Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Research in Social Sciences and Humanities (ICoRSH 2020)
Assalamulaikum wr. Wb.
The ICOR-SH 2020 is in the general area of social sciences and humanities. It provides a forum for presenting and discussing the latest innovations, results and developments on Economics, Management, Education, Government Studies, International Relations, Law, Political Studies, Art & Linguistics, Religious Studies, Sociology, Psychology, Communication, Public Health, Health Administration, Nursing, Mildwifery, Hospitality and and other related topics. The main objective of this conference is to provide a forum for academia, scientist, industry, and researchers to present the result of their research activities in those fields above. The primary focus of the conference is to create an effective medium for institutions and industries to share ideas, innovations, and problem-solving techniques.
On behalf of the ICOR-SH 2020 organizers, we wish to extend our warm welcome and would like to thank for all keynote speakers, Reviewers, authors, and committees, for their effort, guidance, contribution and valuable support. Finally, thanks to all lecturers and staffs of the Institute of Research and Communty Service (LPPM) University of Pamulang and other parties that directly and indirectly make this event successful.
Wasalaamu ‘alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakaatuh.
Dr. Ali Maddinsyah, S.E., M.M
Conference chairperson
The ICOR-SH 2020 is in the general area of social sciences and humanities. It provides a forum for presenting and discussing the latest innovations, results and developments on Economics, Management, Education, Government Studies, International Relations, Law, Political Studies, Art & Linguistics, Religious Studies, Sociology, Psychology, Communication, Public Health, Health Administration, Nursing, Mildwifery, Hospitality and and other related topics. The main objective of this conference is to provide a forum for academia, scientist, industry, and researchers to present the result of their research activities in those fields above. The primary focus of the conference is to create an effective medium for institutions and industries to share ideas, innovations, and problem-solving techniques.
On behalf of the ICOR-SH 2020 organizers, we wish to extend our warm welcome and would like to thank for all keynote speakers, Reviewers, authors, and committees, for their effort, guidance, contribution and valuable support. Finally, thanks to all lecturers and staffs of the Institute of Research and Communty Service (LPPM) University of Pamulang and other parties that directly and indirectly make this event successful.
Wasalaamu ‘alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakaatuh.
Dr. Ali Maddinsyah, S.E., M.M
Conference chairperson