Proceedings of the International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Social Science (ICONETOS 2020)
374 authors
- Abdullah
- Removal of Cu and Pb from Wastewater Using Modified Natural Zeolite
- Abdullah
- Response to the Growth and Production of Soybeans (Glycine max L) to the Time of Giving Irrigated Water to Maintaining Soil Moisture
- Abdullah, Irwan
- Learning with Technology: New Experiences for Indonesian Children During COVID-19
- Abdullah, Irwan
- Interpretation of Historical Values of Sunan Kudus: Religious Moderation in Indonesian Islamic Boarding Schools
- Abdullah, Muhammad Wahyuddin
- The Service Excellent for Sharia Banking During Covid-19 Pandemic
- Abtokhi, Ahmad
- Eichornia Crassipes as Handicraft Materials and Energy Sources
- Abtokhi, Ahmad
- Learning Case Study in the Pandemic Covid-19: Learning Targets, Needs Analysis, Obstacles, and Solutions
- Adji, Waluyo Satrio
- Trend of Public Emotions on Social Media Towards Study at Home Policies
- Adji, Waluyo Satrio
- Oral Tradition of Pesantren as a Source of Studying IPS in MI / SD
- Agil, Idrus Muchsin Bin
- Application of Behavioristic Learning Theory in Learning “Ta’lim Afkar”
- Aini, Nur
- Removal of Cu and Pb from Wastewater Using Modified Natural Zeolite
- Aisyah, Esy Nur
- Risk Mitigation of Covid-19 Pandemic in Baitul Maal Wat Tamwil
- Akbar, Viska Ramardhani
- Seismic Risk Evaluation of Community Mosques in Southern Malang to Assess Their Suitability to Support Disaster Response
- Akmal, Nurul
- Students’ Ability to Generate Mathematical Concept Ideas Through Somatics, Auditory, Visual, and Intellectual Approach of Students (Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Negeri 6 North Aceh)
- Al-Fidyah, Ulin Farischa
- Improving the Students’ Learning Concentration Through Ice Breaking
- Ali, Nur
- Local Wisdom and Religious Moderation-Based Thematic Learning Management in Madrasah Ibtidaiyah, Malang City
- Almarzuqi, M. Fajar
- Education in Psychomotoric Aspect and Creative Development
- Amalia, Suci
- Toxicity Test of Column Chromatography Steroids Isolates from Ethyl Acetate Fraction of Hydrilla verticillata
- Aman, Akhlaq
- Evaluating the Properties of Bio-oil Modified Bitumen Derived from Cotton Stalk Waste
- Amelia, Rizki
- 21st Century Skills in Project Based Learning Integrated STEM on Science Subject: A Systematic Literature Review
- Amin, Saiful
- Implementation of the Active Learning Model Type of Role Reversal Question to Improve Student Learning Outcomes
- Amin, Saiful
- Oral Tradition of Pesantren as a Source of Studying IPS in MI / SD
- Aminah
- Response to the Growth and Production of Soybeans (Glycine max L) to the Time of Giving Irrigated Water to Maintaining Soil Moisture
- Aminah
- Response to State Stomata to the Use of Microbes as Potential Biofertilizers in the Rehabilitation of Cocoa Trees Without Logging
- Amran, Farizah Dhaifina
- Local Wisdom in Supporting Food Security of Coastal Agroecosystem
- Anar, Ashar Pajarungi
- The Content of Character Values in the First-Grade Elementary School Student Books on the Theme of Me
- Andriani, Iik
- Positive and Negative Emotions on Social Media During Stay at Home Phase
- Anggraini, Dian Mustika
- Teaching for Understanding Mathematics in Primary School
- Annisa, Bismi
- Implementation of EGA at the YLBMI Orphanage (Kampar District, Riau Province)
- Anshory, Abdul Muntaqim Al
- Technology-Based Arabic Calligraphy Learning in a New Era
- Ardhanariswari, Kartika Ayu
- How Does the Diffusion of Kampus Merdeka Innovation Work at the University?
- Ardhani, Lutfi
- Restructuring Policy of Shariah Financing Towards UMKM Affected by Covid-19: Maqashid Syariah Perspective
- Ardiansyah, Tedy
- Impact of Work Motivation on Lecturer Performance Through Job Satisfaction at LL2DIKTI Indonesia
- Arifah, Risma Nur
- Restructuring Policy of Shariah Financing Towards UMKM Affected by Covid-19: Maqashid Syariah Perspective
- Arifin, Samsul
- Strengthening Resilience of Sakinah Families in New Normal Adaption
- Astari, Lina Fitria
- The Combined Effect of Extract Seaweed and DHP on Placental Malaria
- Astuti, Yuliani Puji
- Application of the Intuitionistic Fuzzy Topsis in Determining Online Learning Platforms During the Covid-19 Pandemic
- Astutik, Suci
- The Bayesian Polynomial Regression Model Through INLA Using Gaussian Method with Empirical Bayesian, CCD and GRID Strategy
- Avitasari, Fidinda
- College Student Code of Ethics, For Whom? Measuring Campus Alignment with College Students
- Ayuningtyas, Wahdaniyah Azizah Putri
- Implementation of the Active Learning Model Type of Role Reversal Question to Improve Student Learning Outcomes
- Aziz, Roikhan Mochamad
- Reflexivity of Salat and Hahslm as Pre Design by God Into Religion and Science Due to Economics with Covid-19
- Azizah, Ika Nur
- Improving the Students’ Learning Concentration Through Ice Breaking
- Bachri, Syabbul
- Covid-19 in Indonesia
- Badruddin
- Delineating the Academic Atmosphere in Pandemic Era Through the Implementation of School from Home
- Bahar, Moh. Arsyad
- Seismic Risk Evaluation of Community Mosques in Southern Malang to Assess Their Suitability to Support Disaster Response
- Baharun, Mokhammad
- Strengthening Resilience of Sakinah Families in New Normal Adaption
- Bahri, Samsul
- Students’ Ability to Generate Mathematical Concept Ideas Through Somatics, Auditory, Visual, and Intellectual Approach of Students (Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Negeri 6 North Aceh)
- Bashith, Abdul
- Trend of Public Emotions on Social Media Towards Study at Home Policies
- Bashith, Abdul
- Oral Tradition of Pesantren as a Source of Studying IPS in MI / SD
- Bashori
- Distance Learning for New Students in the Era of Pandemic Coronavirus Disease (Covid-19): Implementation and Barriers
- Bisriyah, Maslihatul
- Brand Strategy in Higher Education; Before and During Pandemic COVID-19
- Boeriswati, Endry
- Impact of Work Motivation on Lecturer Performance Through Job Satisfaction at LL2DIKTI Indonesia
- Cahyadi, Ani
- Measuring E-Learning Readiness for Students of Islamic Senior High School at South Kalimantan
- Cahyadi, Husni
- Identification of Cavity Zone Under the Surface of the Badut Temple Foundation Using the GPR (Ground Penetrating Radar) Method
- Cahyaningrum, Dinar
- Utilization of Three Dimensional Printers as a Production Tool
- Choiruddin, Muhammad Nanang
- Analysis of the Impact of Financial Knowledge, Financial Attitudes and Personality on Financial Management Behaviors in Creative Industries
- Cholissodin, Imam
- Design Framework as a Prototype of Islamic Medicine Engine to any Disease Especially for Covid-19 Based Al-Qur’an and Hadith Using Meta-Deep AI and Particle Swarm Optimization
- Dwisulo, Bambang
- Losses Pipes in Sprinkler Irrigation Based IoT
- Ebtavanny, Tamara Gusti
- Design Framework as a Prototype of Islamic Medicine Engine to any Disease Especially for Covid-19 Based Al-Qur’an and Hadith Using Meta-Deep AI and Particle Swarm Optimization
- Ekowati, Vivin Maharani
- Employee Engagement: A Quantitative Review and Its Relationship with Job Satisfaction and Employee Performance
- Elvira, Melly
- Equating Test Instruments Using Anchor to Map Student Abilities Through the R Program Analysis
- Fahmi, Hisyam
- Effectiveness of Deep Learning Architecture for Pixel-Based Image Forgery Detection
- Faisal, Muhamad
- Dynamic Monitoring and Assessment for Digital Transformation in Higher Education
- Faizah, Maryam
- Brand Strategy in Higher Education; Before and During Pandemic COVID-19
- Fakhruddin
- Covid-19 in Indonesia
- Faridah, Siti
- The Utilization of E-Learning Platforms During the Covid-19 Pandemic
- Faridy, Faizatul
- The Role of Parents in Engaging Early Childhood to Implement 3R (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle)
- Fasya, A Ghanaim
- Toxicity Test of Column Chromatography Steroids Isolates from Ethyl Acetate Fraction of Hydrilla verticillata
- Fasya, A. Ghanaim
- Synthesis of Schiff Base Compounds from Vanillin and p-Aminoacetophenone Using Lime Juice as a Natural Acid Catalyst and Their Utilization as Corrosion Inhibitors
- Fathimah
- Alteration in the Levels of Neutrophils and Lymphocytes in Male Wistar Rats (Second-Hand Smoker) with Marigold Leaves (Cosmos caudatus Kunth.)
- Fatimah, Fitri
- Toxicity Test of Column Chromatography Steroids Isolates from Ethyl Acetate Fraction of Hydrilla verticillata
- Fattah, Abdul
- The Problem of Islamic Religious Education Learning Against Muslim Minority Students
- Fausi, Moh
- Identification of Cavity Zone Under the Surface of the Badut Temple Foundation Using the GPR (Ground Penetrating Radar) Method
- Fauziah, Melati
- Eichornia Crassipes as Handicraft Materials and Energy Sources
- Fauziyah, Fida Dinar
- Students’ Perceptions of Online Mathematics Learning and Its Relationship Towards Their Achievement
- Fauziyah, Nailul
- Improving the Students’ Learning Concentration Through Ice Breaking
- Fidhayanti, Dwi
- Restructuring Policy of Shariah Financing Towards UMKM Affected by Covid-19: Maqashid Syariah Perspective
- Firdaus, Achmad
- Interpersonal Metadiscourse Markers and Appraisal Portrayed in BBC’s Corona Virus News Report
- Fitrianah, Devi
- Analysis of Consumer Purchase Patterns on Handphone Accessories Sales Using FP-Growth Algorithm
- Fitriasari, Prilya Dewi
- Induction of Agarwood Formation by Lignocellulolytic Bacteria
- Fridiyanto
- Scientific Muslims versus Anti-Science Muslims
- Furaida, Asni
- Government and Non-Governmental Organizations in Responses and Challenges on Gender-Based Violence During Covid-19 Pandemic in Indonesia
- Furaida, Asni
- Image Processing Application to Know the Dawn of Shadiq Using Matlab Software
- Furaida, Asni
- Online Course Application: The Strategies in Boosting Students’ Engagement
- Ghozi, Ahmad
- Improving the Students’ Learning Concentration Through Ice Breaking
- Hanapi, Ahmad
- Synthesis, Characterization, and Antioxidant Activity of 2-methoxy-4 - ((4-methoxy phenyl imino) -methyl) phenol compounds
- Hanapi, Ahmad
- Synthesis of Schiff Base Compounds from Vanillin and p-Aminoacetophenone Using Lime Juice as a Natural Acid Catalyst and Their Utilization as Corrosion Inhibitors
- Handryant, Aisyah Nur
- Seismic Risk Evaluation of Community Mosques in Southern Malang to Assess Their Suitability to Support Disaster Response
- Handryant, Aisyah Nur
- An Assessment of Acoustic Quality in Mosque Case Study: Masjid At-Tarbiyah UIN Malang
- Haq, Saiful
- Implementation of the Mabims Criteria in Determining the Beginning of Islamic Month in Indonesia and Brunei Darussalam
- Hardianawati
- Servant Leadership and Performance Employee: The Mediating Effect of Organizational Commitment
- Hariadi, Mochamad
- Game Based Learning as an Alternative During the Covid-19 Epidemic Based on K-13 for Indonesia Elementary Schools
- Harianto, Budi
- Implementation of Hard and Soft Technology in Learning Arabic During the Covid-19 Pandemic
- Haris, Abd.
- Readiness of UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang in Implementing Smart Islamic University
- Hasan, Sudirman
- Covid-19 in Indonesia
- Hasanah, Mamluatul
- Acquiring Indonesian Pragmatic and Cultural Competencies Towards Indonesian Language Learners by Arabic Speakers at Al-Azhar University Cairo:
- Hasanah, Siti Ma’rifatul
- Brand Strategy in Higher Education; Before and During Pandemic COVID-19
- Hidayah, Rifa
- Social and Psychological Implication of New Normal Adaptation
- Hidayatullah, Zul
- Learning Case Study in the Pandemic Covid-19: Learning Targets, Needs Analysis, Obstacles, and Solutions
- Hilmawan, Teguh Wildan
- Factors that Influence to Intention to Use Electronic Money by UTAUT Model Approach