Proceedings of the 3rd NFE Conference on Lifelong Learning (NFE 2016)
116 authors
- Abdulhak, Ishak
- A Model to Build Performance for Batik Craftsmen in Competition Era
- Abdurrahman, Maman
- The Role of Majelis Taklims and Arabic Literacy in Sustaining Lifelong Learning in Indonesia
- Anugrah Putra, Chandra
- Use of Multimedia Learning Technology Based Graphical User Interface (GUI)
- Arbarini, Mintarsih
- Model of Multiliteracy Education Based on Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) for the Rural Society to Increase Independence
- Ardie, Romli
- Mapping Model Challenge Community Learning (CLC) in Shaping Learning Independence in Banten Province
- Ardie, Romli
- Patterns of Community Entrepreneurship Education to Establish Independence at the Community Learning Center in Banten
- Badu, Ruslin
- Development of Learning Media for Early Childhood Education Teacher in Stimulating the Polite Behavior Through Macro Role Play in Gorontalo City
- Choi, MinGyu
- Community Participation and Health Promotion for Senior Citizens
- Damayanti, Rika
- Family Empowerment and Supportive Group in Handling Sexual and Gender Identity Disorder
- Dayati, Umi
- Implementation lifelong learning: The Adult Learners Based Learning Needs
- Dewi Assat, Lusiani
- Independence Citizens Learning Model Through Community Entrepreneurship Management Education in Banten Province
- Dwi Lestari, Gunarti
- Nonformal Education Ideas on Mahakam Ulu Community as The Extension Area of West Kutai District
- Estherlita, Tiffany
- The Implementation of Andragogy to Pedagogy Approach in Learning Process at Lentera Bangsa Community Homeschool as an Optimization of Students' Potencies
- Fatah, Abdul
- A Scientific Model through Socio-economic Approach to Decrease Illiterates in Banten Province
- Fatchan, Ach.
- Analysis of Non-Formal Education Leadership
- Hafsyah Siregar, Sarti
- Development of Soft Skills Education in Non-Formal Education to Indonesian Society
- Hardika, Hardika
- Analysis of Non-Formal Education Leadership
- Hasibuan, Jubaidah
- The Contribution of CSR in Empowering The Community Through The Utilization of Cow Manure in The Areng Village, Cibodas
- Hatimah, Ihat
- The Implementation of Lifelong Learning in Family
- Hendriani, Ani
- Analysis of Self-Actualization Theory of Abraham Maslow and the Implication for Enhancement of Teachers Competency
- Heryanto, Nunu
- Empowerment of Group Role to Develop Learning Independency of Farmers in Farming Business (Lifelong Learning Case of Farmers Group in Pagerwangi Village Lembang Subregency West Bandung Regency)
- Hidayat, Dayat
- Entrepreneurial Learning by Community-Based Participation through Optimization of Local Potential Development in Karawang
- Hidayat, Sholeh
- Mentoring and Curriculum Development Model to Improve Quality of Non-Formal Education (NFE) in Banten Province
- Hikmah, Nurul
- Development of Soft Skills Education in Non-Formal Education to Indonesian Society
- Hiryanto, Hiryanto
- Conflict Resolution Youth Village Tourism Cave Tubing Pindul in Yogyakarta
- Hufad, Achmad
- Life-Skill Literacy Education Towards Rural Industrial Development
- Ibrahim, Teguh
- The Profile of Critical Consciousness of Indonesia University of Education Students'on Educational Phenomenon (A Phenomenological Study of Paulo Freire's Pedagogy)
- Ida, Nur
- The Efforts of Independent Lepers Association in Developing Life Long Education among the Lepers in District of Soreang, Parepare, Indonesia
- Indra Syahdewa, Budi
- Contribution of Nonformal Education (NFE) in Improving English Performance
- Irfan Hilmi, Muhammad
- Model Management Activity Community Learning Center (Clc) Based on Local Wisdom to Improve Quality of Nonformal Education Service
- K. Malik, Halim
- Class Management Through the Literacy Learning Buhuta Walama Lo Tihedu in the Province Gorontalo Indonesia
- Kamarubiani, Nike
- Model Management Activity Community Learning Center (Clc) Based on Local Wisdom to Improve Quality of Nonformal Education Service
- Kamil, Mustofa
- Motivating Group Learning in Farmer Community
- Karim Halim, Abdul
- Reality Study of Managerial Ability of Managers of Community Learning Center (CLC)
- Kartini, Tintin
- Equivalency Education through Homeschooling: a Constructive Collaboration in Non-Formal and Informal Education in Indonesia
- Karwati, Lilis
- Womens' Empowerment Program to Develop the Potential of Entrepreneurship
- Katiah, Katiah
- How does Rumah Pintar Manage to Facilitate Community to Learn?
- Kesuma, Dharma
- The Profile of Critical Consciousness of Indonesia University of Education Students'on Educational Phenomenon (A Phenomenological Study of Paulo Freire's Pedagogy)
- Komar, Oong
- The Socio-Economic Impact of Dam Construction
- Kuswantoro, Kuswantoro
- Mapping Model Challenge Community Learning (CLC) in Shaping Learning Independence in Banten Province
- Kutsiyah, Kutsiyah
- The Role of Family toward Early Childhood Education through Module: An Approach as Part of Lifelong Learning
- Mahmud Musthofa, Royan
- The Role of Family toward Early Childhood Education through Module: An Approach as Part of Lifelong Learning
- Mundzir, S.
- Analysis of Non-Formal Education Leadership
- Musa, Safuri
- Factors that Affect the Sustainability of Litercay Education Program
- Mustakim, Mustakim
- Traditional Internship Pattern in Developing Community Enterpreneurship
- Nataliningsih, Nataliningsih
- Cooperative Learning in Extension of Participatory Agriculture
- Nora Harahap, Friska Indria
- The Contribution of CSR in Empowering The Community Through The Utilization of Cow Manure in The Areng Village, Cibodas
- Nurlaeli, Naeli
- Improving Students' Motivation to Learn in the Classroom
- Nurwandi, Luthfi
- A Model to Build Performance for Batik Craftsmen in Competition Era
- Nuryani, Pupun
- Learner Teacher Program in Transformative Pedagogical Perspective
- Nuur Faatihah, Syifaa
- The Mapping of Learning Needs in the Development of Religious-Values Based Training Model to Build Youth Character
- Pujiastuti, Heni
- Mapping Model Challenge Community Learning (CLC) in Shaping Learning Independence in Banten Province
- Puromo, Puromo
- Life-Skill Literacy Education Towards Rural Industrial Development
- Rahaju, Anne
- Education and Tiered Training of Early Childhood Educators : The Application of Andragogy Principals
- Rahman, Misran
- Strategy for Development of Reading and Writing Habit by Job Groups Approaching in Kayubulan Village, Limboto, Gorontalo Regency
- Rahmat, Abdul
- Class Management Through the Literacy Learning Buhuta Walama Lo Tihedu in the Province Gorontalo Indonesia
- Rahmat Hidayat, Dudung
- The Role of Majelis Taklims and Arabic Literacy in Sustaining Lifelong Learning in Indonesia
- Rahmat Pramudia, Joni
- Model Management Activity Community Learning Center (Clc) Based on Local Wisdom to Improve Quality of Nonformal Education Service
- Rakhmat Riyadi, Arie
- The Profile of Critical Consciousness of Indonesia University of Education Students'on Educational Phenomenon (A Phenomenological Study of Paulo Freire's Pedagogy)
- Rasyad, Ach.
- Implementation lifelong learning: The Adult Learners Based Learning Needs
- Restu Handaningtiasa, Uliviana
- Salafi Pesantren's Characters Education
- Rini, Riswanti
- The Education Quality of State Junior High School
- Robandi, Babang
- The Profile of Critical Consciousness of Indonesia University of Education Students'on Educational Phenomenon (A Phenomenological Study of Paulo Freire's Pedagogy)
- Ruhiat, Yayat
- A Scientific Model through Socio-economic Approach to Decrease Illiterates in Banten Province
- Ruhiat, Yayat
- Digital Storytelling: Teaching Aid for E-Learning to Improve the Quality of NonFormal Students of Teachers Training and Education
- Ruhiat, Yayat
- Mentoring and Curriculum Development Model to Improve Quality of Non-Formal Education (NFE) in Banten Province
- Rukanda, Nandang
- The Effectiveness of the Extracurricular Activities in the Elementary School at Bandung Barat District
- Rusmiati Hasanah, Viena
- How does Rumah Pintar Manage to Facilitate Community to Learn?
- Rusmiati Hasanah, Viena
- The Mapping of Learning Needs in the Development of Religious-Values Based Training Model to Build Youth Character
- S Ardiwinata, Jajat
- The Mapping of Learning Needs in the Development of Religious-Values Based Training Model to Build Youth Character
- S. Ardiwinata, Jajat
- Life-Skill Literacy Education Towards Rural Industrial Development
- S. Ardiwinata, Jajat
- How does Rumah Pintar Manage to Facilitate Community to Learn?
- S. Ardiwinata, Jajat
- A Model to Build Performance for Batik Craftsmen in Competition Era
- Sadikin Akhyadi, Ade
- The Socio-Economic Impact of Dam Construction
- Sadji Evenddy, Sutrisno
- Digital Storytelling: Teaching Aid for E-Learning to Improve the Quality of NonFormal Students of Teachers Training and Education
- Santika, Tika
- Implications of Lifelong Education Training Management Program
- Sardin, Sardin
- Self-Directed Learning: How Effective as a Mode of Learning on Equality Education Program in Indonesia?
- Sardin, Sardin
- How does Rumah Pintar Manage to Facilitate Community to Learn?
- Sardin, Sardin
- Model Management Activity Community Learning Center (Clc) Based on Local Wisdom to Improve Quality of Nonformal Education Service
- Saripah, Iip
- Attuning a Problem Based Learning Model for Out of School Children using Design-Based Research
- Shantini, Yanti
- Motivating Group Learning in Farmer Community
- Shantini, Yanti
- An Overview of Sustainability in Nonformal Education Policy
- Shantini, Yanti
- Policy-Making in Nonformal Education
- Sholih, Sholih
- Independence Citizens Learning Model Through Community Entrepreneurship Management Education in Banten Province
- Sintiawati, Nani
- Contribution and Training Effect for Social Worker
- Sodikin, Sodikin
- The Impact of Community Awareness Change Through Youth Association Activities (A study at youth association on Masubuchi District Tome city Miyagi Prefecture)
- Subyantoro, Subyantoro
- Model of Multiliteracy Education Based on Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) for the Rural Society to Increase Independence
- Sudia Permana, Elih
- Policy-Making in Nonformal Education
- Sudiapermana, Elih
- The Mapping of Learning Needs in the Development of Religious-Values Based Training Model to Build Youth Character
- Sudiapermana, Elih
- An Overview of Sustainability in Nonformal Education Policy
- Suherdi, Didi
- The Role of Majelis Taklims and Arabic Literacy in Sustaining Lifelong Learning in Indonesia
- Suherman, Suherman
- A Scientific Model through Socio-economic Approach to Decrease Illiterates in Banten Province
- Suhifatullah, M.I.
- Facing Socio-Cultural Changes through Lifelong Learning Based on Real-Life Problems
- Sujarwo, Sujarwo
- Conflict Resolution Youth Village Tourism Cave Tubing Pindul in Yogyakarta
- Sukmana, Cucu
- Motivating Group Learning in Farmer Community
- Sumantri, Endang
- A Model to Build Performance for Batik Craftsmen in Competition Era
- Suminar, Tri
- Sociocultural Aspect Indigeneous-Based Life-Long Learning as Planning Strategy of Empowering Marginal Rural Women
- Suparno, Suparno
- Patterns of Community Entrepreneurship Education to Establish Independence at the Community Learning Center in Banten
- Supriyono, Supriyono
- Implementation lifelong learning: The Adult Learners Based Learning Needs
- Sutarto, Joko
- Determinant Factors of The Effectiveness Learning Process and Learning Output of Equivalent Education