Proceedings of the International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Social Science (ICONETOS 2020)
374 authors
- Huda, M. Iqbal
- The Problem of Islamic Religious Education Learning Against Muslim Minority Students
- Huda, Nuril
- Students’ Perceptions of Online Mathematics Learning and Its Relationship Towards Their Achievement
- Husaini
- Students’ Ability to Generate Mathematical Concept Ideas Through Somatics, Auditory, Visual, and Intellectual Approach of Students (Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Negeri 6 North Aceh)
- Ihsan
- Interpretation of Historical Values of Sunan Kudus: Religious Moderation in Indonesian Islamic Boarding Schools
- Indah, Rohmani Nur
- Boosting Effective Teaching During Pandemic Covid-19 Through Computer-Mediated Collaboration
- Indah, Rohmani Nur
- Positive and Negative Emotions on Social Media During Stay at Home Phase
- Indah, Sika Nur
- How Does the Diffusion of Kampus Merdeka Innovation Work at the University?
- Indriana, Nurfianti
- The Combined Effect of Extract Seaweed and DHP on Placental Malaria
- Irawati, Yeny
- Implementation of the Active Learning Model Type of Role Reversal Question to Improve Student Learning Outcomes
- Ishlahiyah, Mazroatul
- Compliment Response Strategies of Female English Learners: Distinguishing from Current Online Interaction
- Ishlahiyah, Mazroatul
- Online Course Application: The Strategies in Boosting Students’ Engagement
- Islamy, M. Irfan
- Distance Learning for New Students in the Era of Pandemic Coronavirus Disease (Covid-19): Implementation and Barriers
- Islamy, M. Irfan
- Measuring E-Learning Readiness for Students of Islamic Senior High School at South Kalimantan
- Ismansyah, Marwan Desky
- Numerical Solution Model of Brain Tumors Glioblastoma multiforme with Treatment Effect Using Runge Kutta Fehlberg Methods
- Istiadah
- Government and Non-Governmental Organizations in Responses and Challenges on Gender-Based Violence During Covid-19 Pandemic in Indonesia
- Istighfarini, Vina Nurul
- Removal of Cu and Pb from Wastewater Using Modified Natural Zeolite
- Istighfarini, Vina Nurul
- Synthesis and Characterization of Beads Alginate Carboxymethyl Cellulose from Corn Stalk (Zea Mays) Using BaCl₂ as Crosslink with Variation Concentration
- Istiqomah, Nurul
- Epistemological Analysis of Private Law Themes in the Learn Qur’an Tafsir Application
- Jaya, Tiara Juliana
- The Role of Islamic Social Reporting, Islamic Corporate Governance and Maqashid Syariah Index on Firm Value with Firm Size as Moderation Variable
- Jayanti, Cika Tri
- Implementation of EGA at the YLBMI Orphanage (Kampar District, Riau Province)
- Jufri
- Identification of Cavity Zone Under the Surface of the Badut Temple Foundation Using the GPR (Ground Penetrating Radar) Method
- Juhari
- Numerical Solution Model of Brain Tumors Glioblastoma multiforme with Treatment Effect Using Runge Kutta Fehlberg Methods
- Kadir, Abdul
- Implementation of the Mabims Criteria in Determining the Beginning of Islamic Month in Indonesia and Brunei Darussalam
- Kariimah, Niswatul
- Image Processing Application to Know the Dawn of Shadiq Using Matlab Software
- Karim, Ahmad
- Mental Revolution of Homeless Children’s Through Islamic Education Learning
- Kartika, Devi
- Modeling and Simulation of the Effect of Radiotherapy on Nasopharyngeal Tumor Volume with the Fourth Order Runge-Kutta Method
- Kartiko, Ari
- Mental Revolution of Homeless Children’s Through Islamic Education Learning
- Kartiko, Dwi Cahyo
- Delineating the Academic Atmosphere in Pandemic Era Through the Implementation of School from Home
- Kawakib, Akhmad Nurul
- Utilizing the Phonetic Transcription of IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet) to Avoid EFL Students Miss-Pronunciation
- Khalifah, Susi Nurul
- Removal of Cu and Pb from Wastewater Using Modified Natural Zeolite
- Khoiriyah, Siti
- The Integration Between Science and Religion Facing the New Normal Life
- Khoiroh, Lilik Miftahul
- Synthesis and Application of Hematite from Lathe Waste as Anti-Swelling on Wood
- Khoiroh, Lilik Miftahul
- Synthesis and Characterization of Beads Alginate Carboxymethyl Cellulose from Corn Stalk (Zea Mays) Using BaCl₂ as Crosslink with Variation Concentration
- Khoiroh, Lilik Miftahul
- Variation of Alginate: Carboxymethyl Cellulose on Making Beads CMC from Cellulose of Corn Stalk
- Kholifah, Fanur
- Corporate Social Responsibility: Grasping Legitimacy, Reaching Sustainability
- Khotimah, Siti
- Implementation of the Active Learning Model Type of Role Reversal Question to Improve Student Learning Outcomes
- Khunur, Misbah
- Functionalization of Wood Char for Adsorption of Organic Contaminant
- Khusna, Laila Nihayatul
- Synthesis and Characterization of Beads Alginate Carboxymethyl Cellulose from Corn Stalk (Zea Mays) Using BaCl₂ as Crosslink with Variation Concentration
- Kurniati, Rezki
- The Design of Application for Accelerating Funding Proposal Selection Using the Object-Oriented Hypermedia Design Method
- Kurniawaty, Prima
- The Integration Between Science and Religion Facing the New Normal Life
- Kusumadewi, Tarranita
- Concept of Vertical Village as DAS Brantas Resilience Settlement Strategy in Pandemic Era
- Kusumadewi, Tarranita
- An Integrated Design Concept of Lamongan Inclusive Street Vendor Community Center
- Kusumaningrum, Vivi Ambar
- Synthesis, Characterization, and Antioxidant Activity of 2-methoxy-4 - ((4-methoxy phenyl imino) -methyl) phenol compounds
- Kusumo, Yudhy Widya
- How Does the Diffusion of Kampus Merdeka Innovation Work at the University?
- Laili, Sasmita Nurvinda
- An Analysis of Cashless Society for Monetary Policy in Perspective of Islam
- Latifah, Nur
- Online Course Application: The Strategies in Boosting Students’ Engagement
- Lestari, Turah Asih
- Mental Revolution of Homeless Children’s Through Islamic Education Learning
- Lutfi, Mustofa
- Portrait of Constitutional Question Mechanisms in Judicial Review Practices in the Constitutional Court from the Perspective of Prophetic Law Paradigm
- Luthfin, Ahmad
- Identification of Cavity Zone Under the Surface of the Badut Temple Foundation Using the GPR (Ground Penetrating Radar) Method
- Machmudah, Umi
- Implementation of Hard and Soft Technology in Learning Arabic During the Covid-19 Pandemic
- Mahbubi, Hasan Ali
- Toxicity Test of Column Chromatography Steroids Isolates from Ethyl Acetate Fraction of Hydrilla verticillata
- Maimunah, Iffat
- Between New Virus and News Virus (A Contradictive Situation in Covid-19 Pandemic)
- Makhrus, Muh.
- Learning Case Study in the Pandemic Covid-19: Learning Targets, Needs Analysis, Obstacles, and Solutions
- Mardiana, Dina
- The Effectiveness of Pedagogical Innovation of Islamic Education Learning (PAI) During Covid-19
- Mardiana, Mardiana
- Gender in Investment on Firm the Value of Firm
- Margianto
- Losses Pipes in Sprinkler Irrigation Based IoT
- Marzuqi
- The Tautological Language Style of the Qur’an on God Existence
- Maskub
- The Model of Etnomathematics for High Schools Based on the Dancers Position Movement of Beskalan Putri Malang Dance
- Maslucha, Luluk
- Seismic Risk Evaluation of Community Mosques in Southern Malang to Assess Their Suitability to Support Disaster Response
- Masyhuri
- Employee Engagement: A Quantitative Review and Its Relationship with Job Satisfaction and Employee Performance
- Maulayati, Ryan Rahmah
- Risk Mitigation of Covid-19 Pandemic in Baitul Maal Wat Tamwil
- Mawarni, Sri
- The Design of Application for Accelerating Funding Proposal Selection Using the Object-Oriented Hypermedia Design Method
- Ma’arif, Muhammad Anas
- Mental Revolution of Homeless Children’s Through Islamic Education Learning
- Ma’rufah, Laylatul
- Synthesis of Schiff Base Compounds from Vanillin and p-Aminoacetophenone Using Lime Juice as a Natural Acid Catalyst and Their Utilization as Corrosion Inhibitors
- Mediyansyah
- Islamic University Students’ Voices on Online Learning during Covid-19 Pandemic
- Megawati, Dewi Sinta
- Toxicity Test of Column Chromatography Steroids Isolates from Ethyl Acetate Fraction of Hydrilla verticillata
- Meilia, Demara
- Functionalization of Wood Char for Adsorption of Organic Contaminant
- Meirani, Rosida Kerin
- Management of Entrepreneurship Mentoring of Local Potential (Coconut Shell) of Mosque-Based Posdaya (Family Empowerment Post)
- Miftahusyai’an, Mohammad
- The Influence of the Environment of Pesantren and Friends on Learning Outcomes
- Milliana, Alvi
- The Combined Effect of Extract Seaweed and DHP on Placental Malaria
- Miranti, Titis
- The Role of Islamic Social Reporting, Islamic Corporate Governance and Maqashid Syariah Index on Firm Value with Firm Size as Moderation Variable
- Muallif, Mohammad
- Design Framework as a Prototype of Islamic Medicine Engine to any Disease Especially for Covid-19 Based Al-Qur’an and Hadith Using Meta-Deep AI and Particle Swarm Optimization
- Muassomah, Muassomah
- Learning with Technology: New Experiences for Indonesian Children During COVID-19
- Muassomah, Muassomah
- Skillful Lecturers: Arabic Teaching Experiences during COVID 19 Pandemic
- Mufidah, Nuril
- Online Teaching: Model and Perspective in Arabic Class
- Mufidah, Nuril
- Vlog Media in Arabic Learning For the Pro Gadget Generation
- Mufidah, Nuril
- Application of Behavioristic Learning Theory in Learning “Ta’lim Afkar”
- Mukaffi, Zaim
- The Effect of Systematic Risk (Beta) on Stock Prices with Interest Rates and Curses as Moderation Variables
- Mukti, Taufiq Satria
- Character Building Through the Synergy Between Parents and School in Indonesia
- Mulyoto, Galih Puji
- The Influence of the Environment of Pesantren and Friends on Learning Outcomes
- Munadi, Muhammad
- Character Building Through the Synergy Between Parents and School in Indonesia
- Munawwaroh, Lu’luul
- Compliment Response Strategies of Female English Learners: Distinguishing from Current Online Interaction
- Murdiansyah, Isnan
- Measurement of Organizational Performance: Empirical Evidence on Manufacturing Companies in Indonesia
- Mustaqim, M. Anshar
- Education in Psychomotoric Aspect and Creative Development
- Mustika, Soraya Norma
- Losses Pipes in Sprinkler Irrigation Based IoT
- Musyafaah, Nur Lailatul
- Moderation of Fatwa: Worship During the Covid 19 Pandemic in Maqasid Shariah Perspective
- Mutaqin, M. Imamul
- Oral Tradition of Pesantren as a Source of Studying IPS in MI / SD
- Muthoifin
- Social Level Parameters of Banjar Society in the Tradition of Jujuran Islamic Law Perspective
- Muthoifin
- Outsourcing System in View of Islamic Law
- Mutiara, Elok
- The Integration Between Science and Religion Facing the New Normal Life
- Muzakki, Akhmad
- The Tautological Language Style of the Qur’an on God Existence
- Mu’awanah, Elfi
- Social and Psychological Implication of New Normal Adaptation
- Nabawiyah, Hafidhotun
- Alteration in the Levels of Neutrophils and Lymphocytes in Male Wistar Rats (Second-Hand Smoker) with Marigold Leaves (Cosmos caudatus Kunth.)
- Nadhiroh, Ainun
- Synthesis, Characterization, and Antioxidant Activity of 2-methoxy-4 - ((4-methoxy phenyl imino) -methyl) phenol compounds
- Nafiah, Sri Ani
- Synthesis, Characterization, and Antioxidant Activity of 2-methoxy-4 - ((4-methoxy phenyl imino) -methyl) phenol compounds
- Nagara, Aurick Yudha
- Design Framework as a Prototype of Islamic Medicine Engine to any Disease Especially for Covid-19 Based Al-Qur’an and Hadith Using Meta-Deep AI and Particle Swarm Optimization
- Nasrudin, Dindin
- Eichornia Crassipes as Handicraft Materials and Energy Sources
- Nasrulloh, M. Farid
- The Effectiveness of Think-Talk-Write (TTW) Learning Strategy in the Critical Thinking and Mathematical Communication
- Nasyiah, Iffaty
- Potential Criminal Action in Shadow Banking Practice
- Ningsih, Mila Rahayu
- Islam and Democracy