Proceedings of the 2nd Southeast Asian Academic Forum on Sustainable Development (SEA-AFSID 2018)
85 articles
Proceedings Article
Social Media in the Constituent Interaction and Mobility: Case Study in the 2017 Jakarta-Indonesia Governor General Election Campaign
Yunila Laras Ismawani, La Mani, Muhamad Aras
The use of social media in general election campaign in the third world countries, especially in Indonesia, becomes more common but the relationship between social media existence in political campaign and the final vote result still need to be scrutinized. Therefore, this study aimed to analyse with...
Proceedings Article
The Effects of Social Media, Email Marketing, Website, Mobile Applications Towards Purchase Intention - Consumer Decisions
Natasha, Zunvindri, Edi Abdurachman
This study is to understand the effects of digital marketing towards purchase intention that creates consumer decision. Digital marketing strategies that being used in this research consist of email marketing, website, mobile application and social media. Digital marketing is proven to have 71.74% of...
Proceedings Article
The Existence of Relationship Management to the Customer Loyalty: A Case Study of Rejeki Smartfren Care Program Through Social Media Twitter
Dinda Agustina Putri, La Mani, Handayani Dwi Putri
The customer relationship management is a very important activity for a company to build and bond their relationship with their customers. PT Smartfren Telecom Tbk is one of the leading telecommunication service providers in Indonesia which is founded in 2011. As a young company, PT Smartfren Telecom...
Proceedings Article
Women Construction Towards Cervical Cancer in Social Media: Case Study of Prevents Cervical Cancer Indonesian Coalition Instagram
Nadira Kinanti Sadmoko, Erica Septiana Anggelia, La Mani
This study is aimed to see how women construction towards cervical cancer in social media used these days. This research was conducted with a qualitative approach on the social construction on women through social media. Data collection was done by doing an observation. The result of the research shows...
Proceedings Article
Basic of Creative Tourism: Batik as a Creative Industry
Tri Wiyana, Asep Syaiful Bahri, Arif Zulkarnain, Roberto Tomahuw
Many techniques based on understanding have given meaning to creative tourism and have established the basics of creative tourism. Many terms are obtained such as creative economy, creative city, creative business, creative governance to creative tourism. Creative tourism has been stimulated as a new...
Proceedings Article
Factors Affecting Purchase Decisions: Horison Hotels West Java Area
Arif Zulkarnain, Trias Septyoari Putranto, Maryani, Leonandri Dino
The purpose of this study aims to develop and test a conceptual model of the relationships between the constructs of Brand Image, Price, Service Quality and Purchase Decisions in the hospitality industry. The discussion in this study focuses on (1) the effect of brand image on purchase decisions; (2)...
Proceedings Article
Brand Community Way in Digital Era: Valuable Interaction of Business, Sociability, and Usability in Indonesian Consumers Experience
Zinggara Hidayat
This paper focuses on the study of Indonesian brand community and the practice of digital marketing communication on social media. This literature reviews, observation, and qualitative data analysis conducted to adopt the concept of valuing the community life includes the business values, sociability...
Proceedings Article
Salatiga 1870s – 1930s: Institutionalization of Structural Inequality in the Age of Free Competition
Yuanita Wahyu Pratiwi
Salatiga was an economically potential region. It was gifted with fertile soil, good climate, and strategic location. It used to bring fortune to its inhabitants, long ago, when the island of Java still play an important role in intra-insular Indonesian trade. As the trade relation changed when Western...
Proceedings Article
The Resistance Towards the Kedung Ombo Dam Construction of 1985-1991
Muhammad Ismail Hanif, Kasijanto Sastrodinomo
This article discusses the resistance of the Kedung Ombo locals towards the construction of Kedung Ombo Dam in Central Java. The construction of the dam, which was initially aimed at increasing the welfare of the people around the dam, turned into a massive resistance caused by the dissenting opinions...
Proceedings Article
Proposing the Improvement of the Landscape Theory of Group Formation: New Replacement Factors
Khrisna Ariyanto Manuhutu, L. Mayangsari, U.S. Putro
Last decades are characterized by the use of complexity approach in analyzing social group formation mechanism. Some of the approaches is landscape theory which assumes that parties movement to lower area reflects the increase of fitness between partners in a group. This approach allows the analysis...
Proceedings Article
Ceremony, Tongkonan and the Memories of Toraja People (Consecration Ceremony for Traditional House in Toraja, South Sulawesi)
Susia Kartika Imanuella, M. Yoesoef
Tongkonan, aside from being home for Toraja people and as an identity marker, is also functioned as a center of daily activities for Toraja people. Tongkonan could not run its function without having a consecration ceremony called Mangrara Banua. Mangrara Banua is a traditional ceremony held for the...
Proceedings Article
Islamic Philanthropy Development Model Based on Management of Waqf Treasure Improvement on the Mosques of the Northern Seaboard of Java
Hidayatus Sholihah, A. Zaenurrosyid
Waqf in Islam was one of economic asset to make a balanced prosperity distribution for whole society. But, in fact there were many constraints to develop this waqf in future. One of them was civilizing nazhirs’choices in organising waqf that also resulted on differing models of distribution waqf productively.This...
Proceedings Article
Measuring the Mosque-Based Disaster Philanthropy
Dadan Muttaqien, Muhammad Najib Asyrof, M. Roem Syibly
This research was aimed to raise and distribute the funds of the mosque-based disaster philanthropy and accountability of funds of the mosque-based disaster philanthropy. Based on the findings, it is expected to be able to obtain the raising and distribution model of the mosque-based disaster philanthropic...
Proceedings Article
Financial Performance Competency Analysis of Sharia Micro Financial Institution and Its Relationship with Small and Medium Enterprise Development in Sumenep Madura
Mohamad Heykal, Astri Furqani, Lidiawati, Banon Amelda
The aim of this study is to see the impact of the performance competence of Islamic microfinance institutions as well as the development of micro and medium small enterprises in Sumenep, Madura region. This research used non-experimental method with survey technique with Guttman scale to LKMS and UMKM...
Proceedings Article
The Role of Waste Recycle by Banking System to Economic Empowerment in Indonesia: A Case of Study of Bank Sampah Matahari Madiun
Intan Muthoharoh, Syamsuri
Financial institutions in Indonesia are various. There is a cooperative Bank, the company and others. The Bank is a term that means to make withdrawals, borrowing and saving money. Views will be the strength of the role of financial institutions to society, the Bank got the role is higher than other...
Proceedings Article
Linking Organizational Justice to Turnover Intention: Organization-Employee Relationship Quality Mediator
Sarfilianty Anggiani, Tri Wiyana
It is evident from the past research that employees who perceive the organizational justice and organizational-employee relationship quality are negatively associated with turnover intention, the employees tend to leave the organizations and start their professional career in other organizations where...
Proceedings Article
Implementation of Communication Among the Divorced Women on Remarriage in Indonesia
Novi Andayani Praptiningsih, Heny Hayat, Silvira Yolanda
This research aims to know the construction of social reality, which can be understood from the reasons, motives, and the concept itself the subject researched. Researchers using qualitative research methods with the phenomenological approach, i.e. an approach in how the world experiences the perpetrator...
Proceedings Article
Problematics of Single Mother in Parenting
Malida Fatimah, Junanah
The purpose of this study is to identify coping strategy, religious coping, and cognitive distortion among single mothers. The samples of this study were a hundred respondents that selected from the communities of single mothers in Yogyakarta. Data collected with a set of questionnaires that consists...
Proceedings Article
A Child Education Investment in Financial Planning of a Family
Refky Fielnanda
Financial planning is one of fundamental pillars in economic development of a family. Level of urgency will rise higher along with the more of family members within and the more diverse and complex of the needs. This research aimed to investigate the knowledge and interest of Bukit Village in Pelawan...
Proceedings Article
Khulu’ as Evidence of Women Equality Right in Islam
Qurrotul Ainiyah, Julianne Kamelia Riza
Human is leader in the world created by Allah and filled all they needs. In carrying out their noble role, human is provided right, obligation, and the law which rules their life. By placing the Allah law as the highest value, means Islam respects for human right. Allah puts the law based on principles...
Proceedings Article
The Political Ethics of Khalil Bishri in Al-Durr Al-Rambani
Sarjuni, Agus Irfan
This article discusses the idea of Political Ethics from one of the Indonesian scholars named Khalīl Bishrī in the Book of Al-Durr Al-Rambānī. This study is under descriptive qualitative research using a socio-historical approach and sociology of knowledge that studies the interrelationships between...
Proceedings Article
The Problem of Secularism
Kusuma Dewi Nur Aini
This paper attempts to discuss discourse regarding secularism. Secularism is an ideology that is as a process of separation between religion and the world. The existence of these ideologies, can eliminate (nihilism) transcendence value in the concept of God in human life. If investigated more deeply,...
Proceedings Article
Ibn Thufail’s Thought in Hayy ibn Yaqzhan: Psychological Reflection of Soul Development
Choeroni, Sholihah
Development is also interpreted by progressive and continuous changes in individuals from birth to death. Development can also mean changes experienced by individuals towards the level of maturity that takes place systematically that is mutually influencing between one another, progressively that changes...
Proceedings Article
Effectiveness of Dessimination of Rahmatan Lil ‘Alamin Values Using Problem-Based Learning Methods on Ya Badi’ Dhikr and Ta’lim Assembly, Kalitirto, Berbah, Sleman, Yogyakarta
Lukman, Badrun Kartowagiran, Muzhoffar Akhwan
It is found that Problem Based Learning (PBL) can be well-used for the dissemination of Rahmatan lil ‘alamin values. It is one of the options to facilitate Muslims to be a tolerant person. This research conducted towards Ya Badi’ Dhikr and Ta’lim Assembly because they faced varied differences and lacked...
Proceedings Article
The Urgency of Edutainment in Islamic Education Learning
Imam Mudjiono
This paper aims to describe the importance of entertainment in learning process within Islamic education framework. It uses a library research to analyses some critical issue in learning and suggest the use of more entertainment content in learning process. The results of the study can be implemented...
Proceedings Article
Educational Design for Alpha Generation in the Industrial Age 4.0
Mir’atun Nur Arifah, Moch Agus Munir, Burhan Nudin
Education as an institution for the formation of human resources, has a main task as the transmission of sciences and knowledge, the formation of human character and personality as well as reproduction (candidates) generation. In its development education has been faced with the challenges of changing...
Proceedings Article
Public Relations of Tangerang City Government to Realize the City Branding Through Tangerang Live Program
Aghitsna Putri Subhiat, Muhamad Aras, Siswantini
This qualitative case study aims to examine the public relations activities of Tangerang City Government to realize the city brand through Tangerang “LIVE” program. The research data were obtained through open interviews, non-participant observations, and internal documentation of Tangerang City Government....
Proceedings Article
Public Relations Activity to Shape Brand Awareness of Lounge and Bar in Jakarta
William, La Mani, Syahdimar Anggita
The purpose of this research is to study the public relations strategies used by Jakartan bar and lounge to shape the brand awareness. The research method is qualitative descriptive that is validated by triangulation technique. Data is collected through observation and in-depth interview. Public Relations...
Proceedings Article
Marketing Public Relations Program (MPR) for Creating the Brand Image of PELNI Jakarta Hospital
Tri Puspito Sari, Muhamad Aras
This study aims to determine the Marketing Public Relations program of PELNI Jakarta Hospital for creating the brand image of the hospital. The research approach used was descriptive qualitative. Research data were collected through direct observations and in-depth interviews with the Marketing Public...
Proceedings Article
The Socialization Mechanism of Teach for Indonesia (TFI) as an Effort to Establish the Brand Awareness Organization
Wenny Carnika, La Mani, Virienia Puspita
Teach for Indonesia (TFI) is a work unit from Bina Nusantara University which is engaged in social sector, as a form of corporate social responsibility with a sustainable program. This study aims to determine the socialization mechanism of the Teach for Indonesia (TFI) team in the effort to establish...
Proceedings Article
Challenges of Sustainability in Radio Broadcasting Towards a Media Convergence Era by Marketing Public Relations Activities to Create Awareness of Prambors Radio in Indonesia
Eka Wulan Sari, Rahmat Edi Irawan, Johana Brigitha Mone, Muhamad Aras
This research aims to examine the challenges of sustainability in radio broadcasting of Prambors radio toward media convergence by marketing communication activities to create awareness. The research uses a case study method. The data was obtained through open interviews, non-participant observations,...
Proceedings Article
Media Group Strategy to Change the Mindset of Multitasking Ability in the Era of Media Convergence: Case Studies in, Metro TV, and Media Indonesia
Iman Indrati, May Rizdiana Santi, Rahmat Edi Irawan
The digital revolution has yielded the growth of multitasking media into the demands of the multitasking journalist profession as a convergence journalist who works on the delivery of multiskill information on the use of technology and writing news according to journalism principles. The purpose of this...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of Click Bait Phenomena in Indonesia Online News Media: with News Value
Elvia Devina, Rahmat Edi Irawan
The purpose of this study is to find out how many news value elements are used in the article in the celebrity column that uses the click bait phenomenon in the media. The research method used is descriptive quantitative content analysis. The data analysis of this study was conducted by...
Proceedings Article
E-Commerce Communication: A Descriptive Study on Integrated Marketing Communication in Tokopedia, Indonesia
Riska Fiati, Muhamad Aras, Iman Indrati, La Mani
E-commerce business in Indonesia is growing rapidly along with the development of digital technology software innovation. This encourages e-commerce business to develop their business strategy. IMC, Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) plays an important role in building e-commerce brands. The purpose...
Proceedings Article
Marketing Communications Strategy and Brand Sustainability of Toyota Astra Motor Indonesia
Ivan Riza Belgrade, Viriena Puspita
Strategies applied to build brand and customer loyalty have an influence on a company’s financial position. Toyota Astra Motor Indonesia, one of Japanese automotive companies running in Indonesia, maintains its brand sustainability in Indonesia by applying a communications strategy through collectivist...
Proceedings Article
LEPMIDA Verbal Communication Strategy in Establishing Cooperation with the Local Government
Erica Septiana Anggelia, Nadira Kinanti Sadmoko, La Mani
The research aims to describe the verbal communication strategies used by LEPMIDA in doing partnership with the local governments. The research is done by qualitative approach about communication relation case between LEPMIDA with local governments. Data collection is carried out by observation and interviews....
Proceedings Article
The Implementation of Integrated Marketing Communication Tools to Create Brand Awareness of the Use of Telkomsel TCash Sticker in Jabotabek Jabar Area
Dwi Putri Handayani, Ulani Yunus, Dinda Agustina Putri
This study aims to explain about the implementation of integrated marketing communication tools for forming brand awareness of the use of Telkomsel Tcash sticker in Jabotabek Jabar area. This qualitative research was conducted from February to July 2017. Research data were collected using semi-structured...
Proceedings Article
Ihsan-Based Character Education
Syaifulloh Yusuf, Kurniawan Dwi Saputra
The importance of character building in education is highly regarded nowadays. Recently, there rises awareness about other functions of education beside the intellectual outcome among experts and teachers. Education is no more limited to teaching lesson, but also involving other aspects such as emotional...
Proceedings Article
The Model of Developing School Culture Based on Strengthening Religious Characters
Khoirul Anwar, Muhammad Muhtar Arifin Sholeh
Education of character practices that promoted by the government have not revealed the success yet. Education of character practices at all levels of education still face the methodological problems. It caused by the process of submission and transfer of characters is not running effectively in school....
Proceedings Article
Understanding the Development of Children’s Education Caused by Parents Perception
Rully Khairul Anwar, Elnovani Lusiana, Muhammad Taufiq Rahman
The purpose of this study was to determine the conditions, factors, and views of parents on their children’s education so that many school children dropped out of school. This research was conducted in Sukamanah Village, Paseh District, Bandung Regency, an agricultural area on the outskirts of Bandung....
Proceedings Article
The Epistemology of Fiqh-Science and Its Implementation in Contemporary Fiqh in Indonesia
Anies T Kuncoro, Muchamad Coirun Nizar
Religion and science are two different things that are believed by some people, especially, from the clergy from the same source, namely God. The offense of the two is always an exciting topic of discussion by scientists. Fiqh or with other terms is called Islamic law as part of the Islamic religion...
Proceedings Article
The Concept of Discretionary Penalty and Compensation and Its Implementation in the Fatwas of National Sharia Board-Indonesian Ulema Council
Panji Adam, Ira Siti Rohmah Maulida, Maman Surahman, Akhmad Yusup
One of the risks that exist in the financing risks faced by Islamic Financial Institutions, namely the risk of default on the part of the customer in the form of financing. In addition to the way risk management, LKS can also cope with the risk of default by applying ta’zir (discretionary penalty) and...
Proceedings Article
Implementation of Unity of Science on Ilm Falak’s (Islamic Astronomy) Curricula
A Izzuddin, Anisah Budiwati, Syarif Zubaidah
The aim of this study is to determine the implementation of the Astronomical Science Study Program curriculum at Walisongo State Islamic University in Semarang. The principles of Unity of Sciences (wadat al-ulum) are used to implement the curriculum as a new vision of the university in the formulation...
Proceedings Article
Measuring Level of Information and Communication Technology Literacy of University Students in Indonesia
Yonathan Anggian Siahaan, Fergyanto E Gunawan
Nowadays, Information and Communication Technology (ICT) competency, well known as ICT literacy, is an essential prerequisite for modern professionals. The purpose of this study is to measure the level of ICT literacy of university students. The first section in your paper. The study adopts the People...
Proceedings Article
Role of Government in Keeping Price Stability Through Pure Market Operation From an Islamic Economic Perspective
Soya Sobaya, Zakka Hifzhan Hanifan Fadhlulloh, Yuli Andriansyah
This research analyzed the Pure Market Operation program carried out by the government in the light of Islamic economic perspective. Qualitative research was used as the main design of this research to obtain an over-view of the work of the Pure Market Operation implemented by the government and supported...
Proceedings Article
Integrating Business Strategy and Sustainability Development of the Society: A Case of Aqua Company in Indonesia
Roseno Aji Affandi, Elisa Anastasia, Aditya Permana, Tirta Nugraha Mursitama
This study reveals the importance of the effect of integration between corporation and society by employing corporation strategy and sustainibility development society as an important driver in acheiving equal and mutual relationship for the participation to develop healthy environment, food safety,...
Proceedings Article
Effect of Leadership Style and Organization on Employee Through Job Satisfaction (Empirical Study on Five Construction Companies in Indonesia)
Meina Woro Kustinah, Iman Indrati, Erny Tajib
The success of the job depends on the level of performance of each company which supported by workers contribution. Certainly the fruitfulness is influenced by leadership style, organizational communication and job satisfaction that can enhance worker performance. The purpose of this research is to verify;...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of the Human Development Index in Jambi City
Sudirman, Osrita Hapsara
HDI summarizes three welfare variables in a single composite index. These variables include: longevity and living a healthy life (measured by life expectancy), education (measured by the level of adult literacy and the level of enrollment in primary, secondary and high school) and having a decent standard...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of the Impact of Technology on Culture in Indigenous Communities: Mentawai Islands, Indonesia
Zulfadrim, Yusuke Toyoda, Hidehiko Kanegae
The indigenous knowledge embedded in indigenous cultures faces serious challenges due to the development and spreading of technology into indigenous communities. This paper examines the impact of technology on native culture in indigenous communities. Using data gathered via interview and questionnaire...
Proceedings Article
Sustainable Development Through Sharing Economy: Contribution of Online Transportation to Urban Everyday Life
Zinggara Hidayat
Objective of this paper are discusses the sharing economy among Indonesian urban communities, especially in the online transportation business. Some of the start-ups discussed are Go-Jek, Grab and Uber. The literature review combined with qualitative primary data of observation and few interviews of...
Proceedings Article
Synergistic Indicators for Sustainable Consumption and Production and Sustainable Tourism
Nuttapa Thanosawan, Sangchan Limjirakan
Tourism contributes to national income. Meanwhile, it consumes resources causing waste and pollution affecting on human health, environment and socio-economics. Regarding to Goal 12 of Sustainable Development Goals, sustainable consumption and production (SCP) is promoted among global communities to...
Proceedings Article
The Impact of Halal Label and Social Support on Purchasing Behavior of Imported Instant Noodles
Anton Priyo Nugroho, Fajar Fandi Atmaja, Ilham Itsnanisa Ghilma, Yuli Andriansyah, Siti Achiria
This paper analized impact of halal label and social support on purchasing behavior of imported instant noodles among Indomaret customers. This research used primary data by giving questionnaires to Indomaret customers with 75 respondents. The sampling used a purposive sampling technique. The data analyzed...
Proceedings Article
Job Satisfaction and Achievement of Maqasid Al-Sharia: A Case Study in Takaful Keluarga Yogyakarta
Tulasmi, Puji Lestari, Yuli Andriansyah, Martini Dwi Pusparini, Rakhmawati
This study aims to analyze Takaful Keluarga Yogyakarta employee’s job satisfaction and achievement of maqasid al-sharia. This study used a qualitative method by describing data, analyzing data and making conclusions. Data collection technique was carried out through observation, interviews and documentation....
Proceedings Article
Interrogating Sense of Place Through Tactical Urbanism of Women and Children in Kampung Kerapu, North Jakarta
Salsabila Andara S Alyani, Herlily
Sense of place is a concept within urban design. While sense of place is likely correlated with physical features of a city, previous studies have showed that sense of place is multidimensional, and involves factors, which are beyond mere physical attributes. Meanwhile, in the realm of formal urban planning,...
Proceedings Article
Managing Health-Promoting School for Sustainability Development
Jamaluddin, A Aziz, T Rahayu, G Habibah, D N Istofa
The purpose of this study was to reveal the project of healthy school management in public junior high schools in Jambi. This is a qualitative naturalistic approach where observation, in-depth interviews, document studies, and focus group discussion as main data collection techniques. Informants are...
Proceedings Article
Village Community Opinion to Selection of Single Regional Candidates
Diah Fatma Sjoraida, R K Anwar, G Amatunnisa
The purpose of this study was to find out how the perception of the rural community regarding the election with a single candidate, and to find out how the level of society political participation in the poll with an only candidate in Tasikmalaya Regency. With descriptive and qualitative methods, it...
Proceedings Article
Democracy and Local Election in Indonesian: Case Study of Local Leaders Election at Depok
Tukina, Agus Wasita
The election of Mayor and Deputy in Depok in 2015 is a means of democratization in local. In the election, the aspirations of the citizens are free according to their wishes and expectations. This study seeks to examine the problems that arise in the selection of Mayor and Deputy, then must also look...
Proceedings Article
Financial Performance of Islamic and Conventional Mutual Funds in Indonesia Stock Exchange
M. Ridho Pratama, Martini Dwi Pusparini, Rakhmawati, Tulasmi, Yuli Andriansyah
The purpose of this research is to analyze the comparison of performance between Islamic mutual funds and conventional mutual funds using the calculation of return, Sharpe, and Treynor and to find out which types of mutual funds are the best in 2015-2017. The analysis used in the research is a comparative...
Proceedings Article
Maintaining Sustainability of Islamic Microfinance With Outreach and Sharia Compliance in Jambi
Sucipto Djaafar
This study analises outreach factor which implemanted financial religiusious prinsip in MFIS. Like insurance, mortage and BMT in Jambi. This study also estimates outreach and sharia complemnet on stakeholder of MFIS. Outcome of this study will be contribution to financial management policy in syaria...
Proceedings Article
Effects of Islamic Brand Personality, Service Quality, Customer Motives and Customer Satisfaction on Customer Loyalty in Sharia Banks of Jambi City Under the Perspective of Tawhidi String Relation
The purpose of this study was to describe the relationships among the Tawhidi String Relation (TSR) variables including the evaluations regarding the direct influences of Islamic Brand Personality, Service quality, customers’ motives, customer satisfaction and customers’ loyalty. In this study, a Structural...
Proceedings Article
The Alun-Alun Karimunjawa as Economic Space in the Coastal City as Alun-Alun in the City Center in Java
R Siti Rukayah, Endang Sri Susilo, Dileanis Pringgenies, W Agus Tri Setyo
Karimunjawa Island has the main activities of the population on the utilization of coral reef ecosystems, fisheries, and marine tourism activities. 60% of Karimunjawa people work as fishermen. The great support from the government makes Karimunjawa as one of the tourist destinations of the four-priority...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Price, Product Quality and Religiosity on Purchasing Behavior of Halal-Labeled Sariayu Beauty Products
Anton Priyo Nugroho, Fajar Fandi Atmaja, Siti Mutaalimah, Yuli Andriansyah, Siti Achiria
This study aims to analyze the effect of price, product quality and religiosity on the purchasing behavior of halal-labeled Sariayu beauty products. Data collection was done by distributing questionnaires to respondents and sampling using purposive sampling technique to people who have used halal-labeled...
Proceedings Article
Morality and Justice in the Islamic Economics
M Roem Syibly, Muhammad Roy Purwanto
Economic crises are always resulted from greed, fraud, corruption, avarice, manipulating information, and creating financial assets without real economic activity. The main point is carrying out economic activities without moral and justice considerations. The Islamic economy is an economy that comes...
Proceedings Article
Impact of Macroeconomy and Jakarta Islamic Index on Net Assets Value of Islamic Mixed Mutual Funds
Mohamad Andri Ibrahim, Popon Srisusilawati, Gusti Khairina Shofia, Nanik Eprianti
Net Asset Value (NAV) of sharia mixed mutual funds has been decreasing since the last five years. It is related to macroeconomic factors and the condition of the Indonesian economy. In this paper the authors are trying to see the relevance of macroeconomic factors and Net Asset Value (NAV) of Islamic...
Proceedings Article
Relationship Between Sleep Quality and Internet Addiction Among College Students in Yogyakarta
Laras Laksita Ningrum, Fitri Ayu Kusumaningrum
This study aims to analyze the relationship between internet addiction and sleep quality among college students in Yogyakarta. The hypothesis proposed in this study is that there is a positive relationship between internet addiction and poor sleep quality among students in Yogyakarta. To test the research...
Proceedings Article
Strengthening Political Participation Through Education in Schools
Roy Kembar Habibi, Eni Kusdarini
Political participation enforcement through education at schools played important roles and gave positive effects. By being given political participation enforcement, students as beginner voters would be able to have good political education and improve their knowledge of political participation in a...
Proceedings Article
Urgency of Decision-Making Theory in Practical Leadership Process: Case Study at Faculty of Islamic Studies, Islamic University of Indonesia Yogyakarta
Nanang Nuryanta, Soemarta, Nur Aedi, Aan Komariah
This paper attempts to describe the urgency of decision-making theory to help everyone, especially a leader in institutions, to understand how to process decision making in order to make the best decision in every situation. Based on the case in the faculty of Islamic Studies (FIAI) of Islamic University...
Proceedings Article
Authoritarianism in Thai Higher Education: The Threats Against Academic Freedom and Productivity
Prapassara Thanosawan
This article seeks to highlight the most critical issues affecting the academic freedom of Thai academics. The issues have long plagued the productivity of Thai higher education sector. This article will argue that the threat to the academic freedom in Thai universities are not necessarily limited to...
Proceedings Article
High School Debate: Elevating Students Critical Thinking into Hoax Prevention
Awliya Rahmi, Jamaluddin
This study aims at examining students’ criticial thinking reflected in their argumentations in debate. It is also purposed to identify the further benefit of students critical thinking as fundamental manner to prevent hoax in any circumstances. This study observes 48 senior high school students (aged...
Proceedings Article
E-Commerce Transactions: A Sharia Economic Perspective
Subhan M A Rahman, Fauzi Muhammad
Buying and selling is mu’awadhah contract. The contract is carried out by the two parties, in which the first party and second party deliver the goods handed over in return, either in the form of money or goods. Where buying and selling online can streamline and streamline time so that one can make buying...
Proceedings Article
The Influence of Rois as an Agent of Religious Rituals
Siti Afifah Adawiyah, Junanah, Supriyanto Pasir
The background of this research is the public perception of the role of Rois is only a prayer reader in religious rituals. Preliminary observations show that the community views the role of the rois as limited to the reader of prayer. This study aims to describe the role of Rois in building an Islamic...
Proceedings Article
The Communication Role of Agents of Change in Binus Bangun Desa in Pasirmulya Village, Bandung
Hasan Ghazali, Zinggara Hidayat, Retno Dewanti, Henny Hendarti
The purpose of this study was to examine the role of agents of change in social changes of Pasirmulya Village community, Banjaran Sub-District, South Bandung Regency, changes in the mindset of the community in utilizing the existing potentials in Pasirmulya Village, challenges and obstacles to social...
Proceedings Article
Deradicalization of Religion Understanding Among Senior High School Students in Metro City, Lampung Province, Indonesia
Imam Mustofa, Muhammad Roy Purwanto, Tamyiz Mukharram
This paper tries to look at the de-radicalization activities carried out by Senior High Schools in the Metro City of Lampung Province, Indonesia. Allegedly there are certain Islamic educational institutions that teach both fundamentalism and radicalism.for this reason, educational institutions are very...
Proceedings Article
Local Wisdom and Regional Sustainable Economic Development
Addiarrahman, Yusdani
By using the post-modernist development paradigm, this paper aims to formulate a framework of regional sustainable economic development based on local wisdom. Channels of local wisdom, according to the author, are very appropriate to unite the people’s economic framework in each region. Because local...
Proceedings Article
Compositional Means for Shaping Modern Crimean Tatar Hotel and Restaurant Business Facilities
Kuznetsova Iryna, Privolneva Svitlana, Zhukova Nataliia
This article discusses the possibility of modern design for the facilities of the Crimean Tatar hotel and restaurant business that have been created in the Crimea over the past 20-25 years. In connection with the existence of numerous disharmonious objects, there is a need to clarify a number of characteristics...
Proceedings Article
Citizen Journalism in the Age of Media Convergence
Riana Jogi Ahdareni Matondang, Arleen Ariestyani, Rahmat Edi Irawan
Nowadays citizen journalism is one of the concepts of the most developed television program. If initially the concept is mostly used in radio and online media, at present using technology to be easier and cheaper in reporting and sending pictures, then the concepts which give chance for people to be...
Proceedings Article
Assessment of Dispersion, Retention Time and Fraction of PM10-20, and PM0.23-1 in Iron Ore Mines
Charmi Humbal, Sneha Gautam, Aditya Kumar Patra, Abhishek Gupta
The measurement study of the generation, dispersion and retention was carried out at Kiriburu (KIOM) and Meghahatuburu (MIOM), iron ore mines, Odisha state of India. The six days’ average concentrations of particulate matter (PM) with two wide size ranges (PM10-20, and PM0.23-1) were monitored in two...
Proceedings Article
Islamic Philanthropy and Civil Society Development Solutions in Indonesia
Dzulkifli Hadi Imawan, M Muslich K S, Muhammad Roy R Purwanto
This paper discussed Islamic philanthropy as a solution to the development of a civil society in Indonesia. Muhammad SAW’s teachings of Islamic philanthropy has been proven in history to be a solution to the awakening of Muslims in building a prosperous, educated and civilized society.Therefore, this...
Proceedings Article
Akhlaq Learning Model in Al-Hidayah Islamic Boarding School for Girls
Sri Haningsih, Anisah Budiwati
This study aims to explore learning model of Al-Hidayah Islamic Boarding School for Girls. In the face of the education 4.0 era, Islamic boarding schools as an alternative choice of education among the low side of universities provide new offers to develop intellectual and moral character. The learning...
Proceedings Article
Understanding and Application of Sufism to Overcome Inner Conflict Among University Students
A. F. Djunaidi, Lukman, Fatihatul Muthmainah
This study aims to describe the phenomenon of sufism among students of Islamic Education Islamic Studies Islamic University of Indonesia in solving life, especially their inner conflicts naturally. It is backed by the existence of the terms sufism appears in consultative interaction between students...
Proceedings Article
Islamic Finance for Sustainable Micro-Finance Development in Indonesia
Micro and small enterprises are the back bone of Indonesian economy. For that condition, the availability of financial inclusion system is needed to prop up the economic increase. In Islamic Financial System, islamic pawn as a tabarru’ contract has inclusive characteric if developed by a flexible model...
Proceedings Article
Polygamy in Muslim Countries: A Comparative Study in Tunisia, Saudi Arabia, and Indonesia
Muhammad Roy Purwanto, Tamyiz Mukharrom, M. Roem Syibly, Ahmad Nurozi
This study intends to describe polygamous laws in Muslim countries such as Tunisia, Saudi Arabia, and Indonesia. In general, the provisions (legislation) relating to family law in modern Muslim countries are linked to polygamous rules, something that can be classified into three. Firstly, countries that...
Proceedings Article
Implementing Islamic Leadership Values in Pancasila
Bukhori Abdul Shomad
The focus of this research is to examine the values of Islamic leadership as stated in Pancasila. From the results of the study, it is concluded that; first, a leader must have a balance of three intelligences, namely intellectual intelligence, emotional intelligence and spiritual intelligence; second,...
Proceedings Article
Tadribat haramiyah Learning Material Design
Zulhannan, Meriyati, Fitri Ayu Kusumaningrum
This research discussed some aspects of actual study, namely design of teaching material; active and passive model of tadribat haramiyah; and design of teaching material of tadribat haramiyah. According to this study, the fundamental problem is how the design of teaching material of Arabic language of...
Proceedings Article
Sustainability of the Development of Sharia Economic Law in Indonesia: A Social History Approach
Illy Yanti, Addirrahman
Positivization becomes the dominant approach in the development of sharia economic law in Indonesia. In fact, in the perspective of social history, Islamic law in the economic and business fields has become a law that lives in the middle of society or customary law. This article aims to look at the dynamics...