Proceedings of the International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Social Science (ICONETOS 2020)

374 authors
Removal of Cu and Pb from Wastewater Using Modified Natural Zeolite
Response to the Growth and Production of Soybeans (Glycine max L) to the Time of Giving Irrigated Water to Maintaining Soil Moisture
Abdullah, Irwan
Learning with Technology: New Experiences for Indonesian Children During COVID-19
Abdullah, Irwan
Interpretation of Historical Values of Sunan Kudus: Religious Moderation in Indonesian Islamic Boarding Schools
Abdullah, Muhammad Wahyuddin
The Service Excellent for Sharia Banking During Covid-19 Pandemic
Abtokhi, Ahmad
Eichornia Crassipes as Handicraft Materials and Energy Sources
Abtokhi, Ahmad
Learning Case Study in the Pandemic Covid-19: Learning Targets, Needs Analysis, Obstacles, and Solutions
Adji, Waluyo Satrio
Trend of Public Emotions on Social Media Towards Study at Home Policies
Adji, Waluyo Satrio
Oral Tradition of Pesantren as a Source of Studying IPS in MI / SD
Agil, Idrus Muchsin Bin
Application of Behavioristic Learning Theory in Learning “Ta’lim Afkar”
Aini, Nur
Removal of Cu and Pb from Wastewater Using Modified Natural Zeolite
Aisyah, Esy Nur
Risk Mitigation of Covid-19 Pandemic in Baitul Maal Wat Tamwil
Akbar, Viska Ramardhani
Seismic Risk Evaluation of Community Mosques in Southern Malang to Assess Their Suitability to Support Disaster Response
Akmal, Nurul
Students’ Ability to Generate Mathematical Concept Ideas Through Somatics, Auditory, Visual, and Intellectual Approach of Students (Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Negeri 6 North Aceh)
Al-Fidyah, Ulin Farischa
Improving the Students’ Learning Concentration Through Ice Breaking
Ali, Nur
Local Wisdom and Religious Moderation-Based Thematic Learning Management in Madrasah Ibtidaiyah, Malang City
Almarzuqi, M. Fajar
Education in Psychomotoric Aspect and Creative Development
Amalia, Suci
Toxicity Test of Column Chromatography Steroids Isolates from Ethyl Acetate Fraction of Hydrilla verticillata
Aman, Akhlaq
Evaluating the Properties of Bio-oil Modified Bitumen Derived from Cotton Stalk Waste
Amelia, Rizki
21st Century Skills in Project Based Learning Integrated STEM on Science Subject: A Systematic Literature Review
Amin, Saiful
Implementation of the Active Learning Model Type of Role Reversal Question to Improve Student Learning Outcomes
Amin, Saiful
Oral Tradition of Pesantren as a Source of Studying IPS in MI / SD
Response to the Growth and Production of Soybeans (Glycine max L) to the Time of Giving Irrigated Water to Maintaining Soil Moisture
Response to State Stomata to the Use of Microbes as Potential Biofertilizers in the Rehabilitation of Cocoa Trees Without Logging
Amran, Farizah Dhaifina
Local Wisdom in Supporting Food Security of Coastal Agroecosystem
Anar, Ashar Pajarungi
The Content of Character Values in the First-Grade Elementary School Student Books on the Theme of Me
Andriani, Iik
Positive and Negative Emotions on Social Media During Stay at Home Phase
Anggraini, Dian Mustika
Teaching for Understanding Mathematics in Primary School
Annisa, Bismi
Implementation of EGA at the YLBMI Orphanage (Kampar District, Riau Province)
Anshory, Abdul Muntaqim Al
Technology-Based Arabic Calligraphy Learning in a New Era
Ardhanariswari, Kartika Ayu
How Does the Diffusion of Kampus Merdeka Innovation Work at the University?
Ardhani, Lutfi
Restructuring Policy of Shariah Financing Towards UMKM Affected by Covid-19: Maqashid Syariah Perspective
Ardiansyah, Tedy
Impact of Work Motivation on Lecturer Performance Through Job Satisfaction at LL2DIKTI Indonesia
Arifah, Risma Nur
Restructuring Policy of Shariah Financing Towards UMKM Affected by Covid-19: Maqashid Syariah Perspective
Arifin, Samsul
Strengthening Resilience of Sakinah Families in New Normal Adaption
Astari, Lina Fitria
The Combined Effect of Extract Seaweed and DHP on Placental Malaria
Astuti, Yuliani Puji
Application of the Intuitionistic Fuzzy Topsis in Determining Online Learning Platforms During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Astutik, Suci
The Bayesian Polynomial Regression Model Through INLA Using Gaussian Method with Empirical Bayesian, CCD and GRID Strategy
Avitasari, Fidinda
College Student Code of Ethics, For Whom? Measuring Campus Alignment with College Students
Ayuningtyas, Wahdaniyah Azizah Putri
Implementation of the Active Learning Model Type of Role Reversal Question to Improve Student Learning Outcomes
Aziz, Roikhan Mochamad
Reflexivity of Salat and Hahslm as Pre Design by God Into Religion and Science Due to Economics with Covid-19
Azizah, Ika Nur
Improving the Students’ Learning Concentration Through Ice Breaking
Bachri, Syabbul
Covid-19 in Indonesia
Delineating the Academic Atmosphere in Pandemic Era Through the Implementation of School from Home
Bahar, Moh. Arsyad
Seismic Risk Evaluation of Community Mosques in Southern Malang to Assess Their Suitability to Support Disaster Response
Baharun, Mokhammad
Strengthening Resilience of Sakinah Families in New Normal Adaption
Bahri, Samsul
Students’ Ability to Generate Mathematical Concept Ideas Through Somatics, Auditory, Visual, and Intellectual Approach of Students (Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Negeri 6 North Aceh)
Bashith, Abdul
Trend of Public Emotions on Social Media Towards Study at Home Policies
Bashith, Abdul
Oral Tradition of Pesantren as a Source of Studying IPS in MI / SD
Distance Learning for New Students in the Era of Pandemic Coronavirus Disease (Covid-19): Implementation and Barriers
Bisriyah, Maslihatul
Brand Strategy in Higher Education; Before and During Pandemic COVID-19
Boeriswati, Endry
Impact of Work Motivation on Lecturer Performance Through Job Satisfaction at LL2DIKTI Indonesia
Cahyadi, Ani
Measuring E-Learning Readiness for Students of Islamic Senior High School at South Kalimantan
Cahyadi, Husni
Identification of Cavity Zone Under the Surface of the Badut Temple Foundation Using the GPR (Ground Penetrating Radar) Method
Cahyaningrum, Dinar
Utilization of Three Dimensional Printers as a Production Tool
Choiruddin, Muhammad Nanang
Analysis of the Impact of Financial Knowledge, Financial Attitudes and Personality on Financial Management Behaviors in Creative Industries
Cholissodin, Imam
Design Framework as a Prototype of Islamic Medicine Engine to any Disease Especially for Covid-19 Based Al-Qur’an and Hadith Using Meta-Deep AI and Particle Swarm Optimization
Dwisulo, Bambang
Losses Pipes in Sprinkler Irrigation Based IoT
Ebtavanny, Tamara Gusti
Design Framework as a Prototype of Islamic Medicine Engine to any Disease Especially for Covid-19 Based Al-Qur’an and Hadith Using Meta-Deep AI and Particle Swarm Optimization
Ekowati, Vivin Maharani
Employee Engagement: A Quantitative Review and Its Relationship with Job Satisfaction and Employee Performance
Elvira, Melly
Equating Test Instruments Using Anchor to Map Student Abilities Through the R Program Analysis
Fahmi, Hisyam
Effectiveness of Deep Learning Architecture for Pixel-Based Image Forgery Detection
Faisal, Muhamad
Dynamic Monitoring and Assessment for Digital Transformation in Higher Education
Faizah, Maryam
Brand Strategy in Higher Education; Before and During Pandemic COVID-19
Covid-19 in Indonesia
Faridah, Siti
The Utilization of E-Learning Platforms During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Faridy, Faizatul
The Role of Parents in Engaging Early Childhood to Implement 3R (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle)
Fasya, A Ghanaim
Toxicity Test of Column Chromatography Steroids Isolates from Ethyl Acetate Fraction of Hydrilla verticillata
Fasya, A. Ghanaim
Synthesis of Schiff Base Compounds from Vanillin and p-Aminoacetophenone Using Lime Juice as a Natural Acid Catalyst and Their Utilization as Corrosion Inhibitors
Alteration in the Levels of Neutrophils and Lymphocytes in Male Wistar Rats (Second-Hand Smoker) with Marigold Leaves (Cosmos caudatus Kunth.)
Fatimah, Fitri
Toxicity Test of Column Chromatography Steroids Isolates from Ethyl Acetate Fraction of Hydrilla verticillata
Fattah, Abdul
The Problem of Islamic Religious Education Learning Against Muslim Minority Students
Fausi, Moh
Identification of Cavity Zone Under the Surface of the Badut Temple Foundation Using the GPR (Ground Penetrating Radar) Method
Fauziah, Melati
Eichornia Crassipes as Handicraft Materials and Energy Sources
Fauziyah, Fida Dinar
Students’ Perceptions of Online Mathematics Learning and Its Relationship Towards Their Achievement
Fauziyah, Nailul
Improving the Students’ Learning Concentration Through Ice Breaking
Fidhayanti, Dwi
Restructuring Policy of Shariah Financing Towards UMKM Affected by Covid-19: Maqashid Syariah Perspective
Firdaus, Achmad
Interpersonal Metadiscourse Markers and Appraisal Portrayed in BBC’s Corona Virus News Report
Fitrianah, Devi
Analysis of Consumer Purchase Patterns on Handphone Accessories Sales Using FP-Growth Algorithm
Fitriasari, Prilya Dewi
Induction of Agarwood Formation by Lignocellulolytic Bacteria
Scientific Muslims versus Anti-Science Muslims
Furaida, Asni
Government and Non-Governmental Organizations in Responses and Challenges on Gender-Based Violence During Covid-19 Pandemic in Indonesia
Furaida, Asni
Image Processing Application to Know the Dawn of Shadiq Using Matlab Software
Furaida, Asni
Online Course Application: The Strategies in Boosting Students’ Engagement
Ghozi, Ahmad
Improving the Students’ Learning Concentration Through Ice Breaking
Hanapi, Ahmad
Synthesis, Characterization, and Antioxidant Activity of 2-methoxy-4 - ((4-methoxy phenyl imino) -methyl) phenol compounds
Hanapi, Ahmad
Synthesis of Schiff Base Compounds from Vanillin and p-Aminoacetophenone Using Lime Juice as a Natural Acid Catalyst and Their Utilization as Corrosion Inhibitors
Handryant, Aisyah Nur
Seismic Risk Evaluation of Community Mosques in Southern Malang to Assess Their Suitability to Support Disaster Response
Handryant, Aisyah Nur
An Assessment of Acoustic Quality in Mosque Case Study: Masjid At-Tarbiyah UIN Malang
Haq, Saiful
Implementation of the Mabims Criteria in Determining the Beginning of Islamic Month in Indonesia and Brunei Darussalam
Servant Leadership and Performance Employee: The Mediating Effect of Organizational Commitment
Hariadi, Mochamad
Game Based Learning as an Alternative During the Covid-19 Epidemic Based on K-13 for Indonesia Elementary Schools
Harianto, Budi
Implementation of Hard and Soft Technology in Learning Arabic During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Haris, Abd.
Readiness of UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang in Implementing Smart Islamic University
Hasan, Sudirman
Covid-19 in Indonesia
Hasanah, Mamluatul
Acquiring Indonesian Pragmatic and Cultural Competencies Towards Indonesian Language Learners by Arabic Speakers at Al-Azhar University Cairo:
Hasanah, Siti Ma’rifatul
Brand Strategy in Higher Education; Before and During Pandemic COVID-19
Hidayah, Rifa
Social and Psychological Implication of New Normal Adaptation
Hidayatullah, Zul
Learning Case Study in the Pandemic Covid-19: Learning Targets, Needs Analysis, Obstacles, and Solutions
Hilmawan, Teguh Wildan
Factors that Influence to Intention to Use Electronic Money by UTAUT Model Approach