Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Research in Social Sciences and Humanities (ICoRSH 2020)
156 articles
Proceedings Article
Categories and Roles of Non-Governmental Organizations for Strengthening Public Participation in Malang Municipality
Budhy Prianto, Dwi Suharnoko
This study aims to describe the role of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in strengthening public participation in Malang Municipality. The research sample was determined purposively from 18 functional NGOs. The data were obtained through interviews and documentation, and the analysis was carried...
Proceedings Article
How Function of Financial Management to Maximizing LQ45’s Company Value Listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange
Dewi Nari Ratih Permada
Financial management helps managers in managing company finances with various existing theories combined with the conditions and needs of the company in achieving the goals and targets set. This study aims to make people aware of the role of financial management in making important decisions, namely...
Proceedings Article
Role of Bank Waste Towards Increase in Income of Customers of Bank Waste in Pondok Pinang, Selatan Jakarta
Dila Angraini, Dea Annisa, Tri Utami
The increase in population has resulted in the city of Jakarta being hit by a waste problem which continues to increase every day. A waste bank is a solution to reduce the existing waste problem, because a waste bank is an environmentally friendly waste management that is carried out by recycling waste...
Proceedings Article
The Analysis of Covid-19 Effect on Life Insurance in Indonesia
Dyah Puspitasari Sunaryo Putri
This study aims to analyze the effect of Covid-19 on the conventional life insurance industry in Indonesia. This used quantitative research methodology by comparing data on premium income, total net premium income, comprehensive income statement 6 months before the pandemic (July 2019 - December 2019)...
Proceedings Article
The Efforts of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government to Meet the Two Percent Quota of Workers with Disabilities in DKI Jakarta Province
Endang Kustini, Rini Dianti Fauzi, Rahmi Hermawati, Rima Handayani, Eni Puji Astuti
This study aims to determine: (1) the efforts made by the Provincial Government of DKI Jakarta to meet the two percent quota of workers with disabilities in the DKI Jakarta provincial government, especially State Civil Servants (ASN), (2) the obstacles faced in fulfilling quota two percent of workers...
Proceedings Article
Improvement and Rejuvenation of Traditional Markets Based on SWOT Analysis in the City of South Tangerang
Fahmi Susanti, Derizka Infa Jaswita, Nurwita, Iis Novianti, Gina Fauziah
The objective of the research is to analyze the appropriate strategy for improvement and rejuvenation of traditional markets in the city of South Tangerang. The study was constructed at Serpong tradional market, Jombang traditional market, Ciputat traditional market, Bintaro Sektor 2 traditional market....
Proceedings Article
Determinant of Economic Value of Beach Tourism Post Aceh Tsunami: An Approach on Travel Cost Method
Hakim Muttaqim, M. Rasyidin, M. Saleh, Sri Wahyuni
The beach as a place of tourism is an environment that does not have an explicit market value, in fact the economic value of tourism can have a major impact on the country’s economy. This study has two objectives, first to measure the economic value of tourism in the western part of Indonesia (Aceh Province)...
Proceedings Article
Developing Ecosystem Based Human Capital Department Roles: A Literature Review
Henndy Ginting, Veronica A. Khristiningrum, Aurik Gustomo
In the era of competitiveness and changes in economic, social, political, technological, and business issues, companies are forced to adapt in order to be competitive, survive and sustain themselves. The strategy of company in achieving performance leading to its competitive advantage has an impact on...
Proceedings Article
Electricity Consumption and Gross Regional Domestic Product Nexus in Kalimantan Selatan Province: Cointegration and Causality Analysis
Karina Shella Putri, Hafidz Noor Fikri
This paper examines the direction of the long-run and short-run causality between electricity consumption and real GRDP in South Kalimantan Province. The time series used in testing is annual data from 2000 to 2018. The analysis of cointegration shows that electricity consumption and GRDP do not have...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of the Effect of Asean 4 Stock Exchange, Japan and China to the Indonesian Stock Exchange in the Period of 2009- 2019 Using Vector Error Correction Model (Vecm) Method
Nuryunianto, Adriana Syariefur Rakhmat
The form of economic integration between countries can be established through cooperation between countries. Economic integration can have an impact on both domestic and regional capital markets. This study aims to determine and analyze the influence of the capital markets of ASEAN countries, Japan and...
Proceedings Article
Inclusive University Management with Technology Basis: A Case Study of Visual Impairment Students at Information Technology Study in University of Pamulang (UNPAM)
Retno Wulansari, Hamsinah Baharuddin
This study focuses on inclusive university management with technology basis. A case study of visual impairment students at Information Technology study in University of Pamulang (UNPAM). They’ve equal opportunity to study at higher education. No one of them graduated from IT study program in Indonesia....
Proceedings Article
How Covid-19 Pandemic Affects Technology, Relational & Compliance on MSMEs Performance in Indonesia
Riyan Harbi Valdiansyah, Meidijati, Dian Widiyati, Faransyah Agung Jaya
The COVID-19 pandemic started on December 2019 and impacted the global economy including Indonesia. Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is one of the aspects to measures country’s economic growth. Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) revenue contribute 60% of Indonesia’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP)....
Proceedings Article
Optimizing Zakah Collection for Business Investment as a Social Security
Review of Law Number. 23 of 2011, Concerning Zakah Management
Amin Songgirin, Rizky Dwi Pradana
The term zakah in the al-Qur’ān shows two meanings, obligatory zakah and zakah sunnah. Both are part of (collective) social assets, both in terms of collection and management. Compulsory assets are the third pillar of Islam, every Muslim must carry out the number of assets that have reached the minimum...
Proceedings Article
An Analysis and Evaluation of the System Application by Data of Modern Beverage in Tangerang Selatan City
Rahmayanti Tumanggor, Wiyanto, Sugeng Widodo, Nurdinni Tilova, Vega Anismadiyah
The aims of this study is to determine how much the effect and the utilization of using the implementation of application system “by data” to increase in sales of modern beverage. Hopefully the application system “by data” can help the entrepreneurs of modern beverage in develop their business in order...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of the Influence of Character Education and Social Status on Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Culture at the Pamulang University
Rahmi Hermawati, Rima Handayani, Eni Puji Astuti, Endang Kustini, Rini Dianti Fauzi
The purpose of this study is to find out the influence of character education and social status on the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Culture at the Pamulang University. This research is a causal quantitative research (cause of effect by processing number of data) using the method of surveying...
Proceedings Article
The Impact of Covid-19 on the Economy Sector in Asia Pacific
Risky Novialdi, Sri Murniyanti, Zahraini, Surya Darni, Muhammad Achdan Tharis
This paper discusses the impact caused by the plague that spread from Wuhan, China to the entire world including the Asia Pacific Region and damages the global economic sector. There are 2 economic sectors that suffered heavy losses, first is trade and second tourism. Interdependence between countries...
Proceedings Article
The Affect of Students’ Perceptions About Return, Risk and Operational Supervision on Student Investment Intentions in Agriculture
Ryan Elfahmi, Herry Suherman, Dewi Nari Ratih Permada, Dijan Mardiati, Rita Satria
This study aims to predict student investment intentions in agriculture. The questions in this study are whether students’ perceptions of return affect student investment intentions in agriculture, whether students’ perceptions of risk affect student investment intentions in agriculture and whether students’...
Proceedings Article
Empowerment Strategy of Persons with Disabilities in The Province of Nusa Tenggara Barat (NTB) In Order to Improve Welfare
Siti Aesah, Nurismalatri, Andra Ade Riyanto, Krida Puji Rahayu, Rosita Khaerina
People with disabilities in Nusa Tenggara Barat (NTB) Province are not yet prosperous, as evidenced by the 26,520 people with disabilities in Nusa Tenggara Barat Province, only 12,411 with disabilities have received assistance from the Social Service. The formulation of the problem in this research is...
Proceedings Article
Validity of Economic Based on Mind Mapping Module Development for SMA Class X Students
Syafaatul Hidayati, Badrus Sholeh, Nasmal Hamda, Sri Rahayu, Fanni Erda Tasia
The module is one of the learning media that can make students master and achieve learning goals. The broad learning material in the module will be more difficult for students to understand. Therefore, it is imperative that the material be constructed into an idea in the form of mind mapping. Economic...
Proceedings Article
Understanding of Tax & Religiosity to Tax Fraud
Wiwit Irawati, Amaliyah, Samiha Zimah, Harry Barli, Luh Nadi
This study aims to test and prove the effect of understanding taxation and religiosity on tax fraud. The background is that the tax revenue target has not been achieved even though the number of taxpayers shows an increase. The independent variable used in this study is Tax Understanding and Religiosity,...
Proceedings Article
Code Switching and Code Mixing Done by Teachers at Elementary School of Garut
Yennie Indriati Widyaningsih, Rohani, Abdul Hakim
The aims of this study is to determine whether or not there is code switching and code mixing that were done by the teachers in elementary school in Garut, while they are teaching or communicating with their students, describing the forms of code switching and code mixing, and the factors that cause...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of Project Manager Involvement in Project Implementation Planning Viewed from the Field of Knowledge Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK)
Alfandi, Brian
Incorrect planning is the main reason for project failure, whereas good planning can increase the likelihood of project success. For that, we have to identify the involvement of the project manager in construction planning through the intensity of his efforts in Project Management Body of Knowledge areas....
Proceedings Article
The Effects of Age, Education, and Knowledge About Online Job Websites Towards Employment in South Tangerang Indonesia
Arif Surahman, Aidil Amin Effendy
Youth unemployment is a problem that many countries around the world are facing. This Research gathers 96 respondent questionnaires to enquire the effects of age, education and knowldge towards employment in South Tangerang Indonesia. The results are that knowledge about online job websites has significant...
Proceedings Article
Study of Indonesia Exports with The Gravity Model Approach, 2001 - 2018
Dionisius Anindito Leksono, Rogatianus Maryatmo
This study aims to examine the effect of GDP per capita, population, geographical distance, to Indonesia’s exports. The data used in this study are annual data with a period of observation from 2001 to 2018. The study was conducted on 20 trading partner countries of Indonesia. The analytical tool used...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of the Effectiveness of Village Funds in Independent Village Development Efforts
Study at Cidokom Village, Gunung Sindur, Bogor Regency
Gunartin, Denok Sunarsi, Paeno, Ali Maddinsyah, Lily Setyawati Kristianti
The purpose of this study is to describe the results of the analysis of the effectiveness of village funds in an effort to develop an independent village, with the aim of multiplying the use of village funds for village development to be carried out optimally and on target so that the purpose of using...
Proceedings Article
Community Based Disaster Alert Village Innovation in Tanjung Jaya Village, Kecamatan Panimbang, Pandeglang District, Banten Province
Hadi Supratikta, Umi Rusilowati, Dayat Hidayat
Community based disaster alert village is a village whose inhabitants have the readiness of resources and the ability as well as the willingness to prevent and overcome disaster problems and emergency situations independently. The research method uses qualitative case study-based data sources, namely:...
Proceedings Article
Strategic Planning of Digital Fabrication Laboratories in the Field of Information System Using Togaf 9.2
Lila Setiyani, Yudiana, Femmy Effendy
This study aims to compile the architecture of digital fabrication laboratories in the field of information systems that are effective and efficient in the knowledge conversion process, which includes the socialization process (tacit to tacit), externalization (tacit to explicit), combination (explicit...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure on Firm Value with Profitability as a Moderating Variables
Lisa Kustina, Nurul Wahidatul Rizka
Indonesia’s business economy, which is growing from day to day, has made corporate competition tighter. As a result, it creates social inequality and environmental damage in people’s lives due to uncontrolled company activities aimed at increasing the company’s value and profit. Therefore, currently,...
Proceedings Article
The Influence of Job Satisfaction, Work Motivation and Job Loyalty on Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) at Pt Unichem Indonesia
Retno Purwani Setyaningrum, Nining Yuningsih, Putri Aprillian
This research is motivated by competition in the business world which is currently increasing, that results in each company required to prepare itself to have a higher competitive advantage - which means that the company has more value to be able to compete with other companies. The problem in this research...
Proceedings Article
Security and Privacy, Perceived Usefulness, Perceived Ease of Use Against Annual SPT Reporting Through E-Filling in Tangerang Selatan Regency, Banten
Syafrizal, Shinta Ningtyas Nazar, Rosita Wulandari, Ali Mubarok
This tax revenue plays a very important role in the welfare of society in Indonesia. Indonesia itself is a system in taxation, where taxpayers calculate, deposit, and report their own taxes to the Tax Service Office (KPP) where taxpayers are registered. Therefore, the results of tax collection in our...
Proceedings Article
Handling Public Complaint in Semarang City: Why and How?
The purpose of this study is to describing why established a center for handling public complaint in Semarang city, how is the conceptual and factual model handling complaint in Semarang city. Qualitative descriptive method is used in this research. Data collected from relevant sources were presented,...
Proceedings Article
The Role of Democracy Volunteers in Increasing Community Participation in the 2019 Election at the KPU, Tangerang City
Ahmad Nazir, Iman Lubis, Achmad Nur Sholeh
The purpose of this study was to determine and describe the role of democratic volunteers in increasing the participation of the public (voters) in the 2019 simultaneous elections at Tangerang City KPU. The method used in this research is descriptive method with a qualitative approach. Descriptive Method...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Go-pay and Ovo Promotion on Online Transportation Application User Decisions
Case Study in Management Program
Intan Sari Budhiarjo, Hadijah Febriana, Wirawan Suryanto, Jeni Irnawati, Sam Cay
Go-pay and Ovo are features of electronic money payment services provided in the Gojek and Grab applications that come as a solution for city people in terms of payments that have high mobility, time constraints, and high needs. The purpose of this research is to find out and measure how Go-pay and Ovo...
Proceedings Article
Millennial’s Perception: The Effect of Leadership Style on Employees’ Work Ethics at Bogor City Government
Nurdinni Tilova, Vidya Amalia Rismanti, Vega Anismadiyah
The aims of this study are gathered millennial generation perspectives to examine the general work ethics of millennial generation in the City Government of Bogor - West Java and expand to explore the relationship between their perceptions about their leaders and their work ethic. The leadership style...
Proceedings Article
Measuring Alternative Sources of Liquidity for Grameen-Based IMFI
R. Mohd Zamzami, Fiqih Afriadi
The purpose of this research is to compile and measure various alternative sources of liquidity assistance that can provide solutions to the liquidity problems of the Grameen-based KSPPS. To describe the problems of the Grameen-based KSPPS liquidity policy, the researcher used the ANP- BOCR research...
Proceedings Article
The Effects of Financial Inclusions and Customer Satisfaction on Influencing Shift to the Bank Customer Towards Financial Lending Transactions
Rudy Bodewyn Mangasa Tua, Arif Surahman
Financial technology has caused a shift of customers from bank to online financial lending. This research used multinomial regression to enquire the effects that financial inclusions and customer service has on the customer shift towards online financial lending company. The results inferred that the...
Proceedings Article
E-Commerce Marketing Strategy Through Brand Community to Increase Sales (Case Study of South Tangerang MSMES)
Sam Cay, Jeni Irnawati, Hadijah Febriana, Intan Sari Budhiarjo
The purpose of this study was to determine the appropriate marketing strategy to increase sales volume at MSME South Tangerang (Tangsel), to find out which Brand Community could improve purchasing decisions at MSME South Tangerang and to find out marketing strategies and Brand Community that could increase...
Proceedings Article
Reality of Lecturers’ Performance, What’s Next?
Wahyudi, Moh Sutoro, Mukrodi
The education substance is making good generation, but what we see today? Yes, the answer is to provide quality education. So the question is, who is responsible? Yes, teacher or lecturer. The common thread has been found, so it is the responsibility of educational institutions to find and foster lecturers....
Proceedings Article
The Influence of Visionary Leadership Style, Competency and Working Discipline on Teacher Performance: A Study at Muhammadiyah Setiabudi Pamulang College
Ading Sunarto, Asridah Warni Tanjung, Nindie Ellesia
The purpose of conducting this study was to determine and analyze the influence of the Principal’s Visionary Leadership Style, Competence and Work Discipline on Teacher Performance at Perguruan Muhammadiyah Setiabudi Pamulang. The method used in this research is descriptive method with a quantitative...
Proceedings Article
Evaluation of the Implementation of the PPh 25 Scheme on Taxpayers of Certain Personal Enterprises in According to Government Regulation Number 23 of 2018 in Efforts to Improve Tax Compliance at MSMEs in South Tangerang
Budy Setyawan, Sukarno
According to the Directorate General of Taxes (Directorate General of Taxes), the Ministry of Finance stated that up to now, there are only a few Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) registered as taxpayers. There are at least 1.8 million taxpayers of MSMEs registered until 2019 (Movanita, 2019)....
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Return on Assets and Current Ratio on Debt to Equity Ratio at PT Duta Anggada Realty 2008 – 2017
Hestu Nugroho Warasto, Janudin, Iskandar Zulkarnain, Ibnu Sina, Reni Hinriari
This study aims to determine the effect of Return on Assets and Current Ratio on Debt to Equity Ratio at PT Duta Anggada Realty. The method used is explanatory research. Regression testing, correlation, determination and hypothesis testing are techniques used for statistical analysis. The results of...
Proceedings Article
The Influence of Online Game and Social Media on the Achievement of Students of Management Study Program of Faculty of Economics, Pamulang University
Ibrahim Bali Pamungkas, Alvin Praditya, Laura Komala, Arief Budiyanto, Wahyu Andri Wibowo
The background of this research is based on the large number of students who become addicts to online games and social media, especially the students of Pamulang University level I. Today many students ignore the assignment of lecturers just to play online games. The reason is also very diverse such...
Proceedings Article
PT Elnusa Tbk Community Relations’ Communication Strategy in Providing Socialization of Seismic Survey Activities to the Community: A Case Study in Musi-Banyuasin Regency, South Sumatera
Katry Anggraini, Nur Rachmah Wahidah, Unik Desthiani
The socialization of the seismic survey activities conducted by the Community Relations of PT Elnusa Tbk, the Geoscience Reservoar Services division, is aimed at stakeholders, especially residents whose land is crossed by seismic activities. Socialization is carried out to provide information to stakeholders...
Proceedings Article
Strategy for Improving the Quality of Human Resources to Improve the Performance of Small and Medium Enterprises in Kepulauan Seribu, North Jakarta
Yhonanda Harsono, Otto Fajarianto
The aim of this research is to determine that improving the quality of human resources can improve the performance of Small and Medium Enterprises (UKM) in the Seribu Islands community and to formulate quality human resources in order to improve the performance of Small and Medium Enterprises (UKM) in...
Proceedings Article
Between Local Languages, Indonesian, and English: What Language Do EFL students in Indonesia Really Use Daily?
Asep Suparman, Amir Hamzah, Rajji K. Adireja, Eva D. Sofyawati, Nizar A. Hamdani
Growing up in multilingual settings, Indonesian EFL learners are blessed with their linguistic richness. However, being multilingual foreign language learners sometimes entails having limited time of using the target language. This paper portrays daily language use by Indonesian EFL students. Research...
Proceedings Article
Implementation of Parenting Style in Pertiwi Bireuen Kindergarten by Socialization Approach for Working Parents to Understand the Development of Early Children
Berliantika Putri Aswir, Rudy Juli Saputra, Muhammad Kharizmi
Parenting programs are informal activity carried out to harmonize childcare and educational children activities in playgroups or at home. Through good parenting, it is hoped that children with good personalities can develop. This approach of socialization aims to analyze the implementation of parenting...
Proceedings Article
Augmented Reality Based Synectic Model Application Designing with the Objectives to Overcome the Constraints of Development of Story Fact in Learning to Write Short Story
Deasy Aditya Damayanti, Lina Siti Nurwahidah, Agus Hamdani, Abdul Hasim
A Short story is a miniature of people’s experience while the characters, plot, and setting aimed to record imaginative events from it (Stanton, 2017). When making up story ideas, students have problems in developing story facts such as plot, characters, and settings (Sayuti, 2006: 1). This barrier resulted...
Proceedings Article
The Implementation of Student-centered Learning Program on Basic Concept of Early Childhood Education Class for the First Semester Students of Early Childhood Education Department of Al Muslim University Bireun Aceh
Fauziatul Halim, Hambali
This research was conducted by using the Student-Centered Learning (SCL) activity program carried out to the first semester students of academic year 2019/2020 with a background of learning problems from Konsep Dasar PAUD class. The results of adaptation and evaluation at the last odd semester meeting...
Proceedings Article
The Paradox of Dayah’s Education Systems, Social Change and Use of Technology: A Case Study on Dayah in Bireuen, Aceh-Indonesia
Najmuddin, Fauzi
In this technological era, the social-technological behavior changes how a society conducts their daily life. Technology is used in the aspects of politics, economics, cultures, further in education system. Although the use of technology in education dynamically develops, not all education institutions...
Proceedings Article
Digital Storytelling in Exploring Ideational Meanings of Narrative Genre (SFL Genre-Based Approach)
Yustika Nur Fajriah, Nizar Alam Hamdani, Anne Ratna Suminar, Lucky Rahayu Nurjamin, Muhamad Taufik Hidayat
Digital Storytelling is not newly discussed by scholars in EFL teaching contexts. However, studies focusing on how Digital Story is employed to develop literacy in ‘meaning-making’ the text among students are still very few. Thus, this study is an endeavor to investigate how Digital Storytelling is carried...
Proceedings Article
The Application of Phonic Methods in Learning of Reading for Early Children
Zoni Sulaiman, Ari Kartini, Cecep Dudung Jualnto, Umi Kulsum, Zainah Asmaniah
Reading is a receptive language skill. These skills must be introduced to children from an early age so that children enjoy reading activities. Teachers or parents must understand the preferred methods and can be easily followed by children. Therefore, researchers will try phonic methods for learning...
Proceedings Article
Increasing Ecological Intelligence for students in Primary School Through the Kang Pisman Program
Eldi Mulyana, Tetep, Triani Widyanti, Asep Supriyatna
The purpose of this study was to determine the increase in ecological intelligence of students in elementary schools through the Kang Pisman Program. The research method used is descriptive qualitative with data collection techniques through observation and interviews. The research subjects were divided...
Proceedings Article
Efforts to Build Student Character Through Revitalizing the Role of Citizenship Education Teachers
Jamilah, Fatiar Muslim, Prima Melati
In this paper we develop joint replenishment strategies, namely direct and indirect grouping to find the optimal solution for a multi-item probabilistic inventory problem. Basically, direct grouping is a strategy to group items according to a predetermined ratio of holding cost and minor ordering cost....
Proceedings Article
Lesson Study Approach to Improve Skills Students’ Critical Thinking in Heat Subjects
Marnita, M. Tauifiq, Nanda Safarati, Asmaul Wardah
Science, one of which is physics, is a subject that is always encountered in everyday life. Learning science should be able to provide direct experience for students to develop competencies and potential that exist in students, especially high-level thinking skills such as critical thinking skills.High-level...
Proceedings Article
The Utilization of E-Learning in Order to Improve Students Learning Outcomes on Indonesian Economic Lessons at Economic Education Department, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, University of Almuslim
Marwan Hamid, Yenni Agustina, Mira Chairani
Imprecise application of learning models will affect the student results when the assessment was conducted, many students obtain scores below the completeness criteria that has been arranged. This is because the students are not interested with the studies that are taking place. Hence, the lecturer are...
Proceedings Article
Implementation of School-Based Quality Improvement and Plan Management in SDIT Al-Ihsan Baleendah and SDIT Persis Ciganitri
Neni Nadiroti Muslihah, Ejen Jenal Mutaqin, Alamsyah Nurseha, Nizar Alam Hamdani
This study aims to develop and improve management quality that results in quality improvement of education. This can be set up from: 1) implementing values of school-based management of improvement plan and quality in primary school, 2) the roles and functions of school committee in primary school, 3)...
Proceedings Article
The Influence of the AMONG System-based Mathematics Learning Model Towards the Students’ Ability in Learning Independence at Elementary School Students
Novianti, Wiwin Apriani, Siti Khaulah
The study aimed whether there was significant effect on the students independent learning ability by using the Amora mathematics learning model based on KI Hadjar Dewantara Among system and by usingconventional learning models. A quantitative approach applied in this study with true experimental research...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Using Entrepreneurship Towards Project-Based Learning Module for Student’s Learning Outcome
Purwati Yuni Rahayu, Kusworo, Rusmaini, Soffi Soffiatun
This study aims to determine the effect of using entrepreneurship towards project-based learning (PJBL) module on student’s of the economic education study program at the Teacher Training and Education Faculty of Pamulang University. This study used a quantitative approach to the experimental method...
Proceedings Article
Student Worksheet Based Model of Project Based Learning in Accounting Major of Vocational High School
Rusmaini, Soffi Soffiatun, Purwati Yuni Rahayu, Kusworo, Ade Holisoh
This study aims to determine: 1) The difference in student learning outcomes taught by the cooperative learning model project based learning type with conventional learning models, 2) The difference between student learning outcomes taught with the help of student worksheets is higher than the learning...
Proceedings Article
Cooperation Skills Based on Students’ Perceptions Through Integration of the Group Discussion and Group Project Method
Tetep, Ai Rini Murdiati, Eldi Mulyana, Triani Widyanti
The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of the integration of the Group Discussion and Group Project method to improve cooperation skills based on students’ perceptions of social studies learning in primary schools. Collecting data through an instrument in the form of a questionnaire...
Proceedings Article
The Concept of Parenting Pattern to Establish Children’s Moral in Family
Zahriyanti, Iskandar
Islam has taught us many things about healthy parenting pattern, and in accordance with the life guidance of the Prophet. In fact, parenting pattern in the view of Islam is an intact part from the attitudes and treatment of parents towards young children in nurturing, educating, fostering, familiarizing,...
Proceedings Article
Empowering Speaking Skill Through Microsoft Office 365 as a Learning Medium During a Pandemic Covid 19
Zuraini, Misnawati, Eli Nofriati
The primary research purpose was empowering the students ability in speaking in pandemic covid 19 era. Speaking is the skill used in daily life communication in the classroom or daring (online). The teaching and learning process in Pandemic Covid 19 many students passive in teaching and learning process...
Proceedings Article
Bridging Multicultural Characteristics in Virtual Team: A Systematic Literature Review
Anggara Wisesa, Daniel Karim, Aurik Gustomo
Globalization has improved technological advancement in communication and information sharing. This drives market growth into digital settings that goes beyond geographical restriction. In order to survive the competition, organization should adapt by managing their business process virtually. This situation...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Kahoot! and Screen Recording Videos on Students’ Grammar Achievement During Covid-19 Outbreak
Haryati, Lisa Suhayati, Diyah Iis Andriani, Latifah
Technological innovations have created a lot of digital tools to engage teachers and students in teaching and learning process, especially when the world is suffering from Covid-19 Pandemic. They generally provide the beneficial effects on practitioners and students. The purpose of this study was to...
Proceedings Article
Classical Literature Study, Folklore, Legend of “Batuwangi” through the Historical-Comparative Approach
Iin Indriyani, Zoni Sulaiman, Ardi Mulyana, Dodi Misbah
Fairy tales are included in classical literature. Fairy tales are one of the cultural heritages of Indonesian society. Every region in Indonesia usually has its own uniqueness in the richness of local culture, one of which is folklore. The existence of fairy tales in society is usually passed down from...
Proceedings Article
The Mimesis of Laki-Laki yang Kawin dengan Babi Created by Zainal
Misbah Priagung Nursalim, Eris Risnawati, Nasrul, Ulfah Julianti, Suyatno
Literature as a fiction of the real world cannot be separated from daily human behavior. Literature seems to be a record of social behavior in written form. The research purpose is to discuss about the mimesis which contained on Lelaki yang Kawin dengan Babi short story created by Zainal. Researcher...
Proceedings Article
Moral and Theological Values in a Literary Work: The Novel Robohnya Surau Kami by A.A. Navis
Moh. Ramdon, Dede Fatinova, Ratna Juwitasari Emha, Natalia Endah, Yuli Iskandari
Non-fiction literary works that enhance morality, or called educative works, use rationality in its analysis so that it can arouse the character become a hard worker, persevering, efficient, and others. Through the meaning of these non-fiction literary works, any moral values do not need to be shown...
Proceedings Article
Conflict Ahlussunnah Wal Jamaah Versus As-Sunnah in Aceh
Case Study of the Politics of Religious Identity in the Burning of the At-Taqwa Muhammadiyah Mosque in Samalanga, Bireuen-Aceh Province
Nirzalin, Fakhrurrazi, Yogi Febriandi, Rizki Yunanda
This article examines the root causes of conflict and understanding why conflicts between followers of Ahlussunnah Wal jamaah (The splinter of the Islamic group of dayah) and As-Sunnah (The Islamic Group of Muhammadiyah) in Samalanga, Aceh end in violence. Based on ethnographic studies through data collection...
Proceedings Article
Representation of Social Criticism of Indonesian People’s Life Phenomena through Comic Strip: A Semiotic Approach
Tri Pujiati, Seli Nirwani, Yasir Mubarok, Sugiyo, Ajimat
This research specifically investigates social criticism that occurs in the Indonesian people’s lives, conveyed by comic artists through comic stories. Understanding related to social criticism contained in a comic cannot be understood directly but it can be understood through a semiotic study, namely,...
Proceedings Article
The Effectiveness Utilization of Electronic Tax Filing in Kantor Pelayanan Pajak (Kpp) Pratama Jakarta Pluit, North Jakarta
Baharuddin Saga, Wizanasari
Tax is the largest source of state revenue that this nation needs to be included for securing and controlling, thus its processes are protected from various leaks and achievements. The research provides the results of qualitative study about the Implementation of Electronic Tax Reports by registered...
Proceedings Article
Bullying Risk Based on Victim’s Narcissism Status
Ichwani Siti Utami, Yulita Puji Lestari, Aeng Muhidin
This research uses an exploratory method to determine status updates on Facebook as a form of victim behavior that can pose a risk of bullying. The research samples involved 50 students in the PPKn S1 Study Program. The research focused on the tendency of victim behavior and bullying. This study explores...
Proceedings Article
Role of TPST in Waste Management (TPST Study in Pamulang Sub-District Area of Banten Province)
Mahnun Mas’adi, Aria Aji Priyanto, Ahmad Nurhadi
The purpose of this research is to find out the role of TPST and TPST strategy in waste management in Pamulang Sub-District area, South Tangerang and to describe waste management and what factors support and hinder the application of waste management. This research method uses qualitative methods, namely...
Proceedings Article
Understanding the Ideology of Demonstration Discourse on the Text Media: Critical Discourse Analysis
Ninah Hasanah, Zoni Sulaiman, Didin Sahidin, Arief Loekman
Student demonstrations expressed the rejection of a policy that is seen an unfair action. In order to know whether student demonstrations are considered anarchist, the news readers have to understand the ideology of a news discourse that is delivered by the media to influence the readers through attitudes,...
Proceedings Article
Mangrove Forest Tenure Conflicts: Institutional Approach to the Forest Management Unit Context in Aceh Province, Indonesia
OK H Syahputra, B Nugroho, H Kartodihardjo, N Santoso
Mangrove forests are shared natural resources that are always contested by many parties in their use. Forest resources are often a source of conflict involving various interested parties in these resources. Community claims that demand access to state forests often lead to social conflicts involving...
Proceedings Article
The Improvement of Service Quality for Passengers through the Development of Airport Facilities
Ristiani, Esti Nur Wakhidah, Dani Triwayudi, Amar Sadli
One dimension to see aspects or characteristics which describe the quality of an airport is the physical evidence of its facilities. The passenger terminal development becomes the analysis concept which later can be an evaluation whether this expansion truly shows the efforts of airport management to...
Proceedings Article
Fintech Regulations and Oversight of the Financial Services Authority in Indonesia
RR Dewi Anggraeni, Annissa Rezki
The company’s growth can be seen from the country’s economic growth. Many investors invest and provide access to technology for the smooth running and advancement of the company’s system, including in the field of Fintech. Although many illegal fintechs have been blocked by the Financial Services Authority...
Proceedings Article
Policy of the General Election Commission to Prohibit the Administrator (Functionary) of Political Party as Prospective Candidate of the Regional Representatives Council Member in the 2019 Election
Tohadi, Dian Eka Prastiwi, Reni Suryani, Frieda Fania
This study aims to describe: 1) What is the legal basis behind policy of the General Election Commission (KPU) in prohibiting the administrators (functionaries) of political parties as prospective candidates (balloons) for DPD members in the 2019 Election, and 2) how is the form and application of policy...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of the Implementation of Zahir Simply’s Financial Application in the Financial Statements of Smes in South Tangerang
Wardokhi, Herlambang
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the use of one of Zahir’s financial applications simply on the results of financial reports by Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) registered at the KUKM South Tangerang Cooperative Office with the type of SME business is Kuliner. In this research, the...
Proceedings Article
The Change of Parliamentary System Towards Presidentially System of the Government of Republic Indonesia
Yoyon Mulyana Darusman, Bambang Wiyono, Asip Suyadi
Reform movement in 1998 which was acted by high students and all element of society of Indonesia has been effecting to step down of the regime of new order which had governed more than 32 years. Its long period of the power of new order is based to the regulation on Article 6 (2) of the 1945 Constitution...
Proceedings Article
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) Behaviour from the Perspective of National Human Right and International Human Right
Anisa Fauziah, Fithry Khairiyati, Sugeng Samiyono
Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender behavior, or commonly known as LGBT, is a social phenomenon that is highlighted by many people at national and international levels. The problem is if the Indonesian people do not reach the same agreement on the position of LGBT people in this country for human...
Proceedings Article
Explore Young Urban Consumers’ Green Purchasing Behavior: Empirical Evidences from Vietnam
Nguyen Hoang Mai, Sandeep Poddar
Young urban consumers in Vietnam have recently expressed their concerns about the environment. Researchers have discussed some ideas about Vietnamese consumers in general. This paper lays foundations by focus on the group of young urban consumers and explore their behavior toward green purchasing, which...
Proceedings Article
Characteristic of Sexual Violence to the Victims in Karawang Regency, Indonesia
Ermaya Sari Bayu Ningsih, Handayani
Children is the most beautiful grace from the one God that we must protect, but they are susceptible of being victims of sexual violence, lots factors cause of children to a victim of sexual violence. There are still high cases of sexual violence in Indonesia and 50% of them are sexual violence against...
Proceedings Article
Legal Standing of Submission of Judicial Review on Criminal Judgements by Public Prosecutor in Establishing Justice of the Law
Guntarto Widodo, Sulis Setyowati, Hj. Nur Sa’adah
The paradigm of submitting a review of a criminal judgment does not reduce the steps of the Supreme Court to accept the submission of a review by the Public Prosecutor as in the judgment of the case of Joko S. Tjandra Number 12 PK/Pid.Sus/2009. This phenomenon is interesting to study related to the reality...
Proceedings Article
Evaluating the Policy and Program on Gender Mainstreaming Through the Role of Woman Farmer Group in Easi Pay Barsha Pump Program in Waingapu Sumba, Indonesia
Kadek Wiwik Indrayanti, Dewi Astutty Mochtar
Sumba is one of the driest area in Indonesia and it’s difficult for the people to get water during the dry season, as to get water, they have to travel as far as 3-7 Km. With the initiation of Barsha pump program in 2017 and 2019, the water problem can be solved. The objectives of this paper are to identify...
Proceedings Article
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) in Indonesia in the Perspective of Traditional Law and National Resilience
Kartono, Amin Songgirin, Rizky Dwi Pradana, H Muhammad Rezky Pahlawan, Henlia Peristiwi Rejeki, Iriyanti
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) enter a new chapter in this country. At least it can be said that they have found a place to disseminate and / or openly campaign that LGBT in Indonesia exists and exists even though they always carry a marginal status. They are, in variously massive ways,...
Proceedings Article
Employer Branding and Employee Retention: The Role of Mediating Employee Engagement
Muhamad Ekhsan, Yuan Badrianti, Nur Aeni
Employee retention is very important for the company’s survival. Good employee retention makes company stability and productivity better. Efforts in stabilization and productivity are influenced by how much employees are engaged. Employees who have high engagement will show loyalty and full involvement...
Proceedings Article
Role of Supervisory Judges and Observers to Create Achievement of Justice for the Convicts
Muhamad Rezky Pahlawan, Chessa Ario Jani Purnomo, Kartono, Amin Songgirin, Henlia Peristiwa Rejeki, Iriyanti
The Implementing criminal decisions by judges characterized by improvements in the legal status of the accused person to the convicted person and at the same time moving the court to the jail a judge must be granted a special duty to track the decision and observe (hereinafter kimwasmat). In addition,...
Proceedings Article
The Strengthening of Character in Boarding Schools Based Technology in Lhouksemawe, Northern Aceh Indonesia
Muhammad Iqbal, Muhammad Rizal, Jamaluddin Idris, Murniati, Ikhwani, Syarkawi, Najmuddin
This study examines Strengthening Character Education School Boarding School Based On Technology in the city of Lhokseumawe. The main object of this research focused on four boarding school that: 1. Dayah Tahfiidzul Qur’an Al-Markazul Islami atau Islamic Centre Boarding School, 2. Dayah Modern Yapena...
Proceedings Article
Validity of the Evidence of the Agreement Through Electronics Reviewed from Article 1866 Civil Code
Nur Sa’adah, Sri Endah Indriawati, Guntarto Widodo, Sulis Setyowati
The absence of a law that specifically regulates the agreement of users’ personal data via electronic has resulted in frequent legal problems, either involving problems of originality, authenticity, or evidencing. This writing focuses on legal problems, they are first, the validity of an agreement via...
Proceedings Article
Management of Criminal Cases Online Trials to Realize the Principles of Fast and Low Cost Justice System at the Tangerang District Court
Susanto, Muhamad Iqbal, Ali Maddinsyah
Covid-19 pandemic did not only affected the Indonesian economy but also another area of justice was also affected. The period of understanding of the defendant which is limited by regulations becomes a challenge for the court so that the trial continues without violating the law. This study aims to determine...
Proceedings Article
Method Care of Kangaroo for the Baby with Weight of Low Birth In Hospital X
Musmundiroh, Ike Woro Hastuti
Nationally, based on riskesdas (2019), the prevalence of low birth weight (LBW/BBLR) was 6.2%. Based on data at Hospital X, the number of LBW in 2017, 2018 and 2019 was 207 babies (10.1% died), 254 babies (7.9% died) and 301 babies (8% died) respectively. From January to March 2020 from 34 LBW babies,...
Proceedings Article
The Effectiveness of Dialkycarbamoylchloride and Silver Dressings on a Wound Healing Process in the Diabetic Food Ulcus Patients at the Health Service Centre in Bekasi City
Armi, Rita Dwi Pratiwi
Silver Dressings are dressings containing silver that can destroy the germ colony well. These dressings can keep the wound moist, so they can speed up reepithelialization by up to 40% compared to using antibiotics. DACC (dialkyl carbamoyl chloride) is a fatty acid derivative that has strong hydrophobic...
Proceedings Article
Drug Inventory Analyze in Pharmaceutical Warehouse at Parungpanjang’s Public Health Centre in 2019
Humaira Fadhilah, Gina Aulia, Denti Ria Boang Manalu, Nurwulan Adi Ismaya
This study aims to view the inventory drug in the pharmaceutical warehouse of Parungpanjang’s Public Health Centre in accordance with the Management Guidelines from the Directorate General of Pharmaceutical and Medical Devices Development of the Indonesian Ministry of Health in 2010. This is a descriptive...
Proceedings Article
The Correlation Between Personal Hygiene, Densely Polpulated Area, and Ventilation with the Occurrence of Scabies Symptom at Darul Hikmah Islamic Boarding School, Cisauk in 2020
Lela Kania Rahsa Puji, Melizsa, Nur Hasanah, Siska
Scabies disease is strongly affected by the clean and healthy behavior, especially the personal hygiene and bad sanitation can improve scabies infection. The maintenance of personal hygiene strongly determines the status of health, in which individual consciously and on their own initiative keep their...
Proceedings Article
Oupatient Satisfaction Analyze of Pharmacy Service in T Hospital, Bogor, West Java, March-April 2020
Nurwulan Adi Ismaya, Lela Kania Rahsa Puji, Rita Dwi Pratiwi, Fenita Purnama Sari Indah, Khairul Ikhsan
Pharmacy service is an unseparated part from the hospital service. The low quality service of pharmacy may decrease the quality of health service in Hospital. The most important factor to increase the service is by increasing the patient satisfaction. The high quality of patient satisfaction may increase...
Proceedings Article
Correlation Between the Level of Parents’ Knowledge and Management of Gadget Use in Pre-School Children in RW 03 Kedaung Village Ciputat
Rita Dwi Pratiwi, Gita Ayuningtyas, Larasati, Fenita Indah, Nurwulan Ismaya
The development of technology in Indonesia is always increasing rapidly, unconsciously, and has influenced the human life aspect. Technology, which is very popular in this modern age, is a gadget. The use of gadgets is limited not only by adults but also by teenagers, children even early-age children....
Proceedings Article
Relationship Work Ethic with Employee Performance PT. Logitech Saptanugraha South Jakarta
Tri Okta Ratnaningtyas, Fenita Purnama Sari Indah, Sheila Meitania, Utami, Adibatu Syarifah
Based on the preliminary study of the employees of PT. Logitech Saptanugraha through interviews, it was obtained an explanation that employees complete their duties only as limited as their responsibilities without paying attention to other aspects. This research is an observational analytic study with...
Proceedings Article
The Correlation Between Instagram Social Media and Self-Esteem in Adolescents of Grade Xii Culinary Art Department of State Vocational High School 2 Depok
Uswatun Hasanah, Rita Dwi Pratiwi, Holidah, Andini Restu Marsiwi, Ni Bodro Ardi, Yasa Nabillah
The development of technology in Indonesia is always increasing rapidly, unconsciously, and has influenced the human life aspect. Technology, which is very popular in this modern age, is a gadget. The use of gadgets is limited not only by adults but also by teenagers, children even early-age children....
Proceedings Article
Implementation of Childbirth Assistance by Independent Midwifery Practice During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Dewi Maritalia, Siti Rahmah, Anna Malia
Childbirth is one of the health services provided by the Independent Midwifery Practice (IMP) in addition to public health centre and hospitals. IMP providing pregnancy care as well as delivery assistance must be certified, licensed and apply the Normal Delivery Care procedure. Childbirth assistance...
Proceedings Article
The Analysis of Vitamin C in Peeled and Unpeeled Malang Apples Using Iodimetric Titration Method
Beny Maulana Satria, Lela Kania Rahsa Puji, Rita Dwi Pratiwi, Elva Dwilestari
Based on data The National Social Economic Survey, the average consumption of apples in the Indonesian population had an increase of 0.10% a year. Malang Apples contain of Vitamin C which is useful in the formation of intracellular collagen. Lack of vitamin C can cause cancer. This research aims to determine...