Proceedings of the 5th SEA-DR (South East Asia Development Research) International Conference 2017 (SEADRIC 2017)
196 authors
- Norahmi, Maida
- English Tenses and Conventions in Research Report Writing
- Normalasarie, Ms
- Viva Video Development Using Local Wisdom for Improving The Quality of English Learning
- Novita, Dian
- The Development of Teaching Media Based on PREZI Application at Fluid Dynamic Subject
- Nur, Mohamad
- Maximizing Students' Scientific Process Skill within Creative Product Design: Creative Responsibility Based Learning
- Pasani, Chairil Faif
- Developing Student Worksheet for Learning Matrix
- Permatasari, Nina
- The Effectiveness of Empty Seats Technique in Resolving Verbal Communication Difficulties
- Pramita, Mitra
- Mathematical Ability of Elementary School Students Based on Cognitive Style and Gender
- Purba, Andiopenta
- The Development of Teaching Materials for Scientific Report Writing Based on Scientific Learning
- Purba, Harja Santana
- The Development of Blended Learning Model Using Wordpress
- Putra, Aminuddin P.
- Characteristics of School Examination Test of Biology Subject
- Putra, Aminuddin Prahatama
- Validity of Poster on the Characteristics of Candida sp. in the Water of Campus Toilet
- Putra, Aminuddin Prahatama
- Moral Development of Junior High School Students about Environmental Issue of Riverbank by Problem Solving
- Putri, Ratu Ilma I.
- Dayung Context in Fraction
- Putri, Ratu Ilma I.
- Sprint Contextÿof Asian Games in the Division of Fractions
- Putri, Ratu Ilma I.
- Multiplication of Fraction With Natural Number by Using Hurdles
- Putri, Ratu Ilma I.
- Learning Fractions through Swimming Context for Elementary School Students
- Putri, Rizky Febriani
- Senior High School Physics Teachers' Ability to Apply the Learning Models of 2013 Curriculum
- Rachman, Ali
- A Study on Character Building Based on Habituation to Form Students'Character
- Rafiah, Hajjah
- Misconceptions of the Students with High Mathematical Creative Thinking Level in Solving the Geometric Shapes Problems
- Rahayu, Chika
- Multiplication of Fraction With Natural Number by Using Hurdles
- Rahayu, Diar Veni
- Developing Learning Materials with Search-Solve-Create-Share Strategy to Enchance Pre-Service Teachers' Basic Skills of Teaching Mathematics
- Rahimah, Hidayati
- Validity of Poster on the Characteristics of Candida sp. in the Water of Campus Toilet
- Rahma, Khairunnida
- The Development of A Handout on Eubacteria Concept for High School
- Rahmah, Mutia
- Diversity of Shrimps at Asam-Asam River in Tanah Laut as A Teaching Material: Preliminary Study of Teaching Material Development On Environmental Toxicology Subject
- Rahmah, Sitti
- Electrochemical Methods for Manufacturing Silver Nanoparticles
- Rahmi, Agustina
- The Relationship between Principal's Leadership and Teachers' Professional Ethics to Teachers' Performance of Public Elementary School
- Raihana, Eva
- The Development of "Chemtective" Game-Based Medium on Chemistry Learning
- Ramadania, Fajarika
- The Development of Language Skills through Somatic, Auditory, Visually, Intellectually (SAVI) Learning Model
- Ramdiah, Siti
- The Difference between Students Critical Thinking Skill Using Problem Based Learning and Think Pairs Share on Coordination System Material
- Redjeki, Dwi Sogi Sri
- David Kolb Learning Styles Influence on the Achievement of Students at Midwifery Care in Pregnancy
- Rezeki, Amalia
- Increasing Students Learning Process and Outcomes through Matrix Strategy in Biodiversity Concept
- Riefani, Maulana Khalid
- Potential Wetland Screening in Barito Kuala and Banjarmasin as Source of Science Learning
- Riefani, Maulana Khalid
- The Assesment of High Order Thinking Skills of Undergraduate Students in Biology Education Department
- Riefani, Maulana Khalid
- The Measurement of Science Process Skills for First Year Students at Biology Education Departement
- Rif'at, Mohamad
- Building Up Pre-Service Mathematics Education Students' Geometry Competency Based On Visual
- Riyadi, Agus Setiawan
- Students' Creative Thinking Ability Profile in Problem Solving of Animals Ecology
- Roni, Abdul
- Sprint Contextÿof Asian Games in the Division of Fractions
- Royani, Muhammad
- Internalization of Values in Learning of Zakat by Using the Concept of Percentage
- Roza, Yenita
- The Development of Interactive Computer-Based Media for Learning Probability Subject in Mathematics Class
- Rusdiana, Ms
- Pattern Generalization by Elementary Students
- Rusmanayanti, Asmi
- The Combination of Peer and Self-directed Feedback on Writing Achievement of Low Proficiency EFL Students
- S., Fajar Kumaladewi
- David Kolb Learning Styles Influence on the Achievement of Students at Midwifery Care in Pregnancy
- Sadiqin, Ikhwan Khairu
- Students' Difficulties on Science Learning with Prototype Problem-Solving Based Teaching and Learning Material: A Study Evaluation of Development Research
- Santoso, Uripto Trisno
- Students' Difficulties on Science Learning with Prototype Problem-Solving Based Teaching and Learning Material: A Study Evaluation of Development Research
- Sari, Anggrita
- David Kolb Learning Styles Influence on the Achievement of Students at Midwifery Care in Pregnancy
- Sari, Delsika Pramata
- Mathematical Ability of Elementary School Students Based on Cognitive Style and Gender
- Sari, Mella Mutika
- Application of Quantum Teaching Model on Environmental Pollution Contents to Train Junior High School Students Creative Thinking Ability
- Sarjoko, Mr
- The Effect of Handep Cooperative Learning Model on Social Skill and Motivation to Learn Mathematics
- Saufi, M.
- Internalization of Values in Learning of Zakat by Using the Concept of Percentage
- Sejati, Andri Estining
- The Effect of Outdoor Study on the Geography Scientific Paper Writing Ability to Construct Student Character in Senior High School
- Shadriyah, Yasfi
- Analysis of Students' Process Skills and Chemistry Learning Outcomes
- Sholahuddin, Arif
- Students' Difficulties on Science Learning with Prototype Problem-Solving Based Teaching and Learning Material: A Study Evaluation of Development Research
- Sholahuddin, Arif
- Potential Wetland Screening in Barito Kuala and Banjarmasin as Source of Science Learning
- Sholahuddin, Arif
- Analysis of Students' Process Skills and Chemistry Learning Outcomes
- Sofian, Yonif
- Anisotropic Mechanical Harmonic Oscillator In Lissajous Curve 3D Using Spreadsheet Excell
- Sriningsih, Riry
- The Development of Mathematics Instruction Using Color Chips at Elementary School Based on Lesson Study
- Sudyana, I Nyoman
- The Development of Chemical Bonding Module Based on Science Generic Skill
- Sukmawati, Ati
- Mathematical Ability of Elementary School Students Based on Cognitive Style and Gender
- Sukmawati, R. Ati
- The Development of Blended Learning Model Using Wordpress
- Sumirat, Fany
- Correlation between Logical Thinking and Understanding of Science Concept
- Suratno, Mr
- Characteristics of School Examination Test of Biology Subject
- Suriagiri, Mr
- Principal's Leadership in Education Innovation (Case study at MTsN Model Amuntai)
- Suriaty, Ms
- Pattern Generalization by Elementary Students
- Suroto, Mr
- The Effectiveness of Jigsaw II Model in Improving Students' Understanding of Citizenship Education
- Suryaman, Maman
- Bridging Students' Learning Achievement
- Suryani, Irma
- The Effectiveness of Using i-Spring Learning Medium to Improve the Activity and Students' Learning Outcomes
- Sutawidjaja, Akbar
- Pattern Generalization by Elementary Students
- Suyidno, Mr
- Maximizing Students' Scientific Process Skill within Creative Product Design: Creative Responsibility Based Learning
- Sya'ban, Muhammad Fuad
- Potential Wetland Screening in Barito Kuala and Banjarmasin as Source of Science Learning
- Syahdi, Noor
- The Development of Handout on Palm Tree Population Structure at Rampah Manjangan Waterfall
- Syahmani, Mr
- The Differences of Students Learning Outcomes and Metacognitive Skills by Using PBL and Metacognitive-PBL
- Taiyeb, A. Mushawwir
- The Effectiveness of Using i-Spring Learning Medium to Improve the Activity and Students' Learning Outcomes
- Tanujaya, Benidiktus
- Application of Assessment as Learning in Mathematics Instruction
- Tirto, Febrina R.
- The Development of "Chemtective" Game-Based Medium on Chemistry Learning
- Ulimaz, Almira
- Students' Science Generic Skills Using KNoS-KGS Model in Biology Learning
- Usadiati, Wahjuningsih
- English Tenses and Conventions in Research Report Writing
- Utami, Nurul Hidayati
- The Assesment of High Order Thinking Skills of Undergraduate Students in Biology Education Department
- Utami, Nurul Hidayati
- The Measurement of Science Process Skills for First Year Students at Biology Education Departement
- Wahid, Sucahyo Mas'an Al
- The Analysis of Science Process Skills on Natural Science Questions at Elementary Schools in Tarakan
- Wardani, Pratiwi Sri
- The Effect of Problem Based Learning Instruction on Students Science Process Skills in Physics
- Wardhani, Dyah Febria
- Characteristics of School Examination Test of Biology Subject
- Wati, Mustika
- The Development of Teaching Media Based on PREZI Application at Fluid Dynamic Subject
- Winarti, Atiek
- The Development of "Chemtective" Game-Based Medium on Chemistry Learning
- Winda, Novia
- The Development of Language Skills through Somatic, Auditory, Visually, Intellectually (SAVI) Learning Model
- Yuanita, Leny
- Maximizing Students' Scientific Process Skill within Creative Product Design: Creative Responsibility Based Learning
- Yudhanegara, Mokhammad Ridwan
- How to Develop Students' Experience on Mathematical Proof in Group Theory Course by Conditioning-Reinforcement-Scaffolding
- Yulinda, Ratna
- The Analysis of Science Process Skills on Natural Science Questions at Elementary Schools in Tarakan
- Yuris, M.
- Anisotropic Mechanical Harmonic Oscillator In Lissajous Curve 3D Using Spreadsheet Excell
- Zaini, Muhammad
- The Implementation of Inquiry Based Learning toward Students' Learning Outcomes and Critical Thinking Skills
- Zakia, Fitria Dina
- Moral Development of Junior High School Students about Environmental Issue of Riverbank by Problem Solving
- Zubainur, Cut Morina
- Teachers' Concern about Implementation of Realistic Mathematics Education
- Zulfikar, Mr.
- The Effectiveness of Quartet Card Utilization as Learning Media to Improve Speaking Skills in German for Students
- Zulkardi, Mr
- Dayung Context in Fraction
- Zulkardi, Mr
- Multiplication of Fraction With Natural Number by Using Hurdles
- Zulkardi, Mr.
- Sprint Contextÿof Asian Games in the Division of Fractions
- Zulkardi, Mr.
- Learning Fractions through Swimming Context for Elementary School Students