Proceedings of the International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Social Science (ICONETOS 2020)

374 authors
Huda, M. Iqbal
The Problem of Islamic Religious Education Learning Against Muslim Minority Students
Huda, Nuril
Students’ Perceptions of Online Mathematics Learning and Its Relationship Towards Their Achievement
Students’ Ability to Generate Mathematical Concept Ideas Through Somatics, Auditory, Visual, and Intellectual Approach of Students (Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Negeri 6 North Aceh)
Interpretation of Historical Values of Sunan Kudus: Religious Moderation in Indonesian Islamic Boarding Schools
Indah, Rohmani Nur
Boosting Effective Teaching During Pandemic Covid-19 Through Computer-Mediated Collaboration
Indah, Rohmani Nur
Positive and Negative Emotions on Social Media During Stay at Home Phase
Indah, Sika Nur
How Does the Diffusion of Kampus Merdeka Innovation Work at the University?
Indriana, Nurfianti
The Combined Effect of Extract Seaweed and DHP on Placental Malaria
Irawati, Yeny
Implementation of the Active Learning Model Type of Role Reversal Question to Improve Student Learning Outcomes
Ishlahiyah, Mazroatul
Compliment Response Strategies of Female English Learners: Distinguishing from Current Online Interaction
Ishlahiyah, Mazroatul
Online Course Application: The Strategies in Boosting Students’ Engagement
Islamy, M. Irfan
Distance Learning for New Students in the Era of Pandemic Coronavirus Disease (Covid-19): Implementation and Barriers
Islamy, M. Irfan
Measuring E-Learning Readiness for Students of Islamic Senior High School at South Kalimantan
Ismansyah, Marwan Desky
Numerical Solution Model of Brain Tumors Glioblastoma multiforme with Treatment Effect Using Runge Kutta Fehlberg Methods
Government and Non-Governmental Organizations in Responses and Challenges on Gender-Based Violence During Covid-19 Pandemic in Indonesia
Istighfarini, Vina Nurul
Removal of Cu and Pb from Wastewater Using Modified Natural Zeolite
Istighfarini, Vina Nurul
Synthesis and Characterization of Beads Alginate Carboxymethyl Cellulose from Corn Stalk (Zea Mays) Using BaCl₂ as Crosslink with Variation Concentration
Istiqomah, Nurul
Epistemological Analysis of Private Law Themes in the Learn Qur’an Tafsir Application
Jaya, Tiara Juliana
The Role of Islamic Social Reporting, Islamic Corporate Governance and Maqashid Syariah Index on Firm Value with Firm Size as Moderation Variable
Jayanti, Cika Tri
Implementation of EGA at the YLBMI Orphanage (Kampar District, Riau Province)
Identification of Cavity Zone Under the Surface of the Badut Temple Foundation Using the GPR (Ground Penetrating Radar) Method
Numerical Solution Model of Brain Tumors Glioblastoma multiforme with Treatment Effect Using Runge Kutta Fehlberg Methods
Kadir, Abdul
Implementation of the Mabims Criteria in Determining the Beginning of Islamic Month in Indonesia and Brunei Darussalam
Kariimah, Niswatul
Image Processing Application to Know the Dawn of Shadiq Using Matlab Software
Karim, Ahmad
Mental Revolution of Homeless Children’s Through Islamic Education Learning
Kartika, Devi
Modeling and Simulation of the Effect of Radiotherapy on Nasopharyngeal Tumor Volume with the Fourth Order Runge-Kutta Method
Kartiko, Ari
Mental Revolution of Homeless Children’s Through Islamic Education Learning
Kartiko, Dwi Cahyo
Delineating the Academic Atmosphere in Pandemic Era Through the Implementation of School from Home
Kawakib, Akhmad Nurul
Utilizing the Phonetic Transcription of IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet) to Avoid EFL Students Miss-Pronunciation
Khalifah, Susi Nurul
Removal of Cu and Pb from Wastewater Using Modified Natural Zeolite
Khoiriyah, Siti
The Integration Between Science and Religion Facing the New Normal Life
Khoiroh, Lilik Miftahul
Synthesis and Application of Hematite from Lathe Waste as Anti-Swelling on Wood
Khoiroh, Lilik Miftahul
Synthesis and Characterization of Beads Alginate Carboxymethyl Cellulose from Corn Stalk (Zea Mays) Using BaCl₂ as Crosslink with Variation Concentration
Khoiroh, Lilik Miftahul
Variation of Alginate: Carboxymethyl Cellulose on Making Beads CMC from Cellulose of Corn Stalk
Kholifah, Fanur
Corporate Social Responsibility: Grasping Legitimacy, Reaching Sustainability
Khotimah, Siti
Implementation of the Active Learning Model Type of Role Reversal Question to Improve Student Learning Outcomes
Khunur, Misbah
Functionalization of Wood Char for Adsorption of Organic Contaminant
Khusna, Laila Nihayatul
Synthesis and Characterization of Beads Alginate Carboxymethyl Cellulose from Corn Stalk (Zea Mays) Using BaCl₂ as Crosslink with Variation Concentration
Kurniati, Rezki
The Design of Application for Accelerating Funding Proposal Selection Using the Object-Oriented Hypermedia Design Method
Kurniawaty, Prima
The Integration Between Science and Religion Facing the New Normal Life
Kusumadewi, Tarranita
Concept of Vertical Village as DAS Brantas Resilience Settlement Strategy in Pandemic Era
Kusumadewi, Tarranita
An Integrated Design Concept of Lamongan Inclusive Street Vendor Community Center
Kusumaningrum, Vivi Ambar
Synthesis, Characterization, and Antioxidant Activity of 2-methoxy-4 - ((4-methoxy phenyl imino) -methyl) phenol compounds
Kusumo, Yudhy Widya
How Does the Diffusion of Kampus Merdeka Innovation Work at the University?
Laili, Sasmita Nurvinda
An Analysis of Cashless Society for Monetary Policy in Perspective of Islam
Latifah, Nur
Online Course Application: The Strategies in Boosting Students’ Engagement
Lestari, Turah Asih
Mental Revolution of Homeless Children’s Through Islamic Education Learning
Lutfi, Mustofa
Portrait of Constitutional Question Mechanisms in Judicial Review Practices in the Constitutional Court from the Perspective of Prophetic Law Paradigm
Luthfin, Ahmad
Identification of Cavity Zone Under the Surface of the Badut Temple Foundation Using the GPR (Ground Penetrating Radar) Method
Machmudah, Umi
Implementation of Hard and Soft Technology in Learning Arabic During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Mahbubi, Hasan Ali
Toxicity Test of Column Chromatography Steroids Isolates from Ethyl Acetate Fraction of Hydrilla verticillata
Maimunah, Iffat
Between New Virus and News Virus (A Contradictive Situation in Covid-19 Pandemic)
Makhrus, Muh.
Learning Case Study in the Pandemic Covid-19: Learning Targets, Needs Analysis, Obstacles, and Solutions
Mardiana, Dina
The Effectiveness of Pedagogical Innovation of Islamic Education Learning (PAI) During Covid-19
Mardiana, Mardiana
Gender in Investment on Firm the Value of Firm
Losses Pipes in Sprinkler Irrigation Based IoT
The Tautological Language Style of the Qur’an on God Existence
The Model of Etnomathematics for High Schools Based on the Dancers Position Movement of Beskalan Putri Malang Dance
Maslucha, Luluk
Seismic Risk Evaluation of Community Mosques in Southern Malang to Assess Their Suitability to Support Disaster Response
Employee Engagement: A Quantitative Review and Its Relationship with Job Satisfaction and Employee Performance
Maulayati, Ryan Rahmah
Risk Mitigation of Covid-19 Pandemic in Baitul Maal Wat Tamwil
Mawarni, Sri
The Design of Application for Accelerating Funding Proposal Selection Using the Object-Oriented Hypermedia Design Method
Ma’arif, Muhammad Anas
Mental Revolution of Homeless Children’s Through Islamic Education Learning
Ma’rufah, Laylatul
Synthesis of Schiff Base Compounds from Vanillin and p-Aminoacetophenone Using Lime Juice as a Natural Acid Catalyst and Their Utilization as Corrosion Inhibitors
Islamic University Students’ Voices on Online Learning during Covid-19 Pandemic
Megawati, Dewi Sinta
Toxicity Test of Column Chromatography Steroids Isolates from Ethyl Acetate Fraction of Hydrilla verticillata
Meilia, Demara
Functionalization of Wood Char for Adsorption of Organic Contaminant
Meirani, Rosida Kerin
Management of Entrepreneurship Mentoring of Local Potential (Coconut Shell) of Mosque-Based Posdaya (Family Empowerment Post)
Miftahusyai’an, Mohammad
The Influence of the Environment of Pesantren and Friends on Learning Outcomes
Milliana, Alvi
The Combined Effect of Extract Seaweed and DHP on Placental Malaria
Miranti, Titis
The Role of Islamic Social Reporting, Islamic Corporate Governance and Maqashid Syariah Index on Firm Value with Firm Size as Moderation Variable
Muallif, Mohammad
Design Framework as a Prototype of Islamic Medicine Engine to any Disease Especially for Covid-19 Based Al-Qur’an and Hadith Using Meta-Deep AI and Particle Swarm Optimization
Muassomah, Muassomah
Learning with Technology: New Experiences for Indonesian Children During COVID-19
Muassomah, Muassomah
Skillful Lecturers: Arabic Teaching Experiences during COVID 19 Pandemic
Mufidah, Nuril
Online Teaching: Model and Perspective in Arabic Class
Mufidah, Nuril
Vlog Media in Arabic Learning For the Pro Gadget Generation
Mufidah, Nuril
Application of Behavioristic Learning Theory in Learning “Ta’lim Afkar”
Mukaffi, Zaim
The Effect of Systematic Risk (Beta) on Stock Prices with Interest Rates and Curses as Moderation Variables
Mukti, Taufiq Satria
Character Building Through the Synergy Between Parents and School in Indonesia
Mulyoto, Galih Puji
The Influence of the Environment of Pesantren and Friends on Learning Outcomes
Munadi, Muhammad
Character Building Through the Synergy Between Parents and School in Indonesia
Munawwaroh, Lu’luul
Compliment Response Strategies of Female English Learners: Distinguishing from Current Online Interaction
Murdiansyah, Isnan
Measurement of Organizational Performance: Empirical Evidence on Manufacturing Companies in Indonesia
Mustaqim, M. Anshar
Education in Psychomotoric Aspect and Creative Development
Mustika, Soraya Norma
Losses Pipes in Sprinkler Irrigation Based IoT
Musyafaah, Nur Lailatul
Moderation of Fatwa: Worship During the Covid 19 Pandemic in Maqasid Shariah Perspective
Mutaqin, M. Imamul
Oral Tradition of Pesantren as a Source of Studying IPS in MI / SD
Social Level Parameters of Banjar Society in the Tradition of Jujuran Islamic Law Perspective
Outsourcing System in View of Islamic Law
Mutiara, Elok
The Integration Between Science and Religion Facing the New Normal Life
Muzakki, Akhmad
The Tautological Language Style of the Qur’an on God Existence
Mu’awanah, Elfi
Social and Psychological Implication of New Normal Adaptation
Nabawiyah, Hafidhotun
Alteration in the Levels of Neutrophils and Lymphocytes in Male Wistar Rats (Second-Hand Smoker) with Marigold Leaves (Cosmos caudatus Kunth.)
Nadhiroh, Ainun
Synthesis, Characterization, and Antioxidant Activity of 2-methoxy-4 - ((4-methoxy phenyl imino) -methyl) phenol compounds
Nafiah, Sri Ani
Synthesis, Characterization, and Antioxidant Activity of 2-methoxy-4 - ((4-methoxy phenyl imino) -methyl) phenol compounds
Nagara, Aurick Yudha
Design Framework as a Prototype of Islamic Medicine Engine to any Disease Especially for Covid-19 Based Al-Qur’an and Hadith Using Meta-Deep AI and Particle Swarm Optimization
Nasrudin, Dindin
Eichornia Crassipes as Handicraft Materials and Energy Sources
Nasrulloh, M. Farid
The Effectiveness of Think-Talk-Write (TTW) Learning Strategy in the Critical Thinking and Mathematical Communication
Nasyiah, Iffaty
Potential Criminal Action in Shadow Banking Practice
Ningsih, Mila Rahayu
Islam and Democracy