Proceedings of the 5th SEA-DR (South East Asia Development Research) International Conference 2017 (SEADRIC 2017)
196 authors
- Abduloh, Mr
- Creating Innovation in Education by Using Value Analysis System
- Abidinsyah, Mr
- The Difference between Students Critical Thinking Skill Using Problem Based Learning and Think Pairs Share on Coordination System Material
- Abudarin, Mr
- The Development of Students Worksheets for Constructing Knowledge of the Fundamental Laws of Chemistry
- Adawiyah, Rabiatul
- The Analysis on the Quality of Test Items of the Summative Test
- Adini, Muhammad Hifzi
- The Development of Blended Learning Model Using Wordpress
- Adnan, Arisman
- The Development of Interactive Computer-Based Media for Learning Probability Subject in Mathematics Class
- Adrian, Yudha
- The Development of Kayuh Baimbai Cooperative Learning Model for Elementary School Students
- Afriansyah, Ekasatya Aldila
- Design Research in Fraction for Prospective Teachers
- Agustina, Rahidatul Laila
- Developing a Connected Model of Integrated Science Material to Improve Students' Science Process Skill
- Ajizah, Aulia
- The Development of A Handout on Eubacteria Concept for High School
- Almubarak, Mr
- Identification of Emotional Intelligences Level through Brainstorming Method and Its Impact on Students' Academic Achievement
- Amalia, Rizki
- Students' Mathematical Thinking Ability in Solving Geometry Problems based on Cognitive Style
- Amaluddin, La Ode
- The Effect of Outdoor Study on the Geography Scientific Paper Writing Ability to Construct Student Character in Senior High School
- Amelia, Rizky
- The Combination of Peer and Self-directed Feedback on Writing Achievement of Low Proficiency EFL Students
- Amintarti, Sri
- Increasing Students Learning Process and Outcomes through Matrix Strategy in Biodiversity Concept
- An'nur, Syubhan
- Potential Wetland Screening in Barito Kuala and Banjarmasin as Source of Science Learning
- Anggraini, Rini Dian
- The Development of Learning Device to Improve the Quality and Learning Result of Mathematics
- Annisa, Muhsinah
- The Analysis of Science Process Skills on Natural Science Questions at Elementary Schools in Tarakan
- Annur, Syubhan
- Senior High School Physics Teachers' Ability to Apply the Learning Models of 2013 Curriculum
- Aprilia, Arini D.
- The Development of "Chemtective" Game-Based Medium on Chemistry Learning
- Arapah, Elvina
- Blended Learning with Smartchoice iTools
- Arif, Rifda Mardian
- Developing a Connected Model of Integrated Science Material to Improve Students' Science Process Skill
- Arisanty, Deasy
- Implementation Of Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) to Improve The Geography Learning Outcomes
- Aristin, Nevy Farista
- Implementation Of Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) to Improve The Geography Learning Outcomes
- Aritonang, Nurhayati
- The Improvement Effort in Evaluation Study Using Problem Based Learning on Hydrology Subject
- Ariyani, Ida
- The Development of Teaching Media Based on PREZI Zooming Presentation on Heat and Temperature Subjects
- Arsyad, M.
- The Implementation of Inquiry Based Learning toward Students' Learning Outcomes and Critical Thinking Skills
- Arsyad, Muhammad
- Improving Students' Learning Outcomes by Implementing Simple E-Voting Application
- Arsyad, St. Wahidah
- Increasing Students Learning Process and Outcomes through Matrix Strategy in Biodiversity Concept
- Aulia, Siti
- Improving Students' Learning Outcomes by Implementing Simple E-Voting Application
- Azizah, Laelah
- The Effectiveness of Quartet Card Utilization as Learning Media to Improve Speaking Skills in German for Students
- Borneo, Dini C.F. Uji
- The Differences of Students Learning Outcomes and Metacognitive Skills by Using PBL and Metacognitive-PBL
- Budiman, Edy
- Mobile Learning: Visualization Tools of Data Structures Course to Support Learning Students
- Burhanuddin, Mr.
- The Effectiveness of Quartet Card Utilization as Learning Media to Improve Speaking Skills in German for Students
- Cahyani, Irni
- The Development of the Assessment Instrument for Biography Text Learning
- Dahlan, Jarnawi Afgani
- Design Research in Fraction for Prospective Teachers
- Darhim, Mr
- Developing Learning Materials with Search-Solve-Create-Share Strategy to Enchance Pre-Service Teachers' Basic Skills of Teaching Mathematics
- Darmiyati, Ms
- Students Success in Mathematics and Its Relationship with the Attitude toward Numeracy Learning
- Demitra, Ms
- The Effect of Handep Cooperative Learning Model on Social Skill and Motivation to Learn Mathematics
- Dengen, Nataniel
- Mobile Learning: Visualization Tools of Data Structures Course to Support Learning Students
- Dewantara, Dewi
- Maximizing Students' Scientific Process Skill within Creative Product Design: Creative Responsibility Based Learning
- Dharmono, Mr
- Students' Creative Thinking Ability Profile in Problem Solving of Animals Ecology
- Dharmono, Mr
- The Development of Handout on Palm Tree Population Structure at Rampah Manjangan Waterfall
- Dwina, Fitrani
- The Development of Mathematics Instruction Using Color Chips at Elementary School Based on Lesson Study
- Ekawati, Aminah
- Misconceptions of the Students with High Mathematical Creative Thinking Level in Solving the Geometric Shapes Problems
- Ekawati, Aminah
- Profile of Students' Thinking with High Achievement in Solving Mathematical Problem Based on Reasoning in Gender
- Erliani, Sa'adah
- Internalization of Values in Learning of Zakat by Using the Concept of Percentage
- Eso, Rosliana
- Anisotropic Mechanical Harmonic Oscillator In Lissajous Curve 3D Using Spreadsheet Excell
- Fajriah, Noor
- Students' Mathematical Thinking Ability in Solving Geometry Problems based on Cognitive Style
- Fajriyah, Marhamah
- Dayung Context in Fraction
- Fatimah, Ms
- Evaluation on Training Program of Integrating Character Education in Civics Education for the Teachers Learning Community
- Frantius, Deklin
- The Development of Chemical Bonding Module Based on Science Generic Skill
- Gunawan, Meta Silvia
- Learning Fractions through Swimming Context for Elementary School Students
- HB, Akhmad
- Integrated Reading Strategy
- Habiburrahman, Mr
- The Development of Interactive Computer-Based Media for Learning Probability Subject in Mathematics Class
- Hafizah, Ellyna
- Senior High School Physics Teachers' Ability to Apply the Learning Models of 2013 Curriculum
- Hairah, Ummul
- Mobile Learning: Visualization Tools of Data Structures Course to Support Learning Students
- Halang, Bunda
- Diversity of Shrimps at Asam-Asam River in Tanah Laut as A Teaching Material: Preliminary Study of Teaching Material Development On Environmental Toxicology Subject
- Hamid, Abdul
- Analysis of Students' Critical and Creative Thinking Style and Cognitive Ability on Chemistry
- Hartini, Sri
- The Development of Teaching Media Based on PREZI Application at Fluid Dynamic Subject
- Hartini, Sri
- The Development of Teaching Media Based on PREZI Zooming Presentation on Heat and Temperature Subjects
- Harudu, La
- Anisotropic Mechanical Harmonic Oscillator In Lissajous Curve 3D Using Spreadsheet Excell
- Hasanuddin, Wahyu
- The Effectiveness of Using i-Spring Learning Medium to Improve the Activity and Students' Learning Outcomes
- Hidajati, Ninik Wahju
- The Improvement Effort in Evaluation Study Using Problem Based Learning on Hydrology Subject
- Hidayah, Nor
- The Effect of Problem Posing and Problem Solving Model on Chemistry Learning Outcome
- Hidayati, Desi N.
- The Effect of Outdoor Study on the Geography Scientific Paper Writing Ability to Construct Student Character in Senior High School
- Hidayati, N.
- The Development of "Chemtective" Game-Based Medium on Chemistry Learning
- Humaidi, Akhmad
- The Development of Kayuh Baimbai Cooperative Learning Model for Elementary School Students
- Ignatia, Lisa
- Increasing Students Learning Process and Outcomes through Matrix Strategy in Biodiversity Concept
- Ikhsan, M.
- Teachers' Concern about Implementation of Realistic Mathematics Education
- Inayah, Nurul
- The Effectiveness of Empty Seats Technique in Resolving Verbal Communication Difficulties
- Irawan, Edy Bambang
- Pattern Generalization by Elementary Students
- Iriani, Rilia
- The Effect of Problem Posing and Problem Solving Model on Chemistry Learning Outcome
- Irianti, Riya
- Improving Creative Thinking Skills by Implementing Project Based Learning on Human Organ System Material
- Johar, Rahmah
- Teachers' Concern about Implementation of Realistic Mathematics Education
- Julie, Hongki
- Developing Learning Trajectory Based Instruction of the Volume and Surface Area of the Block
- Jumadi, Mr.
- Senior High School Physics Teachers' Ability to Apply the Learning Models of 2013 Curriculum
- Kamaliyah, Ms
- Developing Student Worksheet for Learning Matrix
- Kartini, Ms
- The Development of Interactive Computer-Based Media for Learning Probability Subject in Mathematics Class
- Kasmiati, Sitti
- The Effect of Outdoor Study on the Geography Scientific Paper Writing Ability to Construct Student Character in Senior High School
- Kaspul, Mr
- The Implementation of Inquiry Based Learning toward Students' Learning Outcomes and Critical Thinking Skills
- Kaspul, Mr
- Poster Exhibition Based Learning on Human Reproduction Concept
- Kurniawan, Fredy
- Electrochemical Methods for Manufacturing Silver Nanoparticles
- Kusumah, Yaya S.
- Developing Learning Materials with Search-Solve-Create-Share Strategy to Enchance Pre-Service Teachers' Basic Skills of Teaching Mathematics
- Kuzairi, Mr
- Integrated Reading Strategy
- Lestari, Karunia Eka
- How to Develop Students' Experience on Mathematical Proof in Group Theory Course by Conditioning-Reinforcement-Scaffolding
- Lyesmaya, Dyah
- Digital Literacy Learning Model in Digital Era
- Mahtari, Saiyidah
- The Development of Teaching Media Based on PREZI Application at Fluid Dynamic Subject
- Mirhanudin, Mr
- The Measurement of Science Process Skills for First Year Students at Biology Education Departement
- Misbah, Ms
- The Development of Teaching Media Based on PREZI Zooming Presentation on Heat and Temperature Subjects
- Muchyar, Mr
- The Development of Handout on Palm Tree Population Structure at Rampah Manjangan Waterfall
- Muchyar, Mr
- Diversity of Shrimps at Asam-Asam River in Tanah Laut as A Teaching Material: Preliminary Study of Teaching Material Development On Environmental Toxicology Subject
- Muchyar, Mr
- The Measurement of Science Process Skills for First Year Students at Biology Education Departement
- Murni, Atma
- The Development of Learning Device to Improve the Quality and Learning Result of Mathematics
- Naparin, Akhmad
- Students' Creative Thinking Ability Profile in Problem Solving of Animals Ecology
- Nasrullah, M.
- Implementation Of Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) to Improve The Geography Learning Outcomes
- Nefianthi, Rezky
- Students' Science Generic Skills Using KNoS-KGS Model in Biology Learning
- Noor, Fahriza
- Profile of Students' Thinking with High Achievement in Solving Mathematical Problem Based on Reasoning in Gender
- Noormaliah, Ms
- Viva Video Development Using Local Wisdom for Improving The Quality of English Learning
- Noortyani, Rusma
- Students' Peer Assessment and Perception on ICT-based Instructional Media