sports. The type of research...
Proceedings Article
Soaking Natrium Metabisulfit (Na2S2O5) at Different Concentrations Affects the Acceptability of Cakalang Fish Cookies (Katsuwonus pelamis)
Rofiqoh Rofiqoh, Rosnah Rosnah, Febrianingsi Febrianingsi, Sri Yunanci V. Gobel, Hasan Hasan, I Made Rai Sudarsono
Preparing tuna flour through heating causes a browning reaction due to the Maillard reaction (reaction between reducing sugars and amino acids accompanied by heating). Soaking tuna meat in sodium metabisulfite solution (Na2S2O5) at a higher concentration (0.5%) will inhibit enzymatic and non-enzymatic...
Proceedings Article
Association of the MCP-1 -2518 A/G Polymorphism with Schizophrenia Risk: Insights from a Batak Ethnic Group Study
Janiasman Alexandro Sinurat, Mustafa M. Amin, M. Surya Husada
A genetic variation called the monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1) -2518 A/G polymorphism can affect a person's inflammatory response and MCP-1 gene expression. Several studies suggested this polymorphism to be potentially linked to the risk of developing schizophrenia,...
Proceedings Article
Indonesian Policies and Services Facing the Covid-19 Pandemic
Annisa Dewi Mirnasari, Winarno Budyatmojo
The Covid-19 pandemic is a contagious epidemic that has become a global problem. The cause of this pandemic is the spread of the Corona Virus Disease 2019 (Covid-19). The first positive case in Indonesia was when two Indonesian citizens were infected by a Japanese citizen in 2019. The pandemic began...
Proceedings Article
The Development of the PE Elementary School Teacher to Improve the Professional in Implementing the Learning for the Revolution Industrial 4.0 Era
Mu’arifin, Febrita Paulina Heynoek, Ari Wibowo Kurniawan, Rama Kurniawan
The objectives of this study are as follows: (a) reviewing the procedure for developing a professional development model for PE elementary school teachers in teaching and learning, (b) producing a model for professional development that is appropriate for elementary school teachers in conducting learning,...
Proceedings Article
Relation Between Somatometric and Genitometric Indicators as Reproductive Functions Predictors of Young Men in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)
Darima Galmaeva, Lena Arzhakova, Svetlana Vinokurova, Alina Lytkina
This research aims to establish the reference values of genitometric parameters in young men of the pubertant period living in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) and the peculiarities of their relation with somatometric and physiometric indicators. 74 young men of Yakut nationality were examined by standard...
Proceedings Article
The Effectiveness of Health Counseling Using Video Media in Increasing Adolescent Knowledge About Prevention of Early Marriage at SMAN 2 Pasaman Kabupaten Pasaman Barat year 2021
Nova Arikhman, Silvia Rosa, Chamy Rahmatiqa
The results of Riskesdas 2018 show that 15.66% of women aged 16 years married at the age of 17-18 years were 20.03%, married at the age of 19-20 years were 22.96% and at the age of 21 there was 41.35%. The purpose of this study was to increase knowledge through Health Counseling Using Video Media in...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Fluids Intake Counseling with Poster Media to Interdialytic Weight Gain (IDWG)
Erna Dwi Wahyuni, Rizki Eko Wicaksono, Lailatun Ni'mah
The Increasing of interdialytic weight gain was found among chronic kidney disease patients, 32% patients still had IDWG amount above 3kgs in Hemodialysis Unit PHC Hospital. This study aimed to explain the effect of fluids intake counseling with poster media to interdialytic weight gain. The design of...
Proceedings Article
Integrating Life Skills into Sport Club Activity
Isna Daniyati Nursasih, Amung Ma’mun, Agus Mahendra, Risma Risma, Rita Rohmanasari
This study aims to determine the effect of life skills development programs into sports clubs by integrating life skills components into exercise programs compared to sports clubs and sample groups not involved in sport club activities. The instrument used is Life Skills Scale for Sport questionnaire....
Proceedings Article
The Effectiveness of Clinical Instructor Behavior on Competence Achievement of Midwifery Clinical Practices
Noor Azizah, Ummi Kulsum, Yulisetyaningrum, Sri Karyati
Midwifery clinical learning for midwifery students aims to improve their knowledge, skills and attitude. Clinical learning methods then provide experiences for students to learn in real cases. The role of Clinical instructors in cultivating students’ competences is very important to obtain the expected...
Proceedings Article
Multidisciplinary Model of Palliative Care Team
A.S. Damadaeva, N.R. Mollaeva, A.A. Behoeva
The article analyzes the conditions and factors aimed at effective medical and social assistance (hereinafter SMA) for people who, due to their illness, disability or old age should improve their quality of life. A model of a multidisciplinary palliative care team is presented, which should ensure the...
Proceedings Article
Discovery Learning Approach for Elementary School Student (A Case study in Elementary School PE Subject)
Maghfirotul Ulum, Mu’arifin, Febrita Paulina Heynoek
This study aims to develop learning tools based on Discovery Learning model and test the feasibility of these development products in learning Physical education, Sports and Health on the small ball game material for high-grade students at the elementary school level. This study uses teh research and...
Proceedings Article
Evaluating Biomedical Features for Reactive Hypoglycaemia Prediction with Machine Learning
Frans Dany, Fifi Retiaty
Reactive hypoglycaemia (RH) is a condition when post-prandial plasma glucose level drops, usually <70 mg/dl. Its exact cause is unknown and associated with risk of diabetes among non-diabetic individuals. Attempts are made to predict RH but met with difficulties due to varied data characteristics...
Proceedings Article
Factors Affecting Delays in Reporting Cases of Violence Against Women and Children in Semarang: A Mixed Method Study
Arief Tajally Adhiatma, Chotimah Zainab, Nabil Hajar, Samiroh Samiroh, Bintang Tatius
Violence against women and children (KTPA) is a serious problem that can have long-term impacts on the physical and psychological health of women and children. In Semarang City, there were 74 cases, 72 of which were female victims. Delays in case reporting can cause difficulties in finding evidence during...
Proceedings Article
Antibacterial Activity of Single Garlic Against Salmonella typhi Lipopolysacaride in Vivo in Mus musculus
Lia Siti Halimah, Luthfi Nurlela, Eka Noneng Nawangsih, Reni Farenia, Dhisa Ridzkianursepta
Black garlic is a product of fermented garlic. According to previous research, black garlic has anti-inflammatory properties such as against Salmonella typhi. S. typhi has lipopolysaccharide (LPS) which will activate inflammatory cytokine mediators such as Tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α). TNF- is...
Proceedings Article
Couvade Syndrome and Health Status of The First Trimester of Primigravida
Tutu April Ariani
The Couvade Syndrome refers to physichal symptoms of varying intensity and severity experienced by expectant father. Many husbands who experience physical symptoms during pregnancy of the partner. This situation sometimes referred as Couvade Syndrome (Fathering). Anxiety of the husband when facingprimigravida...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Ethyl Acetate Fraction of Bangle (Zingiber Cassumunar Roxb.) Rhizome Extracts on Interleukin-10 and Interleukin-14 Expression in Vitro
Nurkhasanah Nurkhasanah, Nanik Sulistyani, Adya Desyana Sofyan
An unbalanced immune system results in reduced ability to protect the body from pathogens. Immune system imbalances can be restored with immunomodulators. One plant that has the potential to be immunomodulatory is the bangle rhizome (Zingiber cassumunar Roxb.) Which has curcumin as an immunomodulator....
Proceedings Article
Sensitivity test of Escherichia coli againts extract of Tinospora crispa
Lucia Muslimin, Nurul Rezqi Hazrah, Abdul Wahid Jamaluddin
In general, a bacterium such as Escherichia coli produces a kind of toxic protein which can disrupt intestinal wall. Livestock reacts to these toxins by pumping lots of water into the intestine in order to rinse or flush these toxins. As a result, the livestocks have diarrhea as a body response to remove...
Proceedings Article
Aquatic Sport Learning Through Multilateral Approaches
Suprayitno, Usman Nasution, Agung Sunarno, Indra Kasih
Learning with a multilateral approach presents the basics of sports movements in children through adjusting children’s abilities to the movement techniques, equipment and rules used as well as with pleasant variations. Movement technique means that children are not required to make technical movements...
Proceedings Article
Education of Entrepreneurship and Activities of Entrepreneurship to Students’ Interests
Novianti Rahmawati, Mahmuddin, Siti Halimah
This study aimed to determine the effect of entrepreneurship education and entrepreneurial activities on students’ entrepreneurial interests partially or simultaneously. The population in this study were students of the Economic Education Study Program STKIP Muhammadiyah Sampit who programmed entrepreneurship...
Proceedings Article
Bronchiectasis as A Sequealae From COVID-19
Hendrastutik Apriningsih, Nurhasan Agung Prabowo, Reviono, Tonang Dwi Ardyanto, Resta Farits Pradana
Background: Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-COV-2). Ground glass opacity, fibrous stripe, and thickening of adjacent pleura are frequently reported sequelae of COVID-19. COVID-19 causing severe bronchiectasis...
Proceedings Article
Pregnant Women’s Blood Pressure Reactivity Differences With and Without Family History of Hypertension After Undergoingthe Cold Pressor Test (CPT)
Linda Yanti, Mariah Ulfah, Made Suandika
Pregnancy may physiologically trigger pregnant women’s cardio-vascular system to progressively adapt with significant structural and functional changes, such as increasing blood volume, cardiac output, heart rate and stroke volume as well as decreasing blood pressure and systemic vascular resistance,...
Proceedings Article
Implementation of Football Sports Extracurricular Activities in SMP Negeri 25 Padang
Siti Khodijah Reza Amum, Nurul Ihsan
The purpose of this study was to determine the implementation of extracurricular soccer sports activities at SMP Negeri 25 Padang, including the variable quality of coaches, infrastructure and athlete motivation. The type of this research is descriptive. The research population of all athletes / students...
Proceedings Article
Epidemiology of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever in Mainland and Archipelago in Southeast Sulawesi Province
Asnia Zainuddin, Irma Irma, Jafriati Jafriati
Dengue infection is a health threat, especially in tropical and subtropical countries. In Indonesia, the morbidity and mortality rate due to dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) is increasing and the area of distribution is wider. This study aimed to determine the distribution of dengue morbidity and mortality...
Proceedings Article
Effect of Combination Formula Cavendish Banana and Moringa Leaf Flour on HDL Levels in Obese Rats
Hapsari Sulistya Kusuma, Fadhilah Hilyatuzzahrah, Sufiati Bintanah, Nurrahman Nurrahman
Obesity leads to an increased risk of dyslipidemia, which is characterized by a decrease in High Density Lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol levels. HDL is influenced, among other things, by the intake of foods containing fiber such as resistant starch and antioxidants such as flavonoids and vitamin C. Cavendish...
Proceedings Article
Optimization of Hand Sanitizer with Betel Leaf (Piper Betle L.) Extract and Cinnamon (Cinnamomum burmanii) Extract
Dyani Primasari Sukamdi, Sabtanti Harimurti, Vella Lailli Damarwati, Danu Umar Syafi
The number of microorganisms will have a detrimental effect on health. The importance of cleaning hands before doing activities is a priority at this time. The use of hand sanitizer has become an option other than washing hands. Optimization of hand sanitizer formulations from natural ingredients with...
Proceedings Article
Effectiveness Comparison of Green Tea, Probiotic, and Chlorhexidine Mouthrinses Against Streptococcus mutans in 12-15 Years Old Children in Medan City
Siti Salmiah, Khairunnisa Khairunnisa, Efranita Ndruru, Annisa Farahdiba
Plaque control is an effective way to prevent caries and periodontal disease, one of which is in the form of a mouthrinses such as green tea, probiotics and chlorhexidine. This type of research is a quasi experimental, comprised 30 healthy children of age group of 12-15 years. The subjects were assigned...
Proceedings Article
Improving the Efficiency of Diagnosis and Complex Treatment of Inflammatory Periodontal Diseases by Assessing the Immune Status
T.B. Kasohov, A.I. Mazur, A.O. Gatsalova, A.I. Galabueva, Z.Z. Morgoeva, A.V. Eldzharov, D.Z. Kabaloeva
One of the leading places in dental practice is occupied by inflammatory periodontal disease. The causes of this pathology are very diverse. The leading link in the pathogenesis is microbial contamination. In the pathogenesis of the severity of the inflammatory process is largely associated with disorders...
Proceedings Article
The Relationship between Morphology of Sella Turcica and Skeletal Class III Malocclusion in RSGMP FKG USU
Fitri Wardani, Erna Sulistyawati, Muslim Yusuf
The sella turcica is one of the commonly used orthodontic landmarks in determining and diagnosing various problems of the facial skeleton.The pituitary gland is located in the sella turcica. Thus, various pathologies of this gland and developmental disorder of frontonasal and maxilla can change the morphology...
Proceedings Article
The Calcium-Silicate Powder Application on Broiler Litter to Improve Poultry Health
Arman Deskiharto, Asep Rakhmat, Deddy Sutarman, Eko Pribadi
Mastitis is still a serious problem in dairy cows industry because mastitis cause farmers will decrease milk production. This paper described the Calcium Silicate (CaSi) powder application as dairy cow bedding and their impact to dairy cow health. Indirect somatic cell count test (IPB-1 test) has applied...
Proceedings Article
The Impact of Holistic Midwifery Care in Postpartum Anemia to Baby Growth (A Case Study in Ledug, Banyumas, Indonesia 2019)
Susilo Rini, Feti Kumala Dewi
Background: Comprehensive care during the puerperium is needed because this period is a critical period for both mother and baby. The prevalence of anemia in postpartum mothers according to WHO, amounted to 41.8% while in Indonesia the incidence of anemia was relatively high at 63.5%. The incidence of...
Proceedings Article
Developing a Motor Skill-Based Curriculum for Preschools and Kindergartens as a Preventive Plan of Children Obesity in Indonesia
Syahrial Bakhtiar, Ruri Famelia, Jacqueline D Goodway
Indonesia has faced malnutrition and non-communicable issues for years, yet currently Indonesia just joined the ranks of the top ten most obese countries in the world. The trajectory of the rate of obesity is increasing from childhood to adolescence. Physical inactivity is a factor that contributes to...
Proceedings Article
YouTube Videos as Prevention of Risky Sexual Behavior in Adolescents
Mellytia Ayukristi Endriani, Zahroh Shaluhiyah, Budi Laksono
Risky sexual behavior in unmarried adolescents tend to increase and this can risk the occurrence of adolescent pregnancy, sexually-transmitted infection (STIs), abortion, early marriage, etc. By the right information, adolescents should have a good attitude and responsibility toward their reproductive...
Proceedings Article
Effect of Exercise Method and Achievement Motivation on Basket Dribling Skills
Prisca Widiawati
The aimed of this study is to determine the effect of structured and play training methods and achievement motivation on basketball dribbling skills. This research was conducted at Basketball Club Athletes. This type of research is an experiment using a 2x2 treatment by level design. The population of...
Proceedings Article
Identification of Giant Calotrope (Calotropis Gigantea) in Alue Naga and Ulee Lheu Coast Using Combination Method of Infrared Spectroscopy and Principal Component Analysis
T Karma, Muslem, G M Idroes, Athaillah, R Suhendra, E Suhartono, Z Helwani, R Idroes, Khairan, S Azhari, D S Ningsih
This research aimed to identify giant calotrope leaf (Calotropis gigantea) originated from Alue Naga and Ulee Lheu coast using combination method of Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy and Principal Component Analysis (PCA). FTIR spectra analyzed with PCA to identify the effect of the treatments...
Proceedings Article
Psychoeducation to Maintain Community Psychological Well-Being During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Ismiyati Yuliatun, Tarmilia Tarmilia, Nur Ramadhani, Kumaidi Kumaidi
The purpose of this activity is to provide an understanding to the public how to maintain psychological well-being during the COVID-19 pandemic. The method of implementation the activity is by providing education about stress during the pandemic and psychological well-being, factors that support psychological...
Proceedings Article
Candidate IL-1β -511C/T Polymorphism in Schizophrenia Patients in Batak Tribe
Syaifuddin Nasution, Elmeida Effendy, Mustafa M. Amin
Background: There are approximately 20 million cases of schizophrenia worldwide. This complication can result from developmental processes, neurodegenerative, and neurotransmitter disorders to the occurrence of infectious or autoimmune processes. Furthermore, serotonin, noradrenaline, dopamine, and glutamate...
Proceedings Article
Research that Begins with a Patient in Front of You: Legionella Bacteria in Puddles on Roads
Ryota Sakamoto
In this article, I would like to describe researches that begin with a patient transferred to an emergency department of a local hospital in a rainy season. A patient transported after a car accident turned out to have Legionnaires’ disease (LD). Although the causal relationship is unknown, Legionella...
Proceedings Article
Development of Mohanamai Network for Road Traffic Injury Management Lesson Learned of Thailand
Boonruang Khaonuan
Mohanamai is a public health professional who works in primary care settings. The purpose of this project was to develop the capability of a Mohanamai network for the management of road traffic injuries in the local community. The research and development approach was used to maximize the potential of...
Proceedings Article
The Effectiveness Of Liquid Waste Treatment With Tofu Industry Aeration Method
Agus Widada
The tofu industry is processed from soy extract which mostly is a household industry producing waste with high protein and carbohydrate content. Waste produced by washing process, boiling, pressing give burden of high enough contamination because without going through the processing process before disposed...
Proceedings Article
Life Kinetic Training In Improving The Cognitive Functions
Mr. Komarudin
In Indonesia, Life Kinetic training in improving the cognitive function of football athletes is rarely limited. Therefore, football athletes are often not focused on doing their duties. Exercises in developing countries are more varied in leading to multi-tasking exercises through Life Kinetic training,...
Proceedings Article
Effect of Exploratory Fitness Education on Social Skills
Risma Risma, Andang Rohendi
This study aimed to determine whether the exploratory fitness education effect toward students' social skills. The research method used is the method of experimental research method. The participants were 56 university students of Health and Recreation Educational Program FKIP Universitas Galuh Ciamis....
Proceedings Article
Development of Rat Model with Iron Deficiency Anemia by Modification of Its Standard Food
Tri Susanti, Paramasari Dirgahayu, Dono Indarto
Anemia is a nutritional problem in the world which is mainly caused iron deficiency and its global prevalence reaches 29-43%. Animal models with iron deficiency anemia (IDA) have been generated in some research centers but they used different standard diets and need longer time. Therefore the aim of...