Proceedings of the 3rd NFE Conference on Lifelong Learning (NFE 2016)
116 authors
- Suziani, Melly
- Human Capital Training Management
- Syadeli Hanafia, Muhamad
- Salafi Pesantren's Characters Education
- Syafrizal, Syafrizal
- Mapping Model Challenge Community Learning (CLC) in Shaping Learning Independence in Banten Province
- Syafrizal, Syafrizal
- A Scientific Model through Socio-economic Approach to Decrease Illiterates in Banten Province
- Syafrizal, Syafrizal
- Digital Storytelling: Teaching Aid for E-Learning to Improve the Quality of NonFormal Students of Teachers Training and Education
- Syafrizal, Syafrizal
- Mentoring and Curriculum Development Model to Improve Quality of Non-Formal Education (NFE) in Banten Province
- Takahashi, Mitsuru
- Lifelong Learning in Japan: Policy, Concepts, and the Present Situation
- Utsman, Utsman
- Construct Validity Testing Using Factor Analysis on Language Development Assessment Instruments of Early Childhood Utsman
- Wahyudin, Uyu
- Effectiveness Model Literacy Education Oriented Local Culture
- Wibawa, Lutfi
- Conflict Resolution Youth Village Tourism Cave Tubing Pindul in Yogyakarta
- Widiastuti, Sri
- Patterns of Community Entrepreneurship Education to Establish Independence at the Community Learning Center in Banten
- Widodo, Widodo
- Analysis of Non-Formal Education Leadership
- Winarti, Agus
- Entrepreneurial Training Oriented Rural Women Empowerment
- Yuliani, Lulu
- Implementation Result of Basic Tiered Training based Competence by Early Childhood Tutor in Early Childhood Learning Process
- Yulianingsih, Wiwin
- Implementation lifelong learning: The Adult Learners Based Learning Needs
- Yunus Lutfiansyah, Dadang
- The Socio-Economic Impact of Dam Construction