Proceedings of the International Conference on Interdisciplinary Language, Literature and Education (ICILLE 2018)
98 articles
Proceedings Article
The Translation of Addressing System in the Movie Subtitle “Yowis Ben”
Alfi Rahmawati, Teguh Setiawan
Every language has its own addressing system, including Javanese and Indonesian language. The media play an important role in showing the differences in these language systems. One of the medias exhibiting this language phenomenon is a movie which uses two languages: source language (utterances) and...
Proceedings Article
Code Switching of Council Commands in Rising Force Games
Anas Putra Pamungkas
Code switching is a popular study under sociolinguistics. It deals with both spoken and written context. The interaction among people happens in both virtual and real world. This research focuses on the interaction happened in virtual world, or gaming world as its aims to unveil types of code-switching...
Proceedings Article
Feminism Analysis on Dewi Ria Utari’s “Topeng Nalar” Short Story
Andhika Dyah Puspitasari, Else Liliani
This research aims to describe the text dimension, discourse practice, and sociocultural practice in Dewi Ria Utari’s short story “Topeng Nalar”. Feminism theory is applied along with qualitative descriptive method with Fairclough’s model. The results show that: (1) text dimension, the short story “Topeng...
Proceedings Article
The Meaning of Shalawat Badar as Literary Work in the "Pengemis dan Shalawat Badar" Short Stories by Ahmad Tohari
Anggitya Alfiansari, Else Liliani
Shalawat Badar is a treat that not only contains beautiful words for the prophet alone, but there is also a prayer to God. Doing Shalawat Badar is the same as praying to God and showing love to the prophets. By reading Fairclough's critical discourse analysis on the short story "Pengemis dan Shalawat...
Proceedings Article
Reduplication Comparison of Indonesian and Asli Rawa Language
Anis Hafawati, Teguh Setiawan
This paper will describe and compare the reduplication form between Indonesian and Asli Rawa language using theory revealed by Ramlan. Data in this paper are reduplication of Indonesian and Asli Rawa language. Indonesian reduplication data was obtained from Gadis Pantai novel by Pramoedya Ananta Toer,...
Proceedings Article
Ideology Representation in the Interaction of Teaching and Learning between Lecturers and Students of Economic Education Department of Jenderal Soedirman University
Ardian Pitra Satya Purnama, Zamzani Zamzani
This research aimed to describe the ideology representations in teaching and learning interaction between lecturers and students in Economic Education Department of Faculty of Economic and Business of Jenderal Soedirman University. The ideology representations were analyzed by using Roger Fowler's...
Proceedings Article
The Effectiveness of the Acrostic Technique Toward the Poetry Writing Class for Grade VIII Students of SMP Negeri 5 Wates
Arifin Rifan Nugroho, Wiyatmi Wiyatmi
This research aims to: (1) know difference skill writing poetry between the groups which following study by using learning write the poetry strategy with acrostic technique and the groups which not following study by using learning write the poetry strategy with acrostic technique: (2) tests the effectivness...
Proceedings Article
Sociology of the Literature of Short Story “Tembiluk” by Damhuri Muhammad
Aris Yulantomo, Else Liliani
This study aims to describe the sociology of authors, works, and readers in the Tembiluk short stories by Damhuri Muhammad. This study used descriptive qualitative method. The source of the data in this study was represented by the authors and figures found in the Tembiluk short story. The data in this...
Proceedings Article
The Effectiveness of Blogger as the Media in the Learning of Persuasive Writing for Grade X Students of Senior High School 8 Semarang
Augustia Rahma Damayantie, Teguh Setiawan
Writing is an active-productive language skill that has to be mastered by the students as a standard of knowledge about an object. But in fact, the students have not fully mastered this skill. Based on this problem, the Blogger was chosen as the media in the learning of writing, especially persuasive...
Proceedings Article
Linguistic Level Equivalence in the Kartini Film Subtitle Translation
Meilani Asih Wiyati, Ayu Maulita Suryandari, Ashadi Ashadi
Translation is the process of transferring one language to another. Translation does not only focus on the transfer of words, phrases, discourse and language, but also focuses on the level of meaning. To be able to achieve a common meaning, it is certainly depending on the equivalence in each lingual...
Proceedings Article
Human Relationship with the Environment in the Community Collection of Karyamin Smile by Ahmad Tohari
Baiq Rizki Hidayati, Wiyatmi Wiyatmi
This study aims to describe the relationship between humans and the environment in a collection of short stories of Karyamin Smile by Ahmad Tohari. This study uses descriptive qualitative methods through triangulation, data reduction, presentation and conclusions using ecocritics theory based on the...
Proceedings Article
An Analytical of Character Education Value and its Relevance as an Indonesian Language Learning Material in High School Based on Mengejar-ngejar Mimpi Novel by Dedi Padiku
Devi Rahmawati, Else Liliani
This study aims to find out the structure of the novel Mengejar-ngejar Mimpi by Dedi Padiku , describe the values of character education contained in the novel Mengejar-ngejar Mimpi by Dedi Padiku, and to find out its relevance as an Indonesian Language learning material in high school. The data of this...
Proceedings Article
The Analysis of The Reader’s Reception Novel “Pengakuan Eks Parasit Lajang” by Ayu Utami: A Case Study 10 Pop Literature in Solo
Dina Audria Wulandari, Else Liliani
This study describes the analysis of the reader's reception the novel by Ayu Utami, entitled “Pengakuan Eks Parasit Lajang” (PEPL). This research we use research libraries. Respondents used in attracting the reader's reception nocel is amounted to 10 people, with isntrumen questions in accordance with...
Proceedings Article
A Module on News Text Writing Development with Mind Mapping Techniques for VIII Grade Junior High School/Madrasah Tsanawiyah Students
Distratika Aisa Rakhmi, Kastam Syamsi
The main motive of this study is to describe the Indonesian subject learning especially news writing in junior high school, develop news writing module teaching materials with mind mapping techniques for VIII grade junior high school/madrasa tsanawiya (MTs) students, and describe the feasibility of news...
Proceedings Article
The Effectiveness of Predict, Organize, Search, Summarize, and Evaluate (POSSE) Strategy on Understanding Learning Reading at the Eleven Grade Students
Edi Kurniawan, Pujiati Suyata
This study aims to test the effectiveness of POSSE compared to conventional strategies for reading comprehension. This research method is quasi experiment with randomized pretest-posttest control group design. The result of the research shows that POSSE strategy is more effective than conventional strategy...
Proceedings Article
Self-Actualization of the Main Characters in the Perempuan Berkalung Sorban by Abidah El Khalieqy: Psychological Study of the Abraham Perspective Maslow Literature
Edo Frandika, Suroso Suroso, B.S. Abdul Wachid
Many people who do not yet have the awareness to recognize themselves, do not understand their potential, and there is no desire to change living conditions for the better, so they do not feel satisfied in everything. Perempuan Berkalung Sorban by Abidah El Khalieqy was chosen with the aim of being an...
Proceedings Article
Resistance of Colonial Power in Student Hidjo’s Novel by Mas Marco Kartodikromo
Eka Putri Febrianawati, Else Liliani
This study aims to describe the forms of resistance represented in the form of hibrididas, mimicry, and ambivalence contained in Student Hidjo's novel by Mas Marco Kartodikromo. The method used in this study is qualitative descriptive. The source of this research data is Student Hidjo's (SH) novel by...
Proceedings Article
Portrait of Poverty in the Pamangkulangit Yang Terhormat Short Story by Aba Mardjani
Esti Lestariningsih, Else Liliani
This study aims to reveal the portrait of poverty in the Pamangkulangit Yang Terhormat short story by Aba Mardjani. This study uses qualitative descriptive techniques as data analysis. The analysis was carried out using the sociology of literature approach by identifying, describing, and analyzing poverty...
Proceedings Article
The Ideology Construction in Poetry of Generation of 1980s Poets of South Kalimantan
Evira Nida Maulida, Suminto A Sayuti
This study aims to describe the ideology constructions in poetry that is built by generation 80’ poet of South Kalimantan using linguistic strategies. The qualitative method with critical discourse analysis approach of Teun A. van Dijk model was used to examine the ideology construction. The data of...
Proceedings Article
Sociological Analysis of “Dua Wajah Ibu” a Short Story by Guntur Alam
Farida Yuni Rochmawati, Else Liliani
The purpose of this study is to describe the dimensions of the text, discourse practices and socio-cultural practices in the short story "Dua Wajah Ibu" by Guntur Alam. The theory used is the literary sociology theory. The method used is qualitative method with Fairclough's model of critical discourse...
Proceedings Article
The Influence of Examples Non Examples Method Toward Students’ Writing Competence on Descriptive Text
Fifi Deswari F. Junus, Teguh Setiawan
The purpose is to know the influence of examples non examples method toward students writing competence. The research method is quantitative by using simple regression as data analyze and testing hypothesis of research. This research conducted at SMAN 1 Kabila, Kabila district, Bone Bolango regency,...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of Simple Codes in Teletubbies Short Cartoon Movie
Fitria Rahmawati, Teguh Setiawan
Learning language can be done in formal and informal environment. For children, it can be easier to learn language, especially foreign language learning, in unconscious situation like informal environment which provide some input. The input in informal environment could be gotten from media, such as...
Proceedings Article
Interpretation of State Minister of Youth and Sports and Indonesian President’s Speech on the 2018 Asian Games in Social Media
Fitriardi Wibowo, Teguh Setiawan
The advanced technology development unconsciously makes people aware that every activity they do revolves around it. One of the most impactful things is language activity on social media. As widely known, in this multimedia era, social media plays an important role as the main means of communication....
Proceedings Article
Marginalization of Woman in Kremil Novel by Suparto Brata
Fully Rakhmayanti, Wiyatmi Wiyatmi
This study describes women’s marginalization in the Kremil novel by Suparto Brata through feminism theory. Focuses to discuss the forms of women's marginalization, the causes of women's marginalization, and the efforts to fight (eliminate and or minimize) women's marginalization. The Kremil community...
Proceedings Article
The Effectiveness of Story Impression Strategy in Learning to Write Drama Scripts
Ganis Syafa’ati, Anwar Efendi
This study aims to determine differences in the ability to write drama scripts between the experimental group using story impression strategy and the control group which did not use the strategies in learning to write drama scripts and to test the effectiveness of using story impression strategy in learning...
Proceedings Article
The Application of Technology in Intercultural Language Learning: International Students Program at a University in Yogyakarta
Godlove Kiswaga, Triastuti Anita
As a part of global movement and digitalized technology in this 21th century, massive interaction of different people from different cultural background becomes an integral system of life. Though English plays role as a global language for a number of years, learning other foreign languages in intercultural...
Proceedings Article
The Use of Rude Words by Indonesian Teenagers: A Sociolinguistic Case
Gunawan Tambunsaribu
The use of vocabulary items in speaking to other people in daily intercourse reflects the culture of the speakers of that language. The usage of rude-words in a communication with other people is a bad communication. The three main topics to be focused in this study are the lists of rude words, the factors...
Proceedings Article
Social Criticism in the FSTVLT Song Literature Sociology Study
Haris Abdul Wasik, Else Liliani
The research entitled “Social Criticism toward the Songs Created by FSTVL” aims to analyze the songs by FSTVL group band. The readers are expected to understand and concern with social criticism. Social criticism in songs created by FSTVL is identified using the sociology of literature. The result...
Proceedings Article
Colonial Stereotypes in Indonesian Society of Multimedia Era
Hendrik Efriyadi, Else Liliani
This research focuses on the domain of Western colonialism's discourse towards the East, especially about the shape of Western colonial stereotypes in Indonesian society in the multimedia era in two novels of the latest Indonesia by Ika Natassa entitled Critical Eleven and The Architecture of Love. The...
Proceedings Article
Gogok War Tradition as a Way of Local Culture Preservation in Globalization Era: A Study of Anthropolinguistics on Buara People, Brebes
Hesti Muliawati
Indonesia is a country which has culture diversity in every region of the nation, each culture has their own unique and characteristics which can differ from other regions. Culture is shaped by the habit of the people that have the same principle which understand and interact to each other. Therefore,...
Proceedings Article
Iconity in Haji Backpacker Novel by Aguk Irawan MN
Hidayat Hidayat, Teguh Setiawan
The aim of this research was to describe iconity of Haji Backpacker novel by Aguk Irawan MN by using theory of Charles Sanders Piersce (Piercean). this research used qualitative descriptive method. Collecting data used documentary technique. The problem that would be solved in this research was iconity...
Proceedings Article
Development of Macromedia Flash Professional 8 on Exposition Text of Senior High School Class X
Ibta Sari Bulan, Kastam Syamsi
This study aims to develop learning Indonesian media class X of senior vocational high school (SMK) exposition text material by using Macromedia Flash 8 and determine the feasibility of the media developed. This research is a development which refers to the steps of the methods Research and Development...
Proceedings Article
Social Criticism in a Short Story of “Corat-Coret di Toilet” by Eka Kurniawan
Ida Satriyani Kasran Ramsi, Else Liliani
The Corat-Coret di Toilet short story by Eka Kurniawan seemed to have a substantial political feel since several short story quotes show it. The Corat-Coret di Toilet short story by Eka Kurniawan was analyzed using the Fairclough model critical discourse reading analysis. It aims to know the social criticism...
Proceedings Article
The Improvement of Literature Essay Understanding through Inquiry Model in Universitas Galuh
Ikin Syamsudin Adeani, Iskandarwassid Iskandarwassid
Backgrounds of this research are less effective conventional learning, less supported learning facilities, lack of students’ interest in reading literary works, students’ difficulty in comprehending literary essays, and low of students’ mark in Critics and Literary Essay subject. The method used in this...
Proceedings Article
Translation Shift Analysis in Bilingual Children’s Book entitled Kumpulan Dongeng Motivasi
Imroatu Sholihat, Teguh Setiawan
This descriptive qualitative research was conducted to find out the types of translation shift based on Catford’s theory. The data was taken from bilingual children book entitled Kumpulan Dongeng Motivasi. In this case, Bahasa Indonesia as source language (SL) and English as target language (TL). Documentation...
Proceedings Article
The Characters’ Schizophrenia as seen in Bulan Nararya Novel
Indah Nurcahyati, Burhan Nurgiyantoro, Zalik Nuryana
This research is aimed to describe the mental symptoms and disorders as occur on the characters of Bulan Nararya novel. This research uses qualitative descriptive method with literature psychology. Through this approach, the schizophrenia mental disorder as experienced by the characters will be analyzed...
Proceedings Article
The Emotions of the Main Character in the Novel Pulang the Work of Tere Liye
Indah Nurul Hidayah, Suminto A. Sayuti
The purpose of this research was to describe: (1) various emotions of the main character, and (2) the efforts of controlling the emotions of the main character. The subject of this research in the novel Pulang of Tere Liye published by Republika, 400 pages and was published 2015. While the object in...
Proceedings Article
Women's Struggle Against Colonial Imperialism in the Tetralogi Novel Bumi Manusia by Pramoedya Ananta Toer
Ira Rahayu, Hesti Muliawati, Tri Pujiatna
In connection with the effort of the form of women's struggle, this research focuses on feminism study towards tetralogy novel Bumi Manusia by Pramoedya Ananta Toer. This research is a study of literature with the study of feminism. This research was conducted to find out the relationship between literary...
Proceedings Article
Teaching Writing Explanation Text Using Multimedia-Based Pakem Model to Fifth Grade Students in Elementary School
Isah Cahyani, Andoyo Sastromiharjo, Nuny Sulistiany Idris
The focus of learning on the 2013 Curriculum emphasized the ability to read and to write. In writing, students often get difficulties especially in finding ideas. This is a challenge for teachers in schools because ideally the curriculum of Indonesian language demands development of knowledge and writing...
Proceedings Article
The Ability of Early Childhood Education Teachers in Tambrauw District of Papua in Writing Indonesian Language Sentences Viewed from Educational Linguistics
Kelik Agung Cahya Setiawan, Suroso Suroso
This research aims to describe the ability of Early Childhood teachers in Tambrauw District to write sentences according to the sentence structure of the Indonesian language. This research design was qualitative descriptive. The data was Indonesian sentences construction collected from questionnaires...
Proceedings Article
Deviation of Cooperation Principles in Ini Talk Show Net.TV
Lilis Kenwening, Teguh Setiawan
This research is in the background by the communication assumed by a speaker by articulating speech and the intent to communicate something to the opponent's speech and hope that the speaker can understand what is being communicated. Speakers always try to make the speech always relevant to the context,...
Proceedings Article
Translating English into Indonesian Proverb Analysis
Lulu Atun Azizah, Teguh Setiawan
A good translation should be readable and sound natural. It can be achieved through a good comprehension of translation procedures especially proverb translation. However, the students’ translation of the English education program in IAIN Metro is still poor and sounds awkward since they do not master...
Proceedings Article
Translation Shift of Adjective Phrase on Van Der Wijck Subtitle Movie
Meilani Asih Wiyati, Teguh Setiawan
This research focuses in the translation shift of adjective phrase on Van Der Wijck subtitle Movie. The objectives of this research are to find out the kinds of translation shift found in the subtitle of Van Der Wijck movie into English subtitle and to find out the dominant shift found in the subtitle...
Proceedings Article
Hoegeng Iman Santoso: Credibility and Honesty of the Old Order Leaders Until the New Order
Mia Awaliyah, Teguh Setiawan
The problem of leaders from time to time is still in the spotlight of the mass media. After the new order period is over, the image of the leader is still close to bribery, corruption, and descent credibility in serving the community. This paper aims to describe the character of Hoegeng Iman Santoso...
Proceedings Article
The Function of Pak Guru Inyong Comic Discourse Implication on the WEBTOON Line
Miftakhul Nurlatifa, Suhardi Suhardi
This research aims to describe the implicature function in Pak Guru Inyong Comic on the WEBTOON Line. This research uses descriptive qualitative. The source of the research data is Pak Guru Inyong Comic on the WEBTOON Line which include 24 episodes that has been chosen based on a representatif theme....
Proceedings Article
The Effects of Reciprocal Teaching Strategy on Writing Review Text by Using Short Stories
Millatina Randu Gupita, Maman Suryaman
This research aims to understand the effect of Reciprocal Teaching Strategy on students’ ability of writing review text. This activity used short stories as the works to be reviewed. This is a quantitative research with quasi experiments conducted in SMP Negeri 2 Mertoyudan. However, the chosen samples...
Proceedings Article
Understanding the Meaning of Semiotics and the Culture of Human Rights Culture in ICT-based Java Wedding Recipes: Digital-based Semiotics Study
Muhamad Syahnan Nasution, Zainal Rafli, Syamsi Setiadi
The purpose of this paper is to find out and analyze the meaning of semiotics and cultural values at digital-based Javanese traditional wedding receptions (mass media). The type of research used in this study is the type of interpretive qualitative research, and in research using semiotic research...
Proceedings Article
The Construction of Terrorism Ideology in Online News Kompas media
Muhammad Rifa’ie, Teguh Setiawan
This study mainly conducted to describe the formation and function of the ideological structure of terrorism discourse in the Kompas media news. The research method chosen was qualitative content analysis and the source of the data was taken from the discourse of terrorism in Kompas media (online) news....
Proceedings Article
Illocutionary Acts of Directive on Lazada_Id Advertising in the Instagram
Muhammad Ulil Albab, Teguh Setiawan
This study aims to analyze the Lazada_Id advertising text from pragmatic point of view through classifying and describing which is focused in the illocutionary speech acts with directive categories. Where the directive category has several types such as: command, orders, requests, and suggestions. This...
Proceedings Article
Development of Learning Syntax Model in Determining Structure Pattern End of Language Based Mobile Learning QR Code
Munirah Munirah
This writing aims to develop a model of syntax learning in determining the structure of Indonesian-based sentence Mobile Learning QR Code. The focus of the study in this paper is the first study of syntax on aspects of Indonesian sentence structure. Second, application of Mobile Learning Model Based...
Proceedings Article
Genetic Structuralism Analysis in Short Story Pusaka Tinggi by Darman Moenir Text Structure, Social Structure and World View Perspective
Mutiara Widya Utami, Suminto A. Sayuti
This study aims to describe the concept of short story Pusaka Tinggi by Darman Moenir of the concerns of the structure in short story text, social structure of society that underlies the birth of a short story, the social worldview of the author in the short story, and the relationship between social...
Proceedings Article
The Effectiveness of Reciprocal Learning Strategy in Reading Short Story on VII Grade Students SMP Negeri 1 Kasihan Bantul
Nadia Ayu Puspita, Kastam Syamsi
This study aims (1) to find out whether there is a significant difference in short story text reading ability between students who take part in learning using reciprocal strategies and students who take lessons without using reciprocal strategies on VII grade students of SMP Negeri 1 Kasihan; and (2)...
Proceedings Article
Construction of News on Violence Cases Againts Women in Online Media
Suhardi Siregar, Suhardi
This study aims to construct news on violence cases against women published by online media in the dimensions of the text, discourse practices, and socio-cultural practices. The study used a descriptive qualitative approach. Data sources are found in three news in which fall into three...
Proceedings Article
Intolerance in Maryam and Pasung Jiwa Novels by Okky Madasari
Niswatun Khasanah, Wiyatmi Wiyatmi
This research embarks from the assumption that the novels Maryam and Pasung Jiwa by Okky Madasari are one of the literary works that raises social issues about intolerance. Intolerance is included in the list of cases of human rights violations in Indonesia. This research focuses on forms of intolerance...
Proceedings Article
The Use of Allusions on the "Sentilan Sentilun" Tv Show
Nuraeni Fajar Solekhati
This research aims to describe The Use of Allusions on The "Sentilan Sentilun" TV Show. Descriptive research type, research subject "Sentilan Sentilun". The research objectives of this research are the type, meaning, and function of the allusions language. Research method refers to non-involvement and...
Proceedings Article
Reading Literacy Culture of Junior High School Students and the Multimedia Age Challenges
Oktavia Fitriani, Maman Suryaman
This study aimed to describe the culture of reading literacy of junior high school students and reading literacy in the multimedia age. This study used descriptive qualitative method. The research subjects were grade IX students of junior high schools in Bantul district. The object of this research was...
Proceedings Article
An Analysis of Code Mixing in Twitter
Pangeran Muhammad Faqih Syafaat, Teguh Setiawan
The research is focused on explaining the types of code mixing that appear in twitter status. The source of the data is twitter status which find out from 8 – 24 August 2018 and the data are sentences boundary that has code mixing. The Data collection techniques used in this research is an Observation...
Proceedings Article
Swearing Words on Yowis Ben Movie by Fajar Nugros and Bayu Skak
Putri Dwi Cahyani, Teguh Setiawan
Swearing word is an interesting object to be researched by language researcher, it occurs because every language has swearing words which are adjusted with the local factors. Swearing words are usually used to express someone’s feelings. This research aims to describe the form and function of swearing...
Proceedings Article
Techniques and Translation Ideology Analysis in a Political Interview Subtitle
Raden Rama Widya Kartika Yudha, Teguh Setiawan
The impact of translator’s technique used, and ideology would be undeniably significant to the translation product. Thus, this research focuses on the analysis of the translating process of technique and ideology translator used to transfer meaning in the target language in a political interview that...
Proceedings Article
Micro and Macrostructural Analysis on Rolex Watch Printed Ad on the 2011 January Issue of Elle Magazine
Radna Tulus Wibisono, Teguh Setiawan
This research aims to describe (1) cohesion marks (2) coherence marks (3) situational context on the Rolex Watch printed ad. The sources to support the data of this research is from the 2011 March issue of Elle magazine, meanwhile the main data of this research are in the forms of sentences containing...
Proceedings Article
The Transformations from the Novel Twilight by Stephenie Meyer to the Fan Fiction Master of the Universe by E.L. James
Ratna Asmarani
The aim of this paper is to analyze the transformation from the popular novel Twilight (TL) by Stephenie Meyer to the fan fiction Master of the Universe (MotU) by E.L. James. The analysis is supported by the four elements of transformation: addition, deletion, substitution, and transposition. The method...
Proceedings Article
An Application of the Creative Problem Solving Model in Analyzing the Structure of Complex Explanatory Text on XI Grade SMKN 4 Bandung
Rd. Bily Parancika
Reading is a process of which habituate nuncupative communication skill. Reading is a process of reading codes the author made for readers. One of those codes is occur in learning of analyzing complex explanatory text structure. Reading in analyzing complex explanatory text structure is a method that...
Proceedings Article
Fantasy Story Writing Ability Using Genre-Based Approach in Class 7-A Of Smp N 4 Pandak in The Academic Year Of 2018-2019 (Results Of Pre-Activity Research)
Retno Yuliastuti, Kastam Syamsi
This research aimed to overview the ability to write fantasy story in learning Indonesian language using genre-based approach in class 7-A of SMP N 4 Pandak in the Academic Year of 2018/2019. The approach used was quantitative approach, and the type of research used was descriptive research. The subjects...
Proceedings Article
Ethnopoetical Review of Treatment Mantras in Padang Sawah Village of Kampar Riau
Rian Hidayat, Haryadi Haryadi
This research investigated treatment mantras through local literary performances done by the people of Padang Sawah village in Kampar Riau. The problem observed in this study was the concept of performing treatment mantras of Padang Sawah village in Kampar Riau. This study used theopoetic theory with...
Proceedings Article
Love in Poetic Expression: The Poems of Abdul Wachid BS through Ricoeurian Hermeneutical
Riana Anjarsari, Suminto A. Sayuti
Love poetry in Indonesian literature cannot be separated from the creative process of poets. That is because poetry is considered as a poet's space in channeling experiences or memories of life including the issue of love. The poet's style in writing love poems is certainly different. This happened because...
Proceedings Article
Hedonism in “Protest” Short Story by Putu Wijaya
Rina Fitriani, Else Liliani
This study aims to describe the text dimension, the discourse practice, and the socio-culture practice in “Protes” short story by Putu Wijaya. The method of the research is descriptive qualitative method with Fairclough's model of the critical discourse analysis consisting of three stages: (1) text dimension,...
Proceedings Article
Improving Reading and Understanding Habits Text News with the SQ3R Method
Rina Harwati, Hartono Hartono
This classroom action research aims to describe reading habits and the ability to understand news texts after participating in learning activities using the SQ3R method. The research subjects were class VIIIA students of MTs 7 Bantul 2017/2018 Academic Year. Class action research with these two cycles...
Proceedings Article
Developing Interactive Multimedia on Reading Skill Learning for Grade X Students of Vocational High School
Rina Yuliyanti, Kastam Syamsi
The study aimed to describe the developing interactive multimedia and describe the students' responses to interactive multimedia development involving media experts and practitioners (teachers). This research was a research and development. This research process was conducted in several stages: introduction,...
Proceedings Article
The Principles of Cooperation in the Film Surga yang tak Dirindukan by Kuntz Agus
Ririn Nur Aini, Teguh Setiawan
This study aims to describe the application of the principle of cooperation in the film Surga Yang Tak Dirindukan. This research is included in the type of qualitative descriptive research. Data collection methods and techniques use the check-out methods. This research instrument is human instrument....
Proceedings Article
The Struggle of the Main Character to Solve Her Great Problems as Reflected in Stephenie Mayer’s New Moon: a Psychological Approach
Riskitya Ari Ramadyani, Teguh Setiawan
This research is intended to describe characterization of the main character (2) the struggle of the main character to solve her great problems (3) moral values that can be taken from the novel. This research is dealing with the psychological approach of the main character in the novel New Moon by Stephenie...
Proceedings Article
Strategies for Translating the Idioms in Black Panther Movie
Rizkiana Puspita Sari, Teguh Setiawan
This research aimed to explore the types and strategies used in translating idiom subtitle from English into Indonesian in Black Panther movie. To achieve this aim, the researcher used descriptive qualitative method. In clasifying the types of the idiom, the researcher used Jodi Hamed’s (2012) theory,...
Proceedings Article
An Application of Gallery Walk Learning Model in Learning of Writing Fairy Tales on Junior High School Students: Class Action Study
Rizky Pebriani, Hartono Hartono, Iis Lisnawati
The main objective of this study is to improve the ability to rewrite the fairy tales that have been read with a certain style of language by using the gallery walk learning model. The study was conducted on VII grade students at SMP Negeri 11 Kota Tasikmalaya in 2015/2016 academic year. The result of...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Mind Mapping Method on the Ability of Writing Narrative Writings for Class VII Students of Madrasah Tsanawiyah Al-Fatah Cileungsi Bogor
Rohmat Sugiyono, Kastam Syamsi
This study aims to determine the effect of the use of mind mapping method on the ability to write narrative essays for students of class VII Al-Fatah Cileungsi Bogor Madrasah Tsanawiyah. This study uses the form of Pre-experimental design with One-Group pretest-posttest design research design. The population...
Proceedings Article
Character Education Based on Oral Literature and its Use as an Alternative of Literature Materials at School
Saidiman Saidiman, Sumiyadi Sumiyadi
This study focused on Character Education Based on Oral Literature and Its Utilization as an Alternative of Literary Material in School. This Oral literature is in touch with oral literature of Muna Society. Muna is one of the ethnics in Southeast Sulawesi, which is rich of local culture and respects...
Proceedings Article
Analysis Borrowing In National Geographic Magazine
Sairil Sairil, Teguh Setiawan
This study aimed to analyze the borrowing Indonesian word through a distillation process adjustment rules of spelling words corresponding borrowing in edition of National Geographic magazine from April to May 2018. This study described the process of change in absorbance Indonesian words of a foreign...
Proceedings Article
Lakon Besutan Brengos and Kualat Gitu Loooh Narrative Structure Study
Senda Tegas Priyambodo, Nurhadi Nurhadi
This research uses qualitative descriptive method with empirical data processing. The data will be formed as written descriptive data from both data source, Brengos and Kualat Gitu Loooh drama script, that has been analyzed with narrative structure theory by Maranda, in order to state the term and the...
Proceedings Article
Indonesia PISA Result and Impact on The Reading Learning Program in Indonesia
Septya Nugrahanto, Darmiyati Zuchdi
This study aims (1) to describe the PISA program, the function of the PISA program, the objectives of the PISA program, the PISA program objectives, (2) explain the PISA results obtained by Indonesia, especially reading competence over the period 2000 to 2015, (3) describe the impact of the PISA on Indonesia...
Proceedings Article
Honorifics in Dampelas Language
Siswandi Siswandi, Teguh Setiawan
This research aims to describe honorifics in the Dampelas language. The selection topic of this research was caused by the lack of research related to the honorifics in the Dampelas language. This research activity is expected to be a documentary for native speakers of the Dampelas language and as one...
Proceedings Article
Moral Value Analysis Contained In The Novel “Cinta di Ujung Sajadah” by Asma Nadia
Suhartiningsih Suhartiningsih
The purpose of this study was to describe and explain the moral values associated with religion contained in the novel Cinta di Ujung Sajadah by Asma Nadia. In addition, it also explains the moral values of religion that relate to God Almighty, himself, and the community contained in the novel Cinta...
Proceedings Article
The Development of Poetry Text Materials Based on Poet’s Experience
Suherli Kusmana, Jaja Wilsa, Mutiarasari Mutiarasari
This study aims to overcome the limitations of textbooks. Lesson textbooks often only provide basic material about writing poetry without developing how creative it is. This makes the learners difficult in the process of writing poetry. Therefore, the solution of the problem is to develop poetry writing...
Proceedings Article
Teaching Creative Writing Using Wiki Collaborative Learning in Higher Education
Sukirno Sukirno, M. Fakhrudin, Junaedi Setiyono
Teaching creative writing in higher education insists on students to be active during the learning-teaching process. The learning-teaching activity must adopt various teaching models interdisciplinarity. In doing so the discussion and framework of teaching creative writing using wiki need to be promoted....
Proceedings Article
Indonesian Poetry by Ajip Rosidi: An Affirmation of a Sundanese Demon Myth
Sumiyadi Sumiyadi
The main concern of the present research is whether the Sundanese demon myth in Ajip Rosidi’s poetry has negated the myth within Mohamad Ambri or has stayed at the same affirmation position, or even lied on another category? To answer it, the present research used inter-textual approach by utilizing...
Proceedings Article
Comparison Personal, Indicator Pronouns in Indonesian and Malay Riau Language of The Teratak Dialect
Susi Mulyaningsih, Teguh Setiawan
This study was aimed to describe and compare the forms and utilizations of Indonesian and the Malay Riau Language of the Teratak Village dialect personal pronouns and indicator pronouns. This study employed a qualitative descriptive method. The sources of the data in this study were represented by Drupadi's...
Proceedings Article
Social Criticism in “Orang yang Selalu Cuci Tangan” Short Story by Seno Gumira Ajidarma
Syaiful Amrin, Else Liliani
The analysis of “Orang yang Selalu Cuci Tangan” short story by Seno Gumira Ajidarma, gave a view on the factual phenomenon of corruption at the national level, especially the cases in 2013 in which this short story was written. This short story was published in Kompas daily newspaper on May 20, 2013....
Proceedings Article
Grammatical Errors in Students’ Abstract Translation
Syayidatul Ummah, Teguh Setiawan
Translation plays an important role in social life. Since translation is not an easy work, the translators should carry out a good amount of knowledge in linguistics, cultural aspect, and other skill related to human life. Occasionally, a faulty in translation causes a violation in the result and is...
Proceedings Article
Artwoks Conversion Phenomena of Indonesia's Literary Works in Multimedia Era
Syukrina Rahmawati, Isnaini Yulianita Hafi, Purnawarman Purnawarman
The article aims to describe data on artworks conversion from novels to films and describe the extent to which the development of the translation of comparative literary studies has evolved. The problem in this article is (1) how has the development of artworks conversion from novels to films in the...
Proceedings Article
Improved Ability to Read Text of Biography with Reciprocal Teaching Strategy
Tentrem Lestari, Kastam Syamsi
This research aims at improving the ability to read the biographical text through the reciprocal teaching strategy in science class grade X SMA N 1 Kalibawang. This classroom action research was done based on stages developed by Kemmis and Taggart. The design is classified into four stages namely planning,...
Proceedings Article
Framing Religious Blasphemy Issues By the Governor of DKI Basuki Tjahaja Purnama in the Contestation of Governor Election DKI
Teti Sobari, Dani Ramdani
Positivism approach has long mastered the scientific world in Indonesia, even in the study of the social sciences. However, seeing the development, the alternative approaches has gradually replaced this paradigm. Framing analysis is one of the alternative approaches that can be used to reveal the confidentiality...
Proceedings Article
Russian Literature and the Power of Media
Thera Widyastuti
Russian literature became famous for its history. Social and political changes have influenced the role of the development of Russian literature. This paper discusses the power of the media to help the development of Russian literature. Starting from the discovery of the letter Cyrrilic by Saint Cyrril...
Proceedings Article
The Effectiveness of Picture and picture Cooperative Learning Models of Writing Instructions Skills in Class VIII Students of SMP Negeri 2 Sui Ambawang
Valents Roni Sunarno Alnovgada, Pujiati Suyata
This study aims to determine the effectiveness of picture and picture cooperative learning models of writing instructions skill in class VIII students of SMP Negeri 2 Sui Ambawang. This study used a pre-experimental design with a one-group pretest-posttest study design. The population in this study were...
Proceedings Article
Landslide in Translation
Vidha Verdian Mayestika, Ashadi Ashadi
In order for the recipients or the target language recipients to get the message conveyed by the communicator in its' source language, a translator must pay attention to the message contained in the source language. But in reality, in the translation process sometimes an interpreter translates a text...
Proceedings Article
Interpretation of Symbols in Tokopedia’s Advertisement “Start Family Kejar Jodoh”
Vivi Ervina, Else Liliani
This study aims to identify and interpret the symbols contained in Tokopedia advertisement “Start Family Kejar Jodoh”. This study used a qualitative descriptive technique using the method analysis semiotic of John Fiske’s and postcolonial Edward Said. The results of this study indicate that the symbols...
Proceedings Article
Need Assesment of Interactive Multimedia Development for Listening Based on Metacognitive Strategy for Intermediate Learners of Bahasa Indonesia for Speakers of Other Languages
Widi Astuti, Nurhadi Nurhadi
Listening in foreign language is not as easy as listening in first language. Though listening is a key for developing other language skills. Therefore, a way is needed to help learners to learn listening in foreign language, one of the ways is using interactive multimedia. So, this study aims to describe...
Proceedings Article
An Analysis of Word Meaning in Persuasive Discourse on Merry Riana’s Quotes
Winie Setia Prilapnita Hapsari, Teguh Setiawan
This study discusses the meaning of the words contained in the Merry Riana quotes. This study aims to explain the meaning of the words contained in Merry Riana's quotes by knowing types of meaning in Merry Riana’s quotes. The subject of this research is some quotes from Merry Riana. This study focused...
Proceedings Article
Cyberspace and Hiperreality in the Novel of Kerumunan Terakhir by Okky Madasari
Wiyatmi Wiyatmi, Esti Swatikasari, Dwi Budiyanto
Social media is currently one of the most important communication media in the interaction between individuals and groups. By sending messages through social media, such as WhatsApp group or Facebook group with two hundred or more members, at the same time an information can be received by a group of...
Proceedings Article
Application of a Process Approach in the Ability to Write Persuasive Text: classroom action research
Yuni Iswari Dewi, Hartono Hartono
The purpose of this study was to improve students' persuasive text writing skills by applying the process approach in class VIII at MTs 7 Bantul. This research is a classroom action research. The subjects of this study were VIIIB class students, totaling 32 students. Data collection is done through observation,...
Proceedings Article
The Interaction of The Main Character with God, as a Survival Strategy in a Surat Kecil Untuk Tuhan by Agnes Davonar
Yusuf Idin Adhar, Wiyatmi Wiyatmi
This research aims to understand the form of interaction between characters and God in the novel Surat Kecil Untuk Tuhan and the theory used is literary theory and religiosity. The method used is a qualitative descriptive method which sources data from the novel Surat Kecil Untuk Tuhan by Agnes Davonar....
Proceedings Article
Metaphorical Expressions in News Discourses of Setya Novanto’s Graft Case
Zamzani Zamzani, Yayuk Eny Rahayu, Ahmad Wahyudin
This study focuses on news discourse analysis. It aims at examining the representation of metaphorical expression in the news discourses of Setya Novanto’s graft case, and the types of news discourses in which they are expressed.Drawing on qualitative design, news texts pertaining to electronic-ID...