Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Social Sciences (ICSS 2020)

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173 articles
Proceedings Article

Student’s Learning Motivation and Learning Outcomes in Higher Education

Khumaeroh Dwi Nur’aini, Basilius Redan Werang, Dessy Rizki Suryani
Motivation is a key to school success. This study aimed to investigate student’s motivation and how it may impact on their learning outcomes. A problem statement guided the study is of that “Does learning motivation of the students significant positively impact on their learning outcomes?” Data were...
Proceedings Article

Cooperative Learning Using Jigsaw Type on Thematic Learning

Ratna Purwanty, Fredy, Umar Yampap, Rudolfus Ruma Bay
This paper describe learning in the 2013 curriculum using the theme “My Place of Regions” which is described as the sub-theme of “The Uniqueness of My Places of Occupation” using the cooperative learning model, the type of jigsaw. The application of the jigsaw cooperative model in learning is quite effective....
Proceedings Article

Managerial Ability in Measuring Financial Performance

Ade Sri Ulita, Kristianus Hiktaop, Paulus Peka Hayon
For a company, the provisions and decisions by the company’s leaders can determine the level of managerial ability in managing a company that means managerial ability is needed to achieve the target. Managerial ability in managing this company can be seen from the results of the company’s performance...
Proceedings Article

Alokasi Dana Desa, Special Autonomy & Social Protection Expenditure Managemnt on Poverty in Papua Province

Paulus Peka Hayon, Kristianus Hiktaop, Ade Sri Ulita
This research aim to analyse of alokasi dana desa, special autonomy and social protection expenditure management on poverty in Papua Province. Analysis data use multiple regression with WarpPLS Method. The result of this study show that alokasi dana desa is positive impact but it is not significant on...
Proceedings Article

Scientific Approach to Improve the Critical Thinking Skills

Karlina Wong Lieung, Dewi Puji Rahayu, Fredy
The purpose of this research is to improve critical thinking skills on fourth grade elementary school students on thematic integrated through scientific approach. The implementation of this research conducted by class action research method which has three cycles. The subject of this research is the...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Effect of learning Style on Mathematics Learning Outcomes

Markus Palobo, Sadrack Luden Pagiling, Khumaeroh Dwi Nur’aini
This research is an ex post facto study which aims to find out what learning styles students have and whether there is influence of learning styles on students’ mathematics learning outcomes. The population in this study was all students in SMP Negeri Urumb Merauke. Data analysis used descriptive statistics...
Proceedings Article

Implementation of Problem Based Learning Models to Improve the Attitude of Environmental Care of Grade V Elementary School

Dewi Puji Rahayu, Umar Yampap, Agus Kichi Hermansyah
This study aims to improve the attitude of environmental care by using the problem based learning model. This research is a classroom action research study subjects of class V students. Data collection techniques using observation, interviews and documentation. The attitude of environmental care can...
Proceedings Article

Implementation of Court Decisions in Criminal Cases

Julianto Jover Jotam Kalalo, Marlyn Jane Alputila, Chyntia Novita Kalalo
The executor of the court decision or judge’s verdict is the prosecutor as the executor. As the executor of the prosecutor sends a copy of the minutes of the implementation of the court decision signed by him, to the prison, the convict, also by the supervisory judge and observer and the court that decides...
Proceedings Article

Implementation of Education Improvement Policies for the Indonesia-Papua New Guinea Border Area in Sota District, Merauke Regency

Albertus Yosep Maturan, David Laiyan, Welem Levi Betaubun
Education is a mirror of the future of the nation which is very basic to improve superior human resources in every existing sector. Industrial Revolution 4.0 is a challenge for all human beings, especially for the Indonesian nation which is a developing country where education is very important to advance...
Proceedings Article

Igging Up the Values of the Literature in Literary Work to Build Character of Children in Papua

Nova Lina Sari Habeahan, Santy Monika, Lay Riwu
Literary works as a result of the author’s creativity process of existence cannot be separated from the reality of people’s lives. Literature does not only present entertainment but also enlighten readers, especially Papuan children about the values of life. Literary position (read: literary works) is...
Proceedings Article

Understanding of Beach Abrasion Concepts in Elementary School Students

Yonarlianto Tembang, Ratna Purwanty, Andreas Au Hurit
This study aims to describe the understanding of the concept of beach abrasion material in elementary school students at SDN 2 Merauke. This research is a qualitative descriptive study conducted on grade IV elementary school students with 32 respondents. Data collection methods used are observation,...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Corruption Eradication Commitment in Judge’s Verdict on-Court District in Law Zone in South Sulawesi Province

Firman Umar, Muhammad Akbal, Mustari
This research aims to find out and to analyze whether the judge of district court dropped the verdict according to the public prosecutors’ demands? This study was empirical law research. Techniques of collecting data used were interviews and documentation. Analysis data was done qualitatively namely...
Proceedings Article

The Dynamics of Corruption Eradication Crimes in South Sulawesi (Study at Makassar District Court)

Muhammad Akbal, Firman Umar
This research aims to reveal the dynamics of corruption eradication crimes in South Sulawesi at Makassar District Court from 2017 until 2019. This research was an empirical research law. Techniques of collecting data used were (1) interviews, where the researchers conducted deep interviews with the judges...
Proceedings Article

The Use of State Property to Increase State Revenues: Optimize Control in Universitas Negeri Makassar

Herlina Sakawati, Aldo Pangestu, Widyawati, Sulmiah, Novayanti Sopia Rukmana
State property is not only used as government infrastructure. State property can be used to increase revenue by doing the rental, leasing, cooperation utilization and so forth, as stipulated in the Minister of Finance Regulation No.78/2016 concerning the procedures for utilizing State property. Utilization...
Proceedings Article

Sexual Education of Children With Down Syndrome in Parents Low Education

A.Octamaya Tenri Awaru, Supriadi Torro, Andi Dody May Putra Agustang, Andi Nurmaidah, Sofia
Sexual education in children with Down syndrome is often ignored by parents, even though the needs and development process children are the Down syndrome same as other normal children. The purpose of this study was to determine the materials and methods used by parents in providing sexual education to...
Proceedings Article

Santri Education Problems at Darul Huffadh Islamic Boarding School in Bone Regency, Sulawesi Selatan, Indonesia

Muhammad Syukur, Rifal, Amirullah, Fitrah Widyawati
This article discusses the problem of santri education in Darul Huffadh Islamic Boarding School in Bone Regency. The main problem experienced by santri when they finished boarding school was how they could use their knowledge for the lives of the general public. In general, the students after they finished...
Proceedings Article

Administrative Accountability of Development Planning Deliberation (Musrenbang) Implementation in Bone Regency

Aslinda, Fakhri Kahar, S Muh. Rizal, Muh. Lutfi
The objective of this research is to determine the administrative accountability in implementing development planning deliberation (Musrenbang) in Bone Regency. This research employed descriptive qualitative approach. The data collection techniques were library research, documentation review, field research,...
Proceedings Article

The Thinking of La Salewangeng to Tenri Ruwa in Wajo Kingdom of South Sulawesi

Bustan, Fitriani, Mustari Bosra
This research aims to describe the background and results of la Salewangeng to Tenri Ruwa Arung Matoa Wajo XXX. So did the influence of his thinking on the condition of the Kingdom of Wajo. The results showed that the thinking of La Salewangeng To Tenri Ruwa was influenced by several factors, namely;...
Proceedings Article

Cultural Roots of Seafarers in Tuju-Tuju Harbor, Bone Regency, Sulawesi Selatan, Indonesia

Amirullah, Rifal
The Bugis are known as accomplished seamen. Most of the coast of the archipelago found Bugis settlements, through the sea they became a transfer of the nautical culture of the archipelago. By presenting a fairly long historical experience, delivering Bugis as human beings who have a tested and experienced...
Proceedings Article

Form of Social Control of the Deviant Behavior Students Education Study Program in Social Knowledge Faculty of Social Science of Makassar State University

Ibrahim, Hasni, Dalilul Falihin
The purpose of this research is to analyze the form of social control on the deviant behavior of students of the Social Sciences Education Study Program at the Faculty of Social Sciences, Makassar State University. This is qualitative research. The approach is phenomenology. Data netted by techniques:...
Proceedings Article

The Impact of Academic Social Adaptation on the Ethics of Demonstration Action of Students Faculty of Social Science Makassar State University

Ibrahim, Muh. Said, Syarifah Balkis
The purpose of the study was to analyze the impact of academic social adaptation on the ethics of student demonstrations at the Faculty of Social Sciences, Makassar State University. This type of research is qualitative. with a phenomenological approach. Data collected by methods: interviews, observation,...
Proceedings Article

Dynamics of Culture Shock on Nomadic Students at Faculty of Social Sciences Makassar State University (Anthropological Perspective)

Andi Ima Kesuma
This research aimed to 1) Identify and analyze the phenomena of culture shock on nomadic students, especially at the Faculty of Social Sciences Makassar State University; 2) Finding the pattern of the students who migrated at Makassar State University to adapt and how the adaptation process is carried...
Proceedings Article

Community Empowerment in Micro Enterprises For Sustainable Development in Wajo South Sulawesi Indonesia

Muhammad Guntur, Andi Cudai Nur, Aslinda
This study analyzes the operational programs implemented at the operational level of local government levels through the cooperative and SME Wajo, through Local Regulation Wajo No. 6 of 2008 regulating the Working Procedures Organization Department of the Regional Government of Wajo. This research use...
Proceedings Article

Women’s Leadership in the Community Prismatic-Patriarch

Ashari Ismail, Firman Umar
This study is a study that seeks to review the use and the way of the prismatic community – patriarch, the study took the research settings in Manuba community, Barru Regency South Sulawesi. Along with the social change that entered rural, women’s gait on the patriarch community began to shift, by placing...
Proceedings Article

Intensification of Land and Building Tax Collection in The Barru Regency Revenue Service

Muh. Nasrullah, Muhammad Luthfi Siraj, Sitti Hardiayanti Aras
This research was conducted to determine the intensification of Land and Building Tax (PBB) collection at District Revenue Office (DISPENDA) of Barru in terms of the aspects of counseling, services, and audits, and to determine efforts to improve the quality of tax collector employees at District Revenue...
Proceedings Article

Model of Policy Collaboration in the Field of Health Reviewed From the Perspective of Learning Policies in South Sulawesi

Aslindas, Muhammad Guntur, Muh. Rizal
Development in the health sector is part of national policy development so development must be a priority to ensure a healthy community life. The purpose of this study is to find out whether there is government collaboration in the health sector and whether there is learning from the health policy program...
Proceedings Article

Bialahin Concept: Reflections on the Unity of the Buru People in Maluku

Dortje L. Y. Lopulalan, Jumadi, Muhammad Syukur
This qualitative study aimed to understand whether Bialahin (pear sago) can be a reflection and spirit of the unity of the Buru community that can serve as a pattern of leadership theory in Maluku today. Actually the concept of Bialahin, is the concept of strong unity that forms solidarity among the...
Proceedings Article

Subaltern and Network Strategy Towards Fishermen Community in Aru Islands District

Nuraida Kubangun, Andi Agustang, Arlin Adam
The fishermen community in Aru Islands district is a sulbatern group that lives by relying on fishing products income. However, when encountered with a condition where the income declines due to the government’s policy, then what should be done by subalterns while they do not have the voice to speak,...
Proceedings Article

The Appearance of the Military as A Political Force in Indonesia

Abdul Rahman, Firdaus W. Suhaeb, Nurlela, Alfin Dwi Rahmawan
This study aims to determine the background of the emergence of the military as a political force in Indonesia. The method used is the historical method by performing four stages, namely: heuristics, criticism, interpretation, and historiography. The results showed that the occurrence of regional upheaval...
Proceedings Article

Gender in Farmer Household Livelihood Strategies in South Sulawesi

Firdaus W. Suhaeb, Ernawati Syahruddin Kaseng, Abdul Rahman, Sampean
The change in the economic transition from subsistence to the formal economic system has brought about changes in the pattern of living in society, especially in farmer households. The research objective was to analyze and provide an overview of the livelihood strategies of farmer households in South...
Proceedings Article

The History of Makassar City: Physical and Administrative Development

Asmunandar, Bahri
The development of Makassar City began from the conquest of Gowa’s Kingdom by the VOC (Verenigde Oost Indische Compagnie) in 1667 which was marked by the Bungaya Treaty. One of the common grounds was to destroy all the fortresses owned by the Kingdom of Gowa, except Fort Ujungpandang. Speelman, leader...
Proceedings Article

The Social and Economic Life of Fishermen Maccini Sombala, Makassar City

Muh. Rasyid Ridha, Amirullah, Ahmadin
The development of the socio-economic life of Maccini Sombala fishermen in Makassar City is very much influenced by the geographical aspect where they live, especially in terms of the pattern of fisheries business development. The results showed that Maccini Sombala fishermen are difficult to develop,...
Proceedings Article

Organizational Culture in the Formation of Character of Students Taking Care of Student Institutions Faculty of Social Science Makassar State University

Herman, Darman Manda
This study aims to determine the effect of the culture of student organizations on the character of students of the Faculty of Social Science, Makassar State University Student Organizations. This study uses a quantitative descriptive study with the student population of Faculty of Social Science, Makassar...
Proceedings Article

Professional Competence of Certified Social (IPS) Teacher in Learning Based on Character Education at Junior High School in Gowa District

Muh. Said, Bakhtiar, Hasni
The research aims to obtain an overview of professional competence of certified social studies teachers in character education-based learning at state junior high schools in Gowa regency. Qualitative research and the types of data sources used, the data collection techniques are: (1) In-depth interviewing....
Proceedings Article

Occupational Health and Safety Protection (K3) for Women Workers in The City of Makassar

Mustari, Muhammad Akbal, Firman Umar
This study aims to determine the implementation of K3 protection for female workers in Makassar City. The research method used is legal research methods with juridical, normative empirical approaches. The results of the study found that K3 protection for female workers in the workplace refers to the...
Proceedings Article

Lontarak Literation Culture Among Students Through Local History Learning

Bahri, Andi Dewi Riang Tati, Asmunandar, Misnah, Khaeruddin
Literacy efforts to increase empathy for south Sulawesi’s rich history and culture. Lontarak is a learning resource containing local historical material of South Sulawesi that has not been integrated into learning. Students as a younger generation should be able to identify, find reconstruct and appreciate...
Proceedings Article

Rituals and Spells: A Guide to Life at Sea for the Fishing Community of Soreang, Takalar Regency in the Millennial Era

Najamuddin, Muhammad Syukur, Abdul Rahman
The modernized ethics and technology, associated with fishing gear, tends to influence the life pattern of fishermen in various aspects. However, it is different for those in Soreang, Takalar Regency, which amid modernization still maintains the ancestral heritage of fishing activities such as spells...
Proceedings Article

Effect of Using Oil Cooler Trainer Module on the Competence of Heat Transfer at the Universitas Negeri Surabaya

I Made Arsana, Rachmad Syarifudin Hidayatullah, Soeryanto, Agysta Yoso Apriliasari, Sudirman Rizki Ariyanto
The purpose of this research is to determine the differences in student learning outcomes before and after the application of the oil cooler trainer learning module in heat transfer courses. This study is an experimental study with the one group pretest-posttest experimental design to determine differences...
Proceedings Article

Implementation of Online Learning During the Covid-19 Pandemic in Higher Education

Soeryanto, I Made Arsana, Warju, Sudirman Rizki Ariyanto
This study aims to analyze the effectiveness of the implementation of online learning during the Covid-19 pandemic in universities. This classroom action research refers to the model of Kemmis and McTaggart, in which there are four learning steps, which include planning, acting, observing, and reflecting....
Proceedings Article

Ken Dedes Profile Description in Expert Perspective

D. Lutfiati, S. Alrianingrum, A. Puspitorini, M. Insani, Faidah Muttimatul
The beauty of Ken Dedes, who was the consort of Ken Arok from the Raja of Singhasari Kingdom, was famous throughout the archipelago. This research was conducted to explore information about the depiction of the figure of Ken Dedes. With a qualitative research approach, data were collected using interviews,...
Proceedings Article

Sensory Analysis as a Tool in Determining Customer Acceptability in Natural Mask From Red Dragon Peels (Hylocereus Polyrhizus) Flour and Kefir Flour

Octaverina Kecvara Pritasari, Didin Respurwaning Tyas, Nia Kusstianti, Biyan Yesi Wilujeng, Nieke Andina
Natural facial masks are cosmetics that have minimal negative effects. The purpose of this study was to find out how acceptability of natural mask preparations with kefir flour and dragon fruit peels base ingredients. Kefir cow’s milk is beneficial for the skin, so it has the potential to be used as...
Proceedings Article

The Fashion Design Curriculum: Implementing the Learning Freedom and COVID-19 Pandemic Era

Ratna Suhartini, Urip Wahyuningsih, Yulistiana, Irma Russanti, Indarti, Yuhri Inang Prihatina
This study aims to describe the implementation of the D4 Fashion Design curriculum during the COVID-19 pandemic. Curriculum 2018 in semester five, curriculum 2019 in semester 3, curriculum 2020 in semester 1. This type of research is descriptive qualitative. Data was collected through focus group discussions...
Proceedings Article

The Physical Properties of By-Product Proportion in Rice Flour-Based Facial Scrub

Maspiyah, Suhartiningsih, Kusniah, Naim
Sustainable development of under-utilized by-product commodities such as rice, potato, and orange which has high productivity in Indonesia is necessary. Rice has been known to be used in the traditional cosmetic application and can be valued-added by several by-products such as potato and orange peel...
Proceedings Article

The Effectiveness of Sharia Regional Regulations in Madura on Strengthening Pancasila Values

Agung Ali Fahmi, Ansori, Muwaffiq Jufri
Pancasila implementation is reflected through recognizing religious freedom in Indonesia. The implementation of religious freedom in Indonesia is very important to ensure that everyone can practice worship and religious values well without making the State of Indonesia a religious or theocratic state....
Proceedings Article

The Validity of the Consumer Financing Agreement With the Standard Clause of the Fiduciary Guarantee

Standard clauses are often an integral part of the Consumer Financing Agreement with Fiduciary Guarantees. The provisions of the standard clause are expressly regulated in Article 18 of Law Number 8 of 1999 concerning Consumer Protection. In Burgelijk Wetboek’s perspective, the inclusion of a standard...
Proceedings Article

Legal Politic of Fishermen Empowerment in Indonesia

Lucky Dafira Nugroho, Aprilina Pawestri
Fishermen poverty is still national problem that needs to be solved. Based on the latest data, from 25.95 million poor people in Indonesia, almost 45% work as fishermen. It shows that fishermen need help from the state to improve their welfare, considering that this is also the state responsibility as...
Proceedings Article

Community Participation in Tackling Domestic Violence

Syamsul Fatoni, Dewi Muti’ah, Dodik Pranata Wijaya
The basic principle of the 1945 Constitution as affirmed in Article 3 Paragraph (1) of Law no. 12 of 2011 concerning the Formation of Laws and Regulations is a legal basis in Laws and Regulations so the source of regulations formation under it, especially on tackling cases of domestic violence that result...
Proceedings Article

Village Empowerment Opportunities Through Social Forestry

Wartiningsih, Nunuk Nuswadani, Febrian
This paper is based on the less optimal results achieved by the Social Forestry program. On the other hand, the use of village funds is mostly used for village apparatus spending and physical development that cannot yet provide economic benefits. The government’s desire that development start from the...
Proceedings Article

A Dispute Resolution of Land Sale and Purchase Without the Heirs’ Consent

Rina Yulianti, Dwi Wahyuni Adityarini
This study aims to find out the land sale and purchase without the heirs’ consent and resolutions. The dispute began with Mukarromah having sold the heir land located in Moktesareh Village, Kedundung District, Sampang Regency to H. Salehuddin without the consent of the other beneficiaries namely Karimah...
Proceedings Article

Construction Policy Renewal of Criminal Law Through the Formulation of Corruption in the Penal Code Draft

Subaidah Ratna Juita, Deni Setya Bagus Yuherawan
The renewal of criminal law covers the main issues relating to the three fundamental issues in criminal law, i.e. prohibited acts, persons/corporations as subjects that conduct prohibited acts, and criminal. In the draft of the Penal Code (RKUHP), as one of the renewal efforts in the formulation of a...
Proceedings Article

The Problem of Chemical Castration Criminal Sanction Execution in Law Certainty Perspective

Erma Rusdiana, Mayang Puspitasari Rohimanto
The problem departs from Court’s Verdict Number 69/Pid.sus/2019/PN.Mjk imposing chemical castration sanction. Thus, pros- and cons- arise related to who the executor of chemical castration is. This study was a normative research, with statute approach. The problem of research was the existence of chemical...
Proceedings Article

Rural Community About Adequate Standards of Living

Nunuk Nuswardani, Wartinigsih
Cultural rights are human rights related to economic, social and cultural aspects, one of which is the ‘right to an adequate standard of living’. The 1945 Constitution and the Law regulate matters related to these cultural rights, specifically the focus of this study, namely on the right to adequate...
Proceedings Article

Unravelling Incoherence Norms of Indonesia’s Energy Security Regulations

Indah Cahyani, Ekawestri Prajwalita Widiati
As a country with huge natural resources potential, Indonesian government enacts series of regulations concerning energy security covering policy on oil and gas. The main problem of Indonesia’s energy security policy is disharmony and incoherence among sets of provisions at primary legislations and secondary...
Proceedings Article

Controlling the Utilization of Foreign Workers in East Java

Rifki Eka Putra, Misbahul Munir, Devi Rahayu
The context of Economic globalization makes every country needs foreign workers, as well as employers in Indonesia. In the provisions of labor regulations and also the FW use supervision. There are 3469 foreign workers that working in East Java, spread in Surabaya, Gresik, Sidoarjo, Mojokerto and Pasuruan....
Proceedings Article

Criminal Responsibility for the Spreading Personal Data on Twitter

Aris Hardinanto, Wati Anggraeni
Internet and social media advancement leads to unrestricted communication exchange, including the personal detail information exposure. Cyber crimes are thus potential and one of the riskiest consequeneces is doxing; the personal data distribution without rights. Doxing is categorized as a cybercrime...
Proceedings Article

State Responsibility in Fulfilling the Rights of Indonesian Migrant Workers During Pandemic Era

Devi Rahayu, Nunuk Nuswardani
When countries implement lockdown policies, the impact in the industrial world was the occurrence of layoffs. This also happens to Indonesian migrant workers who cause them to return to Indonesia. The context of legal protection in the provisions of law No. 18 of 2017 concerning the Protection of Indonesian...
Proceedings Article

Gender Injustice in the Perspective of Prospective Teachers of Pancasila and Civic Education Universitas Negeri Surabaya

Oksiana Jatiningsih, Sarmini, I Made Suwanda
The patriarchal gender values that are so in life have hegemonies individuals to move individuals to think, behave, and behave according to the truth of these values. The strength of this hegemony can make individuals lose their critical power, even when injustice is present or experienced. Therefore,...
Proceedings Article

Local Government Strategies in Developing Entrepreneurship by Empowering Small and Medium Enterprises Based Online in Makassar City, South Sulawesi, Indonesia

Andi Cudai Nur, Risma Niswaty
The results of this study discuss the strategies of local governments in entrepreneurship development that provide opportunities to create empowerment for small and medium enterprises based on on-line, by actively participating in various businesses with new systems and products to meet the needs of...
Proceedings Article

The Implementation of Agricultural Products Agreements In Cina Subdistrict of Bone District (Socio-Juridical Review)

Bakhtiar, Muh. Said, Muh. Rizal
The implementation of the agricultural production sharing agreement sholud be in accord with Regulation No. 2, 1960, but in the reality this regulation is not obeyed by the land-owner farmers and land-tiller farmers. This research aimed at describing the implementation of the production sharing agreement,...
Proceedings Article

Reconstruction of the Study Planning Ropes Model of Pancasila and Citizenship at the Makassar City High School Education Unit

Imam Suyitno, Mustari, Nurkhalida
Among the pressing problems facing teachers in the learning process in the classroom is creating or designing effective learning planning, in order to achieve learning goals (ate core competencies and basic competencies). This is important considering that planning is an important part of the learning...
Proceedings Article

Snapshot of Inter-Regional Cooperation for Basic Public Services in the Ajatappareng Area, Indonesia

Haedar Akib, Akbar Mukmin, Arman Sahri Harahap, Lutfi Saefullah, Rede Roni Bare
The development of an inter-regional cooperation model in providing basic public services in the Ajatappareng area of South Sulawesi Province, Indonesia, is presumably not as effective as expected. This study aims to describe basic public services (health, education and transportation) and models or...
Proceedings Article

Social Actions of Galla Actors in the Kaemba Maros Traditional Village Community Sulawesi Selatan

Jumadi, Nurlela, Andi Agustang, Darman
This study aims to analyze the social actions of the Galla actors in the Kaemba traditional village community of Maros Regency, Sulawesi Selatan in the form of traditional social rationality, value orientation, affective, and instrumental values, and integration of the character values of the Galla actors...
Proceedings Article

Khalwatiyah Samman: Strategies for Strengthening Modality in the Patte’ne Maros Community of Sulawesi Selatan

Nurlela, Jumadi, Abdul Rahman
This study aims to map the influence of modality (economic, social, cultural, and symbolic) and analyze modalities strengthening strategies (biological investment strategy; successive; educational; invasion / economic capital; and symbolic investment) in the community adhering to the Khalwatiyah Samman...
Proceedings Article

Development of a Protection Model for Teachers as Professional Educators in the Indonesian Legal System

Hasnawi Haris, Herman
The current conditions of teacher protection indicate that the laws and regulations have not been able to protect teachers from the threat of criminal sanctions or neglect of their rights. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze and evaluate laws or regulations on teacher and student protection. This study...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Satisfaction Relationship Model and Customer Loyalty in Marketing Smartphone Brand X

Minto Waluyo, Nur Rahmawati, Kinanti Resmi Hayati, Mohammad Rachman Waluyo
Smartphone Brand X is one of the smartphone brands from China which in the third quarter of 2019 had the second largest market share in Indonesia and it surprised competitors and consumers. The researcher made a model to measure customer satisfaction and loyalty towards users of the Brand X Smartphone...
Proceedings Article

Sensitivity Analysis of Consumer Response Towards Lni Extension of Sampoerna Products With Hoe and CSI Approaches

Olivia Cindy Pramita, Minto Waluyo
X Cigarette is the result of lini extension by PT. HM Sampoerna Tbk of old products, namely XA. This extension must be affected the consumer. The consumer or even the market would give their interest, trust or probably purchase for XA cigarette. This research is intended to know how sensitive will the...
Proceedings Article

The Development of Smart Travel Guide Application in Madura Tourism

A Jauhari, F A Mufarroha, Moch Rofi’, Muhammad Fikri Nasrullah, Fitriyah, Khoirun Nisa
The development of technology experienced very rapid growth. One of the benefits of this is the use of smart phones that are widely used by the public in making it easier to carry out daily activities. the purpose of our research is to promote tourism to the outside world by utilizing smart cellphones...
Proceedings Article

Business Process Improvement Using Business Process Modelling Notation (BPMN) at Fika Crispy Mushroom

Y D P Negara, A F Doni
Nobody has sold or produced crispy mushrooms in the Tanjung Bumi region. For this reason, the producer wants to produce crispy mushrooms because the making or processing is quite easy and here the production does not only sell crispy mushrooms (finished goods), the production also sells oyster mushrooms...
Proceedings Article

Village Fund Allocation Management in Kapala Pitu District, North Toraja Regency

Risma Niswaty, Andi Cudai Nur, Hasni, Diaz Rency Sesa
Management is an activity carried out by moving people or workers to do a job. Allocation of village funds is part of village finances obtained from regional tax revenue sharing and part of the central and regional financial balancing funds received by districts for villages at least 10% (ten percent)....
Proceedings Article

Techniques of Motivation, Compensation, and Leadership on Employee’s Performance

Evi Husniati Sya’idah, Tontowi Jauhari, Nindi Vaulia, Jatmiko
For the sake of the company, managing employees is not easy since it involves various elements, such as employee, leader, stakeholder, and system of the company. It is the domestic vendor of the motorcycle spare part, PT. Zunagawa must be faced so many issues related to human resources and its management....
Proceedings Article

Implementation of Total Quality Management at UPT Nganjuk Children’s Social Services, Indonesia

Ariadi Santoso, Kartika Yuliari, Priyo Prasetyo, Sudjiono
Orphanages at UPT Nganjuk Children’s Social Services are established with the aim of nurturing, guiding, directing, giving love, and meeting the needs of underprivileged children. The study entitled “ Implementation of Total Quality Management at UPT Nganjuk Children’s Social Services, Indonesia” is...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Security and Trust on Online Purchasing Decisions at Shopee by Kadiri University Students

Ariadi Santoso, Kartika Yuliari, Priyo Priyantoro, Sudjiono
The development of technology was very fast, it can be felt in various fields ranging from transportation and electronic communication. Therefore, people’s lifestyles today are changing. one of the changes that occur is a change in how to shop from offline to online. Now shopping can be done online through...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Marketing Mix 4P Towards Marketing Product Performance Of Tenun Ikat Small Industry In Bandar Kediri

Ana Komari, Lolyka Dewi Indrasari, Affif Yudha Tri Pariyanto, Heribertus Budi Santoso
Customers’ needs are increasing, and there is make more competition with similar products. In this case, it can bead dressed in marketing concept, it means a business must has a strategy to achieve objectives and provide satisfaction customers and provide of the results form of salaries to business developers....